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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT. DAILY NEWS. Thursday, April 4th, 1912. Tk Glasgow House Corset Special FOR AND THURSDAY By purchasing a large quantity of this high class Corset, We have secured a regu- lar 2.50 quality which will be o nsale for above days at 1.75 Net All New Models. 2 Don t Mi The House of .Fashionable Dressers This. Le us figure on your requirements. Our. yard is the most modern; our stock the largest, best and most complete; our prices low as the lowest. We are, therefore, in the best position to give you good service. No order too large for us to handle or too small to receive our best attention. Ask to have our representative call. Western Canada * Lumber Co., Ltd. PHONE 467 EAST AELOWANCE cteatetestoatregeateeteteetested lt;aleetestentoelonteeteatrelotetey ote eteaty ot Retiosiette desis ROYAL CAPITAL. AND RESERVES...... 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. This Bank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped Banking organization. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue: : C. H. McDunnough, Manager doatedodedtoatetotestecgestontedy: Seeteetesectonseegselosse siete siete reatestoateateeseatre ee 2 a *e to tof eal oat es 4 So) te RA DARDEABOS SSOORSCOSS Sotenteeate eater teteateeteety. aLpetentpadeteateeteshoateateetoegeaye : Imperial Bank of Ganada vale sPoak ostoet Capital and Rest ............. 11,993,800 S Total Assets ....,.....-..---- 72,000,006 + A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. x Bs SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. lt; x R. G. WILKINSON, Manager. - se Medicine Hat Branch. RS Paste dete te toes Se ear ete eae taeeSe teat se dioee ate iets ADA OF Sine Capital and Reserve Funds 207i. 2. 22 es ns te) vs +s SULASS STB We give special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals, Two or more persons may. open a Joint account und either pary ean withdrae money. Our deposits bave increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to BEZID1 550. : Medicine Hat Branch SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride - Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can : Be Had. s The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited OBODSGOO OOCDOSOB ODA FO FOLO-LOLOF OTOL 0+ 0-0 0H0: ores Tereperotred THE REVELSTOKE SAMI, G0, UD If you intend building, let us figure it with you. We will give you an aceurate bill of the material required. Our stock is the largest and best in the city, and-our prices can t be beaten. Headquarters for Cement, Plaster, - Sash, Doors, Fir Finish, and good straight dimension. sigixeresstcnorerse Yard, North Railway Street. : : Phone 59 TaThee OOo TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Seberareperereretarate poke: alightly fuller women. La Boo New York, April. 3 If 20-year read he would not be locked up day on a charge of burglary. It was book le Bridgman behind bars that wondtous faith in the offered in a little volume entitled Right Way to do Wrong. last week in a second hand store the Bowery. He had lost his job a truck driver-ten days before. tackled the. chapter on ed what literary treasure he had quired. whose whereabouts the police are ger to had spread himself Garden +4 Most Quickly. Adjusted and Adapted to any Uses Complete Drill Complete Hill Complete Two 4A Complete Two 5A Complete Two These Tools Save Time to. A 24 s-A La Diva Corset No. 718 shown herewith: i by our designer on his last trip, the imany imported coreets pinch and bined with the straight loose fit of the the fashionable effect which is so much This corset ie made of French lt;o bon end bow. suspender: Boned entirety with duplex steel and stopped with slik. La Diva No. 718 is sold by the best re' found fully equal to any imported corset at Eu'Dive, this model is fully guarestecd. He DSS'00 to 7.00. The Dominion Corset Company '.. .. Quebec Albert Bridgman did not know how to ing that landed instructions The youth whose homme is 837 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn picked up the book. It was not until he got home and jimmying doors open that he really apprecial The author, John Houdlin, 0: 2 EUREKA COMBINATION DRILLS AND CULTIVATOR. THIS OUTFIT GIVES YOU FIVE Seed is Sowr Evenly and Surely Producing Large Returns iSiepny te Time and Seed Invested. THE PRICE 18 WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL, BEING 12.50 FOR THE COMPLETE MACHINE. gt; . JAMES RAE change being to. and stronger forms Makers of the Celebrated D A Corset, Boy Takes Instruction kon Burglary J ob that particular chapter. It gave in- structions on how to get by any door ever inyented stecl bank and vault included. After reading t 20-year old Albert nked Bis stars that he any money in a bank or safe deposit vault, He then pondered several hours whether he ought to make his debut as a burglat by plundering J. P. Morgan's office or rifling the mitt fn Philadelphia. Being born and brought up in Brooklyn, however, he eventually decided to give the home town the honor of staging his frst job. This decision reached, he next ought two jemmies, the flashlight and a pair of nippers which the book asserted Was sufficient to gain ent- rance anywhere. . With these tools under one arm and old to- the on as ac- ea on Seed Drill SupLOg TAG PUY TITHE WIOG roy HrdI0) MACHINES IN ONE. Seed Planter. Seed Planter. Wheel Plow. Wheel Hoe, Wheel, Fire Tooth Cultivator. Say Nothihg of Hard Labor. The for Weekly-March 7-7 t Day Phone : Alberta Building Brass and Iron Cas ing Machinery. RY Soaks Pe aSe-sloatestest MEDICINE HAT Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling and Mining Supplies; Waterworks Equipment, jastings, Etc... Dealers in Structural Steel and Iron Etc. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. made on short notice. Special Attention Given to Plowing and Thresh- Alberta Foundry MachineCo., Ltd. Sestoesteeto ote doateocteateeatedioetocteateaty eee NIMH He 1. Night Phone 537. -P-O Box 550. Foundry eg 0 and Fittings of all kinds Ry Loses regeg thu PHONE Piano Moving A Specialty FoSosoFotohorotetete+eretet+ehoteks o+o-+o+-e+o7e Tasker 666. Fransfer Co. apid easonable Pp Neliable LIGHT. and HEAVY DRAYING 264 Toronto Street. oadian women, (This is why so .j garment, gives the wearer ght after by stylishly-dressed i, daintily trimmed with lace, hook and. draw string. It is tailers at 4.00 and it will be Like every other Other models ere sold at s eet E Sateen ets s . ibe adapt it to the com- 118 5-12 his precious volume of instructions under the other, Albert then slid stealthly down to the front door of Samiiel' Levine's clothing store, which occuples the ground floor of the houss in which the book made burglar re- AAA SSS TAP )R) The Clay Bed Trans Question About the only redeeming feature question is the fact that the name of Warren Overpack Is asso- elated with it Warren Overpack has done many, things towards city building In Meiticine Hat, Hels a large-employer-of labor, He Is a pretty ve eliixen. Medicine Hat could do with a few more enterprising and energetic men lke him. Medicine Hat has met Mr,-Overpack-fairly and reasonably at every stage of the game and has assisted him in establishing a large and thriving business, which all citizens hope will grow be- yond eyen Mr. Overpnek s fondest expectations. May eyery suc- cess crown his efforts. One of the features will furnish clay beds to the factory: The proposed new C. N. Ry serve the Hills country and if there Is the Cypress Hills, will be able to do what the proposed Electric Railway would do. When this brunch of tho C. N. BR, ts built it will bring the Cypress Hills Country yard, How will an electric road pay If It Is to duplicate is as the one proposed to be prospected, devote to the railway proposition be- Fallway in su x fleld The more thought you fore the burgesses the more parently pro) to adopt anot is convincing of ortation of the street allway Proposition is that it additional means for tranyporting clay from the on its route south from Medicine Mat will beyond doubt follow Ross Creek and Bull's Head Creek water grade south past the clay beds. The mew road will also ubout the Street Railway valuable clay deposits in Into Medicine Hat's back steam it becomes that It Is ap- for the people of the town that was born lucky Kipling s and so far as the Municipal Sanseet pte concerned, remaln Mistress of My Ow Vote NO On the Railway By-law On the 12th. SQa n8 124 i sided. The hour was: four am. yesterday and the moon not being on the job, Albert had to bring his flashlight Into play to read the instructions in the apter. Its twinkling beams attracted the attention of Policoman Brown of the Ralph Ave- nue station and he decided to investi- gate. Young Albert did not hear his ap- proach. The big fimmie he had bought was not as easy to handle as the book implied. He finaly manag- ed to get t between the door and the jamb though, and he was whaling away at it with the other jimmy in an effort to pry the door away when the blue-coat nabed him. Albert might have been vexed by this intereference with his first job if it had not been for his book of in- structions. But the author of tha: volume was a man of wonderful fore- thought. pared for such emergencies. It was headed How to Conduct Yourself in Police Court. Policeman Brown s captive studied this chapter so diligently while wait- ing arragnment that he knew just what to do when he: was called before Magistrate McGuire. waive examination you: honor, he said. : Who told-you manded the court The book, feplied the young pri- soner, and he proudly offered his cherished volume of instructions to the magistrate. Judye McGuire look- ed through it carefaily. Then he or- dered It confiscated and suppressed. It's not complete enouga, he ex- plained to. the grief srricken young prisoner. It doesn t teil yoa how +o make little ones out of big ones, which I fear will b2 your next Job. Holebebiebineieleleininleininivinieiiel to do thiatde ARRARCING FOR CANUCKS TO TOUR AUSTRALIA London, April,'3 An official of the Canadian Pacific Railway has con- eInded an agreement with the Aust- Talian Government to operate opser- vation cars on the three main routes of the Australian State Railways. The news has created considerable ex- citement in Austraila where an in- crease in tourist traffic of Canadian and Americans naturally expected. The Government is, heing besieged by cities not on specified. routes for x- tension of service, interpellations baye been m: iz Mament that pressure be brought to bear With a View to extending the service to Budapest. The Swiss ye: vernment has secured the concession : of one terminus, which will be sear- ched, owing to growing population of. Tyesol, his service will also be a great ad- vertiser for Canada in Europe, the contract for cars has been let to an Austyalian firm, A. Y. Wesseldorf, which employs 8,000 men. The cars Will be bufit to the designs of Vaugh- an, chief of the Angus shops. They will differ slightly from the Canadian type and have observation platforms At both ends and will be longest four axle cars running In Europe. Geo. Brown states that the Canadian Pacific Railway enters into this alli- ance in the interests of the eastbound traffic from - the middle-west and Pacific slope, which send thousands of tourists every year to Europe and those intending to travel in Austria will naturally choose Canadian Pacific trains and steamer: Women's Auxiliary of St. Barnabas church social meeting 10 be beld at Mrs. George Simpodn, Contral Park, Tuesday April 9th. Ladies of the pa- Tish are cordially invited. The last Tennis Dance of the season will be Reld in the Opara House -on Hanter Monday. 