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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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11th, 101 Winter ER YOUR OR ASH aoe) AND OR IORS Now SASH HANGERS, . SASH ADJUSTORS . WEATHER STRIPS, per sash of Winiaws 4 of windows snd doors. bottom of doors. of moulding, 1 im. . and. Felt. combined. Fain, snow, cold and lust prooz. her strips in 13 foot Jongths. LAY C0. MBER PEOPLE. . 57. P.O. Box 29 Pers ie Trial . CONVINCE hat -our PURE FRUIT JUICE Best. : Pints. Juarts + Drug iad Store : 33 SON LEADER TRACTORS AND BUILDERS. FIGURE WITH YOU PLACING - YOUR: CT FOR A BUILDING TIMATES FREB. Next to City Hall fotos?ortoonfonfeel nfon kn ferlefoohoke t 2 or all the rooms of jouse, ad is. ta this lay for Sale. is Delivered. (ONE NO. 349. sed House Mover 1D FOR SALE XCAVATING VY- TEAMING. CRETE WORK. Phone 260. LAI fONTREAL STREET - -ZERO PRICES OX THE BALANCE OF OUR MEN'S WINTER WEAR ae - 4 PEW REAL BARGAINS. Tyo Coon Coats, regular 97.00, now 76.60. ne Coon Cont, regular 95.00, now 75.00, One Coon Coat, 85.00, now One Fur Lined Coat 140.00, jow 110,00. Fur Lined Coat 875.00, now We also-haye a few Sheep Lined Coats, Felt Boots, Lined Mitts and Gloves, Fur Collars; Far Caps,'that must go. Now ie your opportunity. Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth PEEP EE EE EEE EE e FALECNOTES + BA + 2 + EEE EEEE EE EEE L e H. Bierce, of Witiona, Minn. dad resigned the presidency of the Minne- rote-Wisconsin league. BLACKS - : Pitter Walter Jobmeon, the Wasi) J. Morrison .. 169 166 159494). At tie meeting of the Western Can ington star, won more than twenty G. Pingle .. - - 100 221 182693 ada eat Letiibridge where the DEATH OF A CERMAN games for his team last season. Brewster. .. 135 168. 121124 matter of the Alberta Teague wus dis- Joba J. Camey, veteran player, J, Williamson 138. 118 201452 cussed, the principal , matter. talked - f manager and scout, bas Spoor acl J. Robertson .. 285 181. 168 584 over was the salary Yienit. 1900 was basetail couch at Pitiltips thought enough, question apeey: . 862. 854 831 2647) oie circ be ioe to come Tie Southern league hes lost its ROYAUS to the west here for such q salary. A Berlin, Germany empire in Bill Carpotter, who Murray 196 154 176526 i so tugs -nigued withthe American: associa- Forbes... pee 15a ee ae Calder .. 192 144 154490 185 156673 Trainer Joe Quirk will have change) Finlay .. oe Re ieaZeig aboolutely all theta team can cut of the Boston Red Sox players. Lovie aod Washington. Joe formerly worked Tor McAleer in St. Spite Shannon, one-time New York ect SS ta ino sees ENGLAND LEADS BY. INNINGS ANB'8 RUNS SS GNCl The Royala beat Birni s by two out of thres games in the Royal Alley league by very close scores. The los- ers made the highest otal for the Thre games, were p rhaps the beat of the season for a series. The Scores ROYALS Mureay .. 182 165 509 Finlay 180 163 514 Calder. oe 262 180 531 Boyd .. 162 147 446 191 16S 560 Ready .. .. + 867 813 2560 BIRNIES Holt 226. ee SMH... Birmle 2... i. 1863 162 162 150 515 210 499 155 476 Frood.. .. +. 169 179616 853 965 63 2581 The Blacks-took-two-trom-the Roy als, and Ginthers made it three from Birnjes in the Royal Bowling league last night. Some good scores were made by the teams. G: Pingle was high and J. Robertson high individual. The scores: . 781 13 831 2425 215. 188 140 224 66 168 148 168 203 204 114518, 194-518 160 456 Ready .. 981 37 819 2587 *(C. A P. Cable) . London, Jan. 17. Aceording to at exchange telegram from Australia at the-close of yesterday in. the /third test match the Australlans had lost 260 tuns: England is eight. runs and have an innings in hand and present indica- tions are for another oF Scores for the Australians, leading by win for thi MCC, Hilt 96, ang Carter. 72. : SOME GAME THIS 169465 comes which it is hoped will be ar- BIRNIES Holt .. 136 153 142431 Smith . 