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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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. uraults, Phe fur nt ( industry to yaton and Prince yineverity of ping conditions favorable, and pat below hormal fy It is satisfac ces were higher an as been pro: has been ino sonditien for 1 ing in the co Canada. Fortun- last, a basia for hed between the affected and the has. been entered 8 1-2 years, and further trouble period of time. oped that the re- the ent Hy of Oh jone a gFeat deal reat activity in gt; year throughout ) farm, city, and cities and towns been. In the num- vistons placed o1 re for thie un ara rests in the ellable firma, and mngly urge upon if applying th it is not our de- particular place lable dealers are etter position to han ourselves, It , that the com- yok for preteetion which will inev- wnt methods are Undoubtedly de- ties in onr- prin- as have a good alues, but these iy unless some- re-inflatlon of ig districts, Farm id at advancing ps by the results good. average f our cheap lands aly in price as to- r hesitate about with fow excep- edingly. active In owns. The record 910 in such cities y, Edmonton; Re- osejaw, Medicine ert will probably final figures. of , too, that In the jded effort 1s be- the standard of 1. The industrial place in our chief n important fac- and as the pop- shall doubtless lopment will be (3 many of us at ne Railway, - the Railway, and the Railway has been er extent than at nd the disburse- Js connection has prosperity of the It is likely that rill continue for it order to meet. ents of the coun- some freely froin ental Europe, an prises, and every - ised to guard the gt; Investors, There ady of which our nd municipal au- ake-notiee has created a de- sa of pavements, c. Thin ia very he authorities im ovementa are in ture to too great ures which are 25, and 30 a it drawn for 2 , the shorter per ly representing went. enment. owner- 3 has a tendeney and. there are re in this connec tions. Any con ould undoubtedly ew capital being tr this subject we that *there is one ch might well be cial Governments ities cag coming f-operations. Wi ime to the subject, mers. who suffer- jon Inereases the ter Joss aud the increase consid- therefore, to odn- n can be given to alk purposes: WE STOCK THE SOE ess e Barrie Engine IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES 3 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 125.00 HO JOOLED 150.00 6 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 225.00 8 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 325.00 These Engines are recognized as the BEST, SIM- PLEST and MOST ECONOMICAL engines on the market, They have few moving parts all easy of access and guaranteed interchangable, They FAMOUS are given a broad guarantee to replace defective parts for five year s. Call and look them over. JAMES Soeteiteed RAE Niswioks18 pot often be needed. But aid Nature in eorrectin pequiced weekoeesce,. weakness Bothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden ery, alyeeric compoun. inal roots sold for over tory 0 reach the Hosrtbumn, Bad Breath, Bel Derangements, tbe 1 thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant bowels. Sugar-coated, Were we perect, which we are ogt, medicines would kened, impaired end broken dows through jons which have gone on from the early ages, . yugh countless generations, remedies are abeded te our inherited and consequent digestive troubles, there ie Weak Stomach, Billousncss, Liver Gomplelet You can't afford to eccept seoret nostrum es substitute for this noo-al holic, medicine of ENown comrosiTion, not even though the urgeot dealer ma; iets reduiate aid H6vig0TR: stomach, liver and granules, easy to take as candy. seat of stomech Medical Disoow- reat , Pain in the Stdmach after eating, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intesti and most eficient remedy, ir ee hae Headquarters at Lethbridg vocated, Lethbridge, Jan 18 The uplift of ot the farmers of has been undertaken in no in way by: the. Internatiqnal Congress of Farm Women, which has opened its: headquarters in Lethbridge where the seventh annual Interna- tional Dry-Farming Congress will be held, Oct. 21-25, It 1s proposed to-as- sist to elevate the wife in the ma- jority ot rural. homes above the drud- gery of almost slavery in her h use- hold work to the nobler purposes Af life, to the freedom from care and worry and the enjoyment of the best there is in life through: introducing modern methods and implements that Save labor and money and tend to longevity. Already the movement has received a strong impetus through the organi- zation of a local Board of Control for the: organization, and several confer- ences have, been