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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page Six DOA reectedectedeatregeareeteere gs : a Cet 7 ep breeds P ooo LEPSSSSOSHS What Do We. The Hye is the most essential but most sensitive member of the body, the one that causes mofe trouble than/all other members is the least understood and the most abused. The Bye ts an adjustable mirror which-sbOwid recolve images perte or nerves that control it, exists there 1s trouble. eve is,consuming more nerve eneray than Is deal gt; body. The equilibrium of the whole nervous on many people are being treated for various discas were given proper care, and it is positively kno when this strain is relf ved and until it ts relieve jutles. nt some aan To relieve this strain glasses must b We should consult one who is thoro POPP Perry ost Neglect? : i Ne the interior and the exterior; the normalities and and nerves are brought into action when We are looking faF or near; when a muscle is contracted-or relaxed; when an eye ts not the proper shape, when it is too long or too short or has an uneven curvature; and what methods to pursue to correct these defects, My profession is not merely an art of selling glasses, but a science of correcting the abnormalities of the eye-and. relieving the muscular and nervous strains. Forcing the eye to see does not Felleve-these strains. and exterior of each ye, not merely tested by letters but examined individually. Nervous and sick headaches, pains over-and thru the eyes, at the base of the brain: thru and between the shoulders, that con- pots: before the eyes, weeping, loosing lines and sleepyness when reading, dimness of vision, indigestion and oftimes sstant-and tired feeling, constipation are all symptoms of eye trouble which should have care. If you have reached the age that you need a sewing and reading glass, I can give You one with which you can see both far and near without the inconvenience of changing. Parents do not neglect to bring your children, no matter who you: have consulted or in what condition your eye may be, do not miss this opportunity. DO YOU KNOW? T offer the newest and best methods, twenty-five years of experience, hundreds of testimonisis and references from your friends - LERPHE SELES *y + A GOOD WANT AD. t and n ighbors suchas H Creek. J. F. Maclacklan, Mr, Brown (City Clerk), Mrs. Kyle, Mr. Maclean, Dr, Bruce, Mrs, Barnes, Mr..H. Little, Mra. Macrae, Mrs. L. 8. McKinley, Mr. R. R. McNabb, Mr. Lether, Mrs. Wm. Gray, Mr. Stedman, Mr, Rhoades, Mra. Heap, Mrs. W. Roney, Mrs. Black, Mrs: Shields, Mrs. Bala, Mr, Grady (ex-Postmaster), N. Carter, Mrs Tripp and S. B, Evans of Macleod. Mrs, Albert Perry, Mr. R. E. Driskell, Mrs, Swanson, G. M. Henry, Mr. John Ailes Mr: Nelson of Claresholm. B. D. Mallory, Mr. McAlpine, Mrs, Ransom, Mr. S. Sears, Mrs. D, McGillivary, Mrs. Dallas Campbell and Gordon Bidwell of Nanton. Stavely. Mrs. M. Spencer, Mr. L. Follett, H. M. Bohne, Mr. Archibald of Cardston. Mra. J. L. Johnston of Lethbridge, formerly of Medicine Hat. Who with many others.are saying 24-8 blocks: Mrs. J. Byre, Mrs. G.E. Lawrence, Mr. Elgin, Mr. Bicho, of GFaniim. Mrs. Stoddard, Mrs, John Leavitt, Mr. Hyde, SM. A. Laury, John Watburger and Mrs, Faithborne, Mt. D. Gray, Joseph N. Bell; W. G. Harper, T. M, Ramsay, Mra: James Foote, W. Marcellus, Mayor Dobey, Mr. Upton, P, A. Carmel, Mrs. H.C. Glaacow, Mr. Mitchell, Chrales Mullen, John Ashton, P. J. Iiquham, BR. Olmstead, Mra. .D, G. Plunkett, Mrs. J. McGregor, A..O. Hepler, Mrs. Oscar Vroom, A. B, Cyr, Mri. Adam Hahn and Mr. Reuben, of Pincher Mrs, Axel Johnson, Mr, Simson, Mrs: Erap, Thos. Nurcomb, Mrs. James Broomtteld, Benson, Mrs. Stange, W. R. Anderson, Mrs. Gibbie, and Mrs, Baxter, Mrs. M. O. Heap, J. E. Woodruff, Mrs. 5. H. Kimball, and J. H. Bennett of Magrath. 2 Mra. A, J. Walton, W.T: Ogden, Mrs. Susan Hicks, W. H. Jeffrey, A. N. Brearley, Mrs. A. Erickson, Mrs. A. Corless, Mrs, A. R Skotsan, Mr. Evans, Feeba Cooper, C. D. Cox (Postmaster), and Miss Daisy Cox of Raymond. aE AM GLAD I MET YOU. Mrs. Wise and Mr. Delfield Smith of RARITIES IN THE HOE SALE (Special to News). New. York, Jan, 8 Bibliophiles ana book dealers gathered in force at the Anderson auction rooms this afternoon for the opening of the sale of the sec- ond part of the Robert Hoe library. The. sale will last ten days. It doos not seem likely that. the high price at the sale of the first-part last year, namely 50,000 fer the Gutenberg BI- ble on vellum, will be. exceeded, but there are in this second part a greater mumber of rare and exceedingly va uable tems. Most notable of the list eNom Hoe copy of the Guten- berg Bible, printed on paper, two volumes folio, in perfect condition and complete. lege, 609 Centre St., Calgary. 