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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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aril 10th, 1912. ns t MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Wednesday, April 10th, 19: 4 Saas Ratepayers Again e ALINE Painting Time Is NO 1 N Ss 1 x w FEKS if there s any woodwork alout the house, outside or in, which looks End d B ws 8 we shall have ten 7-roomed houses finished utsid sha ig ome Uses shed and SMUT shabby. Don't think you ars economizing by puting it off. orse ry a y for sale. Every cent s worth of M-L Pure Paint adds value to anything it * In three wecks we shall have ten small houses rt Quart covers. Whether you do the job yourself or have a painter do it, Mass Meeting Held at Mc at Mon- Mayor Spencer here, on behalf of for rent. : Pi the counefl, said that he greatly ap- 4 P Be Sure PURE ireal Bohool, Whoo By. cosas crate g Antitnated buters of hess om cary terms, keep Y MORE Ee taetion-had-been backed up,-there may rae e are ding 25 to 36 You Get PAINT day Were Discussed. Teewiecant aiNetences(otapntcn can here this season. Hyou want to be sure of a good job. Figure that M-L Paint Made forty-seven. SE ia last nie all may make mistakes, but he be- Drag and will protect and beautify the surface it covers just about twice fat (ur very ime ti bhi Mane OA ts anes i Heder tt paleo ony ciara tire ADO L P Ho s M it Hi fas tong as any other paint you can buy. It wili because of of put, inside oF Fae ee ee eres ne areca MEDICINE HAT. MOOSE JAW Oo e various bylaws which are to come up the people were backing them up. Hi ress the opecial ingredient which we unite with other pure oaterials nerial He MIs Vidas: 7 ys dre viene oma ie dae eatareat For further particul ee C. W. S: to giv it unusual wearing quality. Ms e the burge y for was also glad to Bee the deep interest her particulars see mith nn voting, though amaller in attendance that Is being taken in matters as it 116 Montreal St. Titieieicivinininioy than the meeting the nisht previous prevented the council from going as- Lostoet Beep atestestoege resulted in practically the sa: tion leep, The Council at the-present time being taken by the voters present. was spending a lot of time together, The electric and Ansley by-laws, /and he said that by the look of things which chairman John Trimble said they would have to continue spending seemed to be the bone of contention it to be able to cope with the matters Were discussed and Motions carried that come before them. As to the endorsing them and the action of the py-laws to be voted on he belleved 708 Tho up-to-date way to decorate your walls and ceilings is with M-L FLAT WALL COLORS and stencil designs. Most artistic, dren, it does not give those who re-/ felt he could not afford the time to ceive it any unfair advantage over answer each letter individually. Any those who have already prepared their prospective competitor can: obtaim one papers and forwarded them to him. of these helps by sending a letter to He was induced to get up this little) LYMOUTH. ; MINORCAS sanitery, durable, and Ringlets Barred are very eck council. that each and every one spelled pro- the secretary af the ireadquarters of Sisteca shades. The necting westhald in one of the precy and that they were in the best ouM t Secempa,cea wiemy children were the association, Room 4, Curiningharn writing to him for advice that he Block, New Westminster. da s Best S.C. orcas. No opposition to the by-laws was of- the city was going ahead fast and that r pucks, : i feredr end but caecee gen Of 1ie-rats- tno aliy-ta-Westera Canada mould DARE, ching 3.50 and 1 ney setting. payers present sought enlightenment the development this year that Medl- : : 9 ae on certain points by asking questions. cine Hat will, And he sald that the ou swer ese 5 Hea: Agency, for Mayor Spencer was called upon by the eity was to be congratulated on the e Incubators and chairman to speak om the electric nature of the develonment, it was not Some Questions Asked of Illinois Rural School Teachers That Would Show Competence Too Earn 25.00 per Month Additional Pay if They Could Answer. Railway By-law. He said that he be- , bubble but was permanent. On his Meved that the most of