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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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7 - Page 6 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Saturday, April 18th, 1912. Backache Is only ene of many symptoms which some women en- dure through weakness or displxcement of the womanly organs. Mrs, Lizzie White of Memphis, Tenn., wrote Dr. R. V. Pierse, as follows: At times I was hardly able to be on my feet. 1 believe I had every pain and sche woman could have. Had a very bad case. Internal organs were very diseased and my back was very weak. I suffered a great deal with nervous headaches, in fact, I suffered all over. This was my condition whea I wrote to youfor i ddvioe. After taking your * Favorite Presorips T afternoon wear with the severer mo- PERE EREEEEEHHE lt; lt; Eels 9 Seats end skirts. It is not ai- together suitable for combination ONE OF THE d and with silk or dressy serge modes. For a S these an apparently unlimited variety A Jof styles are being offered in Himgerie, lace, chiffon, mousveline, marquisette, 5 ASTIOMS Fae att the som sists and satire. gt; Dutch mocks are still used on matiy of the prettiest fingerie blouses, but (special to News) the stock collar is rapidly gaining fa- afew York, April 18. The Spring fo: un SNS (tis) women: who prble ; Themselves on the correctness of their See nee shion retume rom Paris are all in gai eee or oe ved tom tos mey 0 ered ft pace et lat deve Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription tha chen eee i jpssiangd ree bagroal Sa SI Is 0 positive cure for weakness and disease of the feminine econ Te allay mation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. Tones and builds i tha been fairly launched and is mak- varieties of sailor and rou collacs Do vot permite dinuoneet dealer to substitute for this medicine winch hos ing wteady poocrss. Stbadilyy.thomgha which the shops are st in hand- Teeord of 40 years of cures. No, thank you, I want what I ask for. ampalpably, :s change has been com- tmbroidered lingerie and in Baby: De, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day. ing, until mow no one is surprised to Irish lace, hear that flovnces are back in favor, The suspender blouse is enjoying a skirts are q rifle wider, teits have 2 temporary vogue, One 2 ee turned ami poicts are among the eat Blouses for tennia and general prospects of thy immediate future. country wear is the Coventry, which MPhese panniers are the first tote that /makes up equally well im madras and Th rsd F id a id: hed apa in the Dolly Varden, Sig: Ide cai Ss Sea gta nace of ates u ja 9 r a in type of costume which some otberverd the Norfolk jacket, is loosely teted Sa predict will soc, Se OR Uae ie rhlak rat Se simeres aro loose e e courge, the new panniers are Httle enough to allow entire freedom to the Srna ait oe Sewn Sef Saturday Specials in to the figure, hut then show, witHout/ eB the Eton is sewed om the blouse, ee ee Se a cee eee ee ee Buy Paintings Of the Modern French School edd little moce fullness, at the hip withouf a tle. A loosely knotted ; than is apparest at the foot of the Windsor scarf adds to its picturesque- CENTRAL 1 skict. , ness. One French designer has brought out Real lace wals s, notably tose in 260 feet, block x very decidal panier model which Verise and Irish, are much seen. Trish Lots 9 and 10, bl thas Volumjnous skirt drapery staxti-jJece coats are again being revived. Lot 10, block 5, ingly qt varaixe with the naxrow lit- Targe handtugs in these two Taces are 0 nO ee tle petticoat txneath. frock is very porwlar. 2 lots, block 9 built of dluc and white spotted Foul- A chief novelty mote in Hncerie ie fens 3 lt; lt; Se ear tee ke Exesces is the uve of the brieh solor- fp, 0. Granulated Sugar. 