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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Prosent Dally Average 2825. Copies, Advertisers in Disily got the benetit the Weekly country circulation. extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisera. MEDIC g W. A. P, AND . A.B, DAILY EDITION TELEGRAPHIC SERVICB VOL.3 NO. 138 lt; ,,, J BRITAIN HONORS: WHITELAW RED WW OBSENUIES Beautiful and. impressive Bervice in Westminster Abbey, ROYALTY AND ALL WALKS OF LIFE ARE THER 1 0; tte Honor Given to. Few but Prominent Brit- ons, London, Dec. 20 The memorial xervice for the late ambassador Whitelaw Reld, celebrated today in Westminster Abbey, was an imipres- sive ceremony. The honor of such 4 service in Great Britain's most his- toric cathedral has on only a few Cecasions been accorded to any but British subjects of great importance and distinction, In the congregation of 2500. that assembled this morning neatly halt were American residents in England, i including the staff of the American. embassy and consulate-general: Roy- alty, the government and every-class of public life, together with the-ar- tistic and literary worlds, were re- Dresented. The day was gray and loomy, typical of London winter. All the congregation were dressed in the deepest black. The robes of the clergy and the choir and the flames from the cluster of candles before the altar were the only spots of color against the dark stone wall lined ith tablets and busts-of hundreds of noted i Funeral marches were played while the great congregation assembled. Prince Arthur of Connaught as re- /Presentative of King George and jueen Mary; Lord Howe, represent- the Queen Mother Alexandra, the resentatives of other royal per- onages, the Duke of Argyle, Prince Louls of Battenburg, the Grand Duke lof Russia, the viceehuncel- 8 of Oxford and Cambridge Uni- (Continpea onpage four.) FRENCH AFFAIRS 1N TY SHOES. - 3,000 in 1,575 MOROCCO REPORTED ; ay London, Dec. .20, Gen. Liayustey has been giving an account of his tewardship in Mordteo before, the 3,000 oreign affairs committee . of the 900. nch chamber, He arrived in . . 5,600 at a moment the ae ae Today only. pis ie peeus ot Go may st rs Se ee tat ole. wae p Pacify Fez and the Shawai dis- ts, Throughout, it has.been his olicy, he said, to get into direct puch with the tribes. He insisted on the necessity. of im- ng th Missulman mind by the of the French columns. amust never. run the risk of de- at and it was for this: reason that hesitated so long before permit- Col. Mangin to advance on Mar- esh, Thanks to his plan of divid- Mgrocco into five military zones, Mekinez, Rabat, the Shawai and ari bodies of troops were con- ly on the move in every part the country, This system of di- sion rendered the method of slow netration and of co-operation with tribes more practicable, Unies een difficulties arose, he hoped, Peaid, that alter the new-year he buld beable to dispense with the ices of some, of the 57,000 French pops now employed in that coun- . Their places could be filled by h drafts of Senegalez troops: He imated that a loan of 60,000,000 yuld he necessary at once for the felopment of the country. It was ntial that certain public works d be igprtaken forthwith. CHIEF BRITISH RABBL jon, Dec, 19 The Jewish World that in all probabilities Dr. Drachman, of New York, be invited to become, chief Tabbi he British empire. Barly in Jan- the rabbinate section committee meet to effect recommendations the cotiference to be held. t hi ni re foseph D. Holly died at Prescott, ., aged 96, Ho took part in the tle of the Windmill foright in er ds . E. McCraney,M.P.. for Saska- m, predicts an early election and iberal victory. we 8 ngus MeKenzie was killed by hy a pike pole fall on him in Van- ver h n N. Carter of Rothesay, N. B., S E ted Section. len Mills Arrived Too first general storm of the winter held sway over most of last night, though ith fairly moderate temperature prevailing. Up to midnight a foot of jsnow had fallen and at times the wind reacted a velocity of 40 miles fan hour. ca we Halil Pasha, formerly marine in the Tarvish Jkilled in the naval, engagement be- tween the Greeks and Turks off the Dardanelles on December 16. oy BATTISTI PAID Montreal, ip. 20 Carlo di Battie- tW paid the g Mmalty for his misdeeds this at the Montreal Jail, where he was hanged.for the murder of a compatriot named Macaruso, whom he shot after's chase across the continent over giving the timie aid preparations were made to haye hint strapped in 4 chair should to meet his fate. He walked to thy mounted the steps began making Hangman Uilis, however, skort by placing the black cap over eomone tke Stag + + oe + RADICAL MEASURES + IN AUSTRALIA ee a. + Melbourne, Dec: 20- The + constitutional amendment pills which seek to give par- Mament power to nationalize trusts, contro? trade and com- m ree and industrial