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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Wodnoaday, J Wodnesday, January 10th, 1918 Page Four F MEDICINc HAT DAILY NEWS ; : aii DON?T FORGET THE QUADRILLE. DANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, AT THE OPERA HOUSE r Cent. Be , CoE SOOIAL AND PERSONAL/(Jenergl Clean-uz gf the R d t e n C HT. Cc. vt at St ohn, om Antwerp nd City s Wandering Beggars eauctlo : ALTORADO Tived' at St. John, from Antwerp and Longlon at 16.45 on January- . lars to the Company's ante a eee ere any THREE UNDESIRABLES WHO WERE ARRESTED-BY THE : MOUNTED POLICE, SENT AWAY TO LETHBRIDGE PRIS- Ce Capital. 5 at 22:20. i that were thoiight might be thous- 5 ai lt;The eighth annnal bonspiel of the ONMENT. and Years See ae DIAMO F as Royal Caledonian Curling Club will hombtteaders found rit of an-ealm- We have recently s ll Chri Neck: AURTHLY MAGAZINE be held at Calgary on-Janutry 17-17.) Two. wags trom ts. coustry i iaeacwial se to ae ao the /al embedded in the solid. sandstone: Three stock of dia On a ristmas ecK- Sees . ee re hind ee Fred Wilson end Joba O'Brian, police axe able to spot who beneath q seam of coal. This speci po ata prs APs Sa Truth and. Sy ASSUUEOS rect January 23-5 inclusive, with a Uo eEt IA by the Novth Meat Mount (90 re an any onecs elllaaseee nes ee ae ENGAGEMENT wear, coon coats, fur-lined Best Assets is the Slogan/ anal return imit to Jan. 31. ed Police and tipse were taken to tHE Ot cists are made of Ring or oc ies. cannot.-be beaten . of the Company. The twenty-fourth wnnual bon: focal barracks, They were: brought smofding himself a nuinancs pe is taken Ube New Year's dance at Doondale Canada, Diamonds up to 550.00. -G, W. ELL sR WELER AND Issuer of Marriage Saree Mee wens Bes Up before Captain Parker to receive'to the police station. . If Be cannot was well attended. This school is Yesterday was an. historic day 1n/T, eual gomcessione ill be grant, Ut BeBFinE but evidence dking too. give a good account of himself and'ot Perhaps the sire in Altirta, dodicat- the history of the Canadian Home 1-24 t4 contestants. taicuea Gas eee them they Se guil- his goings-on he is put into the cells ae Goddess Tersicore.. And sure gt; vestment Company, for the capltalis: 55 Gheatnea trom the GEE Uekedl 2, charges. Hach of them was and takes his stand in the dock the Iy this moble dance bas some apt ation of the company which BAS Dre- mee, shone 201, sent to Lethbridge to serve a month's following day. The magistrate gives pupils. ; coats, sheep-lined coats, 2 sweaters, heav y gloves and* es felt-shoes viously been at 100,000 was enlarged tothe tune of an extra million mak- ing the present capital 1,100,000. Great things are predicted of this: The meeting of the Canadian Soc- lety of Civil Engineers will be hela in Montreal January 24-27, There Will be going-dates-from-Jan: 10.22. imprisonment there. This trm of the year a number of undesirab es come into The Hat when all else fails them or whn they have short shift to these men and they are in eriable cleared out of the city. In the case of undesirable aliens a rec- ommenda:ion that at the expiration The dizgot legislation petition that has been circulated here seems to get numbers of signers. Unfortunately few if any who signed it know what company in the near future, and SI -/rhe usual concessions to delegates, e Warmed by the police of other of his sentence he be deported is itis. This in itself is perhaps one of antic extensions of business On A) their wives and daughters will be ities to get a move on. Not beitig. by the magistrate, the most positive evidence that we. scale seldom seen before are now z we of the character of The Hat Through the olliciency of both forces should be carefal in meddling along. + - deing arranged which should justify) The eighth annnual bduspiel of the * y drop off here, somel ; . + that Hine. 7 the statement of the general manager