20 th sack. Rog. 1.60. Special 1.46. 100 feet near Hig Ee ae as the knees Above it is thet mse, ison ee an overtreme i Tea, Finest Orange, Pekos (in bulk.) Reg. Sc. Special 8 Ibs for 1.00: (rie ae eter eee 38 These tunica, are usually short and in f Tea, Tetley s, 3 Ib tins. Special price 1.00 per tin, Mods aaps the pannier drapety of blue and white/no wise cover the beautiful Ince and Coffee, finest Mocha and Java. Reg. 50c per Ib. Special 40c per Ib. Lot 14, block 62, embroidery of the ar ss idlerneath. Coffee, finest Mocha and Java. Reg. 40 per ID. Special 30 per Ib. Transparencies are freely used.for Coffee, English Breakfast, 1 Ib tins. Reg. 35c. Special 25c per tin. 10 lots, block 22, the pahmier myst meagure at least pmaterial in evening dress. Shiffons, Reg. 50c per Ib. Special 3c per 1b. fe ee three yards around, over u yard more voiles and nets are nm favor and a Best ard Red Rose. 16 oz. tins. Reg. 25c. a : ; es y tian the laee-skirt beneath. silk is large proportion of the tailets are in Special 2 cans for 36c, , Lot 1, block 18, 2 : : ws, : E gathered and tuned under, fall npover veiled effect, the chiffon or tulle tak- Baking Powder, Tuxedo, 2 Ib tins. Reg. 60c. Special 45c per tin, Lot 6, block 9,' a S the Jace in u deep pufl, which gibes ing the form of overdresses, tumics, J Jell-O Powder. Reg. 10c. Special.3 packets for 25c. 50 ft., block 10, the pannier elect. draperies and scarfs. Jell-O Ice Cream Powder. Reg. 15c. Special 2 for 25e. Lot 18, block 6, The bodice of this frock is half of Another novel and interesting note Pure Gold McLaren's and Blue Ribbon Jelly Powders, 3 for 25 or Hf 50 tt, block 4r Jace amd hali of blue foulard, draped Of the present fashion is the use of thd 85e per doz i be feet ec ee actoss.the lace at one side apd fastens little thifeta jacket asa wrap for-th Vinegar Malt in bottles. Reg. 80c. Special 25c or 2 for 45c. ing under the opposite arm with alflat lingerie dress. These t ck asa Cranes EBS And sweat Re 40. oer. dee Special 30 per doz. ff WE rosette. sleeve ig oF the rape Fruit, nice large fru: be each. Gther of mie eee: az ee eee ee Aspies: eating. Reg. 10c per Ib. Svectat 3 Ibs for 25c. 7T EF iat te bbage, (new). Special price 3 Ibs for 250. Sees atores Pere FLORENCE FATRBANKS. carrots and Tornine, Special 8 ts for 2c, i ) e e roidered del - . Parsnips. Special 6 Ibs for 25c. yee aa see js A Simple Treatment That f Fresh vegetables dally. Ge per bunch. Radish, lettuce and onions. Real 1 vogue ones cfiects is) Will Make Hair Grow Jams, Buchanan's 5 tins, rasp. and straw. Reg. 85 and 90c. Spec- another intersting style feature of the Now Sold in Canada.- - taiaee bar pall : : . epnoey oe texte) yp erapetols ciiects 5 Marmalade, 5 TD tins. Reg. 75 . Special 65c per pail. PERE seaneer ace achieved by crossing le Every up-to-date woman show Jams, Cairn s Pure, 7 Ib tins. B. C. rasp, and straw. Reg. 1.25. Special ie over the other in this ome- have radiant-hair. 1.00 per tin. ea tet ae Sotex sided fashion, and usually the fabric There are thousands of women with Baking Powder, Alberta's Best. 5 Tb tins. Reg. 1.00, Special S5c tin. referrer nr nrnes used undefnat is lace of some sort, liarsh, faded, characterless hair, who Cond. Cream, St. Charles. Special 4 cans for 45c. 3 allover faces ling tremendously fas- do not try to improve it. Postum Cereal, large packets. Reg. 20c. Special 25 per packet. 