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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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-R YOUR iON LEADER ecorating. ACTORS AND UILDERS IGURE WITH YOU PLACING O1 FOR A BUILD (ATES FREE. ext te City Hall. Meotay, January 15, 1912 STAR PITCHER AS MANAGER MEDIGINE HAT DALY NEWS SPORT N LBL EPLEL LOLI IE LILLIE OOO LES: EW S Lae: Wo are selling what Is left of eur Winter Wear for men in- lading, four Coon Coats, one fur Hned Cont, sheep lined coats mitts, gloves, fur caps ang col ars, felt boots, ete. + AT ABSOLUTE. COST When you consider the quality of these goods, this Is an oppor- tunity seldom offered. : Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar s Worth BASEBALL NOTES. Jacksonville Club, of the South Athletic league, has signed Figey Wil- Ger as manager. Wilder was Jack- somyille'e star pitcher last season, Wiiliam Loury. Prowley, known to every fam in the Virginia league cir- cuit as Buck, bas signed as man- Bassano Steals. Hatter s Idea Sugyestio orrespondent 6 Heavyweight. Owe day lagt week a correspondent: wrote-to The News giving a little ad- vice to the unayor is 00 the best way of boosting The Hat. The suggestion was that his worship should invite Champ Jack Jolmson and Sam Mc- vey to fight out the world s cham. pionsttip in this city. Tbe letter was published in full in the sporting col- uumns of this paper, and just to show that the suggestion was mot ill-timed the Calgary papera took the master up end re-published The News letter 4m full. The suggestion was consider- ed a meritorious one and Bassano, scenting- a chance of advertisement, immediately took up the suggestion on Behalf of their town and offered it self as the place where the champion- ship might be held. Mbis monting there comes a wire from Calgary tothe effect that the attorney-general thas (been approached on ithe matter, but apparently with- out rest. The following is the W. ALP; dispatch. received: Calgacy, Jan. 16. The general im- pression here is that there is no pos- WESTERN UNION 8 ager of the Roanoke team for the Mi g ped the excerition of his one-third Ornette or May Not interest in the Worcester club of the Play in pionship New England. league, Jimmy Collins is out af baseball for the: present. A. patent phone bettery announcer and a garage for the use of automo- ile patrons will be installed in Brooklyn's new 260,000 daseball plant. Pitcher Doc White has signed with the White Sox for 1912. Doc says he will show the sane goods next season that he displayed before the Cubs Mast fall. Manager Fred Clarve, of: the Pitts: Yurgh team, hes signed Bill Irving, who played great Ballin the outfield for the Akron O and P.league team last segsou. * Boston is the only city inti coun- try that /hes star ball players as chief executives of its two clubs. Both John M,Ward and Jumes McAleer were great performers on the dia- mond, The New York Giants were so much pleased wth thein trip to Cuba, un- ik Ban- ; that q plan-te-invede Japan next season is already being talked of der the management (by them, Scoops ) Caroy 4s. the firsb Pitts * purg Pirate to affix his signature to 1912 contract. Scoopa says. be-s4 well satisfied with the document os it calls for.a substantial increase of salary. In five years as mateger of minor league clubs, Hatry W lverton, . new mamager of tie Highlanders, tiever had. q team that fixished less then third. He won two pentants, finished second twice and thind once. have consolidated, the new organize. tion to be known as the Central Kan- sas league. Ne Gret Bend, Manhiattan, Jenene SvErEENt City, Clay Center and Concordia will) comprise the circuit. x Miners. Series. Montreal, Jan, 15. The meeting of the Canadian Rugby oFotball Union ship to the Western Canada. to rectifying any questions or inac- playing -of-ofiamplonship matches, STMASTER-CENERAL S Fight Here and Calgary Papers Publish News Letter. 