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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 4 LEGISLATURE HAS ADJOURNED After Seven Weeks, the Alberta House Brought to a Close the Longest and: Busiest Session in Its -87 Bills Were Assented to. Yesterday, History Edmonton, Alta., Heb. 17. The Provincial legislature was peorogued today after the longest scesiom tm the fkistory of the province. The House mat for thres weeks be fore the Chrivenns tolidays and tur (CW. A. P. Dispateh.) weats since, Wighty-seven bills were assented to by the Lieitenamt-govern- or: Most ofthe memibers left for- chair thair homestoday and, the remainder will go tomorrow. Ne The dying days of the session saw LADY SCHOOL TRUSTEE LEADS POLL EDMONTON GLGCTIONS N GREATER No Trace of Sectionalism-in -First Municipal Election suce Since the Forming of 8 trathcona and Edmonton into One City Aldermen Divided, (CW. A. P. Dispatch), Edmonton, Feb. 17 Though the complete aldermanic returns had not come in by midnight, there is little doubt but that the new aldermen will be, In order: H. B. Douglas, Ald. Lan- dy, Ald. Gowan, Jas. East, Ald. M. Innis, J. G. Lipton, Jos. Clark, T. J. Walsh, Gullav P. May and H. A Cald- er, The former city of Strathcona gave generous support to the Edmon- ton men and the results show no trace of sectionalism. J. G. Lipton, a former Strathcona alderman, is fifth in the list of eigh- teen candidates, while the other repre sentatives came in eighth and tenth place. For. school trustees, the lady candidate, Miss Bessie Nichols, leads twelve competitors. Others are Wal- t r Ramsay, L. A. Gordon, Dr. Peck, Dr. F. W. Gring, W. M. Clark and Wm. Rea DR SEN TO BE FIRST CHINESE AMBASSADOR 10 ENGLAND So. Announces London Daily Telegraph Troops Ig- - nore the Jap s Protest are Fighting in Neutral Zone, cw. AP. Cable) London, Feb. 17. Tke Daily Tele-)de Paris the young Chinese wife of graph anuounced this morning that a Chinese student named Chang, be- an excellent hostess under the circum- Dr, Sun Yat Sen is coming to London as the first ambassador from the Chi- nese Republic tothe court of St. James. London, Feb. 17 Both the: Imperial and Republican troops, dis Japanese protests, are fighting within the neutral zone at Wa Fang Tien, South Manchuria, acco patch to The Times a its Tokio cor- respondent. Ti Aesording to Crt Paris, Feb. lieving that only a woman can save China, has just left Londo fon the purpose of placing herself at the head of the movement in the Republic. The girl who is 22 years of age, is already known among her countrymen as the Chinese Joan of Arc. She took part in a revolutionary movement xt the age of fifteen, A girl friend, who shared her views, was beheaded. Al- though she fs a niece of Yuan Shi Kai, the girl is a resolute adversary of e-new president, believing him to be the evil genius of his country. Countries Interests Necessitate Peace So Says Sir Edwatd.Grey Speaking of the British-Ger- man Elections Hopes Asquith s Seem has Dis- pelled Untruth-of Near (W. AP. Cal Manchester, Feb, 17 Sir Bdward .jGrey, the secretary of Foreign of Af- fairs, made an-optimistic speech here Jast night on the present relations of Great Britain and Germany. Referring to the visit of War Secretary Haldane to Berlin, Sir Edward sald th reti- cence in regard to the details of the Statements made by Premier Asquith in the House of Commons and Chan- cellor Von Bethmann-Hollweig, in the Reichstag did not imply that there was any lack of cordiallty between the two powers. Something had been achieved which he (Sir. dward Grey)-hoped had permanently bright ened the political sky and would dis- pel the mists of suspicion which had arisen from unfounded rumors. The interests of both peoples, Sir Edward declared. made peace between the two countries necessary. He did not believe that there could be any permanent estrangement if th ards the world s ES AY ADD GREAT : TO ANGLA-GERMAN RELATIONS Proposed Visit of King and Queen and a Return Visit of the Kaiser May Help Matters. CW. A, P. Cable) Berlim, Fels 17 It is believed that tween Getmany and Great Britain will recelye powerful stimulation tiy the visit of the King and Queea of Hng- land to Berlin,in the spring and the Kalser s returdl visit. War. t ruth were given a fair chance, He expressed the hope that Premier As- quith in his statement in the. House of Commons: had forever disposed (of the great untruth that Great Britain meditated an attack upon Germany during the tension