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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, April 8t Page-4 cue a ae ee Lok PMpege though he wore dead yet shall he live. 00d for the leader of the Jews by WOR SALE--One J. J. Taylor safe etegeregene Seeger PPro ieee at iveth and bellevers on and 30 they got together meh F at a bargain, Gise 6 20 , Can Poeterecienteetroye es c s me Shall never die Have We risen patched up the matter up with thy be seen at T. J. Flager's Blackemith Bee A G E B R oO Ss fromthe death of ain, If not- the guards who were jluced on guard. shop, or apply to box 22, P.O. a2idtt a L P call comes to us as truly as to Lazar- They were to tell chat they fell asleep ; NOTICE from eane x 6 i h Core Fl ous, Come orth out of the tomb and while they were usleep some one . room house on bill. x The One-Price Cash Store and he will free us from all the grave- came amd took Chris's body awmy for The Less Keller Block on Toronto Gus 0 Bath, furnace, water, gas. 4200. x adp clotnes of our sins. Are we living the they fecsived mon) and a promise of St. hasbeen sold fo some railroad men pels t, Found, ete. 1000 cash, balance like rent. Apply 3 go Tisen. life? Seek those things which protection. And 90, said the speaker, headed by John Gillespie for a price) 35 ora a igen tar DOR AR. gate 4 - are above, Bo satiatied only with the hay the, bridsery which oven was tam- 0f 20,000 for 25 feet. Mr. F. F. Fatt 95 era ak opts mot we ne neh In merely pe Ge that oe ten craton wan he formar Over, Monrs Pt 3g Torta: ares Gaye SALE Grocery store and com- oe: ee good. If you bave so risen and are 50 fjords, ne nl Bood living apart - X tiving, ther tucure opens bright etre TEM Me emus. preset SAYS fee Barber put the deal) additional words at same rate. NO/menta above, 1200 will handle this, ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. us.* This Easter morning, this Easter story of the empty tomb ts rich with promise, we go on to a life richer, brighter, nobler Let us enter on it now the balance on easy payments, Apply Box 1249, News ofive, 228012 TTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier 4. C, Beveridge purchased ten lots in Block 8, Cousins Sissons, off Messrs. Turpin and Becker. A TIME To REJOICE The Hester seaxc, the closing: of Tent is mot the time to grow lax af- tor living up to the laws of fasting, WAISTS - HELE WANTED: The Easter music was especially Ghd other good works during the Lem than the Fife wheat, clean and free nS good. In the morning John Tibbat's/ ten season, sail Re: Ee CHASED MUSIC STORE VANTED wo Grwkclase: catpens oa a ae on- request. Buy Your Summer Waists Now While the dp Penutiful Easter Response was sung, at dhigh mass at S' ee 's bao Seid Ac ches cd cents a een ae ee a3 vers Bros., Bowell P. uy as and the anthem was EB. G. VanOrdell s Easter is season of joy HUGH WALLACE TAKES POSSES- steady work, bring tools. McLachlan K-Ap. 18 F Stock is Complete. - phe Bells-of-Bastertide. -a soprano giving, Dut we shoul also make it al SION OF ASSINIBOLA STORE and MoLean, Redclitt, 22943 OR SALB Two pers: GS-OF obligato-part-being taken by Mrs..N. time for good resolutions. We should ON JUNE 1. Fo jots-and three mod- Bas make-a-resolutiqh to ebstaim from sin rn houses thereon, Lots 18 and mre See H - ed man will end, that SS THE CHURCH j ) FIRST BAPTIST. Enster Services in the First Baptist Church Special Music. The Three Ressurections was Rev. . T. Holman s subject in the First Baptist church yesterday morning, and hig text's were: Eph. 5-6, God, when we were dead in sins, quickened us together. with Christ and raised us up.