1 RONORED BY C.RF.U. today granted. an honorary member- Rugby Union which means that the western- ers may send representatives: to the meetings of the central bady but may tnot vote, and while they may chall- enge for the Dominion championships it is left for the R. Fy A. decide whether or not-their challenge is to be accepted by eastern leaders. This action was taken because ofthe wea- ther conditions at the time the present championship games are usually play- ed, together with the great distance a team from east or west would have. to travel to compete, .The meeting also appointed a committee consist- ing of John Davidson and W. R. Sew- ite, known as the board of interpre tation to examine the rules to a view, curatecies, Further, the Union. will conduct all the arrangements for the Up to e F ra in te Taken by Bassano, Bible chance Of the Johusomlynn fight being pulled off at Bassano. There ia strong opposition to prim fights throughout the province and they are not allowed in any form /in most. places: No concerted. action has een taken egainst tthe proposition be- cause it is not thought mecessary. In 4n interview with Attorney-General Mithell last night he said that he had heard nothing officially about the tmeliter end no represantations had Bees tade to kim from Bassatio peo ple. Though uot speaking definitely, or making a pronouncement, he fbe- Fexcept the labor which they perform, THE PROFIT iN BROOD MARES, Many farmers are carrying on tueir team -work with geldings and barren mares, which are producing nothing writes J. 8. Montgomery in the Kan- sas Farmer, In place of these horses every farmer should have some good, ey brood wines with Whtct to carry on his farming operations. The market will take caro of all the geld- years to come, and brood ma- should be doing faithful service that 4s not doing more urs work per day on the to produce foal each year without overtaxing her. The selection of mares for farm use is subject worthy of some study, and a few sug- fons may be of value. It should mind that ze is in demand open market pays. well for it. Welght between 1,600 and 2,000 25-cents per pound market. This shows ones. It Tieved that prize fighting, such as ag gested, was contrary to the criminal law of the Dominion, If the local police did not step in and stop eny- thing like that, of course, the Pro- vincial police or Dousiniom police would take action. The Athorney- General did not say just what be would do under the circumstances, bat he left very-d cided impression that some action would be taken and that Alberta would mot le the scene af any world s championship prize fight at- Spanish Cabinet Resigns Death Sentence of Rioters and Murderers Leads to Trouble. des, was. premier, resigned to-day. The cabinet resigned as the result of a divergence of views with King Alfonso as to the advisability of com- muting the death sentence of one of the rioters, who murdered a judge and wounded several court officials in the town of Oullera, province of Valencia Hast Septembet. The general strike fat that time inValencla and other pro- vinces involved a plot to assasinate General Frelier, and the King was fonal guarantees, The trial of the strikers concerned murder time past, thanks-to-the skilful campaign of the radicals who seized upon the affair as a weapon to attack the govarnment in the same way as they utilized the refusal to reprieve Trouble Over the Commut- Madrid, Jan: 15 The Spanish cabinet of which Jose Canalejas Men compelled to susp nd the conatitut- in the Cullera has engrossed public atten- tion to the exclusion of all else for master in recent general's statement was news to the ALL OF WASHINGTON General years. Washington, D.C, Jan, 15. Post- Hitehcock, Who last night gave out statement saying he would recommend to Congress, g0Vv- ernment ownership and operation of all telegraph lines, was sumomned to ie White House by President Taft, shortly after eleven o'clock this morn. ng. The pronouncement in faxor of ownership-and operation of telegraph dines, as adjunct of post office department Washington to-day as few acts have The postmaster tartled official school who Was executed net. Tate EXPRE CLAIMS HE WAS n 1969 to bring about the downfall of the cabl- them are good; and he will have no trouble disposing of colts trom any of them at a good figure. Phe farmer should select good, pure : If not he should ; select some high grades. In selecting the buyer should keep in mind it fat covers a multitude of sins, mit qualities which hed The farmer should a bred sire. The grade may look fee may be cheaper than pure bred, but his good while a credit to his-pure bred surely. The pure bred. on the other hand, has been bred for a certain type for generations, and he bas 100 per cent of blood representing that type. teristics strongly und surely, even to the extent of overcoming some unde- sirable characteristic which the dam may have. Prolificacy of Gows. An fnvestigation at the Iowa station to discover the influence of the age Tells Tale of a Robbery in Heart of White House and is said to have cau- ww Tae * the greatest surprise. There . Winlpes, Jan. 15 Uhatles Powers, Winnipeg, Man, Jan. 16 Grain see eveideatiy an effort made Iaat tlver and messenger of the Canadian Markets: Express Co., and charged with rob- Wheat,May (old) open 100 5-8, close 100 3-9; May. (new) open 100 58, close 99 3-8; July, open 100 3-8, close 101 1-8. Qate May 41 7- No. 1 feed: 37 1-2. 