Saskatchewan Curling Association Tough freight. Fortunately for The ately free of tugs and vags who per- We understand that the Baker mine that the company Is the finest and) wit pe held in Regina Jan, 11-20, Hat it is possible to keep track of ambulate other towns in the winter is getting out q much tetter grade best of its kind in the world. Rates of fare and a third will be gt;in Y of theses individuals who Ishd months. : coal just now. - W. King, general manager of the eect between all stations in Sask- mn Mr, James Sergeant, J.P., kag re- company, arrived In the city, yester- atchewan only. The usual conces- i 2 jaigned fromthe presidency of the 1d day from Vancouver and gave an i0- sions will be given to cohtestants 0 1 : teresting resume. of the financial Ne eral Association. It is to be hoped. SP oer retreteetretes Alberta. SS Sresioesiosieg status. of the company as well as the ay enthusiastic meet of the Boy that Mr. Sargeant will not retire al- : Imperial Bank of Canada Position It was Intended. to cecu scouts was held at, headquarters last come. were before the house. Z NT fairs. He has in the-financial world in the days to night. Ay fal fe always been 80 energe- te Be tic when matters of local interest. Uniike many other financial a * soap Willd ; ' lt; oD as it I saat of the Imeoat Dek wae, Of these 130,000 Came from the United States and 2 institutions, the CHIC, ee peter Sliaad i te gt; a ph Sifend is the tatest ar- Capital and Rest . s+ 11,998,800 iowa, to es meabee seth oa ey cegee PMB STL) COR ni horn clean, a gt; dnocenss Cf GO war Gent Amt be mitt ox aocth cole . .. 72,000,006 t, mofe than a financial concern Whose 15. sow guties here ot Ga . by ease per Tie: watliry is Goptening as teck a, Bl cuter aim ts: the swelling of thetaty. in pice of George over Previous Year. a8 ee tural -again. Jo We understand that the 6 10 district will proceed to build immedi- he Soest S A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. A. D, DUNCAN, Act. Manager ends of the company, but i a sys- Oth WES lense eee oe ter imilar to that which was fe T to be te Bi aniaclated by sir Christop- Gavin L, Jack of the Canada Swift (CW. A. P, Dispatch) : Total Assets ..... Up, ni only amongst the board of directors, but also amongst employees who are Concratulations to Mr. and Mrs.'show a totdl of 361,000 as. against William Crockford who, today were 311,084 in 1910. One hundred and wer 1910. There was a relative de- crease from Europe and othe countries, A phenomenal increase: in Meine ER Brseeh. ner Purnias, the great ship-bultder. /Co- S im the eity today. Winnipeg, Jan. 10 Bruce Walker, fain totalled 760,000 which represents srqry, 4,5 Sgubtiul, howover,-il the s LLDPE OAL Lote dedocteateatedededtecteagy The concern is a profit sharing Insti- R. Struthers of Winniveg, who has commissioner of immigration, today an- increase of thirty per cent from Von ,, Sul Commend the top price bi r fution whereby the accumminted we- Spending short time in the/handed out official figures of imm - Scotland and 2 per cent from England ' *eut being voted through by the people a Dakota where he has been for some TAR THEAT TICENSED FILMS AT THE OLD STAR. The Special Messenger, A Kaltim War Story A Quaker Mother, .. x Vitagraph Drama Lost Horse Mr. Inquisitive, . lt; lt;, Lubin-- Comedy EVENING PERFORMANCE 815 and 9.15. Pst off 0 t oF F HO and 15 Conte really the shareholders of the comp-j te Proud thirty thousand persons crossed the the number of immigrants from the time on business. . any. The ission system of, oo * border from the United States last United States was the feature of the payment of salaries has been adopt- year as compared with 121,451 nln three months of the year, becom- a sada working tor wre nererts fl - PRA F (PPR ACM 2230. tmmtsration trom Great Bri-jing-first apparent in September. reality as much swelling his own divi- - a. dends as he is those of the company , Thee are few