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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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DDIGINK Hat DALLY Na See 7 TTALY DESTROYED TWO TURK SHIPS ; BUY WHERE AT NOLLINGER AGENCY WHY Beeause they can delir- er what they advertise, THESE CAN'T BE BEATEN HERALD Bik, 129690, pair, Bik, 17-8500, patr en block. BIk, 22 9600, pair, Bik, 23675, pair, Bik; 8 425, pair. Bik, 48950, pair, corner, STEAMER NEWINGTON RACED WITH DEAT Thrilling Trip rip from Clayo- quot to riangie Island and then to Victoria. Victoria, Feb. 27. The last voyage of the steamer Newihgton, Capt. Barnes, of the marine and fisheries department, was one of burdship end terminated with q race against death from Triangle to Victoria. cer eel eee to to hospital if fer lie was. to op saved. At 5 o'clock on Saturday oF temoon the Newington steamed out from Clayoqnot at full speed and despite the serious straits they were im, two of the officers found time for a little fum. Ctrief Officer Thompson weat back to his boyhood days and paddled around on trunk aft while the wireless operator kept erying fora dry shirt which he failed to get. After baftling against the fierce weather for some time the Newing. ton reached Triangie-emd immediately took Mrs. Davies off: Without 1 any time, the steamer was and commenced race for Heavy weather janie eee NEW 7 ROOMED FULLY MOD- ERY HOUSE ON MONTREAL STREET 3650 Good Terms, A Good Chance to get a nice home at the right price. 100 FEET CORNER On sewer, gas and wt Only 900 Terms HURRY REMEMBER ALL THESE CAN BE DELIVERED TODAY. the run but tha Newington wes kept, right into the storm. On ber uxrival 4m port today Mrs. Davies was rush- Soe ae en every possibility that she teal tpt within abort tase. An English Chemist Has Discovered How to - Grew Hair. Im England the ladies have entirely abandoned wearing rats, which is wue entirely to this new discovery. It has been proven that Henna leaves contain the ingredients that contain the long-looked-for article is proven every day. Tht Americans are now placing on the market a preparation containing the extract from Henna leaves; which have phenomenal sale. The preparation is called SALVIA, and is being sold with a guarantee to cure Dandruff and to grow hair in abundance. Being daintly perfumed, SALVIA makes a most pleasant hair dressing. ingle, your druggist, is the first to import this preparation into Medicine. Hat, and a large gener ous dottle can be purchased for 50 . TO TRY TROOPER FOR MURDER (Spectdl to the News) Burlington, Vt., Feb. 27. The term of the Federal court which convened here today will be made notable by the t rial for murder of Matthew Car- lyle, a private in the Tenth United States Cavalry regiment. Whilesta- tioned at Fort Ethan Allen last fall Carlyle ran amuck and shot and killed Andrew C. Fox, a fellow troop- ex, and seriously wounded two negro INSTITUTE Frankfort, The an- nual meeting of the State Farmers In- stitute, an influential feature of the rural uplift movement in Kentucky, began in this city today and will con tinue until Friday. Several hundred progressive. agriculturists from all parts of the State are in attendance. The programme provides for numer- ous addresses-and demonstrations in the different lines of farm work. -A- Speciai-General Mecting Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of-the City Hall lion Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important business to be. transact- SOOO ERESSS SOSSOEPEH TOY 3 LePAGE BROS. ss The One-Price Cash Store. Dr. A. men for its Reed s Cushion Sole Shoe For Mea. It is known and worn the world oyer by grateful - Wonderful Ease. and pleasing style: comfort cushion shoe all others are copied. This-is the original The Lamb s Wool Cushion built into the shoe by a patent process assures perfect ease tr No breaking in, no mervous Strain, no more foot-: the-very start. isn t it worth while you eall and find ow om ache. to it. If your feet ache investigate. - Won t apid easonable le Piano Moving A Specialty LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING 804 Toronto Street. (CENTRAL PARK wk, Bik, Bik, Bik, 68500, 17-8550, pair. 113685, pair, 188600, pair. Bik, 168750, pair. Lik, 38950, 50 feet. TOWNSITE Bik, 888875, terms, Bik, 87 1200, terms. Dik, 88 1200, terms. Bik, 91 1400, terms. BIk, 55 5,000, terms. pair. DONT DELAY. REVOLVER SHOT DISTURBED BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS Unknown Man Fired Shot Over Heads of Many in Outer Lobby. OW. . P. Cable) London, Feb. 3 . Members of Par- iament were startled early last even- ithe Central Hall or Onter Lobby ot the House of Commons. Such a thing bad teen unknown in recent parliamentary annals, but) Pre- mier Percival was shot and instantly killed Gi q man named Bellingham in the lobby in 1812. There was mom- ent af breathless suspense when the man rosa from his seat presenting a large revolver towards the other side of the hall and pulled thr trigger. For a moment everyone feared that the shot had been fired with murderous intent tmt it was seen that nobody was hurt the prompt action- of the polict probably prevented further shooting: imasmuch ds the revolver when seized contained four undischarg- fet certridges. Ten other cartridges were found im tha man's pockets. If the Vullet had been fired towards the chamber it only had to penetrate a glass panel to reach) the interior