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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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1 4 *e HANGERS. i ADJUSTORS ATHER STRIPS. sh of Windows. ndows und doors. m of doors. ulding, 1 in. felt combined: , snow, oold and proot. trips in 12 foot ths. Y CO. R PEOPLE... P.O. Box 29 Trial ONY our PURE UIT JUICE ce Seiten Soe te e Sof Re det - ie rodied N 3, Stewart will be ) bring and. show NEW. SPRING APER samples you an estimate all the rooms of IS. STEWART 9p. Binning s Store. rnished on ail kinds. Paperhaagiug pobe-betetet Heary Draying. ention to all orders. for Sale. Delivered. NE NO. 349. Pirie House Mover FOR SALE AVATING . TEAMING ETE WORK. hone 260, LAIT ( TREAL STREET day aod night, Mona sate f pio St. Phone id, z Fe. Gas or Gasoline, Grinding, crush: ing, pumping and 3 all other power purposes. WE STOC IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES 3 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 125.00 4 HORSE POWER, HOPP: oC 6 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 225.00 8 HORSE POWER, HOPPER COOLED 325.00 These Engines are recognized as the gt; BEST, SIM- PLEST and MOST ECONOMICAL * engines on the market. They have few moving parts all easy of access and guaranteed interchangable. are given a broad guarantee to replace defective parts for five year s. Call and look them over. Sener eeen oes oboe Fe Rte tee ee PEE EERE EE td Tz Ss 30b5540b40440 FOR MOUS e. COOLED 150.00 They i Wr +R r6wr0KI18 THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA k GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED gpeciat attention given tothe business of Ranchers and Farmers. Savings Bank Department at all branches. MEDIOINE HAT BRANCH W. 0. JOY, MANAGER. Qooepenennieenae eT eOS eNOS OOat oe t, said agreement. o 5 vont + THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ; OF LONDON, ENGLAND, The oldest and pany in the world. Claims--paid, 20, 500, 000. Policies do no W. . Switzer, Sereserersreser erst err. i The Reese Sawmill Co.,; Ltd. Medicine Hat, Alberta. creer roeg oerointinetH Bray, Deputy Returning Oftieer Arthar Ralph Perry ahall vey, (Established 1849.) strongest accident -com- over t discriminate against Rail- way employees. R d by C. A. Krauss. Builder Requires Sp Prices on able for Homesteaders Buildings. We will glad- the material you require and espitnate or PHONE 59, ly ths cost of pee eae pea for STORM SASH and DOORS: Several Lines of Lumber, suit- TaThss SLepepe tereLerered o-Loher O-h0-h0+0 -0+- ohh at askewetsiaistsbeneeerstoesteee -pebenetete prising three acres, i tiall; by T. C. Blatchford, Deputy Re- NM Sk BY-LAW No. BY-LAW to grant certain cone aiony and exemptions to ratity/ and confirm: a certain agreement bearing date the second day of January, 1912, made-between The Municipal Council of the City of Medicine Hat, of the one part, and Welter R. Martin and Albert P. Phillips, of the othen-part.: WHERBASS Walter R. Martin, Ince of Alberta, Manufacturer, Albert P. Phillips, of the same place, Gas Driller, have applied to the Council of the Corporation.of the City of Medicine Hat for -certain conces- sidns in respect of a Factory to be Hat for the purpose of manufacturing gag drilling tools, madhinery and gas appliances, and doing a general man- ufacturing and jobbing business. AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Corporation of the sald City, t will be greatly in the inter- est of the said City to procure th and deem it advisable and expedient to grant the concessions and exemp- tions more specifically set forth in of January, 1912, a copy of which ts hereto annexed and marked A. THREREFORE THE CORPORA- TION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT HEREBY BNACTS AS FOL- 1, It shall be and may be lawful for the Mayor and-Secretary-Treasur- er of the City of Medicine Hat, and they-are hereby authorized and em- powered for and on bebalt of the Cor poration of the sald City, to execute all such transfers and agreements as may be necessary and requisite for the due carrying out of the sald agreement, dated the second day of January, 1912, on behalf of the said City, and to do all such further acts amd assurances as may be necessary to fully carry out the terms of said agreement, and to convey in accord- ance therewith the tract of land com- more or less, more particularly. described in. the 3, All sald real and personal pro- aid Walter R. bert P, Phillips, their heirs or as- signs, shall be exempt from all mun- iclpal taxes, rates and assessments and free from every nature of assess- ment rate and charge, except only assessments, for a period of ten years from the date that the said: Walter R. Martin and Albert P. Phillips com- mence Operating the sald -plant,--pro vided, however, lone year during said period, the same shall be Hable-to full taxation from. the date on which operations were dis- continued. 8. to supply the said manufacturerg rates, but and water to manufacturers. 4, This-By-Law -shait come January, following places, Deputy Returning Officers, that is to say, for Wards 1 and 2 at the City turning Officer; and for Wards 3 and 4, at the Court House, by J. H. G. the Returning. Officer. office for the purpose of place and ie respectively. 8 The Secretary-Treasurer, sum up the number of votes given fo1 and against this By-Law. