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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1 88d, 1912, 1a lt; Ou cayety mient of the past In this and rightly p against the valuable con The right to the right to Sell electric which will the 12th. le franchises at some time t time why a clty bas the Id it as a elty er of Eternal uld show you ZARS SORRY. se d chise has re 118 CORPOR- et Rail- e build, consider Don't be CHEAP LUM- 3 cheap use the have it, and ev- uilder requires. ck of LUMBER, FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH ORINGS: agency for the rgan Doors, : BEAUTIFUL )D FIBRE, LATH R POSTS, WIL Posts VER SRD be BuTTAlo Y CO. RER PEOPLE 9. PHONE 57 TMM in the News Block, size, well lighted, modern conveniences. PLY TO. Of fice. COAL MINING KEGU- ATIONS, rights of the Dominion, nba, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territory, the itories and in a por- ince of British Colum- leased for a term of rs at an annual rental Not-more. than. 2,560 ese eee applieant.. loase must be pplicant In person Sub-Agent of the dis- the rights applied for territory the .and must sections, or legal eub- ctions, and in unsur- - the tract appiied for 1 out by the applicant stion must be accom- of 5 wntch will Fe re- put not ocherwise, A gt; paid on the merchant- the mine at the rate of ton. yperating fhe mine shalt ent with sworn returns ; the full quantity of coal mined afd pay the n. It the coal mining K operated, such returns easton I Include the coal mt r, but the lessee may urchase whatever avail ights may be considered the working of the mine 10.00 an acre. nformation application de to the of nt of the Interior, Ot- ny Agent or Sub-Agent ands. W. W. CORY, Minister of tae Interior. thorized publication of nent will not be paid for. your vote on ship or Cor- EARS 1t-you- Sees Hichborn,. persuaded to leave Wednesday, April. 3rd, 1912. Yesterday we published the Charter of the Medicine Hat Electric Railway. We hope that it has been read by every voter. It is the DUTY of every property owner in the City to study its contents. Those sections of the Charter which apply to the City and concern the voters are: Section Section the line. . - MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, hiebininineieh dete ili PRE bbb, which. describes the route of the proposed line over the city streets. , which has to do with the erection of poles and the laying of tracks within the city. Sections 11, 11,.12, 18, which have to do with paving along the track, the grades along the track and the disposition to be made of the earth.and other material removed from the streets in ding Section 17, which is by far the most important feature in connection with it, ae section provides that the city may take over the whole or any part of the Railway within the city limits as now existing or hereafter extended, at the original cost price. see ection 17 carefully ei The other sections or clauses refer to matters outside of the city limits and are not to be voted upon. The sections to be voted upon will be discussed in detail in our future talks. An Interurban Railway feo Cypress 3 es to Medicine Hat means a lot for the City. It would mean lower cost of living for the Residents of this Ci The products of the farm and garden would daily be brought to the city and would enable the dealers to sell WITH GOOD PROFIT TO THEM AND AT GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES TO THE CONSUMER. Every car of frzight that comes in will mean more business for Medicine Hat. Every passenger brought over the line will mean more money spent in the city. These are more reasons why you should vote for this By-law. DON'T BE MISLED BY MISREPRESENTATIONS. READ THESE ARTICLES AND ATTEND NEXT wes MASS MEETINGS CALLED BY THE MAYOR. DAVID W. BROWN. (Signed) WARREN OVERPACK, STUDY THE CHARTER. ALBERT F. KRAPFEL, debbie heer : MORE RAILWAY FACTS ul will see why some of the lead- ing Solicitors of the Province have declared that the city s in- terests are amply protected and that this Charter does not in- fringe in any way upon the principles of Municipal Ownershi It would mean athe speedy agricultural development of the great eee Country. GET AT THE FACTS. Wrecked by Woman who Ran Away, Lawyer Takes : the Bul let's Drastic Cure Philip Hichborn, of Washington, Shoots Himself and Dies Instantly After Long Brooding Over Elope- ment of Wife with Friend. Washington, Aprii . Phillip S. Hichborn, young lawyer and son of the late Rear Admiral Hichbom, kill- ed bimself last niglit in desyimiency and bumiliation over the elopement, more than a year ago of his wife Eleanore Hoyt Hichtjom, with Horace L. Wylie, q rich Wash-ngton attorney. He shot himself in the head and died almost instantly. ee The tragedy of Hichbom's lie is well Inown in Washington society. In December, 1910, his wife who, es Eleanore Hoyt was the belle of Wash- fngton-and to whomvhe had been mar- ried for five years, deserted him anit fled to Europe with Wylie, who had been Hichtorn's intimate friend. Wylie Weserted g wife lt;ind- Four chit dren; Mrs. Hichitomn left q 2yearold boy. The couple, traveling as Mr.tand Wylie in the summer of 1911, retumel incomsolable. Against