over the Franco- German negotiations in relation to Morocco, OW. A. B, Cable) Paris, Feb, 17 The French press, are watching closely the cqnversa- tions in progress between Great Bri- tain and Germany. Most of the news- papers onsider that Viscount Hal- dane s-visit-to-Germany andthe dec- larations by British and German statesmen which followed, auger well for an understanding between Great Britain and Germany. Phe termination. of the. strained-re- mor lations between the two countries is welcomed in France as a move tow- peace. STIMULUS It is understood that the request of XIRUBTIVE Feport on Lord Haldane s conversations with German officials is being drawn up. This report will form the baste for an exchange of opinions between Lon- Cora; will entertain again this even- various songs helped make the tered with two revolvers in the hands tour bills Killed by the chairman in committee of the whole vacating the They were relating to. Western Canada Mortgage Corporation, Towne site and Subdivision Act and the Fortaightly Pay Bill while the Anglo-Philes here are grat Itfed over the prospects of a better un- derstanding between the two cdun- ules, the Anglo-Phoebe elements re- fuse to be impressed by Mr. Asquith's optimistic statement and declare that suspicion and mistrust of British aims are still Germany's watchword. The Berlin Bourse conspicuously failed to respond to the hopes held out by Mr. Asquith and has remained weak, In London a xise tr-sangols was the prompt response to the rumors that Lams Haldane s mission had been a SOCIAL EVENTS meAWING NEAR Medicine Hat at the Pre- sent Time the Centre for Many Pleasant Evenings. The drawing near-of-the Lenton season is giving an aided impetus to the many social events in the Hat. On Thursday and Friday evenings Mrs. J. A. McDougall, Montreal street,- entertained - at progressive whist. On Thursday evening Miss Vera Fleming and Master Webster Flewring won first prize acd Miss Ferguson and C. Lee the consolations. On Friday evening Miss Ogden and Mr. Dobbin took first for high score and Mr, Phoenix and Miss Cameron were awarded the consolation prizes. On Thursday night last sumber of the friends of Miss Alice Brown surprised her: A most enjoyable ev, ening was spent: Miss Brown made LODGE INSTITUTED Medicine Hat Brethren At- cliff Last Night. GOOD WEMBERSHIP No. 90 Started Out Under Most Favourable Circum- stances with 27 Members. Redclift Lodge No. 90, Independent Order of Oddfellows was duly insti- tuted lastnight (Friday) by instl- tuting officer P.G. Bro. Jc A. Tully, of Calgary, assisted by members of Medicine Hat-Lodge, No.3, and other visiting broth rs. The Medicine Hat contingent went to Redoliff. ina special train and arrived in that thriving town about pm. On arri- val at the Lodge room the work of instituting the new lodge was im - mediately proceeded with, after which twenty-two candidates were put through and instructed in the myster- fes of the various degrees, Redeliff Lodge thereby starting off under un- usually bright prospects, having a membership of 27 at its inception 21 new members and five by transfer of Gard. The following is a list of the names of those comprising the new Lodge: Cecil T Hall, W. L. Henderson, J. W. Crozier 8. Timmons, T. W. Crozier, R. Hamilton, J. Pieot, W- Watson, Fred- Neuhaus, Jaa. Merry, H. A Ireland, H. G. Sheasby, L. T. Towle, J. Jackman, R. M. Towle, 0. H. Davidson, C, G. Buckholz, Dr. E. W. Brown, J. W. Moran, A. J. Buckhols, A. J. Listnmouth; R. G. Clare, E. H. Cook, J. F. Lavelle, T. H. Haywood, H. Jockman, 8. D. Miller. After the work in the various degrees had been exemplified the election of officers for the ensuing term-for-Retclifttoige No. 90, was taken up and the brothers who were chosen as the first officers of the new Lodge are: N.G C, T. Hall. V.G. John Crozier. Rec. Sec. W. J. Henderson. Fin.