held the past week the progressive women of Lethbridge and vicinity. The needs of agricultural educa- tional institutions, woman's institutes, neighborhood clubs and active pro- gressive social organizations for both young and old have been discussed. headquarters the past week the local Board of Control was organized by the unanimous.election of Mrs. W. Downer of Lethbridge as presi- dent, Mrs, Eleanor L. Burns as secre- tary, and the selection of the follow- ing executive board: Mrs, R. J, Gor- 3 SAVE-YOU MANY DOLLARS oa . FROM DAY TO DAY BRINGING A GOOD SALE LIKE A GOOD MAN you THE REASON THATIE EEOPLE ARE APPRECIATING OUR EFFORT: THEIR FRIENDS WITH THEM. AINS A LITTLE THE BIGGEST THAT YOU HAVE EVER BUMPED INTO BEFORE. HE SALE THAT C CAN'T KEEP DOWN. THOUSANDS OF ENTHUSIASTIC BUYERS JAM THE STORE EVERY DAY FOR CED THE PUBLIC OF MEDICINE HAT AND VICINITY THAT THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING ARE ' 1S PROVEN BY THE HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS WHO ARE RETURNING Men's Working Shoes, actual yalue 9.75.Sale Price Men s Hockey Shoes, actual value 3.75. Sale Price Boys Hockey-Shoes, actual value 2.75. Sale Price Z gt;aA gt;o A BRIEF MENTION 24 inch Sult Cases. Actual value 12, Sale Price ....- 20.00 Club Bags. Sale Price... .- -- 98.50 Trunks . 2.75 e275 82.00 1.00 6.00 Tranks. International. Congress of-Farm-Women; lts Ai e at the Dry Farming Cong- ress there Elevation of Rural Wives, the Object of Congress Many Important Reforms will be Ad- between the international officers and At the conference at the-Lethbridge advantages of the short course in do- don, Mra, Bd, Higinbotham, Mrs. 5. Op, Mra, D.-U, Rylands, Mrs. D. H. Blton, Mre, H. J. Goode, Mrs. A, Southard and Miss S..Bawden. Mrs. Burns, the secretary, outlined the aims of the International Congress of Farm Women, and Mrs. Leslie Sta- vert, the president, discussed the may ways of brightening the home, where drudgery prevails and educat- ing the children to. nobler life, Miss Roberta MacAdams of Edmon- ton made an entertaining address n which she spoke of promulgating do- mestic science through these short 1n- stitute courses of one week In each town as a great advance towards the ultimate goa , the-teaching of domes- tie science in the public schools, and she expressed a firm belief that it would awaken vast amount of in- terest throughout the country. Mrs, Stavert stated that she plan- ned to personally address every com- munity possible in Manitoba and Sas- katchewan during the next six months in the interest of the international congress. a It was the consensus of opinion of the members of the board that the meitic sel nce. throughout the spring months Jn Southern Alberta and Eas- tern British Columbia should be urged upon the departments of agriculture of these provinces. such courses to be in conjunction with the course of Sy learnt ond Mrs Burma and Mra. Remedies are Needed Mocaaams wete apbiiatad coma: tee to further this movement and to confer with the-ministers-of-agricul. ture, 3 The Netghborhood Club.was decided to be of great advantage Mm the up- lift of the home, and it Was resolved to begin at once an active campaign of organization of such clubs through- out the four western provinces. Plans were alto outlined for what promises to be one of the largest and best features of the aternattonal S Congress Exposition at the time of the Congress, haniely; an immense display of labor saving de- vices, stich as automatic lighting of houses, yacum clegners, washing ma chines, modern cooking utensils, wi- tomatic sewing machines, and'improv- ed dairy and farm mplements. It was also planned to hold demonstration lectures during the congress, dwell- fg upon such agricultural pursuits for women as poultty raising, bee cul- ture, dairying, horticulture, raising Other end equally important lines of demonstration contemplated are the making-of children s elothing, the teaching, care and amusement of young people, home hyglene, prevent- ing of contagidus diseases, disinfoc- gency telfef, organizing boys and g clubs, and the like, all alming for better education of the dry farmer's family. Mrs, Burns is leaving this week for the east on a brief visit to schools and colleges having domestic science de- partments, to enlist thefr support of tne movement, and before returning: he will visit-the- riculture at Washington, D. C., and gain such further information as to domestic science, country life m- provement and educational work in farming communities as will facilitate the movement in western Canada. Up- on her return she will have plans for a year s work for all the neighborh clubs that are organized and her large corps of experienced assistants will be distributed throughout the four provinces in the furtherance of the or- ganization work and the securing of exhibite* for the big exposition at Lethbridge next October. SOUTH DAKOTA EDITORS (Special to News) Yankton, 8. D., J editors and publishers o keta gathened here in force today for the mid-winter meeting of the State Press- Association. sions will continue three days and will be Interspersed with several fea- tures of entertainment. Len V. Doty, The business ses- agriculture already planned or con- Barker Patten Toronto St. ': Medicine Hat APTU of Doland, is the. presiding officer. tion, first ald to the*injured, emer- Day Phone 311. 