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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Wednenday, April 3fd, 1912. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Con Ltdy erere Mee, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Alta, ever, disappeared spontaneously or und the influence of any form of treatne mis that Wassermann and his a Tire justified im their claims to have cured aA. SSS. SHS A Heretofore, the Gouncil hag ; : Signe GERRALS RAee nicer in mice, Unquestionably their in. done this for You; now you 7 sane seine -nong: isstigations justify the hope of a cure of oy ra Sab Advartisleg juan cancer, Yet it were cruel indeed must do r for yourselt-- Reportorhal, and Cireulation and .,. 0 add that we have here but the be- News Dept. Job Depts ning of a long ser of most arduous ic Whenever there has been an attempted Infringement of the Muptelpal Ownership city, the City Coruel the proposals, ae Now the Burgesses FOR THE FIRST TIME are up against the question of whether or not they will give amay three valuable con- ebssions which the City should own Munfeipallyr The right to bulld and pipe and rights of the people In the paxt In this LZ ANe' REG: 9 V3) periments, which must consume years has put its foot down stfong and rightly e DAULY SUBSCRIPTION nates id in which bacteriologists, chemists, Cl la LASER iia ARef oc senigt ai rel ithologists, and clinicians must co-oper-. 3 months, delivered, 00 3 months, by. madi Nor ean we too much laud the essen- 1 mouth, delivered: humanity inherent in this conservative Tee ii t 36 . Banking organization. x sx MEDICINE HAT BRANCH x lt; lt; -Fourth Avenue: :C. H. McDunnough, Manager * See bielelebietetetetele FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY By purchasing a large quantity of this high cla Corset, We have secured a regu- lar 2.50 quality which will be-o nsale for above days at 1.75 Net All New Models. Don t Mi The House of Fashionable Dressers Peeeecgestestestrstessratosteetoee PPPS us ROYAL BANK * GAPITAL AND RESERVES. .... . 16,000, Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. This Bank offers 4 its clients the services of a fully equipped rere * ares ac e eye ge : x 4 : 3 3 Capital and Rest - 5 11,993,800 S Total Assets . ++. 72,000,000 lt; A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. oe z SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. ee R..G. WILKINSON, Manager. oe Medicine Hat Branch. ee Perret eeeetedte THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. sees e+ 11,458,878 We give special attention GS ACCOUNTS. No delay in withdrawals. Two or more persons may open a Joint account and either pary can, withdrasy money. Our deposits have increased from 19,126,091 In 1901 to 68,494,580. W. 0. JOX, Manager : :Medieme Hat Branch 800006808 0ED0SSS2S0W0H0H000860 09080550 8080S0 oM SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. The M TEN HUSBANDS, 422 Main St. Phon 261. Says. Allentown, P. Wardrobe man, is in juil on charge that LADIES SILK DRESSES WAISTS, GLOVES,. ETC. wife of Edwa spouse, she had se Schweyer, her presen DRY CLEANED. 3 edicine Hat Milling Covy., Limited ; PSCSOSSROR Ne yt - eae SE ea ee aa ee, ours tre of one of the most-dreadful of , April: 2. Mrs, Jen- nie Schweiyer, 27 years old, and good joking, the wife of an Allentown ico she las married ten husbands and ba3totimor-celis * which abnormal g been divorced from any. Her frst bup atich are pout are band, Frank Miller, left ber g widow) at 18. Previous to ber becoming the/ pen married to Joba Addresses changed as often , old ad reaser de given. WEEKLY NEWS. Publisher every Thursday t-eixteen-or-more pages, and contains a rummy of the aews of the week local and district sired, but both new and 6 months, In advance-+e 5 -monthe- marauders tosis substanes will act in the same way. with 4-year in advance.... 1.50 April Srd, 1912 Wednesd TERRIBLY FLUSTERED. 7 .HE-Bassano Weekly News is having hysterics over the announcement that Jurrent-Bassano branch and quotes Gen- eral Manager Bury as contradicting the re- port. With all due deference to Mr. Bury, we wish to assert that a representative of the Medicine Hat News was present when the blue prints, calling for the abandonment of the project and the substitution therefor of a branch from Swift Current to Camrose, were laid before the Minister of Railways for his approval. D o the Coas Q e right, b said that this is the object sought in con- structing the line. The purpose is to shor- ten the distance between Winnipeg and Edmonton. z The propos d branch running from S: Current 'to Bassano had been discus b Sir Wm. Whyte with the Medicine Hat Council and his statement was made at that time that the branch wa intended to sim- ply open up the fine country north of the