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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, April 3rd, 1912: SOOIAL AND PERSONAL FORGERY (rn mo mee street, will receive on Thursday, Be Sn Ve Minnisvisky Faces Ser- I Mir. H. V, Yuill will sot receive on sia Seth ious Charge in the Police ee a e benodit of the poaxtre charge. Court: tumed to the ruxh today efter mpend- ing the winter the city, V. Minnisvisky appeared im court ee pupils of Mee, Ceisall, Linguti: again ths morning on a charge - Of aie Royal Acackmy of Music, are giv- money maker and will 1 closest investigation. LOTS IN BENDING THESE: WILL BE stand Lease can be transferred. For fn2ging the name of W - Gudgel 9 9) ing recital on Saturday April 19. full parttoula: WORTH 200 IN A on 8, appl: MONTH order on H. W. Ireland. CPR. steamer Lake Michigan irom, ey : W. Gudgel was brought into court y nics and Autwerp will arrive ati . J. HALL, this morning: In his evidence he said gt; 1 am working ior Mr. Spencer at Drowning Ford, but we draw our wages from Mr. H. W. Ireland. 1 know, Ainnivisky: having met him last Now ember and again on the 20ur : . March 1912 at our ranch. He came ,, oS am in time for dinnet and stayed over eam pal it tas an fans night. I do not know where be Wes was its town oo busifi6ssy - coming from-or-where-hhe vias g0.0E1pphitins-o Irvine. ae oe Weld mot-converss on money Mat 7756 G5 a pusiness ae, tere nor did give Mina GREE Toreage Se 200 FEET LONG, FACING ON TORONTO AN: Magistrate Kealy then gsked bit socading the winter im Ireland, artiv- CENTRAL PARK PROSPECT STs. Owner 294 Toronto Street. St, John Apri 1 ot 10 aime ) Me, A. J. Aicock of Seven Persons was yesterday. to-wnite-the-aame ofthe prisoner, 3 3 team test a ea ss ee comparison there wos no siti- 390. gor Day is tt from te South: . Be Ami tote, 27-88, 600. Cash. arity. arran, who has been Bik. 2, lot 18, 950. Terms. - For Easter Be thn shown de one ip too oe meme af el Bb is, Ses joa ies oo ih ewes Shey eee We. Ly 10 , 500. Term Call or phone today and get seer ie Bad eee Bank of Com Blk 29, lots 19-20, 600. Cash. SE ee ee ite ceaniical ence onder in Mr. Ireland's offe mdaths, leaves this evening. to take Gornar. Snap. taba ie ere, Ch vie tees exeemtianal epperta You will shine if we supply you with your - furnishings for the EASTER Season. We are showing some nice exclusive designs not Know the writing nor who wr0te) charge of branch at Wallew Bunch, NORTH YUILL Be Sask: Blk, 6, lots 16-17, 580. Cash. oe ide Mr. H. W. Ireland when put on wit- s Bik. 3 lot 4; 680. Te ck wea losis Hats and also Clothing and BS Mrs. E. C. Drake will not receive rms. in Ne 1, Hosiery, Hats and avayle and finish fess. stand said: It is a customary) ops first: Thursday. tot 1, 600, Terms. H Cc PETT Shoes that are up-to-the-mark in style an thing for the anen to give orders on first en ooh zi Bik. ag ae a Term ia ET . Oo. me for things .they want from the 4. Thursday April 4th im thi aah Apr mor eguin this Bik, 2, lots 5-6, 675. Terms. store and of course thinking the onder Sag Bik, 26, lots 1-15, 200 each, in question genvine T accepted it and) Big four reel show at the Monarch pre. 2, lots paid cash over to Minnivisky. Theatre tonight Blk. 10, lots 8-4,. 700.- Terms. - The prisoner was then asked. who) 1 corner on Highland St., 790. eLearn wrote the order. He said: I wrote GEFICES WILE CLOSR: Terms. TINSMITHING the onler at Drowning For? on 20th on 22, OEE, coms SELECT A FIRST-CLASS FURNACE of March, 1912. Medicine Hat, April 3, 1912 Bik. 99, lot 2, 735. Terms. You will have that well-dressed feeling in our furnishings. . Put your head into one of Our Hats. Barker Patten He was thea told to) write am order High-Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. wee ths cxigiaal aes. On gine ee Tua Th Ba eee eae cea THEN HAVE 3 vison Magistrate Kealy Sound holidays of Good priday RACES ena eee A FASS -INSTFALLATIC : Serre Mogsow ey itr Go try ane tes A FIRST CLASS INSTALLATION You intend building a new home or overhauling your old home Cardstadt Unic liar to the original. The prisoner s inst, LEASES SSSESO SS Soeeetest safoeteateeseateeestoesiote name was spelt inooerecily in tho on (Sea) J. S. PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS 2 . 