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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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: : MEDICINE HAT DAILY BEWs Monday, April Sth, 1912, 1h 9 OCLOCK Let Us Loan You the Money at: 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Of Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649. Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drag Gendces, Proper? Meat ccines, ete. RE-OPENING APRIL 9, 1912 SOUTHERN ALBERTA iistnida ll pe) WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs BOX 353. 183-1mo. PHONE 713 J. As LANDRY, CARPENTER BUILDER Residence Office 711 Ottawa Box 331. Phone 626. Job Work Attended to Look me up-if you want a hy ONES FO-LOAN More money has been made In REAL ESTATE thay in any oth- er business. NOW fs your chance to make son . Look over the lst below and If there is nothing sults you call in the office and look over the rest of my st. CENTRAL PARK 650 Terms. 50 ft in bik 25. 750- Terms. 60 ft in bik 2 3600 Terms. 50 ft. in blk 3 800 Terms. 50 ft. in bike 11. 1200 Termis. 50 ft. in blk COUSINS SIS 0 Terms, 50 ft. lot, 950 Terms. 7 ft. lot, 235 Terms. A lot for all blk 30. HERALD 525 Terms. 50) ft., bik 3. 735 Torms. 50 ft. bik. 10. 760 Terms. 75 ft. blk. 8. 1050 Terms, 50 ft, bik. 13. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 900 Terms, 50 ft, blk 22. OLD TOWNSITE, NORTH 31200 Terms. 50 ft, bik. 11. TRACKAGE 1600 Terms. 50 ft, blk 7, Rosedale. H.T.W. FORSTER Come in and see me. 868 Toronto St. Medicine Hat. Auction Sale Tuesday;April sthattp: sharp, on the Market Square ke following-described property : One sideboard, two sets of work harness, one set of sin- gle harness, one drill 10 ft, 20 dise; one new wagon, one new plow, did other machin ery. One t mares, 7 y ars old, cae isker one team of geldings, -welght 2775, 5 years old; one mare 11 years old, weight 12505 one brown gelding, weight 1200, 5 years old; one roan geld- ing, weight 1500, 5 years old, one cow a good ore, giving milk, fresh. . SATTERLEE Auctioneer. SKIN ON FIRE ? Just the mild, simple wash, the well known D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema and the itch is gone. Sra h EY We have sold other - remedies for skin. trouble but none that we could personally recommend, as we can the BUSINESS BY DUNDAS Advertising Manager of the G. Do you like the Cum of writing your lads? Fine fun isn t it? It fs fun im lbusiness anyhow fun to have the iandiora come for the rent scream: ng fun to have to send a cheque for all those funny bills that come in reige ularly every mouth and simply fr- H resistible fun to have to buy bread, Jund butter for the family and the future of the children Retailer, it is fun perhaps- You know from bitter experience that there is nothing funny about busi ness, You do not pay your bilis from: ny sense of humor and neither do people give you credit from the same ause, There s little fun in paying the wages of a first-class salesman who has to assist you in making mon- ey to pay your creditors and allow you to tuck a small sum snugly a- way in your bank against a rainy day. It is all solemn deadly reality. It re- quires all the throught and sales help of the highest grade you can get at a reasonable price to carry through the daily tragedy. Why should you thing it fun to write Your ads? Do you realize that itis Just as necessary to have sales manship outside your store as it s to have it in it if you wish to be suc- cessful? And if you are anxious to increase your business to the point where it will be classed as amongst the best producers of the kind, you will find that outside salesmanship 8 BUILDING HENDERSON E. Zimmerman Co., Chicago. iThe Fun of Writing Advertisements Just let me tell you how * easy it 1s to write ads and then tell mp how much fun there ts ip construing ads on-which the Increase of your business depends and on which you have to bulld a great part of your fu- ture, x nan points to every suc- isement: First, you must get and hold the attention of the Possible customer in competition with every other advertiser in the paper; second, You have to create interest in the, good8, You are selling; third, you must bring settled conviction Into the customer's mind that she wants the goods more than the money in her pocket or bank roll; and last, but by no means least, you must get-the cus tomer into your store to actually buy the goods. That's ali there 1s to it Easy, isn't it? 5 There are well detined rules for do- ing all this but those rules bave to be learned. After those rules haye been acquired, you must apply psychology and many other olgies to get the desired results, the kind of results that has bulit large fortunes for Wan-. maker, the great department store merchant, and others. To treat this question in e spirit of fun is like a butcher trying to undertake the prac- tice of a Physician. He may lt; know how to Carve meat but he does not know how to cut out your appendix so -successfully that you can live af rds essary. pe NS Outside salesmanship means adver- tising that brings business. In this category You must put your newspap- er advertising that. is to say, you put your newspaper advertising in that class if t produces results. It Hia-this-production-of-results. that. fall the difference, Only advertising space that contains real salesmanship will get real returns. And the con- struction of that salesmanship makes all the difference between