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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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aaFeay, JaRUAFY TUS, TOT ns and rooater, aken at ance. 949 agidt TED For latest eet gasoline ght pest and best light Exclusive terri- rmanent business, gary, Alta. WANTED a r three furnished ro housd, suitable ing. Apply to box ib9ate, a , FOUND, 24 is, initials G.B.D. Todd's store Sat- ler kindly phone ibeart less watch tnscrib- dyamith, 118 days jover, H.M.S. Pow- onto St. and Port- to city police. Re- 161d3 9, 2, 4, Evergreen. on colt coming two tripe down face, t hip. Frank Cor- Alta. 161a6 OR RENT T tn Imperial bank eral suites; AU es. Apply Nows 1s4ate TED. to rent, unfurn- 1; no femily; mod- Apply to R. G. 1 Bank, 155-46 DNEERS at red for our reg- on the Market need on goods con- e sale. Apply H. , 366 Toronto St. one 481. See our ewhere of auction ANEOUS ES AND GENTS Dg, shoes, watches, olvers, valises, sult. sical instruments, at waggons, bug- tcyeles, carpenter SUL HOEEY MEET S Pp Oo R T N E WwW S (ua Sse WS ND ZERO PRICES ON THE BALANCE OF OUR MEN'S WINTER WEAR aT + A-FEW REAL BARGAINS. we Coon Coats, regular 97.00, now 76.60. One Coon Coat, regular 95.00, - now 75.00. Ong Coon Coat, 85.00; now 68.00. Ono Fur Lined Cont 140.00, wr 110.00. One Fur Lined Coat 75.00, now 959.00. * We also have a few Sheep Ianed Coats, Felt Boots, Lined Mitts and Gloves, Fur Collars, Fur Caps; that-urust-go. Now s' your opportunity, Turpin Bros. The Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth CANADA A heat little booklet compiled for our customers and made to fit the vest pocket, containing game laws of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta and British Columbia and Ontario, also oth- er useful inf jon to. the sportsman. This booklet will be giedly mailed with our compli- ments to any desiting same. THE CANADIAN ARMS SPORTING GOODS CO Winnipeg, Man. * FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT Abe Attell vs. Knockout 10 rounds, at New York. Jack Herrick vs. Steve McGinley, 15 Brown, WANTS TO WRESTLE HERE - Cari Busch, middleweight champion of Germany, who meets Ekland at Moone Jaw Friday night would like to arrange a match in this city ir HOCKEY TEAMS 4 10 BOOST T out a good representation of those in- terested in the great game of hockey. The greatest of enthusiasm prevailed, Plans were mapped out to at least make the last of the season q success- ful one. The fecling of the meeting was that had stich gathering been held in October lust tme tans of the city would now tbe.enjoying the best of hodey. However, it is the in- tention to at once jump. im and work their hardest to furnish the fans with The mlectimg efter some discussion, but without q dissenting voice decid ad that it was the best for the inter- est of the game in the city thet both teams, Intermediates and seniors, Should amalgamate. That is, the In- termbdiates will keep their own offi- cers and management, but a mew set of officers over the two teams were plected and they with the managers of the two teams will shap their des- tiny, The old adage, that im umion there is strength, seemed to be the key- note of the meeting. With the teams working in unison it was felt that far better results would follow. At the same time the individuality of neither of the teams will in any- way be impaired. They- will be able to secure whatever games they wish and go awey to play where they wish However, it was elt that when a teum went away from the city that it/was expedient and proper that Medicine Hat should be represented by the strongest team possible, so that the credit of the city would be bela up and the team could at least give a good account of itself. In the past the Intermediates have attended strictly to tmsiness practiced regularly and are tow ine fair con- dition. On the other hand not one member of the ex-All Stars is in what might be termed any kind of shape. a team next week to play the seniors, but the majority of the plijers said Well Attended Meeting Held last night Percy Bryen- ton, President, Geo Pingle, Vice Will Arrange Games with Outside Teams. Last night's hockey mocting held in termediates, in the position of man- The News Editorial rooms broigitt There was some talk of bringing in , MALCAMATE Mi GAME IN GLY ager, while Mr. Kerr will manage the Seniors, Heinnie as captain, The ebove, a