172 182 176 530 Birnic 442168 Cooper -- W714 169 176519 5: Frood ... 167 151 ae 1684757 The focting. seems to be that motie 189592 171578. 982 932 878 2692 Their will be-something doing to- night at the rink when the wholesale grocery boys or better known as th Dit pee artists, will clash with the prune handlers. This will be the fas- HOCKEY MEETING AT NEWS OFFICE TONIGHT PLAYERS AND ALL INTERESTED ASKED TO Bi ORGANIZE SMARY LIMIT SMALL? WILL PLAYERS SECURED. FOR SUCH: 4 STIPEND PRODUCE STARS. GOOD BRAND OF BASEBALL? All those interested in the promo- tion of good, hockey in the city should attend, the meeting of the hockeyists tonight et 8.90 o'clock, It is called 9 little late as the Tnterme- diates practice from 8, and they dre wasited at the meshing. At the meeting the matter of reor- ganizing be All Stars uad r the name of the Medicine Hat Seniors will be dealt with. New officers will be elec- ted and the standing of the team fin- ancially reported on so: that the new managemeit will imow just where they are at The mext matter of importance will be the discussing of amugreement be- tween the seniors as to out of town ing Wut the strongest. team. should represent. the city, so as to take mo chances whatever of defeat. Buth teams are agreeable and it is likely that this arrangement will te arrived at. Its rather late but better late than Be sure and attend. The News Edit- onial Rooms 6.30 o'clock tonight. PRESENT TO. RE+ spianipeg,-Jan17 Judge-Catbott MEMBERS OF PHONE COMMISSION CHOSEN into Situation in Fanitoba Respecting Ex- cessive Rates, (W. ADP. Dispaten.) Inguiry Locke, of Mordem, Man., Aldernian George Crowe, of Winnipef, and R.L. Barry of Minmeapolis, will compose the commission appointed by the pro vinclal government to inquire into the telephone situation in thie province. R, L, Barry, the Minneapolis man of the commission is general superin- tendent of the Tri-State Telephone and Tel graph Co. Judge Locke will be chairman, SOONER BE A CERHAN THAN A COLONIAL Says Arthur + Hawkes, Imi- ration Commissioner Pes so-e S e Peete COME EARL HOURS 1 TO 5 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. TO AVOID THE WAIT OF THE LATER HOURS OF THE DAY Speech Resented in Lon- (G. -A. P. Cable) Londof, Jan. 17. Arthur emigration Commissioner, told the Royal Colonial Institurs that he would rather be called a German than a Colonial, This was in. depreciation of the idea sometimes apparent here that there is inferlority- n the-over- . seas government compared with that at home, This was especially resent- Hawkes, wh boast of em- ancipation ceased to be heard, Mr. of the population whictr would eveh- sally-cailgrate-to the-Grenter. Betigin: down to and at im thie west. be considered before a knell. - tte press of the Province, anid the same time pro duce good brand of ball. At that one of the pitchers, would ave to, act as utility fielder. One of the twelve be was ambassador, to Constantinople. would have to be a playing maneger land his-selary that s,.if be was-eny kind of manager at ll, and the Teague don t want boucheads wonld make little hole ii the 1300.. Tbe Canadian League carries g 1800 salary limit, and they bed some close: Sgur- ing to keep within ithe limit, and the cost'-of living there is much less then All these things should reached. Good ball cught tobe the Jeading motto of such league; poor Het iatl would prove the teading- deatit Seattle, Wi The action of the Alberta ALA. in reinstating the Bishop-boys-of Bas sano back into amateur ranks is. be- ing condemned and severely: ctiticised Would seem that this critielsm ie jus- tified. What led the association to tale such hasty ction and replace (WA. P. Cable.) Jan, 17 J. N. Van Radowitz, fo-merly German am- bassador to Constantinople, died to to day..He was probably the latest col- Yeagie of Prince Bismark in the build- ing of the German Empire. It was he who lafd the foundation of German influence in the Turkish Empire while