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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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oN MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS : Page 9. man s eyen hardens Ty, ae this teats c S NDAY SCHOOL If the blood ie lt; s poor and filled with the A pretty life sory sure te a poisons trom diseased kidneys oF inactive proud of, ard with proba liver, the heart is not only sturved but D a coed as well. There are many coa ending than an Indlan tye) o Hash of a fevoiver im sor br ditions due to impure blood such ae dropsy, fainting ypells, nervous debility Lesson 1, Second Quarter, For sre narrow valley. alos she April 21, 1912. oy, the many acrotaloes condition, alers, direction, compelling him 9 Ce lt; can be overcome and cured by ; rine of the ridge, Sieh '.s te THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discove summit he halted, In front the wide expanse of the valley, a scene of splendor 1 This supplies pure blood by siding digestion, increasing assimilation and im parting tone to the whole ciroulutory system. Ita a heart tonio and greet deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to elimingte was traveling suddenly Text of the Lessor, Mark Iii, 7-19 ys RANDALL Parrisn.- golden rays of the sou vind Memory Verses, 14 15 Gelden Text, the poisons tross the blond. gt; Or My Laby Or The, South contrast of colors, the ky of roc John xv, 16, R. V Cemmentary Pre- To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding SWHEN WILDERNESS WAS KiNG Erc.ttc the yellow of sand, the brovn of dis Paty by Reve D. M. Stearns, the nerves om rich red blood and doiny away with nervous irritability, take Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not peri icaler +, tant hills, the green of vexetattob und-the etiver- heen- of tho stream The frst part of this lesson ts found to ineylt your intelligence with the food ki a has (Copyright, A.C. Mecline 7Ce.. 1910.) half hidden behind the friuce of cot- In Matt. xil, 26-21, as well as lo Mark, f cures bebind-it ead Contains no uleobul of WaFSOUG. Ingredl- - GHARTER) . patrol wandered roaming war parties, tonwoods lining ft banks This was and the record of the ch set All Ss The Pial attacking fravelers on the trails, raid: a steht sa ec leo ed pon: twelve ts found in Matt. iar Lokee SS 0; Pialnsman, ag xposed settlements, and occa- but always wi ciation, and for i Sue auates tat COMPANY. 55 max war ricing just-below-thel wionaliy-venturing to-try-open baitle the moment bis e7 e swent across cad ts oar calls 7 summit of the ridge, occasionally up- with the small squads of armed men. from blu to Bis without thought por jects sei he gt; Iifting his head 20 as to gaze across) Jy this stress of sudden emergency except for ts wild Deaury Then he several gospels. When Jesus knew OPERA HOUSE the Crest, shading his eyes with one very available soldier on active duty percelved something which instantly they bad determined to kill Him He seer eet: tan better concentrate his lt;vajvitiuns had been pressed into serv- startled him fifa atten ion yonder withdrew with Bils disciples to the sete Masa. Both horse and rider plainly jog, and hastily despatched to warn close beside the, river. Just bevond When people resist the gospel and will not bear of our Lord Jesus our im . Friday May 3rd eabibited signs of weariness, but exposed settlers, guide wagon trains, that ragged bunch of cottonwoods erery movement of the latter showed or carry despatches between outposts. nder spirals of blue smoke were structions are to let them alone and withdraw from them (Matt. x, 14; Acts eoaseleas vigilance, his glance roam- And thus our rider, Jack Keith. who visible. That would Bardiy be a camp fag the barren ridges, a brown Win- knew every foot of the plains lying at this hour of the day, gilt, 46; 11. Jobb x, 11). As then multi- CO SOE A eee chester lying cocked across