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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Be Glasgow House pport ity PESOS If you have not taken advantage of the SPECIAL PRICES we are offering this month Prices that are clearing our winter lines and saving you real money. Come in and See for Yourself. IN Announcement N Mr, D. J. Downey having acquired an office duties on the Ist of February next. Mr. 8. C. Taylor becomes general manager, and Mr. G. A. McDorman assumes an inter- est in the business.. Mr. H. W. Ireland finds it necessary to take a rest from office work for a time, but will attend to all mat- ters relating to the business up to the above date. Under the new arrangement we hope - to be favored with as full a share of public patronage as in the past. H.W. Ireiand Co. STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. 40 cents per 50 cents for one dollar. H.. per pound, 3 pounds EYLON TEA Medicine Hat News Published by he Medicine Hat News Coy Ltd, every lawful gvening at Ite office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alts. A. J. N. TERRILL, Baltor. . HONE: Advertising PHONES Raitorial, s Reportorhel, emi orepin and Nows Dept . 1S Bee. RING 2, 13 DATLY SUBSORIPTION -RATES 1 y-ay, delivered. ... 4.00 1 year by mall.. .... months, dllvered..8200 6 months, by mail 3 months, delivered.. 1.00 3 months, by-mall.. 1 month, delivered....35 Addresses changed as often as desired, but both tiiw and old ad teases vat be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Thureday tn Aixteen or more pages, and contains a eummacy ef the news of the week local and district. 6 months, In advance T5c 2 year in advance, ... 1.50 months, in advance. .50 Wednesday, January 17th, ROYALTY IN INDIA. to India being over and George his a the sea heading fo oy Lbjects will experience much relief. There. has been no moment: during this historic so- journ-that has not been fraughr with ax iety to the ministers of the Crown. There was trouble in India. That em is one of the brightest jewels in the Bvitish crown; but at the moment her guarding gave more trouble than all the regalia of the little is- land uxider the North star. The King had been strongly urged to ent this visit out of his accession programme. Events had occurred which made this course extremely advisable. Indian officials, it is now ayerred, viewed with alarm the res- ponsibility of safeguarding the King where dissent was m re frequent than usual. It became, then a purely personal matter with e Ki hi His course was eom- pee Royal visit Kin; MEO Had DALLY NEWS the line to Entwistle are of the greatest im- portance to the people. of this city. Qop- per cireuits have been installed from Glei- chen to Bassano, from Medicine Hat*to Brooks and frofn Medicine Hat to Irvine in the south-east corner of the province, while of the most. heavily worked .of the southern lines installed . this year is that which connects Calgary and Lethbridge and Lethbridge and Raymond. From Stettler te Lacombe, from Camrose to Wet- askiwin other copper circuits were put in last-season. A start has also been made on such a line over the new .P.R. branch from Lethbridge to -Alderside; When the construction season came to an end there still remained to be closed in the spring, a gap of 40 miles between Carman- gay and Vulcan. 5 A number of new iron lines for long dis- tance transmission have been put in. Of these the principal are between Calgary and Strathmore, between Riviere Qui Barre by way of Sion to the present terminus of the system-of Belvedere, and the additional cireuit between Edmonton and. Vegreville which was Wo f the 19 onstr jon season. The Lethbridge to Cardston line has beer econstructed. Of the year s expenditure a very large share was absorbed in Calgary. and Leth- bridge in the change over from the manual to the automatie systems. The work was completed during the summer in both cities. y By the legislation passed by the provin- cial parliament before the adjournment, for the recess, the government is:empowered to raise a loan of 5,000,000 for the exten-. sion of the telephone system and the con- struction of roads and -bridges. . Of this total 4,000,000 is to be devoted to the tele- phone system and a programme which will overshadow.that of any previous year in the history of Alberta is to be divulged be- 8 the house prorogues- Ha on Capital. contraband orate DID FATHER DESERT AIS 12-YEAR CHILD? Police Qhief Looking for Willian oryzuk, an Austrian. A distiBssing case of alleged child desertion has come to the notice of the chief of police with the result that the 12 year olf som of William, Kgryzuk, an Austrian, was sent to the Home of Detention at Lethbridge, until the whereabouts of his father could Le discovered. -Koryzuk left Medicine Hat somewhere in the first week of December and has not been heard of since. The child is mother- lesa and the police chief would te glad to. have any inforrimtion respecting bis father's whereabouts. WASN'T WARKED Jerry McNeil Says he has No Such Thing as Wand- eae Coe Jerry McNeil wio fined fer assaulting the pound-keeper says that due warning was not given him about his cattle. A warning wag not necessary as he has no such thing as wandering cattle. But was watering his two milch cows at his own stable. When pound-keeper Funnel ap proached him and- Without a wort started driving his cows away to pound, which, he says, he