of the house. Witnesses of the occurrence state tHiat the shot passed over the heads f several persons standing in the lobby. COKVICE SURRENDERED Returns to Albany State Prison to Serve Out Six Year Term, Kingston, Ont., Feb, 27 Jeanes Hammond, an escaped convict tirom the State prison at Albany, N.Y., has just given himself up through the in- flnence of the Salvation Army. cuse, -N, jast June to six yaars on a charge of burglary, Shortly after wands, with three othar prisoners, be estaped. The rest of the party were recaptured, but Hammond reached Kingston, and secured employment with the Kingston Shipbuilding Com- pany. Becoming associated wittr the Salvation Army he confided his past career to Captain Turner, and. finally decided to suender. He told tis story to the American consul here, who communicated with the United States aecretary of state. Haramond on Friday, accompanied by Captain Turmer, crossed to Cape Vincent, and Was taken into custody by the offi- cials there. White im Kingston Ham- mond: went under the dame of James Conway. Am appeal will be mare to) Govemor Dix by the Salvation Army. authorities to have him freed on parole. Sp TO REGULATE USE OF NIAGARA FALLS United States House of Re- presentatives Extends: Operations of Burton Law. Wastihgton, Feb. 27. The House of Reptesentatives bas voted to ex- tend to May 1 the operation of tlie y Baton Maw reguiatmg oe diversion of the waters of Niegara Fails The Burton law expires on March 1. et companies on the American side of l the Falls to 26,000: cubic leet per second, and on the Canadian side to 30,000 cubic feet a second The extension will give a longer time for the consideration of the permanent legislation this subject necessary on A Special General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room-of the City Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important business ,to be transact- ed. 19502 sixty were Killed and many oy-which it would ing when a visitor. fired-a-Tavolver-trystssociation champions.could-play the to Kenora and left or there today. AFTER JOIMNG-ARNY Tt Hmmits the use of the water by pow-) injured Boats. in Blowing Up Pacis, Feb, 26 Although the op- inion here is almost unanimous that Italy was absolutely within her rights in destroying two Turkish warships lying in the roadstead of the Berult on Saturday, when sixty persons. were killed and. large number wounded, A Gontinvation of the It- alian hostilities is regarded with ap prehension a t is thought to be pos- sible it may lead to European com plications. It fs. understood that the Powers are ready to make a proposi- tion for the settlement of the dispute take merely the coast off Tripolt-and Cyren. Allan Cup... Toronto, Feb. 27 The challenge of the Eaton Hockey Club, senior champions of the Ontario Hockey As- sociation had been accepted by the Allen Cup trustees and dates will be awarded to play next week in Win- nipes. Secretary Northery of the cup trus- tees wipes to-day: We have chal- lenges in from the winners of the two Alberta leagues and they have been ordered to-play off, the winners go- ing to Winnipeg to play the defenders, the Winnipeg Victorias. This would make t possible for them to play in Winnipeg the latter part of this week. I should think the Ontarlo Hockey challenge being next in order. Eaton Hockey tean are arranging to leave for Winnipeg and the Allan Cup Wednesday. night They are also bringing every ef- fort to bear to have the Athletic Union re-instate (Dutchy) Richardson who has kept out-of hockey because of his connection with the Ontario Lacrosse Association, He will be played if he is let back. C. P, R. TRAINMASTER CW. AP. Dispatch) Brandon, Man., Feb. 27 R. E. Merk- ley, travelling car service agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway, with headquarters at Winnipeg, has been appointed trainmaster for the Brandon division. The appointment takes ef- fect at once. Mr. Merkley succeeds J. Samuel, who has been transferred A Special General Meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. to betransact- 195d2 Important business, ed. Pure AMERICAN Seed OATS grown from MeKenzle s Seed, clean and matured. No frost, G5e. per bushel, F.0.B. Walsh. LEWIS T, TROTTER, BANNER J NOTICE Sealed tenders for one or more of the following buildings will be . re- ceived at the office of C.P.R. Division Engineer, Calgary, up to noon, Feb- Tuary 24th, 1912, for the erection and completion of the following buildings: Western Lines Class A Station at following points: Webb, Namaka, Seven Persons, Winnifred, Dunmore, Clive, Nevis, Lougheed, Aldersyde, Jaf fray, Burmis and Galloway, also a Western Lines Standard No. 5 Station) at Yahk, Plans and specifications can be seen at Chief Engineer's office, Winnipeg, Resident Engineer's offices at Cran- brook and-Medicine-Hat;-and-this-of- N. E. BROOKS, C. P. R. Division Engineer. Tee, 180dtwks trict i ch the cights applied for merchantable coal mined and pay the Wanted at once permanent man to take position as assistant driver of chemical wagon and fireman in the Medicine Hat fire department, salary 60 per month for the first year. Ap- Plications to be made in writing, ing age, experience and references, Same to be handed personally to the fire chief, 195dte NOTICE Pursuant to section 92 of the Com- panies Ordinance, of the North-West Territories, the Marshall Hardware Co,, Ltd., hereby gives notice of its intention to apply to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies to change its hame to The Marshall-Mitchell Hard- ware.Co., Lit DAVIDSON WILL, Solicitors for The Marshall Hard- ware Co., Ltd. Fet 19d4M. 9 CRLOCK Let Us Loan You the Money at 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Of Mortgages or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Cal The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. e Phoue 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. SYNOPSIS OF COAL MINING meu. LATIONS. COAL mining rights of che Dominion. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta. the Yukon Territory, a Northwest Territories and in 2 por- tion of the Province of British Colum- bia, may be leased for a term of twenty-one years at an annual rental of- 1 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres will be lessed to oue applicant. Application fora lease must be made by the applicant in person to the Agent or Sub-Agent of the dig: are situated, In,gurveyed territory the-sand-must NOTICE, Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Logt, Found, ete., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. 25 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 2b cents. Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. BLY WANTED, WANTED A good general servant. Apply at Mrs. W. Huckvale, 711 Eeplanad 194a3 (GENERAL SERVAI iT WANTED Highest wages given, Phone 432 or call 632 Ottawa St. i9sate WANTED Neat tidy maid, one who can do plain cooking. A. E. Ros- siter, Princess Ave. 1923 ANTED HOUSEMAID Apply Mrs. A. Connoley, 207 Yuill St. 194d1 WANTED DRIVER One who knows the city preferred. Apply Sprague Williamson,. South Railway St. 4ate AEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade, special summer rate om, joln sow and save money, particulars free. Moles System Col- lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. FOR-SALE. SALE 33 ft building lots; gas and water, fac- ing south, in block 14, Herald. Price 600 a lot, cash 50, 15 monthly, 8 per cent interest, payable quarterly. Apply P. O. box 326, 19843 (CHOICE STANDARD BRED White Leghorn Pullet and 1 Cockerel, also barred rock Pullets. Box 806. 19046 For SALE 4 Registered Clyde Stal- Mons ranging in age from two years up ,to eight years old; 2 im- ported; 2 Canadian bred; 2 registered Clyde mares in foal; 50 head of heavy draft and general purpose mares and geldings, some broke and some tn- broke; also 400 bushels seed wheat, 1000 bushels Oats, 150 bustrets white hullers seed barley. For furth- er particulars apply to A.B. Carle, Roseberg P. O., via Medicine Hat, 81, twp. 9, range 6. Fb, 22-dtt FFOR SALE s room fully modern mew house on Ottawa St. Immed- iate possession. Apply to J. A: Landry 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, 192412 FOR SALE AT ONCE Extra large kitchen cabinet, stove and num- crous other household articles. 525 Toronto-8t, 19243 lots, good level and second hand Clothing, Monday, February 26th, 1912 Waeoday, Februs AUCTIONEERS Aeepetocteageateate Cte see H. 3. BROWNE CO. Live stock and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square-att-o ctock: Ranoh and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- berlence at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dtf : MISCELLANEOUS WE have splendia properties in and / near Seattle to trade for ranch lands, improved or unimproved, in i Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Delightful climate on the Pacltic Goast. Get in ahead of the Panama Canal, Write The Realty Traders, / No, 834, Hastings St. W., Vancouver, / B.C. 1T8d1100. WANTED Contracts, outfit break- ing, northeast. Apply Furrow, / box -M4i-P. 0. Tesatr / WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS ast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- Sies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-xtherd, bought and told. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. bor 101. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23DKt. 'S8 MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on band be best esteiva ot Lavrced Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best pric s. Call at 604 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired p Equal to New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. XX: L. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. has opened in the Pingle Block, Room 3, over drug store, Main St Satisfaction guaranteed. Ladics work given special attention. Goods called for and delivered. Phone 353. G. Hopper, Prop. 116d1mo. The-Man s Stone Get the Big Dol NOTICE Citizens wishing public improve- s ments in the way of sidewalks, curb and gutter, street grading, water, gas and electric extensions, and sewers, be described by sections, or legal sub- divisions of sections, and in unsur- veyed territory the tract appiled for shall be staked out by the applicant himself. Each application must be accom- panied by a fee of 5 which will be re- funded if the rights applied for are not available, but not otherwise, A royalty shall be paid on the merchant- able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton. The person operating the mine shall accounting for tne full quantity of royalty thereon. If the coal ining rights are being operated, such returns 'T' should be furnished at least once year. The jease will include the coal min- ing rights only, Dut the lessee may be permitted to purchase whatever avail- able surface rights may be considered necessary for the working of the mine at the rate of 10.00,an acre. For full information application should be made to the Secretary of tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agent of Dominion lands. W. W. ORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interior. i. B. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Sept. 14-D-6m. the Department of the Interior, mi SYNOPSIS OF C.NADIAN NORTH- WEST el tans REGULATIONS, ANY person ho la the sole head of 1d may hecneatend quatior sectisa: of old, may quarter-sectien-of d- available Dominion land in Manitobe, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- FIRE SALE Rescued From the Fire 57 MEN S SUITS 23 BOY'S SUITS 138 MEN S PANTS The above lots eseaped damage and are of the best quality they were purchased at a great sacrifice by The Harvard Tail- oring Co, opposite Dreamland who offer- them-at 25. cents. on the dollar, during the next few days and om Saturday next at 7.30 they have Instract- ed Messrs: Brown and 05 Auctioneers to sell the remai ing lots by public anction also a large number of Boots and Shoes and other Goods. Salo on the premises, 312 4th Avenue, Opposite Dreamland Theatre, Private Sales from 9 am. to 9 pm. caat must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency tor the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any Agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, and cultivation of the land in each of ree years. A homesteader may within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 0 acres solely owned and occupied by bim or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a nee in good standing may rre-empt a quarter-section slongside his home-. stead. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties. Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead en- try (inetuding the tim required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A hemesteader who has exhausted nis homestead right and caanot eb++ tain pre-emptio: may enter for a purchased -homestead in certain dis tricts. Price 3.00 per acre. Duties Must restde stx monthsin each of three years, cultivate fifty scres and erect a house worth 800.00, Ww. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. B. Unauthorized publication of his advertisement will net be paid for. Sept. 14-D-6m. For-all kinds of Job Printing try WANTED. WANTED a few setting hens. Ad- dress box 233, post office. 19046 OFFICES FOK RENT (QQFFICES TO RENT in imperial bank building. Several suites. All modern conveniences. Apply News office, 154at HOUSES TO RENT RENT 9 roomed house, modern thoughout; hot and cold water upstairs and downstairs; fresh paint- ed and kalcimined inside and out Large garden, 7 ft. Apply box 1220 News office. 18946 LAND FOR RENT ST Three keys oa ring. Finder please return to News office. 19540 TO RENT On shares, 350 acres of irrigated blue-point meadow land. Address Box 1230, News office. 194dtt Conservative Association will be held in the Court Room of the City Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock sharp. Important b business to be transact- 19542 OFFICE al) 1a Fine large Ofice in t in the News Block, 20 x 26 feet in size, well lighted, steam heated, modern conveniences, APPLY TO. News Office. FENDERS FOR ADDITION TO NURSES HOME Seated tenders will be received, ad- dressed to Mr. R. M. Napier, Secretary Treasurer of the General Hospital, up to 12 o'clock noon-of Monday, March 4th, 1912, forthe erection-of a brick raddition to the-Nursea -Home inthe City of Medicine Hat, Alberta. j Plans specifications may be seen at-the office of the architect. A certified check to the amount of 6 per cent. of the tender must accom- pany all tenders. essarily accopted. (Signed) Wm. T. WILLIAMS, Architect, Medicine Hat. Dated February 16, 191 ; the News Office. Feb. 15-9td A Special General Meeting of the The lowest or any tender not nec- should have their petittoms for the same in the office of the City Engi- neer on or before February 23rd, 1912, so that they may be considered by the Public Works Committee, and if ap- proved, embodied in the by-laws which are to be submitted. (Signed) AK. GRIMMER, 18746 City Bugineer. LEGAL. Bolieitor, Notary, Medicine Hat, Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2; lephone 674, P.O. box 640. 63Dir BUSINESS CARDS, INGER SEWING MACHINES an Sherlock, Manning Pianos end Organs for sale and to rent. All classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming. Office 381 Main Street. am Spirella Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 694 or send card to box 72, Mra. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 168dim Wanekee Rae A. G. TROTMAN Public Stenographer Secretarial work, correspondence, Typewriting, Manifolding and Con- veyancing. Offices, Imperial Bank Building. Phone 695, Fourth Avenue. E. Bartlett, B.A-Sc. -. Municipal Engineer; Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 464 - + Painting and Paperhanging, Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binuings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156. OLIN, MANDOLIN, OUTTAR, INJO, OORNET, TROMBONE, Cc. A. ADSIT Te ephone Recus Sa oa A onc Aoore a ae
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Image 332 (1912-02-27), from microfilm reel 332, (CU1770943). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.