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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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TELEEE MORA? . ANJEBESP BELO -- . FREES. SR ELT - By T. Donsvam Bayley- R 99 Tuesday, February. 13th, 1912 MEDIOINE. HAT NEWS* ar find the night e itor; put be hud gone. MeVitee, one of the sentor sub-editors, was in charge, seeing the tast edition through. It was already in the press, and be was on the polnt of going home. What are you doing here at this hour of the morn- ing, Moran? ANl right, though I don't know what the signature was printing the scoop. Moran found his wife asleep: rth, That bread and cheese is a on the seltee-in front of the fire. He was too tired ; to tell her anything of his day's work and be did not Here it is now, Moran said, as the messenger awaken until midday. shee. the anaes He dressed, had sreakfast, and went to the office as fe sat down and wrote an undertaking to pay the soon as he got up. He went to the news room. t ops sure Be I tates in balance of 49 if the news proved true. Sr My Goa, Mora You've done for sourealtt said ae casa, is ae powr?* ne. Wil sprown -started-w-eat at once, This is English Plaser, the news editor, as soowas he saw ttm. The 3 cheddar, be commented. Well, read th se papers. chief Is howling for your blood. Go in sind see him. Whatis your scoop? 2 Sine iiza SS Ta envelope to Moran, who drew out Me wants you. Railway Nationsiisation bill YCHIME WS ty, Sheets of official foolscap, a What's the trouble? to be introduced. bane writing. It was the text of the Railway Nationaliza- What's the trouble You've sold us an-almighty You're not sure? ri a e thon bill, He pushed a copy block across the table DUP. You've been had; you've been done; you're 1 shall know in balf an hour Sree Rewer a eect damned? If it was any one but you, Moran, who cante in here Moran went in t0 the editor, who cursed him bit- saying he bad a scoop, but he wasn't sure, 1' tel Write Be it enacted by the King s most excellent him to go to hell. But your ways are ways of mystery, Majesty, he sald, ee ; and your end will be dark. Go and make up your Oh,-you make me tired. You've made this paper the fool of Fleet street, mind in your own: secret way, and God have mercy Write it he said.- Ob, look at these, said Moran, handing him the on you. I'm drunk with sleep. Well, just to humor you. He wrote the words Moran went back to the waiting Toom, having frst rapidly without hesitation, and Moran compared them SFart Of the, bill and: the Erenilers; wetter: Chappelt read them. sent actoss to the club for food, and found the man with-thetmntwrittms-of the draft, and found no sim- asleep on two chairs. (His mouth was open and he. flarity. awake: Bene : smored. Down in the basement the presses were Brown laughed. Read that, too, he said, giv 2 iF. amore te ue roaring, and the building shook with the vibration of Moran another paper also embossed with the a cee eee nc ee prove-'nothing The eoL Ooc them. The noise of carts clattering away Jaden with stamp. It was a letter from the Prime Minister to en ar are out with official denials. and the stacks of the paper eanie in through the open window. the Home Secretary, and it read: T am sending you So bn, SE ae otis ake A CHANCE : Se . was i ; : Weooyriahts A911. by he New Yoru Harald On AM Fishin wemrved) z + BLEFER MORAN, special correspondent of - No. the Morning Record left th lobpy of the Shall I. fetch a taxicab? the constable Esked higeieak hace Moran. - is had Se Ee tT ane ane Do, there's agood fellow. The policeman went gone to press. Just oppasite the statue of 0. hi crana, Oliver Cromwell he stopped to light bis pipe. Now, Mr. Journalist, said the man, I may as well - Sten with hose were sluicing the street, the night tell you that I am an unsuccessful blackmaller and s eat very silent, for the last motor omnibuses had thief. That will obviate misunderstanding. Toue and a full moon etheralized the outlines of the You begin to Interest me, Moran answered. offices of the public departments. He had not made up his mind whether to walk to Gray's Inn road, when he could get a tramear to Highgate, or whether to take a taxicab. He strolled slowly along toward Whiteball, trying to persuade timself to save few shillings, and as he was more than tired the problem became nsolvable, as small problems will when the brain is jaded. Finally be decided to take the cab, the possibility that his wife might be sitting-wp-for him determining him Phen he began to wonder if he really had exhaust- ed every means of confirming or denying the amazing but persistent ramior that the government had decided to introduce an official bill for the nationalization of raflways. He had tried every possible means that he could think of, and as a trained and not unknown journalist he had thougtit of many, some of them very ingenious, and be could get no further. The newspaper that could get a scoop on that would be remembered while Fleet street lasted, and the man who obiained It would baye more fame among such people as-editors than he