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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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etter, last d cost less plaster and t BOARD rack, chip or t BOARD eat and cold, und, and re- g - BOARD nd easily put , one Maursday, February stb, 1912 ARE -OFFERING EXCEPT- IONAL V.ALUES IN DIAMONDS. Our buying is done direct from Buropean firms, thus saving the jobbers profit, Drop in and so oF values G. W. ELLIOTT SEWEL ND OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses FRIENDLY RIVALS, both giving lght and heat to hu- Si ty. The gun can only t Ur tiy day, while electricity never ceases to supply a given lo- cality with LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER. at you contemptate any etectrteat tn stallment in your home or business consult us before going ahead. We can save you money in more ways than. one, t BOARD nevery home. VER Trial ONVINCE our PURE UIT JUICE PANATORIUM Thatcher and McLellan. Cleaning and Pressing Work + Guaranteed. G. L. Dunham's old stand. Corner. of Fourth Avenue and Toronto St O05 49S 00 STP TOOOOTOD E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. - Druggist- Complete stock of Toilet Articles wiries, Proprietary Medi- Sines, ete, ing of Physicians Pre scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry. St. 302 2 the cost of a six rionths'courve, three mighta a week, at the SOUTHERN ALBEBTA Cina) MEDICINE HAT. AD Basinese Subjects taught. Write or call for particulars Phone 73- EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE PLUS 2.00 for the round trip. Dates of Sale, Feb. 18th, 14th, and 15th, 1912. gt; Going transit Umit, 15 days. Final return limit months. For further fnformation, apply to any C. P, R. AGENT, Medicine Hat. Till Feb. 14. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent Phone 201 or to R. . MeNEILLIE, District Passenger Agent, Calgary, Alta. STRO VY ADVISES HIS FRIENDS TO FAPOSN Plus FoR THe RiSNeYS T have been a Pullman the C, P. R. and Michi; during the last three yea four-years ago, I was laid up with intense pains in the groin, a very sore back, and suffered most severely when. Ftricd to urinate, I treated with my fal physician for two montha for in the bladder but did not eae any benefit. About that time, I met another railroad man who had been similarly affected and who bad been cured by taking Gin Pills, after ductor on Central About. SOCIETY WEDDING SCOTTISH CLAN Page Three rz nO LE. AREAL ROMANCE Sir Henry Graham s Dau- ghter Weds Son. of Stumble Signalman. She was Charmed by his Beautiful Singing in Fashionable Church. A romance of real life, as charming ag: anything in the books of fairy tales, has been sade Public by the re- cent marriage in London of Mr. Har- old Knowling to Migs Elsie Graham, daughter of Sir eHimry and Lady Mar- garet Graham and Blece of the late Lord Alwyne Compton. yet the bridegroom had a humble start in lfe. His father, indeed, is a signalman on the Great Eastern Railway, but Mr, Knowling, Jr, in the days of hig prosperity, is still proud of his parents, and they oc- prominent eas bs trend bie him fot abe now on the road and perfectly cured. He strongh saviecd ihe to try Gin Pills which 1 dia, with the result tliat the pains left me entirely. FRANK S. IDE, Burrato, N. soc. a box, 6 for 2.50. ie free. Write National Drug aud Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, W- Toronto, If you suffer with Constipation or. need agentle laxative, take NATIONAL, IVER PILLS. 25 , a box, 105 Can bo correctly fitted with Eye Glasses or Spectacles on short notice, I give. you the most careful service. too, by making exact examinations and adjast- ing only the proper lenses to suit the individual sight, Do not delay if you even think you need glasses, but come where. you will get the most expert service and prices that are right. Phone 596, F.D. Martin SRE E LEADER CrORS AND ILDERS URE WITH YOU gt;LACING YOUR FOR A BUILDING TES FREE. t to inate Hall. einen: time to see about OM YOU ARE TO HAVE ered e 156 and Rey- tewart will be show SPRING PER samples you an estimate all the rooms of S STEWART p. Binning s Store. rnished on ail kinds Paperhauging eininlelninfelninlink Taylor s nsfer leavy Draying. ution to all orders, or Sale. belivered. TE NO. 349. e Mover FOR SALE AVATING. 