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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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11 16th, 1012, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Chairman of S.A Pays High Tri Mackay, district commercial manager who will have charge of al commer- clal work arising out of the various offices ; WG. Heatherington, who will act as district traffic manager, Exo: bute to Messrs. r MADE 1.25 INTO MANY MILLIONS The Harvard Tailoring Co. ren 9 cour G seh eR erparciten) ant sae ee Sashe stock ffo, age meee M vice, and A.W Thomas, who will : i chant in the elty who fs retir- Le Us Loan You the Grace an CULregOr . ant aoa of dincict yiant Lewis Says His Enterprises ap trom ecignene es Money at manager in charge of all construction Flourished Till Fraud Or- Sale commences a and maintainen e throughout the dis- ler Struck Him. , sie : At Annual Meeting Held in London, England Com- t *' a a Bis travels fast, And the great 4); Monday, z pena coceions pany Made 100,000 on Recent Sale of Land at 35 The aistrict will extend rom Crow's news about our bargains in March 3ist spre camer went to Meatetae Bat, wi sciede at QT, LOUIS: PUBLISHER pianos hax reached the limits at 9 o'clock, 7a Guear LOM: Per acre. lines to the south of Lethbridge and The stock consists of Gents a cheap use the all offices on the Carmangay branch, On WITNESS STAND of Assinibola. If you want and Ladies? Boots, ed have it, and ev- PER CENT. The fitth ordinary general mecting 60,000 pounds remained intact, and jas far norte pelts Se re plano or a player piano now is Swill be. sacrificed at 86 cents H that they had not taken into account e rap i ted sses on the dollar. SOT nee TO BUY of the shageholders of the Southern ve cunt which was due to them towns and country in general and Says He Prevent Los your chance. We make x gt; : al ck of LUMBER, BUILD Alberta Land Company (Ltd.) was ic sate of water rights, which the attendant tnereare In the aystem to Others at His Own Ex- 2 BE ON TIME tor these bar: oA FIR FINISH, Pay Off Mortgases held on March 22nd at Salisbury would amount to approximately 70- in Southern Alberta, is responsible) pense. ceptional easy terms. Cono in ee ante a ee 4 MAPLE, BIRCH Rare House, London-wall, E.C,, Major-Gen- 000 pounds. for this marked chapge. and the gov- and thbe it over, feng. Go remember time and ORINGS. ce umutore eel eet: ral gir Ronald B. Lave, K.CV.0, O. T6ls was thelr first profit and toss ernment i showing its willingness to St. Louls, April 15. E G. Lewis e : EE LAN account, and he thought they would take long steps to cope with the needs /as a climax of trial on charge ; ) agency for the SEE OUR P aa en a ae agree with him that i wae 40 ex-ot the county of using the mails to defraud, took 312 Fourth Sen Dene, aiowesias tary (fr, W. J. Chaitts, tremely satisfactory one. (Hear, hear) The, district fmmediately surround- the witness stand in the United States Avenue BEAUTIFUL Write, Phone or Call FCLS) having read the notice con- fn addition to this, thore was th sale ing Lethbridge is fairiy-well covered district court here Saturday and be- Opposite Dreamland * 7 . seoete ime mecting and the report of made since the end of their financial with rural Hines Te the north of the) gan a recital of his remarkable aan. j ; )D FIBRE, LATH The Canadian Home the auditors. rt Kl year of 21,760 acres at: 25 per acre, city, however, where the country has cial career. He began with his first TT R POSTS,, WIL- POSTS an. in good time to the pro thelr position altogether as very sat- 1fon Springs, Thefe-a rural line ex- which involved the Handling of sev- 5 VER vise the big work-wfich they hoped isfactory, especially when they made Change will be established with forty eral millient st WOH otatoes .RD Sa to-bring to completion this year. Com- atlowance for the very adverse con- F more subscribers. This will givo at terre: i BOSSFELSoOOGETSTTFSSOS paring the balance-sheet with last /aitions of weather. Last year. in Al- the Iron Springs district which has Lewis said his publishing business : v. year, the issued capital stood at perta, the summer and autumn were been asking for telephone communi- outgrew its plant several times lt; NON T WANT SENATE VERMONT iE M. CA WKER, 3 i00.s00 pounds, an increase ot 100,000 lexceptionally wet and impeded con- ration: wi Tee. ie ne Ge cienouild eoaiistagtitee GG ore: GOLDEN a Phm. pounds, which was explained by the struction very much. It was most Reeded service. a mt is 55 ) st i ee fact that 100,000 options were exer- creditable to have carried through so the Diamond a aaa Pea eine Mote the cia ipa COIN. : : Druggist cised last year in time to participate much