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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Good doughnuts are good food. Made from the right flour they are not only a delicious treat but the combination of right flour with fat is distinctly nourishing. You see I put special emphasis on right flour, For it is very Epa It ees the difference between light, flaky, crumbly doughnuts that melt in your mouth and are easy to digest, and tough, rubbery greasy wads of dough;-heavy,-sogay, indigestible. Try making doughnuts from Royal Household Flour : Notice how rich, soft, and flaky they are. And the reason is that ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD being richer in high quality gluten than ordinary fiour resists the absorption of too much fat in cooking. It doesn t get rubbery, makes lighter dough, absorbs just enough of the fat for nourish- ment, but not enough for indigestion. The absolute uniformity of Royal Household enables you to get the same splendid results every time both in Bread and Pastry. Try Royal Household , Find out for yourself. All grocers sell it or can get it on short notice. ny a eg et feclected Sested tent free on request. Mention name of your Sealer. . 17 OGILFIE FLOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED, WINMIPES, For Sate b: LePAGE BROS. Medicine Hat 4 died before gt; MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. HAT KILLED 1 STAIR Victor Linguist, Ottawa St., Dies of Injuries Received Struck by Train. WAS FIRING PUSHER ENGINE ON TRAIN 13 Hurriedly Brought to City: But He Died a Short Time Afterwards. Victor Linguist of East Ottawa St. city, was fatally hurt this morning at Stair at 24.15. He was immediately Gershaw got to him. Linguist was fireman on the push- er engine on train 13, leaving here about 23 o'clock with Engineer Wm. Johnson. It is understood he stepped off his engine to set a switch and in so doing he did not see an approch- jing train, He. was struck with con- siderable force, receiving most of the impact on the head. As soon as possible he was hurried to the city and assistance summoned, but he died shortly after reaching the r city. Mr, Linguist, who is a member of ithe B, L. F. and E., leaves a wife and small baby. An inquest will be held tonight at eight o'clock. NEW BARRACKS Salvation Army Intends Erecting More Commod- i uarters in Medicine Hat. Colonel and Mrs, Gaskin, assistant chief secretaries for the Salvation Army, instend visiting Medicine Hat EEEEEEE EEE EE EEE + foundation * down. Mr. Kelly is well * satisfied with the site * the-eity-has provided. + EEE EEE EEE ES ROOSEVELT I ILLINOIS PRIMARIES Governor Woodrow Wilson. 8. Denieen has been nominated for gov- THE OGILVIE MILL rT Isr. TING WORK IREINAN 1S nese Gen. Mgr, Kelly, Win- nipeg, ractor Me- Queen, anil Architect Chalfon-of the Ogilvie Co., are in the city to- day looking over their site and preparing for the rushing up of their immense plant. The plans for the plant are practically complete, and men ary busy now sinking test pits to find out just what kind of a to put CW. A. P. Dispateh) Chicago, Ills., April ecelved a majority of 140,000 10. Theo. Roosevelt defeated President Taft in the preferential-ptimary held in Tilin ois yesterday, by approximately 11 (000 votes and Speaker Champ Clark over Chas. ernor for the third consecutive term by the Republicans. his plurality be- ing estimated at 15,000. Edward F. Dunne, former governor of Chicago, received the nomination for governor on the Demficcratic ticket by a plural- ity close to 20,00). this practically complete the returns from the city of Chicago and on estimates based on about halt the vote in that state give the following totals: For, President Republican, 5 BEV THO; Tal 7 Lafollette, 37,000; Roosevelt s plural ity 111,000, . Democrats Clark. 2: 80,000; Clark s majority Theo - 000; Wilson 140,000. vantage. of Mother s Day will protect it from these trespassers. emblem of the day, because ft may be thought to typify some of the virtues of motherhood. for purity; its form, beauty; its frag- rance, love; its wide field of growth, charity; its lasting qualities, fidelity. Day is left to every one's own heart jin the injunction, Live this day a8 ker and Patten. 