Later on he suffered a reduction in rank owing to mer connection with Bismark apd was sent ag am- bassador to-a less important position atMadrid, He retired from service in: 1908, TRAINS MOVING FOR FIRST TIME IN 1812 (W. A. P. Dispatch) blockade which bas tled up trafffc on the Copper River and Northwestern Railway in,-AlasKa since the first of year, was lifted today and train are ranting through from Cordova, at Linewater to Kencott,,the interior terminus, Mail to points along the rallway was carried on dog sleds while the blockade lasted) SSS Alaskan Railroad Accused States Djstrict- Attorney John Rus- ed today owing to the proximity of th 84Pd has filed sult against the -Artic and Pacific Rallroad Company, American end-of-the-White Pass and Toads it Hawkes urged some system of im- uKon route to recover 3000 penalty, ever. Organisation js Half the-succces: periateduetion for that proportion Jaborer from various points on the road last summer to work on the dock for the company at Skagway, The complaint charges. that the company Obert Tentperlin, a Canadian, Lara EX-AMBASSADOR serie ork at acai coal barge at the Skagway wharf, the imported/laborets working at a wage lower than that demanded by the American Joussiorenen residing in Skagway. American longshoremen, the company nicked up a number of men. Most of them were Americans, but it is al- leged that: thege wore not WAKE. SUICIDE. PACT YOUNG aged 26, a millionairess,. 1 Joseph Fusco; aged. 32, a carpetiter now and-cousin of the yaung-worsin, 1 dying; ag the remilt of an attempt 10 earry out a suicide pact. The coupid spectable families in the east end. The tragedy -ts the result-of-th -rofudat of the two familles to countenance their 3 marriage; - WANT TO BE A SPORT, UIT FILED AGAINST ARCTIC AND PACIFIC of Importing Alien Labo -rers from Canada. Juneau, Alaska, Jai. 17. United the alleged to have been brought imported tokket-amd-Netson Endfil, both Sc When the frouble arose with the Tan out a train. along its lime and MILLIONAIRESS AND CARPENTER COULDN'T MARRY SO THEY DIE TOGETHER. CW. AP. Dispateh.) Pittsburg, Jan, 17. Virginia Fused, (eid, anil. re sweeth arts and) members of: re- GOOD ROADS TO COMMAND ATTENTION W. J. Kerr, President'of Canadian Highway Associa- tion; Heads Big Deputation Before B.C. Ministers. New, Westminister, B.C. Jan 16- Big appropriations will be made. by the P ovincial Government present session, for the construction, improvement roads in British Columbia. announcement was made by. Hon. Works, to Highway Assoctation repreiiontutives who waited upon the Provincial Bxe- gutive at Victoria this week, In speaking as a representative of the association; President W. J. Kerr, ot New Westminister, said that the at- tention paid to roads by the depart- ment of Public Works was very grat- itying and sugured well for the fut- ure. calls mad upon the finances of the province, the department could .not possibly accomplish all that it might wish, but he hoped to see work of a permanent nature carried on without a halt for many years t) come. In his opinion it. was better to constru- ct a few miles of permanent road that Withdrawing. the support given in the would be credit to the province, and that will remain 8:2 monument to the present administration; instead of a mileage, should be the aim of the department. When an at- tempt ig made to construct a log stretch of road with only a limited amount of money, the work must ne- cossarily be more or less of a tem- porary nature, and this means that every few years extensive and. ex- p lisive repairs must be made. peakiitg more particularly of the Yale Road, the highway over which) , thousands of American tourists will be coming to Canada this summer, Mr. Kerr called attention to the necessity thie'-city, when it was of laying a hard surface over this State bank examinets two months road from New. - Westminister tojage, dropped dead in he federal test