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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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wary 9, 1919 4 set i PS NEWS TO RENT * - 1800. poplea daily, 900 ofroulated tn city 90M TO RENT or . 00 copies Thursday. Advertisers ip Daily got 1 Toronto St. 16343 s eae wy, et st nomxtracharge. Books open ti advertisers, DAILY EDITION WAP. AND C, ALP, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE erful, warm up- pom. Five minutes 286 Main St. 16148 All modern, con- poly, 701 T With all modern sultable for gentle Ottawa St. Phone ranate Nice warm front odern house, Apply EDICINE HA VOL. 2 NO 154 lt; ie, . SIXTY-SIX LIFERS IN THE DOMINION Report on the Penitentaries of Canada Show Some In- * MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1912 FORTY COPS GUARDING SECURITIES PRICE, FIVE CENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - IS TO AID SEED FAIRS Minister of Agriculture Proposes Inaugurating Scheme which wil tend to Awaken a Great Interest Among Grain Growers of the Dominion and Particularly of the Prairie Provinces. 1s2ate * . . o 40 - e - BILLION OF VALUABLE * a teresting Statistics---199 Convicts Cared for in Ed-- Qi0 THON, OF VALUABLE oat. Jan 10- tlen, Mare REESE ee S : 0 i ABLE BUILDING IN NEW YORK. tin Burrell is inauguraxing widve- sPant nearly 90,000 on seed fairs, acres under field crope. 1,000 may ese monton Last Fiscal Year---Over. 1800 in ee ae a Oh Ee iostaas seal crop competitions and exhibition gts Tor each sition mailisae CO., Live Stock ae ot ini New York, Jan. 10. nalt a billion) .. . is q Be Dominion comtraMating less than res. The amounts: will be 1,000 P. Auctioneers * Six Gaols of the Dominion dollars or more tn securities ile on the lt;s'e Canada where good see is 510,000, Under the proposed scheme IT; Nowa Scotia 1,000, New Brune: a specialty; house : lowing fuins of the Equitable build- its qdestion and where seed airs the provinces will male no reduction wick 1,000, Quetlec 5,000, Ontario will receive our The annual report of th within the prison walls must be sui- writing and arithmetic, reports In- ing here, guarded by 140 policemen. jare a prominent feature of agricultur- im their expenditures. The total am- 1,000, Manitoba 5,600, Saskatche- Goods et any de- OY Justice for the year ending March plemented by an intelligent effort out- structor Peter Col - Bhe whole building is a complete al life: t-is pian to give greater ount of the subventive must not ex- wan 38,000, Alberta 2,000, British entered for our reg- s on the Market anced on goods con- ite sale, Apply H. 2 66 Toronto St. hone 481.. See our sewhere: of auction ing, shoes, watches, volv rs, valises, suit usical instruments, rat waggons, bug- Diey les, carpenter ea and furs, horse ethers, bought and Sist has jost been issued, dealing with Some of the statistics given make interesting reading when called, from the: mass of figures presented. The average population of the pen- itentiarles was 1834, just ten more than the previous year. During the year 334 prisoners were let out on parole and 15 were pardoned, Mon- treal City provided more crooks than any other, having a total of 39, Van- couver second with 130, Winnipeg ard with 114, Fi The total cost of conducting. the benitentiarles was 525,647.65; but the, revenue derived was 52,017.63, leay- ing the net expenditure 473,630.02. side of them. I am of the opinion that no prisoner should have at once a full discharge from the penitentiary. The step from actual, fmprisonment. to absolute: lib- erty 8 too great a one for the pris- oner to take at any one time, and his absoltite discharge should follow only on a more or leas protracted period of parole, under the authority respon- sible for the Operation of the law that has controlled him While in pria- on, The man on parole is-still a pris- loner in the eyes of the law, and his release ig simply a test of his ability. and willingness to maintain himself as an honest citizen. : The state must assure him that he will have a fair chance, and that ho Four females were cared for by the matron, Elizabeth Cummings, Alto- gether the work done by the four at 20 cents a day was valued at 208.85, The prisoners in the Alberta pen- itentiary were convicted of various crimes: Horsesteal,.33, and theft 29, ead the list; forgery 11, two attempt- ed murdets, and three with shooting with intent to kill or murder. The duration of the sentences are varied: There are three lifers at Edmonton, fall males; three doing 15 years, one jat 12 years, six at 10 years, one 9 years, two years, -elght 7 years, twelve 6 years, twenty-one years, sixteen 2 years, forty-three 3 years, land seventy-nine. for two years, It might be interesting to note that there are 66 prisoners in Canada wteck. Just how many lost thelr lives 1s not known, but seven