Hat, which was lacking railway facilities. With the intent of boming real estate, Bas- sano strove to convince the public that this new branch would be converted into the main line. As it wasn t any of Medicine Hat s affairs, no particular comment was jmade concerning Bassano s little game. until despatches from that village were sent to the Calgary press lass November to the effect that Medicine Hat would be side- tracked by the change in conditions. Ar that time we pointed out the utter foolis)- jness of such a statement, in view of the fact ithat the C.P.R. was even then engaged in the erection of a double track bridge across the Saskatchewan at this point, to take the place of the present single-track structu jwhich had been found unable to aceomm date the traffic. If the through traffic was to be taken across from Swift Current to Bassano, there would be no ocea' double the handling silities at Medicine Hat. There-isn t any room for argument, really. Bassano is a fine little town, has a grand country around it and will flouris is no doubt about that, but it will-be s time before it is in the same ela: Medicine Hat or Edmonton in regard-te. substantial development, both present and prospective. CANCER RESEARCHES. T may almost -be said that Ehrlick s lished -a new-era in medical science. By it substances are found which have a greater affinity and toxicity for parasitic jen made made and a solid foundation es :/a plant is being erected at the town of sewer water contained in suspension a solid substance which can be made to give-off luas like. coal or, peat. The Bassano News derides the idea of a such gas has a very high heating power, line being built from Swift Current to Cam- and this is even greater than coal gas. pg ee, /for each, swift mae To ion to or disease cells than they have for the host. licenses atement of Wassermann? We wish most irticularly, in order to prevent false lopes and excitement among persons with tnitters; 0 per - ) i tle present time we have no ev lence that man cancers. This question We have t yet investigated. It may not be im- sible that an essential beginning has tiblished, extension of which along these lines may yield progress in human the- hipy. Scientifie American. eae is reported that illuminating gas is tobe madein-Austria by a somewhat unusual process, and for this purpose Brunn, where gas is produced by distilling: dried sediment from sewer water. salen, Nght and power In You thin it Is to buy them back in the future. street railway should enterprise. Glye away these franchise: The fact-that-the Cor that the; the force of the dose, a tits mere Iatablee ATION FRANCHISE 8 of Greater to the elty Raturally shortly be By an expression of Public Opinion ecorded tn te Apri Asin, ocutle tile question of Municipal Ownership or Core poration Ownership once and for all time, are an electric railway 01 Streets; the right to and it to a and sell electric WILL KICK YOURSELF FOR TWENTY YEARS it you Ftub-Dubbed*-out-of Municipal Ownership on the 12th. It is much easier to stand pat and retain valuable franchises at some one else s price at some time If there 8 any Tegitimate reason ut the present time why a built In Medicine Hat, the city bas the Mnancial eredit, the ability; and the inclination to build it as a clty ceeded several times from their original pasion) saceld show y: are SE YOU WIL), BE MANY YEARS SORRY. Vote Against the Electric Stre : way By-law. a iclne Hat which will id it will be a matter of Eternal Te ou yublic opinion, am making YOU TAKE THIS CORPOR- aS method is.due to the researches of Prof. nF Honig, who discovered that a cubic yard of Tt is claimed that C y h son, Kansas. Here are a few of th misdemeanors d alt with in the by- laws, with the penalties deemed suitable To fail to clean a feh house once BS To sell keep tame pigeons, 15. 'o talk back to a policeman 100. To sic one dog on another; 100. To hitch a horse to a weight weighing less than thirty pounds, 15. ry twenty-four hours, 2: ETHBRIDGE as well as Medicine Hat is bearing the annual spring ross of muddy water. A druggist in the for- mer city advises tha 3 j clarified by adding as much alum as will lie ona knife point, to a gallon. Noiv what would be the size of that knife. The ex- pression may bea familiar one to drug- gists, but editors don t know much about) knives. Eh, what 1 meet on Saturday afternon in adjourn- ed session. It is to be hoped that a date will be fixed for *Clean-up Day. ; 10: PUBLIC OPINION. 