* Cor. 3, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, Cor. 4, 14, He who raised. up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also, by Jesus. Here we have pictured three resur- rections, past, present and future, sald Mr. Holman, a past resurrection when we, who were dead in sin were quickened. togettier with Christ, a present ressurection, for we-were rais- ed. from that death are expected to live with Christ, as those who are so raised from the dead, and a future ressurection to which we look forward when we shall inherit a complete re demption, when we shall no more be torn between the impulses of the old Ufe, which still persists and, the new life which Christ has imparted. With- in our spiritual life two natures tug in opposite directions, The chief sig- thac the we shall be completely re- deemed, on our whole being set upon the accomplishment of righteousness. which we look forward. It is for this reason that me can say, Oh death, thy victory? Though death seems to gain a victory in the overthrow of the accomplishment-of our earthly plans and purposes, it really but releases us to a possibility of more perfectly and completely fulfilling the highest ends of life as eternal beings. ove Dealing further with the subject of the future ressurection, Mr. Holman said, here then we have the assurance that the discord in the life of the Bav- the struggle which rends him shall cease. He. PL that raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also, by Jesus Not only shall nificance of the future resaurection Ts the-one-dearest of all on-earth to you) our faces be set in the right direction, but in that day with every Christ Jesus, the life of unselfishness, of love, of universal altruism. This great truth brings to us deliv- erance from the fear of death. Death is not the end of all things, but the beginning of life unhindered .and un- hampered -by the limitations of the present, Physical death is a matter of comparative insignifigance, a mere incident in the onward progress of the soul, a sharp corner near the beginn- ing of eternity. No, death is not. the end of all things, we journey on toa larger Hfe ang to a better land. This is spring time Easter time. We see life everywhere reasserting it- self, the spell of winter is broken. We think of that Mfe which they tried to bury away in-the Galilean tomb com- ing forth triumphant over the grave the sower of death is broken All winter long vegetation has been bur- ied in the cold earth, but soon the sprouts will shoot up and the birds Will break forth, already the Lilies. bloom again. Praise God, we take it all as an assuranee that the final vic tory is with life and not with death. Life returns, we share that Ute, we can never die Perhaps you have stood by the gruveside of some loved one, perhaps lies there. But in that hour, no pow- er could persuade you that the grave contains all that ever was or would sid, No, it cannot be, it must not be, my loved one lives on tifi Then you side, and ft spoke to you. land petal were written over with God's answer to your art's deepest .quest- fonings, And it sald, Why I died in order to live again. My beauty and form and fragrance and perfection tle seed, a narrow contracted life, and that seed had to die in order that I might now live in my glory and beau- ty, Surely it is ever true with us, life Is not here, but 1 another coun- try and in another world, released ent. * I am the epee PRIVATE SALE For Cash or On Time Sle: San ee oe over 1500 Ibs., true in foal. heavy harness. articles. H.R. One span of work geldings, weight One span of gentle brood mares, heavy One splendid saddle horse, blocky. fillies, one and two years ld. Farm implements, new wagon, set new 100 laying hens, Plymouth Rock. Pekin ducks, guinea hens, and other . Quantity of grain to be sold at once. P. 0. box 337, Medicine Hat, or 8.E. 14-24. 12-6, 2 miles south from post office. 04) and kind. day, and sitf vith bim im gibry4 We too it we live in Christ amd be i Go tine and loyal will bp with Hins in three nice Glory. Peake aoe White Every leat ; have all been dependent upon my . death, for 1 lived inthe tite of-a iit aimee dose should do it unto tise that ultimate reality and purpose of, rom all the limitations of the: pres- resurrection and the life and delivers us from the bondage of e in e. ' e Seotets raestes - to reteeae gees 3 * sree jevenpong special anthems were excel ently; rendered by the choir, Mr. Ort- net taking the solo part of the even- fog anthem, Now is Obrist risen. Rev. E. A. Davis of St. Bampataas gave is last evening s discourse from 1 Corinthians 3 and 20: Now is Christ Fisew fram the dead, and gt; be come the first irnits of them that slept. Tt would indesd be a dark outlook fox the world if the story of the Son of God ended with the placing