bodies have been so far recovered. The bulk of bar, the Harriman and Belmont estates, and the vast ur ities of the Equitable Lite As rance Socisty are locked in the mYsive stee -vaults buried ben ath hundreds of tons of debris, With streams still playing upon the smouldering ruins laborers are fighting their way to the vaults to ascertain their condition. All yaluables are believed to be in- tact, A superficial statement made to- day Indicated that vaults of the Mer- eantile Safe Department wene intact. The ruins still hold the body of Bat- talion Chief William Walsh. Two watchmen employed by the company aid to agriculture by mans of sced fais, seed-exhibition. Henceforward these institutions which are potent factors in stimulating greater interest in the production and. use of seed, are to receive increased aid calculated. to. widen their scope. ceed 350.00 for cach seed fair, 50.00 for each kind-of crop, and not more than 150.00 for crop competition de- ducted by any one agricultural so- ciety and 400 for a provincial seed exhibition. For 1912 the total for cach province must not exceed: 1,000 Columbia 1,000, - Mr. Burrell's scheme provides that financial assistance om the basis of a refund of two-thirds o the gmousit awarded in. prizes under the above limitations, a4 CALGARY STRONG FOR CAR SHOPS Big Majority in Favor of Granting Concessions to the Shops Extendiug Uti- lities, : OPENING OF AND ELSE. Alberta s penitentiaries share of will tral i fre also missing and are believed to WHER 1e Harvard Tailoring of will be protected trom persecution, Hees : ANGEL, BBpeitte this was, gross expenditure 62,098.92, also assum the autQ*ot seeing tat peering te ener iak spines ie BS a an Tt Mtoaethet : nae the Calgaty asople wanted tis Seta fia on 196,81. Telecare pe et Uber nua tere are some long sentences of trom Beesisa - 509;000;000 to. 76;000,009 ATStops fs evidenced by. the vote CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Best Prices Paid for 23Dtt. 2 HAT HIDE, FUR C0, The above have t selection of ing mentioned abo: t prices, Call at 504 st. or Phone 587. tf CLEANING AND 00. Deg to announce ening a cleaning-and hment opposite the 4th Ave. All work ive satisfaction. New d goods bought and ris, Prop. 151d6 EGAL. WILL, Barristers, So- hy -deating with-Invenile delinquents the report say: We regret to state that the practice of committing juveniles to the peni- tentiarles is still too common. Ten by his-Hoetise tobe-at liberty, where there has been wilful vic- lation of his word of honour in keep- ing these conditions he should be returned to custody without any sen- timental demonstration or ado about 16 to 24 yedrs. About the only occupation that seems to be not represented in Ed- monton are those of ministers and Inewspapermen. Laborers lead with in collaterals of Wall Street loans are locked in the vaults, the covering com mittee of the Stock Exchange announ- ced today another postponement. of one day in deliveries. which was taken on the by-law which. was submitted to the people on Mon- day. The vote was a very small one but those: who did vote were greatly in the majority in favoring the grant- tlon is: composed, ty-years-of-age- At-St-- Vincente Paul penitentiary the juveniles con- stitute fifteen per cent. This lamen- table-cohdition s partially-due to-the restrictions placed upon the judiclary: by the: provisions of the penal code, and partially-to the fact that c rtain members of the judiciary do not real- ize the unsuitability of the peniten- tlary for persons of immature age. Ni doubt, the incentive is to give the de linquents a chance to learn a useful trade; but the trade shops of the pen- itentiaries, are restricted, and but a small number of apprentices can he employed. Even those who can b 40 + employ d are in necessary contact, with mature criminals: whose influ- + ence fs not conducive to reformation. Alberta Penitentiaries During the year the prison po uure prison popula-fit, of lads under twen- Giving alma to'a released or pareled. prisoner is not a charitable act. He is not entitled to any particular favonr only when ill health or ome gpther fealamity overtakes him which hinders him from earning his way then fin- ancial assistance may prove helpful; but in the major portion of cases, that which fs most required Is an oppor- tunity to reinstate himself, having: an: jequat chance with al men to. assume the obligations and responsibilities of gona citizenship. It is on this -prin- ciple that the parole system is opera- ted and it has been the means of re- forming and reinstating many prison- ers. The report of Warden McCauley, warden of Alberta penitentiary, in his report says that the coat mine at the prison supplies their fuel warts (Sie 41, housekeepers. and farmers are a close second There are 14 ranchers and As to nationality Canucks Jead with 58, the States 62, England 31, Russia 15, Austria. Hungary -13,Sweden 2, Norway 4, one Turk, six Scotch and seven Irish, Their ages vary, but the big major- ity Is between 20.and 30, and the next. largest between 30 and 40. Fourteen cannot read or write, 15 can write, and 166 can read and write. Of the total 71 are entitled to 5 seat on the water wagon, 107 claim to be temperate, while 19 admit they are booze fighters. There are 122 single, six widowers, 67 husbands. and four wives. 