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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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The Busy B s house-cleaning, made easier by modern appliances and labor-saving helps. It is not only the time for cleaning and scrubbing and polishing, but for bright- ening up the home with paints and varnishes, and making cheerful and cozy. It is surprising what a lot you can do with a can or enamel, a brush (QE Paine vapmAee, OF enamel ea Ors f paint, varnish : mec. : : This is Brighten-Up Week the time for a genuine, old-fashioned 2 ten Loatee it permanently RECITAL Pupils of Mrs. Crisall Ren- ered Pleasing Program on Saturday. The puplls of Mrs. Crisall gave a recital on Saturday last at the studio 415 Balmoral Street. The music was of the highest order and some of the younger puplis evidenced a talent of great promise, while the older ones came in for much praise from the at- tentive nad appreciative audience, The programme Orchestra. Duet- larch Hongroise Erna Draudson and Helena Kerr. Solo Dorothes DeBequpye Annie Wagstaff, Solo General Bum-Bum March Harold Martin, Solo Graceful Dance , S. Smith Ruth Morrison, neo Blowers. ON MAY 15TH (Wo A P. Dispateh.) Quedec, Que, April 16 At a meet- ing of the cabinet council today the provincial elections were decided upon jand the legislature wilt be dissolved this afternoon, The elections will take place on May 15 and nominations May 8. WON T PROSECUTE RUDGARD KIPLING (C, A. P. Cable) London, April 15. Joe Martin re- ceived a negative answer In the house of commons today, when he asked the attorney-general if he intended to prosecute Rudyard Kipling for sedi- Yon for the verses entitled ister published Just week. W. Dedmond raised a laugh, asking if such doggerel Was entitled to be called verse. Freeeeeat tee MAKING ONE DOLLAR DO THE WORK OF TWO Your dollars vary in value according as they vary in purchasing power. The man or woman who studies advertising is abl frequently, to make one gol- lar do the usual work of two. The experienced reader of advertisements will always make a dollar command a premium, that is, make it buy more than the dollar of non-reader of advertise- ments. How much above par are the dollars in your pocket wortht It will depend on how close- ly you study the buying op portunities outlined in the te he of fe of nfo of ole ole ofe oko fe fe ole fe ole fo ole ode oe obo she obs obs hecho and a little energy. That old floor, your soiled and scratched woodwork, the dingy cupboard, all these can be made clean and new-if you use the proper brighten-up finish. Of course, the important thing is choosing the paint, which looks best, wears the longest, is the easiest to apply, and affords money. Poor paint is dear at any price. We recommend SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, because they are scientifically made from the purest materials. Garden Tools Taking care-of the garden is lots Soaieostontratesteey e Seog ate the greatest protection for the Miscellaneous We sell everything in hardware, See es ae -of fun-if -you have the proper 8 We sell spades, rakes, trowels and everything you. need. Also th well-known brands of lawn-mow- ers which will make your lawn the pride of the neighborhood. The Largest Stock of Builder s Hardware, Etc., in the City. window glass, putty, sponges, tools or anything you might need for your spring house-cleaning. Sooo The Busy B s BIRNIE BROTHERS Exclusive Agents, Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes. Berry Bros. Varnishes. a panaonona eee ete steer deep geile SS. THE CHURCHE 3 5 Rev. Mr. MacDonald of Century Motthodist church: took aa the text ol bis sermon for yestieday moming from 1 John -10; Herein is Jove, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to. be the propi- tiation for our sins. * - Loves. the greatest achievement in the world. A greater achievement to bs famous or to make scientific dis- No-iumen love,shat isgiven fram a selfin standpoint will save thi world from its load of sin. Men love those that love them. God's love is Poured out upon his enemies as well as His children, Humanity is an enemy of God those that serve the world cannot be children of , God. two masters for either you will hate the one and love the other, or cling sbow, but in their-inmost hearts. they to the one.and despise the other. You are drifting farther and farther from canmot serve God end mammon.'