those present trjp east he was congratulated on all were at the meeting the night prev- sides on the securing of the Ogilvie fous and at which he had outlined the iiis and also on the growth that the bylaw and the actions of the council oity was showing. He spoke for a in regard to the same. He thought tew moments along the lines of the Daniel's Hot Wa- tor. IRRISON 6. PHONE 255, POSTS April 9. One of the ;mumbet of cubic feet of air each cow that the by-laws were of vital inter-logitvie agreement and sald that he Tethbeidge, eat to tho city and he was pleased tolqig not think that it was in, the in- ost interesting series of questions should have in order not to conthect Selelnlnininlninieinte seo that the voter were taking such terests of the city for the voters to ver propounded to rurul athooll teach enberculosia? an Inter-st in them and the develop- tnrn the bylaws down. At the pres- fs comes to the Intermational Con- , aoc Tayior s ment of the citys At the present time ent growth, he said, we would soon gress of Farm Women from President in eee re ally ae. . F ne said, speaking of Municipal rights, nave a large clty that we would all )A. C. Norris, ot the Tlinois Associa ona the value of a Bek uk test 1 S e r Mf however, the feeling seemed to b /be proud of and he urged all to aink tion for Teachers of Agriculture. Ton each a 2 elma tne citlzens wished to contro ai1 aitferences and working har- These questions were reeeatly pro- a lt; 2 all these things, even though they moniously in its interests. pounded to large aumiter of teachers Can you s ntion five farm papers oa avy Draying. od 3 t naa to pay a higher price for them, ald, Ansley here thanked the vot-land it was stated that if ome could he ought to have in his home? sen ep Sees: bs x this, however, he sald in some way erg for the double endorsation of the pass on tihe majority of the questions, Can you talk intelligently gLout the + had yet to be proved a good thing and py-jaw in which he was interested. such a one would ge to Mifferent Lreeds of horses, cows, sheep, ite eo J be suoted os on example the control ang sald thatthe was very grateful. taach in a re-direct eee bogs, ducks, geese, chickens, end oth- 2 No , : of the elevators ee by the The chairman here on motion ad- 014 g95 more et school the ef farm animate? . 349. q Government which had proved a fail- th nema i efolelelofem inlined 4 ee ana has ee ene teacher who pleads ignorence of such Cat-you name all the dilferaiet pipe a a 4 o Penses for the year and reiterated commonplaces. Here are the questions of farm machinery which farmer in z : Qa hls statement of the night before ponder each carefully, sexi if you headienes ought to own? reivinivieicivivinist * g that the city was not at the present cam answer them: cae aa Jhim someting about gt; a y time in a position to build such a road. Can you enter: into the daily iife of Sina acl car in Sanath oes what fertil- N 2 4H At tne previous meeting he sald that q your community with the feeling thut ir ic probably needs? LEADER . e falled to see Where any point had ) you areessociating with one of the/ Cen you get the chikiren oF our y e l irs esses oO e 1 iY been brought out showing where the 2 highest und noblest class of toilers tistrict interested in 2 pet stock nd Tne snp J, jottics interests were not safeguarded. on earth? poultry slow at the school house this ILDERS y M H 5 a As to real estate wild catting he did Can you sit: down io a farmer's fall? oo not favor it, there had been some eaten at i e nich Cam you name all the different vari- ee * of Medicine Hat are hereby /. i.) cie tre See Eee oe eres FOR. A. BUILDING 2 s e sala that he ald not favor booms Resaye Me Ma a age Fee e ees yousip come up, cun Y FO R im your ncighorhood? wae requested to attend Public i. hsmmeic crs) A S.Aing tate Otis Sos Sno re ee magni ne you so direct or turn the conversation t to City Oo f--more-ortess-and there is no way to to Office aronthr wintte Bie in the-meigithorhood withont set Hehehe etl + Stop Jt Ho was ot ie opimion Maea Of Canadian Highway 5-)wit ve discus? tine tenes ofl gomeiy to wee iatir i Can you step into the kitchen and pate aaah ; A I Seti to di Cu t h e ana urged upon the voters that when sociation. Can you talk for