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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ff till tomor- by the hurricane. b you can do. On French :G ist i Seca eae a Havre, France, Dee. 27 The-storm which has ravaged the Bnglish Chan- - 1,000 . * nel forthe past few days has caused foe . Co. Phone 54. DAILY EDITION . A. BP. AND , A. P, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE VOL. 3 NO. TERRIFIC GALES DO MUGH OA 143 Es, TO BRITISH rows Blew Ei ghty Mil Miles an-Houtn Cities Flooded Boa' Are Late No: and Thunder in Ireland. - Longon, Dec. 27. Baxing 1912 will not soon be forgotten for the flerce gale which ,had blown from the stormy Atlantic since Tues: day reached ffs height mai Reports of damage by .the ae ut Plymouth t blew at the rate of over 80 miles. . There were several lifeboat rescues. The seas in the English Channel Yesterday wore declared as terrific, Cross. channel- passengers had very trying experiences, the boats being hours late. cut off by Hoods. snowfall in the lake Ireland. age. Telegrams fr harbor is ero no longer needed help. Act. Mail. Phe Daily Mail's. year for trade of the On the south coast heavy winds and rain squalls coincided with a re- markably high tide, with the result that many towns were flooded. In the western portion of the Isle of Wight there is no gas supply, the -mains being filled with sea water. At Southampton the electric works is swamped and Portamouth is Serious floods are reported from in- land towns. There has been a heavy district, there have been thunder storms in serious depredations on the coast. The new harbor worps of this Port Hewe suffered considerable dam- Dispatehes from Cherbourg state that many steamers and sailing yes- Sols haye.takem-refuge. there from the Brest say that the East night maritime prefect of that port was in wireless communication with the pen- insular and oriental steamer Narrung bf Dshant... .'The Narrung s captain at first signalled that he was in dis- tress but later telegraphed that he BING THE JOY BELLS i Berlin, Dec. 27. A san was born today to Prince August Willianf? the fourth son of the emperor, and Prin- cess August William, who was cess Alexandra Victoria of Schloss wig-Holstein. The marriage of Princt August Willlam and the princess oc- curred October 22,1908, and this is the first child of the union. BISHOP AT SASKATOON Winnipeg, Dec. 27. Bishop Budka, the newly arrived head of the Ruth- enian Catholie church in Canada, will aL WAYS REMEMBER light and Many harbors all around the cast 1911-12 i are full of yessels battered and torn French the day of 200,000 Americans Come to Canada in One Year Bigger Rush Than Ever This Year Some States Get- ting Alarmed. x Ottawa, Dec. 27. That the Amer- ean immigration into westerh Can-' ado will total o less than two hun- dred: thousand for the fiscal year of the prediction of W. J. White; head of Canedian agriculture, with offices in the United States, who is in Ottawa this week. This is an increase for the year of) seyenty thousand. He predicts another: big Tush this coming season, as the crap of Western Canada for the last seii- son has been a great advertisement Many American: settlers from the west have been visiting. in theif home States. and have been boom- ing Canada. The rush to, the west is becoming so large that many. the States are becoming alarmed. This ye four States refused Can- lada space in the State fairs. They were Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York. South Dakota was considcr- ing a similiar action but decided that to put a pasan Canada would only be an additional adv rtisement. FQEMER PREMIER 18 80, Beleville, Ont., Dec. 27 Sir Mac. keiizia Bowell, former prime minister of Canada, and now 2 member of the senate) entered upon his ninetieth ear today and was the recipient of congratulatory mesages from js throtighout the Dominion. The former premier is a native of Wngland but has esided in Canada since his early yo Last October he was seriously Injired by a fall while descending the stairs of the Albany lt;Olub in Toronto and for nearly two months he was confined inia hospital in that city. Since his return to his bome here his condi- tion 1s reported to have steadily im- proved. offer no objection to the new Bank Cochrane will be: Feady for operation K nown i Holid 5 from the Vienna cor- respondents of the Times and Daily correspondent ineteen hundred and twelve Will go down In history as the worst experienced in memibry of the oldest subject, of the Emperor Francis Joseph. in a week of Christmas the war has haunted the peop- fs and slammed the door in Christmas hardly a family in Vienna fot had one of ts mem- Re ee he the Up spirit. + + The morning paper furn- ++ ishes yesterday's -n ws, The evening paper gives you the Ns Wappenings of today. teh) ee he N. T..R, from Winnipeg to on Monday n Reign of Aged Emperor ay Trade Ruined Theatres bers qe least of its friends, called to the wars and sent to spend lon ly Christmas in the snows of Galicia or on