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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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dons MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS : Saturday January Here Are a Few MONEY MAKERS Central Park Lots 18 and 14, Block 8, 800.00 each, Lots 9 and 10, Block 6, 400.00 each Lots 18 and 14, Block 6, 898.00 each. 4 Lots 14 and 15, Block 15, 750.00-takes both. Ottawa, Ont., Jan, 9T Wh n the found within the buy, straits and nor time comes for the government to, thern seas. Sib North Yuill the. tion of the estab- As no authoritive charts have yet eaten es dae . consider A eons BORN Tats 8 to 10, Block 6 Bracmar St, 400.00 each, 100.00 down RE PAI We give a gr of attention t important bra work. OUR UP TO EQUIPMENT in position t pairs that 6 FOR HUDSON BAY ROUTE 2 -S Ss Ss Mcleod passed through the city yee terday on their way to Winnipeg. of Calgary. i trans-Atlantic Co. has Offered to Build Spotial Ships en in tm ety wit Me Dayton Expedition to be Sent out to Prepare Charts for Rs ph Boyd, H. N. Davies end Jo- Lighthouses, Wireless Stations etc. city ona, besiness trip. Miss McCartin of Vancouver is the guest of Miss Ada an Toronto SOCIAL AND PERSONAL X: a WOULD BUILD STEAMERS A. Murphy of Bowell is visiting friends in the city. George Hartley and Mise B. Hart- poopie Strasige of Redeliff are in the street. 20.00 Values Hishment of line of steamers to con- been published en expedition will be an ato e mee wai cat oak Tate carly re ee At the Maternity bospital, Lots 12, 18-and 16, Block 6, Balmoral St, 500.00 cach, These would have i ig eine used from Lepas, there a chart of the straits to investigate Hat, on the Sth January, are on the sewer, cat eae or a a pices eatie ar the peod fog lighthouse. snd winekaa MS etd Mie, Thos. M4 TNwsed, a Teh fy Mine 8s Baas Bly QU00.08, HRND. Dante. Tatigemems for service to Great Bri- stations and to mave gay other keo- Old Townsite on the Hitt, rmsr ae AT. ommendations. necessary to make ma- vigation there as safe s possible. It TODAY S MARKETS Sor is the intention of the government to Lot 8, Biock 8 , Ottawa St, only 700.00, have everything completed so thet Winnipeg, Jan, 27. May wheat, old Lot 88, Block 80, Ottawa St., 750.00, ita tbe tas reaches the pay taere opened 101 318, closed 102; May, new, Let 24, Block 87, Balmoral St. 1100.00. For one day. willing te wake an soptepriet neae er ey aie ag nave oPeHe 200-78, closed. 100 2-8; of the above lots will sell for more money in months. a fast line steamers: e os opened 102 1-2, closed 102 1-4. larly-adepted for conditions tobe gation tfirough to : May oata opened 4, closed 43 1-4, SEE OUR WINDOW f y Wis larty-adeptad foc conttins oe Se Se July opened 44 1-4, closed 43 7-8. a ea Ee tain, A well-known transatlantic : : PRICES. TRY W. ELL JEWELER AND Jl ated to the government that itis pre- pared to take up the question. It is ir CHURCH me Ones Xmas Present Ministering to Christ will be the 4 topic of Rev. C. T. Holman's ser Found in Hospital Box. mon in the Baptist Chureh, to-mor- 2 Sow sanentng: Crentng subject Somewhere, some one is waiting, swilt-be Phe-Great-Quest . Oats No. 2 O.W. 40; No, 3 C.W. 34 1-2; extra No. 1 feed 35 1-3; No. 1 feed 34 3-4; No. 2 feed 33 4 Bi Ne 3 Nc a Sea kee ps t get sa ou ae G8; No. 4, 58; reject- 5 hasa't materialized, and possibly For some time past the need of ..0 post office clerks are sweating American Markets a a Minn is, Ji more aaatactory grading tothe 30-ltiooa in an fort to tate thas BS peneg 106.72, closed 107 12) duly FOR SALE Boa vecraaiag ass the: school 1s to 22t all to. no good, for the presents) opened 107 5-8, closed 108 1-8. Qne Westinghouse Gas Engine, sixe 19 x 22, 250 H.P. direct cee eeenen Gonday under the dir. OF Which all-this worry was caused) Chicago, Jan. 27 May wheat open- eonnected to 150 K.W. 8 phase, 60 cycle, 2200 volt Generator; also iene ee ec Wwar, thaveauel oo unearthed this morning reposing eq 102 7-8, closed 102 July open- direct connected Exciter. Ne ee ae see aro it the Hospital box in the post office- oq 95. 