small committhe, it was thought would be able to manage the aflwirs in tip top style. Motions were passed that the above officers should meet the management of the defunct All Stars. And also) that) they should meet the Rink com- mittee and see if they could make) better qrrabgements than have existed in the past. The intention is to talk the whole matter over with the com- mittee and sce if some amicable and lat the same time more ment can be reached. That there ara all kinds of materigl in the city who have never turned out, to practice was the opinion of soma of the players and it was decided that an effort would be made to, round these players up. There - are many playprs .. bere, however, whose names are unknown tothe team man- agers and they are asked to come for- ward or see that their numes reach some of the officers. Under the agreement of the All Stars tonight is q practice night at the rink, from 7 to 8, and-it was de- cided by the meeting to at once start the ball aroiling. Therefore all, the Seaiors, or those who would cice to, come forward and help the game and agement, are asked to be at the rink tonight at 7 o'clock amd practice. Wltsi this was decided another and rather embarrassing predicament arose the team has no funds, at least not yet. The opinion was expressed that it was rather a hardship to ask players to go to the rink and. then pay for that privilege. However, this seems to be the only way out of it, 50 the treasurer will collect two hits for twelve of the players who tum up tonight so as to pay the 3 for the practice and when the team are in funds this will be returned to then. The executive committee, which is composed of the new officers, wall have couple of busy meetings. are the financial arrangements whose names are imknown to the man-Y would be a careful investigation made suitable agree- of the claims advanced by the mem- ber of Selkirk for a-new building In London. : A number of questions were answer- ed and the Opposition moved for. a number of returns. Tomorrow (Friday) upon which entries for the Poultry Show can be made: Apply to the se- cratary at the News Office for entry blawks. THE EFFECTIVE - LAXATIVE. Tastes Like and is Eaten ke Candy. In our experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, we believe we have never had. expcvience with any Remedy that gave such great satis- faction to our customers as do Rexall Orderlies Phis Remedy is not like any other laxative or cathartic. It contains all the good features of oth- er laxatives, but none 6f their faults. Our. own faith in Rexall Orderlies is so, strong that we offer them to you with our own positive personal guar- antes, that f they do not thoroughly satisfy you, You only weed tell us and we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for them, Therefore, in trying them upon our recommendation you take no risk whatever. Rexall Orderlles taste like and are eaten like candy. They do not gripe, cause nausea, excessive looseness, oF is the last day des-and furs; horse ithers, bought and HAT HIDE, FUR - O. The above have selection of Second. ne eity.. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, ne of winter goods. 16 mentioned above prices. Call at 604 or Phone 87. CLEANING AND 0. beg to announce ned a. cleaning and ment opposite the there Is anyone who would care fo take him on. Price Lists for the Poultry Show can be obtained at The News office. The entry list closes on January 19th. Z is7ate Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day upou which entries for the Show cam be made. Apply to the 3 erutary at the News Office for entry Cutter Gear ith Ave. All work e satisfaction. New goods bought- and tis, * Prop. Phone Fan. 30. Bolt your buggy-body and shafts fa place on this gear and you have for a few dollars a stron; sorviceable md good-looking GAL. ILL, Barristers, So- Notaries, Medicine: acy: Medicine Hat, uitt Block, Room 2; .0. box 549. 