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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ch 27th 1912 Vhite- Wyandotte oughbred, prize y each. D. Chat- ( or Bowell. 219-43 ots and three mod eon, Lots 18 and site, 3 new frame will be sold en se third down and mged to suit the to Wm, Ansley, 643. Highland St, 217d, milch cow, also Apply D. Cam- 16-46 )0 bushels of seed ax 1.00 per. bush- mn and not-frosted, hmidek, Coleridge, 212412 iD WHEAT FOR 10 days earlier at, clean and free ple on request. 8 Bros... Bowell P. K-Ap. 18 om house on hill. water, gas, 4200. ) like rent, Apply lsgatt HING Heavy win- ins, Barred Rock 2 fine tmported bred Buff Orping- ag. Address T. EL St, or phone 95. 2o7ate CO, Live Stock sctioneers, 519 Tor les every Friday at 1 o'clock. Ranch es conducted any- rniture sales con- Consult us, our ex- isposal free. H. B. Toronto St. 182dtt ANEOUS irella Corsets made uaranteed against ig. Phone 694 or 2. Mrs. Jean Mat- , Main St, 20241mo ntlemen s cast-off old- gold, silver, , and all kinds of . Best prices paid. d Pressing Co., rear Wednesday March 27th 1912 Wfoefoefoefoate cage ate-cgosgestestestosts ye Dy tates bs e toate * x ns BASEMEN PLENTIFUL MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Reefeeteag nino on S PORT NEWS 3 cassencassRsUUasaaocogsbiiiecesesiioess esa oS saree OPENING DATES Rooeio ete onde atone eto atette desea ele ee eves ate ae te ee ie sina Se ee tooo as wns) New style models now ready. Beyond the sha- dow of a doubt the smartest, cleanest tail- ored and best. fitting clothes ever shown here. We are exclusive agents. eae Turpin Bros. The Man's. Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth RACING Jockeys and: he Weabsore In- cluded in Workmen s Compensation wick in November ond mashed up Luxembarg and company in a trum- pery plate, aud the utmost recommieit: dation of him on the took is hat thissfast mace was his best, a1 sug- improvement in the future. But BOXING New York Boxing Board The inclusion of traingrs and joc- keys in. the workmen's compensation act. in Queensland has, caused the rac- ing clubs in that Australian State to policy which covers: jockeys and train- ers. who have been imjured on the course, The fcc is adoltar, mii of which is bane by the horseowners and the balance by the astociation. The Executive hough has covered it- self by increasing the fees. For in- stance, the bookmakers pay 20. in- stead of 10, registration fees have fbcen increased. The jockeys and train- jers feos were doubled, and the per- centage on the added mduey, which was formerly half per cent., increas- ed to one per cent. The scheme has operated most suctssfully and ami- cably to all parties. London, Daily Mail: Wonderful tales are rife about what Warfare, the new Lincolnshire favorite vice Spanish: Prince, con do with the dear depart- ei Eton Boy at their tmnrticap+ m- posts. So remarkable ere thise yams that the suspicion axibes whe ther a little Oriental imagination has not ben ab work, as so frequently. happens in. the case of private won- ders in big handicaps. Warfare belongs to this category. For a potential: Lincolnstire. his form is wretched. Seven feilures, some of an abject character, compzis- ed his record when he went to Five Men After First Sack J ob With Browns Handicap stepdards) They could Ju win the race with a postage stamp up, a the saying is. Conse quently it-behoves ts to examfine the Wartar question from other aspecta. One + prowide for them under-gn insurance Back in the (good old days of Fred Swindell, Say , a case like this would have presented no mydtery, but the present generation of owners seam to) be more impatient in their methods. Not one in fifty thinks of deliberately putting a horse by for a yaar or over fora particular coup. Something of the get-rich-quick plan now enters into the business. Mysterp and imagination are each powarful magnifiers, and together they would make q Mont Blane out/of a worm cast. Warfare is a mystery horse to the extent of lack ng. all book justification for his: favorit- ism, and H-imagimation ims not been playing tricks with his abilities and his connections have mot been deosived an animal improving out of all know- lodge from three or four years of