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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY SBWs re a Thursday, April 4th, 1912. mas: HOLLINGER AGENCY s HERALD 700 Pair, bik 3 600 Pair, bik. 17 700 Patr, bik. 10. ISPLANADE (Herald) 3500 100 ft bik D. 1450 60 ft corner, bik. F. 1400 50-ft bik. Be CENTRAL PARK SEPELEE PEELE WHITLA + + PEEEEEEEE EEE EE George Cunliffe, representing the Medicine Hat Grocery Co, was in town last week Annie Carson bas moved to their homestead about 3 milea from Whitla. Miss Letla Richardson of Magrath is expected home to visit her parents over Easter. Miss Lydia Luberbier and Myrtle Blanchard went to the Hat to spend a fow days. Sa Mise Mary Bulger s working in. Bow Island. Mr. Mitchell, representing Mooney Biscuit Co., was in town this week. Alex. Ashton made a business trip to Seven Persons last week. There seems tobe tots-of -machin- ety going out. People must figure lon sowing lots of crop this spring. Jack Lawson returned from Wiwnl- fred, where he has been finishing a house f r Hugh Doherty. All wanting feed ground must come this week as the feed mill will be cloa ed down after that. Jerry Smith of Bow Isiand was in town last week. Bert Ryan of Winnifred was in Whitla this week. Mr, and Mrs, Gosselin were visitors For more than two years workmen Strated that the Leaning Tower of / t the Hutchinson home last week. in'a Vermont quarry have been cut- Pisa has increased its declination Mrs. -E. A. Hutchinson gave a ty ing out a granite block which,. when from the perpendicular, about a foot for her son Arthur, last Wednesday, freed from the surrounding rock, will /in a little more than 80 years, the occasion being his twentieth birth- weigh about 75,000,000 pounds. - For ail Kinds of job printing, try day. A good time was had by all. Recent measurements have demon- the N partment. Wm. Munden and family have mov- eae SO SLLELLELOLL LOLI LE IL OIL SOLIS PEPSI LISS SSPE LSE S SLO IE Sy SEASeeteede eipeenteste ess etosie SSS SESSO STL S HLS L ES LOSE PIO SSO TPO eT Roctrelentealectoteateteagene Srefeetedteey as + + oy TOWNSITE S1AT5 50 ft, bik 91 2 90 50 ft, bik 52. 2050 ft, blk 33. 91.066 ft, blk 89. 2 50- 100 ft. corner, bik 85. 3( 100 ft. corner, blk 86. 50 fc, DIK. 90 50 ft, blk 82. BC BO ft, bik 85. SOUTH YUILL Lot 1, blk i1 Lot 8, blk 14. -Lots 14 and 15, bik 18. O Lots 11 and 12, dik . YUILL NORTH 3600 Lot 2, bik 9, 3600 Lat 3, dik 9. 1650-on- bots-t2-and +4; bth tt: 375 60. ft. blk 9... - 700 S0-te,BIK2T. 500 50 ft, bik 27. 800 S0 ft, bik 11. 650 41 fC, bik 21. 800 37 ft bike. 6. ALTAWANA SNAPS. 3200-18 tts blk 2 1060 lt;0, 8, DUK. 14. Si2on ou de. nik 3? ant over to 'Har y Campion. Harry is te ROW Roy Cherry is -xpected back from Cormorant, Mi ny day now. He he been spendins the winter months with his parents. The Ladies Aid will meet next Thursday, P.M. with Mrs. C. T. Free- man. A good attendance ts. request- Jed. The W:-O.T. (. will meet next Wed- nesday In the church. All Fe Asker sms epson eee yen iene eet tes ie eee ee to be present. Soa Se SS Rey, A, Young of Sevca Persons, SLEEPING TART IS PAINEED the Ubrar of the White House, and THE INTELLIGENT AND was in town on Saturday. the artisc hegan his work, Glancing EFFICIENT SERVANTS Maxine Richardson has had the p he saw his subject was asleep. chicken pox, tut bas recovered. eut- PZsident Snooges in His For tw hours Artist Molkendoer are those who read the best papers. ficiently to start to school again. Athair as Artist Works worked ajd President Taft slept on. Therefore the want ad column of the ho dance that was to have been ; a.hington, April 4. While Pres Finding that the chief executive would best home paper i the logical med- held in Ensign s Hall on Easter Mon- BEN Taft slept the artist pat ed. sleep, Milbenboer concluded he would ium which to obtain the most capable day, the 8th, is to be Postponed. lt;I This js the sto Artist Th-odore go ahead, The work shows a splen- help, Use the News Want Ads. G . J, Kemm, representing Campbell, Motkenboer is telung. The artist did Ukenes of the President awake, came by engagement to paint the pre- with smile thing his counten- For * goat's picture. The hour st for ance. Ta ist refused to say meet ty vde work was after luncheon. Tb hs ther esident smiled in his invented an electrically lighted cap President sat in bis big arm-chair m sicep. badge, supplied by a storage battery Q9ESINS SISSONS 631 50 ft, bik 2 16 9 5 lots, corner, bIk 19. BUSIN 22,000 56 ft. Railway. 