hal an hour with lt; Ings 1s SS they voted to IRE of the Hat as a a patrun of your school withint spanc Et UPD when your Secbliady is: sicb Slee ic ana wot ae eagetion, but to New Wettminster, B.C., April 10 ding 27 minutes of the imo telling es dnt bo *S consider the best intefests of all be- Young. people throughout Canada are hin what a poor teacher astght:in the , yon we aE onset, EY BROS. : various pide ils tobe voted emsacmn sees ee eee alge ES pa tee ee Se a * the Mayor expldined that, Mr- -Ox exsay competition fostered by wat work? See CENTERING elerpack had intended to attend the Kerr, president of the Canadian High- Can you tell him about good books of 4 Ne ontractors. y nN a aS nd C + on oO ri to e e + meeting but that he had been called way Association, who has offered va-/he onght to read alog his. favorite rs Be Goa ve., Ph ate away out of the city. quable gold, silver and silver gilt me- line of agniculture?, s : Se , Phone 434 + fi 11 + Me H. Morrow asked if in theevent dals for the best essay on What Can you go out and hitch up horse ei eutiancay Se ae, y : a 2 re), : ; s Box 304, + as follows Blarney a wena lun nao the ten mrt hl fy ih a tin did the any who are git Ww ot ip coin ue ig ae ae Although public announcement of harness and buggy? has engaged E. L. Howell to defend ates Free. : ie eeee eatin aie oo aeee fe the city uye fact was only made two weeks) Can yom, with interest to yourself, him, the fretiminary examination. set Powe auday April Sth, at tle 2s ns eee 7 ae vay, Associ ith i i offi record i + onda pri , a Oe eee ei mat ne mou a ? me lege lice thaccuaie prayaaye saniant e Se ee Se a S.lthis and that the Minister of Public Coles* just before graduation. Every) Phere Is Oniy Gne ; STABLE PHONE oe sep lworks-woutd-haveto-grant-that right day from three to twelve eseays are 402 728 ee lana he ala not think that he would Fes bythe secretary; PW. ae a Th 1 Ot er +5 + do that and incur the displeasure of Luce, who has in hand the classifica f the eltizene of the city. tion and preliminary judging of the S. FOLLIS + Tuesday, Apri Ti, At COS See aa ans melts mamioct Te ee oe That Je . eltnat such was the case,-and added papers and the awarding of the prizes Laxative a cling Co. See errr ot the tomang ri te-done- hy acompetent comesit Bromo Quinine )RONTO ST. : - : that section taken in. vested rights or tee selected because of long experience USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Oontrea. , Mion taken In. vested ced ag a 7 . otherwise, ceased till the burgesses in newspaper and magazitie work, and Te x e dn e 3 a a ril 10th at E of the city bad voted upon them. that the judgment of these men will Always remember the full name. Look ie W A - On a motion of John Cooper and vive general satisfaction is not to be for y Horses for sale at y p ? ap laecewsons: caction ahitretns othe Scie eas See rarer (on tery ee ; Times, Bo by-1 d the councils acto sles ce . y-law and the councils action was coe oy ee -the City Hall See re meinen S een o 35) the-Anstey-by-law-was-the next in- 7 gt; e B, troduced. The Mayor again reviewed pasta Se. lt; * the by-law and laid particular stress (0 SS expected, are ne : Me gt; on the benefits that will accrue to * ee eee cote ee nae 2 ee eect ner ainl are Rot to be counted as seri. 'RACTOR 7U mi Le ee ray te But epur ime fost competitors for tho valuable Visible Model 20 Box 781. - a 1 to the-city limits to meet the line prizes. All entrants, however, whose - s a to-the Ansley mine which will allow -papers show evidence of study of the the building of spur Trom the main subject, will be. presented with a sou- CaNADIAN NORTH D REGULATIONS. rte ho is the sole head of spur to the exhibition grounds. The city was giving 30,000 to build that spur but he did not think that Mr. Ansley would be able to build it for venir silver pin. Some of the competitors ere only fourteen years of age and others ere approaching the limit of eighteen Typewriter ny male over IS years jead quarter section of jon land in Manitoba, r Alberts. The appli- 1 ear in person at the ds Agency or Sub- 9 district. Entry by ade at any Agency, on Poste aeoten continent tsid-down at-our door,for ns, by father, mother, brother or sister, of steader. nonths residence