10 gt; is expeeted that the Couneil will Toronto Mail and Empire Diivers of automobiles who are so careless of the rights of pedestrians that they cheerfully splash them with mud from their wheels ought to be punished eyen more severely than if they had violated a speed ordin- ance. Toronto Globe The Legislature is go- ing-some. It has increased the-speed limit for motor vehicles in cities, towns, and vil- lages to fiften miles an hour, and in the eountry to twenty miles an hour Toronto Star Why need the Montreal principle of chemotherapy has estab- Herald talk at length about the greater joy of living in Montreal than Toronto when it could-sum it all up by saying that while Toronto has but 110 bars, Montreal has 1061 Atertanr fruition thus far of this prin It-is this principle of chemotherapy which Wassermann has applied in experi- menting upon maligant tumors in mic One finds always in such growths (cancer or sarcoma), either-in mice-or in men, t1 manifestely essential elements of. the dis- eased process. Wassermann has discoy- ered that a compound of cosin and selenium When in contact with such tumors, is taken t ciple is the drug salvarsan, which is positi- what he suspected was a bomb hit it with aj +sledge-hammer in order to. make sure. He Brandon Sun A Chicago - man, finding had guessed-right. There s no use fiddling around with half-way measures when you can go right to the truth the first thing. Macleod Advertiser A Macleod lady caught a grass-hopper on the prairie Sun- day and sent him all the w with a postage stamp stuck to his hinddeg, to show thenr-how early.spring Al- berta. Even the grasshopper must hay iy to Toronto, SESe eee eE eT POLITICS AND POLITICIANS + + EEE E EE EEE Senator-smith of South Carolina Tdaho delegates to the Democratic national convention are to be selected: at q State convention to meet at Couer d'Alene, Sune 3. Congressman H. H. Bingham, who 5 i im Philadel- phie, represented the First PennsyF vasiia district im the House fet 33 years, The Republican State convention. of Wyoming to select delegates to the national convention at Chicago has een called to meet in Cheyenne on May 13. Governor 0, B. Colgnitt of Texas to Legian bis specohmak- ing campaign for reelection about the middle of April. Merman Ridder, who was treasurer of the Democratic national campaign committee four years ago, is now mentioned as q possible candidate for governor of New York. The Socialists believe the first State they will carry will be Nevada, where fa great effort isto be made to elect a Soialist governor and legislature this fall Champ Clark is to be chief speaker and guest of hotfor at a bamqpet to be given by the Jeflerson County Demo- cratic Club in Louisville on the migitt of April 6. : te Charles R. Crisp, 1 pprliamentary clerk. of the House of-Representiativess and son of the late Spealier Crisp, has announced his candidacy for Congress 4romthe new Third district of Geor- gia: Alaibatna s indorsement of Congress- nian Underwood for-thi presidential nomination means that Mr. Under- wooil s name will be the first present ei to the Baltimore convention, since Alabama is the first State om the roll call. . The States that are yet to hold pre- sidential preference primaries as pro- vided for by law, aiid the dates, are as follows: Oregon aml. IMinois, or April 30; California, gay 4, and New Jersey, May 8. William J-Bryan, Governor Dix, Mayor Gaynor, Senator O'Gormun, Gopemor Woodrow Wilson and Champ Clark are to be the speakers a the Jefferson Birthday banquet to b giv- en in New York city on the mightof LAxprit-48, under-the auspices of National Democratic Club. Ormsby MeNarg, Secretary of Commdrce and lalpr, who organized the Southern States for President Taft tour years ago, snd carried the contested delegation pafe- Hy; through the national-commilitee meeting at Chicago, tas been placed iny charge of Colonel Roosevelt s con- lgests..inthe Sou: April When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don t be suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the yery best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We lave-the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW POSTS BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. PHONE 57 P. 0, BOX 29. Fine large Office in the News Block, 20 x 25 feet in size, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences. APPLY TO. News Office. LATIONS. (COAL mining rights of the Dominion. n Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Northwest Territories and in a por- tion of the Province of British Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of- 1-an acre; -Not:more. than 2,560 Application for a lease must be former Assistant/made by the applicant in person to the Agent r Sub-Agent of the dis- trict in which the rights applied for are situated. - In survoyed territory the sand must be described by sections, or legaleub- divisions of sections, and in unsur- veyed territory the tract appiied for shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Eaech application must be accom- OFLC