413-4. Extra Flax May '195, night to recall This effort, however, from Mr. Hitchcock. representativds generally did not le- arn of the proposed recommendation until theyreat-the-papers this morn- ng. When they reached the capital the announcement, id not come Senators id ers tells, - 192, . 11 were discussing the matter and : Cash prices wheat close House Mover 1 Nor 96; 2 Nor. 92; 8 Nor. 86 1-2; Many aifferent views were expressed. FOR SALE 4 Nog. 80 1-4; 5 Nor. 77; 6 Nor. 61; AVATING Feed, ag NEW SIGHT FOR 7 Onta/iYe. 2 CW. 87 4: No, 3 OW. RIFLE SHOOTING x LS cia : 10; + feed-34-1-2; Ni z E' WORK. food 33,18. . New York, Jan. 15. Sergeant Om- hi Barley No. 3, 67; No. 4, 57; Re- mondson, famous British sharp-shoot- one 260. Jooted 46; Feed 44. er, who has several times won the LAIT TREAL STREET Flax No. 1 N.W., 191. Minneapolis, Jan. 16. May 106 1-2, 106 1-8; July 107, 105 7-8. Chicago, Jan. 15 May 100 1+ + 3-8; July 95, 94 3-8; Sept. 93 1- 14, under a9 com sights, skirmishing pared with King s, prize for shooting at Bisley, fg tho inventor of a sighting device which eliminates the necessity for finding the range, according to news 2 received by expertai here. The inven- tion is sald to be very simple itt op- eration and it is reported that tests conattions have Shown a percentage of sights of 96 19 by ordinary a fi several. Later Powers they had several more. He remem bers no more until he found himsel walking across the prairie that even ing towards St. James mifius ance in cheques and drafts. Don't Mise The Siege of Calain al the Monarch Theatre tonight. feet of wonderful pictures. 1884: ROBBED OF 6000 Winnipeg Man in Court City. Ding that institution of a-large sua, appeared in the police cotrt, Satur- ay and pleaded: not guilty, and was remanded one week. The story Pow- if sustained, will show. he was the victim of, the actual robber. With the thermometer thirty below zero Powers Was passing the Empire Hotel on Thursday morning with bis tchel of money on his way from the office in the Union station to make his clstomary round of the banks, asked him to have a drink, They had claims he woke up in the Clarendon Hotel where satchel and the 6,234 it contained of which 2,000 was in cash and the bal- 2000 of sows upon, their prolificacy and the Weight and growth of the pigs they Produced gave some interesting results. It was found, for example, that fifteen vows bred at eight or nin . eraged 72-8 pigs per litter, while four- teen sows about twentyfour months old averaged 93-5 pigs per litter, and Pigs from the younger sows weighed on an average 230 pounds per pig: from the two year old sows 2.63, trom aged sows 2.61 pounds. When sanaee six weeks old the pigs from the young sows made an average daily gain of 0.32 pound, while the pigs from the two year old sows gained 0.40 pound. No data are given on the gain of the pigs from the aged sows. The Bacon Hog. Bacon hogs-have long noses, and. Deeeders. say. that long nosed hogs al- ways produce better bacon than do abort hosed ones. It is aldo true that and care so rapidly that in a few gen- it t Pocket knives, scissors, fountain pens, card cases, purses, wrist bags, visiting cards, business carts and sb-b-h even the kind of cards which run fifty- two toa set and may be used for play- ing old. maid and other harmless games. Munsey s Magazine. An American Who Was Fooled ard an viewed one day on bogus picture lections, says the Paris correspondent of the Kansas City Journal. He is as Good aft expert as any'du the question. The subject always iaterests him: Sit Gay, my friend. he said to the Jour gamet ot will tell yon good story. ae ged me to say what + thought of the pictures bere at your door he aid. I,brought them along in'a cab ; 1 There were Rembranglts, Corots and Harpignics. the Corots ditto, the Harpignies ditto The American was hotror struck. He aid they had cost him 160,000. r Phen. T said. let ns leave the Rem: brandts and