* fe ar doegontetoctoes o RS s y) So stecte stestestetesteat Sette Hah Mer tah Mage ae Hae egos Spee egees plan. Men give that they may receive They show respect to those they Maow will return in kind. attitude from God's point of view is not proper. If God's love depended on the giving of His church it would not last long, but His is the love of tiie Creator to the created and nevert b ases in its mimistrations. cover , of to olWain political influence. No mation is greater than the; mien and women of whom it s comprised. There is no progress anywhere to be . fotihd tint yourhave men end wom- en who will obey the divine law of love. Progress is the embodiment of fove. Some men fancy they ate pro- qressing in the world which may be true so far-as worldly goods may 100 1-8, -08 5-1 Ye canot serve 108, 106; Sept. 105, 103. Netestodtedtodteaios 3 3 TODAY'S MARKETS, CW. A. P. Dispatcm) Winnipeg, Man., April 15. The fol- lowing are the market quotations for today: Wheat May (old) close 104 1-8; May (new) 104 3-4, 104 1-4; July 105 7-8, 105 3- . Oats May 51 5-8, 49 7-8; July 49, 3 eX, No, 1 feed, May 45, 44, Flax May 194, 194; July 196, 194. Cash Prices. Wheat 1 Nor. 1031 1-4, 2 Nor. 100 1-4, nor. 96 1-4, 4 Nor. 90, 5 Nor, 79; 6 Nor. 67, feed 57. Oats No, 2 C, W. 48 3-4, No, 3 C. W. 40 34, ex, 41 1-2, No, 2 feed 40. merican Markets. Minneapolis, Wheat May 108 1-2, 106 7-8; July Sept. 103 1-4, 103. Chicago. Wheat May 101 1-4, 101 1-2; July ENGLISH CATTLE ften Annfe and Doro Sote dust Rita Simpson. Duet Crown of Triumph. Athier- y Wilson. Sqlo Little Dolly Waltz , Engel - mann Lydia Draudson Solo Rondo Grazioso , G. Lazarus Ima Tinney. Solo Barearolle othy Crisall. Song Mrs, Burton. Solo Cabaletta ney. Duet Fantasia Sur Tannbauser , Wagner Buelah Nesbitt and Frances Gordon. Solo The Joy of the Huntsman , Sartorio Willie Allan. Violin Solo Mr. Teal Borowski Dor- Wachs Ola. Tin- Solo Leg-Hrisettes.'-Wachs Ruby. Allan, Solo Barcarolle June , Tschaikow- sky Beulah Nesbitt Song Mrs, Marchant. Solo Nareissu: Kinnon, Duet Figlla Del Regimento Don- izettL Ruby, Allan and Dorothy Cris- all, Solo Valse Chromatique , Godard Helena Kerr. Solo Traumerei et Schumann Annle Wilson. Duet Martha , Flotow Ola and Mary Me- Romanse, 3 Lyvains , Chaminade Miss Crisall. Quartette On to Prosperity Ferber Annie and Dorothy Wilson and Miss and Mordsunt Crisall. Orchestra: which fe wi deposited bank. He pr drunk and disorderly and fined 3. LLaveny, Wyom eof vag: landed in town and asked assistance Wheeler, who gave them. for a. Mr. Kilcoine by him. Creators Meai-would-go- to-anen- When Iwas a young man I used to for the love of God which brings what pay great; nttention to advertisements are to men supsmmatural influences to but bear upon their lives and shows to them the error of their ways. God so loved the world pt he soever believeth in Him might be ftaved. God's lowe i: 4s fhuch so thae he sacrificed His only Son for the world. . Men for years have heanl the story of the city hall on Thursday at 8 Sympathy which is he outcome of/of the Ctoss of Calvary yet today o'clock. men are passing by (he facta of the Tt is to them just common fic- tion. This is to me the greafest pro- fanity) that can be expressed by man, and added to the profanity is ingrati tude to the Father of Lave whd sac- Son for to redeem on How to become attractive ? mow I am past the stage of answering i question. on this cent per pound. to live a yood clean life and eo the love of God im the heart. Love js absolutely the greatest power in the world. AT thenat some time or other in their lives come un- der its influence. er pound. Jove is q great necessity in the world. Many men go down the soad to ruin ann despair because of the lack of sympathy; A word, of interest and love fitly spoken fas saved many rificed His only only way of understanding aes Calvary is by going through some. Provincial Legislature Will thing of the kind in our own lives un- i dergoing what we call a great tribu- lation, the loss of dear ones. Abra- ham understood this fact whem catled upon to offer his son Isaac a burnt offering on Mount Moria. Ged storm accompanied by rain and snow, ie actenth of our honey andin some jocalities oneseventh of our time give grudgingly but when we ate cat - ed upon to give of our family then toumiary, duning the past we make big fight ann call God aleight hours, crippling telegraph wires cruel God. twas love, 'twes wondrous love, traffic. In this province, es much as The love of God to me Taat brought my Saviour from above) by 4 sharp frost, thus putting a stop To pie kn Calvary. But we must remember that gave His only well belowed Sow upto oped : death for the sake of a sinful race, hich winds of last Friday uncovered not bechuse that we joved God, but mmch of the seed and hundreds of) becamse he ioved us and sent His Son to dio for us, and to be the propitia- tion of our tins: be om the verge of distruction. In this workd of ours men ate be coming rick, pilimg up dollars, add- ing ptoperty 20 property, and- as it ing themselves upart other- men t case of their great -wealtlr-and- influence. Dwight S.