work as was accomplished, and ine- farmers fural line will be il AY Sits ersity City has aince ul eMRAE ps : Complete stock of Toilet Articles 1m the interim dividends, Tho issued the dire tors were more Impressed imstalted. go that MAP COUTTS tinal FEELING IN ENGLAND AGAINST Prices on application. i i i: Debenture Stock had also correspon- th eidttet ta. thelr managing dl- ately nor ond CI : - : Ne TUraO: . y co cines, se Propet 4 ingly ineeeaaeds as. they found it fees Sey McGregor, in their ee will be covered with telephone lines . oe a recited he seonest 6t his a ereaee aan acne se Dispensing of Physicians Pre- 24a business to borrow money at 5 ehgincer, Mr. Grace, and the stafr * with a blanket. jesin eas, declaring ite downfall) C2t0 ))c-07 ree Hoda Vinden P. 0. Box 689 BER PEOPLE . PHONE 57 , ance, amounting to about nitude of their irrigation system was o ear IL pounds, for the property originally not. perheps fully aati by their dial and Darby, two other very pres ithe -word fraudulent stamped in Pentima ape at ee acquired from them, so this Hability perous farming communities, where red 7 hensive pro- heet, had, he was glad to say, is- and subsidiaries, when completed, Altogether, the compre af i a j appeared: Maa eeee tap rales tn ienrth, oy gramme one which will appeal to AS a rerul of the fraud order, Lows TSEIOn OMNI os eo is the time to enroll in the Troraiag'By the: protit sud lds len fares trom London 'to Nowenatle, the districts to be served; and will be leat ted he lost 190,000 in adver- a maint ) 1 ising contract E SOUTHERN ALBERTA count, they Would see that after cov- they would have some Idea of tha Ta- great convenience to the farmers AEE contrac and his Panking yy prumphreys, secretary of the ering all expenses for the past year, bout and care that must be exercised the north country. In Buys ; proportional representative society, SMUT The chairman, in moving the adop- tion of the report and accounts, re ked-that they were holding thelr jannial meetng again thts er early, so as to have Mr. McGregor with them, and enable him to return Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 4ia Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta. Which showed a profit of roughly filled up rapidly with well-to-do far- 1100,000 pounds, so that they had ev- mers-tn the past two years, there has ery prospect ofa satisfactory show- been a crying need Of telephone com- interim dividend munication This 1 to be met with a big construction program. twill be built from Diamond City to was assured, He thought they might consider' ventured in the publishing field when he started a magazine with 1.25. fort: at dramatic effect, he told how A tolldine he ran up this 1.25 es of Rapidly, but without apparent ef- into.a series of business and banking operations scriptions.a specialty. 204 South Rv: St hone 75- Secuceceincencetecntettedentoaet NOW Stenographers and Bookkeepers per cent. During the-past-year they-had-paly the Dominion Government the bal- 107,000 which was shown in the last balance- including 22,000 pounds for Deben- ture stock interest and 17,500 pounds for Wheat Lands dividend, they car- ried forward 169,860 as profit to the In 12-15 a rural exchange will also menced with the issuance of a fraud Seed they employed, they had a combina- fon-that-ensured-the-success of their undertaking. The extent and mag- be established with tol conection with Taber. Lines Will radiate from this exchange in the direction of Sun- shareholders, but when he said that thefr main canal, with the reservoir any subscribers have been obtained. will connect them up with the cities giving the business men tn the latter places a great opportunity to look af- fer the important business which of- before they could get their frrigable land under the influence of the ditt. Another point ypon which they might certainly Congratulate them- order by the postoffice department-in 1905. AIT bis-mail, the witness said, was returned to the senders bearing (W. A. P, Cable) London, April 15 The all Mall inatioif'to the proposed Irish senate? Before this, he said, he was receivy- In certain quarters an emphatic ing from 3,000 to 22,000 letters a day. Says All Were Paid Lewis testified that 19,000 subscri- bers of the Peoples United States Bank changed their stock for an has a long article in today s Manches- ter Guardian concerning the proposed Irish senate, He says: The belief entertained when the Canadian nom- equal number of shares of the Lewis balance-sheet. Against this, they bad selves was that'the Canadian Pacific te fis?s in the country more con- - nated senate was created that the :Pint aware in Demat written off their debit--balances at Raflway were about to construct