218atf your mother would have you live it Don't try to be an earthly saint, but just. the big boy or mother believes you are. Set ts ee MOTHER S DAY EEE EEE EEE TE + ws Mother's Day fs the second Sunday in May ,annually, this year May 12th. The general object of Mother's Day 1s a simultaneous, observance In every part of the world to exalt motherhood and home in a way that will add to personal, domestic and national, up Litt, : It s a thank-offering of grateful Sons and daughters of all lands for the mothers and fathers whose good- ness has blessed their lives. It. s a personal day progressive singul mother and father of some great man in history, but a day for you to honor mother who in your heart is the best mother who ever lived. It is a day for men and women Big boys and girls as sons and daughters to honor themselves by showing gratitude to the parents who watched over them with tender care EEE EE EEE EEE EE EEE ETE Mother's Day ts for everybody, and it is desired that It have the interest of all fraternal, military, business, social, civic, educational and other organization: well as all persons Who honor the home, or a mother. While Mother's Day Is free as to its celebration for all, it is not free for any person or soclety to raise funds through t for their own special Interests, It jwould be Ampossibilg)) for any movement to exist if its pop- ularity is to be used by all classes of People and societies to raise funds for various charities and their own ad- It is hoped that every friend The white carnation le the chosen Its whiteness stands The manner of observing Mother's girl your It is not a day for you to honor the V those of your home espectally the W Wednesday, April 10th, 1912. NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc,, ads under these headings. 25 words, one day . 25 words, three days 25 words, eix days .- Addjtional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. 26 HELP WANTED. *PED Pantrygiri at the Com: Hotel. 23143t ase NP a ag oes ates FANTED A man to do a good Job painting an automobile. Box 1252, News Office 2813 WANTED tTwo waitresses at the opposite the Assinibois Hotel. WANTED Capable maid for general frousework. Apply- Mrs:-O- Boyds 635 Main St 23003 WANTED Two first-class carpen - ters, at once, 50 cents an hour, steady work, bring tools, McLachlan jand McLean, Redclift, 22943 GIRL WaANTED Gir wanted for an important position. Good salary to right person. Write to Box 1250, News Office. 23003 VANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on commission. Apply to Box 1248. 227dtt WANTED Good dining room girl. American Hotel- - EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. Moler System Cel- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary, 294dtf VANTED A delivery boy, one with a Dicycle preferred. Apply Bar- SITUATIONS WANTED. ;XPERIENCED stenographer desires Al Rath, furnace, water, gas 4200. 21000 cash, balance Iike rent. bloc for 11,000, One third down and Acme restaurant, Toronto St:; 2aoas 226a6t4- FFOR SALE 8 room house on hill. Apply box 1233, iggdtt FOR SALE Two lots and three mod- ern houses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame houses t,he three will be sold en balance can be arranged to suit the purchasers, Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No, 269 or 643 Highland St, Central Park, attdet. LOST AND FOUND TLL the lady who picked up gold necklet and cross on Balmoral St. B,, please return to 205 1-2 Balmoral St, Reward, 231-dlt LOST Gold locket and chain de- tween Barclay St, and Railwa; Reward at News Office. 2g9dst JfOUND Between Medicine Hat and Redeliff, Scotch tweed ulster. Ow- ner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Apply F. Schram, 605 Fourth Ave. 22948 JOUND A ring. Owner please des- cribe same in writing to Box 1248 News Office, 22846 STRAYED STRAY ANIMAL Between Christ- mas and New. Year, strayed on the premises of Nathaniel Deering, Sec, 6-10-3, W. 4. One bay gelding one white stocking on hind leg, brok- en to harness or saddle, quiet, brand- ed Yoon left thigh, and on right shoulder, 231d3t. AUCTIONEERS H- 3. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St., Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co, 619 Toronto-St. 182dtt MISCELLANEOUS (CORSETIERE- Spirelia Corsets made Wednesday, April Sete : WITH T Seetecteatectetrerey Every effort be made to mal a thoroughly tory place to d ing made he want your thoughts to be and to be of W Shoes. rE Turpin The. Man s Stone- Get the Big Doll Ea France Sherman, president of the Every person is asked to wear al position, Apply Box 1251,.News , Ofder. Guaranteod against ERAGE Be a as. es a ane oes state board administration, received white carnation or his or her moth- Office. 