Canadian, publica lt;on Wide lt;which is a weekly feprint of SECRET PORTUGAL SOCIETY RE- An interestt: ture in et, mS to the, arena ne tacentiy been ade articles tend cartoons from the lead- FUSES 'T0 BE DISSOLVED. THE WEATHER Gently as the dewdrops descend, come CLOTHES VINE. scp tna lt;a is now piling up inch by inch. With the glass at 21 below early this mor- ning but with slight rise-in temper : co oe : tions go well worth while as World birt (i) PURIUGaL ADMISSION. ing journals and review: lecting AD? 18SI0) AFTERNOON AT 8 AND 4. oe Se. aaa MONARCH THEATRE (The Home of Good Pictures.) T tday s Program of Photoplays. + 6 and 10 Cents. opted, which makes each of the em- ployees a member of what might be termed a club where matters of in- terest to the whole company are dis- cussed and: debated on by. the mem- bers, giving each of them an.appor- tunity of airing thelr opinions and grievances to their heart's content Added to this a periodical which fs at Present published monthly, but which will later on be published Wapielrt6: circulated amongst each of the em- ployees, giving an account of all meetings held as' well as supplying general information . respecting mat- the current thought of hemis- pheres, Without Wisdom of its own, World Wide reflects the wisdom of the age the day the hour the momont- Without opinions :of its own, World Wide beats to the tick of modern British and American thought. World Wide finds a welcome place on the study table. Business men, preach- ers, teachers, writers, and thinkife people in-all walks of life hail it 3 a most-delightful visitor. An effort 1s made to select the ar- that it is illegal and dangerous to the Lisbon, Jan, 10. The Carbonaros, secret republican organization which is the reat power behind the repub- lie, has issued 2 defiance to the mem- bers of parliament who are seeking the society s dissolution on the ground welfate of the nation, Luz eD'Almeida, chief of the Gar- bonares, declares that no government is strong enough to cause the death of the onganization, whose patriotism and force are necessary to defend the republic against a monarchy. ONE RESIDENT REPORTS PAIR OF BLANKETS LIFTED FROM HIS BACK YARD. Petty thelt is beginning to show its head in the city and citiz ss are war- ature as the day procetded,-there is. still g sharp, keen air with but little sum to prighten the city. Old Sol has kept away for the past tor ay ae rather unusual experiqnee for Tits Haty. and-the-mora snow that comes down the more there still scems to ta up: ned. to tae additional cate this wes- ther of any of their goods they -may, leave atout in unguarded places. Lest a'ght some blanie:s that were bang- ing on the line in the garden at 119 West Allowance were stolen and ut for some more snow elore the Ffresh- present: no clue to the perpetrator of the deed bas been discovered. The po- aloft. The snow ploughs have teen. dusy-the last three days, piling ab into banks the conglomeration that rapidly accumniates on the sidewalks. every hour. The Hat is evidently im ening western blast relieves it of its accumulation and lets ia once. : 5 ie the coxt of a six mont Week, at the SOUTHERN Bp Ubtdtd . MEDICINE ee y Business Subjects AND atl call fF ar The Tail of a Cat saul and David ters that come under the purview of ticles each week so that due propor-' the staf. - tion ts-given to-the various fields of AL The first number is a voluminous human interest to the shifting scenos but citizens will do well to take -ex- 9) one and is named The C.H.I.C. Stan- of the world's great drama, to letters tra precautions at this time of year) iy eS aes dard, and contains not or gee sotees at emulating Unique and Interesting So- when anything in-the way af ciothes MR* OUINUAN'S 7 mary of C.H.1.C. news. but also There is no paper more acceptable cjg to iven by Bap- tapidly seized upon by thoss:who . oe 53 - : : . The funeral of Robert B. a series of articles on matters