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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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WEEN Govt ALLA Abs Potetedteste Mo slats o Sn a a a i ie Rs ss RT N EWS THINKS POTTS BETTER MAN PEP rrereeeeererercrrrdey Se SP atpetpateate te otontontesenstostessr errr rere se seer ee se Sree rete s a ; . S . ia aoe oe Ginther Ss Win First ee eeatiteee a Rearranging Provincial ; Wwe of chen nolay fooaters Departments at Edmonton when will shat bef cried all the quacks, Games of Second Bowling Schedule Please he Jucky day. iC) i ee ee rs PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENTS WILL HENCEFORWARD When those bens get away. COLLECT ALL CORPORATION TAXES, Why, Iam told, sald Mr. Goose, The Methodists are coming. 3 awing Edmonton, Jan, 10. Collection of a And when their conference ta ii ation taxes for the same year aimdunt- 4 The hatohet will be numming. fall provincial i x D Ss Royal League Away on Second Section with Four Theo all tho roosters hung thelr talls, ae hitherds Soe eaee, fo tate: ria heeled ts respect to bagks, einen teams Jack Robertson Pulled Some Big Scores. a eo eh ier calabeata tion of the provincial treasurer's de- insurance compantes, trust companiss, gt; offer HEREL With honks and quack, quack, quack. arinlent) i ee transferred to the loan companies, railway. mileage, and ss we ts our Fur lined The second schedule for the Royal Jan. 26 Blacks vs. Royals; Bir But, O cruel fate, tt sas not 20 an SHG -Protinotal : snore ee Siectzle ek ecianaNiee ance 0 seeue ria : tinthers: Come, get your tear out b ae will in future be collected by the de- Coats, Coon Skin Coats, ora age has been drawn up nies vs. Ginthers. ; And for these hapless rubbernecke The transfer will fnvcive a very puty provinclal secretary. V, G. Gos- ANGERS. Cae and the first games were played last Jan. 30 Blacks vs, Ginthers; Roy- Squeese out a waterspout. large increase in the duties of the Iat- nell; who has been in ADJUSTORS Calf Skin- Coats,, Feolt nignt.. There are four the fais ya, Birntes, savas cot He Wekeaats hat fame .. fertdsnartentats In the pesca rows covertisea aphtiayoate ash IER STRIPS, Boots, Lined Gloves Teagie this time. Feb. 2 Royals vs, Ginthers; Blacks Be ee iettana warertowt bridge, the deputy provinciat-secre- transferred to the secretary ottice asa 5 and Mitts and all Heavy Jack Robinson bowled a few games ys, Birnies, Poe Convened in that good town. tary, and registrar of joint stock com- to take charge of the work. owas: yesterday which make the Calgary pep Royais vs. Blacks; Ginth- SELECTING AND TRAINING FOF Ana every rubberneck. got whacked. pante , has had charge of the collec- e tion of all company fees and license John F, Miller, the eye-sight spec- hey, oven, cauent the tle a coor fees. As shown by the public ac- alist, Hotel Assiniboia, every, after- r ce Winter Underwear 9F overs wo claim thit they afe toi ym, Bignien, SHOW: Notone was left in tows, emg They even caugut tho tall ws and doors. t men af world s champs, look sick, His scores Biras While picking the winner in a horse of doors. : Feb, Ginthers vs. Black: ene 20 per cent. aves for, titmtelvans 24 26, 2210) oo ym, Royall, ce ts often gases, tnd the work of ? ne down. Aanra counts these for the year 1910 real- noon from one-to-fie; evenings by 2 pos 3 , . ; picking . . combined, Jacke Williaisson Feb; 13 Blinte vs. Blac Seen oo Ree on oe ae ized 52,122.71, The various corpor- appointment. Consultation free, 154d1 DISCOUNT. 2 gt; vee ; a p - THE COMB A THERMOMETER. now, cold and oo brome; hoDd: ee lage night's ers. vs. Royals, show is a horse of another color. It) grave you noticed how a ben's comb ool. ; Consider what this 2H os . Feb, 16 Birnies vs. Ginthers; begins rhea breeding a ang ios Weta pelea est thes giet .F y Blacks vs. Royals. one. i red when she starts to lay again? b 12 - eet East means to you and avail Feb, 20--Royalis vs. Birntes; Blacks DIeSne. Den for batching wim That shows relation between her cdipo . ; yourself of the oppor: vs, Ginthers. . Taree ne eae taeteaec O24 S65 clusters, or ovarien ALBERTA SCHOOLS LONDON FINANCIAL NEWS ARG- tunity. Feb, 22 Blacks