hockey game of the season as teams are springing, 8 on te hockey Tans, After the game the losers will buy an oyster supper with side orders of pranes, There will te no-admission charged but.we are them after they had but a short time hefore denounced them as out end out professionals is a wonder, but from the face of it, it would s em os if the grent big town moguls were (W. P. Cable) ENGLAND IN GRIP OF FIERCE STORM London, Jan. 1 . Thp British Isles abell of the calatiaah, or native gourd. Tlie raco that played this game was called the Hittites, Thiq must have fen tefore Jim McGuire and Cy Young troke into the game. FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR. TONIGHT dtm Flynn vs. Al Kubiak, 15 rounds, - a Toronto, . THE-RING FabjBiipsdot ant Ade. Cumbia Rave toeem matched to tox in New Orleans Fob, 5. Mi. W-Goorty and Hugo Kelly have pigned fora mus to take place in Ford da Lac, Wis, Jan. 2 : OLDHAM BEAT BULL (C. AP. Cable) London, Jan. 17. Hull City wer goal to nil. chester City in the secon .round. KILLED BY TREE (W. A. P. Dispatch.) DISAPPOINTED - (W. A. P Cable) Who two weeks ago was sald to bas suffered another mishap wh dissipates immediate hopes of birth of gn heir to th throne. MCL. WOR, eagon, Jan. 17 An exchange tetegram from Adelaide, Australla, states. that) the third test match was won by the M.C.C. by seven wickets they may have been carried away in snd. thres.cuns.. Rogers Pass, B C., Jan, 17. Th section men and one. brakeman 1d. to. be mispiig and it is fea almost sure any person seeing the game will leave a-half a dollar at the wicket before leaving. beaten by Oldham at the Athletic park Blin the replayed cup tle today by one Oldham wittpldy Man- Nelson, B. C., Jan..17 James Tay- lor, w miner, was instantly killed by a falling tree Inst night near Ferguson. He Was forty years of age and had lived near Ferguson for many years. The Hague; Netherlands, Jan: 17- An apparently well grounded report 4g in circulation that Queen Wilhemina pe meet Sunderland in the second round expecting an interesting family event FOUR RAILROAD MEN MISSING re A's in regard to these boys. * two- preliminaries, ENGLISH FOOTBALE (C. P. Cable) London, Jan, cup the Crystal Palace deteated Bra ford City by four. goals to nil and w next. menth. ich the At tHe Star Theatre there is a cong show for 25 cents. 160 day were those who were enjoyli the show at The Star. 160 Take ree are red of the King's Durbar dt Delhi, the slide. at the Monarch Theatre tomorrow. ashamed for killing the team of th Tittle wee town anid-took mercy oni them. However, just because the A. T A-A-H. says they are not pros that doesn't say that they are. amiateurs and it docs not say that the players who play with or against them are not Hable to be made pres, The 0. H. A., thtoldest and-ibest regulated Hockey assoviation of, the. amateur ranks. in the Soutinion, Holds that) once Pro. always a pro., and other associations hold to-the same thing: -What-will be the action of other Ax Carl Busch and Clarence Eecklund) will meet at Moose Jaw's. wrestling cartival on Jam. 197- There will be 17 In the replayed e only people who did not know there was an alarm of fire the other your clothes to the Panator- tum tojbe cleaned and pressed, 160dtt Don't Titse-seeing the first pictures indian) ate in the grip dia fierce storm which is Creating havoc along the coasts as well-as in the intferior. s A number of smiall vessels and fish- ing craft are reported to have gone Gsbore tut thus far the fatalities have been few. The British steamer Aagove of Glasgow was driven: during the gale onto the sea wall at-Methil on the Firth of Forth and four of her crew were swept away bdiore a resclie crew could assist. them. A-deiving-mow is raging in north- ea districts, blocking rallibants' throughout the mounteins and mek- ing ronda impassible. PRESIDENT A PRISONER CW. ALP. Cala) puenais Ayres, Jen. 17. SUifl Bight- ling in