-Moody.was.qn one occa- sion taken by a very rich man to the top of fis mansion afd om being shown the great acreage of his host the immense value of his estate fave certainly great weaith on earth, but what have you im heaven? * Love is wufely aml steadily redeem- ing the world from the curse of sin, out it is divine love not the love of were. git As the light. of candle is to the powerful fight of the sun, so d tm an love to the fove of our teavenly Divine love creates, tuman Jove-cannot: The love of God is ts the fountain ever flowing and giving out of atpelt. Ths ie SO askinip: dr retarr ar Gots Father. For afl kinds of job poe printing try thr Liverpool, April 15 Jonn Some re oes teversl ctben inss Bis story- did of Co., Liverpool, cable today thet ow- ing to the general shortag of cattle there-was an advance of one-quarter In the Birkenhead market both States - and Canadian Steers sold at from 15 to 15 3-4 c nts A meeting of the Clerks Associa- tion will be held in the court room HEAVY SNOW STORM STOPS ALL SEEDING issolve Today Nomina- ions May 8th. (W. A. P. Dispateh.) Winnipeg, Man. visited Manitoba, which we Western Ontario and the contiguous territory sputh of the international fort and in some places interfering. with a foot rf snow fell and was followed to seeding operations for a number of God days. Saskatchewan and Alberta es- tirely. In Brandon district acres will have to be, sesicd aguin. Shiloks Gure April 15. A heavy not correspond with the yarn the boys from across the line. Magistrate Kealy sent them Sam's domain. pay for three years Instruction. Y, LINQUIST S FUNERAL Y. Linguist were: H, McDonald, if, Stevenson. The surviving family Bow Island and one sister Perry nt Grassy Lake. frim wife; Pith th ters; anchor, parents; cross, Mr. Mrs, C, J. Edwards; wreath, Mr. Mrs, Sam Perry; wreath, Harry Gordon Bell; wreath, B. of L. T. B. (No, 342); wreath, B. of L. F. E. (No. 735), Lethbridge; lot L. E. spray, Mr. and Mri Mr- and. Mrs pin ;spay, lot i F. and .; spray, Mr. and Mrs. enson, Parties intending to bulld a House will tind tt to their advantage to write HEALS THELONGS STOPS COUGHS PRICE, 35 CENTS to Box 1266, CIVEN TWO MONTHS. Two Recent Arrivals From States Get Hard Labor Term. 7 r ly. Virtue, of Gieichen, came futo town last Tuesday. He was on his way to his homestead. He had some money, in the eeded to have a glor- ious time before going out -of town, . but so far forgot himself that he was Drought into court on a charge of Two young men, E, C. Kelly, of Co- lumbus Ohio, and John Morgan, of appeared before Ma- rancy. They came from the U. 8: A. five days ago by way of Winnipeg and claimed to be looking for work. They yesterday morning and went out to Dunmore last night. They came into town this morning froni Robert 10 cents. Chief Bruce sent down to the yards they said they knew, and had been given fifty cents Mr. Kileoine knew Morgan Dut aid rot-Eive Bint any Money and WINNIPEG: SCARLET WOWAN MURDERED Found by Police Strangled and Tied to Bed Post Money Missing. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, April 15 Mignon Duch- arme, a prostitute whe came here rec- ently from Montreal, was found stran- Sled and tied to the bed post of the resort on McFarlane Street in the an oecupant,- Money ig missing and the police theory is that an unknown man who spent the night with her killed her snd got away in the early hours unnoticed. MOTHER AND SON ATTEMPT SUICIDE I Want to Die With You, Mother, and 13-year-old Boy Follows Parent s Ex- ample. (W. A. P. Dispatch), Vancouver,BC. April 15 Mrs. I want to die with you, mother. Next moment took the poison. ARE ALARMED AT Criminal Wave Possesses Youth, erature. could be discovered, and, io its PEEP EEE eee FUNERAL OF BRAKEMAN CHARLES Red Light District of which she was Shafer, 720 Homer St.) attempted sui- cide yesterday by taking carbolic acid, and her son Willie; aged 13, followed her example.- The woman is detained in the police station, while the boy lies in a precarious condition and will not Tecover, Mrs. Schafer has been des- pondent for some time. With tears streaming df is most choking him, the boy exclaimed: JUVENILE CRIME Cheap Literature Believed to be the Cause for the Which. Berlin, April 16. Thoughtful peo- ple in Germany are becoming wlarmed at the wave of juvenile crime, attri- buted to the flooding of the country with cheap detective and criminal lit- Quite recently lad of 17. murdered ja Woman and her daughter atiq vil- Jage near Zittau, took to flight, and shot Irimself when the found the police pon his heels. No motive for the crime ab- store ade, DAILY -NEWS + EEEEEL EEE EEE Ee The funeral of Brakeman Charles, wil be held tomorrow afternoon to St. Barnabas church, Charles was 3 years of age. ILLINOIS HORSESHOERS MEET (Special to the News.) East St. Louis, IL, April 15 The annual convention of