-Sec H. A. Ireland. Treasurer E. H. Cook. After the election of officers, Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master Bro. J. H. Bell, of Medicine Hat, duly installed stemees. Those present were: Misses H. Kerr, A. Wogstaf, G. Mclaren, D. Niblock, E. Osborne, B. Nesbitt, E. Draudson, Messrs. Si Holt, /R. Manzer, F. Napier, W. Glover, S. White and others. The-evening was spent in games and- dancing. meron was hostess at bridge party of five tables. Mrs. H. C. Yuill win- ninlg the prize for highest score. Friday evening: Mrs. E. C, Drake was hostess at q delightful progres- sive whist party. Mrs. T. Taylonand Mrs. Nicholson winning the prizes and Mrs, W. T. Finlay and Mrs. J. McLean the consolation-awards. : Wilbur Cory entertained some friends at bis home Main street to, cards last evening, the evening prov- ing a delightful one. Six tables were filled and the prize winners were Miss Vera Fleming and Oliver Barreau, white 2fise- Jessie Miles -and Frank Herric secured the consolation. Mr. ing. Messrs. Perey Gaynor amd Roache entertained q number of friends et the residence of Mr. C. I, White, last evening. A most enjoyable time was spent in cards and music. Mr. T. Tweed s' mimicrn of various leading men, Mr. White's piano salections and pcre oie eee MONTREAL NOW Hold-Ups in Quebec City Get Away with Jewellery: Montreal, Montreal this morning of the wave of holdups which has been sweeping over the Eastern States.- While Mr. Cohen, 499 St. Jaines St., was opening the safe in his jewellery store-he was startled-by-a-notse just behind him and on looking up found himself cov- of two desperadoes. He made a quick grab at one of his assailant s wea- pons, only to be struck down uncon- sclous by a blow with the butt of one of the revolvers, The thugs then picked up 300 worth of diamonds and 90 in cash and disappeared. The police-were soon on the trail and a few minutes Iater had arrested man who was seen running down the street, He gave his name as Ve- ga, and sald he was a Spaniard. He disclaimed any knowledge of the crime, but-ts-held at present. Ten buyera wanted for 10 7-roomed houses, handy to industries, and two MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS NEW-ODDFELLOWS gt; Hawkes Working CW... P. Dispateh) ment of Mr. Hawkes and bow ong before the late election he had been promised the position. Mr. Rogers said be himself had rec tmmendad the appointment of Mr. Eatees sometime during November. je thought be was specially qualified Ottawa, Out., Feb. 17. The discus- sioh of public works estimates occu- pied the attention of parkiggaent nearly all yesterday amd good pro- gress was made. Matters passed were mostly for public Buildings, harbors, stc., in eastern Camda. a two ir te pation three occasions, the Bot iat . p ot Picto discussion over tte snattne of dlemie- thought differently, Mr. Hawkes, he jsals, complaints being made by oppo- sition members, but nothing was said that bas not been beand Before this scesion, out nothing was said that has not been heard before this session. All Mr. Monk's main estimates but one small item were voted. Late in the evening the immigration question was taken up and the 1*t- sonality work and status of Acthor Hawkes, recently appointed as spa: immigeation commissioner by che government occupied the attention of the house for fully an hour. A. K. Mclean of Halil: wanted 1q) know who recommended the appoint- said, bad acted in anything tut gentletnonly. manner amd his actions lon one occasion at a meating in tho maritime provinces necessithted an apelogy from the member for Cum- derlandt, Mr, McDonald wanted to mow M ithe minister of the interior had-tead the estimate of Mr. Hawkes, shich op- peared in the British Columbia Sin set. He further referred to bim as a conservative clectioneering ageat, working the newspapers for his ov glorification, and was unfit for tha position to which he bad been as- signed. He was at the present tcc DEMAND Ab Cope, I. C, Guest, W. Ravenstein. Medicine Hat Oddfellows are high in-thelr praise of. the treatment they received from the Redcliff brothers and if the new Lodge keeps up to the brilliant start they made in the way of entertaining visitors, and excellent luncheon, they may-rest assured that they will often have visitors trom takes Manitoba, House their nearest neighbors Medicine Eliminate Profits. Hat. 2 WAP. AUSTRIAN FOREIGN Winnipeg, Siam. ee: thes runcod ce represent- img. the Moret and Social Reform Havanna, Austria, Feb. 17 Count Couneil and headed by the secretary, Alois Lexa von Acchrenth: askinncen eal Man Hungarian minister of foreign affairs, 2, see eae itoba government this moming and is dying, He received the last sacra- rs s ments this. afternoon. Meenas eS fae mitted to the people on abolishinig the Count Leopold von Berchtold, form- sa Rae er ambaschdor at St. Petersburg, has , MF Bu Saas boon appotneadl thedisis iinieter:, gt; ties Tes lt; Sock Seas ES See MiNISTER DYING. Papers for Own Glorification tended Inception at Red- wompber for Picton Goes After Government s Special Immigration Agent From His Speech Given One Would Think He Knew Nothing of Canada or Her Needs and Should be Recalled and Given much Needed Lecture. QLISAMENT OF THE BAR Big Delegation of Moral and by cates Province going into the Liquor Business and Saturday, February . + Saturday, February. 