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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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wild, consider Don't be per- CHEAP. OPEN Vk OCLOCK Let Us Loan You the Money at cheap use the ave it; and ev- Ider requires, :.of LUMBER, IR FINISH, gt;. APLE, BIRCH RINGS. agency for the an Doors, BEAUTIFUL ) FIBRE, LATH POSTS, WIL -OSTS bere on P.O. Box 525 Curtis ER and RACTOR . - Estimate Free. raemar St.) PLACING YOUR 7OR A BUILDING TES FREE. t to City Hall. 5 PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD Pay Off Mortgages or Improve Real Hutate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone. or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta, DOSES SPE TEST EOM E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Drugsgist Complete stock of Toilet Articles Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, etc. Dispensing of Physicians Pre- scriptions a specialty. 204 South Rs re Serene gteaeins NOW is the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBERTA Always in Demand. WILLIAMSON. PATERSON S PATERSON Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt -Attention. BOX 353. 183-1mo. PHONE 712 J. A. CARPENTER Residence Office 711 Ottawa Box 831, Phone 626. Job Work Attended to ' good substantial, properly plan- ned, and properly put up house. Something originally designed and homelike money every time. FOR SALE 3 moderate pric- ed houses. 1000 cash will ban- die-any-of these. 2 first-class thoroughly mod- ern houses close in. See me if you want house. Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle of large corporations in particular en- Stenographers and Bookkeepers Hin retu of Baby s Own Soa skin help nature both New York, April 13. In view of the high reputation for shrewdness and business acumen which American merchants in general and the heads Joy throughout the world, it seems in- credible that two men of smooth ad- dress and persuasive tongue could succeed in obtaining 100,000 In good American money from a big industrial oxporation without giving anything Yet; this ened here recently About two- months who said they were two men Englishmen, sought an interview with the presi- ego dent of a large lithographing com- pany in this city. They informed that-gentleman that they-had perfect- ed method of making lithographic plates at one-tenth the cost of the present method and far more speedy. ea * A GOOD WANT AD. + + Is, of course, one which will + bring the greatest number of +f replies or answers. It is a -f Inw that increased demand - makes certain the quicker +f sale. + est kind of an Ad. that is ever written, and bence in its brev- - ity there must be wit-wisdom. + The Want Ad. can only inter- est the render on the basia of his interest. Bach .eader ts + interested in each. and all of f+ the five essentials to every +f Want Ad. These essentials, +f m the order of their import- ++ ance, are, first, tne names of +f the article or thing advertis- - eG; second the quality of the- advertised; third the price of f+ the article or thing advertis- f+ ed; fourth, .the address, -f * He + +* : lorses (phone, or street number) of new trust ia to be classed amony ers excursion right here in A telegram received. Wednesday For Sale the advertiser, and, fifth, the -F ora or the bad trusts. After ine ins oe the elty every a personal- -t ,,orning announced the death of Vic- Light and Heavy Draying name of the advertiser. ++ Sbortive attempts to form a combin- F 1 conducted, too, by readers t/tor Lindquist who was a fireman on nd-Contractors. Hay for Sale When the above essentils + 4 niion tie naire ota umber of The Daily News Want Ads. 7-/tne C, P. R. He was Killed in the . are fully and truthfully stat- P steam laundries in New York and vie- Hf YOU Mave property tor ti yards al Medicine Hat but tow the xc ve., Phone 434 Fred McClain ed In the Want Ad, the best +F inity have at last agreed upon f rent rooms,, houses, cct- cident occurred, we were unable to Its Sbecinbdy but tn. lopige pon a pian e, tages apartments, plan a + A. A. Lindquist, Andy and results: are ; but in of organizing a trust for mutual pro- learn. Ae Landau rt Box 304. Phone 85. Prop. Froportion to the pumber of -f tection. Excessive competition, ft 1s * home seekers excursion f+/rather and brothers of the deceased, these essentials