his will be was persuaded 6 bring suit for divoree, bat it was never brought to trial, for Since it wasinstituted the where- abouts of the eloping couple has not been known: Day ufter day Hichborn has brooded over the 16ss of his wife. His sou, 3, was the only human being in whom be took an interest, but even the lit tle fellow never made up for the wo- man that the youngaman lovei with ail his heart. He-took-littic interest inthe efforts of his friends to. fine the mixing Giiple or in the determination of his relatives to press the divorc suit. He left soviety, in whictt he dhat-bea a Teaver altqyether, and was geen allo: the streetis but sckiom. Hig wife he only discussed with most. isffimate friends. OF late he tend teem. growing celded x was im the fibrary m comfortable income out of his law peactice and had no-fears of the fut- to their home. Earty yesterday mom, ing he called ut Hichporn's home and, advice of his physician, who hoped it might arouse in dim some interest in existence. But it is learued that be vontinued to brood over his sorrow throughout the trip. In fact on the way back to Wesh- ington Hichborn became so depressed that Swaze became alarmed. sfter they blighted from the train and started the two spent the morning eogether. During the moming and until the tume he returned to his mother's home for luncheon, those who saw Hichbora: say, while outwardly im the best of spirits, he was suffering from imtense thentel strain. His mother was indss- posed and he spent the karly afternoon with her. About 3 o'clock he left the house, saying he was going to calf on his sister, Mrs. Martha Hithborn Blaine Pearsall, and her husband. At the Pearsall house the servants informed him that both Bir. and Mrs. Pearsall. were out calling Ttiem he would go to the litiary on the second floor and wait? Possibly three-quarters of an bour later the servants: beard loud report from the uppet story of thelbouse. They thoaght it was the banging of 4 shut- ter of door and paid no attention to it, Am hour later Mrs, Pearsall -re- turned and was informed Hachtiorn Le toid ment and asked that a0 Officer be sent to the house immthediately- As soon as the policeman arrived at the house he was taken to the library, He forc- ed open the door and entered alone, discovered young Hichborn prone on the floor with a bullet wound in the night tempie. The revolver with witich the shot had been fired was on thie floor near Hichborn's outstretched hand. Lieutenant Commander Pearsall im: mediately tock his wife to her moth- e's ome, severul blocks away. Dau- ghter and son-in-law broke the news of her son s deith to thejged mother. Her grief was patheti . The femilyy Physician was called to treat her for a violent attack of hysterics that the news of her son's coach brought on. Despite the ials of the family that the suicide leit anote giving his his fe, it was sta- Bay country is very encouraging. FISHERMEN Wt Etec S ALASKAN GOLD STRIKE Nushagak Canner Stake Good News Bay Exper- ienced Miners Follow. RUSH OPENS NEW COUNTRY Five Men take Out 9,600 in Two - Months Others Do Well. Sewaed, Alaska, April 3. Latest) reports received from the strike that made last fall to westward of here in what is now known as the Good Ndw3, Tha Good News Bay refi was staked fortmining purposes-iargely by fishermen who ware employed at the salmon canneries in and about Nusha- I have Jost my mind. The remainier, which was very fick, was said to te devoted ta a mention. of his 1ittle Friends of tx Hichborn dumily vig- waiting for her. On reaching the Hirary it locked. Her calls tower trotiser ture of his som, but life held no hope led. to bring an answer and she be- came alarmed. The servants were posi-' prously denied the report:current on the streets that-tie was due to. the romored presence of Mrs. Hichborn u:d Horace Wylie in guk;end they being shore familiar with the seine and line than they were, with the pick and shovel, leit good Jays to the more expsticied mining men as they flocked to the country in lamswer to the newss:f. strike made on Butte Creek, The result is that some very syste tic prospecting bas. been carried on this winter and as spring comes 00 the indications are. that the coustry will mukeq good camp. Word was to Washington. Attempts at a recon- i ciation were made and Wylie, went / back to-tiis-wife: But in the carly fall Uichtor-hed returned only Tuesday H Mrs. Hichborn egain disuppearal and from a trip to the west, whjch be ; for bim wm Jast night his riensif were not surprised. it was learned thet she had gone with made with hislaw partner, Samuel M Wydie. Since then Hichborn ites been Swaze. He had taken the trip oo the 3700 Pair, bik 3 600 Pair, bik. 17 3700 Pair, bik. 1 sisTb 50 te Bik 91. 2000 50 tt, bik 52. 2500 50- e, blk-23. 1800 66 ft, dik 89 2500 100 ft. corner. bik 85. 3000 i00 ft.-corner, bik 56. 650 50 ft, bik 99. 900 50 ft, bik 82. 950 50 ft. bik 5, 33500 100 ft, blk D. 1450 50 ft. corner, bik. E. 1400 50 ft, bik. B. CENTRAL PARK 760 50 ft, blk. 21 375 50 ft. blk 9. 700 50 ft, bik 21 500 50 ft, Bik 27. 800 So ft, bik 11. 365041 ft. bik 21 800 37 ft. bik. 5. . 5 COUSINS SISSONS * 620 50 ft, bik 2. 