383 Bubscribe NOW for The Daily News. WEEKLY AUCTION He had a-chapter-att oe SATURDAY Phone 703 eee PERE E EEE BREREREEREEEEEE EEE EEE SRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Sale on the MARKET SQUARE The Auctioneers Announce that FRIDAY, APRIL 5th being GOOD FRIDAY Their Sale will be held on Aprit At One O'clock Prompt. A large quantity of horses, cows, poultry, harness, wagons, ete. already listed for this sale. Farther entries will be ac- cepted up to 12 o'clock on day of sale -For further particulars apply- H, B. BROWNE CO. AUCTIONEERS 519 Toronto St. Medicine Hat, F P UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE CENTRAL HORSE REPO: ORY,2 DOORS FROM CEN- TRE ST. ON 6TH AVE. E. CALGARY. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1912. at 10 o clock a.m. sharp 100 Head of Horses 120 Chickens Farm Implements Instructed by Messrs. Olson- McLemore, of Oregon, 1 will sell the following: F Teams of well matched mares in foal, weighing from 2800 to 3400 Ibs., all broken. Teams of well matched geld- ings, weighing from 2400 to, 3300 Ibs. The above horses are an ex-* ceptionally good bunch, ail well roke, of good conformation, well ribbe ped in here to be sold absolut ly without reserve. The balance of the horses and implements are to be) sent in to us on Saturday morning. by farmers who hays 'not enough stock and impfements to have a sale at thelr owe rar 20x steam SYNO: North: of 1 acres frnade they are to be sold absolutely f. trict in. whiclr-the-righ without reserve. The horses are all broke and their average weight is from. 1050 to 1600 Ibs. The implements comprise seeders, disc, binder, harrow: mowers, rakes, doubletrees, lo- gin chains, wagons, democrats, buggies, hay racks, stock and English saddles, etc., ete. Terms Cash. not ai No- ova A. LAYZELL, AUCTIONEER 106 6th AVE. EAST, CALGARY. Phone 2278 Apr. 4-w1 are be de divis' veyer Eac The year. The ing ri permi Cartage and Draying Cartage and Draying. Prompt attention given all work. Im- perial-Olls. We Want your next order. Use Imperial Oi) if you want satisfaction. Imperial Cartage Co. at the For taw. 895 Toronto Street. mean Phones Office When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per-. suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use the -yery best. We have it, and.ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of. LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. * We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE BEAUTIEU SPLIT. CEDAR POSTS, WIL OFFICE 10 RAT Fine large Office in the News Block, News Office. mining Dominion. pCoaL, Tights of the west-Territories tion of the Province of British Col bis, maybe teased twenty-one years annual Application for a In surveyed territory the :and must shall be staked out by the applicant himself. panied by a fee of 5 wnich will te re- funded if the -rightd applied or are able output of tiv, Cents per ton. furnish the Agent with sworn returns Pfsccounting for the full quantity of merchantable coal mined and the royalty thereon. ah rights are being operated, such retarns should be furnished at least once a able surface rights necessary for the working of the mine should be made to the Secretary of the- Department of-the Interior, Ot- of Dominion lands. ENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH Low PosTS BEAVER BOARD INLAY CO.- THE LUMBER PEOPLE 0, BOX 29. PHONE 57 25 feet in size, well lighted, heated, modern conveniences. APPLY TO. PSIS OF COAL MINING REGU- LATIONS. in Manitoba, and Alberta. the Yukon Territory, the and in por- an-acre. Not more than 2,560.7 will be leased to one applieant. lease must b by the applicant In person applied cribed by sections, or legal sub- ms of sections, and in unsur- territory the tract appsied for h application must be accom- wailable, but not otherwise. A shall be paid on the merchant- person operating the mine shall If the coal mining lease will include the coal min- ights only, but the lessee may be ited to- purchase whatever avail- thay be considered rate of 10.00 an acre. oll information application or to any Agent or Sub-Agent, W. W. cORY, Deptty Minister of tae. Intertor. .. B. Unauthorised publication hla sdvartisement Will ot be paid tor Sept. 14-D-6m. e Iho attie W usual Revenge Seattle, Apr vertisement a wanted colur er yesterday. 3n R. beater. work. avenue. Eight men after the pape first aplicant Mrs. Gillies s cond, a big, h be a -asure Mrs. Gillies gave him ins must not be or disabled, b ked, knocked floor. When merly a wat home late in they are G Mrs. Wm. O Garland, Po Wetaskiwin; katoon; and and D. W. a A species Guinia is pr ends of the trees while when a bir fy. The last 1 will be hek - Hester Mone
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Image 543 (1912-04-04), from microfilm reel 543, (CU1771314). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.