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. AR. PERBY,. pee pe OAL allel eh OS Tra HOLLINGER-ANDERSON fer Co. gs SHAMROCK BOTTLING WORKS All kinds of Aerated Waters, equal to any- thing on the market. Delivered to any part Phone 122. oF the City. 320-South Railway St. ; apid LIGHT and HEAVY Piano Moving) HD easonable DRAYING A Specialty liable 364 Toronto Street. Sectetary-Treasurer. READ second time this secon day of January, 1912, NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. A. R. PERRY, Secretary-Treasurer. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby give tain concessions and exemptions an January, 1912, made between thi Municipal Council of the City of Med- icine Hat, of the one part, and Walter R, Martin and Albert P. Phillips of the other part, which has been fully introduced and which may be finally passed (ir the event of the assent of the burgesses belng obtained thereto) after one month from the fifth day of January, 191 , that belng the day up- on which this Notice 1s first published : the: the ot , the City of Medicine Hat, in the Prov- andy erected in the satd City. of Medicine establishment of the said Factories wenutacturers ) atthe Socom lechool- taxes and local -imp' er ovement , hat if the sald plant for any reason cease operations for said Industry. Tt shall be lawful for the City industry with 300,000. cuble feet of natural gas, on each and every day of twenty-four hours, for a period of five years tree of charge, and all gas in excess of 300,000 cuble fect, together with elec- tricity and water, shall be supplied to the said industry at the prevalling subject to the Corporation's By-laws governing the supply of natural gas, electricity into fore on the date of the final pass . twenty-sixth day of 1912, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five -o clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the by the following ed, with the City-that thie gas supplied by lt;1: On the twenty-fifth day of Jan- wary, 1912,-at 11 o'clock in the fore- noon the Mayor shall attend at his ppointing persons to attend the: various polling the votes by the Returning Officer on behalf of the persons interested in the promoting or soponineoh this By-Law the said Arthur Ralph Perry, shall attend at his office in the City Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, on the twen- ty-seventh day of January, 1912, to READ a first time this second day id that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed By-Law to grant cer- to ratify and confirm a certain agzee- ment bearing date the second day of this agreement has bebn approved by Pcie lia of January 1912, youl wit he held Bee tween the hOurd-of nine o'clock . m. and,tive o'elock p.m. at the following tor votrs in Wards-Nos. the Court Youse, R. PERRY, Secretary-Treasurer. THIS AGREEMENT made in duh cate this econ day of Janvary, one thousand + im Ruprod and twelve. BUT WEE? (THW MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT (hereinafter called The City. ) -of the Firet Part. AND 5 i WALTER R. MARTIN AND AL- . BERT P, (PHILLIPS, Manufactur- ers, both of the said City of Med- ieltie Hat, in the Province of Al- perta (hereinafter called The Part, WHEREAS the manutacturers have mae application to the Corporation jat-for-cer fais concessiong:.amd exemptions in respect of a factory which they pro- pose erecting in the sild City for the manufacture of gas drilling tools, Machinery andes appliances;: and for general manufacturing and job- Ding business, AND WHERBAS the Corporation of the said City is willing to grant sald concessions and exemptions subject to the approval of the hurgesses. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREE- MENT WITNESSETH that the parties 1 sum is hereby acknowledged) dgrees to convey or caiise to be con- t all that plece and parcel of land a uate in the City of Medicine Hat which was purchased from one F. Ex Fatt, and more partloularly deseribed is in course of registration, upon com: itically deserihed, and on compli- ance-with-all the requirements of this agreement; it being distinctly under- stood and declared that the sald tract of land shall be used, for industrial purposes only in connection with the 2. The City also agrees to furnish the Manufacturers for use in the said plant, electric power and water at the usual manufacturers rates pre- scribed by by-law from-time to time. 3. The City further agrees to. sup- ply-the-said Manufacturers with three hupdred thousand cubie feet of nat- ural gas on each and every day of twenty-four hours for a period of five years from the dete upon which this agreement shall have received the as- sent of tlie burgesses of the said City, and to supply all-gas which may be used in excess thereof at the pre- vailing manufacturers rate, and after such period of five years, to supply 1 gas at such prevailing rate; - pro- vided, however, that it shall not be reach of this-clause-it the City fails to supply the whole or any part of such gas through failure of supply or any other cause beyond its control, said gas to be used in the way of heat, light and power for man- ufacturing. purposes only by the satd company on the lands herein describ- 4. The Manufacturers further agree the City shall be used without any unnecessary. waste and the said sup- iy-sball be ypen for Inspection by the city-officials- st anytime. . The. City further agrees to ex- empt said lands