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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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8rd, 1913. nite Fold. Price 3. i t Wyandotte Heavy win- 5, Barred Rock fine mported ot Buff Orping- Address T. B. , or phone 96. 2o7ate WHEAT FOR : 0 days earlier clean and fre eon request. Bros., Bowell: P, K-Ap. 18 J. Taylor sate 2'6 x2'6 , Can 22, P.O, alate n house on hill, ater, gas. 4200- like rent. Apply - ipeatt ro BUY ting hens. Ad- post office. 190dtt FOUND ck change purse, bills and child's in. The latter isa ike, Finder return ttice and get r e- 224-tt 1 Fouple of checks. ECO., Live Stock etioncers, 519 Tor les every Friday it 1 o'clock. Ranch 8 conducted any- niture sales con- Consult us, our-ex- sposal free. H. B. Toronto St. 1g2atr ANEOUS rella Corsets made aranteed- against g. Phone 594 or i 2. Mrs. Jean Mat , Main, St. 202d1mo ntlemen's cast-off old gold, silver, and all kinds of Best prices paid. i Pressing Co., rear re, 202d1mo BS' AND GENTS ng, shoes, Watches, olvers, valises, wult sical instruments, at waggons, bug- icyeles, carpenter ea and furs, horse uthers, bought an ) Harvard-Tuiloring avenue, opposite e. P.O. box TOL jest Prices Paid for 23Dtt. HAT HIDE, FUR O: The above have selection of Second he city, We carry and Bedding, new -Ciothing Clocks, , Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, ine of winter goods. 4g mentioned above prices. Call at 504 or Phone 587. tf . GAL. UNDON, Barrister, tary, Medicine Hat, ultt Block, Room 2; 0. box 540. 63DtF 38 CARDS. A.Sc. 1 Engineer, berta Land Surveyor Spur Railways, Sewage, Irrigation, ns, Ete. icine Hat, Phone 484 ga : Cleaning ing Co. : fice, Fourth Avenuer Pressed. and Repaired to New. thand Goods Bought a Sold for and D-''vered. HARRIS, Proprietor. wane enees Paperhanging. Zz ett, B. on cost of Papering, hone 156. . TUNING id REGULATING repair undertaken at, se consistent with ork Guaranteed. : Ac ADSI ie Wednesday, April 3rd, 1912 lt; ake ae . vs seats a Poche. aC S oo You know the old s say- ing about Easter It would hardly do to re- peat it here ask your mother or your grand- mother what it is, Any- way, you simply must have something new on on that particular day. We would advise you to.get your Spring Bowi- net or Tie or better still your complete outfit from a The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth SERRE EEE EE EEEEEE Semi-ready Blug Serges Cannot Be Beaten for Value Semi-ready, Ltd., have special clothes made for this country and cli- mate, and you will find it impossible to fade or shrink a Semi-ready Blue Serge. Come and see them at - 20 and 25. H.S. Ireland GP.R. MEN'S STORE + WEEKLY AUCTION iSale on the MARKET SQUARE The Auctioneers Announce that FRIDAY, APRIL 5th being GOOD FRIDAY Their Sale -will be held on SATURDAY; pri At. One O clock Prompt. A large quas cows, poultry, harness, wagons, ete. already listed for this sale. Further entries will be. ac- / cepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale. For further particulars apply -H. B- BROWNE CO. AUCTIONEERS on the dollar. ito SI Bey Ene ree BE, ON TIME for these bar- gains. The proprietors don't EEE EEE PE Ete Tf fepert fle. stock to last. very ta tong. So remember time and place. 312 Fourth Canadian Northern Avenue Steamships, Ltd Opposite-Dreamiand - - Speed Steadiness Splendour ff) fafmfal fafnlnintetnteeteelebef-ielb Montreal, Bristol, London. ingsFrom Montreal RMB. Royal George, May Ist daylight. R.M.S. Royal Edward, May 15th daylight. .R.M.S. Royal George, May 29th daylight. And fortnightly thereafter. For further particulars, illus- trated booklet, etc., Apply any Railway or 8. 8. Agent or write direct to A. H. Davis, General Apete 272 Main St, Winnipeg. Taslet op rou, ticket reading via Royal Line.* SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. Soatealoateatnateaiestesteste steed estecteteete steep rar enee ee ee eee ee es lou: of the Western Canada League has been held and no solution to the baseball situa- tion for 1912 has been arrived at. Yesterday the magnates met here and Another la meeting discussed Pro and con the many dif. ferent sides of the question b,ut when the meeting broke up late at night, they. no nearer the much sought fgoal than Whew the meeting started. About the only hope for Medicine Hat and Lethbridge is that a four team. league be formed of these two towns and Edmonton and Calgary. In fact, this is practically the only proposition that. the Medicine Hat magnates wil consider at all . Tate in the afternoon-after the mat- ter had been thoroughly