the Illinois div- ision ofthe National Horseshoers- Association began here today with an attendance of several hundred dele- gates. The session will last two days, 7 At the Thursday evening meeting of the Epworth League Rev. Mr. Mac- Donald/will take as his subject What Was the Matter With Marth: Everybody welcome. Mrs, Crisall will receive'on Wednes- day afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. The Immortal Allamo tonight at Dreamland. Immense. Prices the same, No order too large or too small for the News Job Department. Give us a NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. .25 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate, No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. i3 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELP WANTED. WANTED Young lady for the cigar stand at once. Salary 15.00 a week. Apply Assiniboia Hotel Cigar Stand. 23503 AID WANTED Capable of doin plain cooking for small family. Wages 18.00 per month. Apply at News office. Assdts. DRIVER WANTED At once. Apply Sprague and Williamson, 233tf WWANTED An all round butcher wanted, Apply at once to R. F. Collins. tf WANTED Two young mento sell to Box 1248. : i Bronze Turkeys Houses the three will be sold - Teat-estate-on-commisston. Apply e x MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, April 160; 4932, 4 x Soeteetrceeteeteegeatoeteegoasoateeteatoate aie ele-ete ate ateeie ahedtesheateesoats eloate ate sso steer ee ieee QUEBEC ELECTIONS EEE e EET EE E/E IGS Pon iALm Barred Rocka, ges. Jas. Fleming. 226-1mo, FFOR SALE Grocery store and com- plete stock, good living apart - ments above, 1200 will handle this, the balance on easy payments, Apply Box 1249, News office, 22812 LATTLE CLUB SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days earlier than the Fife wheat, clean and free from smut. Sample -on .-requeat.- Grades hard. Myers Bros., Bowell P. O., Alta. K-Ap. 18 FOR SALE Two lots and three mod- ern houses thereon. Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame en dloc for 11,000. One third down and balance can be arranged to sult the burehasers, Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No, 269 or 648 Highland St, Central Park, 217att, LOST AND FOUND WVILL the iady who made a mi in umbrellas on the 11th inst., kindly -call at the News office and ex- change, it JYOUND Purse contatning sum of money. Owner can have same on Proving property and paying. expen- ses. Mrs, McClain, 516 Main St. 23403, AUCTIONEERS esas ST H. 5. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- Perience at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co., 619 Toronto St. 182dtt GEC SS MISCELLANEOUS (CORSETIERE Spirelia Corsets made to order. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 594 or Send card to box 72. Mrs. Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202d1mo. WANTED Gentlemen's cast-off clothing, also..old .gold, * silver, Jewelry, furs, hides, and all kinds of Second hand goods. Best prices paid. Globe Cleaning and Pressing Co., rear post office, 4th Ave. 202dimo. ee ee WANTED LADIES AND .GENTS' cast-off clothing, shoes, watchea, Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit eases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bdicyeles, carpenter tools, etc, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co, 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. f. 0, box 701. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Det. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on band the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eity. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles,-Cuns, Re- Volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harnes: and. nice new line of winter goods. We bn and pay the best prices.- Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf ee BUSINESS CARDS, Se Se Ne SI SINGER SEWING MACHINES: ana Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. Al classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. lown to Lethbridge for two months with hard labor and at the end of that time they get a free trip back to Uncle Tho White case was further re manded until tomorrow morning to allow him to make arrangements with Salvation Army as to sending Annie White- to an -edueational institution in- Winnipeg. While is prepared to The pall bearers for the funeral of Bros. E. Maltby, H, Robinson, w. Pushie, J. Middleton, are: The widow and one child, Ethel; parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, A, Linguist; Victoria, B. C.; Also Grant and Gordon, broth- ere; -and-one-sister-Myrtle-in-Victoria, Two brothers Andrew and Arthur in W. he floral tributes were: Heart, and and and and and wreath, B. anchor, Brotherhood of B. of L. F. and E., Smith, O'Leary and King; spray, Mr, and