ommitted H caid, has made business very unprof- through-the Wants; bid pos- went to the Hat on Wednesday even- ates Free. from the Ad, does the advert- itabie for the big laundry concerns, sible tenants come and look f)ing s train, Pre fser curtail the results to his + Iately, as they could not compete with at what you have to offer. Loule Papst, manager of the Hotel Prepared. W.R.Simmonds Ad. Each Want Ad: ts an the numerous small laundries requir- The Wants comet 25 for z Winnifred arrived this week and is Piss : fon, B0c, one in full charge of the Hotel. ENTER AND R opportunity; look for them in Fling Httle or no expensive machinery. * one insertion now in fe en CARPENTER Ap CONTRACTOR The News, Phone 13. The next thing will probably be i week for 1.00. Mrs, Shepherd ana daughter arrived of fe fe oe oe eke he oie ole ob oh be lero Minneapolis on Thursday morn- 2 STABLE PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS cting Co. ORONTO ST. . Sand, Coal Gravel ing n Specialty. ry Horses for sale at i Times, LYON ZACTS FOR y TEAMING AND EXCAVATING a Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415. Box 31. Repairs promptly attended to. Phone No. 335- Ww. A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Estabished 1882) Winniveg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. BE, Gibson, C. A., Manager. Phone No. 198 Burns Block puse lV SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. /Phone 260... J.J. LAIT over) EEE EEE LEE EE EEE EE EEE EEL ELE EEE EEE LET THE particles of pure vegeta which are rubbed into the open pores of the skin with the creamy fragrant lather renew the life of the long. white, healthy skin and its use delights oe and old. Baby s Own is for sale ost every where. - a S LIMITED, MFR Pee b ebb bbiebbieeeiebbbibibieiteittit Special to News. Ble oil It assures a soft, . MONTREAL. They showed samples of work which, they said, had been made by their process and the president of the lotho- graphing company became very fay- orably impressed with their proposi- tion, They offered to sell him the rights to their invention for 100,000 one half of that amount to be paid at the time of sale ,the other halt two months later. The president, after some further negotiations,-agreed-to the proposition and paid to the men 50,000. After two months they called for the rest of the money, received it and prompt- ly departed for Europe on the next steamer, without having fulfilled theif part of the agreement. Not until af- ter their-departure did the president, Decome suspicious. He made an in- vestigation and found that he had paid 100,000 for something that ex- isted only in the fertile imagination of the two crooks who had so bodly swindled him ont of a big sum of money, He is now trying to locate the crooks in Europe. If praise is due to him who makes two blades of grass grow where only one stew: before, how much greater must not be the merit of him who Shubert and Winthrop Ames have Just acquired from the Founders of the New Theatre the large site that was chosen for the New Theatro, sit- uated directly back of th -Hotel As- Forty-fourth to Forty-fifth street. The Founders of the new theatre abandon- ed the plan of buflding a theatre on that property, but the new owners will make up for this by building two new theatres on that property. In- the Times Square district next A new tru t is about to be formed and the future will show whether the makes two theatres grow where Only one bad originally been planned. Lee tor and running through from West: cluding the proposed two houses there for laundry work. The consumer al- ways has to foot the bill FPELEPELET ELSES + WINNIFRED + Rather unusual are the facts in alg, a case which shows that hatred be- tog. op ot of of of ofe ole oe be oe he ok yond the grave fs not by any means to be found only in novels and melo (From Winifred Record) A fire southeast of town on Wed- dramas, When Capt. Frank H. Demott died a few months ago, his body was nesday swept over considerable coun- tnterred by the side of his wife's body /try and it 1s reported that Oliver's barn was burned, n the Wicks family plot at the Epis. coval cemetary Of St. James, Le 1 the Lethbridge Board of Trade Is been a man 4 considerable time ands) wealth and high pocial standing, when'ltg advertiging the poadibllities of Ihe married the adi ct George bariey as a profitable