204atf FUK SALE. FOR SALE so records for Hdison Phonograph. Nearly. all 4 min- ute and in. godd condition, Price 15 for the lot. Medicine Hat Fire De- partment. asatt JfOR SALE Stock of ladies and gents clothing, furnishings, boots and shoes, worth about 1500, to be sold in 10 days for 50 cents on tlie dollar. Buyer can rent the premises. Store, 5 living rooms and barn, for 40 per month. Horse, 5 years. old, stylish driv harness and Democrat wagon. Apply to The Harvard Tafloring Co,, 312 4th Ave., opposite Dreamland. 132d1m Monday, Janaary 8th, 1912 suitable for lady; also FOR SALE CHEAP A horse. Gentl LUST Yas FOUND. Lost two doit: about end of De- cember, one dark bay, the other be Is, of course, ond which witl NOTICE black stallion with white spot in fore- b bring the greatest number of +f) Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, head, from range 4-13-4, west of 4th. oh replies or answers. It is - + por sale, Lost, Found, etc, ade under Ten dollars reward for their recov law that increased demand those headings. ery, Geo, R. Robinson, Medicine Hat. ' +h makes certain the quicker + 25 words, one day .. ..' .26 16006 of ale. y 25 words, three daya .. 60 ot The Want Ad id the brief- + 26 words, six days .. .. 1.00 POUND Scart pin attast Tennis us + ind of an Ad. that is ever adaitional words at same Fate-No -dance,Owner can have same by i ch written, and hence in its Drev- / aq accepted for Jess than 25 cents. paying for this ad and broving pro- Iy, but when. an abnormaikty of the eye.or of the muscles ck ity there must be wit-wisdom. Cash must accompany the onder. perty, Apply to News office. 180ate Many: people are nervous wrecks because the *h The Want Ad. can only tnter- ++) +phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and sais gned for its use, thus robbing other organs of the 2 oe ee ee - 1 will receive attention, FFOUND on Main St on Jan. 2nd, meses terest. . eet uurse containing money. Owner tem Is disturbed When the eyes are strained and se. -tntorsated?in ench and, alt. cf : with z ss es and ailments that would not exist if the eyes the five easentinis to every RUF W satel absip Oblel of Pollen or sont wn that the mental capacity is greatly increased lt; wee Ad. These essentials, s ANTED Young girl to take obi im the order of-thelr import? : rn00n. ly, to Mrs, d the various organs of the body can not do their out in after Apply, sb ance, are, first, the names.ot ++ -7. a, Dawson, West Allowance. 15143 AUCTIONEERS 5 the-article or thing advertis- en - worn, e Fed; second the quality of the WWANTED Young indy to work tn FY. B. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock ugly fam liar with the mechanism of the eye, with wh article or the kind of thing -*h cigar stand. Apply to box 1000 *and General Auctioneers; farm , abnormalities; one who Kiows whet muscles *h-advertised; third the price of. + Nows office. and ranch sales a specialty; hotse j*k gt; the article or thing advertis- + sales of furniture will receive our- z ed; fourth, the address, + SITUATIONS WANTED special attention. Goods ot any d - (phone, or street number) of wrt Seription an be entered for our reg- the advertiser, and, fifth, the ++ F OUSEKEEPER S PLACE WANT yjar weekly. sales. on the Market We should have a thorough exaimination made of fe namo of the advertiser. e ED by competent person in of out Square, Cash advanced on goodi bone , When the above.essentials -f ottown, Apply 145, New office. 15243 /aignea for absolute sale, Apply H. h are fully and truthfully stat- B. Browne Co. 366 Toronto St. *h ed in the Want Ad, the best ++ HELY WANTED, Medicine Hat. Phone 481, See our results are- obtained; but in + a announcement elsewhere of auction * proportion to the number of -+ WANTED Salesmah for Medicine 414, ; Sf: titeee sesentiola:)iqmmiltted oe Hat, for an arti le-which Sells in - * from the Ad., does the advert- +f-/ very office. Apply by letter box 144 +h ser curtail the results to his News ss z SSE bs ad. Bach: Want. Ad. WaNTED LADIES* AND GENTS ; J+ opportunity; look for them in NAMEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN) ' cast-off clothing, shoes; watches, Mrs. E. Tucker, Mrs. Trick, Mrs. hb The News, Phone 13. Fl ate pa idl aow a eave: Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit * + Reo) 3 eed cases, stoves, musical instruments, EERE EE REE Ee EE) Dt a ee Ce furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, dicyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and fexthers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avesiu , opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 701. Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid tor the above, 23Dtt. Ee ee THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand e best selection of Second Hand Tools in the eify. We catry. Furniture, Stoves and B dding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifle , Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and w-nice new line of winter goods. W buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf coples dally, 90 ctreuls 00 copies Thurstay. Advorcinor benefit of the Weekly counte: foratra charge. Bddke open to OL. 2 NO 153 Board of Educ Medical Ma ren---1 he question of having ax ection of the local schools the matter of chicfest in d at the school board t might: It was also wt a system of physical b inaugurated and that whe the board -correspond wit cols in Alberta and Sask Hth a view to eliciting ini ting the systems ado her towns. . Hin the report of Superv a recomimendation that f trdant officer, be . combine it ai school h alth officer, suggestion of Trustee H. whole question -of having ectot was brought up. DICTMENTS: REI ASSINIBOIA HOTEL.- i a MEDICINE HAT. : HOURS 1 TO 5. EVENINGS. BY APPOINTMENT AUCTION SALE mane SQUARE ON FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1912, AT 1 O'CLOCK PROMPT. ast Opportunity HO BUY ESPLANADE PROPERTY AT RIGHT PRICES. Cholee Residential Lot, Esplanade and River, 60 ft. by 225 tty froin-post-office:- inquire for-terms. Also fine, Lot, 60 ft. by 275 ft eam bo bought for 1390. THESE CANNOT BE BEATEN. s London, . OW. AP, Cable.) Jan. 8. The dismissal of OVER SHUSTER TROUBLE LPeopte ar Holding Indignation Meetings Fear that None but Russian Rule will Forever Control Tab- riz. i When we shalt-offer for Sale by Public Auetion a large quantity of Driving and Heavy Horses, Cows, Oxen, Single and Double i s Sleights, a quantity of Farming Implements . Entries for this Sale.can be made up to 12 o clock-on day of Sale, at the offices of the Auct. fonecrs, 866 Toronto Street, Medicine Hat. Phone 481, wa St Bast. broke to ride or drive. 120. Otta- lzgatt R SAL2 Well drilling machine. Complste with gasoline engine, 809 feet capacity. In good repair, once. P. 0. Box 33, Carlstadt; Alta sell cheap for prompt sale. Noel, 615 Balmoral St, ROOMS TO RENT FoR RENT Cheerful,. warm walk-from P.-O. FURNISHED mi convent nces. St. ROOM TO RENT All mode: venfonces, Apply 701 Street, i 546. R SALE 1 cooking gas stove, dou- ble ovens, in perfect shape. Will Li P.O. 15243 up- stairs front room. Five minutes 386 Main -St.-15143, - TO LET, moa- 642, Montreal 150atf Ottawa, iasate ROOMS TO RENT with all-modern conveniences, suitable for gentle- men, Apply 133 Ottawa St. Phoge 142att on Sidnuary 16tit, user the olairmen HB: BROWN CO, W. Morgan Shuster as treasurer-gen- pie Spey HOH OF Great Baitein, and Ressia in Persia have created much fecling in England, where preparetions-are phing A meeting to condemn the encroach. ments of the integrity of Persia, will ba field gt Hammerstein's Opera House trait the ship of Sir Thomes Barclay, and in eral, another restilt of- the co-opera- an address at Edieburgh, Lordtam- former. governor of Bombay thought Tabriz would uever again know-but Russian rule. It was made for a protest. of non-partisans. necessary he said to secure the reten- tion of Teheran as an independent ca pital, otherwise partition Gf Persia was certain. Prairie Pride. Patent Flour ae - not only stands the test, but always yields satisfactory results it is the FLOUR in which to lacs your confidence ask your dealer for it. The Medicine Hat Milting -Co Limited THE THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA GUNERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED ttention given to the business of Ranchers and Special attention gi yaks bus Savings Bank D partment at all branches. MEDICINE HAT BRAN W.0. JOY, MANAGER. Phebeibnieebiebiithiebicteiitiickiitr eit th: Jotficial of the water company, who was found dead in a field near th: wal orks reseryoir on the morninj (Special to News) of January 28-Tast, Following 1 Philadelphia, Px; Jan. An adpli conviction of Andrews woman living APPEAL IN ANDREWS CASE and Tpndon, LABOR LEGISLATION stats att 7 ) CROSING DOWN ALL secrete se een ENGINEERING PLANTS Manufacturers