3 B U Hhionable justsow, In England and Paris womep take Grape Nuts. Reg. 17 c. Special 15 per packet, The Jace skist flounce has assuredly PTide im having beautiful hair. Bvory Malta Vita and Corn Flakes, Special 11 for, 1.00. ee Le us figure come Into its own once more, put it is C adian woman can have lustrous ( Krinkle Corn Flakes. Reg. 10c. Special 3 for 26c. + moderns ot like the punniers, subdued and cling-/8 d luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, f Sardines, Crossed Fish. Reg. 17 e. Special 2 for 2c. our prices jing, made of sott, cotfwebiy faces and the Great American Sage Hair Tonic. f Sardines, Brunswick. Reg. 8 . Special 5 for 25c. best posttio giving no coimotine effect to. the skirts Very reader of The News can have J Cocos, Lowney s, 1 Ib tins. Reg. 60c. Special 50 per 1. 4 No ord Spou which it is used. Double and attractive head of hair in a tew - Cocoa, Lowney s, T tins. Reg. 20c. Special 25 per tin. receive our triple Home skirts of lace gre shown Weck by using SALVIA Soda Biscuits in tins. Reg. 35c. Special 2 for 65c. call. by some of the greatest designers. , Pinsle, the druggist, sells a large ff Cocoanut, Shredded. Reg. 300. Special 2c per Tb. xo quantities of the fine igcea gt;0ttle for 60 cents, and suaranteos ff Prairie Pride Flour. Reg. 2.25. Special 2.10 per 98 sack. are being used for akist it to banish dandruff, stop falling bair Rolled Oats, 80 tb sack, reg. 3.20, special 3.00; 40 Tb sack, reg. 1.70, special 1.55; 20 b sack, reg. 90c, special 80c; 8 Tb sack, Hfounces, bodice drapesies, etc, and S20 Bee oy eee a peantiful, pleasent, ff Oatmeal, fine and coarse. Reg. 50c. Special 40c per sack. ae: non-sticky Hair Tonic. Corn Meal, 10 Ib sack. Reg. 45c, Special 40c per sack. ety poof reek riniok srae a dia jeatlets, 8 Ib sack. Reg. 40c. Special Soc per sack. gonally draped. primcess front eflect, see ie SP HAI : . tha peiticoat - showing somewhere about the foot and the diagonal dra- -cieverty-manoeuvr i-inio tai SEED POTATOES De mies We have a limited supply of Choice Seed Potatoes, including Bove Early Ohio, Man- im the tuck, is well, represented gm- ong the new hamdsome evening frocks itoba Wonder and desly Bed, all selected. 1.50 Per el, and, alwuys dignified and deautilul if skilfully made, is -mede to have en air of novelty by mew tricks of sleeve and: train and bodice details ind by the wondenul new materials employ- ed: The chifion taffetas in change- able effect and in fight hues and the changeable failie drancaise ate Very Buccessiully used for such models, the silk being dfaped over fine lece or tulle with lace border. But the mar- velous boniure materials of the sea aie 2 F x - La Cigale ? ( The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson, the first of The Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in ihe Salon exhibition at Paris.- It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its ind. Se *. La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable-of The Grasshopper and the Ant. Done into American rhyme it runs this way: 4 ge Strictly fresh eggs, 30 per dos. Sunlight Sap, 11 bars for 26c, Santa Clause Soap. Reg. 4 for 26c. Special 12 for 450. ; Tooth Picks. Reg. 10c packets. Special 3 for 26c. j Tomatoes, best brand. Reg. 20c. Special 2 for 35c: Corn and Wax Beans, Reg. 12 c. Special 3 for 36c. ma Dustbane Sweeping Compound, large tins. Reg. 45c. Special 35c. 3 Onion Sets. Reg. 20c per Ib. Special 2 Ibs for 35 , : A. grasshopper gay Till the season came round. How: spent you tne summer? sou are particularly, fitted for such Selli it: Stephen's Pickles, large quart bottles. Reg. 40c. Special 30c. a Sane the summer away, I will pay you, she saith, Quoth she, looking shame , atiiiie: cat eiAidne's fav mores Sy SS kand Beans, Clark's. Reg. 10c. Sp cial-3 for 25c. By the winter's first roar. ean sake Atti Dorrd wine Cees clated this, s fumber-for years and never had H. P. Sauce. Reg. 35c. Special 25 per bottle. os meat-or of bread, Double weight on the pound ae ee day os comer Chiffons with Hooder design, of Riich 4 a single complaint from any of Peaches, large 3 Tb tin. Reg. 35c. Sp cial 25 per can. jot a