scrop in South- Wicks-against asi Ketel ol lat-/ern Alberta, This is a move in the tel. The bitter ing between De iright direction. More attention should Mott Bha hig fether-u-law. reatiy- be River tom this: crop -as -it -is--not op reysed when business reverses onty a profitable crop but it s a crop swept away De Mott's entire fortune that can be Used successfully to clean and reduced him Yo extreme poverty. / he land of wild oats and other nox- How deep the hatred was which Mr.jioug weeds. In thelr circular they Wicks entertained against bis unfor- giveintormation as where good seed tunate son-in-law. even after thel lat- 294 be obtained 5 fro hi ; ter s death, appears from the fact) 41, ana Mrs, Geo. Post left on Wed- that when Wieka was about (o dle Bel nesday evening for Gorden Head, Van. Ys body be re 2 aaked that Demicies toty be rs moved couver Island. George expects to loc from the Wicks family plot and PUF- late somewhere in the west. The Posts lee to hee eee canny me: were among the first settlers in this tery. His wishes s vicinity and they have a host of new home. Mrs, Annie Brinkman was a pas-) The other day a dramatic entertain- Senger to Medicine Hat on Wednesday ment for the benefit of the Woman evening on business, Suffrage Party was irei at the Martin Ohman went to the Hat on Brondway Theatre. Three one-act Monday night to file on a homestead, plays were given , one a suffraget but arrived too late. The land was secured by a man who had waited six re tormerly occupied by De Mott's body, a playlet by Bernard Shaw. During the intermission Mrs. Jean Nelson 4ays at the door. Penfield, chairman of the Woman . C. Buehring reports the organl- Suffrage Party, delivered an address 2Ation cf a Farmers Union at Prospby in which she explained the manner /4d Bar V school houses last week. in which the woman u farge bill was Both Unions start off with an enthus- defeated nthe NeW York State legis- astlc membership of live, wideawake lature. The names of the legislators farmers who are out to look after whom Mrs, Penfield made directly re- thelr own interests. sponsible for the defeat of the bill Elmer Tumbull returned from his were rocelved WIUr hisses by the-wo Visit with frienzs in Michigan and. is men in the audfefce that could be again on his farm south of town. heard a bldck, The'speaker advocated A. N. Sprinkle spent Friday night sending a petition for the calling of in Medicine Hat. on business. an extra session of the legislature to Miss Winona LaMarsh spent Sun- Governor Dix and advised the suf- day visiting with her parents. She trage women to thank the Governor by Teturned to Bow Island on Monday. letters or telegrams without waiting Willie McLean entertained a num- to hear what: his deeision was, ber of his young friends at a birth- day party on Saturday. 5 The high-pressure water supply The extra gang commenced work system which th city has installed Clearlig. the site for the new depot and which is extended as rapidly as on Saturday and it is expected that possible, promises to be one of the Work will commence on the bullding most effective protections against fire im a short time. The new depot will in theb usiness sections of the City. be bullt on the site of the old one: With the 200 poubg. pressure produc- Miss Craig of Camrose arrived on ed by the powerfal pumps water can Monday evening to. open the-Winni ta throwa from ten to sixteen stor- fred school and commenced teaching ies, without the employment of a fire on Tuesday morning. engine, Heretofore it frequently hap- C- K. Elliott ts getting to be an ex- pened that during -tho progress of a Pert ox driver these days. fire, one of the water mains burst un- Brehm r Bros. recetved new der the tremendous pressure Jincapac- Rumely engine and plows on Wed- lating the service completely until Nesday and expect to start work at the break, could be repaired. Recently OPCS 5 this difficulty hag been practically The Local Imp. District has put in overcome by an ingenuous system of temporary bridge over the runway cutomatic.valves-oparated by.electric- South of the post office, which fe a ity, which close the broken main of f at Improvement: ea fa Mr, Mrs. Joe Beakley returned the break and tts make it possible, Mr. and Mrs. not only to continue the operation of from Lethbridge on Monday and took the system, but also immediately to UD