age. Such transfortsations ere not uncom- imon ainong younger horses, but it rarely happens that a three-year-old mmakes abnormal progress between Manchester and Lincoln. The anual anticipations of the Lon- don Sportsman's pecial commissioner with regard to the classic, races of the year, are made from a study of pedi- greas,, subject always to the individual promise of the animals cancernad. On this basis, his conclusions are: Two Thousand Guineas Absurd, Lom, Coriander, with the possilliity that Coriander, if his forgjaints do not interfere, may be the Lest of the when this ia admitted ani duly +: Working Hard to Save Act in towed for, what are such aavars 4s the Game. Lweembourg and the other viccims oi a 5 Watlare wisn judged by Lincola: The new rules forthe protection of th public which Attends bouts under ts jurisdiction, were adopted by the New York State Athletic Commission the boxing commission yesterday, One rule provides that If contest is der of the commission for an infrac- tion of the rules of the commission or of the laws goverming boxing, the club at which the bolt Is held shall hold all box office recelpts for a per- fod of 48 hours, pendimg the decision of the commission as to the disposi- tion of the money. The commission advises all spectators to hold their seat coupons until the decision is rendered. This action was taken as the result of the stopping of the bout on March 18, between Leach Cross of New York and One-Tound Hogan of California, at. the Madison Athletic Club, when Charley White, the re- feree disqualified Hogan for hitting in the clinches, This was practically no contest, as the bout was called jort in the Urst round, amt trturare tty is believed the commission will order money paid for Seats to be returned to the. spectators tinder similar con- ditions... The second rule adopted to prevent the sale of fickets at more than the advertised price reads: Prices of admission tickets to the club shall be printed in large type above the ticket seller's window and shall not be varied. Carpentier, the Frengh middleweight, fought Jim Sulliven he entered che must be one gay boy. The night he ring wearing a pink bathrobe, and on his head he hada Panama hat. He was whistling the Marsailaisc and after waltzing avound the ring and waving his hand at some friends in ve, 202d1mo ES AND GENTS ng, shoes, watches, olvers, valises, sult sical instruments, rat waggons, bug- nicyeles, carpenter ces and furs, horse athers, bought and Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite e. P.O. box 701 dest Prices Paid for 23Du. HAT HIDE, FUR The above have selection of Second he city. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness; ine of winter goods. ng mentioned above prices. Call at 504 L or Phone 87. tf 3S CARDS. G MACHINES and nning Pianos and and to rent All nee. W. J. Fleming, ett, B.A.Sc. 1 Engineer,.: berta Land Surveyor Spur Railways, Sewage, as, Ete. icine Hat, Phone 454 Irrigation, Cleaning ing Co. fice, Fourth Avenue. Patent ter lband mht a Sold for and Delivered. HARRIS, Proprietor. Paperhanging. ; Stewart. opposite Binning ) - id REGULATING repair undertaken at ge consistent with ip. 4 rk Guaranteed: A. ADSIT . 505 Main of foo printing try the EPEEEEEEEE EE Eee t George Five men are after the first base Stovall, Former Manager of Cleveland Naps, - Apparently Has Place Tucked. Away in His Jeans. position of tht St. Louis Browns. Last year 1f-count them Iffguen tried wut for the jot, and only big Joe Ku- tina, the ex-Southern Michigan leaguer stiowed form enough to hold down the job. Now,- though-he is- being turned into a catcher by, slow degrees, be is still eligible for the place. First and foremost, an odds-on fav- crite for the initial sack is George Stovall, late. Nap, now.a great fac- Ror im the Browns hopes of losing the Const league. The Baseball Season of 1912 League. ristem title. Naturally, he is looked ufon as the almbst certain octupant i the first resting spot, but this does mot deter three other young tien from going after it. Tennant, Damig and Miller are the three hardy souls that would like to oust Stovall. Just) what show they stand depends ap. parently on whether or mot Stovall takes to aeroplaninig as a pastime. Were it not that such words would be considered heresy, one would per- haps be so daringias to say that there is a bare possit iily-of Wallace having strengthened his -teagn.