the bleak banks of the Danube, Thousands of 'people staggering under losses of the serics of panics and the steady fall of nec- Sp culation As to whe will Receive Royal Favor a some. quarters prominent Canadians, ize the ae ey oe fav, al bill. Hon. Geo, 1 Bowie Other Canadians. doubtless will be recognized ia the distribution of min- or honors. Honors In Enghind London, Dee. 27, conferred by King George on New Year's may have given rise to-some interesting rumors. The Vacancy: 1 ot the. Order of Merit naturally creates the gr atest speculation: The name of Mrs. Humphtey Wand,- ...the writer, has been this connection but. it, is likely that while she will receive some. recognition; the greater honor will go to some member of the British Academy. -- Many people would like to see Sir Aston Webb the architect, become, the successor fo the late Sir Law- rence Alma-Tadema as a member: ot this order. Tt is said that John S. Sargent, the American artist, would have received it had he become British subject. Johnson Forbes Robertson, actor, it is said, will/on: this the oc casion be dubbed a knight. Prince Arthur of Connaught, the son of the Duke of Connaugit, gov- ernor-general of Canada, is due to receive a Dukedom, probably that of Kent, but this may be postponed un- til the King s birthday. New -peer- ages will be few and all Of tiem out side of parliament, as the govern- ment. is ot willing to run any furth- er risk of losing bye-election: CAPTAIN BEACHED ITALIAN VESSEL All of Crew But One Escap- ed Thrilling Experience on. Cornish: Coast. Penzance, Eng.,, Dec. 26. The Ital- ian steamer Tripolitania, from Genoa to Barry, Wales, was wrecked in Mounts Bay in. the extreme south- west of England, this afternoon. Twenty-seven of a crew of twenty- eight, had a thrilling eseape; -the other was drowned. The Vessel was dufieted by fierce gales from Christmas'morning. The vaptain today found himself in a perilous position and unable to get out of the bay and he determined to run ashore. The beach was lined with spectators who were powerless to lend aid and who watched the v s- sel almost helpless in the grip of the wind and tide. Finally the steamer s nose was pointed inshore and she drove in under full steam, running deep into the sandy bottom. A life rope was rigged to one end of which the crowds ashore clung and one by one the crew left the vessel over which huge waves were break - ing. One of the men was carried off by a heavy comber. BULGARS. Making Every Preparation for Resumption of War Reeruits, Called in. Berlin, Dec. 27. Bulgaria is pre- paring to resume war, according to a speciatiidespateh. The correspondent saat Bulgarian war minister has money and and gold ia at all. Opera House the, 8 about en eighth filled The loading music hall Here 18 already in finan- clal difticulti s, having been brought state, of business. The Christmas segiiot was rujn- ed. Instead of engaging extra hands) to cope with the Christmas rush, tite milliners and dressmakers this, yong were foreea to reduce their staffs: One large firm sent away no lose: than forty employes. The booxs of leading dressmakers establishment to the varg fef rain. by the preset 25 re ante 0 its due to be en- 1914 and has summon: men. up to the age ot on to orp. Latge supplies ofammunitions -of war and have reached Rustehuxk on steamer which ame up She Danube. The steamers. brought large number of ry horse and hospital supplics there were eighty physicians and a corpse of surses on board. POST ORFFICE BURNED to, Dee. 28. Fire destroyed Oe tsce at York Mile toa javorning, and wiped out as-well the Th honors to be * ( Medicine Ferdinand at at Saloniki. Ap- parently Improved Unity of Balkan Allies. Athens, Dec. Since Car Ferdi- juand and the Bulgarian princes + Bae - will make the other hand the st is the gainer, be saving quite Hittle on his gas BAN es ey) So Some 620 new gas services have been installed ding the past stitn- mer according 6 was superintendent Craft, and these) added se-vices will make this vet Foreene pos that of other eee The city is nowy using gas- from eight wells and tlie gas superintend- it sys he is abl to regulate. the supply -soUthat. well averages 360 pounds pressure, Besides the householders and offier plants -sup- last year the city is supplying C..P. Ri, Clay Products Co. Hat Milling Co., Milling -Co., The Pottery Co., International Supply Co, with Jarge amounts of 5. TURKS Made Cowardly Attack on Servians During the Ar- mistice Were Defeated. London, Dec. 27 -The London Daily Telegraph's Belgrade corres- pondent sends the following: Great indignation has been caus- ed by the Turkish atack against the Servian troops at Alosso during the armistice on Decemb r 17. - An of- ficial mesage received today states that the Servianr. did not expect an attack, as for fifty tiles around no Turkish troops were known to have taken up positions It appears that the Turks at Seutari began to find their position untengble, th refore they resolved to make sudden attack, thereby hop: the bania and evidently having no know- ledge of the presence of Servian troops on the coast of the Adriatic. The Turkish attack was desper- ate. Furious fighting lasted all day, and continued. during the night when the Turks, badly beaten. te- tired in disorder under the protection of the forts under Scutari, Shall groups were dispersed through the mountains. zi The Servians lost 63 killed and wounded. Maj.,Pastrovitch was in- eluded and succumbed to his wounds, Four other officers were seriously wounded. The German minister at Cettinje was informed that if the - Turks made a similiar attack while the armistice was in force they would not be Considered as prisoners of war, but would be executed as reb- els. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to: Hotson Leader. b4-tt CLEP et ee rere ee general store and private residence of Mr. Fulton, the postmaster, causing 4 show that the receipts for the week (Continued n page four.) damage of between five and six thous- and dollars. h TANGIBLE RESULT. + + oe + Ph Saskatoon, Dec, -26 Liver- fe pool capitalists: will invest *h 92,500,000 in Saskatoon and +f ++ cent ri.Saskatchewan as a +f +h result of a visit-from AJ. ++ i Whalley of England last sum- *h mer. Mr. Whall y was one s+ bof the party of British manu- facturers that visited Can- ada. ovis STRINGENT MEASURES. ing to join the Turkish forces in -Al- Saloniki, considerable. improvement tween the Greeks and Bulgarians. It was learned from a well-inform- ed source that the sole object of Fer- 'a trip to call on King George: was) to demonstrate future partition of the territories oc- cupled by the allies was shown) in London between Dr. Danetf and M. Vaniselos, An exchange of views has taken piase-between M. Venize- jos and Mr. Novokaviteh, of the fu- ture of Monastir, but no decision was Yeached, LAUNCH PARTY ue Mobile, search of five days, the three missing members of a Coden fishing party were picked . up eafly today near Dauphin Islands, They were Wil- liam Heeler, John Barnes and Bist Barnes. They lett Coden last Friday night with two days -provisionasind soon encouiitered trouble with their motor when it went dead cohipletely and they -were tossed about in the G helpless; their food and water. ex- hausted. STERNA 18 LOST. Gulf Port, Miss-, Dev, 27, Aill hope, forthe Norwegian bark Sterna, and ita ekew. of sixteen men, hag been abandoned, according to news receiv ed by the Norwegian consul. The FRAUDULENTLY Specs , SOMEDMU inept NeniEee tak alige that date A PromihentiVurist Advo cates Divyoree Court in Canada With Appeal to Supreme Court. ANY CANADIANS Toronto, Ont. Dec. 27. Before the Ontario Bar Asosciation T. F. John- ston, K.C., speaking of the question establishing of-a divorce court in Canada, made a strong plea for a murely Judicial tribunal of three dpdges who should be of the Province Ly which the parties to the marriage Feside, and on any legal question there should be the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, Each Pfoyince shonld be divided into dis- tricts, The court should sit a8 of ten as Bia have power to jon well defined od were adop-. available to million- Johnston that the auire ir e in the deal with grounds, If EXODUS Of Turks From Europe to Asia Has Started Free Farms Given by Ottoman Government. Washigtos, Dec. 27 The exodus of the Turks from Europe viFtually has begun, according to a letter received by the American Red Cross. The letter says that tho Red Cross al- ready have. aided more than 100,000 Turkish refugees to leave Europe and take up agriculture in Asia Mjnor, Most of them are agricuiturists cold steady, downpour of eral Rosalle Jones early tered toxether her small army fragettes and held a short AFTER EMIGRANTS, Ovtawa, Dec. 26 Rev.. R. H. Steacy, rector of All Saints church, Westboro, has been appointed by the dnihigration department of the feder- al government to go to England to assist in encouraging British emigra- tion. to Ganada Rev. Mr. Stacey will deliver Jectures at many. points in the British, eripire under the London branch of the im- migration department. The work ae occupy about three. months. ARE NEGESSARY HERE Horseman Used Infected Stallion for Purposes A Heavy Fine -At Regina on Thursday, recently, Mr/ W. H. Underwood, of Milstone, was fined 100.00 and casts on two separate charges under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act. Mr. Un- derwood had imported a number of horses from the United States which were found to be affected with a contagious disease known as Dour- ine. They were immediatey placed in quarantine. A certain number were destroyed and the rest placed the Canadian horse breeders might be protected from this importation ot disease. from the United Stutes. Evidence was obtained that one of the suspected stallions was removed from the quarantined premises and also that the Same was used for breeding purposes. Mr. W. M. Mart- in acted for the accused and enter- ed a pleg of guilty. Mr. C. B, Wood prosecuted for the