their residence on tho homestead. locate the exact lochtion of the break. F. J. Harris went to the Hat. on Monday evening and brought Roy home from the Hospital. He has sev- eral scars ag the result of his acci- dent but is improving rapidly. Axiton Berg went to the Hat Mon- day night to try and buy more hor- ses for use on the farm. W. J. Currie returned from Leth- bridge on Monday evening, where he has been for the past ten days under the doctor s care with a felon on his finger. Mrs, R. G, Brehmer returned on Monday from the Hospital in Medicine Hat, where she was treated for ap- pendicitis, Capt, Faurot, the finger-print, ex- pert of the police department, deliv- ered an Interesting address before the City Club the other night, in which the methods of the'finger-print : tem of identification. He also demon- strated the effectiveness of the system bers of the club and by their help identifying the guilty and blushing member who had touched the bottle on the table while Mr. Faurot was temporarily absent from the room. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT ee ee ony it it and the town ts almost deserted these fails to cure. E. W. GROVE S signa- day Prospects never were brighter ture Js on each box, a6 . for a crop and the farmers are putt- : ing forth every effort to get in all EEE EEE EERE EEE They can, : G, W;-Fleming moved his family out on the farm this week where they will lspend the summer, e HOME SEEKERS - EXUUESIONS + There's many a home seek- counter in the meat market this week. Whe oe fe oe he oe oe fe ote of of ote fe oe general increase in the price charged ing for a visit with her son Harold, READ THESE. HERALD 700 Pair, bil. 3. 700 Pair, bik. 10. 9 500 Pair, bik: 8 i 600 Pair, bik. 17. Only'8 of these left. Hurry. Biggest Snap in City ESPLANADE (HERALD) 3 1450 50 ft, blk. B. 1400 50 ft, bike B, CENTRAL PARK 750 50 ft, bik. 21 375 26 ft, bik. 9. 700 60 ft, DIK. 21, 3500 50 tt, bik. 27 800 50 ft, blk. 11, 365041 ft, bik. 21. 800 37 ft, bik. 5. ADPAWANA. SNAPS 1450 76 ft, bik. 11. 1000 50 ft., blk. 14, lt;- T16 MONTEESE STREET ALL GOOD INVESTMENTS. SS mess: HOLLINGER AGENCY sss FIRST COME ; FIRST SERVED. TOWNSITE 2000 50. ft, bik. 62. 2500 50 ft, dIk. 33. 1800 66 ft. corner, bik. 89. 2500 100 ft., corner, bik. 85. 2000 100 ft, corner, blk. 86. 650 50 ft, blk. 99. 900 50 ft, bik. 82 COUSENS- -SISSONS 680 60 ft, blk. 2. 1600 5 lots, copper, bik. 19. 8150 10 lots, corner, blk. 19. SNAP BENDING 4275 50 ft, bik. 28, 675 75 ft, bik. 15. - 420 Pair, bik. 18, Hollinger Agency who lives south of town. There are two dead horses lying east of town that should be buried or burned. There is nothing worse to breed disease, The parties who owned them should be made to look after them. T. D. Fishee was exercising his muscles turning flax this week. A-party ot emigrants, friends of Mr, Schloctor, arrived from North Dakota on Thursday. In the party were two married ladies and ten chil- dren. Teddy Roosevelt would have BUSINESSES 22,000 56 ft. corner, N. Ry. 12,250 50 ft, Toronto 4,200 8 lots, corner, 8 Ry. SOUTH YUILL 875 Lot 1, bik. 11. Corner. Snap. 1000 Facing E low. 900 Lot 19, blk, 7, cide in this instance. H. N, Coons has purchased the was shipped in last week. Miss Katheleon Muiroe visited with Miss Edith Dennison this week. YUILL NORTH MAA was burlo te WE Was buried In the rtenae who wish them well In thelr The Athletic Association pulled off Seeding fs under way in full-blast E. Neutce fs officiating behind the no occasion to holler about. race .sul- thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion that ed, 10 tnch The Harvard Tailoring Co. Announces having the entire stock of a chant in the elty who ing from business. Bale commences Monday, March 3ist at 9 o'clock, The consists of Gente? Gloves, Tramks ec his will be sacrificed at 85 cents . on the dollar. BE ON TIME for these bar- gains. Tho ay rietors don t expect this to last very Jong. So remember time and place. 