168 white, 9 Indians, 12 halfbreeds and 6 tolored form the different races, The two pardoned during the year were in for cattle stealing from Muc- The-records of the Harriman lines, showing the names and addresses of thie 40,000 stotkholders, were lost. Dupligates of names without address- es was Kept by the Mercantile Trust Company., It is not known If these have been destroyed. If they are it will be necessary to advertise for the names and addresses of stockholders, BANK 9F-COMMERCE. TO TWENTY MILLION Alexander Lairnt General Manager Board of Directors. CAPITAL INCREASED . Ing of the concessions, 585-voted for-it and 21 against; 537 voted the granting: of public utilities to the shops and 19 voted against. AADIGAL-SOCIALIST ELECTED PRESIDENT CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES (W. A. P. Cable) Paris, Jan. 10: Henry Brisson, rad- fecal Socialist deputy from Peche du Rhone, who has been in the -chair since 1900, was elected president. of the chamber of deputies today. STUDENTS ARE BARRED Quebec, Jan. 10. Customary cere- monies marked the opening of the twelfth provincial legislature this morning. The crowd was snialler than usual owing to a severe snow storm. prevailing. The guard of hon- lor trom the R.C.G.A-arrived here un- der. Francis Langeller, who was os- corted by:a contingent of the Q. O. RF. As the: GOntingent and honor guard sa- luted, the guns on the citadel roared out a salute, Mr. Cyrillo de Late. was elected the death of former Lieut, Gov. Rel- be granted points to the contained a warm reference to the coming of the Duke of Connaught as Governor-General, The address went LEGISLATURE MANY REFORMS FORECASTED FOR QUEBEC IN SPEECH FROM THE THRONE MAIN LINE THROUGH TERNISCAMIN lon to dea? with colonization and fore casted the construction of-a main road through the Temiscaming district and lone hundred. miles along the Abitibbi district. Along these free lots will necessary rallway Hne at James Bay which wel4 promote development of farm- ing, while aiding the transportation of Products exported to Burope-by west- ern producers. Considerable appro speaker, after expreasing regret. at priation will be asked for the better- ment of roads throughout the prov- latier....The. speach-tromthe throms imce. SOLICITOR-GENERAL TO BE ABOLISHED BORDEN GOVERNMENT WILL DIS- CONTINUE ORNAMENTAL POSI- TIONS., gt;: CHANGE IN BOATS . FOR CROW TRAIN Nelson, Jan. 10. Owing to the ico on the Arrow Lake, steamers can Proceed south from Arte d-oniy Notaries, Medicine - - tion tucreased from 149 to 199, ang While the. brick industry turned outtjeoq - of Toronto St. ai Th Toronto, Jan. 10 The Bank of Com- z * as far as. Burton City, and on this eee during the year 45, all males, wero 700,000 brick of superior quality, The) One. prisoner from Regins, doing FIRE RANGERS IN FUTURE MUST Ottawa, Jan: 10 The Evening Jour- s felephone 614. P. 0. released on. parole, or a total of 33 hay Crop was a failure but they raised time for perjury, died during the MeFce annual meeting of shareholders nal, Conservative, says: Toute th Minto and the Kootenay 105D from the inception of the act up to March 1, 1911. Of this number six have violated their conditional lber- ation and have been returned to the penitentiary. Dealing with his report on the re- formation of prisoners let out on pa- Tole from atiy of the prisons of the Dominion, W. P.. Archibald, the Do- to be the ultimate object of our pri- Sons, the treatment of the: criminal vegetables and potatoes to supply the from the prison during the year. The report of Dr. Forin, the prison surgeon, says that the prison was froe from contagion and the Only severe sickness was pulsomary tuberculosis. Accid nts were few and trival. 