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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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HAT do we mean by uniformity in flour? We mean stability and dependability, every barrel like every other barrel, every baking like every other. Now, uniformity in flour comes only from eternal vigilance. It is the result of everlasting care and watchfulness at the mill. It canonly be produced by the most advanced methods st mlling: and the most expensive up seraate equipment. 7 e the many great virtues o : Royal Household Flour Tt is the same is its absolute uniformity. It never varies. -yesterday; today;to-tiorrow.-Year-in-and-year out-it-is always uniform, always the best, always invariable in results whether for Bread or Pastry. Royal Household Flour has to be uniform. It cannot be anything else. It is surrounded at every stage of production with the utmost care and watchfulness, The Ogilvie Mills are models of up-to-date equipment the machinery is the most advanced and most expensive the inspection laboratory and test baking de; ents are the most complete and scientific in the worl Te has taken enormous Capital and the expericace of a life time to achieve the sbsolure uniformity of Royat Houschold Flour. The watch, watch, watch abd teat, text, teat which have-made- ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR the world s finest flour are your petmanent safeguard as to quality. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. BY-LAW PUTTING KIBOSH ON DOGS NOT READY YET Was Introduced at Council Meeting Last Night But Laid Over For Time. DRAFT AS PRESENTED HAD ATTRAGTIVE POINTS Poundkeeper Will Enforce It Farmers Dogs Taboo City Will Sell Poodles. The many little and the many big fidos running at large in the city, and enjoying the many dog liberties without fear or favor, being amply protected by the little metal adorn- ment with which thelr owners bave seen fit to endow them, may continue to enjoy their present liberty without Ttear of curtailment till May 1st. This welcome news will no doubt SOCIALIST MLPP, WILL LECTURE MERE YUESDAY TALES OF SHOOTING: DOWN HEN, FAKES COM, O'Brien, 311.4. for Rocky Mountitin district, A lverta, will de- liver two lectuns on Socialiam n Cochran's hall at gt; p.2., Tuesday: aan Wednesday April 23rd and 2th, Ade mission is free The following is how one admirer ing coast papet describ z New York Re in Bad ewes ort, socialist member oronto Girl Says third tor-the Rocky Movstan riding in the Glass Passengers. Were AlGerta legislature, is tho beawideai Quiet, of q Socialist represatative. Always on the stump, in season and out of season, Whether qn clection s dn sight oF not, he woukd rather (we talking So- cialis: Chan tbave bis breakfast.- Whhea he thinks time to sive the Alberta Warmers a rest, he lt;Irops across to: the coal miness in th: Crows Nest, and puts in time there. Then he takes an idea that be iy wanted in Saskintche- wan, amd the far west heirs ramons of his activity t first intimation that he was thinking of taking the trip. Fa the recent B.C, elections he was Nobm ny on the spot, daing yroman service n-the Fernie: riding in support of Bilt-Davidson s candilature, and now, according to the last reports be 4s (W. A. P, Dispatch.) New York, April 20. That the red colored storl s- of maddened foreign Steerage passengers being shot down crowd into lifeboats in the sinking Titanic, are the product of the im- agination of New York s best scoop writers, s proved by the story of Miss May Howard, sister of Edward How- ard, Toronto. She was a third class Passenger on the lost liner, she says, I was in my berth abodt midnight fon Sunday, when there came a rock- ing of the boat that tossed us about ja bit, ther Gatne a terrible ringing of bells followed by the doctor, who said everything was alt right, but that-we had better get on our life belts. by the ships officers, as they tried to Royal Houschold Flour is best for bread, best for cakes, best for pies, best for all household baking. To be sure of uniform rests in baking whether for Royal Houschold Flour ue stick to it, be greatly appreciated by the dogs, and there is no doubt but what they will take full advantage of the balance of their Dog days. The by-law. which Alderman Ansley bas ben preparing for the past month or so which. will ring the death knell of vag dogs was brought up last night, however, it did not seem to suit the council and they wanted to benefit by the experience of other cities and back again in Sunny Southern Alber ta, carrying the revolutionary gos- pel that is being so greedily absorbed by farmers an coal miners alike. When the fighting is all over, and classes hive dissppraced, . will be the most uchappy earth, Hawing said that, we do not know whither to win him long life or not: More power to his elbow, The foreign men, and their were a Jot of them, behaved finely, the women were given belts first, then some of the forelgn women wanted two belts. T was in