63Dtt 3S CA Certified Maternity Zast Allowance. Box 161a6 G MACHINES and pning Pianos and nd. to tent All can be easily arranged for if you send for us dnd have us wire your home for electricity. Everything that pertains to THE ELECTRICAL BUSINESS can be found here. The individual or the large con- tractor can purchase his supplies here most reasonably. Our stock la 89 extensive that it contains something electrical for everybody. oLIN, GUITAR, r, TROMDONT, Medicine Hat Electric That they would sooner have a good week's practice before g game. The Intermediates, however, may arrange geme and the two tcains may ulso play e game Wetween themselves. How- ver, thet is for the mamagers and tit -new officers tq arrangk. Th the choosing of the officers, the Fepr sentatives of the mecking . did their best to- choose liva wires. Those who were interested in the game ond who would assist the teums as much as possible and at the same time lend a feeling of confidence to the venture, With officers of this kind it was thought that the fans would then take heart and help the boys to make success of the grat amateur game im this city. Pefcy Bryanton, ove of the officers of the Intermediates, and who bas beeni giving much time to helping tne: team -ulong, was chosen president. George Pingle, who tas always shown great. interest if the game, wus clectei vice-president. Jack Leagh was chosen secretary-trrasurer.+ Jack so that there will be no conflict be tween the teams and so that every- thing will go along -swimmingly. However, in choosing..the officers, men who would be able to deal with this finatter expeditiously amd to the agt- istaction of all, were chosen, and by the first of next week everytizing will Be im first class shape. Those present at the meeting were: Messrs. J. Porter, F. Leagh; Inglis, J. Conway, J. Barreau, Collier, J. Teaigh, Clark, Woodhouse, J. Dalton end D. Cushing (chairman). fr Among the players, that is, those whose names are known to the man- agement, who are asked to.turn out to practice are the following: Messrs. Hinnia, Ingles, Clarke, Crockett, Col- Porter, T. Holt, J. Mann, Cross, J. Daly, H. Pingle, G. Pinglb, H. Kerr J.-Delton,T, Finlay, Wer, Heiahton,-Barredu, J-Porter, E. - easily that they may be taken at any time, day: ot night. They are-particu- larly good for children, aged, or deli- cate persons, They are put up in convenlent tablet in three sizes of packages. Prices i0e,25 , and 500 Remember, Rexall Remedies can he obtained in this community only at our store The Rexall Store, Chas. 8, Pingle, druggist, Medicine Hat. CONFERENCE AT CUBA United States Acted in the Best Interests of the Re- public is Feeling. - CW. A. P. Cable). Havana; Jan. 1 . The conference, at the President's palace adjourned. at 10,50 o'clock this morning, It was ements had Buckler, Violet oy peeceesoaseame goseosegsoees OPPO SoS Gy JOHN F. (ar WANTS MATCH IN THE ut MILLER Eye-sightSpecialist ASSINIBOIA HOTEL MEDICINE HAT HOURS 1 TO5 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. TO AVOID THE WAIT OF THE LATER HOURS OF THE DAY - COME EARL Songoogogosererooosoooeses Seeteete Galt * Tourist Five Passenger Fore Door Fully Equipped Ful Floating Rear Axle We believe this is feature not found in any other Canadian- made car, and only in impo ted cars selling at high prices. both chaesis and power plant? LET US SHOW YOU THE CAR : The Galt Cars Galt Roadster FIVE MODELS Bey eR 8 ae lubrication, Two Passenger Fore Door Fully Equipped Newest Bosch Magneto; Stromberg Carburetor; two-gas headlights and generator; two side oll lamps and tail lamp; mohair top, with enve- speedometer; horn; full chains; Jack and tite-repair kit. Even leaving aside the matter of full equipment, where can you find, at equal prices, cars which com- bine so many high grades as Full Floating Rear-Axles; Unit Power Plant, fully enclosed; Combined Force Feed and Gravity Oiling System, with its positive and unfailing and three-point Suspension for Mado in Canada, to suit Canadian Conditions and needs, embodying features that make it rellable, eco- nomifcal and exceptionally easy riding in fact, a high grade car at a medlumt price the Gait Tourist or the Galt Roadster is the Canadian s Best buy. Price in a nutshell the Galt car is a high-class car with a medium price. A glance at our specifica tions, perisal of our catalogue and further investigation will conclusively prove the price of the Galt car gives the greatest car value on the market to-day. CANADIAN MOTORS, Limited, GALT, ONT. : 488 FIPTH AVENUE. TWO MEN ARRESTED AS A SEQUEL TO AN: She Fled from her Home . and Search was Made for Weeks. Chicago, Jan. 18 Two young men we arrested here to-day at the re- quest of the New York police as a sequel toe statement by Violet Buch- ler, the fifteen year old aeiress who fled from her home in Chicago to New York and for whom search was made for weeks before