gone into the meeting submitted an offer to the Medicine Hat people, which was the option of ix club league or a four club league. - Tho six club league was to be com- Medicine Hit, Saskatoon and Winnl- peg, providing that Brown would pur- chase the franchise at 5,000. The four club league was Bassano, Calgary, Edmonton and Medicine Hat. The former proposition Mr, Fleming and C. 8. Pingle did not think feas- ible, with two Clubs in the far east and the other four In the west, expenses Would be far too high. To the four club league they favored Lethbridge as they sald that if Medi- cine Hat was going to give Calgary and Edmonton ball that, they did not 14,000 people would better ball than Bassano with 12007 MEDICINE HAT DAILY N BoeteeSe-efe-ate-ago-ege Ssteste ate danete steer coset ress ase Metres oooh Sede Geeseetrete ecto ctatoatoate coats teateatearedes ASGDALL mi POOR v ague Unable to Reach an Agree- ),.. mabnt on the Basis of a League Medicine Hat Did Not Want Six Club League. want to loose any more money than they could help, and Lethbridge with pupport To knock the six team league in the head a wire was received from Winnipeg, wanting to know what right the League bad to forfelt their fran- chise, which the league had done at fan earlier part of the meeting. Th said that they were willing to pay up all debts ani to play ball. This put a different light on the matter, but the feeling was that Winnipeg Was mot wanted under the present management, When Medicine Hat refused to a cept either proposition offered. af, fairs were just as they started, Sas- katoon wants to play. ball but they will consider nothing but a sfx club league, The league cannot consider Medicine Hat's proposition of the four club league neluding Lethbridge, as they have already granted a charter (to- Birssano and theyare-nox hownd to provect that franchise: Ex-Presj- dent Eckstorm, caused the only sen- sation of the day when he presented a paper eigned by Sam Salvage, in which he agreed to enter a league with a 1,200 salary limit to be composed of picyers who had never played pro ball before. This caused a rather sensa- l or horses and ponies 14.2 and over, THe tton-as-the-other deiegates-hed-mever- es 14.2 and over. 4.54 of brood marss by William Brad heard of such an agreement before. It is anlikely that such a league will materialize however. After vainly trying to reach a decision 'the meeting adjourned to meet in. Calgary Friday. and prices for Dates Arey Awarded. 120,000 in Stakes The race programme of the west- ern Capada fair circuit is now. out, and shows that 120,000 will be of- fered in stakes and purses, Stake entries for Calgary, Moose Jaw, Win- nipeg and Edmonton, close May 1, for Brandon May 15, Regina and Sas- kutchewan June 1. The dates of the yarlous meetings are: Calgary June 28th to July 5 (5 days racing); Moose Jax, July 8 to 10 (3 days racing); Winnipeg, July 10 to 20 (7 days rac ing); Regina, July 29 to August 3, (8 days racing); Saskatoon, August 6. 7, 8, 9 (4 days racing); and Leth- bridge, August 19 to 24 (3 days rac- ing). Rules Governing Races. Address all communications to the Secretary of each meet. 1, All harness races, unless other- wise specified herein, sbull be con- dueted-under: the rules and regula tions of the American Trotting As- sociation. Running races will be the entire stock of large pier chant in the clty who is retir- ing from ae) Sale commences Monday, Maroh 3is at 9 o'clock. The stock consists of Gents and Ladies Boots, Clothin Trunks, ete- Thi k will be sacrificed at 85 -ceats Heleleteieteletetet Phone. 740 P.O. Box 525 H.B. Curtis BUILDER and RACE RULES OF WESTERN CANADA 1912 FAIR CIRCUIT held. under rules. 2. Entry fees, except where other- wise stated, Harness, stake and purse races, 5 per cent to enter and 5 per cent of purse deducted from the mon- ey winners. - Running stakes, 5 p r cent to enter and 5 per cent of purse the American Racing deducted from money winner. In running purses of 300 and under, the entry fee will be 5. In running purses between 300 and 500, the entry fee will be 10. In running horses of over 500 the entry fee will be 5 per cent deducted from the money winners. There will be no deduction from the money winners in running purse races of 300 and under. 3, All stake entries will close on dates mentioned in each program, on payment of 1 per cent; 2 per cent to be paid one month Inter, when horses must be named; 2 per cent on the date for closing purse races at each meet. 4, A horse may be declared out at any time upon written notice and payment of entry fees then due. 5. Stakes not filling satisfactory may-be-declared- off, but the associat- ion must notify the nominators with- in ten days of the stake closing. 