the second last boat to leave. I heard atterward that two boats were upset, but 1 did not see them. Surely there were some scenes am- ong the women hen leaving their husbands, No, we were all frightened when she gank but we felt they would NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads under these huadings, 25 words, one day 26 words, three days 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for lesa than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. BSLE WaXTED. EPRESENTATIVES WANTED for sale of townsite lots in divisional and junctional points along line of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. in Western la. Whole or part time, Write to authorized agent G. 7, P, Ry., International Securities Co., Ltd., Somerset Bldg,, Winnipeg, Man., for particulars maps, etc. 211-Sa-8t MAN WANTED To work in Dairy. Best wages. Phone 142, 24043 WANTED A teamster. Apply Red- clitt Hotel, Redelttf, 24003 WANTED Common laborers, forty dollars a month and board or bet- ter. Season's work. Apply Craig Hiss, Tilley, Alta, 240diot (MAID WANTED Capable of doing plain cooking for small family. Wages 18.00 per month. Apply at News office. 240dt-t. (ENDRAL SERVANT WANTED. For S LePAGE BROS. Medicine Hat ale by City Pa s Plans Will secure copies of their's before they go any further with it. Regulate Dogs said the .by-law Horrows said the Mayor, never so they changed it to regulate the control. Put the Indian sign on them, said Ald. Evans. Farmers pups aren't to be favored either, No sir, the by-law said. that when a country dog comes into the city he must follow that old adage, When in Rome do as the Romans do and so when he comes to the city the farmers dog must do as the : city dogs do, in other words he must- n't come to the city unless he is no a leash, in other words the by-law is to make farmers dogs conspicuous by their absence. The police shall anyhow CAPT. PARKER 10 BE MOVED Commissioner Perry of Re- gina Answers Council s Communication but Can t Change Order. The City Council's action in writing to the head :of the Mounted Police at Regina endeavor to have Cap- impound the No BLAME ATTACHED TO caer SMITH From Washington came the opinion from expert naval hydrographers that no blame should be attached, to Capt. Smith, because as they contended, an- alysis of the ocean. charts had shown that the skipper, warned of the pres- ence. of icebergs, had steered the Ti- tanic fully sixty .miles southward from the regular course. In spite of this caution the mass St ice was struck and as a preventa- tive of similar disasters the hydro graphers officers in New York issued an order shitting the lanes of trans- Atlantic liners 180 miles southward from the path which the Titanic fol- lowed. After giving his testimony before E dogs, in other words kidnap them tain Parker left in charge of the local tng senate committee, Capt. Rosthern aceording to the by-law. Nothing district Instead of removing him. tolor tne Carpathia took charge of his Beet for Clean-Up Da sout-tire-best possibie rote for the eat tomciaimed dogs, said the by-law. Here been paid to one-of iheir officers. ant Teams Lots of boost- ing to Make Day Success- ful. Net Wednesday is clean up day and the plans of carrying it out to suc- cesssful issue were discussed at the council mecting last night. 4: was ecided thatthe best way to do was to appoint every alderman a superin- tendent or master of ceremonies over his particilar-ward, and he to lay Fund to Aid: Stricken Ones Movement on Foot to Open gt; Subscription Council Passed Resolution of Sympathy and Condol- There is a.movement on foot to start a public subscription to aid the stricken families. of the crews of the Titanic who are left without sup- port by the disaster, It is likely that a committce will start work on it Monday. At the Council meeting last night a resolution of sympathy and condolence for the stricken ones was passed. GERHARD? CASE UP n Th? Gertmrdt case was brought up jn Court this morning having becn Opening Chapters To-day issue The commences eith tale With to-da: Daily News the publication of * of the Border, of the plains, written by Randall Parish, author of My Lady of the South, When Wilderness Was King, ete.; etc.. The serial 4s SIiustrat- 4 throughout and should Prove especially interest- ing to the people of the sfreat Western country. The opaning chapters will be found on page 7 + of to-day's issue. oa, ing into this matter. asked for the privilege to secure tail, eleisieieieieicieiel einer it rir ivteiieiinieleiieteiats rying away of the rubbish, he will be) assisted by the ward foreman. The city clerk is to advertise for teams and also to get out some dodgers and have them distributed from house to house so as to iinpress more firmly upon the minds of the city the earn- estmess with which the council le go- The teachers in the schools will also be asked to an- nounce it to the puplls to give the matter advertising. remamied trom last Wednesday to se- sure further evidence. Airs. Gerhardt, mother