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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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. ere - - : songen anes Tec eSIOSE OF PPS Friday and Saturday * mi ws she mericmeree FOR SGT. HARPER SPECIAL Oe ee ie oe ene 1.50c CAPS 75 Jew gootabiann PansonaL 0's CW. 2. Cc i. One or-th 123, Si une ee of the pieasing events of the Every) one this season s goods Check Tweeds, Hardware retize season was Z Co, will basiguet thelr employees In sq to Sergeant ata eee ere Plain Black and Blue Beavers, with fur bands-and continuous facings; warm and tomfortable. the Lamia) sonign ou Police by the Non-Commissioned DON T LEAVE IT Bd LATE was the best catile KH. S. Ireland ; oo y times and also dropped Mises Margaret, and Mary Stewart, who are homie trom-coHe vacation entertained..a- number of ferred from this city to Let friends ry: nln seer Medicine Hat is the only place in the whist and dancing mad the evenine 'souey pisitict that he likes and so he most pleasant one. has: made applicition that iy , the The next Tenpls Dance will be held bier ret: -beeshalapeate ot in the Oper House on Wednesday.aniiity his request will be abet January 16 A918 1444) ana he will leave with one of the firet parties in the spring for that rhe sheers ot the Chinook Olub pare of the country will meet, at Dr, Moore's oF The feauture of last evening's. ev- Mi Age for the purpose of organizing. nt was the presentation of a hand- case of pipes to the sidn't Know that he was talking 0 targo number of the riders who made by Seaiok preseason ganeit ct an officer or he would sure a same in trom the range to take part thering. fought shy, of him: However, great; Captain C. S. Pingle presided over ly to his surprise, the chiel-grasped the gathering. him by the arm with the exclama- lt;In his opening remarks he spoke tion: Well, if you're wanted in : briefly on the event of the. evenings: Moose Jaw we'll take eare of- 0U The Misses Finlay entertained aj ahd also of the intended departure ami right away he walt number of friends st their homme last ffom'the south of the to the far north, dealing with the value of Tithe Bay a av outer tor the-srait 0 the west. Mayor Spencer was then called up- INO. MG DONALD WAS Mercury peace ia' LAND AT REST TO-DAY) cS tea wo tee, of which body Sergeant Harper Friends of Deceased Paidlis a member. He touched on the Last Tribute to Depanted reat part they had in the keepinis of law and order in the west, Engineer. - -Setgeant-Harper, in a few words, Sinan eau ait hee and have te skate Bid on of 5 sent to. Moose Jaw. Up to Inte v sterday afternoon the chief had received no wire about the prisoner and was of half a mind to let him.go but changed his mind. ceived a wire from the inspector, This morging the monaiel oe s h the ex-city and Provinciat--Govern- Moose Jaw stating that they cae a ment engineer who died suddenly on The funeral of Jno. J. McDonald, Thursday morning was. held this morning from, Nott s undertaking parlors to St. Patrick's Church where: and with great feeling, responded to the words of the Mayor in accepting the gilt. He express d his regret at being muved from Medicine Hat and such a fine lot of friends. Sergeant Campey, city police, Sergeant Caul- kins, Mounted Police, J. Endersby, Sergeant Foy of the Hissers, also spoke, The balance of the evfning Was made up of songs, instrumentals, the following taking part: J.B. Coulter, Rennels, Bray, J. Muir, J. Macleod, A. E, Whiffen, C. Robinson, requiem mgss Was sung by Rev. Father Ernie at 1 o'clock. The Uttle church was well filled with-friends and members of the Knights of Coliimbus who turned out te pay their lust*tribute to their late friend and brother. There was fall attendande of the church eboir. *84, Jor Koehler. which lent an/Rdded beauty. to the solemn yet beautiful funeral mass. The cortege from the church to the sow coro ros the char the METHODIST. 