of the sstone at be door of the sepulchre. We are told that misic will express the human sentiment at certain times in the lives of men when words will not. So we findthat Easter is 2 time of music more than other sca. sons because of the joy in the arts of Christians over the victor of the risen, Lord over the powet of the grave. The Corinthians at the time of St. Paul s letter. to them were under the spell of a subtle beresy. They were beginning to doubt the power of the love of Christ to bring the souls of men to a s nse of their rnined and lost condition to the.sense of their. nesd of a spiritual ewekening from death unto life: Now just as im the days of St. Paul there are men.who Jdo not take God into consideration in their plans for earthly - istence.. They peem eo treat the Almighty as an ivory idol; us if He was. pametiiing to be worshipped but not to be Rt come linto their daily life. But if God should by his many ways raiseuthat/ man to a new way of looking at 1f6 making of him new creation in od once his Eee Now Dissatisfied ith the Actions of the Federal Government. (W. A. P. Dispatch: Regina, Sask., April Sam Moore formerly a- prominent Conservative announced foday his change of heart, he ig living at Swift Current and will be the Liberal candidate in Pinto Creek in the next provincial election: He says he Changei Mis politics be- cause he believs the present Ottawa government is hostile to the West, formerly he edited the Regina West. Slege of Calals, the most magnifi- cent colored war picture ever filmed, at the Monarch Theatre tonight. SUNDAY MORNING. QUIET STARTLED BY SHOOTING (Continued trom. Page 1) Harris said he would give 5 on itt but had to get some change. Mr. Har- ris went for (change?) but brought Constable McGuire, who took Bliss in charge for having stolen property in his possession Mr. Mark Harris was called to give vidence. He said: Bliss came into ;my store Saturday between 4 and 5 o'cloca. Jewels-the watch had. He said he did not know as it belonged to a friend. TE-placed the value of the watch at about 50 or 60 and thought it must be a stolen watch, so I made the ex- cuge to get some change, so I went Sunday School -and-Cholr-of-the-First Sunday school and Choir. den Chorus an Easter Cantata of real I asked him how m ny gt; tween Barclay St. and Railway. Bajtist Church Sing The, Gar- den Choras. At the First Baptist Church tonight what promises to be a most delightful entertainment will be given by the The Gar- merit ts A collection of not less than twenty-five cents, for each person will be received, the pro- ceeds to be used for the Library of the Sunday School. AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT We need not start in to tell you that the Two Orphans ere in mov- ing pictures. It is simply one of the greatest dramas yet acted for moving pictures, The rest of the show in- cludes Her Exclusive Hat, a com- edy that is a roar, four big, reels. Prices the same. Come early SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The annual general meeting of the Medicine Hat Lawn Tennis Club will be held in the court room of the City Hall on Thursday, April 11th, at eight tennis for the coming season are re- quested to be present. 22706 Albert Cook of Clifford and James Durance of Sarnia are visitors from ing the. Easter holidays at the home of Mr. John McNeely. Mr. Addison K. Walker: is in -from the ranch spending Easter with his family. i. The Misses Mitebell, comer of Es- to Box. 1248. Particulars free. Moler System Col- TEACHER WANTED For Nine Mile c clock sharp. All those interested in WANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on ion. Apply 22tatt (ANTED- Good dining . room girl. American Hotel. 226a6t MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN -barber- trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money. lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtt ANTED A delivery boy, one with a bicycle preferred. Apply Bar- ker and Patten. 