7 TEAMING ETE WORK. none 260. LAIT TREAL STREET son Co. Directors eng -baimers ay gd Sah Monu snte to8t. Phone 10. N tor The Dally News. POULTRY For Sale Several trios of thoroughbred Partridge Rocks. Hither Eng- lish or Ameriean strains, Also some young cockerels, A. J. N. TERRILL, 812 Esplanade, or at News office J EE WwW, A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Bstablehed 1882) Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat fk A. E. Gibson, C. A., Marnger. Phone No. 198 Burns: Block Progressive ' We eater to that class of patrons who wart (GOOD), not (CHEAP) Photos at a fair price, If you will compare our work and prices with that of oth- ers you will understand why this is the most Popular Studio in these parts THE BARTLETT STUDIO, 4th Ave, plieieea sae For Sale 5 Room Cot- tage, South Yuill, near Linseed Oil. Mills. Terms Easy. CROSSLEY BROS. Builder Contractor, 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 J. Jessop Nott Funeral Director and Embalmer Parlors and Residence, 22 To ronto Street. Phone 145. Monaments, Piscean RIS a 7 aa, Ch as. Johnson rat Director and. EZmbaimer Parlors at 309 Main St corner Third Ave. 987 Main St., Phono 188. Moouments, Open Dat Night. gt;, W.R.Simmonds i+++44+4444444/3 Lumber Co y CARPENTER anp CONTRACTOR - rd . Fi Mi Rema peony seni SAMMONS GUTS 8: 2 reso ' STOPS COUGHS Price ts cutTs. yococsccscteeooeooeee You can as well afford to have wealthier neighbor. ple buy on the play nowadays no matter how much money they have. can haye any piano we carry by piano in your home as your Most peo+ easy payment You making a small initial payment, und the balance'1x :nonthly in- stalments. Does it pay to de- priye yourself of music? THE ASSINIBOIA + PEEP E EEE EE EEE EE EH BOL USIC COMPANY LIMESTONE WANTED Best Prices paid per cord deliver- ed at Medicine Hat THE A. P. BURNS CONTRACTING CO. Seer Cant ee HOME SEEKERS EXCURSIONS. There's many a home seek- ers excursion right here in the city every day personal- ly conducted, too. by. readers: of The Dally News Want Ads, 1 you haxe property for through the Wants; bid pos- sible tenants come and look at what you bave to offer. The Want? cost but 26 for one Insertion, for 60c, one week for 1.00. Phone 13, two rings. Over Doty's Tu-Th. FOR SALE TILL FEB. 23 At 21,000 cash, 7,500 acres in Palm Tree Bottom. brushery or good grazing land, two creeks, 500 cattle, 28 horses, hogs, over 20 miles fenced and all mprov- ments, in the American healthy Blaylock prosperous colony, No trade, no delay. London, Feb. LAWS SETTLE COURT CASE W. A. -P.-Dispatch) A curioug: ase in- volving the old Scottish clan law was decided in the Edinburgh court of-sesslons-today-whon tha Duko-of gt; Honsst dcvcdints do not offer subs Argyle made an appeal judgment of a lower court awarding the proprietorship of the ruined cas- tle of Dunstatinage to Angus Campbell. He wab quite a Boclets wedding. tor -Dunatatt in giving judgment said the castle was one of the oldest fortresses of Scotland. The date of it erection being lost in antiquity. Up to 1737 it was abundantly clear, the Argyles were the proprietors of the fortress. From the earliest times Interesting Case over Pos- session of Castle Decided in Edinburgh, against the John Ia'owan is strong and Healthy in. womanly w efhood iaewus to her but littie sullering. a ree in the hat the many women suffer from weakness and disease the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted for motucrhoud. This can be remedi Dr. Pierce s F avorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses and of women. Tvguts dtcloely on) the Migdlocas end important organs co.cerned in motherhoo i healthy, strong, vigorousy viril Favorite Preseription banishes the indispositions of the period of expegtuncy and makes baby s advent easy and almost psinicss, Ic quickens and vitelizes the feminine Sctaihy and intures a bealtupiael Vabuet Baby. Tiamade 66 women herp testified to its velous merits, It Mai eak Women Strorz. tt Makes Sick Women Well. wies, and urge them spon you as as food. Acoopt no secret nost in place of this mon-seeret at sosiains not drop of alcohol and not a grain of hebit-forming or lnjurious Gruge. lau pire ghycorie extract of healing, native Ameriags Febtac OBSERVE TREATY SIGNING WISCONSIN: AGRICULTURAL Madison, Wis.; Feb, 8 The Wiscon- sin State Board of Agriculture held its annual convention here today. The speakers and their topics were as fol- Opportunities in Wisconsin, (Special to Newr). New York, Feb. Delegates repre- senting the French gocteties of num- erous cities throughout the country gathered in New York today to attend a dinner in commemoration o cupled a posttiguot-honor-ar the wedding, The ceremony, which took place at St, Peter e;-Tewlmy-mear Sir Henry. Graham's house at Marden Hill, was shorn of some of its glory owing to the death of Lord Alwyne Compton, an uncle of Miss Graham. The family party which gathered after the party was a distinguished one, and included the Marquis of Northampton, whose niece the bride is, Adelincs Duchess of Bedford, Lord and lady Loch, D 4 Douglas, and Lord Spencer Compton. The presents included diamond brooch and: necklace from Lady Mar- garet Graham, mother of the bride; a diamond ring from the Duchess of Portland, and valuable xifts of jewel- ry, etc., from Lord Revelstoke; Lord Knollys, Lord and Lady Desborough, Lord Spencer and Lady Salisbury. As a boy, Mr. Knowling, Jn, at- tracted considerable attention by the singular beauty of Bis voice, and his parents stinted themselves to provide him with a