she was found. The men-are Charles McGlynn, 24 years old, a printer, who boarded at the Myers hotel, owned by Mri foster mother, and Roy Allen, 26 years old, an electric- inn who formerly wes guest at the hotel. W. Rutledge, R: Richmond, R. Parker, received an invitation to-unite in a Js Leagh, Fe-Leagh, Kirkiam, J D. polley.whioh-would effectively F move Muir, Taylor, A. Heighton. (Note any excuses for intervention. will continue to- pilot the In- Other players are also asked to tumn The details of the agreement have ) not been divulged. After the confer- ence-General Hrnandes said that it Favor Them: WwW. AP. Ottawa, Jan, 18, -The house yester- day spent a couple of hours upon the discussion of a motion made by J, H. Burnham 6f Peterborough for a com- mittee to investigate the advisability of establishing a system of old age Pensions In Canada. Mr Burnham made a strong plea in favor of this system, which, he sald, was already , successful in Bri France, Germany and otheg countric: Mr, Burnham was ably seconded by W. F, Nickle, Kingston, who deliver- ed his maiden speech to a well filled house, both sides of which gave him Hepnerous applause. Mr. Nickle show- ed a great knowledge of his subject and also conviction. The Minister of Finance; Hon. W. T. White, took the position that Canada hardly needed the old age pension system, that there Were other organizations upon whtc the burden of supporting old people * COMPANY MAIN STREET PHONE 430 had been place , and which was ably filling such duty, He thought that it OS Discussion in the House Yesterday when Brings Up Matter Hon. W. T, White Does Not was realized that the United States had acted in the best interests of Cu- ba and the truest friend of the repub- the President were General Nunez St, General Manuel, Alfonso Si, Col. Ar- anda, and-Gol. Galves. Biboroseal me veterans were General Hernandez, Seiabes: president of the Miguelfstas, Governor Asbertoof, Havana; Alfredo Zayas, - ice- President-of-the Republic, and many others. Dispatch.) : would be a poor advertisement for a BANK OF ENGLAND STATEMENT new country such as Canada to-have : it reported that such devices were (CW. A. P. Cable.) London, Jan. 18 The weekly state- necessary. Wages were bigh, employ- ment was casily obtained. and with ment of the Bank of England shows such conditions of prosperity the old rse-fottowing changes: age pension system was harcly re- Total reserve, increased, 1,103,000. quired. However, he had no objection Circulation decreased, 544,000. to a committee being appointed to n- sation increased, 4,298,846- vestigate the matter and on behalf Other securities, deacrease, 3 ot the miinistry gave his assent to the 999, sabtlon, ov Deposits, decreased, 634,000. G. H. Bradbury, Selkirk, urged that pPubtic deposits, a building to house the Canadian high 900. persons summored to mect 5+ pergrsyuig Jane Increased, 2,094,- commissfoners be erected in London. At present the dignity of the country was not properly represented by the small and unsultable building in which the affairs of Canada were attended tc Notes reserve, increased, 1,771,000. Government securities, unchanged. The proportion of the banks re berve o Mobility this week fs 45.96 per cont, Last week tt was 46.98 pew CHORUS. MEMBERS HURT WHEN UPERA STAGE OW. A. P. Cable) A serious jaceldent occurred in the Imperial Op- era House this afternoon. During the rehearsal of the opera Tristan and: Isold, the floor collapsed and twenty female members of the chorus were taken ftrom th wreck badly hurt, The Russian basso, Sibirikotf, wag more-injured than any of the other persons. He is suffering. fr concussion of the brain snd a broken leg. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS MEET (Special to News). Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 18. The an- nual meeting of the Southern Union conference of Seventh Daq Adventists assembled in this city today, with del- egates in attendance representing the denomination throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The conference will last jtenaeys, Eph and Diana were greeted with roars of laughter from crowded In the ofa country. Mr. Borden said tion had been brought to the atte a iad enn i serappeering tctight for the Dos? mies soting the first pleteres jas: time in this act. house at the Star theatre last night. tion of the kovernment in concrete the King s Durbar at Delhi, india, Take your clothes to the Panator- form and he nromised that there st the Monarch Theatre tomorrow. fun to be cleaned and pressed. 