EAT SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINIXG KEGU: fe Yukon Territory, the acres will be lensed to one applicant. Wrecked Ran Philip Hichb Dies Ins ment of Washington, Apr Hichborn, young le the late Rear Adm ed bimself last and immiliation o more than a year Eleanore Hoyt Hicl L. Wylie, q rich W, He shot himself in almost instantly. The tragedy. of well Inown in Was December, 1910, hie Eleanore Hoyt was fngton-and to: whor ried for five years, fied to Europe witl been Hichborn's' n Wylie Wesertel a dren; Mrs. Hichtor hoy. The couple, t Mrs. Henry Wisc, w Nile; later in Pa vier. Mrs. Hichborn,. Wylie in the summe to Washington. At ciBation were made Back to tis-wife. B Mrs. Hichborn agai it was learned that Wydie. Since then eae o : : 5 wnich will be re- ; 3 Gehris, of this city, but left him after selec ively by the tumor cells. Daily in- appreciated the honor. : Sayer Sa ee fra t ne ie applied or ars L sr igieee I. 4 a a your. Her ober hussiots, abe de jections of this substance into the blood Jesey, COMI Masnachnuscttn royalty shail be paid ou the merehant Phone 433 fi ae es a ee ream of cancerous mice causes first al H. F. G., in Toronto Star: A brave Old) yaine, todiana und Obio have elected tble output of the mine at the rate of See See SES Seer wa Softening-of the tumor, and ther total duke he is. The other night he attended a pemocsutic governors. Since tte votes Sent POTN ane mine shall lt;a Cartage and see tangs ee ee cows resorption within ten days. The tumo: jana eau rink. he ates neta Draying oe sre time aga te have Must not, be too large in proportion to the how old a rik can be. You-can see the al to the success of the Republican accountmg. for the full quantity of Cartage and Draying. Prompt tim arrested for non-support. The, body weight of the animal in the mouse. frost comfng up like a mist. Personally Ty ational party in the apptoaching merchantable coal mined ahd pay the e . * 2 2 royalty thereon. If the coal mining err Sneha. Wer SOE Aa 1 akvan Gti wasbanie, lt;5 (ee Aua- not beyond the size of a cher With lar- don t care for gymkhanas ina skatil tampaign.the politicians are aaking rights are balng operated, such returns 700 Pair, blk Pea cae Une imperial O11 erman Bowyer and county Detective) ger tumors the drug g' severe, even 1 d as leave go to a funeral. But the Guke e eth States mereka nenish : it you want satisfaction. imperi were Williams, Stephens, Henry Noll Bachman have been able to find out natned Cowan, Meyers, Barbor and fatal intoxication, which is apparently the result of rapid absorption of the product of: had to be there he was a patron and so had we. Just now his highness is almost a will vote tho Republican presidential ticket this year, as they have done in all campaigns beginning with 1996, or year. . The lease will include the coal min- ing rights only, but the lessee may be permitted to purchase whatever avail- 3500 100 ft, 1450 50 ft. c aarmeanl es disintegration-of the tumor cells. In the eripple from sciatica, but he hobbled in totow the Democruvic tenikncy as evi-y able surface Fights Tar, be considered sicoe Fost See ee: - recovered-animals, after cral-months' ee on the minute and was hoisted-into dence in the rewlts of the last) necsasary 700 Sp Woreingict the mine CENTR E Pron arr? Stree nce AB etoetrteeex candier for use in) observation, the tumors have totally disap- fig royal box, where he sat for two mortal)S*s* clestone 7 * yor tut information application ft, bi cates and other public places where neared without any recurrence; it was hours, smiling through his misery, after toe Poe p one the .Gecrermy (fe Holy : the Treshn ss of exgs Is prime Te found, however, that when insufficient PILES CURED IX 6 TO 14 DAYS the. or quisite has been invented. which he presented the pretty girls with tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent ft, ti Becai party di ; sealers ; Your di 111 refa ron dian impart save ber treatment had only partly disposed of the their prizes. You:can guess how good that) pazo OINTMENT. talle to cure any Dominion ents: ww Sony, fb Delt tr Ume, s Lonton tallreed tor: / G tumor cells, recurrence of the growth took sort of public duty is for sciatica, Yes, there case of Itohing, Blind, Bleeding. or Deputy Minister of tae Interlor. 300 37 tt. minus has been equipped with 3 ure place. are drawbacks to being an aged prince in pa aye, Soe eae eee ee, ALTAWAY 38 ee ee ey STops covawe 2242722298 Hitherto such tumors have seldom, if exile in-arheumatic climate. Subscribe NOW for The Detiy News. Sept, 14-D-6m. 1400 75 ft, b 1000 50 ft, b 1200 0- ft b
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Image 535 (1912-04-03), from microfilm reel 535, (CU1771267). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.