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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lt; Friday, December 20th 1018. Ir FOR THIS UDEBAKER 35 AT 1, 600 COMPLETE We. claim, and we think you will agree with us, that this is the very best value offeredin the ower priced cars today. See man who is soing to buy one of the lower priced cars we wak him to consider the following : NOTE The Electric Starter. . .NOTE--Electric Lights. NOTE--Size. of Motor. NOTE--Wheel Base. NOTE-Large Wheels. : NOTE--Demountable Rims. -There is more real venue in this car than in meray car at or near the price. TE HOREE BOWER See MOTOR 4 1-8x5, long stroke. WHEEL BASE 116 inches; : LUXURIOUS UPHOLSTERY Featured on some of the high- ELECTRIC SELF STARTER The electric i is the only starter est priced cars. Seats as comfortable as your favorite-arm which has proyen efficient. chair. ie ELECTRIC LIGHTED THROUGHOUT Latest Bullet type. BEAUTIFUL BODIES This new design flush sided metal body to is exceptionally roomy. Six passenger. Two seats are of the TIRES 34x4, quick detachable. Gollapsible disappearing type;all bright parts nickle finished. RIMS Quick Detachable; demountable, makes it possible to change tires without taking rim off wheel. CLEAR VISION WIND SHIELD Very simple and elegant. at SILK MOHAIR TOP A splendid, perfectly fitting top, .com- plete with the celebrated Jiffy curtains. Su evi ee AFTER CONSIDERING AND COMPARING THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS WITH THOSE OF OTHER CARS AT OR NEAR THIS: PRICE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE THEN THE PRIVILEGE OF SHOWING YOU THIS CAR. The Medicine Hat Seraite E.C.DRAKE. MainStreet. Phone 182.. G. M. JOHNSTON. H. TURNED HOSE UN. ary tad her Pedatel 007 gt; peENOR REGENT ae, Capital Realty Co. ) ii aviamen se Sth tmoz0l ALTERATION SALE 420 Main Street - Phone 799 Startling Statement Made t intended to make a much stronger Munich, Bavaria, Dec. 19 The body a, Kitty protest but my friendg of the Wo- 9f the late Prince Regent Luitpold By Suter gette Ey en's Social and, Political Union. of Bavaria was carried this morning REDCLIFF : Marion, the Actress. Vegged me not to do so and therefore t ts sepulchre beneath the altar of ae T contented myself with metaphor. te church of this city. It was laid HOTE THESE PRICES, THEY ARE London, Deo. 19 Kitty Marion, an catty turning the hose on the gov- Deside that of King Maxmilian 11. actress, was sentenced yesterday in vone The German Emperor, the King of COMMENCING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13th UNTIL DECEMBER 25th. * We will sacrifice at 2022 . Discount SNAPS the Bow strest court to a month's ee the Belgians, the King of Saxony, imprisonment with the option which vq oHRIgTMAS Arch-duke Francis Ferdinand, hetr- she indignantly refused, of paying FAMINE AT PELEE, 2P rent of Austria-Hungary, and a/ Our fine stock of FUR OVERCOATS, SHOES, and 8000.00, 75 ft. corner, Block 108. Usual terms. 2000.00 each. Two corners in Block 76. Usual terms. 200.00 to 450.00 each. Residence lots in all parts of the town. covsis AND SISSONS 1500.00 pair. Terms. 2 pts in Block 20. 125 fine for giving a false alarm of number of princes representing the fire. The magistrate made the en- Toledo, Dec. 19 oryal houses of Europe, followed the eer ee Seale, atte ieee oS ee ee es the large number of such outrages Canadian waters, Lake Erle, the Gan- tBFOush crowded streets. . recently prepetrated: by suffragettes adian government has granted spe- Though during his ie the aged Miss Marion made a statement in cial permission for the American tce Prince R gent had declined to adopt suITs, UNDERWEAR, ete, in or- der to make room for extensive rations. Note address: HERALD court, throwing a curious light upon crushing steamer Olcott .to touch *he Foval title, because, as he sald. ae eae MEN sree Goueativay a nore tes see Soe oe rea war ww saris. vo ol Medicine Hat, Clothing o. 1400.00, Terms. Two lots in Block 9. Good view of the river and Three years ago she said, she up- dian port, The Canadian steamer able to rule on account of insanity, he peared in the Bow street court on a Clark, upon Which the islanders de- Bavaria treated the dead Laitpold 331 NORT Ho ILW. WAY 8 tT. TOWNSITE jcharge of breaking a window. She Pended, yas put out of commission in with kingly honors, e a gale last week. Since then the The heart of the dead) r gel at ja that she said, in offer to at- tract public attention to the condi- tions of the stage, which made it al- islanders have been cut off from pro- mbalmed separately pind. tntenred visions, The Olcott will make her W3th those of many predediie (iat first trip tomorrow between Pelee Is- Tian rulers at the village land and Kingsville and: Leamington, Octting, where it reposes. fm ial on the north shore, case/beside: the famous strife ; Virgin Mary. 4 We have some of the best buys in the city in close-in improved properties, See us about this, fe DIVE PROPERTY most impossible for a woman to ee a. earn an honest living. It was the for subdivision. junwritten law that a woman who wanted to go straight could not make her way on the stage. She Place your orders now for the ie challenged the actor's association to News? big handsomely MMustrated In. ae? Rather Freckette, of dony the truth of her statements, dustrial number. Over sixty pages. assiatant priost: gt Moone gaw Sinee then she had been boycotted by Ready by the first of the year, . Fecently, ai the profession and had been obliged Giir-acton oe sae y en: of those beautl- to turn to other employment. Houses for sale on easy paymoate ui Xmas card left. You will, have She got work as a domestic serv- or will exchaage for real estate. Ap to hurry if yo 4+ AT) want well. she said, till ply to Hotson Leader. sett theg ey Hf you want. thd Reap ot QO. F. LANGE c. .B.U. Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect. Sewerage, Water and Gas Supplies. Street Gradings, Industrial Spur Railways, Irrigation, etc. Subdivisions, Layout of Parks, Steel Constructions. Designs and specifications for Houses, etc. MOTTO: First-class responsible service for Reasonable Prices. TOWN ENGINEER, REDCLIFF, ALTA, i have 6000 acres adjoining the city sultabl ipo hinye half section near Redcliff at farm lind prices. : RIVERDALE re Only Zour lots left in Block 3 at 400. of, consumption. ; GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. * HE like a Gown, a Smoki et, a pair of Jae Slippers, a Coat, a pair of a silk Muffler, Neck Tie, some kerchiefs or sil silk Pyjamas 0 the 101 suitab Gifts we have 4 Open every ve til 10 o clock. TURE BRO The Man's Stone Get the Big Dolla: . WHA, 1S ASI TO INVESTI PITRE S Ottawa Hockey 0: der the Impre Deal is in N Job. . Ottawa, Dec. the. Ottawa hockey clu bly ask the National Hi tion to investigate the ofDidier Pitre, of the Quebec. Manager Ker Canddiens, announces h Pitre and that the French forward is sub any time, As the the gpening game at Weeks hence, Manager gests an alliance W having Quebec at Otta it he says that if P the: season with Quebec made their property fc Green thinks thgs par involves the eliminatic and Quebec from: the- race and the return of adiens in the latter st race. The Ottawas wi A. to look into the Hon. G. E. Foster premier during the hol We own the Towns 50 feet very easy Plenty See our J.L.b PHONE Opposite Assis
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Image 1180 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1180, (CU1744877). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.