first-class musical educa- tion. They had bis yoice trained by Edward Lemare, the famous organist who-had him placed in the choir of St, Margaret's Church, Westminster. It was there Be met the charming and wealthy young Isdy who became his bride. Mr, Knowling has held an appoint- ment at the Law Courts, and now at the age of 23, has promineit posi- tlon-in the Lord Chancellor's office. Miss Graham has been a frequent visitor to the signalman and his wife fn thelr cottage at Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs, Knowling s pride in thelr son is only equalled by their d - Vght at the charm and craciousness of his bride. COUNTESS OF WARWICK. TOUR OF STATES London, Feb. 8 The Countess. of Warwick has accepted an, offer made to her by American lecture agents to give a series of lectures throughout the United States and Canada, Negotiations have been in progress for some time but the countess only now has seen. ber way clear to.under- take the tour, It is now planned that she shall sail on the Mauretania on Dave Colville Chama via Aryvelles Statisn, Tamanlipos, Mexico. As agent will also sell 7,000 acres of Palm bottom brush or grase land, creek. and wall wa- ter, 200 cattle and saddle horses 16 miles fenced, and al , im- provements at 2.00 an acre, will carry 700 Sate 1600 ac- res ts tip top G. T. inueaan CHAMAL, Owner. Feb, 3, -0-d 6td. Let.Us See Your Plans and. we will tell you accurately how lttle lumber you can get along with. We can do this be- cause our lumber does not cut to waste. It is full length, fully, seasoned and free from soft spots. That kind of lumber saves you time and money both. Let us see your plans. The Gas Gity a caceioesuned hebbeb beh teh wales retesedate March 2nd and be absent from Eng- Yand about two. months, The Coun- tess for a considerable. time prior to this offer had thought about making a tour of America, civing lectures on Jabor and other-socia questions. This she happened to mention one day to a friend with the result that she show ea. offers from various quar- ters to arrange such a tous for her. The Countess finally closed with the American agency who she receive 1,500 for cach te ture for er and well known in America and London. It may be added that she speaks with the*vivacity and freedom she usually employs in England. Am- ericans will hear some novel views regarding the condition of the Jabor- ing class and the aristocracy of Eng- Jand from one who has closely studied the one and is intimately acquainted with the other. CALGARY BOND SALE. (W. A. P, Dispaten.) London, Feb. The Bank of Mon- treal will offer today for public sub- scription a 393,500 issue of Calgary four and half per cent. bonds at 101 1-2, the bonds falling due in 1832 and 1942. We have been in business in this town for some time, and we are look- ing to build up trade by always ad- vising our patrons right, So when we tell you that we bave found the effective etzema remedy, you can depend upon it that we give our advice, not in order to sell a few bottles of medicine to akin sufferers, but because We know bow tt will help our business if we help our patrons. We keep in stock an ell-all the well known skin remedies, But we oe coapercrtntndnnetedacatetetnctatetatlctetn will say this: If you are. suffering from any kind of skin trouble, ecze- ma, psoriasis, rash or tetter, We want you to try a full size bottle of D.D.D. Prescription. bell as Captain These Dunstafnage Campbells VaSSUls-and as Such had not-only-the right but the duty to decupy and pot sess the castle which neverthele: remained the property of the super- for, TO DISCUSS SCHOOL PROBLEMS Seerley, Teacher: Indians the University of Minnesota; Charles De Garmo, of Cornell Univer- sity; Prof. Edward F. Buchner, of Johns Hopkins University; Joseph H. Hill, president of the State Normal School, Emporia, Kas.;,.C Kenny, president of the State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis Julian A. Burruss, president of State Normal School, Harrisonville, Va.; Ernest 0. juperinitendent of schools of A. Ross Hill, Holland, Louisvill State convention. ment, their man, D. Ozora 8, Davis of Chicago Theological Seminary, Clarence B. Willis of Mil- fwaukee, Dr. George J. Fisher of New York, and A: G. Knebe of St. Louls, in- ternational set of the Railroad Y.M. 5 Our Personal Advice To All Skin Sufferers CHAS. 8: PINGLE, DRUGGIST Again and again we have se afew drops of this simple wash, ap- piled-to the skin, takes avay the itch instantly, And the cures all seem to be permanent. D.D.D. Prescription made by the D.D.D. Laboratories of Toronto is composed of thymol, glycerine, oll of wintergreen and other healing, sooth- Ing, cooling Ingredients. are just crazy with itch, you will feel soothed and cooled; the utely washed away the moment you apply this D. D. D. We have made fast friends of more than one family by recommending this n sufferer here and remedy to a skin there and we want you to try It