865 different ills Were fixed up during the en In the prison school at the present time there were 18 pupils, and-fair progress is being miade in reading, a prison wants. There were no escapes it 6 inches in Iength, k Tuber case about vith screw top, This ric-statf. system and fo operation of trains. jaine would'confer fav- to Medicine Hat yard artlett clpal Engineer. TORT e in the News Bidek, istze, well lighted, modern conveniences, PLY TO. Office. Montana Snow Slide SNOWPLOW WITH MANY EM- PLOYEES 18 REPORTED BURIE Spokane, Jan. 20 A snowalide swept down upon the rotary plow near Cut Bank, Montana, last night and several men. are sald to have kifted. A great storm is raging in ul t and-many telegraph wires are down, Details of the accident ure not avaliable. ae ee eae Have you seen John F, e-sight specialist? iller, *the 154d LAST XIGHT S TRAINS ARRIVED THIS AFTERNOON EASTERN SECTION OF THE DIVISION SUFFERING-FROM STORM. A snow blocade east of responsible for a general upsetting of today s traffic, the result being that all trains from the east ate coming in some hours late. West trains are aleo very late. Some of the trains that should have arrived last night were seen to be idly steering for the local depot shortly after noon and other, trains that should arrive in today are not expected to turn up before to- morrow. Definite information re- specting the locality of the block has not yet been obtained but it iff undor- stood that crews are tow at work shifting the huge banks of snow that are now preventing the trains from making headway, With the thermom- eter at 20 and more below zero t is an xtremely difficult matter to shift the'snow. On the train that arrived in this afternoon which was due. tst night, a nut required being replaced akes Trains Late the city is)and men were-at work in digging out the ice from underneath the car, A thick lump of ice about 12 inches in diameter completely covered the nut and ft was necessary to chip huge lumps out of this before another could be Inserted In its place. Passengers are reporting fierce weather down east and along the-Hnes are several snow drifts which, if not cleared immed- lately on thelr formation, freeze to the extent of bard solidity. It fe reported that there are many, ears standing on siding with thelr Joads of freight that will have to he- Movey out, Are you a sufferer of headaches? See John F. Miller, eye-sight sp ci ist, Hotet Aesntbots. Several Killed in M FcENT are. Joner. . old master. year. There was but one insane pris- The prison punishment for violating rules was imposed on 63 prisoners and consisted of shackled to cell. gate, ball.and chain, solitary confinement, and dungeon with bread and water, Six prisoners were deported after serving thelr sentence. Altogether- the conv worked 45,477 days durjng the year Which at 40 cents a day would total 13,538.72. ADDED TO N.Y.'S UST; Special to New?). New York, Jan. -10 Wwith the open- Ing today of the new Vanderbilt Hotel another was added to the long lst-of+ palatial) York is famous/the world over. The hotel, which is of the skyscraper type occupies the site of the old Vanderbilt residence at Thirty-fourth street and Park enue, - So far as the exterior of the build- ing 1s concerned it closely resembles ur class, but insjde the hotel Is said to) set ad new high mark for costliness and lux The interlor fittings alone cost three-quarters f million dollars. In every salon of the hotel there Is an oll painting copy of some The rugs and carpets cost about 200,000 and the furniture ig all of the new glass-top pattern, with satin or linen s arfs beneath tho glass, , The stricture Is declared to be ab- solutely fireproof. There is not a bit of wood In the construction. The bedroom -fioors are all concrete and the baseboards are marble. The doors, window frames and sashes are steel, There are no: wall papers used in the decorations, the corridors being all of stone and the: walls of the rooms painted and: paneleld, p - The owner of the building is Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt. He a not inter- ested In the management of the hotel, though he has reserved one, entire tloor-tor the-use-of-his-bride and him- self when they are-in the city. hostelries for which New7 tas the southern terminus of the e same general i authorizes an increase in capital of from fifteen to twenty-five . million dollars. Alexander. Lairm, general manager, was elected to the board of directors, In regard tothe five hun- dred thousand shown In the state- ment as recovered from over appro- propriation, it. was stated that profits fromthe Yukon business had been the presenttime had thoroughly- cleared. PEACE RIVER . PLANS) CP.R. FILES ROUTE MAP FOR NORTH VANCOUVER TERMINUS. Vehicouver, B.C. Jan., 10. The Canadian Pacific Railway has filed a route map to run along tho south sid of Burmrd Inlet from Port Woody into North Vancouver, This is taken lag a-move to propose North Vancou- Canadian Pacific line to the Peace River country. 