of the accus- ed, gave evidenice with the aid of aw interpretor, Mr. Hofiman. She did not appear to know very mitch of her son's business, who has already given her seven hundrel doHats and has promised to keep her the rest of hee life. A brother of the accused, Thomas Gerhardt, then gave evidence. He has paid tihe debts of the acctsed amount- ing to two hundred and -eighty dol- lars... Hr corroborated the evidence given by bis brother that the sale in Minot, N.Di, amounted to all ut eight thousand dollars, twelve hundred dol- lars:down and balance in two yearly payments. And he hhas yet filteen team of horses wh ch he had intended bringing into Canada. All the evidence pointed to the fact that Gerhardt is a mics bunch of money but not with him, At the closest the evidence Magiv- trate Kealy remanded the case until nesday next. Mr, Maixifly, confisel for defendant, and which was set at two Iinndred filty dollars. SUBSCRIBE NOY: for the Dally News. of such a well are being called. ia Regina proved unavailing. A letter was received from Commissioner Per- ty t6 the effect that it was impossible fo change the order at the same time appreciating the tribute which had doing from Ald. Johnson, they have their arms full now and therefore could hardly carry dogs. The Pound- keeper.comes in for the job. The Poundkeeper can't sell any This will mean that the Captain will be leaving th diy in a short time in all probability. A. Coulborne wrote the council and: asked that the Poundkeeper be Aflow gt; ed to contro Riverside Park, This matter was gone into ifully b fore the Imits for the pouitdKeeper were. set and so the latter was filed. H, . Pettet wrote off tfng a piece of land in S. W. 29-12-5 as an indus- trial site. Referred to the Industrial Committee. The Glenbanner Town Council is erecting a rural phone line to connect with Medicine Hat and they wrote asking if the city could arrange so that they could get connection with the government system. The council will take the matter up with the Pro- vincial department. : The Canadian Publicity Bureau of Philadelphia wrote asking-that the city sign the contract for advertising and send on some data. The latter is an old one having been mislaid. Meticine Hat's new gas well at the The matter-wili-be attended to at foot of Toronto Street was throwing once. four million feet of gas yesterday, The The Bu Mayor said that they were repairing ture Sav a great deal of shoe or a little defect at the bottom of the rather sole leather and also draw a WENT and Blew Te otf With the above litle heaVier stipend than in.the past. result. 'The Board of Works recommended The matter of dfilling a well to the that -he be given a bicycle and an in- lower strata was again brought up. crease In salary. Some of the Aldermen did not think The Fire Committee recommended. that It was good policy. Ald. Brown the purchase of a new one turn ne and Ansley, speaking as not being ab- zle at the cost of 300. solutely in favor of the action this Ald. Johnston returned from Red- Year ut least. Other of the Aldermen cliffe Just before the council meeting thought that it was an excellent gam- after looking after some horses. He ble. It they got the gas it would mean told the Council that they could get that they would not have to sink an- any kind of horses that they wanted other well for some time to come. In at from 300 to 3,000 each. Too the end it was decided to leave the steep, they will try to get them else- matter go on as it was. At the pres- where. TO ENFORCE BYLAW the high financiers of the. council a- Tose-as one, e picture in their minds of deriving enough out of the sale of. poodles to dig a gas.well, eure we'll sell them if we ean, get a buyef, in other words the etty,,will go into the business of dog retailing The by-law will likely be dealt with next Thursday. FLOW OF FOUR MILLION FEET FROW NEW WELL Toronto Street Well Was Blown Off Yesterday City Will Drill Well to lower Strata. ilding Inspector will in. fu- CARRIES DISTINGUISHED PASSEN- GERS. (Special to News) Paris, April 20 The steamship La Gity Council Passes Resolu- France; tt leted st saris for the reich rransnthants ao alt With at one line, sailed from Havre today on her maiden voyage to New York. She varries-- -large passenger-jist- that The Slaughter. Houses of the city inclides many persons. of distinction. Came in for strong condem ation at Among those on board are the mem- the Council meeting last night and it bers of the French Mission, headed by s likely that in the near future that M. Hanotaux, which is conveying to the City Health Officer will take some America the bronze bust of La action to remove the alleged nuis- France, by Auguste Rodin, for pre- 2nce. sentation to the United States. The The Council passed a resolution bust is to be placed at the base of asking the Medical Health officer to- the monument to be dedicated next Tigidly enforce the by-law governing June to Samuel de Champlain, the them and also the Provincial law gov- French navigator