morsel she had; Ere. the harvest is bound. gang, if you please. : : French Mushrooms in Tins. Reg. 30c. Special 250 or 2 for 45c. So a-begging she went, The ant: is catelend; You.sang -1msae-sasay there is on uneming assortment, each our customers, elther as to lt; French Peas in tins, Reg. 30c. Special 26 or 2 for 45c. To her neighbor the ant, Jevelics thes, the otiter, are often mada 4 Price, quslity or promptness in it (And here she might mend) For it s plain at a glance, . Reg. 3c, Special 260 per bottle. For the loan of some wHeat, 5 s f these diagonal drapery lines elivery. We can satisfy you Snider's Tomato Gatsup. Reg. 35c, Speci pe sWhich would serve her to eat Little given to lend. : Now, madam, you must dance. ae Be eat char- Just as well as our eset eae Cooking Figs. Reg. 10c per Ib. Special 3 ths for 25c. See gee ea ae ao mingly into the train, and.certain 70S. An initial order will tell La Cigale is-Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the focdive chifleas whose floral porder the Whole story. the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- designs in soft pnke and blues and These prices hold good until Wednesday, presses the story of the nobility and nece: A Photogravuy: sity of labor. ff Javeaders oring them arto kinship ea ane with the Louis periods - ere fashioned 22x28 inches. 7 into estate 0s; aug waisted The Gas Gity 3 . . ee 2 softly girdled, charmingly draped . io wy 7 with lace fichu Over the shoulders. Lumber Oy . ) Many simple one-piece totiilg Gmce ana Yard ovp. Flow ' d strawberry, 6 tb tins. : 2 vp. Flour Milr Stephen's Old Country Pure Jam, raspberry ani : his icture N evel Sold frocks. sro mails upiin th decker cok poss Branch Perak acer Reg. 85c and 90c, Special price 80c per tin. - - joxtogs' of; champsiet tetieta:- ee Bott a ei Lemon and Vanilla Extract, large 16 oz. bottles. Reg. 1.00. Special these. changeable tuffctas and- plain Mno lt;- tee a J5c per bottle. April 17th, Cut this out and keep for ref- erence as this ad will not appear after Sat- urday. ss Th taflotas are used Sor dregsy little coat Currants and Raisins. -Reg. 12 . Special 6 Ths for 55c. yeereeer and skirt or three-piece costumes, The oO if Le Peels. Reg. 25c. Spectal 20c per Ib. ess nan . erore wie a sista eames pecs TORONTO ee Oe eae oe eee ; CONTR m ularly liked wmong the dark toned Spices, all kinds., Reg. 10c. tin. Special 3 for 25c. gt; a tafleths. The plain one toned dari: CONSERVATORY Balan, large Fp trait, Hog 600 Special 50 per doz. : . . Ss on on and black tafletas are, also used for OF MUSIC Heintz Sweet and Sour Mixed Fite: Special 40 per at. sealer. : amt Dent co : ail y I Ve WwW Reade: SE ftemees ects che ststoed tatetes, ep WARD FISHER, aus. Doe. B a cours oy wort Hi forest Sie tee eee) Masial Ditto. ll TERMS CASH, GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY e hve, able tafletas are all popular. Flowered PART OF CITY C. 0. D: dimension, an Ss EXAMINA ss a : HEAD 4 THE COST - ee ee ee JUNE AND TIONS Out of Town Customers Please Write for Our oo Es Cc , Bea peer tere ae mutt be in not tater Price List 10c. and Six Coupons j:52SS2 so fe 1 meat nee young lady students is being greatly + SEL Sree openings. Taffeta is also) enlarged and wiN be ready for open N * , vely used for teimming many ing: September tat. Yard, No: from the front page of The Daily News. . These pictureg cannot be sent' by frocks which do mot make use of it Year Byok, 170 pages, mailed on ap- ne - ae pie att pHONE 177. - NW, RAILWAY 8T. ectovetsse? Fis : e oN The strictly tailored shirt waist is Por aff kinds of job priming try ube a PEGE mi ' :
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Image 603 (1912-04-13), from microfilm reel 603, (CU1771431). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.