naturally take his cattl SHARP LOOKOUT IN-RED SEA (W. A. P, Cable.) Aden, Jan. 17. A division of Ital- ian crujsera, including Pledmonta, Cal- abria.and Puglia, with a flotilla of de- trovers ane keeping a sharp lookout in the Red'Sea for vessels conveying pia for Turk- ish troops Oneof the-Itallan be K pletely firm. He would go. Let any man dsk himself hon stly what he wodld have done under similar cireum- stances. Without the krowledge which the King acquired as part of his edueation regarding India its: difficulties, seditions and dangers the reply would be one o: very natural hesitation. t - The whole history of this visit-has yet to be' written. Time will show that its in- fluenc was incalculable. The ordinxry subject looks on the occasion as a rou: 1 of social events, liberally backed by national funds. The chronicler will reveal that it was one of the most, if not the most elabo- rately planned and engineered excursions, regal and political, in modern history. he King sailed from England with the mandate of complete reform and the makin; of epoch in his possession. Not those in positions of authority had any idea of the maguittde of the-power he would wield. The actual capital of the.empire was lifted a scene of tradition, yet dissent,-and carrie jinto the ancient seat of native rulers The machinery which guides that great and mysterious land was revolutionized. The mammoth task involving the thought and technical administration of consummate genius was effected in some*parts where hostility held sway, completely, bloodlessly, and for all time. It must be regarded as one-of the significant events of the times. The closing act of the great journey was sugge: the British Royal house. It was the Jes- patch of of native troops to Persia to pro- tect British interests; It was technical, et momentous. No royal command at the moment could have secured so warm a nat- ive endorsation. It was a stroke of gen- Tus. Fierce burns the light that shines upon the throne. --That unostentatious figure which occupies the highest niche among rulers has come-wnder the inevitable critic- ism which assails kings. He returns to England with a new possession. They are the spurs of victor Courage won them. x OUR TELEPHONE DEPARTMENT. of the fact which characterizes ALBERTA S PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN. Tra e above heading the West Canada News Letter of Winnipeg, Says: * By Tt SF ted that Boards of Trade and industrial commissioners in Western cities were quick to aceept the lead when a few weeks ago the plan was launched to attract manufacturers to Medicine Hat. Such towns as Bassano, Calgary, Lacombe, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Faber and other dustrial centres are now coming forward with well-organized publicity campaigns; and it is believed that the effect cannot be otherwise than stimulating. to business throughout the province. Although Medi- S cine Hat has, been widely advertised on the score of low priced power and natural gas, it is daily becoming evident that the im- mense coal supplies of the district soon to tions of the Ansley Coal Company will fur- Inish an additional inducement . to manu- facturers and other large operators which they are not likely ta-overlook. Durin; the present season the Ansley Company has been supplying coal to farmers. within a radius of sixty miles around, develop- jng pushed forward rapidly with two s of workmen. . 1706 Benjamin Franklin born in Bos- ton. Died in Philadelphia, April 17, 1790. ; 1771 Chartes den Brown, a pioneer American novelist, born in Philadelp- hia. Died there Feb. 22, 1810. Americans under Gen. Morgan de- feated the British under Col, Tarleton in battle of Co 7 Tina. : Eas 1810 Masquerades and masked balls were prohibited in Phi 3 1848 Milwaukee received the first. tele- graph message from Chicago. steamer Africa. After examining the Passengers a detachment of Italian marines took off twelve who were travelling in the first class saloon on the ground that they were Turkish military men. REFUSES COMPENSATION London, Jan. 16 The Russian gov- ernment has finally and definitely re- and Salford Spring Company of Brit- ish American and the Oldhamia and Standard Oi Co., consignees,- of the vessel which was seized during the Russo-Japanese war while: on its way with a cargo of tinned naptha which Russia had declared to be con- traband. The Standard Oil Co. de- manded compensation to amount of 500,000, MARKETS. Winnipeg, Jan. 17. be-made available by the successful-opera- wheat May old open, 101 1-2, Close 101 1-: May, new, open 100 3-4, close 100. 3-4; July, open 191 7-8, close 1017-8. z Oats May, open 42- 3-4, close 43 3 3-4. Extra No. 1 Feed, May open 38 1-2. Flax May open 192. Cash price wheat 1 Nor. Nor. 96; 2 Nor 87 3-4; 4 Nor, 81 1-4; ment operations at the mine aa ele Mer 8-4; 6 Nor 73 1-4. Feed 58. S No, 2 C:W. 35, No. 1 fed 35. Barley No. 3, 68; No. 4, 58.; reject- eded 45; feed 45. Flax No 1 N.W. 189. lt; Minneapolis Wheat May 106 1-8, 106 7-8; July 106 3-4, 106 5-8. Chicago May 100 1-2; , 96 1-8; Sept-s6-1- July 95 1-4, 95 GREAT WEATHER; GREATER SKATING Blue skies apd a balmy air, with the thermometer just above the freez- ing mark, are being enjoyed by Hat- ters today and evidences sh w that continuation of the-delightful weather is in store for the city. January is usually considered to be the. in- clement month of the year, but so-far The Hat has experienced to incon- venience. through the thermometer, The cold snap that recently passed over the city helped to make the ice protested against and did not-let him ers yesterday overhauled the British i fused, to compensate the Manchester For Winter ORDER YOUR STOR ' SASH es AND STORM DOORS Now STORM SASH HANGERS, . STORM SASH ADJUSTORS FELT WEATHER STRIPS, For -upper sash of Windaws For sides of windows und doors. For bottom of doors. * Width of moulding, 1 im. Wool and. Felt combined. Positively rain, snow, cold und Aust proor, All weather strips in 12 foot - FINLAY C60, THE LUMBER PEOPLE. . Phone57. P.O. Box 29 Seer One Trial WILL CONVINCE 4 you that -our PURE LIME FRUIT JUICE is' the Best. : Imp,Pints gt; 40c, Imp. Quarts ..... 