Corots aside ters ate dead. but Harpignits 1s not. Here is a note Tor bim from ms. As him yourself if he signed these pic- ares never heard froubim-aeain, but I got later: were not ninety*two years of .age I would have sent you my seconds for vending that Amefican to me to dsk if those worthless daubs were mine. Yours, Henri Haspignies fease. Great ina. sador, I die without murmur; but, fp the name of the great emperor whose servant I am, 1 beg of your majesty one favor before I die. The feqest was granted. eyes of every man who saw me com- mit the crime. eee Their eyes shall be plucked out had scen. the ambassadot. move the the king: Then -whs should I dle, great king? asked the ambassador, proved. against me. pleased and forthwith pardoned the ambassador. mured, that far stronger roe arerayeds i025 parcitttar. weft Lagton-aegrers- COMFORT IN CONGRESS. FAKED PAINTINGS. Artist Who Was Inaulted. M. Henri Rochefort was being tnter- col- ed not long ago either. one day rushed in and be had Just bougtit They are They were carried into the room. *The Rembrandts af false, 1 said, SSS THE CHURCHESS . . SS At the evening service at the Bap-Tetsbes oe the physical world that are timt Church every seat was taken mysteries to most of us. who delight when the. beautiful baptismal cere- in the glory of the crented universe, mony of the Church was performed, who ve under the, spell of Nature's Mr. Holman spoke explaining the beauty, and yet have missed the in- symbolism of- the ordinance: Th ner-meaning choir sang an anthem Be thou with Spirit is the Creator, the Beneficent me, with solo parts by Mrs. N. M. Father of mankind, and that with this Lean, and Mr. B. H. Weir, and duet wonderful voice of nature as well as parts Mrs. Lean and Mrs. Miers and in many other ways. He s calling Messrs. Palk and Weir. them to Himself. And the humble Abundant Life was the subject id unlearned man, who has not the of Rey. Mr. Holman s discourse at ame wide knowledge, who has not the morning service taking for hia the same splendid talents, but bas text: John 10:10 I came that ye rasped the one great secret, that might have life, .and that ye might God is, and that in Him all things have it more abundantly, and that in accordance with He said In part the common yiew H m the life must be ordered, lives of life is all wrong. We speak of arger life than he who has the long lives and short lives, whereas we emu gre Oh iether nopeiie should speak of large lives and smati nowledge. liven. We think of life as a stretch ADS One Whose life 1s adequately of so many days, a dragging out of so ted to his environment, whose life much time, a lapse of years. This J8 ofdered as Goa would havo it, it is not life. One may exist for ever Relped and is useful. There are 0 long and never live at all. Some- thousands of places where you may times we say of some one, Poor fel- ke ray of sunshine, there are ach- he was cut off in the prime of 2 hearts waiting to be made giad, No one is cut off in the prime there are henrts depressed waiting of life. We all go on eternally. But fF the word of hope and cheer, there goite go on to a larger life, a life pre- Fe Souls In need of: kindness, symp- gaged by the life they live there ot thy, charity, and love. Go like Gntold joy, ot unfettered tredom, ot Obtst through the world taking these universe wide view, of eternal rest Dlessings with you. This ts lite and content in the heart of God. Thia Test nd abundant; and though you fe eternal Iife, But some go on to an Should have many years of such ser- existence that is eternally dwarfed Vice here, what matter? there rem- and blighted, an existence of eternal *seth yet eternal ages, rich in op- defeat, and of eternal unrest this ia Portunity, unto the children of Goa Cases dade We live in deeds, not years: in thoughts not breaths, Life is the opening of the soul area tov uke, bead ithe: opening Of WAT Ric tee eee ey ee heart to let God in. This is a won- Pease on derful world to live in, yet how far tage are rhe tee How crammed Tall off 82 tink most, feats. the noblest, beauty, and of God it is. By whose Both hee tee soil throbs with rapture as he gazes 4 at the glowing sunset, lives a larger life than he who merely see 0 much red color in the western sky. This, is fe, to live in God's great world The Ten Commandments series of sermons given in this city is that My American disappeared. 