23043 breaking or rusting.. Phone 594 or Seoedratectocteateaectententeatonte eefeedeateseegeetesseege essere: Penetll fe tne ort voted in the te endorsement of the Republicans er s favorite flower on, Mother's Day, fend card to box 72. Mra, Jean Mat- ate Ql cear future. On Tuesds vening, OF the U. 8. Senator over Shelby M. as a fillal honor badge. LAIN SEWING WANTED 611 thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202d1mo any eee a E B ROS MS esday evening. Cutiom by a plurality estimated at If possible, have your mother and North Railway Street. 23003 mn yt Le e g April 16th, the Colonel will give / 25 999 James Hamilton Lewis had father as you guests of, honor this - ANTED Gentlemen's cast-off QUALITY first. 1 THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE ee olen ao ae sel no opposition 0 nthe Democrat ticket Mother's Day, or go home and visit GTENOGRAPHER desires work in 4...) ae ie old gold, silver, suaded to buy C ce ee eee oats to pM tose forthe jiwenaton endorsement. in a way which will make this'a day the evening. Apply Box 587 Post ry, furs, hides, and all kinds of aee-Gecauae 10s ete eines eae Joseph CO. Cannon, former speaker of or pleasure to them. Office. zasaee Seeont tant Eoods. Best prices paid. meee FRIDAY BARGAIN 3 DAY SPECIALS : Ladies Silk Hosiery Special 25 DOZEN LADIES BLACK SILK HOSE These are stamped Second s, which means that some pairs have a stiteh dropped but otherwise just as good as firsts. Black only, sizes 844 to 10. On sale Friday at -. CA A ss SHOE SPECIALS 75 pairs Shoes, odd and broken lines, go on Sale serrrererer oe PICEA PR eS a pair FANCY SUNSHADE SE ZCIATS * + Lot No. 1 Ladies fancy colored sunshades (ast : e season s stock.) Values up to 1.75 each. Friday Bargaim Special 1.00 each + Ladies fancy silk sumshades in light x 50. Friday Bar- + Lot No. 2 -+. 1.75 each. and dark hades, values up to 3. gain Special aes LePAGE BROS. The Trading Co s Stand, 88 Toronto St. Phone 28. g ; Sete etontestente ato enteetetente, Soe oeseeeseeioeiees i STEAMERS GO DOWN. on an island. The crews of the ves- 5 sels were rescued. A four masted schooner also went ashore near Cux- haven, the fate of the crew has not yet been ascertained. al (C. A P. Cable Berlin, April 9. A severe storm is: ranging along the coasts and throu- ghout the interior of Germany. In the course of last night two freight stea- mers sank and a third went ashore For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. AMHERST TOURISTS Large Party Arrived here Last Night Go to Cal- gary Tonight. The Silliker-Vall party of tourists from Amherst, N. 8., arrived here last night and were shown about the city in-autos, There are 24 inthe party and the majority of them are specu- another big trip next fall and as a re- sult something: more definite may re- manufacturers and contractors. Those in the party are: Hy. Vale, C. J. Silliker, J. N. Fage, C. Savage, P. 3,-Sonier, Victor Silliker, Mrs. J. Sill- iker, L. Paul, W. Simmons, J. J, Ship- ley, W. Wood, W. D. Freeman, Mrs. Swain, Miss Fage, Miss. Kenny, Miss Edgecomb, Miss Ward, Mrs, w. Fraser, Mrs, C. W. Fraser, Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Dr. McLeod, Mr. Purdy and Fred Cameron. BLAZE AT DOTY S. Tonto St. and Fourth Ave., ecene-of small blaze-at 1.45 this af- ternoon. It was so small that the response. OGILVIE MILL AT GLENCOE IN DANGER. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) lator , They have purchased a large jamownt of property already, Phey-pian- Clark s plurality is 30,846 The total. sult, as among them are several laree/SOeTAT, AND PERSONAL Black ahd Mr. J. Melkleiohn and thel W. F, Duncan, J. L. Black, Mrs. Mc- Doty s store on the corner of To- was the occupants of the building had put the fire out when the brigade reached the spot. The department made a quick the-house was renc vote of 2 to 1 owr his nearest com- petitor, W. B. icKinley. President Taft's campaign manager also was re- nominated for Congress in the 1 th district, Socialists and prohibition - ists nominated their full share and congressional tickets. Complete unofficial results of the elty of Chicazo haye Taft 44,107; Roosevelt 72,413 and LaFollette 12,103. Roosevelt's plurality is 28,336, The, itotal Republican vote is 128,663. Com- jal returns from the city 4 and Wilson 32,668. inated by the democratic vote is 146,022. Mrs. F, G. Forster entertained very