success and failure. The writing of successful advertis ing s an art or science like photo- graphy or medicine. it cannot be used successfully by any one who has not studied it as closely a -any other fart or science. The man who, there- fore ,tries to practice it for fun is on ly wasting his money and time. You should not allow an untrained clerk or amateur to come into your store arid sell your goods to your best, customer. And yot would call anyone else who was guilty of such foolish- ness, lt; bad merchant. Further you would not expect a clerk Whom you had engaged to sell groceries, to com- Pound prescriptions. or repair wat ches, It is just the same with adver- tising salesmanship. - Unless . you know the rules of the business. you cannot successfully write ads that are absolutely sure to bring customers in- to your, store and money into your cash drawer. If you are in business for fup it is wise to write your own ads for there Hs-nothing easter or funnies than to spend your money on newspapers foolishly, But if you are in business ned, and properly put up house. Something originally designed and homelike ,.and worth the money every time. FOR SALE 3 moderate pric- ed houses. 1000 cash will ban- dle any of these. - 2 first-class thoroughly mod- ern houses close in. See me if you want a house. City Sale Stables s Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses or Sale Light and Heavy Draying Hay for Sale Fred McClain - Phone 85. Prop. D.D.D. remedy. Chas, S. Pingle, Drug- gist. LOOK HAPPY Yesterday is dead forget it. Tomorrow does not exist don't worry. + Today is here use it. How? Let us tell you with that new spring hat or new suit we gown, eee i vertainly make a pleasing photu of you. New designs for spring. THE BARTLETT STUDIO 213 Fourth Ave. Over Binning s Store. EGU. LATIONS. (COAL mining rights of the Dominion. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Province of British Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of 1 an acre. Not more than 2,560 Acres will be leased to one applicant. - Simmonds CARPENTER axp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No, 335. W. A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Estabished 1882) Winnipeg. Lethbridge, Medicine Hat - A. B, Gibson, C, A, Manager, Phone No. 198 Burns Block House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260: J.J. LAIT 16 MONTREAL STREET Application for s iease must bet made by the applicant in person to the Agent cr Sub-Agent of the, dis- ict in which the rights applied are situated. ee In surveyed territory the :and must be described by sections, of legal sub- divisions. of sections, and in ungur- Yeyed territory the tract appiled or shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application must be accom- panled by a fee of 5 which will te re- funded if the rights applied *or are net available, but not otherwise, A royalty shall be paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of fiv. cents per ton, The person operating the mine shal furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of merchantable-coal mined and pay the royalty, thereon. If the coal mining rights are being operated, sr ch returns should, be furnished at least once a year. 2 The lease will Include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to. purchase whatever avall- able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the rate of 16.00 an acre. For full information application should be made to the Secretary of the Department bf the Incefior, Ot- tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of, Dominion lands. W. W. cORY, Deputy Minister of the Interior N. B Unauthorized pubiteation of this advertisement will not be pald for Sept. 14-D-6m. one to write them for you who knows how to bring customers to your store Land, lt;incidentally, sw ll your bank account, peteeeees sees + THE LACROSSE: * e OUTLOOK : financial backing bebind, the four clutis im the Domininn Lacrosse -Unien and reater population to nespond. toitha right Kind of play the cast has little to fear irom the far west. Indeed the reverse is what the public may look ontos, and mow sporting editor of the rancotver-Province, struck town yes terday be was at once hailed by the hasty Ones as the agent of Com. Jones of Vancouver, and isterest in che 1a- crosse situation rose to Gover heat, Het it Js altogether likely that Si Grif- fith, who made such a successful trip Jest year, will put im am appearance in the course of a few days. Those in the know figured that he is after enough players to make tp a full) team, and they certaily pick the good) ones, for the list, including Powers, Stogg, Barnett, Kalls, Braden and Dandeno of the Torontos, Kinsman, Graydon and McGregor of the Tecuni- scha, the Scotts of, Montreal, Pringle of Ottawa and Sarazerin of Nationals, It is a good thing to tiave a good Hist to start with, but the Tecumseh tunch need wot be considered, as Chur- Ye Querrie bas theni as scturely sign- ed, scaled and delivered, and as for the eastern players they are needod there by the Trish-Canaiians and Na Gonats, and will probably be-divided: up between the two teams so that all that -is left is the five Torotitos, and before their tickets are bought for the west there will be metty fight whist, but keep away from. writing advertisements that are not only was- ting your time but preventing your, store from getting that Increased suc- fcess to. which it is entitled, Ifyou cannot