312 Fourth Avenue mer. retir. Golden Seal, theroot of the above plant, 1s very useful medicine. Many people Kather tt tn oF Fich woodlands during thesummer. Few people know how valuable itis in dyspepsia, catarrh, one ase goad tonic, any pounds of this root are used each year in the famous catarrh romedy, Peruna. This fact explains why everybody uses Peruna for caterrh. Sunday and as a result the largest congregation of the season was disap- pointed. Don't get discouraged, come again, a ten round boxing contest on Fri- day afternoon on-short notice. The bout went ten rounds with honors even. BORN On April 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hart, a boy, Mother and son are doing, well. CHERRY COULEE, Dave Shileder went to Burdett on Wednesday to get Mr. Birch s horses and bring them to the farm, where Daye intends to farm this summer for Mr. Birch, Wm. McManis Is over working for H, Arndt for a few days. G. 0. Leckron. received a card from his mother in Indiana on Tuesday and she said they had large drifts of snow yet: in-the gardens, . Dave Shideler was turning flax for T. Thorson last Thursday. -C. Foster with the help of Wm. Mc- Manis and Dave Settle stacked his jax the past few days. August Johnston's two wells are surrounded by water, causing him to dig another. G. Lemioigne has purchased a gaso- line breaking outfit and-is busy turn- ing the virgin soil. Dave Shideler visited with Ole Bjorklund last Tuesday night l L. B. Losey gave his barn the sec- ond coat of paint last week. Remember the Golden Rule in this way, Say about others what you wouldhave-others-say--about rou. Dave Schideler called on L. B. Los- ey last Wednesday. J. L, Wilson, C. Foster and F. Settle made a-trip to the land office last Wednesday on business. Dr. Martells Female Pills ineteen Years the.Standard Prescribed and recommeded fox women s ailments, a scientifically preps remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores, .0.4.-10m0. Prices on application. Vinden P. O. Box 689 Medicine Hat. Wardrobe LADIES SILK DRESSES . WAISTS, GLOVES, ETC. * DRY CLEANED, R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Prompt Attention to all Srders, Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Pareels Delirerea. *PHONE NO. 349. Ltd Splendour Petontrests Bristol, London. Sailings From Halifax RMS. Royal George, May 1st - CONTRACTOR. daylight. Saflings From Montreal Phone 727, Box 781. RMB. Royal Edward, May 15th fj) daylight. PBS nore George, May 29th GAS CITY) jaylight And fortnightly thereafter. VACUUM Insist on your ticket reading via Royal Line. CLEANING CO. For further particulars, ilus- su. noe ieaay ee trated booklet, etc. Apply any ings Baye Gene al spring ans Railway or 8.'8. Agent or write ; direct to A. H. Davis, General the ies ee Pinee your order to avoid disappointment of delay. ... . Phone 707. Post Office box 744 ame 22941 mo. Yesterday is dead forget it. Tomorrow does not exist don t worry. Today is here use it. How? Let us tell gown, spring hat or snew sult we could certainly make a pleasing photo . of you. New. designs for spring. THE BARTLETT STUDIO 218 Fourth Ave. Local Agents McPHER: ON BROS., TENDER FOR DRILLING GAS WELLS. (THE CITY. OF MEDICINE HAT will Tecetve-sealed tenders until noon of Saturday, the 20th April, 1912, for the drilling of the following. gas wells. 1, One well, 1200 feet deep, fints ed..6 Inches in diameter throug out. 2. One well, 1200 feet deep, finish- diameter TENDERS FOR HORSES. Notion the City of Medicine Hat pro- poses purchasing five horses for the Scavenger Department, Sealed Tenders for the same will be reteived unti noon, Wednesday, AD* ril 17th, 1912. throughout. 3. One well, 2000 feet deep, finish- ed, 6 inches In diameter through- 1600 pounds, Immediate delivery must be guat- , 8, Baker was a bow Island vis- tor on. Monday, Fd advertised seed barley and oats in the. Record last 3600- Lot 2, bik. 9, 3680 each Lot it and 12, blk H 800 each Lots 18-14, bik. G. Gas, water, 88 a 300 Pair, bik. 1, Elm st. SEE US FOR ACREAGE-- ft while waiting for the train. Postmaster Babka of Windy Rydge Waa a business visitor In Winifred on Monday. her failed to show up on week and says he sold 80 bushels of anteed. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. AW. GLBAVES, Rorekeeper S te No order too large or too small for A. W. GLEAVES the News Job Departnient, Give os Storekeeper. trial. out, Proposals for above works must be made in accordcnce with Specifica- tions on file in te office of the-City (Ssd.) Engineer, The lowest or any tender n t nec- tly accepted. Weight required Between-126 -and
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Image 600 (1912-04-13), from microfilm reel 600, (CU1771399). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.