-Some -of the. men picked up late last season, not- ably the two Southern Michigan re- crits, Kutina and Compton, showed ) to advantage, while Danzig, Tenmant and Wares-have good records in the Derby Lomond, Lom, Montrose I1. The next best is Cylgad, but 10 chance is conceded to White Star. Ome Thousand Gu neas Combina- tion, Belle Isle, Alope Oaks Bill and Coo, Combination, Belle Isle. St. Leger Lomond, Lom, Corian- der. i Joim J. Hyland, one of the best known trainers of thorobreds in this country, has accepted an offer to train for Baron Oppenheim in Ger- many this year and will receive a 16,41 090 selary, Hyland wN vail next Wednesday and will take the. placa of James H. McCormick, who has been compelled to give up his contract be- cause of ill health. Hyland for many years handled August Belmont t horses, but finally became q free lance until he was engaged by the Fleisoh- manns. A week ago George Odom re- fused an offer from Baron Oppenkeim, giving as a reason that he preferred fo ace in America and Canada. PTH EEE Eee TT EET EE ring and on the stage for the next two years, was the offer made to Kilbane, featherweight champion, ight promoter. McCarey s proposition boxing bouts except those staged by him at.his. Venice arena and also to fill all stage engagements contracted by McCarey, as well jas to take the prin ipa part in moving one of Johnny's opponents and the others will be boys developed by McCarey. realizes the earning capacity of his champion as well as anyone and know it would be foolhardy to tle up Jobnny for two years, espec- ially as the offer is not definite, it not specifying whether Kilbane is to box-ten. times.or. twenty times... ok BIG OFFER TO KILBANE + a + Fifty thousand dollars in cash for his exclusive services in the. +f + by Thomas McCarey, the sf. . + requires that Kilbane take part in no -f ae picture plays. Abe Attell will be + + + It is probable Jimmy Dunn will not accept the proposition. He ty * + + hs + Opening Date. Closing Date No. gs. Ausdinas Aeabeatlcas 5 ning Soph aa X British Columbia will also have American League . April 11 Oct. 6 j54 Dlenty of thoroughbred racing in Appalachian League May 16 + Sept. 7 10g eae: , Ia tact, the coming, eezon: Blue Grass League . May 1 Sept. 4 130 Promises to be the bestin the his- Canadian League May 14 Sept: 2 312 tory of the sport in (B.C. Yor besides Carolina Association April 25 apt Fiettie neveral meetings which witi be+ Central Association .. May 1 Sept. 2 199 held at Minoru Park during the sum- Central League . April 24 Sept. 2 39 mer, the announcement-ts made that Connecticut League April 26 Sept. 15 130 Victoria will also hold a series of Cotton States League .. Apri 14 Aug. 28 120 meetings. . The Victoria meets will International League April 18 Sept. 22 154 be held in the fall, The horses will Kitty League .- May 28 Sept. 28 120 take. in Vancouyer after the conclus- Mid-Continent League . Apri . 23 Sept. 2-. 134 1op of the Spokane meeting ini June, National League April 11 Oct, 6 -, 154 and will race off on most of July and New England League ... April 19 Sept. 7 126 August. Then the ponies will be New York State League April 26 Sept. 8 126 shipped to Victoria and there will be Northwestern League .. April 16 Sept. 29 190 racing -a t the. -B.C.--capital right Ohlo-Pentisylvania League . May 15 Sept. 2 126 th ough till after the exhibition races Ohio State League . April 24 Sept. 8 140 at the nd of September. More mo Pacific Coast League : April 2 Oct, 27 212 ney will be distributed in purses on South .Atlantic League April 18 Sept. 2 120/ the British Columbia tracks than ever Southeastern League April 15 Aug. 24 114) before, and.they expect the best class Southern League ..- Aprib 11 Sept. 15. 140 of horses. Victora will start out Southern Michigan League . May 8 Sept. 8 126 with the pari-mutuel system of bet- eee eee April 12 Sept. 2 y 146 ting, the same as,at Vancouver. 