the saddl between the Republican and the Can- the Santa Fe troil along tudes followed Jesus because they th E e e So o cotlang remmel, his loft hand taut on the adian rivers, was one of these. (hus here-ran ctosefn-ageinst the binff, needed what He had to give, so there ns of S vam Yet the horse he bestrode guadenly requisitioned, merely be- coming down to the river ot the ford are multitudes now hungering for they fr a ie ( la in neareely required restraint, advancing cause he ehanced to be discovered un- two miles further west. No party of know not what, but it is Himself they Plan at Pingle s Drug Store sewly, with bead banging low, and cmployed by the harassed commander plainsmen would ever venture to build need. im those days they heard what enly occasionally breaking into of a cantonment just without the en- 4 fire in so exposed spot, and no great things He did, and they came to 277d tf a2 Sriet trot under the impetus of the yirone of Carson City. Twenty min- small company would take the Him frem all parts, even from Tyre ? - 7 spur. +. ten later he was riding ewiftly into chances of the trail. But surely that and. Sidon, an well as frou beyond The rider was a man approacling the northwest, bearing . important appeared to be the flap of a canvas Jordan, and He bealed them all and 4 thirty, somewhat slender and long of news to General Sheridan, commander wagon top a little the right of the cast out unclean spirits (Matt. xil, 15) Mimb, ut possessing broad, squared of the Department, who happened at smoke, yet all was 50 far away he and charged the healed ones not to weiaers toove a deep chest, sitting that moment to be at Fort Cairnes. could not be certain. He stared in make him known. The crowd 0 eegale easily in piainsman fash: To Keith this had beon merely anoth- that direction a long while, shading ehronged Him that He bade bis disct- fon, vet with an erectness of carriage er page in a career of adventure; for his eyes with both hands. unable to pieg to bring Elm a boat that from it fon, ot wt an erect tary training. hice te take his life tn his bands had decide. There were three or four mox- Fre might be able the better to teach ff B.C: Granulated Sugar. 20 1 sack. Reg: 1.00. Special 145, Sich sugested miliary im of the tong ceo become an old story. He ing black dota higher up the river, Dut them, We are vessels also, and He de J Tea, Finest Orange Pekos (in bulk). Reg. S0e. Special 8 tbe for 1.00. weatherworn wlouen bat was cleat nad quietly performed the special to far away he could not astingulsd freq from and throug us to make the ff Tea, Tetley's 3 To tins. Special price .00 per tn, Thaven, browned by sun and wind, duty allotted him, watched a squad- whether men or animals. Only as out- Maden, wet: few) seem ina strongly marked, the chin slight: ron of troopers trot forth down the lined against the yellow sand dunes wine ottee Him the voesel, The Cote newt Mocks nd lave, Beg: 400 th, Spociet 306 per Ma es ly prominent, the mouth firm, the gray valley of the Republican, recetved the could he tell they were advancing quotation from Isa xiil, 14. in Matt. Coffee, English Breakfast, 1 ib tins, Reg. 85c. Special 250 r tin. eyes full of character and daring. His hasty thanks of the: peppery little gen- westward toward the ford Si 15-21, most be understood in the Coffee, Tetley s 1 Ib tins. Reg. 50c fb. Special 5c a ee Gress was that of rough service, plain eral, and then, having nothing better Decidedly pussled by all this. yet ght of the context. and thus it ts Sones Eoeier Alberta's: B eR aa lan ag. hee ravghans showing marks of to-do.