vs, Birnjes; Royals tion and conditioning of these birds, Flee, yo te arm anaes UES THAT FLOTATION OF SE- y ve, Ginthera. then went to the St. Louis exposttion, ie . VEN MILLIONS FOR NORTHERN 7 Se ee feb; 27-Ginthers ys. Birnles; Roy- Woe: tue. bine 80: sold hia orise:arie. Attorney-General Mitchell ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT MAY a : eb, in + Roy- Sing rooster for 1,000. Go thou and id De Educati: INJURE OTHER PARTS OF CAN- T in B ros als ve. Blacks, do iikewise. ea jeputy MCR HOD DAS PEOPLE . . urpl , Mar. 1 Birsles vs. Royals; Ginth- Our frlend tn the picture fs also after Minister Looking into i 5 the Man s Store Where You f y Ease. 855-2520 YH BIRCES. the prize. He is comparing that beau Manitoba System. London, Jan, 10 The Financial gt;. O. Box 29 1 Get the Big Dollar's Worth Pek Mar, 5 Ginthers vs, Royals; Birn- fU) cockerel os ae Sas iG-stan cc Rae ees Sie Spllam. Mackeaee g7 tes v8. Blacks. . Sapa ee zie s methods in issuing a seven mil- 06 showmen. It gives minut. : iz 2 169 188 -200 567 pers ivi rate Gesertp- 3 Mitchell, of Edmonton, attorney-gen- tion pound loan for the development Jes 128 132 498 Mar. 8 Blacks vs. Royals; Birnles 479-166 192 587 8- Ginthers. 209 177 176 562 Mar, 12 Blacks ys. Ginthers; Roy- 180 178 170 528 als vs, Birnies. x 2 a 905 837. 880.2612 Mar, 18 Royals Egg pak ee seer te The new schedule: Blacks vs. Hirnies. : eee Nt southpaw, Jan: Royals va. Birnies; Blacks Mar. 19 Royals vs, Blacks: ee ge te eats va, Ginther thers vs, Birnies. trade.of plaster- has gone back to-his- ot Jan, 12,Blacks vs. Birnies; Royals Mar. 22 Ginthers,vs. Blacks; Birn- eral and minister of education of Al- or North Decem berta, and D. 8. MeKenzle, deputy while, it argued, weiris aneg minister of education, arrived here tion in the-view that such an enor- on fmportant busin ss, Mr. McKen- mous issue at such a time is bound zie also to make inquiries with re- to react unfavorably upon Canadian ve ee ett n e to scho interests, the fact remains it has done ai - 4 a pees Dominion interests a bad turn and his plain duty Is now to recognize that the particular railroad over which he presides is only a unit in Canadian ae PEERS bE o* + , BASEBALL NOTES + Ginthers; maritime provinces and Ontario, and in Quebec picking up all the inform- tng. at Guldesac, Idaho, for the wine Tt t tes vs. Royals. ter. vin mak nay wel 200. 16-Glatiors vx Bienes Woy- Wav 20 pirnies ve tacks : ; 4 : ation possible with reference to lenterprises, As Chattanooga x eee pat ale ve. Blacks, thers vs, Royals. ae i - : eneine Trott salary Kid Elberfeld- der + Mitla Jan. 19 Birnies vs. Royals; Ginth- Mar, 29 Bimnies s. Ginthers; Ee ittng-Manitoba to obtain Information sion for the needs of that portion of falo has put in a bid for the, a7 Fy Blasko Blacks ve. Royals. ; paisa a5 coast barons with spectal reference to the consoli- the Dominion s activities over whic dation of schools. his- sponsibility extends, he does no- Ber- . April 2 Royals vs. Birnies; Blacks vs. Ginthers. thing which shali damage: the mar- Washington player. Manager Harry Davis Sais: permanent home and wil . make an effort to place U: Seit Napville on the baseball map. prank Bakery the clean-up swatter, - rel Tf the Jan, 23 Ginther vs. Royals: A Disguaniriep cows There is strong. feling in Al- dens and bis wattles enlarge and berta on the question and in certain 1set for other interests, just as much 4s 5 glow? That's sign of sexual acuiv- districts consolidations can be ar- entitled to. consideration. Pot A A , caponized both comb and wat- ment it is possibl ; . tles , sbrink small. That's prod a oe SODAS MARKETS. : thas purchased another farm. f bred cases it will be imposible to effect an in champion- PICHING THE WINNER, Tbe comb is not only biow buffer, 77angememt as the - est might be Winnipeg, Jan. 10. May wheat (014) x Athieties continue to wh e Ships Good Night will own the an 1 a oe bs cs but a health tndicator- excomaire, closed 100 3-4; May (new) opened 99 Se a cause . * capers t The bird in the cut bas a bad case This mowe-is, however, one in the 7-8, Glosed-100;-July closed 101 1-4 2 Tha declaration of Manager Me- efects, and this fancier bas