2 .2. Scar aa ashe HLAMILTON and the HEATING question confronts you, When the profitableness of the investment and the comfort- ableness accruing from it are main considerations, you will decide ited Farmers of ular. seasion on x 3 correctly. The magistrate told the WM. P, DUNDON you must have a hot air Furnace, i This is a breed of Poultry: . which meets every prisoner thee te was ctber oan accom KEALY CONYERS 7 Now we are specialists in installing FURNACES. We size Hl ed We Zs requirement, The utility yird of the-eentury er + tor + WHITE LAMLAw ape lay out of your house or advise you what the lay out should farmers of our i large, beautifully plumaged . and unexcelled in some reason to lide the person who aalp 5 Our work is done quickly, cleanly and satisfactorily. g' 4 peopie fust nay cid write it. een The cost of putting in a FURNACE will be governed by the , SFeat rush just Big four reel show at the Monarch specifications and our-guarantee will appear thereon. the gfound fs in and cultivating, meeung was far tions of the mo; i laying qualities. Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- ting. Cockerels for Sale- He wad then asked to tell who wrote the order and said he did, but Magis- THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD, j trait aly put s , A. J.N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE 3 .c soo ace 92 nce oo : -MITCHE REAL Phone 26, Toronto St. ee ee Hat Seaiesvanans noon to ehink over the matter. discussed and th Chief ai . i Magistrate Kealy passed sen- / E STAT E farmera co-opera tence on V. Mininvisky at 2 o'clock BUSINESS SITES eregted in Carlat Soe Sedtoetegeetege ook i i ie 5 . i BNNs wontons cece : : 56 ft corer, North Ry. St, op- tojcare for the posite Station. Enquire. Saraitee Gievat ieee a aa ee FG eS nes ay over fee Bot Now 1 tina wer : McGregor Berry i Tm passing sentence ithe Magisittate, t, Toronto St (Enguire.) eaid: You exe to te let off very eas- 40 fey: bike 21. GBaquire.) (gary; who had s a Farmerg/Co-o; ily om this occasion on account of Lots a ea 9, 825.00. . Manit your youthfulness, and also because Lots 9 and 16, blk. 8, 840 cas It will bea 1 pleasure for us you this high Pees to ae Lots 1 and 2, bik. 11, 785 casl class property. Buy at bottom prices. Prices 100, ther. The subje 1800+106 ft, bik 13, Herald. - 1600 400 ft., bik G., Herald. 3120050. ft, blk. 3, Central MAIN STREET. you have q mother and sisters im'town BURNS BLOCK, 8 ye ee ee Park. ots 4uand s, bik. 32, 800. siss uaa sishperi 0050 ft, blk 11, Cen Park Terms. 125 various wil for support, bat on arcount-et-soue ery. 40 lots, blk. 7, 1050.00 pair. Ber jos: saanal oman cleverness in this business I have to Se a ook Lots 35-36, bik: 11, 800. Terms. eeeeied tn O6ta ABOUT THESE give you a satence that will be7a Pe 2. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX HERALD fence posts, a ca PAR PAIR BUR: 1 ORNTE A on kane Sint joan so oe tae 2, elfen 100 8400, Blk. 8, 3 good level lots 250 each. 5 ee eae Terms. scare ete pemeurceennernneennen 500 as comrse, amd solf 8505) ft, bik T, Kuill South cae 2 19, bike. 24, 500. S that you may not be a further dis- ct 3 Terms. Bik. , 56 ft. corns ed. Orders for gmce to your friends and to the : Lots 25 and 26. blk. 21, 840.00. Blk. 4, lots 9:10, mn feed and many ot Bene ol jee ad H.T.W. FORSTER ) x. as, U8 toe ? send iow 100, 6,22, et Next came the BLK. 24, CENTRAL PARK, 100 oS Lot 18, wet a0 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX This promised fs MONEY TO LOAN. Te 868 Toronto St Medicine Hat. sista bin gs, B80 to 1050. Blk. 21, lots 5 and 6, only 900... 