6. A horse that is entred in one or more stake races, and: is also entred in a purse event, will be held for the y ENTTaNCe Tn the purse-evetttr-alehows he pre he may have in. one stake race. i Purses divided-as follows? trot ting and pacing events, 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Running events, 60, 25 and 15 per cent, except where ot- herwise stated. .Five to enter, four to start in all purse races. 8,Any horse distancing the field, or any part thereof, will be entitled to one m ney only. 9 Weight for age in all running races, unless otherwise specified; maidens allowed 5 pounds in all races. 10. A green horse is one which has never won money before entries close for the race in which he Js to be en- tered as a green horse. 11. In all running purte races, horses bred in. Manitoba, Saskatche- started lhe allowed 7 pounds off scale, where not otherwise specified. 12, Trotting oF pacing race to be Umited to five heats, with the excep- tion of races for 4-year olds and un- der, which shall be best 2 in 3. 13, All objections must be brought before the speed committee, and their decision shall be final. All condit- fons to be subject to the revision of the racing committee. e1g AM races not finished by 5 pam: dn. the day on which they are CONTRACTOR. Estimate Free. Braemar St.) Plani started, may be postponed until such time as the Judges shall ppoint. 5. If owing to bad weather or ot- her unavoidable cause the association shall be unable to start one or more Beefo-afo-ate-cte-efo-ege-et der of even horses quuat be dressed in clean PwC EWS. Roclodtndteetesteaioageate of its races DefgEs A Pim. of the tast day of its meeting, BuO race may or may not, at the option of the judges, be declared off: 16, The speed committee may allow a mistake in any entry to be correct- ed, when satinfied that no fraud was ted, 17. The speed eommittee claims the right to Interlii e:beats of ditter- ent races, a8 well as to alter the or- they deew it ex- p dient, also to postpoe on account of bad weather or Other reasonable causes. If declared off. entrance money will be refunded. 18. The speed. committee are deter mined to have all races keenly con- tested and reserve the right to meke any or all running events handicap, if necessary. 19. Horses will be called to the wire five minutes, before the time set for the race in whieh they are about DOT FIGHT Mrs. Abe Aten Says she Can t Stand to Hear o: See Her Hubbie Beat Up. Abe Attell wil weyer Might again Ir his wife can prevent it, according to a nice story emanated from Boxter street, New York. The day after Abe lost the championship to Kilbane she came to: fight headquarters, weeping bitterly. I can t stand Abe being beaten up this way, she sobbed. If he loses the fight with Tommy Murphy he shalt never step into the ring again. Abe lost the Murphy fight. Attell has fought 250 times per- to start. 20. Ponies to carry not less than DAD more. He has fought more cham- doo pounds, pions than any other man now in the ring, and has defended his title every time a 122-pound man could get the offer of a purse. He has been whip- 24, Jockeys in thelF- correct col- ors and with propen: aumbers on their arms, must, on the track PL hoo roctoate odode Coeeeeerete oes ped just five times. He has fought Perhaps 3000. rounds in all, and until the Murphy fight did not bear a mark where a glove touched him. mounted, and parade their horses past the grandstand before each race. The rule to be, eaforoed to the let- ter. 22. Grooms amd oth r atteidants. appearing on the track in charge of BIG HORSE DEAL turned up in the trotting race world during the past winter, not excepting the safe of the champion trotting 23. The Association reserves the right to acept or decline any entry. No conditional ntrie accepted. 24, Arrangements have been made with the Canada, customs to admit foreign horses without delay. 25. Conditions of Galloway races G. Billings, fora sum believed to. be above the 50,000 mark, was the an- nouncement of the ssie of Bingen, 2.06 1-4; Swee Mario, 2.02, and a up to 15 hands, horses 14.2 to carry ley of New York to Di ; 140 poun s and 7 pounds extra to be yey te Dentaline Leo ct New York. The deal was a most un- carried for each inch ayer 14.2. expected one, no intimation that such 26, All parties making nominations 4 change might take place being giv Must furnish post office address with 6, the first and only announcement name. Entries cannot be transfer being the giving out of the whole stallion The Harvester, 2.01, to0: K- red story to the public. 