readily get. a local man to Construct yopr ads, subscribe to a syndicated advertising service. There are several on the market. These services are supplied in series, of fifty-two with fifty-two copperplate electros of the illustrations, one for each week fn the fear, at prices rang. ing from one dollar per week up. M1 lof the advertising in those services thas been classed a sequal to the best that hag made success for the big city department stores and national ad- vertisers. Some reduced facsimiles of this-kind-of-advertising-may be-seen t res of the-game-of boxing which at the top of this column. This syndicai i advertising - ser- vice puts within the reach of even the smallest retailer, advertisements that he could not obtain individually for many hundreds of dollars. They are constructed by iien who have a coun- try wide reputation as retail adver- tising experts and -who are paid large salaries not only for thefr skill but for thelr experience in constructing just such advertisements as have made. success for thousands of merchants in the same position as yourself. Full particulars of what is prob- ably the most successful of those ad- vertising- services. may be obtained from the editor of this newspaper. earnestly advise retatlers-to make early application for only one service can be Sold in each town and if you are a live merclant you ate certainly losing money every day you are with- out such a cervice. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. Pe a WORLD of SPORT Stagg had a grouch all last season and would tc the most Hikely one to) accept an oflerto go west, but it is hand to see where Powers has time to get away with steady job the yeur ae Crosse team to manage in the summer Toronto, April 6. With the best of and a hockey team to manage in the winter. As for Dandeno, Barnett and Faligy-the. Toromtos need tem - all;, and need them pbadiy, so it is unlike- 4y that they will do amything with Con. Jones represeutattive before they intesview the management of the Tor- ontos. - toe gare. Tt nearly: oxtinteted the heavy- While the westerners are aliter do- zen they are pretty neatly sure to lose six of their men. Th? Tosontos have signed Len Turpbull, Buck Marshall aid Clif Spring, and will make things interesting beiore they will tet Fitz- Beraid get away. In an interview yes- terday Mr. Hewitt said Johnny Ho- wand had signed with New Westein- ster and was sure to stay on the coast, but along comes a despatch from Montreal thet the great point Player ihnd signed contract sent) itien several days ago by. Kennedy of the Irish-Canadian team nd had telegra Phed that he was: coming Lome, end Tastly Newsy Lalonde will ba in Momt- real in w few weeks, emi it) is good et that he will ye found playing wit) cone of the Montreal teams this eca- son, TURF GOSSIP There have just tea fifty rumups of winners in selling, maces et Charleston since the opening of tthe mesting, an average of almost ome for every day that the meeting bas run. The total of the run-ups sig, 18,945, of which amount the Charlestown Fait and Rai- ing Association receives half, the, re: If you are really bent on fun, Mr. peal of the law Retailer, try baseball or- solitaire passed the lower Pittsburg, played half-back + Vanderbilt University football team mainder going to the owness ol thy second horses, The racing season at Kentucky will open at Lexington on April 27, with eleven days: Louisville, with fifteen days, will begin operations on May 1), and Latonia will start twenty-five days Sestion on Decoration Day. The various stakes have fillcd well and 9 higher quality of racing is looked for. The dest horses Juarez are on theix way to the Blue Grass region. Murs Cassidy will handle the tarnier at the Jamestown meeting, which be- ging om April 8. Alter that he will do the starting ou the Ketitucky tracks. Promoter L vy is erranging an at- tractive progr jiame tan Jamestown, and is receiving encouragement from all classes of horyemen. There will ts no interference with ypeculation at the Virginia track Save That Boxing Has Been Aided New York Fight Commis- sion Makes Public its First Annual Report. ch created it of the legislo- ture gnd is now pending in tha senate. The abolishment of the commission special messages that it be repealed. She law bas been criticized, ms al- 80 the commission, says the report. It has, however, been that kind of criticism that should mot affect gt; whe condition or the control of boxing in the governor and the legislatiors have Been upplauded Sor the stend original- Iy taken in tuming over to the ytate the control of this form of exercise. Tbe work of the state athiletid comp mmission fhas entirely) eliminated fea- were so prevalent tiefore the commis- diced to a small. factor gambling. Public gambling s today. unheard of where sanctioned bouts are held. The state through this commission lids conttolled a-sport that was -be- lieved-impossitile to control, and thiere 43 nota State in the union that has mot watched with great imterest the work of the New York state athletic commission. The outs conducted un- der the present regulacion are a gredit voithe state, As each month goes on the com- mission fin s anvimprovement in its work, and kuows that the clubs. are mote closely living up to dts reytire- meots; that no betting id ullowed, and that fake bouts have disappeareddnd/ boxing and sparring on its proper plane as a manly sport. RSSEBALL NOTES Fred Clarke, the Pirate's