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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Saturday, December 14th, 1012. A Shipment of 50 Overcoats Came to hand yester- day. That means our selection is again complete and you ought to call at the e a Men's Store. Shoe News: Phat Wil Please You FOSTER S FIRST PRE- INVENTORY SHOE SALE STARTS SATURDAY, DEO. 14th AND FOR TEN DAYS WE WILL SELL EVERY SHOE IN THE STORE AT COST PRICE AND IN SOME CASES OF SHORT LINES WE WILL SELL AWAY BELOW COST IN ORDER TO GET OUR STOCK IN SHAPE FOR INVENTORY ON JAN. 2nd. THIS WILL BE AN EVENT OF IMPOR. TANCE TO THE SHOE BUYING PUBLIC. NEED WE WARN son TO SHOP EARLY? . WOMEN S SOFT VICI KID COOK-FITZGERALD, MEN S GUN- , Sale es SS Se METAL CALF BUTTON-SHOES of damaged goods but an up-to-date stock of Silk in the new shap last. Reg- and Net Waists which are marked down to open ular 4.25; 2. 95 Aah os Ss cee a ited 3.95 eee Here are some of the specials which are ncaa The Xmas Shoppers with eee soles and leather heels: fee Grand Opportunity. Make one dollar do Boys d 2.75 School Shi : Bay Smad 8 gt 5 the work of two. black. Gut to). 2.2... BOYS ALL-FELT SHOES WITH LEATHER TOE CAPS. SIZES 11 TO 13. REGULAR 0.25 FOR 0... ee see oes turned-down collar. A waist that is cheap at price today for this special fs .......... only 9 of these Walsts to sell. R SPECIAL ON SHOW Net Waist mille over silk: een The 3.00 CT TO CLEAR THESE IN A DAY OR 80, WILL You BE THE OWNEE OF ONE OF THEM? LADIES. Jap SILK SHIRTWAIST Mog, Leonard Flanagan CORNER OF OTTAWA AND 8ED Ee DOCTORS SPECIAL CUSHION SOLE SHOES A standard Bice WOMEN'S ENGLISH FELT SLIPPERS i WOMEN S DOUGLAS QVERSHOES with Jersey tops. Regular 1.35; in gunmetal calf. price shoe at. 6.00. Bale: price hatpen dais SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MEN WILL BE EMPLOYED IN THE we Navi wil aot seit PROPOSED PLANT tes. 2. 3. srewings wit not xe ceive on the fifteenth or again for th winter. Cement Plant Announced : in Yesterday s News to Mrs. Frederick Boeye, 737 Main SHOES 'S 5.50 AND 6.00 Z iy TAL in black muleskin. Made by MEN S GUNMETAL CALF WORKING SHOES Be Started -Soon. treet, will receil Monday th i: ; Set : , Toth for the first tine and thereafter Pe ee light-:1 thn and black Shoes in the new with'Jeather sol s. Reg+ ie new cement plant, the px- on the 15th of each month. ing itchy: Regular lasts. fican make alar 1.25; Sale price. . 75c. a Sir Bale g Reg- nouncement of which was first-ziade in yesterday's News, is to be located The Literary Club will meet at the some three milles from Medicine Hat home of Mrs. R. C. Black, No. 701 on parts of sections 11 and 12. The Toronto- street, on Tuesday evening. promoters have planned to locate mn 5135 Sale price . their. plant some distance. from the shale beds and will, by the aid of the gas blow the raw product through pipes to the works. 2000 barrels of cement daily. is the estimated out- put of the mifilion dollar plant which it is proposed to-erect. At least 200 Mr. and Mrs. B. . Drake have returned from California. Last evening Mr.and Mrs. W. R. Martin introduced a very. charming. Am ri an custom by dining a large nufiber of their friends at the Cor- Women s Leggings; . -65 ., 5c: Overgaiters. and 1.00 Sale Price. Bayies Soft Sole.Felt Shoes, nice.and warm. Regular 75c; Kiddies nice warm Ankdle- strap Slippers, sizes 4 to 7, 40 * nen will be employed. The company ona Hotel. Ladies Boudoir Slippers in col- ors of red, brown, pink, and black. Made for Xmas pre- sents: SBeguies 0 00; Sate Price . Fee 1.25 Covers ,were laid for das secured rights on 5,000 ucres of /over a hundred guests and after din- land and will start work soon on nor: progressive whist was played fcr Milling gas-wells - several hours. The evening was al- together a most. delightful one, the Women s Warm Felt Shoes 0s leather soles and kid foxirl Sell 2.50; Sale Price ...-. FO STER S SHOE STORE ve MAIN STREET .. SESE PEEP EEE 3 gowns of the ladies being exquisite. - th menu above criticism and the SANTA CLAUS IX THE -f-/Moiaith Orchestra at its best, Mrs. ae DMPERIAL WINDOW - - Mariin was daintily clad in lehe + er *j: blue messaline with chiffon trimming. See Santa Claus fn our -f- Che was assisted by Mrs. A. M. Grace, eee BR i x fs aa te 01 afternoon and + - who wore yellow satin with net over- et z en Mr. W. B. Marshall's residence Subject ian. chi . wind : eu on s NRG pew witming: dad 1. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw; Mr. anid Ms ton Mrs. A, M. Wright; Mr. and Mrs. for the winter. Mrs. Starks returns Sunday morning: ree get all 2 * eee Gemonstrate all our Jessie Brascr, embroidered chitfort Vase Mr. and Mra, McFadden; Mr A. K, Walker Mr. Phillips; Gertle)from the east o1 Tuesday. you wauit. Subject at the eveniie H-mechanieal toys, electrical -j- Miss Isabel Cousins, white satin and Mrs, McKay; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- and Norman Evans; Vera Fleming; ; serviee: On the trail for Sodom: F teatus ete. cWe-wnnt every raped with black chitfon, corise e Gregor; Mrs. Meiklejohn; Mrs. Nich- Harold Martin, The prizes wero won Leave your orders at the Fair Special solos and anthems by. choir Fo Child ie the clty to see thls bows; Mins Vera Fleming, cron ait MOS Elliott; Mr. and Mre.'Jas. Flew- clson;, Mr. and Sirs C. S. Pingle; by Mrs. W. T. Finlay andMr,, Victor Store fora Xmas turkey. ti under leadership of Mrs. Evans. joutp-oia tollew. El with chigtom trim aed Mise DS? Mh and Mrs, W. Ty, Finlay; Mr. and Mrs, Penland; Mr. and Mrs. Ready. ee Ne 3 : Come and bring the child. -- Gertie Evans, yellow satin with net Mrs, Forster; Miss Fraser; Dr. Ger- R. C. Porter; Mr. and Mrs. Ready; ren, gt; ploverdrape Master Harold Martin 2 gt; Mr. and Mrs, Grimmer; Mr. Mr. and Mrs.,P, Robertson; Dr and Mrs. K. V. Battenberg of Strass- : land Master Norman Evans officiat; 24 Mrs. Grace; Mr. and Mrs, Hop- Mrs. Smith; Dry ant Mrs. Smyth; burg, Sask., formeriy ef London, Mo tre 1: Sts B k ampemni Dae coopsco. Llcd as ushers Amongst those pre- 2F* Mr, and Mrs. Huckvale; Mr. and Mrs. R..D. Smfth; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. mngland, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. FX a DB. ery + Opposite Royal Bank 2. sent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miss Ireland; Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson; Spencer Mr, and Mt Mr. R, T. Newbery. i HO: : Burns; Mr. and Mrs, and Miss Cous- oe . MITCHELL ME-MADE BREAD ca Mr, and Mrs. Cawker; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Starks have REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL PEEPS EEE EEE What isa Voltem Roll? *- Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Player Ae Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you just set the tempo and play, and you get am exact reproduction of the artist s work just as he played it. hey will Mt any 88 note player and child can operate them, If you would like to hear one just step into our store and say *VOLTEW we-will know at once-what you mean. THE: MEDICINE HAT MUSIC . CENTRAL PARK. 700 pair, Block 29. 400 pair, Block 27. 1200 pair, Block. 16. 900 for.27, 28, Block 29. 2000, corner, 50 ft, Block 14. 600, 60 ft Block 33, Lot 10. 300, Lot 27, Block 27. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 1800, for 5, 6, Block 20. 500 pair, Block 31. TRACKAGE. 6500 for 1-4, Block 2, corner BRAY AND ATLANTIC ST. 10,000, Lot 26, Block L, next M, H. Grocery. 3000, Lot 6, Block 6, Rosedale. Christmas Pp resen ts Lot 25, Block L, Trackage .... Lot 18, Block 68, Trackage .. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 67, Trackage ... - CENTRAL PARK Lots 32 and 33, Block 27. .- Sie Lots 39 and 40, Block 13 . Lots 31 and 32, Bipck 9 CAR OF Ontario Apples . SCHOOL ANNEX ig OLD TOWNSITE. s UNDER. THE BIG FIDDLE. 10,500, Lot 4, Block 56, with Lots 33, 34 and 35, Block 24 3,000 No in ms apertment house. Lots 36 and 37, Block 28 1,575 wv Stock, order early 9500, 300 tty corner, 8, 10 Lots 7 and 8, Block 23 . pon ij Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Bloc 5 salon Tak 3h Bio GOUSINS AND STSSONS and get the Choice Stock. 12500 for Lot 23, Block 22, worth 20,000, 6000, Lot 16, Block 4, with house. Business, 35,000 for all 25, 26,.27, Block 22, corner. 6000, Lot 1, Block 11, Main St, North. Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lots 29 and 30, Block 29 ee Call at Our Store and get a Free 10 lots in Plock 31 Sample of Fleischmann s Yeast. A.W. irejand Co. Main Street. Fed Phone 54. BE.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRIG STORE, TORONTO ST.
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Image 1132 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1132, (CU1744873). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.