earved of frostbite, and while suffering his Tight direction, and wherever a dis- May oats opened 41, closed 41 1-8. trict-te-nbie-to-bear-the-cost-um-ar- May flax opened 200, closed 198. will make: in Clevela7d) his bird into ections is Judging him comb blade has turned. t lie intends to stand pat on e : : aie tke rumor tnt me Hat Scrapper says that His Recent opponent as:to shape, weight, color. comb. beak,, A cleat rea conn. Desi te He. tow rangement for consolidation will be Winnipeg Cash Prices ae : i iti i teanat Dem les Qi ; yellow, jaundice; dari, m ould: set at rest the rumor that is Due for a Walloping Will Condition Himself 7** pan cee eck, oe iy Saye; setiow, damn Ticioes e ; , Wianleg Cash Fri Red Murray Is to-be-given the gate. and Meet Him Again. wings, back. condition, and thus he ton, cholera, apoplexy p ME, Mati nsid will be ta, th Hror- i 1:9: 8 Nor: 96 1 soba Ramer free Sn 5 qoor ever each bird and marks the best . Roup often loosens the comb, and tt 11 Ut oma days and will person- 6 Nor. 71; 6 Nor. 6 der named Kobner, a-former Santa over each bird and marks the best ras over. Lice oo ute Leghorns lly visit the districts where schools Barley, No, 2. 64 1:2: No. 4, 56. a for ray 5 ays See SSNS often cause thelr teadgear two go Have TOREO -and-ascertain Ameriean Markets if he makes) jan: 10 Joo Bayley, the;save himself, ud si 7 reslding fn Hd- continued the battle, but in any case After selection the birds are kept crooked. how they are working. Minneapolis, Jan, 10.--May wheat Single combs with long, beefy opened ..106 5-8, closed 106 3-4; July good little fighter, but would have lost because of poor con- separate and are trained to show off : s before the judge, who i more apt to Points, deep thumb marke, weal opened 107 1-2, closed 107 mhe Pittsburg Pirates pald 2250)any time he goes against Jimmy Potts dition. bases, nearly always lo; qn he will get his-bumps good and bad. Viey'e ign ona SIV the bus: to an infetor. bird. that Seats year oean tie one EE FAMOUS COMPOSER-IN Chicago, Jan. 10. May wheat open- than good ed 94 3-4, closed 95; Sept. opened 93 tor pitcher Marty O'Toole gnd 27.50 Speakiy of Barles a - against Potts, Lauder-believes Potts Suplaye his Sood petes t S ig. busing cocks will give Bayley a severe thrashing. phe pird is placed in an exhibition select those with good sized combs a CRITICAL CONDITION 1-8, closed 93 1-; and wattles, otber points equal. They for pitcher Hendrix. The 27.50 was Tho above 1s the opinion of Billy coop often re him *f oe ee make the best breeders. paid jroad fare fot Hendrix Lauder, who has been spending.a few from Kansas to Pittsburg. days in the city aince hig return from Bayley s style would be meat for Edmonton, where this very same Bay- Potts, said Billy, and he knows more (W.-A.P. Dispatch) * sts said Charley Schmidt, the De- ; control the Fort Jex put him on the mat, which result- wbout ring geferalship than anyother ; Sal aan, i sna. mi Buigiey ee Pee ne care boxer that visits these parts the saa FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. Boston, Mass., Jan, 10 Serious ap- oa. wasting : The fello who buys a five dollar prehensions are entertained by phy- Lanidcr sald Bayley was-some scrap- xception of Abe Attell. Potts 1s good hs old waspinton ene naw De Sy rae: Sead Ba Serre ap una ptnyine sme mit and grinds bis own oyster sbeis sicians in regard to the health of n oar snghala Teena gt; wallop, and very-peoullar style. ot jgame-and this is where he woul beat ay i got aricte chenprand-ten't-jseltretHempedinok then are sc rpek Stateless: nerwona ia own. Bayley Is a very forcing Bayley. Potts js also stronger and If ieee : nigh Jim Magee, a brother of Sherwood) rentor-and wrestles his opponent all Bayley attempted-to-rush or mbx-with) ; he a patetiarten (on become: mck worse. He 4s-naw Magee; the Quaker slugeer, Will 08 .yo- tne: ring. Without taking away Potts, it Would be just playing into Ont aE Reamayiveniss Dalelieriee.lconsotous only a intervals, dad is given a trial by the St. Louis Browns). 