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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Priday, February. 2nd, 1808 A Few At Half Price Sweaters-and Cordigans - At Half Price BARKER PATTEN Saturday . ta1 examinations coming under their ron, AY'S MARKETS Winnipeg, Feb, 2 May wheat, old opened 101 1-4, closed 101 7-8: July t jopened 102 8-4, closed 103 1-8. May oate opened 44 1-2, closed 84; July opened 44 1-2, closed 44 extra No. 1 feed, May, clone 39 3 May flax opened 189, closed Cash Prices OY Nor. 97 1-8; 2 Nor. r, 90; 4 Nor, 83 1-2; 5 Nor. Nor. 63 1-2; feed 56 1-2. 73 1 Oats No. 2 C.W, 41 1-4; No. 3 C.W. 85; extra No. T-feed 86 1-4; No. 1 food 35 1-4; No. 8 feed 34. Barley, rejected, 47. Flax, No, 1 N.W., 199. American Markets Minneapolis, Feb. 2. May wheat op- peed 106 7-8, closed 107 6-8; July op- 107 7-8, closed 108 3-8. chi 0, Feb. 1 May wheat open- tea103,-closed 103: Ty opened 96 7-8, closed 97 1-2; Sept opened 95, closed 94 7-8, REPORT OF UNIVERSITY SENATE bert hela special meeting last week in order to deal with the spec- charge. Dates were set for examina- tions of land surveyors Act. The dates for examination in medicine were set for April and September at the same tim . as the regular examination. of the University in the faculty of Arts and Science. Appointment. of exam- , ners was considered and left over for 4 spotter meeting in March, The Senate of the University of At- ? SoPTESSRHIHTS SSOTHSSTOT ae 3 Imperial Bank of Canada S Capital and Rest . Total Assets . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. y SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. PED eeatedreecrretedde eacresteraretetrdrr The Angel of Paradise Ranch, . .. American Western Waiting at the Chureb, . .. .. Imp. Comedy Next, * Majestic Comedy oExearilon to jou De Youn .. Pathe Scenic Electric Enlarger, pitonreee 009.3 xe . Pathe Comedy Admission 15 c Doors Open at 7.30- Children 10c SOCIAL ANDE PERSONAL FW. Pa ant ile are in tha +f opened-t02,-closed 102 5-8; May. new, Muple-G i FL. P parker of Enthbridge is ia the city. A. M. Killop from Moose Juw, is bere on business HL. W. Beattie retuned to the city yesterday, having spent the winter at Sarnia, He leeves for tis-ranch Saturday. . Enjgland and wife from Carlstadt are in the citys visiting friends for a fey days. Mr. B. Ingokisby of Seven Persons is in the city, S. T. Hopper ds in the city his ranch away sonth. Miss F .a Porter was the charming young bostess at a thimble tea yee- terday afternoon from four until sev- a, guests from the younger set. Mr. A. D. Grant of Walsh, was tr the city today. T. Scrotink is leaving the Hat to- from morrow for Czernowitz, Austra, He safls in the Empress of Brituin . on Friday next from St. Johns. There wilk be q sitting of the Dis+ trict Court of Alverta on Tuesday Feb. 6th at the Court House, Medi- cine Hat. Thera is also a sitting at Trvine on the 5th inst. BIRTH, Born Saturday,, Jun. 97, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colgshoun, a danghter. REAL ESTATE SNAPS) 250 Block 19, Central Park. 700 a pair Block 21, Cen. Park 600 2 pair Bk, 22, Cen. Park. 750 a pair Bk, 20, Cen. Park. 1050 Lot 5, BK. 98, Braemar, 725 Lot 8, Blk. 82, Ottawa St. 350 Lots 8-11, Bk. 8, Herald. 760 a pair Lots 29-80, Bk. 15, Herald. 700-a pair, Bk. 13, Herald. 825 for 50 ft. Yulll 8; 3500 7 roomed house, Brae: mar St., 800 cash. 8,005 roomed modern cot- tage, Ottawa St, S, New, 650 50x200 ft, Central Park. TERMS ON ALL. There were present a number of NO FICE The Marshall Hardware Co., Limited, hav- ing sold their business, all accounts are now payable to Messrs. Marsha l Hunter, at their office in the Assiniboia Hotel Block, . formerly, occupied by Johnston .Co. Real Estate. THE MARSHALL HARDWARE C0, LIMITED ee ee HERQ AT BOSTON Boston, Mass,,, Feb. 2 General Ba- den: Powell, chiet of the -Boy Seout movement of Great Britaln, closed a strenuous day in this city at a ban- quet and a lecture at Tremont Tem- THE MARSHALL-MICHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD. and Retail. Shelf and Heavy eee Supplies. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithirig a Specialty. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat ple last night, The early part of the day wagsiven up . a round of greet- ings from Boy Scout organizations organizations. and representatives of the State military department was at seer Rand to pay respects to the defender of Mafeking. If Opera House HH The Laughing hit of two Continents A. G. DELAMATER ANNOUNCES Your ideal home is now within your -grasp if you act ee quick, We'have just listed a house that i is without an equal in. this section of the country for conveniences and price. The Right Party Can Rent This Property. Call or phone today and get further particulars, or, better still, Comeim at once and atrange to yiew this exceptional opportunity: H. C. Pettet Co. 366 Toronto St, Phone 481. Real Estate: Dealers. Loans and Insurance. Matinee and Night. FEBRUARY 3rd 1900 copies Gniity. 94 copier Thursdays A benaiit of the Weel noentem share: Boo VOL. 2 NO -Premier Sift has He legislature bas his nity for criticizing administrative pol ment. Preaker Sinan Budget for 1912 Je the meully first 0 present provincial of reviewing the 1 the province since His statement wa: clearness and com ting from the ret pared be showed has assets to the and, liabilities 7 sitrplus of assets 100,000. This is telephone departm surplus last year since the system by. the Province, tal sunpius of the provin the' public builds permanent bridg Hat fF THELMA MUIR Matinee every Day 3.15 and 4.15. DREAMLAND THEATRE -NIGHT : TT O-NIGHT COLLEEN BAWN (A gem Trom the Emerald Isle) Kalem s remarkable productiim of this famous Irish play by Dion Boucieault, complete in Reels S Every scene in the picture taken right In Ireland. Special music by Orchastra- Swords and Hearts; . as Spike Shannon s last Fight A Pee, drama of nue Prize Ring. Sons; Home; Sweet-Home Madame PattioTaylor- A New York Cowboy ... .. -- ce . Selig Film A side-splitting Comedy Drama rat be West. Dally Performance-ut 8.15 and- 4.15. -Admission...5 and 10 cents 10 and 15 cents Evening Performance and 9 Admission .. .. .. LOGE O OS PETES OS Ready for Business NN 1 ett oe Me oatoet 4 . A.-M. Wright will be found in . - his old stand ready to attend to indus B. F. SOUCH Pim. B. NOW IF IT S A SUIT? Just Took at the corer win- PR Men's Store, you will find santa Mo d 25 suits for oe These are new ae goods. -We make alterations without charge. A competent taflor on +* the premises. We clean and press sults, usual cost 1.00. GP. R. MEN'S STO H. S, IRELAND, Hartley Block, North Railway-St- Then try the C.P.R, Men s Store And His Distinguis shed Company of London Players . in.a Clean Clever Comedy... : PRICES DEAR -OLD BI Exact Company..and Production-as Presented Sutcessfully for 1 00 NIGHTSIN CHICAGO. HT 2.00, 1.50, 1.00 and 75c. MATINEE 1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Tickets Now On : Sale at Pingle s. / st 3 : 2 e wy Sratoatpedhay 2 Y Poob00SGO00S50 STOTT IEEEOTIOSETOON YOU. WILL HAVE TO HURRY: Goods Going Much Faster Than Expected. Sale C annot Last Longer: than Three Days. 2 i . any and alf business with which he may be favored. i : rakes es S a ;.- z F . a Se ate os s JEWELER. TORONTO ST. BOSSES O Oe ire Wrseeeedoetetetoctotoatrtraty Ys 0 9 rr robe Pe e so) o os oto Poste aateat Seago efoegeets oe News Want Ads. i Try Emig so-e ss * PHHooseeeonoges aheteate-etectess LOTHING C0. Everything Cut to The Bone. Beveridge s Old Stand 3 HONORS: Toronto, Feb. ' cessful candidates of the Toronto Co held recently w pianoforte (Artist mediate honors, DEM: MANY SPOILED MONTRE Montreal,, Feb. derur announced demand a recount ed for the electio James Ward. This week: before a-Jt Court and in Vie there were elghty it Is believed. th an appreciable sult. Mr, Brodeu FIRE TN BABY Twenty Litt cued from ing by the Winnipeg, Feb yesterday in one the new Childre St, directly ber little patients, w and furnished pluck and pres part of the nurse gained such- he was poticed it Three aiousenct done. But whil fought the nurs without flurry ones in blanket: Bs : os - Be : Toronto St. gt; 33 oe 6960600008000000004 oooh reoereeesoreeeooos mae 2 tow zero outsid safety. TO BE TEM t'.8 Henderson, K of Philip B. Bur ing the Royste this county, sho will be called 1 Burris will be dictment charg ful-murder. of F Davia, two of t soning tragedy.
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Image 180 (1912-02-02), from microfilm reel 180, (CU1770878). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.