and explorer. erning the sale of milk. Robert Bacon, the retiring United The question of what to do with the States ambassador to France, and slaughter houses is a vexed one and Mrs. Bacon are sailing on the new has been occupying the attention of steamship, also Arthur Baflly-Bian- the council a great deal, but It was chard, hitherto first secretary at the finally decided to enforce the city by- United States ambassy here, who has * , which as read by-the city clerk been transferred to Tokio. Other ast night forbids them being inside Passengers on La France Include anjthe clty limite important French delegation to the ship, which departed late today for the Meditteranean. The vessel bad been hurriedly renovated and cleared of the disorder caused by the pres- ence of the Titani survivors, she Teft with cabins tutt Twenty dollars a month to cap- able girl. Apply 602 Fourth Ave. 239a6t MAID WANTED Good wages. Phone 302 or P. 0. Box 26. 237d12t (ANTED A good smart boy, must be over 14 years of age, to learn ito fee presses and make himself gen- erally seful, Good wages to the right boy. Eight hour day. Apply to Foreman, News Job Department, WANTED Bricklayers and labor- ers. Apply Lussier Construction Co., Limited, Redeliff, Alta. (ANTED Dining room irl, upstairs girl. At Redclitt He 2odzt also YVANTED An all round butcher wanted, Apply at once to Ro F. Collins. tt. WANTED Two young men to sell real estate on commission, Apply FFOR SALE A soven/rdom house on west Braemar St, bullt about a year ago, lot 560x130, Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy terms. Ap- ply owner, The Bartlett Studio, 218 Fourth Ave. Would accept a good lot close in a 8 part exchanj a87-andt URB BRED Bronze Turkey Eggs dollars per setting of nine, Box 505 City or 8. 1-2 Sec, 35, Tp. 12, R. 1. 236-a6t J68GS8 FOR SALE Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. 226-1me. FOR SALE 15 imported Borkshire Boars. Apply-Redoliff Hotel: 2soast LOST AND FOUND T,OST A Scotch Collle dog. slightly lame in front, answers to the name of Paddy Reward will be pald if returned to 833 Third Avenue. 240ast LLO8T On Main street, a pair of framed glasses, double sight. Re- ward will be given if returned to Me- Kinnons, 23908t LOST kither on North Railway, Main St. or Fourth Avenue. A fold locket and chain, Reward will be given if returned to 129 Toronto Street. 238ast AUCTIONEERS Hi 3. BROWNE CO, Live Stook and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Lonto St. Stock Sales-every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales com- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Derlence at your disposal free. H. B. Browne Co,, 619 Toronto St. 182at MISCELLANEOUS MiSs FLANAGAN wishes to an- nounce to her friends and the Public that she has moved her dress- making parlors'from Princess At 201 Balmoral St. Ebae WA NTED LADIES AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical instruments, ; furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicyeles, carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312. Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. . 0. box 701. Phone'295. The Best Prices Paid for hair, -wool-and-t-1thers, bought aad see ye oe 3 Seccees S Pherson s, work shoe class stock NO FALLING OFF IN TRAVEL. It is commented on as a curious fact that notwithstanding the Titanic disaster, there has been little or no falling off in the volume of trans- Atlantic travel. : Capt. Rosthern wept as he told to- day how the Carpathia had picked up the unfortunates set adrift from the Titanic and before he left on his ship admiring passengers presented him with a loving cup. The greatest problem confronting the committees to provide for the survivors has been with the steerage passengers, Speaking in many cases ignorant of their destinations, frigh- tened and without friends or relatives their plight was acute until interpre- ters from the International Institute for Young Women, a branch of the Y .W.C.A. circulated among them to- day and apportioned them as benef- itted their nationality, among the vast foreign quarter In New York. More than 20,000 has already been sub- scribed for the sufferers and a series of-benefits to raise more money had been arranged. ENGLISH CATTLE Liverpool, April John Rogers and Co,, Liverpool, cable today that there were very few cattle for sale in the Birkenhead market, there was very little demand, but owing to the general scarcity prices showed a slight advance both States and Canadian steers making from 15 1-2, to 16 cents per pound. le Has a Preparation it Will Grow Hair Abundantly- This-is-an-age-of new discoveries, To grow hair after it has fallen owt to-day is a reality. SALVIA, the Great Hair Tonic and Dressing, will positively create a new If you have a beautiful head of hair, free from Dandruff, use SALVIA once a day and watch the results, SALVTA is guaracteed to stop fall- ing hair and restore the hair to its natural color. The greatest Hatr Vigor known. ij SALVIA is compounded by expert chemists, Watch your hair if it is falling out. If you don't, you will sooner or er be bald. SALVIA prevents baldness by fas- tening the hair to the roots. Ladies will find SALVIA just the hair dressing they are looking for. it makes the hair sofe and fluffy and is not sticky. A large bottle 50c. PIANO TUNING VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken. at the lowest charge consistent with best workmanship. - Expert Work Guaranteed. Red Cross convention to be held at) Another Selig drama tonight at Washington next month, Dreamland, CHAS, A. ADSIT Telephone 68. 