10S TREE REE denged, the esteem and popularity of Children Spent Delightful the. deceased, pine eng an Ol ning mM juren, Among the many beautiful, floral Evening 2 offerings, one ofthe, most beautiful was a large wreath fromthe Knights of Columbus; with the letters K. of C. inlaid. At fie grave Rev. Father Cadoux, H. C. Pettet Co. New Year s -Opportunities The best business corner in the city, 51,000. Long term: As a money-maker this can t be be: We have a number of the begt trackage lots in the city and thisyjs thegyise man s chanee- 6 Some of the best lots in Songigion 500 apair. This is-a-snap ani onest Lots in Block 14, Riverside, a, ft. corner facing on the y ing for 2,500, for only 1,800, and sure delivery for quick sale. A pair of High School. Annex lots, Block 23, 1,600 T hope God will sts apair. 4 if pleaded on pris : oes A fine level lot in South Yuill near Columbia A : uplisinanieg toe tak for 1,600. at 5 oners to Leavenworth. o 0 HO FOR SOME r Vata HILL DIVISION +50 tt, Block 13, with foyr-room- ed Cottage, 1100. Terms. 50 ft,, block 10, 700. Terms. 50 ft, corner, block 18, 1025. Terms. 75-ft, block 17,- 1300. T tms. HERALD SURYEY: 50 ft, block 17, 1575. Terms. 75 tt, block 9, 2000, Terms. 5Q ft, block 1, 1500. Terms. 100 tt. 00. Terms. 0 ft, block 17, 1400. Terns. t, dlock-, 2026.: .Terms. BENDING South halt block 27, 360 encli. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS 50 ft, block 29, 1000. Terms. Corner. 100 ft., block 9, 3100. - Terms. CENTRAL PARK S0xi87 ft, Block 33, 1000. Terms. z 50 t., block 11, 1650. Terms Phe. annual Christmas treeot Cen- tury Methodist Church was held last might. The programme was as fol- lows: Chorus by school; recitation, distor of Bt Patrick s Church,-con Howard Moore; Duet, Holy Night: ducted. the burial service. recitation.* Annie Dedman; song The pall bearers were picked from (Waiting for Sants),, five Tittle girls; the oldest. friends of the deceased recitation, Vera Ansley; Luther's and. apart from the Knights and Cradle Hymm, primary class; recita- Were. as follows: Ex-chief of police tion, Ila Cory; song, Kathleen Haw; J, Mieklejohn, Jas. Millar, Jas. A: recitation, Viola Nichol; s ng, Ellen MeDonald, Walter Quinia,, Jno. . J. Pritchard; piano solo, Helen Kerr; Quail, and F.B. McKinnon. * dollies chorus, little girls; recitation, ee May McCargar; chorus (Praise Himp, primary class; violin and piano duet, THREE TIMES PINCHED (Xcrman ana Eniot McLennan; song, Winnifred Barbet) recitation, Dorothy N. Wooter s. Third Trip Kerr; fairy song, five little girls; re eu citation, Leonora Polls; piano solo, Blogk 295, 9950 Perma: Nets R /Phoebe McLennan; Christmas cand- RIVERSIDE PARK q tence. Tes, primary class; solo, Miss: MeKib- 50 i, Block 18, 1250. Terins. bin; orchestra. 100-.1 .. block E, 5150, - 2000- lt;eaih, balance-1 and 2 years. 50 ft., block 12, 1260, Terms. 50 ft., block 18, 1000. Terms, TOWNSITE 50 ft.. Block 68, 20,000. Terms. 150-ft., Block 35, 21 )). Terms. 56 ft, Block 49, with six-room- ed house, fully modern, 10.- 000. 2000 down; 4 1-2 years for baiatice. NORTH YUILE 40 ft, Block J, facing 3rd Ave., and East Allowance with four roomed new cottage, only 4700. Terms. 30 ft, Block 10, 50 ft. Block 11, with two now What isa Voltem Roll? . cottages, 4000, Terms. HARRIQVILLE 50 ft, Block 15, 500, Deak 150 ft, Block 1, 275. each. Terms. 10 Lote in Block 2. 300 each. Terms, SELECTED KENSINGTON Te an SNAPS 50 ft, corner, Block 21, 550, : - , Te or Oe TEEN EG Fh ccc, BOS eons 1T OVER 50 ft. Block 17, 500. Terms. Block 23, Lots 19- 40, 800. * COUSINS SUBDIVISION Terms. a 120 ft, trackage, near the Clay A QUARTER SECTION adjoin- COUSINS AND SISS HEES Sind OTORL ing the townsite of Dunmore. 2A) E B a0 NTY This Townslte is going to bo Products, only 6300. Terms. DLots 124 2 ft, Block 1, with four-room- 3 YHITE AND COLOR boomed and industries will no doubt, be secured. This quar- ed hows , 1800. Terms, ter is well located and has been 140 ft. camer, block 5, on Bridge Bt. 3100. Terms. tested and found extra good quality brick clay. Price on 50 ft, Block 1, 1300. Terms, 40.00 per acre with 3100.00 Near the Park Ave. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX cash and balance in four equal annual payments, A good 50 ft., Block 22, 1600. 50 ft. Block 0, wi ht roomed fully modern, Bouse, time to buythis property. 7700. Terms. FIVE LOTS in Block 14, Har- HUGH ae. Four ac 01 risyjlle, Omly 275.00 each, in- cS 00. plage al cluding Seoer. G AS G I TY meee 20, Gentral REALTY Co, BEST CORNER BUSINESS 9- cation: in Redelift for. quick Phone 695 410. Main St. T YOUR LISTINGS, day evening at 7. Senior at 8. The annual Cong. Meeting: will be held ing services tomorrow ing st 11, and in the evening at The theme of the morning ser- A will be The Banquet, and of evening discourse, Tremendous Atte tthe morning: service members will be-rec ived, and The big Ogilvie plant, including sacrament of the lt;Lord s Supper mill, -warehouse and elevators, is DOW, e Primaty Departmient practically completed, and Bible School, will meet at 2, stalling the machinery will start in the S condary Department of the /a day Schoot will meet at 3. Choir. a Wednesday evening at . Houses for sale on easy payments evening service Thursday ey- or will exchaage for real estate. Av- Junior Endeavor Fri- ply to Hotson Leader. Batt STENOGRAPHER * Must have at I two years experience. Good salary. Apply betw: n 1.00 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. Mon- day at : - 3 16 IMPERIAL BANK ue 2 OGILVIE PLANT READY N. Wooters was atrested Christmas Day. for being drank. He was let Haw tHE SPEAKER out to get his fine and was arrested AT. DREAMLAND: again the same day. Again the Chief 4 J seve him a chance to,gct out and 5 get the two fines. Last night he was eee 5 ae be i reas gathered in agailz The charge this S1 ean Bh Sects time was made one of vagrancy and Galvati See Sasi by he the prisoner. went to Lethbridge for vation: Army: it is the. piace te 3 go for old time gospel service and 2 one month. : J, Milbrald charged the Hat Cray- S00d sing: at, the old songs. Meeting commences at 7.30. - on Co, with non-payment of wages. A misunderstanding seemed to be the cese of the dispute and an order was made for 43.35. Two drunks paid the usual fine. : MITCHELL'S HOME REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYP - OF BREAD MADE. ONS TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. BORN Hatley, at Suffield, Alta, on Tues- day the 16th inst., to Mr, and Mrs. John Hatley, a daughter. BUY SCOUTS. All Boy Scouts are requested to at- tend a meeting on Monday evening at 7.15 p. m, sharp, A full attendance is requested. For Sale A fully modern house in Central Park, 8 rooms and bath. Im- Mediate possession. Good terms. Ap- ply Rex Realty Co. 77 Main St. Phone 858, 143-6 Subject in-the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, Living Your Life Over Again. There will be a New Year's Service, with special mu- alc appropriate to the occasion by the choir, under the leadership of Mrs, Evani. A.Voltem Roll is the latest invention in Play r Piano Music hand played rolls (actual records), no controlling, no levers, no buttons you-just set the tempo and play, and you get an exact reproduction of the artist s work just as he played it. They will Mt any 88 note player and a child can operate them. If you would like to hear one just step into our store and say VOLTEM we will know-at once what you mean, THE MEDICINE RAT MUSIC C0 UNDER THE BIG FIDDLE. Block 34, Block 11, eheea ao The-roy: RGAINS IN Hi tw aE - : classes is very deob ands ALL PARTS OF ea as Fee ey ever, Tt is inane b tendency of the royal fn ter measures for the uy at the poor. This tenden manifest for many mont Mary, shrewd as well as Terms TASSTE BROS. : sale. Only 2,000 for two lots. 26 MONTREAL st. APPLY BOX 1370, NEWS OFFICE 144-6 BESOUCH Phm:B. PHONE 256, DRG STORE, TORONTO ST.
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Image 1256 (1912-12-28), from microfilm reel 1256, (CU1744817). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.