a Scnt time publlsaing Co ele Se ens LX prinofple would secure the services of AY MORE Dee. 31, 1910, totalling 29,898 pounds, braneh line which would pass direct- Medicine Hat will also come in for widated on a basis of 87 cents on the larstinguished men of all parties has Beeld) at ve oe dollar, he said, the 13 cents shortage LADIES SILK DRESSES which represented the whole of the administration and other expenses ly through a great portion of the land of the Southern Alberta Land Com- a good share of improvements as will the surrounding district but the out- being paid in stock of the publishing. been completely falsified. Each Can- adian government has used the priv- WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. Drug and since the inceptiofi of the. company, pany, which must enhance very great- lime-of the work forhere s.not as/S0 PIOy oo lillee for rewarding its own followers A ig ; IN. and tue interim dividend pata om May ly the value of thelr property by mak- yetitos bands the Farm Jcamnal wero held up. by *Ue, etrensthening its own positio DRY CLEANED. Ore ss 28 WILLIAMSO 10 last year, 25,000 pounds. After ing the means of Seaegeaon 50. Bee ar ee ae cnn te nb, DY The writer points out that Sir Rich- os PATERSON /ceaucting these: items they were left much easier and nearer to farmers the pdstoflice, Ne said, and he had t0larq Cartwright and Six Wiitrid Laur oolenhnrioofonfonfonforforfeofee with 2 balance of 104961 pounds, out and future purchasers. Immigration BULLETIN SERIES emits eapeteaast aeaen advertis-)i; have condemned the system, No ne Curtis YER and RACTOR . d. Estimate Free: jraemar St.) . Contractors. 183-1mo. PHONE 712 J. A. LANDRY, CARPENTER BUILDER Residence Office 711 Ottawa Box 331. Phone 626. Job Work Attended to Toe u or at good substantial, properly p ned, and properly put up house. of which they proposed to place 75,000 to reserve, and pay a final dividend 12, and to all holders of option cer- tificates who lodged their option cer- tificates for conversion before that date. The amount of the dividend to the number of options exercised, but as their authorized capital-was 700.000 pounds, the maximum would be 35,000 pounds, in which case, after allowing for the transfer to reserve account, pounds. They would notice that be paid would therefore depend upon, into Canada was ever increasing en- ormously. Unprecedented as it was he wished to tell them that the work of the secretary, Mr. Challis, and the staff of the company in that country hag always been done with great thoroughness and tact, and was fully appreciated by the members of the board. He concluded by moving the adoption of the report and accounts. (Cheers.) Loose L af System -The News Job BEING PREPARED tion Concerning Domin- ion Will Be Disseminated. Ottawa, April 15 The census branch of the department of trade and commerce will in the course of a short time issue a series of interest ing bulletins containing further in- formation in regard to the census taken in June last. One of the most importgnt of these After this, Lewis sald, he and two other officials of the company were years. MEDICAL RECgTRATION FOR ENTIRE DOMINION New System, It Is Expected Will Be Inaugurated by Canadian Association: For all Kinds of job. printing, try eminent Canadian statesman 6 satis flea with the principle of nomination pain makes sleep and rdgt, possible. This may. be obtained b; Chamberlain s Liniment. For all druggists. the News Job Department. Department has every facility for aup- bulletins will deal ,with Canadian Vancouver, April 15. With a view * heh riee Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Plano Van a Speciality. i Parcels Deliserea. * PHONE NO, 349. ti i ta, : which fails to command the people's Shop Fittings and Repairs. 9t.18 ver share, treo of income-tax, iast year, it seemed Certain to be ex- Indicted op. charges of sending Out ee eats ake han. eRe .. Faylor s m Shop Fiings and Rensrs 9.0 al r na rar 36 cae te sag ett tr ON LAST CERSUS st sects tnt om ese per cent. or 2s per share, This div- hundreds more*fmmigrants had book- Ferulationaaintiess lnaldemente were ada. 3 BOX 353. idend would be paid-on April 80 teed their passag s than at the same -lauashed after standing fo reli rans r all starcholders registered on Aprilleatly. perlo in 4611, In conclusion, 288 Of Valuable Informa- aiashed after standing for three In cases of rheumatisn relief from forfonfonfnfotnlnfulanlafa BY designed tuelr premfum reserve account rof'ptying the most satisfactory. manufactures which will show an Sed homelike , and worth the astonishing increase. as compared Securing large attendance at the CONTRACTOR 4 ON Saal Copan tes et E a With 1910. Another will give all amnual convention of the, Canadian Phone 727. Box 781 LEADER ror sates moderate aric- Chinese Military Governor aya ante aeattatics MRRERE 12.98 ee cece Iaa iE - i 2 ed houses. 