14 cash down. a Cc 1400. ORNER, . Theatre tonight. . , BLK. CURE SISBONS, 3375. A. Nicholas of Bowell is in town Eots 1 and 3, Dik, 89, 1800. .00. These lots are as level as a bowling green. See us. Those handling -claim that their IN A WANA Z Lot 5, bik. 86, 1100.00. E BENDING 8 COUSINS SISSONS. about one-third t 38 lots, bik. 3, 160.00 each. matnice gorernine i HERALD Blk. 10, lots 31 and 32 735. 1-3, 6, 12. Canadas G Lots 9 and 10, blk. 23, 900.00. 50 ft, bik. M, St 1400. aa ees they may be infe Big four reel show at the Monarch Dreamland Theatre (The Old Reliable) 10-NIGHT ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. NOT SETTLED BY APRIL 15TH, WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF OUR BORIOIEOSS FOR COLLECTION. Base Ball Terms. 50 ft, bik. Fi, Esplanade, 1050- ount that the Am a blind farmer, Ground Floor hole for the ma g the. duty and-put same in By a fot bit, 8, 276.00 each ASK US BEFORE BUYING pagan thelr go (the manufactu1 A.M SEROTMAN We have a good Sub- division for sale ; sciatoae smperiat paok Biden 2 stick type of far BEVERIDGE S ou STAND Simply cross ove a branch factor; Spur of Necessity . One on the Masher goods over here te es ee ee THE MARSHALL HARDWARE CO. Yo se aot Prices the Same COME-EARLY COME EARLY 7 e Canada, who sel aa -ao-woT ere East Rd. Allowance. 900 Lot 17, blk, T. 2600 100 ft. corner, bik 5,-on Columbia Ave. 1000 each 16, 17, 18, 19, blk 13 850 Lot 18, bik 3750 60 ft, on Columbia Av Snap. Night Performances 16 and 10e. S We Have Just. Placed-in Stock a Large tia ihe - ply. : Assortment of very short time ak 3600 Lot.D, bik 15, corner. i 7 pits the promote 950 Each, 4 and 5, bik. 12, Wy present were un ; PLAIN AND FANCY eer ly taking the 1 sajd that the. E ; born kicker better than the; * ee 2 n satistied, together, It far goes over on far Napoleon on-S sland -- (A beautiful 2000 foot feature) Following Cousin s Footsteps : Bright Comedy i A Western Bride ... Western ; RAL came 7 i The Deserter Merviticoot Military Masterplee S sos ee pane aa es Ineluding the following grenee 5 100 tt, dik 33. Snaj ' nn Reels 2) piece If you really Want to Sell, fergie ee ee an Po 2A CHRISTIE S GRAHAM WAFERS. CHRISTIN S. RECEPTION WAFERS, 750 60 ft. x 200, blk. 33. Level HIQH SCHOOL ANNEX Bik, 31, Let Us have a List of Music by the Monarch Orchestra. oe Ze : lt; Breng oe : e buy-fx H. 8. Annex. 000. Pr- Blk, 28 McCORMICK S JHRSEY CREAM SODAS. Ge ee MOONEY'S PERFECTION SODAS. WESTON S FANCY BISCUITS. 5500 Lot 24, blk. 12, Large CARR S FANCY BISCUITS. : H. W. Ireiand Co.- SIssoNs x STEWART TWEED BLOCK, MAIN ST. PHONE 54. phitititbbibhiieii-eiketbibbbbiritbictivtitict oooeEeEoEeEeeeeeeellleeeeeeEeeEeEeEeEeEoOsc Atri Your Wans No ie DaNes BIG DEMAND FOR HOUSES Now. ; - : 1 whole block in Central Park for sale cheap. Another half block in Cousins and Sissons at 200.00 each. Reg. a Fourteen lots sold in ALTAWANA yester- day, Buyers bought to build. rry, Sewell Perry TTY Castoms and Finuncial Brokers is for Grent West Life Assa Ag ats for Rockers inee cs ee Ocenn-Steamsleip:Bieketsr- Hutchinson Block: -Phone 126. Late ste trons Boaterts wear LoatestectoctestrrGHerrsrrer ns Me eSeaio oleate ateetoatestnetoets STAR THEATRE 3700 Pr Blk. 20. 500 Blk. 29. 400 Pr Blk. 26. BYk. 10 Youth vs. Old Age. Small Trades in Malocca. * The Halfbreed s Daughter . Aunt Jane s Legacy 73 B. F. SOUCH Drug Store. - Toronto St. Eubin Comedy Afternoon 10e and 5c. Evening 15 and.10c. ee
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Image 541 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 541, (CU1771327). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.