1 letter from Harpignies some days He sald: My dear friend It I Head. An ami r of the great Charle- magne while visiting a court in the east, ignorant of a Inw of the king that condemned to death any one who moved a dish at table before th v was served, committed this of- id the ambas- Give me the It 1s well, sald the thee But no one admitted he The deed cannot be The king was Might Ie Right. Bie, said the timid highland lov- ex, I wad kiss ye, but I'm feart ye wadna let me. She blushed as red as the sunset. but did not answer. fimMe, he repeated timidly, a little later, I said 1 wad kiss ye, but I'm feart ye wadna let me: At the third repetition she asked: Dae ye min , David, yesterday 1 couldna lift 2 bag of potatoes intac the cairt an ye lifted them for me? Oh, aye he replied. Weel, that shows, David, she mur- than On the Right Road. Our daughter puts on too many airs, observed Mr. Spillikins. Be does, does she? sneered Mrs. What's the trouble? She seems to be too aristocratic and haughty. What do you want her to be? Ta rather have her to be a good cook. And id you ever know anybody as golf, siub- Cleveland Plain Dealer, For all kinds of Job Print the-Hiaws Office. jour Heavenly Father, and order our which is being delivered by Rev. Fath- er Cadoux at St, Patrick s church on the Ten Commandments of God. For thg past month or so they have proved pasis for some very-in- teresting and highly instructive dis- courses at High Mass. That they are teatly appreciated by the congrega- tlon-is-evid nged: by. the fact that the. seating capacity of the church is tax- ed at all these masses, - The, eighth commandment, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, was the subject of the jeerman yesterday. The gift of speech. the speaker pointed out, was the great- est of the many gifts bestowed-om the human being by Christ. . He outlined the many good uses t could be put dwelt for some time on with eyes and heart, and soul wide open to all its beauty, and to delight in ft. But there is yet a larger life: the most abundant life 1s lived when, we see all this as an expression lives in. accordance with it, and with its. Great Creator. The measure of a man s life, its largeness or smaliness, depends on the measure of bis consciousness of his environment, physical, meneal, moral and spiritual, and the adequa-. cy of his adjustment to tt does, not live so large a life as man, he has not the same wide range of know- ledge. Unnumbered aspirations and ideals are the. treasures of a man, of which 2 dog knows nothing: Mat life 8 Iarge, the beast s 1s small s, and in closing he made dwarfed... But. there are few who a strong appeal to all to refrain from live as large lives as they might live. backbiting and gossip. The latter he There are those who understand pro-Itermed as the plague of society. NOSTRILS HGNC GSS Will Have all Kinds of Tro uble on es According to Vienna Baron. re fe sation has beeen caused in political Jetroles here by recent speeches de- livered by Baron Fuchs, clerical lea- der who declared that Italy is arming against Austria and when the war in Tripoli is over, the King of Italy must either fight Austria or go into exile. Baron Fuchs alaginalsted mate relations which have for 80 long existed between Austria and Germany. Morrocan crisis. He like- Vienina, Jan; 15, Consideyable sen- 1 ferences, between any, of which he Justified in exy tion with Count elgn policy, News of Pending Action of Nanking, Jan, 15. President Sun Yat Sen received the news of the. pending abdication of the emperor quietly. He aid that he was pleased to learn that the first step towards the pacification and reorganization of - China s Baby Leader De- livermd to Dr. Sun Yat Sen Delay Anticipated. OW. a Cable) 2 the country ha been taken. He an- ticipated some delay jn the readjust ment of affairs and added that it was quite possible-that Yuan Shi Katmight be president of the new republic. Better than at Nelson. . Ottawa, Jan th It .B. Ry. Terminus at Fort Churchill Harbor Facilities are much ill be at Churchill. The rail haut to Charchill will be somewhat longer than to Neleon, but the hiarbor facill- in sata that ties are better and that is an Import- ting trythere Ie practically no dot that fie ant consideration, more particularly terminus of t Hudson-Bay Rafiway lin 'a northern climate.
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Image 79 (1912-01-15), from microfilm reel 79, (CU1770732). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.