1000:cash will han- x culture. Religious persuasions of the monton on August 10-14, Dr. 11. G. corating. - dle any of these. : people will be fully dealt with in a McKidd, of gary, president, and GAS, CITY CTORS AND 2 first-class thoroughly mod- C W. h D third bulletin, while fourth will Dr- Whitelaw of Edmonton, secretary, 1 JLLDERS, ern houses close in. See me if ompe S ealt iy to isgorge ee ee aie . are visiting the chief citfes of British VACUUM contain a further analysia of popu GURA WITH YOU PLACING YOUR FOR A. BUILDING ATES FREE. you want a hous High-Handed Conduct of Chen Chi Mei Subject for reprisals by friends of those Who have been arrested. Pekin, April 15 No date has yet Jation figures which in many cases will be given by townships, together with information as to the number of married and unmarried people, pro- Columbia. They were the guests at a dinner party tenttered them dy members of the profession at the Vancouver Club recently, The visit- QUITE SHOCKING. CLEANING CO. Is now ready for spring clean- ing. Have your cleaning done with the Vacuum: Process, -the, -best and portion of-chihiren etc st only way to get Perfect Cleani aiave-many shocking Wevices-in gnd tor leew cost old Diplomatic Action City Sale Stables oe ue cabinet at Peking These bulletins, oF most of thein, cord-bre oa boomer he comfortacor the mod: wart oe 3 ae care ings In re- have been in the hands of the King s Western. city, been chosen as the) Vented for the comforts of the mod- le t Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle London, April 15. A despateh. gard to the continued disagreement printer, and the proot sheets Ines meeting place and because the as- ern home. Our large ntock of ainapeeaent nat delay. oe Horses from Pekin to the Times says- the among the different factions of the heing revised. sociation, which embraces the whole a Phone 707. Post 0S For Sale iplomatic body: met yesterday to government. Tater on other bulletins waite is-/ Dominion, honored weatern. men ELECTRICAL SUFFLIES x LEY BROS. Light and Heavy Draying consider a consular report on the There appears to be no fear that aueq, and it will probably, be, two, With the chilef executive offices. sovard very (requlelte for te tal ears Ss See Hay for Sale intolerable conduct of Chen Chi Mei, hostilities will break out again but ycqs5 pefore ali statistios gathered+ Al the dinner Dr.) le eee , tilliftary governor of Shanghal, who,the leaders of the various sections at the ced that at th Tu 5 Some ed a BB drbs: : Contractors. if census will be dul; ked 1 conclusion of the con- nd Fred McClain recently was appointed a cabinet min- display inability to establish m cap- ouy and tonclated by the cereus creer Yention, th visiting physicians woula Wbstever magnitude. Our Brices; Yesterday ts dead forget it .ve., Phone 434 Phone 85. Prop. ster, in decoying wealthy Chinese eaplay pen to aan have a special train placed at their to, are shockingly low. worry. from the settlement and thep arrest ing them. government. For all kinds z Yuan Shi Kai bas threatened to es- Capertee disposal by the Grand Trunk Pacific Today 8 here use it. How? the Ne Department Railway for an excursion over the li et . Let us tell you with that new , Box 304. The diplomatic corps authorized tablish his cabinet and summon an- e resent t as far as Yellowhead Pass, sith. 2 Medicine Hat Electric gown, spring hat or new suit we a ates Free. the consuls to take whatever action other national assembly if the dele- ; brief stop over in Jasper National COMPANY could certaltly: rake Dleatne: Deets : W.R. Simmonds tv deemed necessary, and it is ex- gates from the south do not arrive e Park, x New designs for spring. z ; Prepared. CARSENTER ann CONTRACTOR Pected they will expell Chen Chi Mei here. by April 21, but the President TE Se expeated thet fila pret mie es A STE on HONE At THE BARTLETT STUDIO gt; * CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR trom the protection of the settlement probably will not. go to an ex- 2 cal gathering in Edmonton will be ok 213 Fourth Ave. , Repairs promptly attended to. where he sleeps nightly: for fear*of treme as that. noteworthy in medical annals on ac- Over. Binning s: Store, Phone No. 335- count of the inauguration of a new E STABLE PHONE z z - system of. registration for the entire 402 723 E Pp. f, SOCIALISTS PRESENT MEMORIAL Dominion, a subject that has agitated : ; xtensive Frogram tor . 