now. (Special to News). t, Louls, Mo., Feb. 8. St, Lou preparing to entertain a large gath ing of distinguished educators the last Three days of this month, when the department-of superintendence of the National Association will hold its an- nual meeting in this city. committee in charge of arrangements fa in reoelpt of advices inat the meeting will be unusually well attended. More than a score of col- lege presidents are expected together with many well known professors and superintendents of schools from alt parts of the country. At the coming meeting, for the first time in the history of the association, the several departments will jointly. The divisions are: Soci ty of College Teachers E duca- tion, National Committee, on Agricul- tural Education and the Bdueational Press Association of America. Among the noted educators who will address the gathering are P. P. Clax- ton, United States Commissioner of Education; Superintendent Pearse of Milwaukee, president of the National Educational Association; A. 0. Thontas, president-of the State Nor- mal School, Kearney, Neb. Homer H. president of College, Winona, Minn,, Feb. tives of the branches of the Young which there seemed to have been a camp- of Dunstaffnage, were The local meet National arroll G. Towa. State Cedar Falls, Ia; David B, Johnson, president of Win- throp Norm Secretary -of State James A Frear; Farm Forestry, HL M. Griffith, State , forester; Soll Management, Prof. J, . McDowell, Waukesha; Phe Business Side of Farming, W. M. Hatton, New London; Potato In- dustry in Wisconsin, A. J, Pinkerton, Waupaca. Tomorrow the Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association will hold ts annual session here. signing of the first treaty alliance be- tween France and the United States in 1778 by Benjamin Franklin and the Count we-Vurgennes. Henry White; former ambassador to France, is an- nounced to act as toustmaster, with Attorney General Wickersham aa the chief speaker and M, Jusserand, the French ambassador, the guest of hon- Western Ca nada Co., Ltd. Largest Stock in the City to select from. Best Grade and Lowest Prices. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY. King Street and Road Allowance, Medicine Hat PHONE 463. - t THE REVELSTOE SAWMLL 60D If you intend building, let -us figure it with you. We will give you an accurate bill of the material required. Our stock is the largest and Rock Hill, 8. C.; Prof. Bird T. Bald- win, of the University of Texas; Prof. v. A: Cc, Henmon, of the University T0 MAKE LECTURE of Wisconsin; Prof. William H, Heck, of the University of Virginia; Elmer E. Jones, of the University of Prof. George F. James, of Prof. Prof, Charles Mc- resident of phens, superintendent of schools of Lincoln, Neb.; Calvin N. Kendall, missioner of education of New Je and Owen R. Lov oy, general secre: tary of the National Child Labor Com- mittee, MINNESOTA Y. M. C. A. MEETING . Representa- nesota met here today for the aauital The sessions. will continue the next three days, closing unday with special church services in the morning and a farewell mass meeting in the afternoon, The con- vention will have as a general theme, The Men and Religion Forward Move- around speakers have been instructed to make remarks, .. Promin nt those who are to deliver addresses are President Henry Churchill: King . of Oberlin College, Rev. James E. Free- most of the among of Minneapolis, President - And if you itch absol brow Doors, Fir Finish,.and good straight dimension. : + + + Headquarters for Cement, Plaster, Sash, + a 3 + e : Phone 59 Yard, North Railway To ThSa Svebenepenell apeedtebereess i ; i t ; : : ; 3 : i On and after Feb. 15, all deliveries will be made strictly C. 0. D. My prices you will find will make it worth your while to take ad- yantage of this system. . Any merchant giving credit is asking his customers to pay his hook-keepers salary.Pay cash and save that goeteenstesioes Peto ono ootnd ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. (Established 1849.) The oldest and strongest aecident com- pany in the world. Claims. paid, over 30,000,000. Policies do not discriminate against Rail- way employees. Represented by W. C. Switzer. C. A. Krauss, Medicine Hat, Alberta. Soper Sees eRe Pear geetededectedty Day Phone 311. Night Phone 537. P.O. Box-550. ,- Alberta Foundry Machine-Co., Ltd. MEDICINE HAT Manufacturers of Engines, Boilers, Milling and Mining Supplies, Waterworks Equipm Building Castings, Etc. Dealers in Structural Steel and Irom Etc. QUOTATIONS UPON REQUEST. Brass-and Iron Castings and Fittings of all kinds made on short notice. Special Attention Given to Plowing and Thresh- ing Machinery. tho . Alberta Foundry MachineCo., Ltd. Ngee eer errr 3 2s et soo Poa ay rot Ms fea a v 04 eo e ereeey foes gore eTees
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Image 209 (1912-02-08), from microfilm reel 209, (CU1770909). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.