2,250 50 ft. Toronto N. 4,200 8 lots corner, 8. Railway ner, North Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the safe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made from Cream of Tartar. BENDING 2 5- Fort, bik. 28. 675 TG ft, blk 16, 420 -Pair, bik 15, IHCH SCHOOL ANNEX 825 View lot, vik 21 Rune ehata The a Luagy ie of hotel agents who sat night there has been dod then get variety of sour ol Tht e to ge sd fe. AND OPPORTU Ee - OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOGR- JUST GIVE HIM A YEREK IN, c : HE IS NO STRANGER TO YOU, BUTYOU HAVE BEEN NEGLECTING HIM. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY WE ARE OFFERING YOU THE CHANCE.TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR IN Pate dtedeste torteeieese eet Posts Soate efecto os to 2 xo oe 1 s eS doo : spelebeleteteeielnteotelmfedmtedmtedmte seeethe ateasrete te deat A ltawana DE THE HALF MILE CIRCLE ARE NOW OFFERED T0 THE PU LIC FORT .. FIRST TIME IN ALTAWANA -AT 100.00 PER LOY. a ey en Seat seateot oy foot ms vs o ? foe Roatee ey e * fe so-fes foal es 3 estes ? s bg wr os 2 ae 4 Seige. Sted. me doen dod oe ey xo 04, . 2 eo RS ? 5 Only spot inthe city where you can get good building Lots less than half a mile from the Post Office at 2 0 eachanc up. Xs o 2 et e Ps * eete ates meateety 04 i 1 i fs me aS Ms So 9 So-age-ge Po itests ve ate foes e ey m the Post Office, 99.00 per tov. ie . Just imagine yhat it means THIS OFFER of ours AWorking Man is given a chance to own his own home within FIV E MINUTES where in other eases he is obliged to pay as high as 500.00 for a building lot of 25 feet in other parts of the city, or go two miles out and buy fo os 2 oe 2 *e sof os wif MAAN 27 FJ oS eats Ky consult a j 4 es s et Retete-efo-ogoe : : : First come willbe first served and first served will get his'own choice 3 +? fe Serres y nse gye The ORIGINAL OWNERS of this Sub-Division are selling this property direct. YOU HAVE NOT GOT. TO PAY SECOND AND THIR:) TURN-OVER PRIGES IN THIS. You get if FIRST HAND at bottonr prices: : oe ee tg sa ae a - .-FHESE LOTS Poste LOTS IN OTHER ADDI s ee a WILL BE SOLD SINGLY IN PAIRS, OR ANY WAY A PERSON WISHES TO cCASH AND BALANCE IN SIX . . TIONS SELLING AT FROM AND TWELVE MONTHS. YOU BUY IN-LARGER QUANTITIES. 3 800 TO. 1700 PER PAIR ON Ps a HAVE A FULL YEAR TO PAY SS AND OUTSIDE OF THE 3 HUNDRED / Our offices will be open EVENINGS JUST CONSIDER WHAT F THE MILE 3 : a this week as long as these lots areon 1S TO HAPPEN IN ae CIRCLE ALTAWANA LOTS. fo ok market, Don t lay off work if you THIS CITY DUREN SELL N- eet during the EVENING, and . THE-COMING SUMMER yikes FOR..MORE IN HANCE, AND ITS THE FIRST pick out your lots, THEN INSPECT AND THEN DECIDE SIDE THE HALF MILE ER- TIME YOU HAVE HAD A THEM DURING THE NEXT NOON WHETHER THIS IS YOUR GLE AND) IN HALF THE-TIME SHOW AT ALTAWANA. BE-* HOUR. It will save you money that way . OPPORTUNITY OR. NOT nea Pi 4 FORE, YOU COULD NOT LOOK and our PRICES will save you money WE THINK IT IS, AND THAT Il TOOK THE OTHERS ey py NOW, YOU CAN BUY, the other way. : : WANT YOU-TO GRASP IT. TO JUMI TO THEIR PRESENT 2F 9 WN-AND-OCOEPY: - at will give you the : 2 if possible. That will give you tee. i 3 ae ED a ee ead of outelders baying Hap and boosting the prices SKY HIGH. YOU BE THE BOOST. : t FOLD. TO. ANYONE OUTSIDE OF ACTUAL RESIDENTS pare is CLE fellow PAY YOU. nO TURE DAYS eE S 7 ae OF THIS SALE. WE CANNOT OFFER YOU MORE, , PERRY, SEWELL PERRY E 9 s eS a 33 Hutchinson Block, Toronto Street, Medicine Hat, Alberta 5 7 eae P : oe aR ee Beis ep ROSES Ap Op ee tp Si cto to photle ke oP OPO EO OE ELE LLP G ELE EI OOO LININGS AIAG GIES LLL EEDA nen os a a ae POP Rrra Sree lr re PP OOOO OOOO OO osrr Pere ree reer PONE GL I POLE OEE ILL, PLO PLAY : Yislean aif SE Sit at
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Image 547 (1912-04-04), from microfilm reel 547, (CU1771354). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.