-traded-hle-horse-in-at the gov- determined to solve the mystery and nisin that the bruised reed. and smo ig Lowder: /Albecth s Beat: am eee ee Ta RE hard usage, gray woolen obirt turn: ernment corral for fresh mount and unwiling to remain Bidden there wn- ing fax CT ee nien, whee Soeete eatis tor Ber Na nN, Enyce eee ratlel tactod task again for Carson Clty: ti night Kelth led his Loree along the cnight easily. break tn pleces, but ( Baking Powder, Tuxedo, 2 1. tins. Reg. 0e. Spscial 450 per tin, jverrarions By Drannewn Mrivitt: stamps to pay exp for the French cloci-vvund ove of wrapping and moi ik. Addres camps ; SESS g knotted loosely about the sinewy For the greater portion of two nights slant of the ridge, until he attnined a the time ts not yet. Compare It Kings Jell-O Powder. Reg. 10c. Special 3 packets for 26. have proved We Have Been Fee ees aanaies sete Be bad) beat tn aal sane, sharp break au ibe biut leading Pit at, Some wee i the reed and Gax Jell-O Ice Cream Pawder. Reg. 15c. Special 2 tor 5c. ze from pro- fh : oe y 3) ether hung can ascovered canteen. had driven more than one bunch of colteaih? eee passable. but a giegottion ott eee will Ee Pure Gold McLaren's and Biue Ribbon Jelly Powders, for 250 oF ion tons of : Sellin 4 Hie was figure and face to be noted longhorns up the Texas trail; and as hait hour of tofl won them the lower ope eS 85 per dozen. y . 4. anywhere, a-man from whom you he had slept three hours at Cairnes, prairie, the winding path pr venting a See aa oe oe Vinegar Malt in bottles.- Reg. 30c. Special 25c-ur-2 for 45c. :. would expect both thought and action, and as his neryes were like steel, the the slightest view of what might be ed onward to the time of Oranges, large and sweet. Reg. 40c per doz. Special 30 per doz. able. Make iumber for years and never had 3 Yeq'one who seemed to exactly tt thought of danger gave bim silght meanwhile transpiring below. Once 14 aot tet cas Hin eneriien, and after Grape fruit, nice large fruit. 10 each. 0 50c. a single complaint from any of into his wild environment. con ern.. He was thoroughly tired, safely out in the valley the river could 37 e ent WRN OS Oe tne nations to Apples, eating. Reg. 10c per tb. Speclal 3 Ibs for 25e. : Fee eee eriat to lee Cee nein west- and ft Tested him to get out of the no longer be seen, while barely a Hinsci throngh Israel, now meekness Cabbage, (new), Special price 3 Ibs for 26e. price, quality or promptness in em extreme of the prairie country, saddle, while the freshness of the hundred yards away, winding along Himsel eae ae oa eatrering. ad then Carrots and Turnips. Special 8 tba for 260. delivery. We can satisfy you billowed like the sea, and from ofthe ernie, pate mas a foals. theists like a great serpent, ran the deeply 1 sae 0 , Cerretsient are pas Special . . te 8, ie breath of which made him forgetful Fe, In Ye , : orris Block, See cae (anter atl tall 2 ieraucvery serene ee ssc eetiticon irene es Mey cigs of Nemes Tee WAG ees is of His spending: Bresh vegetables dally. Se per bunch: Radish, lettuce and onions. bridge. , the whole story. 3 extending like a vast brown ocean to After all, this was indeed the very life. As'near as he could determine a ae eer: ot) Ella ehoosing Jams, Buchanan's, 5 Ib tins, rasp., and straw, Reg. 85 and 900. Spec- Be. s the toothills of the faraway mOUN-) sort of experience which appealed to from those distant. cottonwoods out- 7S) Cee cise ples iw houre ne fal 75c per- pall, tele ot reverts Marmalade, 5 Ib tins. Reg. 75c gt; Spectal-65 per pail. tains. Yet the actual commencement him, and always had this life of lined against the sky, for the smoke ) og anosties. 1 often wonder if we of that drear, barren expanse-. was. peril in the open, under the stars and spirals were too thin by then to be ob Jams, Cairn s Pure, 7 tins. B. C. rasp. and straw. Reg. 1.25. Special hager The Gas Git ce an eres distant, while. all tos shy. tie had constantly expert- served, the spot sought must be con- Underslen porte pauleieare ee, 1.00 per tin. : y etree rote the conformation enced Ae ae peau cuersiy cpacaral: eee to the right-of where ne had ments of confession and petition, andj Baking Powder, Alberta's Best. iD tins, Reg. 1.00. Special 85c tin. Sana : as to mal m merely. natural. b