the streets of Ascunscion, capi- tal of Paraguay betweth adherents of President Libert Rojas and the re- volutionary force. Many were Killed a- on both sides. The ineungents, bow- iii ever, still contrel the situation apd all attempts by the government troops to rescue President Rojas who has been prisoner-in-their hands since 25) Monday bave proved unsuccessful. at ge Don't mins seeing the first pictures of the King's Durbar at Deibt, India, NE) at the Monarch Pheatre tomorrow. Shiloh s Gure But is. Discovered under NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY LEAVES fs UME Cushion of: Train Bound for the States: (W: AP. Dispatch) Barnesville, Minn., Jan: 17. Wen- dail Howard, the nine year old 01 of Mr. and Mr ; R. HoWard, St. Padi Avenu ,-Witihipeg, who left Winnipeg niysteriously yesterday afternodit, was foitnd riding tind t a cushion of the Great Northern WinnlpegLimited Inst night by a corducter: He wad taken off the train and sent home to- aay? The boy gave no r aon for leaving home except that he wanted to see the world and be a sport. H sald he was bound for St. Paul:whete bis parents formerly, resided. ENIFE FIGHT FOLLOWS BRAWL IN LUMBER CAMP. OW. A. P. Dispatch.) Quebec, Jan. 17 News received here this morning of a fatal drunken brawl i a Tumber.c mp aboiit eighty miles above Le Tuque on Sunday, Jan- uary-7th, A man named Oulette and atother named Michand, ufte imbtb- Ing freely, quarrelled. A flerce figtt foll wed in which both tien were patent up. Michand, armied with knif , stabbed Oulett , Inflfcting such serious injuries that the victim died yeeterday-morning, Michand was ta- eucniy STOPS, coupe, MEALS THE Mino Lomas. 20 ceonrs ken in custody. might seem to be heary, when ft was considered that this work would be of permanent nature, and that no re- paird would be necessary for. perhaps fifty years, the economy of the pro- ceeding was at once apparent. The aaeiig Of ie baht Siibtads pare ment was not pacified in tion, In replying to the request of the deputation , the Hon. Thomas Taylor dwelt at some length on the work accomplished by his depertment on the Yale Road - during the past twelve months. He stated that his department was now in a position to proc ed with this improv ment with mote diligence. on account of the ee tablishment of three storie bunkers, one-at Sullivan Station) one at Clover- dalg and the third at Langley. The minister aJso intimated that the De- partment Would pay particular at- tention to the Trunk roads of the province this year, leaving to the municipalities the care of,the feeders of these highways, without wholly at the mathtennce of This and twenty-eight Canadian He realized that with the many past to these roads. . Mr. Taylor promised that he would look carefully.into the advisabilty of putting down hard pavement as: sug- gested by the Canadian Highway As- sociation, and that as the scheme had his ntire sympathy he would consi- der it favorably. : pernmnency, PRESIDENT DROPS DEAD eee CW. A. P. Dimpaten.) handbiil size, Issue at amother time that it was serving. its constiteency and then, it suspended Issue entirely te be resumed at time when the publishers felt inclined? through its advertising. They assume that there ts al- ways store news worth telling store news that is. im- Is ls not ap poor polley for a store, as it would be form newspaper, to serve 18 patrons Im a spasmodic, undepen- dable waft I your store ts important te the people of thie elty, your advertising is Important to them all of the thme aot merely wow and then. 2 The size of your advertising space should mot vary any w0r thin the dlze of a newspaper varies, aiid the sppenr- : ancb'ot your advertising should be ax frequent and'as regular as the appearatice of this newspaper. 8s
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Image 91 (1912-01-17), from microfilm reel 91, (CU1770776). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.