cannot Com- pre with Others and hays to Migrate. SOOT FOR LONDON 4Y, Tons per 7 Acre are annu- ally Deposited all over English Metropolis. CW. A. P. Cable.) Jan. 8 The Lancet feading medica journal -ubis-waek terys 78,050 tons ft anoullly io London oF at nverage, of 4 tons an acre. y from ill-consumed coal and domestic open grates. The failura of The Thames Works, one of the greatest and oldest im the country, is being used as the text for a sermon agai philanthropic legislation which 1s meant to benefit the working man, but which is pr This comes chi ing disastrous. the oot are deposited Iron socialistic The tows have gone to the Clyde, the Thomeycrofts to-Welstom, the Matida- with the nine hour day and lower A northern firm as. offered to: take over the contract of the Thanies Co., fot two cruisers if the mexi- will ac- cept a fifty hour week. The men scout this suggestion, (Special te the News) Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 8 Represen- tatlves of the various trades. unions throughout the State, and in large numbers, were assembled in this city wages of tha North must close down. A old, may hemystead quarter section of KENTUCKY LABOR FEDERATION today, when the Kentucky branch of Ss modern house. Also large par- NOTE The Auctioneers intend to hold these Sales weekly on the Market, and farmers and others:can now depend on a regular Sale for cattle, pro- duce,or anything they may haye to dispose of. Phone 669. 287 Ssplanade. LATIONS. SYNOPSIS OF CaNADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Alberta, * a Northwest Territories and in Ny person ho is the sole head of a family, or any male over 13 years bja, may be avaflable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion. Lanfls Agency. or Sub- Agency ior the: district. Entry by acres will be leased to on Application for a proxy may he made-at-any Agency.-on- certain conditions, by father, mothe son, daughter, brothe or sister, of intending hemesteader. Duties Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live withio nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 atres solely owned-and-oceupted by him or by his facher, mother, son, daughter, brother divisions of shall be himself, ( PRED unfurnished light housekeep- Tug rooms, every convenfence, In lor bedtoom with or without board. : alate. OOM TO RENT Nice warm front bedroom in modern house. Apply ap2att naceee lb. Bartlet tt por- tion of the Province of British Colum: term-ot leased for twenty-one Years at empaniaal Tatil of 1 an acre, tore thas be described by sections, on legal sub- sections, and? in unsur- veye? territory the tract appiled for out-by the applicant THE GLOBE CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. beg to announce that they are opening a cleaning and Pressing establishment opposite the Fire Station on 4th Ave. Al work guaranteed to give satisfaction, New Will sell-cheap for cash, if taken at amd-secomdhand goods bought and sold, Mark Harris; Prop. LEGAL, T)AVIDSON WILL; Barristers, So- Ucitors and Notaries, Medicine Hat. Offices: Corner of Toronto St. and are, Telephone 614. P. 0. box 105D. WILLIAM P. BUNDON, Barrister, 15106. a Offices: Pruitt Block, Room 2 Telephone 674, P.O. box 640, 63Dte Lost in C, P. R, yard Dec, 20th; Steel Staff about 6 inokes-in-fen enclosed in binck rubber tase about 10 inches long with screw top. This 8 part of electric staff system and Very necessary to operation of trains, Anyone finding same would confer fav- - or by returning to Medicine Hat yard ree Doininion and Alberta Land Surveyor And Muntelpal Engineer. Phone 494, Burn s Blk. Medicine Hat. lease must be pane Or a applicant in person to iRT, TROMMONT. EEO . A. ADBIT, Telephone 68. the American Federation of Labor op- ened its annual convention... The.con- vention will continue its sessions un- til allts business s concluded, which will probably be late in the week, In Jaddition to transacting the- usual) amount of routine business the con- vention will discuss various legi: Igtive measures affecting the inter- fifty acres extra. ests of the working people. Among other things an effort will be made to abolish the laws permitting pris- on-made goods to. be sold In the open market without designation. or sister. in good. standing may rre-empt quarter-section stead. Price 8.00 per acre. try (including the time required earn homestead patent) and cultival tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased - homestead in. certain dfi triets. Must reside six months in each erect a house worth 300.00. cation for a now trial in-the cas 'of jin Warron confessed that she had result ot legislation fixing an cight Don't miss The Last of the Fron- WW, CORY, Jolin M, Andrews Game up for bearing ucciden'ally red the shot that killed) hour day in Tondon and enforcing. a tignacs at the MONARCH THEATRE Deputy of the Miniater of the Intertor. FL betore the. supreme court of Pennsjl Amann.but later sho repudiated her ctnuse-tn-government contracts order: Monday. 