that than World Wide to the busy man) igt Young People Will *7* bard up. 5 a: a Quinlan, lice are on the stern look-out for vags more the rays from the sum. 0c . am. Admission 15 Doors Open at 7.30 Children 1 are of interest to. Chlecers. This or woman who wants to keep in e Tope, 5 ee paper is not as might be imagined of touch with the world s thinking, -and ; ei C..N. RB. RESUME STEEL LAYING *iHl be held trom the family residence see inee every Day 3.15 arid 4.15. : Matin so vs nies : the dry and matter-of-fact type that many of World Wide s readers would lt; 219 Main street to-morrow (Thureda : ees is usintty associated with a financtal heaftily endorse the words of one of The Baptist Young People's Union Red Deer, Alta., Jan. 10. The C. momting at 9.90 o'clock to St. Pat + gt; magazine, but it contains a number them who says almost every article re einoncing a Tag Sotiat tote WR esumi on R of useful articles written by various in almovt every issue you feel you held Thursday evenine of this week Rreveautine from here Saturday, and at 10 o' lock py Rev. Father Cadoux.* 7. of the employees in a. presentable would like to show to a friend or put im the church, This will be the first iti reach Modicine river in about /Interment will be made at the Catho- Manner that does notre; the-reader away among your tredsur rs Or or, meting of the season for the Union, one month, A lane Wooden bridge lic cemetary. As a slogan the CHIC takes its another, World Wide'1s a mine-of in- aad it i itis stand on Truth and Energy and all formation, good to have, hard to do ber of young people will be present. they wi'l not reach Modicine river in death came as a great shock to the those emptoyees who are arot pre- without. The committee in charge promise a stout one month. A large wooden many friends of-the fam'ly in the- pared to adopt this high principle in If you do not know World Wide' delightful-evening, with mever a dull: bridge has to be built there, and itis city, and their deepest symoathy is all their actfons are given to under- personally, the publishers will gladly) moment, and many new fextures- A-aivety they will mot reach the moun- extended to the stricken amily im - stand that their vs s+ oe A Pathe Drama . ., A Vitagraph Drama For S --- +, A Lubin Comedy presence in-the send samples free of charge on. ap- hoeptge invitation is extended to all. tain honse till midsummer. their bereavement. Beveralitrion of 2 company -te-unwelciime Truth and piication- World Wide seis at tive ag serene a ee es ate: Matinee at 3.15 and 4.15, Bulk Prices 10 and-15e. Energy Assures Best Assets Is the cents (5c) per copy, but the yearly) sign Soe Zs iiath: eeAceerican: r s + Heading of the Wrst vol- subscription +-only- 1:50;a-year.-On al gt; some yoling cock Brenings at 800 900: + +: + Prices Ibe ume, and to show that this fs.not me- one year s trial to new, subscribers, atigg McGregor, fleld secretary of Tee ie : : lt; rely an empty platitiide to entioe only 100, by mentioning this paver. ine Now Mf. will address the mls-i WW AM A. BEGG Gigeeuee business, each of the staff is reward- Address, Joon Dougall. Son, W- stonary rosieties of SL. Johns and 7 : Beep teeter Roo Bee: acetone paiement te egey ed by a certificate ot honor Just in ness Office, Montreal. Knox churches wert Tuesday night. BARRISTER, ETC. - Smee Cheb bie oie Proportion to his attaining the re- the 18th, in St. John s ehurch at S SS - 3 S 3 quired standard of ficiency in up- o'clock. A meeting of the missiou 5 ig lt; E VEN IF YO DON holding the tanner whiet the comp-/ HAT MAN GIVEN band a called fOr 4.15 the same day. Has Removed from 374 Toronto Street, Wh A. He : any insists on fying over its bul- s . See aceon : on ee : . : ark, : ; . The Becker Bloc eeom i E: 2 Various orders of merit, certificat- TWO MONTHS AS A LIFE INSURANCE The Becker Bloc care ios aaa ees ee ed in colors according to the stand- MAIN TREET. ees ee CINE T