605 Main St. Particulars free, Moler System Cel- lege, 609 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtf SITUATIONS: WANTED, WORK WANTED Yardwork, digg- ing cesspools,. ditches, cellars, etc, Apply P.O. Box 1016. 238d6t pail cee ann eee a aN LAIN SHWING WANTED 611 North Railway Street. 238a3t ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT Modern conveniences, 201 Bal- moral Street. Also good stable to rent cheap. Baoast O RENT Fumished bedroom to rent, all modern conveniences. 509 Fourth Avenue. 238d3t ROOMS WANTED. ANTED Two or three r oms, for light housekeeping. Close in. Ap- ply Box 1268, News Office. 240d3t HOUSES WANTED ANTED Four room cottage or shack.. Central if possible. Apply W. Rogers, P. 0. 2a0ast FOR SALE R SALE A new seven room, fully modern cottage on Braemar St, in block 83, Apply to owner, D. T. Maher, 133 Braemar street or Phone 720. 239a3t Sie ees OUSE and garden plants now ready for spring sale. Pansies now in bloom and hardy enough for planting in garden. Vegetable plants will be ready shortly. The Roseries. a ait. OR IMMEDIATE SALE Complete furnishings for six roomed house. Dining room buffet, china cabinet, table, etc., beautiful quarter cut oak. Den in mission style. Two bedroom sets, carpets, etc. Everything in splendid condition, almost new. A snap. Great chance for any Person desirous of stepping into a completely furnished house. Low rent. Apply box No. 1267, 239a3t FFOR SALE One J. J. Taylor sate at a bargain, Size 2'6 x2 6 , Can be seen at T. J. Flager's Blacksmith shop, or apply to-box 22, P.O. 221dtt FOR SALE Two lots and three mod- etn houses thereon, Lots 18 and 19 In Block 1, Townsite. 3 new frame houses the three will be sold em bloc for 11,000. One third down and balance-can be arranged to suit the purchasers. Apply to Wm. Ansley, Phone No. 269 or 643 Highland 8t,,, Central Park, aiate, Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves.and Bedding, new and second Hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices, Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 687. tf BUSINESS CARDS. Organs for sale.and to rent. Ali classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, OMice 881 Main Street. TENDERS WANTED, TENDERS are invited for the erec- tion and completion of a church for the Methodist Church, Swift Current, Sask., of brick and stone. A 5 per Cent- eheque to accompany each tem- der, the lowest or any tender will not, necessarily be accepted. Tenders to be delivered at the Architect's offices ode Current, not later than May Ist, H, M. W. A. WHIDDINGTON, Architects, Swift Current and Lethbridge. 229dmt TENDERS WANTED. FOR the erection of a frame school at Schuler Industrial School Dis- trict, No. 2617, Plane and specifica- tions may be seen at EB. N. White's Tesidence at Schuler. Tenders wilt be roonlve up to April 30, 1912. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. N. WHITE, Sec., Th. Fr. Sat.-2 wks Schuler, P.O. The Globe Cleaning Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Avenue. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Equal to New. New and Secondhand: Goods Bought 5 and Sold Clothes Called for and Delivered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. E. Bartlett, B.A.Sc. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyer Industrial Spur Raflways, Water Supplies, Sewage; Plans, Ete. Burns Block, Medleine Hat, Phone 484 Painting- and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall,. Paper Estimates Read the Serial Story in the News. telly ufrnished on cost of your rooms. Phone 156. Irrigation, and lio Pox 1248. 227att the above: 2sper. broken, a EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN ' PHS MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FOR barber trade, special summer AND JUNK CO. The above have rate on, join save money. on hand the best selection of Second CITY OF M WANTED 0: NEXT, THE. UP DAY, EY TEAM IN TH Owners of t gagement ples Clerk, not lat Tuesday, Apri THE CITY OF recelve seal -of Saturday, the / *the drilling of th 1. One-weli; ed, 6 inches out. One welt, ed, 10 throughout Ong well, ed, 6 inche out, Proposals for made in accord Mons on file In sanenenee ngincer, . The lowest o: easarily accepi (Sed) Jim Stewart, ft his home, in
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Image 650 (1912-04-20), from microfilm reel 650, (CU1771381). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.