4000 reet of flm, 4 reels. N. B. Unauthorized puDiication of In certain districta a nomesteader- alongside his home- Duties. Must reside uponethe homestead-or pre-emption six months: In each of six.years from date of homedtead en- A homesteador-who-hias exhausted is* homestead right and cannot ob- Price 3.00 per acr . Dutles three y ars, cultivate fifty acres and jehtS ipplied or my not available, hut not otherwise. on-the merobant. a able output of the mine at the rate of five cents per ton, - The person operating the mine shal furnish the Agent with sworn returns accounting for the full quantity of merchantable coat mined ani Fine large Office in the News Block, royalty thereon. If the coal 20 x 25 feet in size, well lighted, rights are being operated, such . 7 should be furnished at least once , team heated, modern conveniences, APPLY TO gt; News Office. The lease will include the coal min. a ing rights only, but the lessee may he permitted to purchase whatever-avail able surface rights may be considered ne for the working of the mine La Crosse, Wis, Jan: 8 A -special grand jury convened today to inves- tigate alleged irregularities and inet ficlency in-the local tire. sind poles departments, . It is expected that-rum- OFFICE 10 RENT. to te of At the rate of 10.00 an ac: For full information appliestion shouldbe made to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, 0 tawa, or to any Agent or Sub-Agea *cepuia here today. Androws, who was alleged von ession, g.prominent business man of Warren ee gud former superintendent of the War- Don't miss Water Company. was convicted of t'gnacs he Last of the Fron- at the MONARCH THEATRE) and mig gration of aH the great engin Fall Amann, 2 former Monday. 4000 fect of film. 4 reels, fering works of London. ing the payment of the standard trates of wages fixed by the uniows in cach locality has been the closing down The Yar Shilol s Gure STOPS COUCHS Paice is conse this advertizemeat will not be paid for. of Dominion lands. : Sept. 14-D-6m. W. w. CORY, Deputy Minister of tae Interioy -Stgna-that-attract. City Sign Works, nls advertisement will ret 'be paid fo Unauthorized publication of ore regarding T ltracts and other alleged grafting op- + erations also will be called to the at Phone 475. 4epte, Sept:14-D-6m, tention of the grand jury. the participation of city and county officers In eS See Buffalo, N. ., Jan. 9 The ithout 9 name has. secure 90 Der. cent. of the business and selling coaste Plcycles nd motor cycle ge per centage of other bi ories and.thereby has vio anti-trust law, is fridictments handed down 1 grand Yury here today. There are.eight counts in etments in-which 18 indlvid corporations are char; nspiracy to restrain theiro d that of competitors .and Through Medicine Hat's pnually nearly 80,000 in fu Hatters-would be payin: pg their coal supplies, but tiful and apparently n ry little outlay an nter months and smile at t r cities shivering in the jcreased,-as of course it is Jousands we are going to 1 js will be enormous and simple endowment of nai d. For think What it meai rmers and ranchers are dr Ing-turn pale at the though pped from far away, Hatte airs-and reading their Medi Definite figures of th i the--past yoar are net-y, h...No-less than 400 million mantifacturers anothers jeir industries an exact fit 1911 woiild be difficult mewh re in the nelghborh posilble to find out how 1 tural gas in the city. It 500 feet.of .gas. Upon-tha ng of coal in a year in orde irements. Coal in some p it during the month it has gea 3. Taking os a me actical: purposes to averag: fount 6fcoal it would ther g 77,99).more than fs nov stocked In the average nis means that it would t hough coal to be burned in ress the gas quivalent of : EE com purchasablo by the t ut two mites. * These are facts and fig ro Uielt gag each day,but je thught of having to pay ey Wonld-consid r the gre menin- the way ot wavin fat has little to complain
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Image 40 (1912-01-08), from microfilm reel 40, (CU1770587). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.