Pleasantly on Monday . evening at whist, There were nine tables. The first prizes were won by Mrs. R. C. second prizes by Mrs. J. H. Spencer and Mr. Tom Bassett. The ladies of Knox Church will meet at the home of Mrs, Macleod, 700 Fourth Avenus, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. HOME RULE DEMONSTRATION +f CW. A. BP. Cable.) Belfast, April 9 That the opposi- tlon of Province of Ulster on which the Irish Unionisfs mainly base their hopes of ultimately defeating the forth-coming home rule bill, remains as virile as in 1886 and 1894 in which William E, Gladstone Introduced his two home rule bills for Ireland, seems. to have been fairly demonstrated by vast throngs of orangemen and union- ists who today again registered their If you -can notdo this, through let- ter, message or gift, stamp the day with kindness. If this is a memorial day for you reverance it-as such in-your own best way it is not for any one to tell you ho The idea of Mother's Day is not idle sentimantalism. It has well been called the highest bit of practical sentiment that has ever taken hold on the hearts of men. An organized tri- bute to mother s love resolves itself into an organized tribute to mother s jaw, and the recognition of mother s Jaw-means-love for country..for com- rades and for God. Let every one, through co-operation with the Mother s Day International Association, 2031. North Fwelfth St, To REN? QFFICES TO RENT Two fine, large well lighted offices in the News HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By English family for six months, a small modern house furnished, with stable preferred. Al ply J. Chadwick, Redclift. 229a5 WANTED Siz, seven or eight room house to rent. Must b first class, Box 32 City, 226-46 Giobe-Cleaning-and-Pressig Co. rear post office, 4th Ave. 202dimo WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, wult block, suitable for real estate. Best. cases, stoves, location in the efty, Modern conven- furniture, Damecnnt ar aes Jer 5 S ce bug- nee tt gies, harness, dicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Ce., 12 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. O. box 701 Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dt. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Puiladelphia; Pa. help to make the second Sunday of May; 1912, a great home day, a day of family re-unions, of observance by all organizations of every class, and of personal up-lift. ROOMS TO RENT. Street, TO RENT Large front room nicely furnished, with bath, 99. Toronto 23003 We Furniture, Stoves And Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. very-best--We ha erything the Builc A select stock DOORS, SASH, BEECH, OAK, MA AND FIR FLOOR We have the ag celebrated Morgat THE DOOR BI CEMENT, WOOD 1 SPLIT CEDAR-E LOW PO tion regarding official programmes for churches, Sunday schools, and Societies, official badges, buttons, de- sociation 236 Eighth Ave., West, Cal- gary, Alta, corations, etc. may be bah. by apply- - ing to the Alberta Sunday. School As- 'J 0 RENT Front and back room, located, Apply News Office. Fifth, corner of Roy St. 229a3t BOARD AND ROOM. ronto Street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'D OPENING For Dressmaker in this city, outfit free. Apply to Box 770 city. 225-tf with bath and phone, centrally 13043 0 RENT Suite of rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, Apply 822 00D BOARD and rooms, 427 To- 23086, first-class Rooms: light, heating and full dress making We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf BUSINESS CARDS. SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent AD classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. GAS CITY VACUUM CLEANING co. Is now ready for spring clean- ing. Have your cleaning done with the Vacuum Process, the best and + only way to get Perfect Cleaning, and for less cost than the old hand Genet Booth Now 83 yous Old London, April 10. Con- gratulatory messages from all parts of the world, including felicitious notes of greeting from King George and Queen Mary, were received by Gen- eral Booth today on the ge- ce of his eighty-third birthday anniversary. The ion vat Army recently cluded a Continental tour and America next fall, lett. eye, This operation, will not be attended serious risk, and to give him an old sight for one eye. At pres: ent he cannot see his aud iences; put if It is succesatal he will be able to do a cer. venerable founder of the Sal- con- Much de- pends, however, upon the out- come .of an operation that 1s S le to take soon to be performed on his Gen. Booth has been assured with promises man s tain amount of writing and the St. -Gabriel s-Jocks. The fron mills were one mass town gection of the brigade. MINERS AND OPERATORS MEET. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Philedeiphia, Pa. April mine workers. The representatives o expectations that the operators concede some of the demands made. Montreal, ue., April 10 The Glen- ora mills of the Ogilvie Milling Co,, to separate parliament for Ireland in was endangered for some time early this morning, by a fire which broke out in the Caledonia Iron Works at of flames when the blaze was first dis- Ulster Agricultural Society grounds. covered and were practically gutted, the: loss being 50,000. Four alarms were sent in immediately and by hard work the Glenora Mills were saved, but it required almost the whole down 10. Planning s visit-to tmtners and opetators will-meet ee Joint conference here today and make another attempt to agree upon a wage the place of the one that expired on March 31st, and sent back to Work 175,000 Idle anthracite the men enter the conference with the will Parcel boy wanted at once ut The Unaltered and unalterable opposition any form. A demonstration-of 10,000 enthus- jasts this morning passed in proves- sion before Andrew Bonar Law. and other Unionists leaders ut the Royal Porgee Silk Sale, 39. - yard, Wednesday and Thursday at The Tm- perial Dry Goxis Co. ar a ey Se eee Se TOM GERHARDT CO. CONTRACTORS CELLAR DIGGING AND CEMENT SIDEWALKS PHONE 735. Office downstairs In, Imperial Bank Building. ft Reyndlds Stewart. even reading, after a time, - Geads Co. 19082 umperial Dey is Co. - 187) (4th Avenue opposite -Binnings) Auctioneers. - WANTED Dressmaker wants work New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- by the day. Phone 247 or call 408 fally ufraished om cost of Papering Phone 708 519 Toronto St. First Avenue. 21343. 19042 Painting and Paperhanging. i FRIDAY, Aprill2 A large quantity of horses, cows, poultry, harness, wagons, farming, fmplements, including Incubator and separator; also a t of sundries. ther entries will be accep- ted up to 12 o'clock day of sale, - For further particulars apply H. B. Browne Co. your reoms. 'Phone 156. At one o'clock prompt. FOR SALE Block 58, Ottawa St, 1350. 73 cash. P. 0. Box 3. OR SALE Two W. MacBean, 611 Ottawa St. 226d shop, or apply to box 22. P.O. LITTLE cius s SALE Ripens 10 days from, smut. Grades Hard. 0., Alta, Sample on FOR SALE Good 50 ft. building lot light horses for SSS FOR SALE Barred Rocks, FOR SALE One J. J. Taylor safe be seen at T. J. Fiager's Blacksmith 22idtt eED WHEAT FOR earlier than the Fife wheat, clean and free request. Myers Bros., Boweii P. K-Ap. 18 FOR SALE Grocery store and com- Place your order disappointment of delay. ... ... Phone 707. Post Office box 744 22941 mo. , The Globe Cleaning way: to avold the sale, 3 and 4 years old. Inquire ee On the Market Square. )o1 stontreai Street. ar9det: Pressing Co. The auctioneers announce Rear of. Post Office, Fourth Avenue. that the weekly, sales will be OR SALE Cockerels, thoroughbred continued. Next sale on FON nite Weandottes, Apply to 1. limes Cleaned, Pressed and Hepatred Equal to New. + New and Secondhand Goods Bought a Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered. 6 White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, RRL rletor. Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. go area 226-1mo. E. Bartlett, int Engineer, Dominton and Alberta Land Surveyer Industrial Spur Raflways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans. Etc. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken at plete stock, ments above. good Box 1249, News office. living apart - 1200 will handle this, the balance on Gay payments. Apply 228412 Telephone 68. the lowest charge consistent with best Workmanship. : Work Guaranteed. CHAS, A. ADSIT 05 Main Bt FINLAY THE LUMBE P. 0. BOX 29. New Orleans sport: put-up a 17,000 pu tween Att Wolgast' It leaked out last burg at one time m for First Baseman I Shiloht QUICKLY STOPS coud MEALS THE THROAT AN Sum Unde wear The stock plete with al We have 1.00 per su gan, to offe town. HS IRI CP.R. MEN
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Image 575 (1912-04-10), from microfilm reel 575, (CU1771273). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.