1. creait trom Bayley's victary over Pott's game. 4 fairly Pong tapor Sehr bbl aed let halos an EW SPRING next spring. Young Magee Was 7 sci pinly ts of the opinion he can Besides, Bayley is smaller than the one-day-old chick industry is going sweet hitter in the New Ragland Lea-t5.0 the coast scrapper. Lauder said Potts, and would weigh six or seven some. It is fast supplanting the eggs for hatching feature of the business. Mammoth Russian sunflowers when once started require little cultivation and yield a fine crop of seeds for ER samples uu an estimate I the rooms of he entered the ring without any train- pounds lighter. By appearance Bay- ing, and was not by any means n leylooks even smaller than he really shape. Billy slso-admits he under- is. Bayley is well built, welt mus- -gue last season. . With Falkenberg and Higginbotham + on thelr pitching. staff, the Toledo STEWART lub has: the fallest pair of heavers wetimated the ability of Bayley.. The cled a.1 s built on the lines of a wey 4m the American Association. Fal- roferee gave Bayley the decision in the fighter. Billy, in conclusion, sald : molting and winter ration. We plant Bianing s Store. enberg is six feet-four inches in he-/thirg when Lauder was taking the would be zi tha me the rate wa co iohed om ai kinds ight, whille-Higginbotham is an inch count, because his second, Jimmy. Me- Dut next slow and ave on tet Oe angi. shores : pee ren same on ee ai aition himself. - Photo by C, M. Barnitz. California has established a bird * The Washington team will play at) stated that he was taking the count to : . farm at Haward, Ajameda county, TRAINING BIDOE RO FOS where birds will be bred for distribu: f Charlottesville, Va. Four Boston teats won chanfpfonships after work- ing out at Thomas Jetfetson s old ONES SLACK IN Sepia tae at tear home which fact fact should-boort a hand. bulifrog farms, alligator tactories, 08- the Senators in the betting from 7 to CNL U TEAM He s00n loses all fear and ts easily trich, pird and skunk farms, and what 1to7 to2. ar empeeee Fret sia. eee cy uae ad eee a taught to strike a pose and show off next? hig curves. The trainer usea a stick core- where rots and spots are Mike Murphy will be some busy At-a-meeting of the Curling Club Se ee ia aivering toe bir an exct Lo Oe n tespee eiate What Goer this year, Besites is d.itics as nt- neta last evening arrangements were Danderu Reported Having iudses use this instrument of torture Foften and embryo chirks in. the exxs plotietramner-atfine-Unitersity Ot mage for the entertainment of the Ma- Signed for Season Seve- jp, Res cage the show. and Jang simply screen them out of the Pennslyvania he will train. the Phite- 1 0 Gers who arrive here on ral-Fans May go West Wr Sat Sait be taus ord or at nroduct which Is such a prime con- + deiphia Nationals and also the Ame- De Cree a eo; ner . ry 8 ete hs one to take bo ctituent of. those nice, fancy cakes Tiean team which wil compete in the the noon trein, Thursday. Two games oe and: strike tbat tude which our city cousins eat with their Olympic games in Sweden next will be played in the afternoon and which will give the Judge s0laf custard cottolene ice ereant: rs a Would you consider that this News paper was well - the mod of its pub- fated aud invariable In- . Soe ayy Draying. tian to all orders. terralsT Wonld you think i a geod per if Rt. printed a 12-page issue at one time with Fes page, : - hawabill size, Issue at ariether time Weald you feel that It was serving Ite constituency effectwally If, now and then, if suspended issue entirely to be resumed at some time when the publishers felt inelined? me CW, A. P, Dispateh) ate b ee ff rinks, Toronto, Ont., Jan. 10. Unless a Read these, word of W. OC. Brown, wo in the v Bing: A couple of rin ra Am rican shows 470 of such qUAIIKy prostaent of the New York Central? Jones gathers up the Eastern players today that without fue birds, thorough: , that he ts-after mitbhty soon, he may iy-trained and. well prepared. 