160dtf Hold-Up Near Dreamland A-serious charge of hold-up near Dreamland -Theatre last night was brought in the police court this morn- ing, with the result that Oscar Bjork- lund, late of Calgary, was sentenced to 6 months hard labor at Lethbridge, with a recommendation that he be deported at the expiration of his sen- tence. Three charges in all were proffered, and he was sentenced on all three, the terms to run concur- rently, Captain Parker and Magistrate Hop- per tried the case and at the conclu- sion of the hearing their worships stated that a further charge of vag- Fancy might be brought, The assaalt of pointing the revolver took place neat Dreamland Theatre last night, when the people were coming out: of the show. Prisoner was standing near Toronto St. and 4th Avenue and as were made by ladies as well as men, and Louls Annandale, who also had the gun levelled at him, immediately made complaint to the police, with the, ro- sult that Constables Campey and Johnston arrested the accused and took him to the police station. On searching him there it was found that rus lhe had-in-his possession a-targe au tomatic Browning s patent revolver, valued at 18 as well as a belt of 50 cartridges and also a bag of bullets. ; Ac further charge of stealing a large Boston terrior valued at 20 from W. H.. Williams of this city, was also brought, and prisoner was found gufl- ty of this charge. Hvidence brought out showed that prisoner had stolen the dog and had traded it with a room mate, R. B. Sculthorpe, for the gun: According to the statement of Scul- thorpe, in the box, accused had taken the dog into his room where he re- sided and had /ll-treated It, Witness had then gone up to the room as he heard-the-dog towing. He'then pro- posed to exchange his gun and am- leging that he had brought the dog from Calgary, had negotiated th ox- change. wished to trade the gun as prisoner was ill-using..the dog. a ang heretabor; and-for having thi munition for the dog, and, prisoner, al- - Witness stated that he had Seriterioe To Six Months Hard At Lethbridge Jail Pointed. Revolver at Pedestrians Coming out of Show. Stole Boston Terrier and Traded for Gun and Belt of Ammunition Deported. ty, but stated that he was so drunk at the time that he did not remember pointing it at anyone. Prisoner is a man of 26 years of age and stated that he had been in Canada for five months. He had been a clerk in Finland and at Calgary bad carried on a reai es- tate business. In his evidence for the prosecution Chief of Police Bruce stated that should Their Worships wish,-he would SE Seer sioeeee acta Prove that prisoner had pointed Ay gun at them in the streete Louis Annandale, in the witness box deposed that prisoner had pointed th: sun him as well as at a lady and other people, lund was found guilty, For stealing the bulldog he was sentenced to pedestrians passed along te tevetiod pmomthet hard labor tn Lethbridge Tife sum- at them. Complaints for pointing the. revolver, 1 month ver in his possession, another making six months in alas the sen- tences are to run concurrently. that the gun belonging to Sculthorpe be confiscated. If commenting on this Captain Parker stated. trouble had come about th ness having the I shall be glad, said his worship, to fee a law passed to do away with Tevolvers, so that eyen the police are not allowed to carry them. A good, thick club will suffice for them. The order was then made for the gun to be confiscated and prisoner was tak- en back to the cella from whence he will be taken to Lethbridge jail. CUMMINS FOR PRESIDENT Des Moines, Ia, Jan. 18 Senator Albert B. Cummins wil shortly an- nounce himself a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, according to a report circulated here among his friends today. pyy AMITE DISCOVERED (W. A. B Dispateh.) San Francisco, Cal discovery of seventy sticks of dyna mite under the railway bridge at Eus- To the charge of baving the gun in his possession accnsed oleaded gull ton is being investigated today by the - Southern Pacific detectives. On each of the three counts Bjork- Chiet Bruce then made application Jan. 18 The x
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Image 99 (1912-01-18), from microfilm reel 99, (CU1770773). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.