the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. The work of dealing with Dourine is of such a nature that in the inter- ests of horse breeders it Is highly action be-taken in cases where the quarantine requirements of the Can- adian government are set at nought. POINCARE At Last Consents to Become Candidate for Presidency of France. Paris, Dec. 26 Premier Raymond Poineare, yielding to the insistence of friends in the senate and chamber has consented to be candidate for the presidency of the republic. The menibers of the senate: ant chaimber, niecting as the national assembly at Versailles, Jan. 17, will +f choose a successor to President Fal- lieries. The republicans have recent- y been bringing Jpressure to bear on jLeon Bourgeois, the former premier, to stand as a eandidate and only week ago Premier Poincare made ij last effort to overcome the objection of M. Bourgeois, but the latter. de- clared that it was against his con science to accept an office, tha duties of which hig ill health would not pers mit him to: fulAl. M. Poincare himself had sey ral imes refused to. agcept the candi- Caeaeeeeeeeeeee dacy. will work Breeding under strict quarantine in order that) on the- advisability of: to Albany on Saturday Tuesday next as was ol ied TY sitate two forced marches, ingly General Jones; start for Valatie today as seh and after arriving there to det whether or: not to push on to dak for tonight, and they represent for the most part the primitive portion of Turkey's population. : The situation is very interesting, stlys the Red Cross correspondent: speaking of the farmers desertion of their homes in Europe, for loaded into their bullock carts are their families and the crude implements of their trade. To all apbearanees the implements are of the same design as those used before the time of the apostles. * The farms across the Bosphorus arg provided free by the Ottoman gov: ernment. 1 REFORMS THAT WILL Women froni all parts of the U States who take an active interest i the promotion of various social scl ences and reforms gathered in Boss ton today for the annual meetings of Societies organized for the dscussion of stich subjects. These organiga- ricading himsel, in a house and keep- tions are the American Association. ing officers who surrounded it, abbay, for. Labor Legiclati the American for several hours, then escapingywhen Sociological Society, the American he feared tris adversaries would be gt; Economle Assodlation, the American come too numerous, Howard avis, Statistical Association, the American negro, was captured at Goat Rock, Political Secience Association and Qia., today without resistance. Ibis the American Mistotical Association, reported Davis onfessed to killing of which last mamed organi: Deputy Sheriff Wright near here Co, Theodore Roosevelt is the presi- a ce that*prodhizes to be or NICKEL SCHOLARSHIP most eee a aeantet of Ne FOR QUEEN'S: UNIVERSITY ig)the sixth annual yession of Amierican Association for Labor: Lee Kingston, Ont., Dec. 26. Queen s gisiation. The session was op University bas teceived from the ifs morning with . an, address executors of the estate of the late John R. Commons exp ining the wo Ellen M. Nickel a request of the e the Wisconsin Commission foundation of a 150 ae to forcing the factory inspection tay KILLED A SHERIFF. Columbus, Ga., Dec, 26 After bar mark in Hon r matriculation. ex- spoke on the need of a new fe ie im mathematics and Eng- employees . accident Saori af AMBITIOUS SCHEME woul ORGANIZE SLAVONIC F Actively En ation of Vast Slav Empire Vaden of burgs Poland, Bohemia, ess Serve Others in Line. Vienna correspondent of the Journal, frontiets- extending by a friend of Archduke Franz Ferdin- es and-stil further camer and is authority for the disclosure incl; of an ambitious plan which the Arch- duke has conceived and is now act- ivelyf tideavoring to make. effective. If the plan is successful tt ta be- Poland Is sald to have been Meyed to have the effect of complete- to grasp the:plan and has si ly breaking up at one strike the unanimous, present forms and systems of allian- ces of Europe today. pourparlour In 2 word the archduks aims at Emperor Ferd the creation of vast Slay empire of Frang Fe the south under the crown of the Hapsburgs. He is now preparing a p08 oe ete coup d etat-in Austria-Hungary- to) clear the way of part of his. platiy which is the liberation of the discon tented and. ll-assorted people who fomihfhe monarchy. Having thus mid -more clean sweep of the ex- ising political conditions he will pro- leghdSwith the work of building up Dy restoring the anclent and histor- new and an aetive w.going on between and Archduke and bbb deal kingdoms priicipalities, The new confederation, acording to the same authority, is to include the autonomous kingdoms. of Hungary, Bohemia and Poland each with i founding ESTES PRR EE
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Image 1237 (1912-12-27), from microfilm reel 1237, (CU1744768). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.