21gdte TEACHERS WANTED. School District, No. 1600. to commence May Ist. Duties For further particulars apply to Secretary-Treas- urer, Box 966, Medicine Hat. 229a2t-w tf. SITUATIONS WANTED. STENOGRAPHER desires work in the evening. Apply Box 587-Post Office, 22ga6t STENOGRAPHER desires work in the evening. Apply Box 287 Post Office, 22906 XPERIENCED Lady. Stenographer and typist desires engagement. TO RENL QFFICES TO RENT Two fine, large well lighted offices in the News block, suitable for real estate. Best ews Office. gaa3t FOUND Between Medicine Hat and Redcliff, Scotch tweed ulster. Ow- ner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Apply F. Schram, 605 Fourth Ave. 22943 O8T On Sunday a three-cornered atone seal, ard upon return- ing to 612 Toronto Street. 22843 FOUND a ring. Owner please des- cribe same in writing to Box 1243 News Office. 2286 j08T On Sunday, a three-cornered stone seal. Finder please return to 612 Toronto Street. 22843 L FT Bunch of keys in the post of- fice. Finder will please leave at Post Office. 22843 T0ST A small black change puree, containing several bills and child s gold locket and chain. The latter is a Very valuable keepsake. Finder return to C. P. R. ticket offic and get re- ward. 224-tt AUCTIONEERS HH. 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- , Regina, is spesd- Apply Box I241, News office. 22sa2 here House furniture Sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B, Browne Co., 619 Toronto St. 182dtt central thought. All his plans would hinge on what God would have him more'be a painful duty but a delight, a mecessity in his business or plea- jsure. We as Christians should therefore be stedfast in the Tord and know that onr labor is not in vain that every- out and Drought In Comstabte-wMedairey who placed Bliss under arrest: came in and asked if Bliss had been there trying to sell a watch. I ten let the police know of the other par- ty Court was then adjourned until 2 o'clock so that other witnesses might be summoned. The Beanrchone and Blias cases Janade gikSeventh avenue, ere spen- ding a few sesiks of the ZoT sasche down the river: Tue Eternal Masculine, a howling comedy, 100 laughs to the minute, at the Monarch Theatre tonight. Mrs, W. R.. Pentand returned froth California last week, Mr, Reid, of Lethbridge, formerly of: the local branch of the Merchants sOcatOn Ti The city AToUeT COMET fences. tf. SSS HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By English family for ix months, a smal modern house furnished, with stable preferred. . Ap- ply J. Chadwick, Redcliff. 22905 Lond and not for the sake of worlily. gain and humer praise and He will seo that we get our rewand botl bere and hereafter. And again as the He- brews of today look back to the,time when they asa nation were delivered fromthe -bondage-of. the Egyptians so do the Christians look back to the time when Christ rose from the dead die so in Christ all are made alive that the Resurrection was a trutir in the Resurrection of Christ himself, which was thoroughly proven to him by the testimony of the Apostles and others. When Chnist arose he did not appear to only one or two, but appear ed on several distinct occasions, and not only did he appear to the apos- tles but to 00 brethern at one time. to cofaverse with these meni and get at the verp rock bottom truth of the matiter, end so Wwe find hitn/ assuring, the Corinthian church that as Christ Fove from the deatl so would the be- leivers in Christ arize on the last PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH Bribery and Briers were giveit sca- thing denouncement by Rev. Mr. Mor- row im the Presbyterian church lust. evening. IY The oft rep ated statement that ev- ery man had his price bad not only made itself manifest in the present day but wag contained in the scrip- turgs which be pointed out in his text the 26th chajter of Mathew 10th verse, Paul laid the basis of the argument bridge with fh: o'clock. Mr. Freeman and a brother of Bliss , Pat Bliss, gave evidence dut did not throw any light on the maner in. which Beauchane procured the watch. Magistrate Kealy in giving sen- tence, told Bliss that he was equally Hable with Reauchane to-14 years in nitentiary for receiving stolen property, but on ecount: of -his-youth he would put in six months at Leth- To Beauchane: You are evidently a very clever crook in your way and living you shall be mprisoned in Lethbridge jail for a term of one year for theft, and