5 The C.P.R. and other: companies ere understond to fie ready with proposals to build from Vancouver into North- em British Columbia, The question BENNETT-RADFORD A quiet wedding took place: this morning at the residence of Rev. F. HB. Hench, Princess Ave., when Jas Fleming Bennett ef Carlstadt was united in marriage to Mary Ann Rad- ford of Langdon, . LESSEE TEES EES WIRES DOWN ALL --- MORNING NO TELE. GRAPHIC NEWS TO-DAY Hebe Telegraph wires all over th West have been: down all day with the result that the News was able to get through but 500: words of telegraphic news to-day, hence the reason for the absence of lve tede- gragh matter Im to-day s ts- sue, Just at press. time a wire was received from the head office of th W.A-P. to the effect that they had just of the condemned men and pulled BE EXPERIENCED BUSH MEN. Toronto, Jan, 10 New regulations for fire rangers have been issued by the department of lands, forests and mines. In future no students willbe Sent out as government fire rangers. This was decided upon by Hon. W. H. Hearst, after careful consideration, In the last years hundreds of stud- serious complaints were made it was thought advisable to discontinue the practice entirely, as many of the young men were not-experienced bush men, while others went out only for a holiday. at 60-per month. Hereafter none but experienced bush men will be engaged, and they must be highly recommended or have had con- siderable experience. The jrangers must keep diaries, which will be sent to the foremen every three months for transmission to the minister at -Tor- onto. : Foremen are given power to dis- miss rangers who becoffe intoxicated, who. absent themselves from duty without leave and for other causes. 4 PERSIANS STRANGLED RUSSIANS BRUTALLY EXECUTE VICTIMS WHO LIVE FIPTEEN MINUTES. sa 2 Tabriz, Jan, 10 Four more Na- tlonalists were hanged today near the Russian camp, The executions were carried out in 8 primitive and brutal manner. The ropes were placed around the necks sharply. Thus the victims were slow. ly strangled to death. Some of the yictims lived fifteen minutes. No band- age covered the eyes and in some cases the. arms and legs were un- bouna, ; The Russians have commenced ts destroy the walls of the ditadel which is several centuries old. Shua Hd Dowleh, the new governor, has this far not been recognized by the con- suls, with the exception of the Rus- sian consul, whom he visited yesterday in state, Montreal, Jan, 10. Thret-year-old Albert Gingras upset a lamp in bis home today while his motter was out, been successful in getting a 50 ft, lot on Ross St, 400.00. 75.00 ance any way to sult H. PEEEEE EEE EEE EE EEE Bebdobitesbab bee bebe dete wire nto the city opened. + and the blaze.thus startedburned his ente have been seit out, and While no It is unlikely that the office of so- Heitor general will be filled. General opinion among street politicians s that the office is. miore-an ornament than useful, and that-as the present government has shown no disposition to create or fill ornamental offices, there will be no solicitor general dur- ing the present regime. Tt is stated that if it fs found ad: visable to appoint a solicitor general the scope of the office will be widen ed. Break in Intake WwW. A P, Edmonton, Jan. 10. With the ex- ception of a short interval this morn- img Ediionton has been without wa- ter for 2 hours and the street sys- tem is also partially tied up asa re sult of the intake of water system im Saskatchewan being bro en off by MAIN ESTIMATES WILL PROBABIL) TABLE THIS AFTERNOON, Ottawa, Jan, 10. A bateh of legis- lators came back to Ottawa by today s trains and after six weeks of quiet corridors of the commons are once more becoming animated. The house reassembles. this after- noon at 2 o'clock and the chief whips of both sides have caused to be sent. out calls for prompt and full attend- ance iS ster to denth The it-4a-the tntentlon, of the govern- fire was soon controlled by the fire- 4 Co., 366 Torontd St. 158dtt 5 ofe of ofe of fe af kt hh eb bl men before much damage was done. ment to bring down with the least delay possible all ite legislative -pro- days.and will alternate in a daily service, con- necting at Nakusp, north and south bound, with through service to and from Nelson. Commencing tomorrow, the steamer Columbia will serve Lower Arrow lake ports, West Robson to Needles, leav ing the former place on the arrival of the traing that leave Wednesdays and Fridays, and return- n Mondays, Ing leave Needles, Tuesdays, Se Edmonton is Dry; Water Shut Pipe Leaves city 24 Hours Danger from Fire Dispateh. quired in repairs which are expected hgs spent g restless period. Members Rest is Ended; House Opens Y BE FILLED AND LAID ON THE gram. The main estimates it is be- Meved wilt be tabled this aftermoon The tariff board will come shortly while the budget speech is not likely to be long delayed. A preliminary step and a full en- quiry later wit be made into the con- Aitiong which surround the steel in- dustry, Strong representations have been made as to the effect upon the padisin ir of tre TaR a Surplus products of the steel trust ons -thetorder coupled with a de- Mand for, more adequate protection.
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Image 47 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 47, (CU1770568). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.