and all improvements+ that may be erected thereon from all taxation schiool taxes and. local im- provement assessments excepted tor a period of ten years from the date upon whic Plant shall have commence provid- ed, however,that the manufactur- ers shall cease operation on said plant for a period of one year the sald plant shall thereupon become lable for full taxation rom the date of such cessation, 6. The City also agrees to submit for the approval of the burgesses of the said City all necessary by-laws fully authorizing the carrying out of he matters herein provided for at as catly a date a8 potstbte- 7. In consideration of the forego- r the-Manutacturers covenant, under: tnke, promise and agree with the City that they will erect, or cause to be Jerectead and operated, factories for the manufacture of gas drilling tools, machinery and gas appliances, and general jobbing business, and to equip the same with modern machinery. 8. The floor space of the said plant or factori s shall be approx - mately efghteen thousand square feet, and the total cost of the erection, con- lstruction, and equipment thereof shall be not less than thirty thousand dol- lars ( 30,000,00.) 9. The. Manufacturers shall n a e con- it the Council Chamber. in the ing covenants Of tie part of the City, YOU CAN.DEPEND UPON US TO SUPPLY YOU- WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT THE: VERY LOWEST PRICES South Railway Street. ; aw So Screed secretedntp te retecpetee sede te terete PHONE 33. thereof without umreasonable delay. i. ED tinuously employ in the operation of j the said plant during the first two years of its existence an average: of twenty-five employees per day. 10, The Manufacturers agree to proceed with the construction of the sald plant within thirty days after the burgesses as aforesaid, and shall i The Manufacturers further hereto do mutually sgree a8 fOHOWS: aereo to deposit with the seid City on fo City in eas ldoral ae the jthe execution hereof marked cleaue sum of-one dollar paid to st by for the sum of three hundred dollars ManufactuF rs (the receipt of which) 45 . guarantee of good faith, sald and if toctivoe conntagaatlgh ot the supinante/opreue to we rorned 9.0 Se turers when the like amount has and agreements Herein contaitied ot expended by them in the construction the part of the Manufacturers, hereby F ata plant. 13, veyed to the said Manufacturers in herein contained . shall ns fee simple, free from encumbrancesy. enure to the benefit of and be eae upon the parties hereto, its and their res admin: Berty. which may be owned ot sed jin the induatsial property, contain- Cee ea an This agreement and everythinis uccessorg and assigns Martin and Al- ing three (3) acres, more or less, yy WITNESS WHEREOF the said oho has affixs seal and the hands of ths ag follows: Blocks B, C, F and G of) secretary crreasares Bech, Roath a plan herewith attached and which yanutacturers have hereunto set thelr hands and seals the day and year first-above- WRITTEN: SIGNED, SEALED AND para in-the- presence of: J. J. MAHAFFY, CITY OF MEDICINE HAT. . NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. A. R. PERRY, Secretary-Treasurer. A P. PHILLIPS. WAN, WOMAN. AND GHILD)- Can-be correctly fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles on sh notice. I give you the most careful service too, by making exact examinations and adjwst- ing only the proper lenses to sult the individual sight. Do not delay if you even think you need glasses, but come where you will-got the most-expert service and pricis that are right Phone 65. F.D- Martin Optometrist and, Opziclan, Over Doty s Ta-Th, them. You can t deny the fact that there Is no excuse for any tome to be without a plano. We make it easy to buy one by taking -a . very small amonnt down, and. the balance in monthly payments. If you want an fustrument. why not - buy this wayt + + ite corporate - Wo ( tee of engines rger these engines and can make the very low price of 65.00, each: I oled gine En parts as on the lai have just. unloaded a car of dnd reliable, same bro: defective) Air-co Gasoline AMES RAE :well- made J ng, ears on * Sto by BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM Western Canada? Lumber Co., Ltd. ? Best. Grade and ewes Prices. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY. King Street and Road Allowance, Medicine PHONE 463. not only stands the test, but aly: ane results it i is the hich to place your onfidence lt; dealer 604 it. The Medicine Hat t Milling Co'ys Limited. Jy Iooetoniontotietioctetie de sire Day Phone 311. Night Phone 537. P. O. Box 550 Alberta Foundry Machine.Co., Ltd. MEDICINE HAT Manufacturers of es, Boilers, Mining Se eer res ee e Building--Castings, Etc. Dealers in Structural Steel and Irom Etc. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. Brass and Iron Castings and Fittings of all Kinds 2 a 04) 2 Ss o-4) ot efoeg oo eed 2 + made on short notice. Special Attention Given to. Plowing and Thresh. - ing Machinery. tu - oe Alberta Foundry MachineCe., Ltd. desfeaterteatesteetoatetostegeateate Perro Peery a Main Street in the Medicine Hat News, and upot continue the erection and installation dafelei-flelnini-ieininivini-teiniade ) News-Want-Ads Pay Pry Enr-
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Image 57 (1912-01-11), from microfilm reel 57, (CU1770591). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.