for breaking away when inflawful custody you will get one year also in Lethbridge jail, sen- tences to run concurrently. How Beauchane secured the watch from Mr. Sharp remains a mystery. (Special to the News) Toronto, Ont. Apri 8 The fifty- first annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association opened bere today at the Unifversity buildings for a four days session with an unusual- ly large attendance,. The Ven. Arch- deacon Cody, of Toronto, has consent- ed to deliver an address on Educs- tion in Relation to National Charac- ter and Principal MacIntyre, of the Winnipeg Normal School, will speak on An Efficient Education. Dr. Henry F. Cope of Chicago, secretary of the Religioua Education Association. will deliver two addresses on the sub- Ject of religious educations The speaker with bribery s connected with poli- deat to-some length tics giving maby instances amd telting a, number: of interesting Httle tales to illostrate bis point. To have had it known that Chicist had risem from the eee etesie ie codedestedtedge sepulchre he said would not have been Shilolts Gure duicKty stops couaNe, CURES COLDS, MEALS THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 26 CEN The last Tennis'Dance of the scason will be held in the Opara House onl were taken up this afternoon at 2 Bamk-is-spending Raster inthe city. to show-your mistake in your way of tonight, Four reels. A full hours oe z z May 1st, for the erection of a brick ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL ASSOCTAs yeneor school house 24x28 feet, and TION. outbulidings, Plans and specifications may be A tea and card party im aid of the Quilding fund of St, Patrick's church will be held on Wednesday afternoon and evening at the residence of Mrs. M. Leonard, 280 Toronto strece: The tea will start at 8 o'clock in the af- ternoon and the card party at 8 299.3 Mrs. George Simpson, Central Park, Tuesdays April 9th. Ladies of the pa- rish are cordially invited. Big show at the Monarch Theatre amusement for 1c. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. BreezeMWir School District. PALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned on or before seen at Delink s store, Bowell. sarily accepted. HARRY JOHNSON, Secretary, Apr, Sdit, -L1w t. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Clothes Called for and Deltwered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- Easter Monday. 22843 SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News. fully ufrnished on cost of Papezing The lowest or any tender not meces Bowell. , 2 r-eight room L Press jouse to rent. Must be tiret class-) / t a Vex o 20241mo Box 32 City. 226-46 send card to box 72, Mrs, Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 292d1mo WANTED Gentlemen's cast-off clothing, also old gold, allver, Jewelry, furs, hides, and all kinds of second hand goods. Best prices paid. Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co., rear. WANTED LADIBS AND GENTS* ee ROOMS TO RENT. Roo trally located, 701 Ottawa St. yO RENT Furnished rom, modern, close in, private house, ronto St. Railway street. Phone 529, BOARD AND ROOM. lt;two young men. 824 Third Ave. ae BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ontfit free. Apply to Box 770 city. 0 RENT Suite of rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 822 Fifth, corner of Roy St. 229a3t TO LET Furpished, bath, and cold water,-phone, cen- 0 -, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring opposit 426 To- TO RENT Nice, big, front room; for one or two gentlemen. 421 North Room aNd. BOARD For one or 2agdat first-class cast-off clothing, shoes, watchos, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Gases, stoves, musical instruments, furpiture, Democrat waggons, biig- gies, harness, Ddicyeles, carpenter. tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair,-wool-and-f-athers, bought -and the above. ' HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand ttle best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Hifles, Guns, Re volvers, Wagons, B Harness, and a nice new line goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South: Railway St. or Phone 687. tf BUSINESS CARDS, 230. Ss ce has purchased 