could well bear upunder. Talefer Moran decided to dismiss the thing from his mind until he had slept. Two o'clock in the morning is not a fruitful time to look for scoops of that nature. Yet the thing would not let his brain rest. By this he had got to the carriage entrance to the yard of the House. Thinking hard, he crossed the road and walked to the Embankment, his decision to take a cab forgotten for the moment in the subdc d excitement of the really Important speculation. He went a little way, the black moontit Thames on bis * right: new Scotland Ywid, its windows still liumi- nated, on his-left He felt loath to go home, though he knew he had done all he could, but. as an old news- paper man, he was always ready and waiting for a stroke of luck. More things are done by Iuck than by piain endeavor at- any Fate in Fleet street. He came upon a policeman arguing with a forlorn but combative Individual. You can't stand here. said the policeraan, I don't cate who you say you were yesterday, You can't stand here. f don't know that I want to stand here. you beety fraud. but Tim not golng to be interfered with by - you, retorted the other, y / Why don t you go home? the policeman askec. toterantly, uninsulted by the insult. ORS aS ws 1 hn T wouldn't go to. It Wall, -you can't stand here. You juust keep: Mot vhom did you try to bia Ing , stolen? it : eo Pm not a planet with an inexorable orbit. Iwill The Prime Mintster and a copy of the draft of the Stand here till the crack of doom If 1 wisii Rallway Nationalization bul Phen the crack of doom will have to crack within hy are you not arrested? 4 the next ten seconds. Move on Can't you see I You probably know that the blackmailer does aot don t Want to run yon in f I can help it? xign bis name to his letters. nor deliver them in per- Can't you see that you won't be able to avoid it son. MLcan help it? Moran heard the man say. He Thave gathered so muc went up to the two men and the constable recognized Very well. Now, if I give you a copy of that bill him. what will your paper pay me? Z 'm trying to persuade this gentleman that he Fifty pouuds if it Is a scoop, How did you get it? Gannor-strnd here for hours on end, sir. he said. Phat ix one of those Intimate details, that 1 cannot put he's obstinate. He seems a respectable mun, too. - enlarge, upoi,, But 1 bive a brother-in-law: who Is 'm not respectable, said the man. I've only a xomethine under government, and more than some: halfpenny in the world. A week go I had eight thing careless in tis habits, I am not a successful pounds, but I drank it all. It seemed the only thing blackmailer, because the Prime Mlulster has told me mal and what have you Beeat ri e because * 3 +3 eo Bave 0 Bees ty 62 fe red beeeene t Eullo Here's Moran, Some One Said. You Can Tell Us Who Let Your Paperin? Sie See are ee Nanos tay sates at Oxford with me.7 a New Hou You must give me your name and address, te not quite as clear as it might be, Passed-as-it stands et s Good God Abandoned . ooms an sald. it* might give the debenture: holders-an opening for My name 1s Done Brown and my address is the litigation. If you agree with me you might look in at awe cob te ta Bae re for 2. ground floor of Hades. If the documents I intend to Downing street to-morrow morning before the Cab: * 5 . sree cn do not eonvince you Til aay good morning inet meeting. I shall be back about eleven L700 ala von Sate eet Goekine ieat sread gon uaeead? ee aeree x nave tues with me ifthe notice eT 4 - And you can wet Out now. NO san late this That's on the way over by now. no hort Il settle the wording them. pass in Tike this twice And what about the money? ea aye peabody Borgia ae Teas eee eee a ote dees age, nn ad abut overy door ia Fleet tet agains Rm: knew 'i write you Gna. Bromise to Dey. you. thet Se : : that he must starve as surely as a man cast away on a HURI barren island. Whatever he might have been as a journalist in the past, no editor would trust him after this. He bought an evening paper and read the official denial of his scoop. It seemed to leave no loophdle. SHOE MACHINE He thought of the wife he had to feed, the home they set had made, but which now would be scattered. He went across to the club and found the men there all talking about the disaster to the Record. Hullo here's Moran, some one sald. You can tell us who let your paper in? He looked at Moran, and saw. Have a drink? he asked quickly. Moran went out without a word. He had been somebody in the club once. Everywhere people were laughing at the mistake the Record had made. He could hear seraps of conversation In the street. He went along to Charing Cross on pis and heard the same sort of thing said by th other passengers. In the tube again folk were discussing the false report that bis paper had published, arid laughing. It seemed such xood Joke to them. The Morning Record had repa- tation for getting news day abead of other papers, and it was not reticent about Jt. Now that it had come: to-grief every one remembered sts pride in its own performances. F At Highgate Moran took a ticket back to- Charing