ee ; I um be r Co Yeys and swelling mounds, with here While he ploughed steadily fo Sdvanced cautlousty,UIs-every-vense--contrast this: continued 6 night in Cond. Cream, St. Charles Special 4 cans for 45c. aa a and there a sharp ravine, riven from through th shifting sand of the cou- alert, searching anxiously for fresh prayer to God. He ba a Postum Cereal, large packets. Reg. S0c. Special 25c per packel 2 Gis rock and (nvieible until one drew jee, his thought drifted idly back over lens. of passage or evidence of a (0 confess, 0 1E must have eee ther Grape Nuts. Reg. 17 c. Special 15 per packet, 2 e wagon train having deserted the beat. mizbt of communion wi is Fa Post Toasties, Malta Vita and Corn Flakes. Special 11 for 1.00. Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill up startled at its very brink. The those years, and sometimes he smiled, Branch Yard at Bowell weneral trend of depression was un- and occasionally fr Wned, as various en track, and turned south. The trail cneenne things: s oe SE oubtedly- gouthward leading toward incidents returned to memory. It had Itself, dustless and packed hard, re- son Seer saat apart: specially for Sardines, Crossed Fish. Reg. 17 c. Special 2 for 25c. the valley of the Arkansas, yet irregu: been a Ailife, yet one not unusual : vealed nothing, but some five hundred lar ridges occasionally cut across, to those of bis generation. Born of beyond the ravine he discovered Himself. Verse 13 of our lesson says Sardines, Brunswick. Reg. 8c. Special 5 for 25c. excellent family lewater Virgini: here two wagons had that He called unto Him whom He Cocoa, Lowney s, 1 Ib tin Reg. 60c. Special 50c per Th. to the left would and they came unto Him. On Cocoa, Lowney s, Ib'tins. Reg. 30c. Special 25e per tin. Ure Tust night-before-he-was- crucified Soda Biscuits in tins. Reg. 35, Special 2 for 65c. prairie sod to show them heavily He said to-them. Ye have not shisen Cocoanut, shredded. Reg. 30c. Special-85e-per-1b Inden, With the experience uf the me, but I bare Casi ere Prairie Pride Flour. Reg. 3.25. Special 3.10 per 98 Ib: sack. border he was able to determine that dained you, that ye Roalled Oats, 80 1b. sack, reg. 3.20, special 3.00; 40 Tb sack, reg. Krinkle Corn Flakes. Reg. 10c. Special 3 for 26c: PEE EERE ) WANT AD. e, one which will reatest number of answers. It s/o incrensed demand mother had died while-he was still in upon which the eye could rest for early boyhood, and he had grown up guidance no tree, no upheaval of cut off from all womanly influence. He Canadian Northern Steamships, Ltd. ain the quicker Spode Steadiness Splendour rock, no pecullarity of summit, mo had barely attained is majority. i Montreal, Bristol, London. seeveitke tattaii about extended rentor ac Witiam and Mary's Collece, these wagons were drawn, by mules. bring forth trait and that ye fruit ee ee Pics put Glee roe: Sto: poral 80; 6.29 sate Ad. te the brief Sailings From Halifax Neen eee an enctaey oe ee at Mit wae came: aod one two span of each, thelr small, hoofs should remain. . AVhen be caljed thee eto ney 5. 900, Sp ; an Ad. that is ever R.M.S. Royal George, May Ist brown, sun-baked hills, with slightly month after Virginia cast in her lot clearly defined on the-turf, and that men He had in mind not merely the reg. 40c, special Ce, : e daylight. greener depressions lying between, with the South, he became a serzeant they were being driven rapidly, on a few years of ministry in morta body. Oatmeal, fine and coarse. Reg, 50c. Special 40 per sack. jhence:te tts brevr Sailings From Montreal eon Sareea by patches of sand or the jn a cavalry regiment commanded by sharp trot as they turned, and then, with much weakness end failure on Corn meal, 10 Tb sack. Reg. 45c. Special 40c per sack. ust be wit-wisdom. RMS. Royal Edward, May 15th Ml Suite gleam of alkall. It. was al nis father. He had enjoyed that life hundred feet further, at a slashing their