8-4, cloned 96-1-4;-Sopt. opencil -- .. One- eylinder vertical Westinghouse Gas Engine rated 90 HP. A 1 ou need Ge tone each oc Some one who evidently didn t look 94 1-4, closed 94 1-2, size 10 x 11, ar a map Ee Beit eo her, aah everything poselble will be ee ior oe parcels Three 8 cylinder yertical Westinghouse Gas Engines 125. ILP., done to increase the efficiency of the ssh) See sizes 13 x 14 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. school. At the cloto of the Year dip- tO THla morning, when n the bor was LATE CLASSIFIED ADS. One Tandem Compound Wheelock Engine 10x 18 x 29 rated SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Toray will be given to (those Who Pent eae j ; 125 HP, Also.a number of Motors and Generators for Sale. R, G, WILKINSON, Manager. graduate nto higher grades, A lit- be-sent out to the pa people they wre j These Engines have been released from service due to the n- Imperial Bank of Ganada ; tie later the graded lessons may be dressed to. Better late then Fever WrouNG married couple desire two Siitiasion of Miaxare, Power. adopted, instead of the uniform les- furnished rooms, south of city hall APPLY TO son for the whole of the school as at WILSON TO VISIT RHODE ISLAND preferred. Box 301. 16983. GON Te The Berfin tight Commissioners. FURNITURE, carpets, , garden home department, and teacher : MONARCH THEATRE i cnasct icc) eee oe ee ee ced, and the school in all departments. lence, RB. 1 - titi R SALE New floor rug about : iis growing rapidly. 4 a oe are looking forward oe oe Poni GREAT SKI TOURNAMENT IS ON The new artificial course specially Complete stock of T (The Home of Good Pictures.) considerable interest to the visit o . constructed for the meet is the long- Drag andsies, Prop Suberibe-NOW-for-The-Datly-News- Governor Wootlrow Wilson, who 18 YVAN (Gpectal to News). est inthe country. situated onthe ME TT Oe oe phy coming to. Provideuce tomorrow fer Cary, il, Jan. 27+-An army of ski- Festof a natural hill, it affords a- S - scrij Sealy, the purpose of conferring with the Inindred strong invaded * de of from 500 to 600 feet fm length, 204 South Rv. St. Democratic leaders of the State upon (ORSETIERE-Spirella Corsets made +nis place today for the annual cham- With an incline of about 45 degrees. x Today s Program of Photoplays- and the Rose, .. ... Rex Drama DISTANCED com. the coming presidential campaign and to order. Guaranteed against /pionships of the National Ski Asso- 72e hill has a 370-foot natural eleva- ieee Chatee, ta * Reliance Drama Le) ae enon IN 0) the general sitgation in Rhode Tsland. Dreaking or Tusting. Phone 64 or Cistion, The contests, which will con- 00 and. inaddition a. steel. struc- Q a le Brock, gt; ++ Westor Scenic During his stay here the New Jersey Send box it sinue-two-days; promise to be the most re Ninety feet in-height. siciefeleieieleieietet Mutt and Jeff, ....... .. .. Nestor Comedy POUL SUIT. VALUES -iczecete eit Pe, guest of former thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168d1Mjnotable over held since the first in- TB Programme provides for a Governor Jams H. Higgins. troduction of the famous Norwei championship jump for professional ; ANTITY of good sian mals. a Ao. of good household fur- Sita snort into Amoriom, A Iikeeai championship jump for amateurs and lor and kitchen furniture, rugs, ur- Our corner window shows some pe the sane, ersetione WOLTER NEAR ELECTRIC CHAIR sf pecreaeenncion Sete cen le long: AGED GF Sites Wy eae For Sz Spring of 1912, and indicate tains, etc., will be offered for private ? side oth amateur and pro- * ONE St aed, ras nt: what a basis of value. ; seas sale at 535 Main St. until sold. 168dtf of the northern: States andy 5 3 Several trios of t (Special 40 the News.) Lars Canada. In addition, Norway has sent