Cross. He could not face his wife yet She was proud of him aud said so often. Now he-had to tell her he was a fool and had be n fooled. At Charing Cross he went into the station and had a brandy, and another, and another. That made-him more cheerful for a time, but profound depression followed. He began to think that people were Jaughing at bim as they passed. Then he decided to go back to the office Yhappell again and. put up-a better defence. J nded himself well, he considered. But F that mood passed. He knew It would do no good. -Probabiy-he would be stopped at the door by the por- He was not on the staff now. He wondered If they would pay him a month s'salary In let of notice. hey ought to do thitt, he thought. As a matter of fact, the check was-waiting for him. if he had not had the brandy he would have taken it us a Matter of course that it was. en he remembered that at home be had a bottle of tablet photographic chemicals containing cyanide. Sa he had two mor glasses of brandy and went home. His wife was out. The servant told him that a friend had called and that they tod gone to a-matinee to-- gether and would be back to dinner. The maid was (Special to Washington, D. C. terest alike to shoe and makers of 5 throughout the coun begun before the 1 Committee today on troduced by Represe ie ers uraily if it's not true you-won t get-anything. -epoea-thut-eonvinc -youy ee rhe tien xoee and. put es Aeon It convinces me that there is a rallway bill, but tt Fil advance you a pound on: account out of my. pare i craseint. does not prove that this is it, Moran said, putting r own pocket If you'll give me a receipt. Tee ae a Rete of ti fe from the tipe room to the news room with a news. caacactn uabceanians ea AaMUA AO NMUETTTPLE VO TOOK GE tho Vill again: your will soe, alleray -- U'Y esenue: ently Paxton: is Sabeon sheet-of- ARITHMETIC. isk ie she wing of the Py ulen Chul wan truer. -OOPe baper.- Tt contained. s Drlet f lmation thay the lt; : Do you know why there has been a delzv In bring- government had decided, owing to the premature pub- By Marguerite Ogden Bigelow. hapdle watice Patliainent t cation of the details of it, to introduce the official HERE are two ways of doing arithmetic nnd two Yes. Railway Nationalization Bill Into the House of Com- Sorts of examples to do, Some people do one sort, What fs 1he reason? 5 ions at the-earllest opportunity, The message ended dome the other. emou'e tell seu that. Fao not know bow.far It - with the letters: 4B mare follows. Ten minutes later the tape machine clicked out, this: In the Five hours later a boy hurried along the passage There are those who add nu new plauts to the gardens would harm my brother in-law. : - defore their doors, no new comforts to the houses Won't the fact that the draft has beem taken do House-of the- Premier, after ques- where they dwell. no new leas to the business that? z gt; ffon time, ahnounced that the government proposed at which they labor. : GS oENe bntis printed now, thougt-bot pablished, 0-bring im the Hallway. Nationalization bull to mes Who, by thelr pessimism subtract from the courage My brother-In-law Js away on leave. Before he re 90 He passed severe strictures on the conduct of a of theif friends, and by their lack of Interest in turns I shail put tt back tn bis desk. certain newspaper which had, Xe., Ge. Player jumped to his feet with cheer, and burried the cominon wealor woe subtract from the beauty Moran went back to MeVitee. happell s roeri. to do. in the -daintiest official English, by medns of an ad- There's something on your mind. ssid Telefer vertisement in-sho-Times, to-go to Tophel and suty and ideality of the communit: - : Tvs all right, he sald; we've got the scoop. Will 'to Moran juaictally. - Hee ee ee a The aaaaat HOOF oF TTow. Bat Who uuttipty-cruses of ieeetieion eeween acquaint. san pent smother edison Rtead thatt he satt. Moran s vindteated 2 Ee hat's-morethan there la onthe foomet my here ix sour friend in blue with our cab. ances, causes of friction bef ween employers and Yes. Huw ald you get it? S THE editor Teka raterunly, : stomach. If you're going to. feed me, wel and good, Moran thonght swiftly. 1f he took the man bom eniployes, cuuses of strife tatamiltes ind canses A man ling sold me the uews, and be backs it up t'a. J-who wes:sold; be said: If not, don t interfere between two gentlemen who to Highgate, and found that what he sald wie true, ow are TOR rsety fated: with with the loan 6 py of the draft of the DIT anda Yeu, the Premier hiinseif told you our Feport was bave-a dispute to settle. he would not be able to do anything with the Infor- them. letter concerning it in the Premier's own st. ae ost + Moran gawned. I'd feed you on plovers eges If mation until the next Gay. Therefore he ordered the Who divide Howling oF Their awn tet shele w xietlas, Who is the man? Walt now. What was it be sald? 0b, yest He you could tell mie one thing, he said chauffeur tv drive to the offices of the Morning Record. doubts und fears, sharing these freely tliat others L can t tell you. af that. he FeRretted that he could not comma One Pit tell you all I know for a lump of cheese, a wank T would just be time to bring ont a xpecjal may worry and doubt and fear with-them, Fou ain't: eh? Well; get the stuff turned out. 1. Story Inoue particular; that Jt was utterly unwar- of bread and a pint of beer. The constat Uon With the scoop. 