Mrs. Breakell; Morrow; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Burne; spray, G. T. A. to B. suggested as the cause. committed si piag the practice. -AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT Don't miss the Immortal Allamo tonight and i you think a woman can't keep a secret, we demonstrate to you that she can in His Wite s Secret, this is-immense. it, Prices the same. . CARD OF THANKS: Mrs. Victor Lindquist desires mt sad bereavement, . BOOSTING THE WEST fous cities, or so here, ly stops the Itch, for skin trouble D. D, D, PRESCRIPTION sence, the fact that the lad was per- petually reading Schundliteratur is At the inquest on a scullion, who i in Hamburg, - evi- dence was given that he was perpetu- ally reading) penny dreadfuls and de- Aestive, stories,.and the coroner severe. fly-eensured his employer for net-stop Dont miso to thank the many friends for their kind- ly sympthy and asristance during her qt H, Franklin Gadsby, festure writer of the Toronto Star, late editor of Col- Uer's Canadian weekly, Js in the . city. He is making a tour of the West writing feature articles on the var- He will likely spend a day For Eczema s Use a mild soothing wash that instant- We have sold many other remedies could personally recommend as we do - D. D. D. Preseription, ma I'd. use If I had Beee- MEN.-AND--WOMEN--TO. LEARN ber tfade, special rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free, Moler System Col- VANTED A delivery boy, one with - gebleycle- preferred, Apply Bar- el i ROOMS TO RENT. station, stteet. Phone 727. room, modern, private, 426 Toronto Street. ern conveniences, phone- 626. 4 URNISHED ROOM to rent, station. Phone 727. BOARD AND ROOM. Tonto Street. 23006 FOR SALE modern cottage on Braemar St. Braemar Street or Phone 720. OR SALE Milch cow. Apply R. F. Collins, South Railway St. FOR SALE Good 50 ft. building lot at a bargain, Size 2 6 x2 6 . Can be seen at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith summer lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary, 294dtt FURNISHED ROOM to rent, near 213 Toronto 234a3t TO RENT Furnishea double-bedded close in. 23503 ITO RENT Furnished room, all mod- 711 Ottawa or 236 6t near 23443 (00D BOARD and rooms, 427 To- FOR SALE A new seven room, fully n..blogke -- 8--Apply to--owner; 183 234d2 233tt Block 68, Ottawa St., 1350. 730 but-none that we cast. P. 0. Box 53, - FOR SALE One J. J. Taylor safe The Globe Cleaning -Pressing Co. Rear, of Post Office, Fourth Avenue, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Equal te New. New and Secondhand Goods Bought Sold Z Clothes Called for and Deltvered, gt; Z HARRIS, Proprietor. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyer * Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc, Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 ee PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair-undertaken at the lowest charge consiste1 best workmanship. a Expert Work Gna: CHAS, A. ADSIT Oe Telephone 68, 505 Main St. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. - - (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering one 156. TENDERS WANTED, FFOR the erection of a frame school at Schuler Industrial School Dis- trict, No. 2517. Plane and specifica. tions may be seen at BE. N. White's esidence at Schuler. Tenders will be rec lved up to April 30, 1912. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, shop, or apply to box 22; P.0. 221dt . E.N. WHITE, Sec, 4 Ph. Pr-Sat-2-wke Schuler, F. Every effort be made to ma a thoroughly tory place to ing made he want you thoughts to be and to be of V Shoes. SSS Turpin The Man s Stone- Get the Big Doll We Do: Care W You The suits sho windows this Quality, Styl as Semi-Reac C.P.R., MEN pee eee + NOTICE TO DVE + Patrons + who desire t * their + will hereafte: * leave the cop *F same * office the da + the issue in ** wish the chan effect. LEE EES BRIDGE GAM WHICH INTO TI London, April 12. . surious incident on t trip of the White Sts Two Americans, an an Englishman, whos divulged, were playin whist for five cents played fteely, calling and doubling the de smallest justification man made a heart promptly doubled by opponent. The doubled. This was. r times. The game was and the ueart caller 1 When the points w was found that the 52 and that worth more than 10 said this was absu realized what they was eventually agree should each pay 5 adver in the io the Immortal All Dreamland. fmmen George Mullin, wit of his long stay at I condition to pitch right now. Geonge will figure i Fole of season opener Tt is ul If the Ideal Would you marry? 7 eviars for stemp
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Image 609 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 609, (CU1771419). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.