49-1a-Block-1,Townsite, : NEW WAIST eo ter Anthem was ane. in Ue sienins. and in glorying: in ti rejoicing of the the Assinibioa Musi Store from Mr. G important position, Good salary houses t,he three will agieuiciee sas cE For this display will present the most in. with much spirit, The Dlending of raising of Chriak fom the dead, also S. McLellan and will take possession to right person. Write to Box bloc for 11,000, One third down and teresting range of styles ever, introduced ees, ont pele a ae ve make it a Gime o :cjoice that wedromlon June Ist. 1250, News, Office, 228d8t bulance can be arranged to suit the by us. Sr ot eeu nines. Baie hie Sen tit le bettie a oa crete ae deem playing the) Tor UUrchasers. Apply to Wim. Anstey, s + s I. a. announced - for some time but ANTED Good Phone No, 269 or 643 Hi a It includes the newest styles in all the sad eee a PRE OR party in aid of th chur ef MraM-Hleaves tomorrow on a trip to Eastern) to deliver parcels and do work Central Park. * ee new spring. fabrics. 3 , ee ee * YRsonard's ome, Toronto strest, on Canade and then his, home jn Scot- Peisrppiesieps sini career too Every effort - range izes, and the prices s Wednesday night. - Base NR New F QT Seeds Ay Te nnne ANTED ee 4 omer pines vee Ee Uae uae He expects to be gone about six MEr. 228dtt, oe chs be made to mak are from .00. le Baste services conducted Ime) ig ghow at the Monarch Thealre Weeks and will then return and take WANTED rom Owner, one or Ahly wih Rig seeps Dp. nce ENE See eels 4 falls Maree ee ee wax old, mel ence im Good Pence nang 06: to oath a 0 . B. F. usement - 01 . L P A G E B R oO Ss. were well attended, the church being al wages, Apply D. Davis, Finn's Lake, ag ik Ee Pe ts bara, EO tory place to d S . so. crowded that a tumber were un- Box 532, Medicine Hat. 22748 R ae ey ade. he z , oi to ge tea Soceatos CONSERVATIVE 10 BE See gt;. 388 Toronto St. - Phone 28 Q, turce ceidkcations of Holy Commmnion aS eS WANTED An orderly for hospital. LOST AND FOUND want your S SOSSSSS PHASES 8,90 and 1 aan. at which y ATE CANTATA TONIGHT Good salary. Apply at hospital, we ELS P i115 communicated. At-matims end LIBERAL CA DIDE 1h ; - 22743 ,O8T Gold locket and chain be- thoughts to. be 7 and to be of W 4 Shoes. se Turpin The Man's Stone Get the Big Doll FOOTBS London, April . F sults of todays league Second division Ramsiey 1,, Birminghe Bristol City 1, Brad o Clapton Osient 4, Ful Derby C. 2, Chelsea 0 Grimsby T. 0, Glosso Hull C. 0. Huddersfiel lei ter F. 3, Burnle Notts F. 1, Stockport Wolverhampton W. 0, Southern League Brighton Hove Alb. 1 Swindon T. 1, Covest Stoke 1, Northemptor Leyton 0, Bristol Ro Norwich C. 2, Westha Crystal Palace 2, Mil - Southampton 0, Q. Plymouth A. 1, Brew Exeter C2, Reading Walford 0, New Bron First division Bradford C. 0, Livery Gverton 1, Notts C. Oldham A. 1, Aston Sheffield W.' 1; Black Sunderland 1, Bury a Wootwich A: 4, Prest WITH THE Eddie Murphy, the Yoxer, says he has a Matt Wells of Englar Al Kubiak, the 3 . Rooms light, heating and full dress making 226-tf classes of inguzance. W. J. Fleming, FOR SALE Olen 881 Mata Strevt, 3 FoR SALE two ight horses for sale, 3 and*4 yer 4. Hy E B: iG; Mottrest Street ansase. 24 artlett, B.A.Sc. SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent All Municipal Engineer, Equal to New. White Wyandottes Apply to L. New and Secondhand Goods Bought/w, MacBean, 611 Ottawa St and Sold White Rocks, Bronze Turkeys FOR SALE Eggs your rooms, Phone 168, Hat, FOR SALE Cockerels, thoroughbred ee ee ae K9G8 FOR SALE Barred Rocks, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone, 454 Brown Leghorns, - gas Jas. Fleming. 226-1mo. for hatching. , All ktuds undertaken at White Wyandottes and Barred the iowest charge consistent Rocks, 1.50 per setting. H. A. Por ter, Finns Lake, Box 191, Medicine 22546 Telephone 63. Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, ater Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Vf Plans, Etc. PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING with CHAS, A. ores lt;8
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Image 559 (1912-04-08), from microfilm reel 559, (CU1771210). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.