These sults are. regular from 7 Pudge Baek. mag0 to HEE New York, Jan. 27 Albert W. two of her most famous stars, Svein Taha anaatinda SEMLREADY SUITS FOR Wolter, whose murder of 15-year-old ; Welhaven and Ragnar Omtoedt, who , aoe AR y Ruth Wheeler horrified this city two will compete in the amateur events Shilol: Bho, TRAE eens 18.00 + years ago, is to pay the penalty of his a against the best talent produced in B Te ABET 0.UU - fiendish crime in the death chair in America, mous BENS THRHUNCS giz Esplanade, or al i Shiberee Fitted ana: Altered on the prem-) 0S:Sing Prison early in the coming Admissi Doors Open at 7.30 Children 10 Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. - pREAMLAND THEATRE pal re : TO-NIGHT : cea tain mee . SR sLabin. Western stantial evidence, the verdict was af- SOS ere eededodeaedtesterted firmed by the Court of. Appeals and week, Though convicted on circum- W. A. Her 8 fhe Lure of Faulty? ss P there appears no chance of the brutal 2 Winter Sports In the Alps, and the Last Dog, indi 1 7 4 a CPLR. MEN'S STORE isesastsnt ana) We Ready for Bacness - Come : 4 HA ei f CHARTERED ACCOU. Matic ist S18 and 15 Ped Hartley Te North ae pee faneelasatet eee merges eee Evenings at 8.00 9.00 2 ae s tbe St. ering employment, She failed to i E eee 2: G az 7 2 J re yt C - 3 a ; Fetrn andthe ext day ber fly itt le A. MWright will -be-found-in - ae pice A work Mieeeers Wotan ee TOS ae his old stand ready to attend to cess is gt; arrested charged wit TO STAR THEATRE fic insuunce iewesmeronmen man BT bake, rene Hote 5 ot he mettnae we veme BE SOUCH any and all business with which ie he may be. favored. pps: It you were to grow teen years chances a know How. (Practi fect). - W have been Public for SIXTEEN A.M. WRIGHT ie Ee JEWELLER. TORONTO ST.- A CASE OF HIGH TREASON. 3 body was found; burned-and-wrapped pte INSURRECTO. REQUIRED fn Yass, on the fire escape-of a ten- Pam B. THE BARON. For Medicine Hat District ement house in East Seventy-ninth Expert Optician and Drugzist. Only good producers need apply. Street, where Wolter had. lived with Sisabe Graduate: Canadian Op- Btate references and experience. Str uamet Kutte Muller, The Muller payee ranearore eratuate Good opportunity.for capable per- Sir was arrested the following day these other advanced courses, : os ss ACT SAM T. REED COMPANY in the DARKIE S DILEMMA very funny faree. If you Ike good Jaugh don t miss it ZANT won, and gave the police assistance in com- rears experience, fn con- aes te ah pirector, Pleting their case against Wolter. - Tem 7 Foe ee MONARCH, Within thirty days after the crime stant praction LIFE ASSURANCE-CO. Wolter had been tried and found guil- Eyes tested free, ty of murder in the first degree. An Picture Plays at 15-and 4.15, Prices + 2 Se, and 10, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. appeal to the higer court has served to Every lens absolutely guaran- Picture Play and Act at Sand 9.20, Prices : + 3 Ibe, 2 5e, (Communications confidential.) defer the execution of the murderer , teed te give satistaction, : - : For Sale : s for nearly two year fi J tage, Sou' WANTED 25 SALESMEN FOR TUESDAY. APPLY AT HICK S CLOTHING OR TO T. F. DAWSO 5 a ae a a om - CROSSLEY Builder O 708.4th Ave., E The Stock of the Hicks Clothing Co. to be Slaughtered Regardless of Cost. ak Consisting of; Clothing; Shoes, Underwear, Sweaters, : Mitts and Gloves and General Furnisbings. ome good g damaged, others the-same as new. This stock must be sold in seven days, os bes aang ihe lt; first .to get your 000. ee Sale Starts at 8 clock on Tuesday, January 30 OPPOSITE FHE ALBERTA. HOTEL. WANTED 25 SALESMEN FOR TUESDAY. APPLY AT HICK S CLOTHING OR TO T. F. DAWSO RPENTER anv C y - Repairs promptly at Phone No 3 (For au kinds of Jo the News Office.
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Image 148 (1912-01-27), from microfilm reel 148, (CU1770863). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.