1600 5 lots, corner, bik 19. ALTAWANA- -SNAPS. b BENDING 0 ft, bik. 28 1400 75 ft, bik 11. 1000 50 ft, bik. 14. 675 79 ft. bik 15. 1200 50-fr. 420 Palr, bik 15. tive that young Hichborn hed not feit the house. Mrs. .Penrsall's suspicions were ezoused at once. She hastened to the eleptione, calied the police depart- 9850 Lot 1, bik if. 700 Lot 8, blk 14. 750 Lots It and 15, bik 18. 2500 Lots 11 and 12, bik 5. XUILL NORTH 600 Lot 2, bik 9. 600 Lot 3, bik 9 650 ea Lots 12 and 14, bik H BUSINESS 22,000 56 ft. corner. North Railway. : 12,250 50 ft.. Toronto N. 4,200 2 Jots corner, S. Railway HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 7 +. 825 View lot, bik 21 Pennsylvania. Theu said bothing wast known of the whereabouts of sss jpair: reonived om the steamer Dota arriving The lust heard of them they were in here yeotarday, from responsible par- Southern Fsance oc Switefand.None ties that lends credence to the grow- of Mrs Hichborn's fommer friends ing rumor that there is q good chance Jest night, have beard from ber since for mew camp out in en-hitherto here or her relatives, 6 wes leurned nnprospected region. Jate last fail, wien she and Wyle The information at hand ig to the were in France. effect that the writer had just raturn- ed from Butte Creek and Good News Bay diggings to Nushagak after grub, fund states that the country looking good and that encosreging prospecta een: found om most-all of the creeks where anywark bes been done. Most of the work has Phen confined to Butte Creek y the original die-l covery was made, and on No. 1 telow Discovery,.onm ground. owned hy Al- bert Gabrielson and being worked by five experienced misiers from the im- terior. Nine thousand six hundred oars was taken out in alout two months . time. The work has teen carried on under che directiom of Frank Mills, a former (ell-known aminer from Davson and Fairbanks nearby A German speedometer for automo- biles has an iMuminated dial which makes several color Changes as the Speed of the car to which it is at- tached increases. Shauntung slik fs produced by a species of worm which Hives on the willow trees of that Chinese province and which differs from the mulberry tree silk worm. A London chemist claims to have obtained 2 gum from. Of inary -sea- weed that is proof against fire, acids, and moisture, and a better resistant of electricity than vulcanite, A Washington inventor bas brought On two or thre aims ae eee on kor eae wack some moncy, bax been taker out, but ee cn eee peer ree ee Fsank Mils, a former well-known bush by the rcot for transplariting. afommab ton 14.gancting, get trust Heraldson, a hole has been sunk through the false bedrock to the erue bedrock, a depth of thirty-five feet, but no pay wes found below the false bedrock. The formation of the country is schist, and the pay on Butte Creek seems to be confined tou streak of gravel about threa or four jfeet thick and only; about six fect from the surface and resting on this falge Bedrock. Butte Creek is about ten claims long and bas plenty of water. Some vf the ground is frozen, but the great- er part of it is not, and miners are imving trouble in sinking on account of the wet ground. As cne returning) trapper puts it, The country is stak- ed from Hell to Breakfast by salt water sailors, fishermen and Swedes, and. the only; way to get any ground is to take a lay or prospect for am in- terest. - The only hole that has been sunk to true tedrock is the one on the Gabrielson Lay No. 1 below, and al- though there is a'party there with a small hand drill, the machine has not been, Working -very well and the own- ts have not been able to do much with it. try nearer than Nusbagak, and no machinery at all, but these siortages will be taken-care of as soon as the cannery, fleet atrive inthe spring. Jujiry Wada, the well-known Japa- mee marathon racer and noted dog musher, is there and states that he likes the formation and general ont- look etter than any camp tiat ye has been in, in Alaska, and this opinion is Shared by many of the old-timers in the camp. Wada bought in om some ground and is busily engaged in pros- pecting the same with very, good re- salts. 3 Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. Phone No 415. There is very little grub) im tha coun- 0. Box 31. Farm for their product; for their 7 per cent milk; gonditions. It is specially suited Me 16-00-0504 e oeoes 58 09504 to hook your orders. 0 oS 04, 093 Medicine Saeos oe the amount as the owners do Bet Tae a cone, unt owned by John G MEALS THE THROAT OxO LUNGS. 26 CES The Medicine Hat Dairy Co. having made. ar gements with the Government Demonstration igreed herd of high-class Jer: With the utmost-care to insure perfect sanitary ... Write-or phone your. supply is limited. First come first served. We are also arranging for an unlimited sup- ply of Pure Milk, Cream and Eggs to come in fresh daily, in the near future, and will be pleased Dairy oer are now booking orders This milk is from a ped- s. It is handled for infants and invalids. orders at.once as the Hat
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Image 536 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 536, (CU1771346). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.