290 one -,D ,700, know shat. the. farther sae tind it-impossible to sign any of. the may expect to win, unless t's ap acci- satisfaction you fifd init? Such auc June. as nth th Munager Fred hake,or-theProvi- dence tedm, has done quite a lot of anyway, will be up from the Creek and probably three. will come. The- a -het-footing during bis 22-years nlyoiowin esnon o g six skips wefe selected to : i s House Mover benpball: Stestine his carver on he jeaq the Medicine Ha forces agatost Monlenat gt; Lacrore:, Sale a Big dent or the judge a gold brick grafter. rossey ag 1 have attained in the rall- L diamond at Moncton, N w Bruns- tu. vistors: . F. Johnstone, W. F. feur members. eR ad way world: have served only- to in- FOR SALE wick, n i890, Fred moyed-up to the piwy pr. Holt, John Benson, F. S. - It 1 Feported.that Dandene, the . pont crease cig longing 6 coy earn TheTR. . aucc ee he niet eee eens is with store-news. VATING Bostin Natoosle in 1801: After pievi, nag C'S, Pingle. President Toronto fielder, das igned for 85 Don't teed much, r 40 poultry; it Brown family.1a going back to the f rough Its advertising, They assume that there Is al- : 3 .'s. . Ree ee rant cpa: Fie wsciy nya te last Basie, aad ahiere ase many: others a maya etre ewe worth telling store news that ix im ferments 2 jortant to them, Ps quitting Boston he was. willic MtW - Fleming and Mr. Penson will be a TEAMING Kee and Providence in 1892 WiKes- committee to.mect the Creek men at Serald fs sald to be willing to don a Don t fail to gather swamp grass-tor tt You talk about heroic women you TE WORK. Barre, 1893-4; Toronto, 1895; Kansas +1, station. blue Jersey. for 1500 or 300 Jess than bedding the ducks and geese in winter. need. not. go to war annais to ud 260. ity, 18967 Boston Nationals, 1897; at the -concluston -of the meeting e recelved atthe const last year, Don's nhleet Tein: ta: Sa therm. They are all over thia counters ne b es va Geort tig mer and winter keep the fresh air bus; ine of these just pa e mort 1 Syrecuse, 1898; Manchestoh, 18993 tn final game do tho President va. Wblle Art Warwick and George Kalle) (Li tag air oat. Gosek heer seat, pale ieee lt;0 Me cS 00, It Is not as: poor policy for a store, as it would he fora newspaper, to serve Its patrons In a spasmodic, undenen- dable way? If your store Is Important to the people af 04 cS . Lowell, 1901; Nashua and Lynn, 1908: Vico President series was played oft F among the holdouts, Eddie Pow- : fice Prev 2 Don't set the Incubator lam Is too ofd to plow. so he drove white Little Rock, 1906; Boston Americans between Fred Pingle s rink and Tor- s 6 another who it ts sald had We ey of oil The oll will mpoll oP Gell she did the plowing, turning over nod the city, your advertising Is Important to them all of the . 1908; Boston. Nationals, 1910; St. rul's Colts, reeulting in a victor? for coast bee buzzing in his bonnet aud Jiso eet 'away the inmmp metal, that had not heen plored for thirty time sot merely. now und then. os i Zouls Americans 1911 and Provld dee the Iatter by 14 to 2, which makes he May go wertward, Warwick has non: ehip dressed poultry to a dim sor ees enna ba i off the debt and-ts 20 . As Tho size of your advertising spare should not rary any . agains signed to coach the Harvard) the party you kuow ootbing about Erna e 30 anicts, The to rinks were com. 8crosee team, If yowdo he may gold brick you. Don't advertise 2 fen at a value of FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR poz a as follows: bon ae em at wel Mi me one that s tippy will eny t. TO-NIGHT.. - Wi: es e . Curry Frank Dombrosit winle Lewis will leara for Parts you're dippy or eying to trick with a ie S. ate p: it Fleming i b realderit Fleming s sinks winners by men alt up and take notice at her ac cess in up to date farming and poultry. more than the size of a newspaper varies, und the appear- ange of your advertising should be ax frequent and as regular as the appearance of this newspaper. 4 A.W. Thomas Jack Dombrosky, 'soon, where he has a bout sched ied: : , where ied whe gold briek. 7 foe blah Mona. sate Boh Moha vs, Jack Dillon. rounds) T. , Allan J.C. Luesler with George Carpenter; who detessad * ST ee eS : yer acne To, at Pittabure. - F.8. Pingle, 9-2 A. J. N, Terrill, ae ee ; Ha Lewis. ry Ley whecrthe NOW fuk The Dally News Aubacrthe NOW far The Parity, News aad
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Image 49 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 49, (CU1770579). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.