part. but He sew the kingdom Wheatlets, 8 Tb sack. Reg. 40c. Special 35c per sack. gallop, Just outside their trail ap- and the twelve thrones on which they would sit ruling the twelve tribes of ; daylight. dreary, deserted land, parched under and won his spurs, yet it had cost. kd. can only inter- RM.S.. Royal George, May 29th i 50 hot summer sun, brightened by no There was much not over-pleasant to jer on the basis of sonent. . Each veader is And fortnightly thereafter. vegetation, excepting sparse bunches remember; and those strenuous. years Israel (Matt- xix, 28; Luke xxil, 30). n each and all of Insist on your ticket reading. ef buffalo grass.or an occasional of almost ceaseless fighting. of long it was not the time to talk with them SEED POTATOES pesciscis Ranievary: via Royal Line. stanted saxe bial, and disclosing no- night marehes, of swift: mereilese of that; but, though He aid speak of It 5 For further particulars, illus- where the slightest sign of human raiding, of lonely scouting within the before He them, He also said. tt of Choi nti These essentials, trated booklet, ete., Apply any habitation. enemy's lines, of severe wounds, have yet manly things to say unto sou We have a limited supply of Choiee Seed r of their import- Railway. on Ss. 2 Aeeat or write The rising sun reddened the crest hardship and suffering, had left their put ye cannot bear thew sew eet Potatoes, including Bove Early Ohio, Man- mecal: he , halting bi N . He called them that is 2 an eee me shag ae he Hes Rane Ts Sees ar tes oy ow aaltcat Aaa srt itoba Won and Early Red, all selected. rst, the names of or thing advertis- the quality of the he kind of thing third the price of or thing advertis- n, the address, street number) of ser, and, fifth, the e advertiser, Agent, 2 Main Sty Winnlpes: i) wiling horse, aat motionless, gazing tather had fallen on the fleld at Antle- they might be with Him. He want- ae steadily into the southwest. Appar- tam, and left him utterly alone In the ed them not only in His company, but 1 50 Per Bushel. ently he perceived nothing there un- world, but he had fought on grimly to be wholly one with Him, secing usual, for he med his body to the end, until the last flag of the things as He aid, having His mind atin g his -Contederacy bad been Turled. By that about things, as far as such mortals yes, inch by inch, along the line of time, upon the collar of his tattered ould; but oh, bow they failed. and Strictly fresh eggs, 30 per dozen. the horizon, until the entire circuit gray jacket appeared the tarnished in- how we fail, and how we must grieve Buullght Soap, 11 bars for'50c ee had been completed. Then his com- signia of a captain. The quick tears Him by our unbelfef and: our own Sarita. Clans ee Rex 4 tor 25 ,., Spectat 18 f0r-486, ae pressed lips smiled slightly, his hand dimmed his eyes even now as he re: thoughts instead of His He wanted ens Ben: Mee: S : Enconsciously patting the horse's called anew that final parting follow: them with Him that He might send Tooth Picks. Reg. 10c packets. Special 3 for abc. neck, ing Appomattox, the battle-worn faces them forth to preach and to heal. Tomatoes, best brand. Reg. 20c. Special 2 for 35c. Corn and Wax Beans. Reg. 12 4c. Special 3 for 35c. Lreckon we're still alone, old girl, of-his men, and bis own painful four. Whom He blesses He desires to make he said quietly, a bit of Soutir n a ounded and a blessing to others, and He has left Dustbarie Sweeping Compound, large tins, Reg. 45c. Special 35c. Grawi-in the voice. Well try for penniless. no home when he 1 us Onion Sets. Regular 20c per Ib. Special 2 ths for 3c. the trail, and take it easy. it there, only a heap of ashes and a Father, I am no mere in the werd. Stephen's Pickles, large quart bottles. Reg. 40c, Special 80c, te swung stimy out of the saddle, few weed-grown acres, No familiar fori . He also M Pork and Beans, Clark's. Reg. 10c, Special 3 for 25c. and with reins