manager, after careful deliberation has decided, to play John Miller on first base, as ina short fime the public will sce/+ not to let the year close with- out installing a piano in your home, Ther is uothing that So fits In with the pleasures of the family. If no one plays then get a Player Piano, We carry a yarlety of makes at a: varlety-of prices and sell on easy terms. THE ASSUUBOIA MUSIC COMPANY eae ay Main Street Ss QUITE SHOCKING. We haye many shocking devices ii- vented for the comforts of the mod- ern home. Our large stock of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES covers every requisite for the in- stallation of heat, light or power, of whatever-magnitude. Our prices; too, are shockingly low. Medicine Hat Electric COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE. 430 The Harvard Talloring Co. Announces having purchased the entire stock of a large mer- chant in the clty- who is retir- ing from business. Sale commences Monday, March 3 at 9 o clock. The stock consists of Gents and Ladies Boots, Clothing, Gloves, Trunks, etc. This stock will be sacrificed at 85 cents on the dollar. BE ON TIME for the e bar- gains. The proprietors don t expect this stock to. last very. Jong. So remember time an 312 Fourth Avenue x Opposite Dreamland FORMALINE FOR SMUT : 50c .. Quart 25c.... Pint DON'T RAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS S.C. BLACK MINORCAS Thompson's lets Barred Rocks. a Fauld s Canada s Best 8. C. Black Minorcas. Indian Runner Ducks, Eggs for Hatchirg 3.50 and 5.00 per setting. Stock for Sale. Poultry Supplies. ney 01 Feerless Incubators and brooders. Daniel s Hot Wa- ter Incubator. V. MORRISON P. 0, BOX 815. PHONE 255. 215di mo. . R. 8B. Faylior s Transfer Light and Hea Pivmpt Atienton to all orders Plano Moving with Piano Yau a Spectality. Pareels Delirerea. PHONE NO. 349. HOTSON LEADER CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A: BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. book rte foot + ts e CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. ary OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 868, - 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graved Mike Donlin is needed in the. outfield, Clarke will put McCarthy on second base, with Wagner at short and Bryne at third. Carey and Wilson will be Donlin's co-workers in the ontfield. The Pirate chief believes this combin- ation will be hard to beat. The seven outfielders on the two Boston teams, Speaker, Hoop r, Lewis Repnickson, Miller, Jackson and,Came pbell cannot be duplicated in any city that supports two major league teams. Doc Miller of the Boston, Nationals is wearing a rubber slifrt to take off some excess weight. He wore it in morning practice at the camp and kept it on through the afternoon hitting outfielder, and he had to quit the game in the ninth and hike to his hotel to relieve himself of the shirt. Most of the other men in the training squad felt the oppressive heat and quit play tired out. Competition of the United States Baseball announced was announced in Chicago Saturday by W. C. Nics- sen, who said that Chicago had been Siven the franchise in the league, which was under consideration by New York men, Inability to procure a park in New-York, Mr. Neissen said, jgave the place to Chicago. The lea- gue now includes Pittsburg, Cincin- nati, Cleveland, Washington, Broo yn, Richmond, Va., Read Chicago, The first game s scheduled to be played the latter part of April at the North Side bali park. Vin Campbell, the new outfielder secured by the Boston. Nationals from on the when he Ww: tion. Most of the big league clubs have now started on their trip north. attending that tnetite - Wardrobe LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. DRY CLEANED, Phone,740 H.B. Curtis BUILDER and CONTRACTOR Plans Prepared. Estimate Free, aus Braemar St.) F.S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Grav l and Sand for Sale. Phone No, 415, Box 31. for. the Dally News. P, O. Box 525 Light and Heavy Horses for sale at J. Pettit hone 727. Box 781, SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANy person sho is the sole head of e family,er any male over 18 years old, may hemestead quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency ivr the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, om certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, of intending hemesteader. Duties. Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and decupied by him or. by his father, mother, som, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesfeader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter-section alongside his home- stead. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties, Must reside upon the Lomestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead en- try (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty wcres extra, A homesteader who-has exhausted js homestead right and cannot ob- in a pre-emptio: may enter for a purchased homestead dn certain dis- trictse- Price 3.00 per acre. Duti e Must reside Bix months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B, Unauthorizea publication of this advertisement will not id for. Sept. 14-D-6m * will sell B the morni Also the r * careful an Post Offic 25 Ibs fc
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Image 561 (1912-04-08), from microfilm reel 561, (CU1771232). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.