upon 1 of the land in each of of hie eon the chairman read the agreementa nd Nanaimo, Chilliwack, Creston, Co- Fe eae nore ook fe eleared up thle matter. quiets and many otter places. ship of the Rem- Ex-Mayor Milne was called upon by Up to the present the essays , sub- ed by him or by his son, daughter, brother READ -THESE. ' stricts. a Womesteader ALE GOOD INVESTMENTS. FIRST COME ; FIRST SERVED. that, From the point of tie coal mine he thought that it would be a great thing for the city and financial inen of the east thought 80 tooo fuel as cheap as any place on the fear that the gas might play out. This would prove an additional incentive to new Industries to locate here. Mr. Brown asked about the build- ing of sidings off the main spur and the chairman and he said that he had nothing to say against th espur line; he was pleased to hear the Mayor years, but the majority ar from six- teen to seventeen years of age. Papers hav i FT OWE, Glace Bay, N.S. Montreal, Toronto, Commwall, Sovris, Winnipeg, Brandon, Strathcona, Sas- Kat on, Dauphin, Vernon, Summer- land, Okatoks, Nelson, New Westmin- ster, Vancouver (19), Victoria (7), ful thought and deeper those submitted by the young ladies,, will absolutely prove -to-you-the enduring leader- ington. And every additional-one.sim-..... ng may pre-empt a alongside his home- woot alr ERY s2006 co TOMASITE BUSINESSES speak 9 favorably tGesthe eatlenls but in the opinion of Mr. Kerr this 3.60 per acre. Duties. A ear oS bik. 52, tural society as he sald that at the 4g, ee eeeraitts : 700 Pair, bik. 10. 250050 ft, 22,000 56 ft. corner..N. Ry. es riot mean that the girls will te - aa ie ee or 500 Pair, blk. 8. ieoo ee fecormey bik 20 12,250 50 ft, Toronto N. present time the directors of the et telind when the competition is ply piles up the date of homestead en- 600 Patr, bik. 47. 32500 100- ft, corner, lic. 85. 4200 3 lots, corner, 8. Ry. B Society were carrying a debt on thelr decided. He Welieves that the girls Soe eee readired to Only 8 of these left., Hurry. 3000 100 ft., corner, bik. 86. own perzonal ability. The rattroad Tevaners proof, patent) and cultivate Biggest Suap in City 3650 60 ft, bik. 99. SOUTH YUILL transportation to and from (he falr S cease Gimme tnt tne . - ESPLANADE (HERELD) 900 50 ft, bik. 82, . 8 Lot 1, bik, 11. was a serious question to the success deeply into a study of the economics 4 er who has exhausted 3600 100 ft, blk. Comet. Snap. Seen athe present. time-the 2-Cool Roads and that during the 3 Tight and cannot -ob- 1450 60 ft, blk. Ae Gerben 1000 Facing E. Allow. OF Ue fal ticles and the admiosion, 2 Weeks preceding the close of the Remember that we guarantee read tn Cortaia, dist 00 SENTRA z 1600 5 lois, corner, bile. 19. HOS Lor IP WE made it beyond all reach of the work- Seg Se eae your satisfaction, ead in eertain 2 A , , BI 19, : 2 Rompat tcc .00 per acre. Duttes 750 60 ft, bik. 21 3150 10 lots, corner, bik, 19. YUILL NORTH ing man, and in closing he eald that i tmber of carsfully prepared papers : months in each of 375 26 te, bik. 8, SNAP SOU Grae cee eters thought that the tine was a feceived from the memters of the a eae ty ecree ane oT BENDING 500 good thing to vote fot tt He had gentler sex. 680 each Lot 10 and 12, blk H 800 each lots 13-14, blk. G. Gas, water, sewer. 800 Pair, blk, 1, Elm St. orth 300.00. W. W. CORY, nister of the Interior. horized publication of ent will not be paid for. 5 50 ft, bik. 28, 2 foisars ft, bik. 15. 420 Patr, blk. 15. nothing personal against the council. - Secretary P. W. Luce has prepared He and Mayor Spencer were good Circular which he is sending to all friends, but they had the conrage obildren who require information that of their convictions and were teady will help them in the composition of to get up and speak them. their exay. This cireular is merely On a motion of Messrs Morrow ahd intended uaa gite, and: white He i ry the by-law was indorsed oneiderable asvistance to the chil- oco 41 ft, bik. 21. 800 27 ft ALTAWANA SNAPS 1450 76 ft., bik. 11. 1008 -58. bik. 14. SEE US FOR ACREAGE PROPOSITION Hollinger Agency
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Image 578 (1912-04-10), from microfilm reel 578, (CU1771310). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.