Particularly Moet a Eu You ought not art of proficiency, are awarded to VAG AT LETHBRIDEE te oak dal - peeve a MLE eos pass the e employees, the following col rst; ES se: Tae ? a - - f Fatenitying the symbolfe tate: WAS GIVEN PERMISSION TO BEG ces C R Vj N - O 'y tion of their meaning: AND SPENT MIS EARNING TI For Medicine ae District wee : - F. : Blue being the color of the seal.of BOOZE WORKED CHEQUE Only good produc ra need apply. . ; . the salesmen, is symbolic, of the op, GAME. ae State references and ees SS er hE EA oihi Bs - i in ening of one s eyes-when first com- Good opportunity for capable per W. B. MARSHALL, ae MITCHELL BI : Phone No. 198 pf . Offerings + ing into this life' s light to the blue; Lethbridge, Jan. 10 H. Roberts son. SG eadise Phe . j canopy of heaven, which.; the city from Medicine Hat. AV, W. Stewart, Managing Director. * 2 - a i ee * SEMI - READY LON ELY S U ITS 2, tidden from view by restless last week, and succeeded in getting THE MONARCH : : jones oe ef couse porbaiestce, dooms cake edhe 1h Lave ASSUBABOR C0. I -Jesso The green seal is symbolic. of clergy to beg for a few pro- Winnipeg, Man,, Canada: ' y te eg 1 The quality of Semi-Ready Clothes has long earth's beautiful spring covering, vide ero with the necessaries (Cocimanigaticns eoutidential.) Y - F nae Ie bli intain- which all mankind and all God's cre- life. The Pecond day of his career he - * 5 ; been established and is carefully maintain atures seem to Cwilocnsd eestor was picked up in a very inebriated WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED iz Phone 1 we 5 -ed and you get the finest result to-day of all ' ing with songs of praise. condition, and Chief Gillespie had the 7 oe STOCK-TAKING AND ARE OPEN TO SUPPLY THE WANTS OF fi; the brains that ever devised Clothes: : The-red neal In ayrboite of the be- pleasure of ordering himto-mavetol * VOICES FROM - j ee ne os Z autitul rising of. the sun in-all-tts More distant headquarters..: Ro- THE. RANGE THE PUBLIC FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK-OF HARD- ff Gall and see these Splendid Offerings glory and radiance, giving beautiful berts, however, liked the climate and a WARE. THANKING YOU FOR-PAST PATROXAGE AND. HOP. - day, whereby best efforts are put decided to remain, and on Saturday 4 delightful volume of verse con- ARE i you + AS 7 RE MOE a 25, 22.50, 20.00 Suits for... ..... 18.00 forth, warming hearts and veins -with ot busy on the old cheque game. He taining vivid word pictures of West- ING TO BE. FAVORED WITH YOUR TRADE IN-FUTURE. 18,00, 16:50, 15.00 Suits for .. .. 13.00 de desire to ever go on to better con- Made poor headway, however, but orn Canadian Life. Poetry teeming - gt; : pallies aaa tnt Bh y (00 Suits f 8.50 dition: , Ianded in the celis instead. This with romance. Stirring Ballads of ms ota mar? 13.00, 12. for ... Siete hati 64 The gold wan is symbolic, as tt morning he appeared on a vag charge the Plains and beautiful descriptions 1 - Open Day anid Nicht. y shows posit that in possession for which he got two months, the of nature. YF of thie seat fe, Has shown the met. charge, of false pretenses not being pronounced by leading critics to be : ws . .alic chara if which he s comp- Pressed. the best collection cf verse published i ars baad ; C PRM ENS S ORE E, osea that M fonestly and truthfully. a in Canada, : : 7 WR Si Ae FD a Hleserves r pg through the , a. y Rhoda-Sivell. H CARPENTER - Ant e g py Rods jardware Co. cagrenceroan H. S. IRE J, company havife placed upon him the Shiloh3 Gure See Press Critielsm. 5 a 2 et: lel A - Ss. LAND. 1 highest hondg; there s-tn the sub- t To be hud from-ril Booksellers. Aa - i Repelfe 2 s execiitive SALE THROAT nO LUNGS Ba Genre PRICE 7c. ae raore PPPOE POOL od odletodo decode tee - fee t
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Image 52 (1912-01-10), from microfilm reel 52, (CU1770588). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.