0 Agrit25 Ang. 24 90 Ss oe a eae aes Teague May 2 Sept. 8 140 rele Tri-State League . May i Sept. 4 112 INTER-VARSITY RACES United States League . May 1 Sept. 20 126 (0: ADP, Cablayst ee ees at eects 120) London, March 27. Both the inveer- ee Sore Bert, 20 168 Jorsity crews were tested out by, Wisconsin-Illinolg. Longue... May 1 Sept. 15 140 F scratch crews yesterday and by the tase with wii counted - for a strong Leander- boat they became favorites, One of the: Cambridge boats caught acrab badiy when rowing against London club eight. Little. public interest. ie being taken in this year s race, probably owing to wretched conditions during training but also becguse of the recognized su- periority of the dark blues. The race is rowed at half past two next Saturday afternoon, LIVERPOOL RACES (C. A. P. Cable) London, March 37. It is officially Weated that the Liverpool races will be held as scheduled, opening Thurs- day. the ctowd, statted to fight, In four miniutes of work - -knockel out Sul- livan. Pittsburg Gazette: Abie Attell took down the bigger shate o, the receipts when he fought 1 Murphy, and that no doubt will be the last big end of the purse he will get on any) figlit of consequence, fot Abie is no. longer the champion. Ina short ing into-the jay towns to met the local champions, just like Battling Nelson and all otter good champions who have preceded him on their road Ao pugilistic oblivion. The New York State boxing com- mission are apparently going to save the game in their territorp, The board apparently: kmow their business and are doing their duty both by the pub- lic and the Boxers. They have al- ready climinated the rough-house style, which permitted hitting in the clinches, amd the breakaway, which is. prize-fgiting, or aothing better than: a. street brawl. The commission- ers are considering the holding up of purposes ont boxers who fowl parposely and thus patrons would gecure their money Back at the box office. stopped by the Feferee or by the or- *neut-broeds while we will -be hearing of Abie go- CHICAGO BENCH. SHOW OPENS. OPENS. Chicago, Mar. 27. The eleventh annual bench show of the Chicago Kennel Club opened in the First Re- giment Armory to-day and will con- tinue until the end of the week. Both in the number and high class of ent- ries the show this year surpasses all of the previous exhibitions given by the club. A special feature is the presence of Walter H. Reeves of Lon- don, England, and. H.-E. Packwood, president of the English Collie Club, who will judge a number of the pro- STANLEY CUP GAMES SET FOR DECEMBER Pacific Coast Champions Will Be Given Dates with Quebec Next Season. Vancouver, March 27. There wil be no more matches for the Stanley Cup this spring, an Ottawa despatch jeays, The challenge of the New West- minster team, champions of the Pac- Pacitic Coast Hockey League, has been accepted by the trustees, and Quebec Wil be-ordered to defemd-the-trephy next December before the opening of the National Hockey, Association -ser- ies. Although Frank Patrick has not, yet received and definite assurance from the East himself; patch from the capital declares that arrangements have been completed for the Pacific Coast trip of Art Ross all-star hockey team. A hitch arose last week .in-connection with the guarantee, but that matter has been satisfactorily adjusted, and the team will leave for the West next Monday. Fred Taylor, Who did not go to New York or Boston with the Ottawas, re- ceived a wire from Art Ross, who is at New York, stating that everything was in readiness. Taylor, Ronan, Shore and Lesuer will represent Ot- a press des- . values in Medicine Hat. First Come First Served. 390 TORONTO STREET. TO FLAG WAVERS Truth Calls on Dominion Gomera Scitn ning Nev. on Estal lishing av- al Bees. QW. A. P. Cable) London, March 27 Truth com- menting today on Dr, Vrooman s re- cent Royal Colonial Institute lecture, says: Before British Columbians come to London beating the Imperial drum they ought to insist on the Dominion government keeping a nay- al base on the Pacific coast ready for the immediate use by the British fleet. : you, Mr. Investor. Ask others who They Til agra Be yhe First. Fine view lots facing Braemar St., 75 feet, block 61, Old Townsite 2200.00, Terms. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE WILL SELL IT We are the Farm Land Compan Fl GUNTHER LAND COMPANY + PHONE 171. TODAYS MARKETS. f (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Winnipeg, Man., March 27. The fgl- lowing are the market quotationsfor today: Winnipeg Markets, Wheat May (old): 101 7-8, 102; May (new) 101 7-8, 101 3-4; July 103, 103. Oats May 46 1-2, 46 1-2; Yuly 45 3-4, 45 3-4; Ex. No, 1 feed, May ALTS Al 38. rice Flax May 190 3-4, 190. July close 190 1-2. Cash Prices. 1 Nor, 99 1-2, 2 Nor. 96 1-2, 3 Nor. 92 1-2y-4 Nor. 85, 5 Nor. 73 1-2, 6 Nor. 62, feed 52 3-4, W. 44 1-4, No. C. jtawa, While Ross and the two CTee- horns will be the Wanderer contribu- tions, Moran and Malone going trom Quebec. Joe Hall may also be in- cluded in the party. Walter Smaill Quits Hockey. Victoria, March 27. Victoria s first, ice hockey team has broken up and some of the players will never don Jocal colors again, Bert Lindsay, the diminutive goalkeeps lit out for Renfrew, his home town, the day af- ter the last game, and Skinner Poul- in, one of the scrappiest little wings in the business, went over to Vancou- ver, and after seeing the game there hied himself home to his ranch in Calgary, Donald Smith, Tommy Dunderdale and spare man McAuliffe will stick around until the all-star games are played before departing to their homes in th East, while Rowe and Patrick ate settled here per- manently by the looks of. things. Wal- ter Smaill is-qnoted as having said that he las played. His last game. ot ,t hockey, gnd although h Hus 2 good position as membership secretary of be Y. M..C.A, it is reported that Walter contemplates leaving Victoria this summer, He was 5,en-ih earnest conference with Dr, Brown, inferna- qualified One-Round Hogan for not hreaking cl an in the bout with Teach Cross the othtr might New York City; he enforced the rule with level-headed judgmet, eee to Boxing Comtnissioner John J, Dixon of New York State. What is a clean break? said Mr. otdered to break clean by tie raferes, they must step away: from each other without attempting to strike a blow. There is no specificl distance they must step back, but according to the fasual positian for sparring which ia lassimed when q bout begins, There should be room. fog the referve * step Vetween the men alicr they have been ordered to break. When you see o man back away, a few inches from bis opponent ond then hit, you know thut he is trying to take advatitage of a technicality and isn t imbued -with with real sports- manship. In such cases;-I believe a referee ie justified in warnlog a man, and if the offence becomes flagrant, dispalification must follow. The Frawley law was passed to promote and improve boxing, sot rough-House slugging and brotal tactics. The state commission, after watching many outs, passed a rule against holding nd hitting on the treaknway. Thati was a move culculated to make contestants box for points in way to entertain the public. It cannot be denied that q lange majority of iti- tsis who attend glove obtests prefer clean boxing to rovglichouse work. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department, EASTER RATES FARE AND ONE-THIRD IS RATE SHRINERS TO GET CHEAP RATES TO IMPERIAL COUNCIL The Easter holiday excursion rates g. into effect on April 4th and will fp good maturing to April 10th. There have teen many inquiries for the rates at the local ticket office which would seem to indicate that many are plan- city. The rates are good going tilf ning to spend. the Easter out of the: the 8th and the fare will be one and a third for the round trip with special rates to non-resident pupils and school teachers. Special rates have been granted from points in Alberta and B.C. to the Im- perial Council aneeting of the nobles of the Mystic Shrine which will be beld at Los Angel s in April and May. Tt is expected that there will bea num- er of Madlicine Hat Shriners take in the trip, The rates are good going from Apyil 27 to May 2 and are good for 60 days, W 28;-Bx-No3-feed-88-4-2-No-t feed 38 1-2; No. 2 feed 56, - No. 3:66; No, 4, 59; reject- ed; 47; feed 46. American Markets. Minneapolis. Wheat May 107 1-4, 107 1-8; July 108 5-8, 108 +2; Sept. 1011-8, 101. Chicago. Wheat May 104, 104 3-4; July 99, 96 1-2, 98 7-8; Sept. 96 5- C.P.R, APPOINTMENTS MANY PEG OFFICIALS ARE BOOS- TED TO NEW JOBS. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Man., Match 27. Thig fol- lowing/Canadian Pacific Railway pro- moti and appointments effective Apr Ist were announced todaye ident Manitoba division, mtide engineer F. F. Busteed, general superintes- in charge of double tracking end grade revision west of Calgary with luadquarters at Kamloops. C. Coleman at present in charge of car service to be generat anata dentManitoba division. ' duced Walter to become a physical director, If it is true, and the au- thority is-good -- Small wil transfer. his home to Springfield, Mase., where he,Will take up a course of study for his new work. SOME STARS AMONG SOUTH AFRICANS estat that they Will be ious Competitors at young glant, He is Phil Douglas, se- cured from Macon, Ga., Club. Phil shoes, and w lghs Close to 200. to pay umpires 150 a month and trav lling expenses, and there are ov- er a hundred applications for the job. Protty good eoln for a class D cir cult, Inflelder Nebinger, who came from the Pacific Coast/last season and held a number of. berths, Including The Nebraska State League oe tional secretary of- the- . M. C/-Ax A. Hatton at present) Reams physical departments, when the lat- tion department to be superintendent was inthe elty, and tt leaked out BASEBALI. NOTES. of Car service. a 7 afterwards thit Dr. Brown: had in- Des Moines has a catcher who Is romciel pep ans J. C. Holden, a lah coisas division engineer to be dimsion ex- gincer of Manitoba division, C,H. Fox at present resident en-- gineer, Fort Wilthiam; to be assistant, division engineer, Manitobe division. Before titmning oyster soup into the tureen, put Into the dish a heaping one with each of Newark, and Chatta- tablespoonfal of finely minced celery Olympic Games. nooga, will play with Troy this sea- and-half as much chopped parsley: - son, He was the property of Bud The flavor of the soup will be much. New York, March . South Africa Sharpe s team, but Nebinger s tay prove to be one of the chief contenders for honors at the Olym- pic games, according to advices re- ceived by the American committee. are. virtually-unknown here, but are sald to have great pogsibilitie 4 The South Africaris still point pride to the great showing made by Walker, Hefferon and Dunker in tae Olympic of 1908, Their team this Fyear will-consist of eight men. The team ts weak in the sprints, but has two good men Patching and Victor, for the quarter, half and mile. fn the jumping department the Af- miann, who can consistently show 23 feet. They expect to shine in the Marathon with K. K. McArthur, who fs safd to be in a class by Limself in this distance. FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR TO-NTGHT. Young Faylor vs. Pal Moore, 10 rounds, et Ind arapolis. Eddie O'Keefe vs. Joe Coster, 10 rounds, at New York. 7 quest to be permitted to remain in the east was granted by the former Bison general. ? HIS FIRST AND 1. They tell a story of an amiatow: who accepted the Invitation of a vis ors. The local prodigy mounted. the thing in his ear. his first appearance in any ring. floor out. The announcer raised his hand eo + ppoarance in any ring. Patsy Cline, 10 Tommy Houck vs. rounds, ai New York. i tS OO and gave his name to th announcer. ducing him the amateur tugged at his sleeve and whispered some- Kid Binks desires me to state, He stepped back and the two men squared. off. ducked a wild swing, led with his right and knocked the amateur 4+ down with such violence that he fairly The beaten yolk of an gg added to any ream soup just betore it is serv- ed will improve its flavor, AST APPEARANCE sh hobo beet stooh ir pugilist in a small town in Ohio iting professional tu meet all com- stage, olimbed.through the ropes As the announcer was intro- said the announcer, that this tof. The professional spattered when he hit the + The master of ceremonies stood over the fallen one, counting him At eight the dazed youth got up on his knees. in a husky whisper to the snnouncpr. At nine he spoke + * in silence. Kid Binks also desires me to state, he sald, that this is his test +
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Image 494 (1912-03-27), from microfilm reel 494, (CU1771209). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.