75e, Pingle s L ia Book aoe HOTSON 1 LEADER Decorating. : - CONTRACTORS AND SBUELDERS LET-US. FIGURR WITH you 74 BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREQ. Office Next to City Hall. Xow te the tin te oo abont ROOM YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE - Papered E Just'phone 166 and Rey- nolds Stewart Witt ie, Fou tele NEW SANE WALL PAPER and give you an estimate On one or all the rooms your house, rs A FEW REAL Tyo Coon Coats, now 76.00. One Coon Coat, now 75.00. xe Coon Con We. also-have --Lined Coats, Fe Mitts and Glove: Far Caps, that 5 Js your opportup a Turpin : The Man's Sto Get the Big D EEE EE ++ BASEBAI FEE EEE SE Lge H. Bierve, of resigned the presid rota-Wisconsin leag Pitcher Walter J + Savings Department in which + opened with sums-of 1.90 and upwards. o MEDI de Fourth. Avenues H, McDunnough, Manager. Peete etectectostenserd entree restr etoele rato to allow ofa long continuation of lew degrees the freezing point has Itte-etfecto the ice. The skating rink, especially on band nights is a popular resort in the-evenings and last night there was just of the right amount of thickness 1854 -A mob of women destroyed the rail- aa N the construction of new copper cireu- et Brie, P ts for lon, 1862 John Tyler, tenth President -of the U.S., died in Richmond, Va. Born in Greenway, Va., March 29, 1790. above Ss, equipment of changes, coping with the vastly in- ereasing demand for telenhone services in OF CANADA - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTSD Special attention given to the businesa of Ranchers and Farmers. Savings Bank Department at ail branches. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH W. 0. JOY, MANAGER. HOLLINGER-ANDERSON Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 364 Toronto Street. THE MERCHANTS BANK sand in general improyements to the system, the provincial telephone dep- artment expended during 1911 on capital aceount a total sum of 1,150,000. The year has been one of the busiest in this history of the department, . In all 700 miles of new copper line for long.distance transmission have been instal- ember-31 last, 1600 miles of rural lines, while fourteen new exchanges, distributed throughout the province at the point where the increase in population and business has been the greatest, have been equipped by. the department during the year. It has been necesary also to reconstruct ten of the smaller exchanges to meet the demands of lengthening the subscription list. These reconstructions were necessit- ated mainly-in the northern part of the pro- vince. Of the new copper circuits the new direct line between Edmonton and Calgary and led during the year, which closed on Dee 1878 Victor Emanuel I, king of Italy, buried in the Pantheon in Rome. 1885 The British defeated the Mahdi s troops in battle at Abu Klea. 4 1901 Kingdom of Prussia celebrated its bi-centenary. sie JUST A LITTLE FUN, May I ask, inquires the interviewer, why you paint none but nudes? Certainly, replies the painter. The styles change so rapidly in clothing that a picture would be out of date Almost before the paint is dry. - gt; es A man was being tried on Hie charge a tselting adulterated whisky. The whisky was offered in-evidence, Jury retired to try the evidence. , Judge (presently) -What is the verdict? almost a record crowd of Hatters skat- ing. ASPHYXIATED IS VERDICT (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Quebec, Jan. 17 Desth from as- phyxlation by gas was the verdict re-. turned by the coroner s jury at the in- quest held today on the body of Louis Brundle, whose sad death on Monday awakened regret throughout the city. Van Felscae, the Misses Van Felson, and the domestic who were overcome by gas also, were reported today to be progressing very favorably, PILES. CURED 1 4 DAYS Your druggist will refund money ff PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding oF Protruding Pilea in 6 to 14 days. 60c. Don't miss seeing the first pletures of the King e Durbar at Delhi, India, at the Monarch Theatre tomorrow. Tie regular Tennis Dance will be Foreman of the Thirsty Jury Your honor, we want more evidence. hnext, Jaddhry 25th. held in WH Opera House on Thursday 15949 el Licensed House. Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY. TEAMING. CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAI 116 MONTREAL STREET Patterson Co Funeral Di tore Embaimers Mowers Rereats Gc Bena isa FIGHTS SCHEDI digg Flynn vs. - at Toronto,
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Image 90 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 90, (CU1770784). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.