50; Alberta Foundry j Machine Co., Ltd. 3 MEDICINE HAT e Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling and Mining Supplies, Waterworks Equipment, Building Castings, Etc. Dealers in Structural Steel and Iron, Etc. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. Brass and Iron Castings and Fittings of all kinds made on short notice. Attention Given to Plowing and Thresh- ing Machinery. thu - Alberta Foundry MachineCo., Ltd. BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM Western Canada Lumber Co., Ltd. Largest Stock in the City to select from. Best Grade and Lowest Prices. AND SAVE MONEY. King Street and Road Allowance, Medicine Hat PHONE 461. ; ee ; p THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE .COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, (Established 1849.) The oldest and strong st accident com- in the world. Claims paid; ever 0,000,000. z ---Policies do not discriminate against Rail- way employ es. 7 Represented by W. C. Switzer. : , A. Krauss, t DO AS WE ADVERTISE RED THE TOWN NOTHING FICTICIOUS ABOUT THIS SALE. IT S A GREAT ONE, AND THE BARG- MAKE YOU-R MONEY GO AS FAR AS IT WILL OF BARGAIN OPPORTUNITIES Sale Price .. 12.50 Men s Sults. Sale Price .. 15.00 Men s Suits. Sale Price . 2000 Men s Suits. Sale Price 18.00 Men s Suits. Sale Price Men s Cordovan Mitts, lined, actual value 1.50. Sale ; Wen's Heavy Wool Bath Robes, in greys, browns and greens, heauti s Actual value 7.00-Sale Price .. tm ey ve eee oe B50 Men's Short Corduroy Coats, Sheep Lined and Far-Collar.- Actual value 12.00, Sale Price 3.00 Men's Coon Coats, actual value 100.00. Sale Price - 72.50 One Ladles Electric Seal Cont, 6in Bust. Actual value 45, Sale Priee as Seco te 20.00 5.00 Children's Suits? 3.80 Buy From Your Home Merchant MAIL ORDER HOUSES PAY NO TAXES FOR KEEPING UP YOUR ROADS A . ry. SUBSCRIBE ONE PENNY TO OTHER DESERVING INSTITUTIONS OF YOUR CITY. SPEND YOUR MONEY. WHERE YOU-- MAKE IT, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES, KEEP THEM HERE THEY INCREASE THE POPULATION THEY INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. YOU BECOME PROSPEROUS AND SO DO THEY. SEND YOUR MONEY AWAY, COMPEL YOUR HOME MERCHANT TO CLOSE HIS SHOP, DRIVE HIS CLERKS TO THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES, DECREASE THE POPULATION, DECREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY BY SO DOING, PLUG THE GAS WELLS AND THEN WAKEN UP. WHAT DO YOU SEE IS LEFT OF YONR TOWN? ONE HOUSE AND A RAIN BARREL 9,00 Smoking Jackets, Sale Price . . 55.00 Fur Lined Coats. Sale Price . 5c. Neck Ties, Sale Price . 5c. Boys Stockings. Now 2 2.25 Men s Pants Sale Price . 5.00 Men's Pants. Sale Price 25.00 Dog Skin Conts Sale Price . 1.00 Heavy Wool Underwear. Sale Price .. The Government me protection. to certain schedule nd local compan- that Province as 1.90 Overshirts. Sale Price 2.25 Overshirts. Sule Price . 1.25 Fleeced Lined Underwear 1.15 Boys Fleeced Lined Underwear . Men s Fancy Suspender, Garters, and 1.00. Salo Price ee Mew Heavy Tweed Cont 81.00 Astrachan Caps. Sale Price .. .- ces of Sankatche-- This protection on is not generally Sale Price . te oe He ee oe me. remarks regarding but fair to say festern crops will mount of money revious year, yet --which they wilt and marketed will rly liquidation of the farmer and jesale dealers and ver, practically, in : report large In- ne of trade over feet DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT hey eviden esident gave a re- 18 of the past year of Canada. A e addfens may be ation to the Hany G WEDDING o News). 18 The first not- year in New York ated in the fash- a church thie af- 8 Beatrice Flagg. ohn Turner Atter bride of Oliver K. Now is the Time for Action Don t Delay. : : We Have the Argument Here---Come-and See. A (The Gabhran Co.) PROPS. The International Brokerage and Sales Company Toronte Street : : Medicine Hat KER PATTEN Open Evenings During Sale. SSE9SSOHSSSSS9S08 098080 seessosne 0000 eoecoecoocos Ero gt; MADS
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Image 101 (1912-01-18), from microfilm reel 101, (CU1770845). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.