0 ARCHBISHOP OF CANTE. the profession for many years. The S. FOLLIS W. A. Henderson S h The Ph * 4 BURY ON STAND ON COAL necessary legislation to bring about 3 outhern Alberta ores icting Co. Company : by. the Dominion Parliament and ail TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS - : : ees (w. A. P. Cable) the provincial Legislatures of the Do- WELLS, ORONTO ST. CHARTERED APCOUNTANTS AND Many New Lines Will Beyvincial government, gave the above London, April 15 A remarkable minton with the exception of that of ee . Sand, Coal Gravel. ung a Specialty. : AUDITORS (fistablened 1882) Put in This Year, Accord- STRIKE. outline of the big programme for the scene-was enactel n the streets of year in Southern Alberta so far as the, telephone system is .concerned. ing to Dispateh. London at midnight when a proces- sion of five hundred. Anglican Church the proposed change has been passed Ontario. Enabling legislation, it is expected will be passed by the Ont- arlo. Assembly at-its present session: THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT Will recelve sealed teriders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912; for * NOTICH IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Medicine Hat pro- r sale at Bh Mal he tha + Winnineg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat Lethbridge, April 15. Thousands Bad visited the Taber district, petals headed by George Lanbury The Canadian medical board will the drilling of the following gas Wells. poses purchasing five horses tor-the- - 5 : of dollars will be spent tn improving Where be looked carefully into the)M.P., bearing a cross, Rev. Conrad accept all certificates issued by the 1, One well, 1200 fect deep, finish- Scavenger Department: Se i Sa oa A. E. Gibson, C. A. Manager.) telephone needs of the people there Noel in Cassock and Biretta, and various provincial medical boatds to nes. : and, extending the telephone service ed, 6 inches in diameter -through Sealed Tend rt 198 Burns Block st areal Countess facets r the same. willbe. Phone No. : fa Southorn Alberta this summer, A d when be gets back to B monton Countess of Warwick, walked. rom er'sting prattitioners, and will then out. + Treceived until noon, Wednesday, AD- Here is the i ; he will make provision for the carry- f ey to the Archbis- taxe over the examination of medical 2. One well, 1200 feet deep, finish- ae ; fe outline of the work : i oot of the whole programme, hop s Palace at Lambeth to'lag before in ieee gear asl iobea nti ilamieere rit 17th, 1942. a ension to exchange building. Hig Grace a Memorial, expresding as- * hola Roe Welent ceasired Pare a House Mover Increase of-plent-to-4500-time -o-Lethbridge the-megnifieent ex rill entitle the holders roughout. RACTS FOR zs fonishment and dismay that the Bls- pounas, Ta ee 1S th Practice anywhere thr shout th 3. One well, 2000 feet deep, finish- y TEAMING SAND FOR SALE er seuusn yorat S6iiis at renne mach taore than any. appear POPE of the English, Church had tal- Dominion cere nee vite te dlgacter through -2m mediate delivery must be, guar- . ma to frankly espouse th : teed, EXCAVATING Iron) Wor ines: on the surface, The establishment of ie conte aya mame S eo i othe loweat. or: eaiy-teider net hate AND EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING Establish rural line exchange at Lethbridge as the central point of theltrounig, The Arcublohop of Canter- THE INTELLIGENT AND Proposals for.atiore works must bel sesthy nd Sand for Sale, a Tp. ; 12-18, newly created Lethbridge district wi b EFFICIENT SERVANTS made in accordance with Specitica - 6 socepted.. Ses on Pecke Wie CONCRETE WORK. Bulld toll line from Diamond Gity means the placing of three offictals oT 05 werorial, ene 8 tions on file tn, the office of the City (Sea) A.W) GLRVES, , oie *Phone 260. to Tron Sprin here, who will do nothing but -look fare those who read the best papers. Engineer. : Storekeeper Box 81. T 12-18, Heretofore, all Lethbridge and dis- hn ols Gure Dest home paper the logical med-jessarily accepted. * 4 ices mals 08 st J * J s. L I W. J. Harmer, deputy minister of trict business was handled from Cal- um which to obtain the most capable (Ssd.) A.W. GLEAVES tbe Nows'Job Departuient. Give ae Sua 416: MONTREAL STREET gary. The officials ill pe John A., QUIOKLY STOP lt;OUOMB. cunge-coLDe Help, Use the News Want Ads, Ne Storekeeper. trial, AS apleegTS ot eatistactovy 2 ; lrattways and telephones for the pro- Build toll line from Taber to Tp. after the Lethbridge district alone. Therefore the want ad column of the MEALS THE TrwoAT AMD LUNGS 25 CENTS The lowest or any tender not nec No order too large or too small for
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Image 608 (1912-04-15), from microfilm reel 608, (CU1771400). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.