17th, 1918 ARI OFFER EXCE IONA VALUE DIAMO sending callegrams from Great. J'ri- tain to the Canadian newspapers re- lating to vn, movements gt; and speeches and one would think from reading them that he wes a mam who ever kiew anything about Camda end her needs. Mr. MeDooald seid he thought the Our buying Is done Buropean firms, thus the jobbers profit, Drop in wud see G. W. ELL JEWELER AND. Issuer of Marriage Mr; Hawkes and give Bea a couch needed lecture. Mr. Rogers in reply said that Mr. Hawkes was in avern way phalified for Wis work and was mecting with much success. Mr. Rogers added that Mr. Hawkes was making good headway with the plan of working ont a co-operative system on finmijgsation with ote prot vinces. Asked. as to who was respomsible crthe origination of tis plan, Mr. Rogers said ib was is idea en Mr. Tlawkes had been chosen to pat it into effect. cial Reform League rm Caldwell Advo- Dispatch) liquor tusiness ond im this Mr, Buchanan promised support ef the Council. EAST HAS: ITS CAR SHORTAGE (CW. A. P. Dispatch.) 3 * ta the oott of a etx mont night w week, at the SOUTHERN 4 er ee ee, perance agitation, the whole province ss ie oe oMccrsy being Saas, z being the smallest unit they would Montreal, Feb. 17 Eastern Canada (Gaines) ted Dy several Past. Grands. trom fof Pafesb fob bb bob bob oh DBE, (he Ea iol op- now has its own car shortage, Medicine Hat Lodge. ee : + duc aacate bob aca. MEDICINE The Medicine Hat Oddfellows who * WILL BUILD IN MAY tion law left on atetnt and/ though not so dramatically in evidence eee were present are as follows: + oF Serene Pee 3 as the car shortage in the west, Dur- AN Basis eall for parts . Hollinger, W. H. Williams, 3. H. + The Industrial Bureau has - - A: . Smith, Reston, Men ing the past six months there has been Bell, A. W. Bell, T. Blatchford, S. T. ee were - we ese lt; a. tremendous growth in export busi- ee Hopper, T. Reynolds, H. McBain, A. vestern Porcelain mnufne- + : For all: kinds.of Jot Smith, R. Collier, E. McLeod R. B. -F turing Company stating that i. Ba or a Cone es the News. Office: Stearns, A. G. Trotman, J. Clelland, T. - the Board of Directors has - ft Peat setae he BREET Se Murray, R. Lyman, J. Bullivant,, J. C. approved of General Manager - - ia with the temperance pulp, hay, etc., and now it is imposs- Colter, Jack Allen, M. Linton, J. J. +e MeIntyre s action in signing j- movement and would take the idea iio to got enough ompty cars to trans eee Conscily, R. Donaldson, A.B. Fores- - an agreement to locate thelr -- into consideration. Personally, port all, the merchandise that is on tan GF Killam, A. Paterson, P. Bel- - Canadian factors in Medicine -- thoogh, he favored home rule by the order: The demand for Canadlah Twi ton, E. Grane, H. Shumate, W.l+* Hat. The necessary deposit + + municipalities. Hon, C. R. Coldwell wood pulp and other forest products wic Stewart, D. Williamson, A. Wallace, - has been forwarded. said his own solution. was to elimin- much that the Dis ral H. Henderson, J. 3B. Bate: of ate profits from the liquor traffic, or ways DOW find themselves inunda FREE EEE EEEESE with couiplaints of 18ek: of cA For Money Making Investments OUR PURCHASERS WILL TELL YOU WHY WE SOLD blocks from new school building start- Ing next week. See Adolph Smith's don and Berlin foreign offices, but ad on page 8 18741 eis 384 Main Street. OVER 1000 PROPERTIES IN THIS CITY THE PAST YEAR OUR SELECTIONS WERE GOOD MONEY MAKERS WE PROTECT OUR CLIENTS REGARDING TAX, ARREARS, TITLE, AND COMPLICATIONS. WE MADE MONEY FOR OUR CLIENTS AND WILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU. WE HAVE crry LOTS FROM 125 UP. EASY TERMS. OVER 100 HOUSES FOR, SALE. ACREAGE 14, MILE IDEAL DAIRY FARM, 3 CREASEERY 21.00 PER ACRE. RAW PRAIRIE LAND 15.00 PER ACRE UP. IMPROVED FARMS, 20 PER ACRE UP. 10,000.00 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY SEE US FOR eS pan LOANS.. 0 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Wy IF YOU WANT IT TO SELL. HOLLINGER AGENCY Bia MILES OUT ATA BARGAIN FINE cecal FOR MARKET GARDEN AND CHICKEN RANCH. pat Stox OR
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Image 273 (1912-02-17), from microfilm reel 273, (CU1770979). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.