1-It w scoop. Twenty-four There are thoxe who give bat a fractional part of the cat give sou thitt -five minutes. rantable; that he could not understand how such moved himself a few yards into the lay hours delay uright meen that every paper in London love and service they owe. Telefer Moran Went wiay to bik desk aid wrote: Atatement had obtained irculation, and that, so far as What do you want to kno WEInild have the news. AND Lophe State about to-assume owneratip of the H Was In position to tell me, there.was no basis for, - Faith, nothing you know. fle had no doubt in his own toh that the mangyas There ate those who add fair flowers and luscious railways of the country. it. Whatever intention the government may ever have Now, empty as my belly Is. said the wai. cand tiling hitn the.trath. Rumor-had been verg persistent frnit-1o thelr own cardens and the gardens of The Morning: Record in in position exci iad of bringing In any. such bill, cireumstances bad pat much as my head aches, I can still add tw Ahi tw 4 be government was about to Introduce this meas: thelr neighbors, whe, aided by sun and rain, sively to the: en which had Jed to'the abandonment of any de- You have just ome from the Ho Hare net a The Morning Be is an Opposition ps ered pleasure for every passerby; who make shortly silt to nationalize all the - formination to proceed as might have originally been Member of Parliament. you are so hls polleemun wax not dikely to get confirmation of It until after on homes out of houses jn which they live, leaving: railways tn Great Britaln and no- further atten- decided. knows you well, and you were walking inward the of the Ubera papers had had it. But If be could beat heme more heautifiattiat-whon they found them, tion-need be pald to the none too scrupulou S a only place in London where there is anytinz doing the-Moniter: e-paper the Cabinet spoke through. alt who bring w new spirit of lntellige and power denials of what this newspaper has now estab- PI can see througbit now. But we are old at at this time of the morning, Fleet stre2. ikely the er efumph, Into every business at which they Tabor: gt; Tisted to be a fact oH o 4 en that you are a journalist ? The ethin of the thing did not, he conceived. Those who, by thelr otimism, subtract from the phe provisions of the bill are as follows: in the evening paper i am a journalist. z an rn hima) all, On his own confession, or akness of their friends and take away from the yy, opted them verbatim and concluded by a state- Well, Moran comes back? a Then there Is nothing you want to Kav Tach The tan al fis side had stolen the drarcor the ttttamt See ee ee eee make for ent of the capital of each of the rallways of the Yes; Vil wite bim. Bnt perhaps be won't returo ad whether it is trae or 1 at the had tried o levy blackmail on the strength of a threat sitet ere Stupidity, ev iby nella ss and death. country. He was too utterly weary to attenspt to now. Micet street will be hungry to hire him for many eans to nationalize the raflwa)s publish 1 aa viy veaions for foyalty, and: good faith In lity the language of the bill, He took Bis topy ttents of gold-after such scoop. J -Leovld Mud that out for certain Rut thal was a matter for his ce ce, not for He home mth om ie wehool d the church, 1 syovites. z We aball have lost a 008 map, then But I must Yes, f you. could. What about that trend und M ugh his personal code was SEE eS. already near ivi you eub it7 he gaid. If you feel fresh get a whoop started. eheege and heer? 3 a had no scruples WTieFeTiews was concerned, STE ee ee ee ee ee rout ; perhaps you will put In a couple of para Yes, Get 4 good howl of triumph done. 1 wisb Oh, here'sa peicey Moran felyjittorly wears Ihe Morning Record had kunwn one or two things s ecard in with you, TAHNS telling people the exact effect of the bill. Morin-were Herd to write It. It's his due me ove, posnltalits py fay at : 1d done, he would have stayed ie et Useiee rei : eteiae ae McVitee read tt rapidly and then quickly wrote The next message that came I) on the tape was beer: ell spe siudugis. sere thelr sayy - tte-saettveredd the ABH Phere 3 : ene No. I'm dena for lack of Fest. Bega OS ES: My tame is Done Brown. Whar t Bie hs iis facts, though he was where sates a BK Then gout night. He sent the copy opstairs contathing sedftient whieh sinelt of prussic aeld wg Reaver to be a miatter of moment. botlventina ty wrth Wh Ee vid which i the eompositors aid twenty winules larer the on ibe tible by bis side. The ease Is supposed to be Mi Recor one of suicide. fend call it artstocratic Are you walkin to lish : on Morn wer
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Image 244 (1912-02-13), from microfilm reel 244, (CU1771003). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.