dangling over his face greeted him; not even a slave ; pray H. P. Sauce. Reg. 35c. Special 25c per bottle. shoulder, began the slower advance was left. : - Peaches, large 3 Tb tins. Reg. 85c. Special 250 per can. fn foot, the exhausted horse trailing He had honestly endeavored to re tor French Mushrooms in tins. Reg: 80c. Special 25 or 2 tor 45c. na not a situation in main there, to face the future an - a but for sil who should be rronch Peas in tins. Reg. 0c. Special 250 or 2 for 450. Id fe tain of safet; i ve on f Dt jonn 2 ch one could feo certain of safety. work ft out alone; he persuaded him: eve on Him throvgh thelr word (7 Snider s Tomato Catsup. Reg. 35 . Sp cial 25 per bottle, EEELEL EEE LEE EEEEE EEE EE EEEET EE nd truthfully stat- Want Ad, the best. obtained; but in to the vumber of entinls ommitted L,, does the ndvert- the results (o his Want Ad. san *f EEPEREE A few rods farther along Kelth came we have them in our lessou, the one penne ADIES SILK DRESSES j far-anz cidge might concen the wary galt te feel that this was his pars- te. xvi, 20), co we are included in His af bee WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC, foemen he sought to avold, yet he pro: mount duty to the state, to the mem . a prxyer,and He ever-liveth to rake in- Cooking Figs. Reg. 10c per Ib. Special 3 lbs for 25 , ceeded now with renewed confidence. ory of the dead. But those very years jpeared the marks of galloping horse. terceesion for us. In the order in which - It was the summer of 1868, and the o army life made such a task im- pee ere DEY CLEANED. th heart of the Indi to fused blur of tracks Sim s first, and the arort : place the very hea: ie Indian possible; the dul a confu pony denied Him ts one i ; Sountry, with every separate tribe routine, the loneliness, the slowness / weeping in from the east, and the oe betrayed Him fs last, and it is the These PEs hold good until Wednesday, 'S ure Spaciae betwee the aowatony st whole atory of the chaae was revealed same in Matthew and Loke, while the April 17th. Cut this out and keep for ref- raros, ef restless or is others varie just a little ; a o HS EESES THE LONCS eb the Warpath Rumors of atrocities poe rot te Oe eee haat the erence as this ad will not appear after Sat- ss ne were being retold the length and weakest and the worst begin and end urday, g'of job printing, try TORONTO Wreadth of the border, and every re- The life there fascins: the list, the one a true disciple, ene of port drifting: in to either fort or set- '9q him, drawing him deeper and deep- 1a party. And they were the inner three, and after Pentecost chee in CCONSERVA Fement only added to the alarm. For 'ee into its swirling vortex. He be- traveling west west Keith drew nseq more than elther of the others; the i ence at least the Plains Tdians had rut warrier tumer deep breath, and swore to himself, Other q devil. Yet infinite wisdom did tephen Old Country Pure Jam, raspberry and: strawberry, 5 Ib tins. Reg. 850 and 90c. Special price 80c per tin. OF MUSIC iscovered commen cause, tribal dt. :gareraim OF all the biame fools the choosing, and Hila way is always A ferences had been adjusted in war He perceived the picture In all tts perfect, oo we are dumb and can only Lemoh and Vanilla Extract, large 16 02. bottles. Reg. 1.00. Special EDWARD FISHED, Mes. Doc. tenn Je white invaders, and Kio: tas grewsome detaile the two mule- wonder that He ever chose us, chose 75e per bottle. x Musical Director. * was, Comanches, Arapahoes, Chey- *put the wide plains called him back 'drawn wagons moving slowly along ys pefore the foundation of the world Currants and Raisins. Reg. 12 c. Special 5 tbs for bic. ce -- -ennes and Sioux bad become welded once more to thelr desert loneliness. -the trail in the early morning; the that we should be holy and without Orange and Lemon Peels. Reg. 26c. Special 20c per I. EXAMIN ATIONS eee ene were ide nttsrealaat a een Lg ot ae abeos ticeaee Se plame before Him in love (ph. 4, 4) / Lowney's Cooking Chocolate. Reg. 30c. Special 2 for 45c, With the-exception-of Peter-and John. Spices, all kinds. Reg. 10c per ti Special 3 for 26c. zi 1 unorganized settlers lining the more might years of fighting, hardship and Ing place in the bluffs; the discovery enow of of 7 a . 