27, Horses with trotting or pacing Diegenndes rtednepatededoind eden PeOMOeOSOLSOOSoSTOenseoereoenorod such as Bieentcd by Medicine Hat today is one of the Rare Opportunities one meets during a life time. Considering the many industries.that are absolutely assured, and the many more that are most likely to come, the railroads that are racing to be here first, the ree to be made by the city during the year, Medicine Hat property offers to the people one of the most attractive investment opportunities ever. presented in the West. Be guided by your own good judgment ana buy property Now. You pay more if you wait. Do it Now. as are a few good buys. lots, High School Annex bik. 3 e100 each, Ternis. 35 fe,'old Townslte, blk, GI 92500. Terms. z Lots in Herald, bi 8 250. each. Terms. Lots in Herald, bik. 21840 each. Terms, .LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH US, WE WILL SELL IT. EAL UTHER LAND COMPANY cleverness Still remains iecomparable and for ten rountis or so he displays tewildering speed. But his record shows that since 1906, when be stop- that, Gbe wonderful Chicago boxer is ped 14 opponents with sleep-produting cither losing his punch or is slightly Wallops, he hes knocked out 6 men este in stamina. His remarkable in 48 bouts. PACKEY MAY BE LOSING HIS PUNCH Carefal study of Packy. McFarland's Ting tecord would seem to indicate be. allowed, three, seconds when. en: races over balf-mile tracks provided that such allowance shall fot permit a horse-to compete in any. race from which he would be debar- red on account of his Tecord over a half mile track. . eae records made over a mile track shall soteaia S +9, a Soe oS CONNAUGHT CUP + . FOR, TORONTO MEET x A newiteatare of tha Outarto Joc- 4 Key club's stake li8t Tor: the spring meating at Woodbine, announced to- day, is the Connought, Cup event. 2. This race is for a challenge cup pre- sented by Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Comnought, K. G., Governor-General of Canada, and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Connought. The race is for three- year-olds and-apwards; the bona fide property of Canadian owners resident hoi in Canada: The cup which is a very 3 beautifat specimen of, the silyer- *s* smith s art, has 1,500 added by the 4 club. Of the other stakes, all) of which are to close on April 29, increased va- Ines will be found im the William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, 1,500 added, for horses foaled. in Canada; the Victoria Stakes, 1,100 added, for two-year-olds, and the Coronation Stakes, 2,000 added, for two-year- olds foaled In Canada, Now that horses bred in the Province of On- tario are not debarred from winning as. two-year-olds, in order. to be eli- gible for the plate, the Coronation Stakes will prove a tempting plum indeed- to owners of Ganadian-bred horses. seageeie st e es SP hoeanceasoesoete SeSeciotestests Sas PUBLIC NOTICE The Burgesses of the City - of Medicine Hat are hereby : requested to attend Public Meetings to discuss the various By-laws tobe voted on on April 12th, to be held. Derefeeas fs Woodbine Steeplechase and the Street Railway Steeplechase, feature events of the cross coun- try Taces, eath have the substantial Bunt of 1,300 added. AN told am average of 1,000 a day will be gl- ven for steeplechasing. NOTICE TO BASEBALL FANS our base bail comedy tonight. at Dreamland. Tt is a regular base steal- er, The other comedy is One ow the Bumbus Jones, after a heart-to- heart talk with Manager Ganzel at Anniston. affixed his name-sign to a contract, and that completes the Ro- chester roster.- Bumpus was inctin- ed to be bumpish, but Jawn froned Thin out smoot SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally News, Would You be Pleased Probably the most convincing argu- ment that we can present 1s thit We submit proofs of yout Portraits un- til you are satisfied that your likeness ever Increasing patronage, enced by the fact that We have an is both pleasing and correct. THE BARTLETT STUDIO The quality of our Portraits is evi- Fourth Ave. Over Blaningn, Gogeerereereewnry as follows: Monday, April Sth, at the City Hall, ae Tuesday, April Oth, at the Montreal St. School, * Wednesday; April 10th the City Halt. ae : Meetings to commence at. 8 p.m. sharp. , at M.A. BROWN, Acting Mayor
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Image 538 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 538, (CU1771289). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.