10c per tin. Special 3 for 25c. IRST SERVED: Se Sa ee ee een eee gn hat had. they of thelr presence: the desperate effort Paty and Andrew ot aay of etal Tf ananas, lares ripe frutt Reg. oe, Special Seo per dee SS Applleations. must be in not later tachmerts of regular troops posted 'preught bim? The reputation of a 'at escape; the swerving from the hor tm the most favorable light, at the feintz Sweet and-Sour Mixed-Pickles. Special 40c per at. sealer. xaiee than May Ist. Bere and there amid that broad wil- :yerd rider, a daring player at cards, open trail im vain hope of reaching of the 5,000; James and John CONSERYATORY-RESIDENCE tor - erness; scarcely within touch of ach ig quick shots scorner-of danger, and the river and finding protection un. fools places in the. ined 'S pad man to fool with that was the derneath itn banks; the frightened Teoroas is the last to belfews i the 5 et hele of a record hardly won. The 'mules galloping wildly, lashed into Lourrection, yet He loved them all. TERMS CASH, GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY (To be continued. PART OF CITY C. 0. D. 100 feet, cuin- young Indy students is being greatly; ether fo enlarged and will be ready for open-' Everywhere beyond these line ing September 2nd. Year Book, 170 pages, mailed on ap- ) feet, corner, 6. 0 feet, block 99. tieatl ok , 50 feet, block 80. pean 3 ; ie THE HIGH PRICES SONTINUE animals, meats; vegetables and imn- fstence, according to the Depantment When is medicine ue Be ee 2 Out of Town Customers Please Write for Our tH YUELL: shel fruits advanced. It is pginted of Lahor's monthly record, in Camada Youne children it shovld i Eleuit : . , LOOK HAPPY ae pete featts eee vee th Sian ees and(to take, Chamberlain's Cough Rem- Price List East, Ajlowance. Yesterday is dead forget tt The latest findings of the Depart- out) that the Department's figures are uring Marcls than 4n February, edy ig made from loaf sugar, and the block is Zestorday in dead forget tt at ment of Labor's prices record show based on observations, of the move- three inore then im Marci, 181 , :Ab- 007 IP mae ait, preparation, give Mt a - rH YUILL worry. that the past month miakttained the menth ; of about 260 articles selected; ant 14 firms and 2,000 ennfloyees were 7 el esi aA i block 9. E Today is here use it How? exceptionally high point, renched in for their reprewntativa character, and involved. The loss In working days ene eee has no. aupe- t ots 10-12, block H. gown, spring hat or new suit. we Febraary, The Department's index) that the price level now shown ia the) rs catimatal at 44,800 compared (i PT as, croup and whooping e yibleck 1G.) could certainly make a pleasing photo number was 194.2 for March compat- hichest im at least thirty years ipa 10,080 in Raeierys ond 33,00) 70 , wpr-sale by all druggists. 3 g g of you. ith 134.8 i ing moreth -- 1 March, 1911. te only strike n block F. si ed with 134:8 in che pr ceedingy montis i ri 2 . , oc Stew asians fo poe A year ago ihe qrnrbec wes 106.3. THR STRIKE SITUATION Volving more than two hundred em- Tone Leat System rae News Job PHONE 177. N, RAILWAY ST. past Jepurtment has every tac : yasna tp sll snb- - 218. Fourth Ave. feature of the past month was the de- Plovees was one of Tailora et Toron- Deiirtment has every tecilty for sup plying the most - Over Binning s Store... cine. in eggpr ces; .on the other band. .There were three more strikes in ex- to. Iso At
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Image 653 (1912-04-20), from microfilm reel 653, (CU1771378). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.