matters, have passed the senate by 20 votes to 18. The amendments will be submitted to a rofer- endum of the people at the in 4p Oe ee See heh eh ee SKIPPED cape Great Jhidignation. Paris, Dec. 20- Great indignation has been arotited here by the dis- covery that Henri. Rochette, the banker and promoter, who was twice sentenced for embezzlement and was out of prison on bail, had disappear- sational parliamentary investigation in which M, Clemenceau, the ex-pre- mier, M. Lepine, prefect of police, and other officials were examined. Roch- ette by various frauds, according to the testimony by which-he was con- yicted, robbed the French public of 1908, but was released on 40,000 bail. He fought the case hy every legal device. His first trial began July 28, 1910, and he was sentenced to two years imprisonment. This regularity Sete 1912, and he was convicted and sen- tenced t two years imprisonment. He was again given his liberty on bail. R ehette was to have appeared at bearing set for yesterday, but he failed to answer the call of his name, 4s sald, that contrary gt;to. his expesta tions no leniency would be sbown to him. It ts believed that he went to England with the intention of prd- ceeding to the United States. The Paris newspapers demand that the most strenuous efforts be made to apprehend him, declaring it to be monstrous that by: forfelting 40,000 and keeping out of the way for-five years according to prescription? he would be able to return to France and enjoy. his plunder unmolested. See the Medicine Hat Garage. Stud- ebaker announcement. 1 tt NORJH DAKOTA IN GRIP OF SNOW KING Grand Forks, N. D., Dec. 20. The T Grand Forks th street wagervice was demoralized. Trains ere badly delayed, ADMIRAL KILLED, Dec. Vice-admiral i Athens, Studebaker 36 the automobile won- tt MURDER. PENALTY shove affair. Bat- sti up to yesterday gave promis of hangman a strenuous prove unruly this morning. Last ight, however, he changed and he egained control of himself after a lengthy talk: with Archbishop Bruch: si and after a night of prayer, He leclared this morning he was ready, eaffold without a halt and when. he peech to the citizens of Montres eut Is head and the rope around als eck. Death was instantaneous. William Oswald, a well known + + + + + * + * + * a French Banker Who Stole Millions Allowed to Es- ed. Rochett 's case Involved a s n- savings which amounted to 0,000,- 000. He) was. arrested March 23, was quashed on account of legal ir- The second trial began July 26, having been given to understand, it ion. the: honorable member the question down again session. National Seamen's Union, ebaker announcement, TURKEY AGREES BREE It Kept Up. Dec, 20. Constantinople, armistice protocol. The Turkish delegation In official circles here plained that the change fact that the situation in an armistice with Greece. TURGO-GRECIAN kish flagship Kheyrh-Ed- Tossa, which, according from Athens, was practical but the damage done to the insignificant. One man on During the so-called commanders of the Greek fleets exchanged p pled the Island of Tenedos your orders, to which the Turkish admiral replied, Your shells are fall- I would recommend you to ing wide. take better aim. Sin OUT most, Fishkill, N. .,. Dec. 20. by yesterday's 22 mile tram: Suffragette s slept late this morn swaik: of Only eight mileg *s Falls ahead for they decided not to start ee With s Wappiti as mre going to give our honor at Wappinger's bnight said MisRobalie C. Jones, cottish entertainer and dancer, sui- appointed Rhodes scholar from cid d at Windsor, Ont.; by cutting Tender of the pilgrims, on to Albany. We're all dance. The weather today was SEAMEN S WAGES, ized to apply during tomorrow's meet- ing for permission for the revictuall- ing of the fortress at Adrianople. toward Greece is the result ,of the Greece, bas now turned so mich to the advantage of the Turks that the Turkish government would demand exceptional conditions before signing BATTLE WAS JOKE Constantinople, Dec, 20 The Tur- ed by Greek shells during the recent fight off the Dardanelles straita, was' presented today by the Sultan ot Tur- key with the historie flag flown by the battleship Mahmurlieh bombardment of Sebastipol in 1854, The captain of the flagship was pi sented to the Sultan, who congrati lated him and the rest of the Turkish navy on the outcome of the action, It appears that the Turkish flag- ship was struck by two Greek shells, kilted-and- eight others-wounded. Turkish and by wireless telegraphy. The admiral telegraphed, We have occu- MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA 7A a IMPERIAL HOUSE OF rm rea with Asked That Ques tion be Repeated ext London, Deg. 20. Norton Griffiths in the House ot Commons. yesterday asked Premier Asquith is, when in- troducing the bill for the reform of the House on-un imperial character, il, 3 from among the British Isles and ? the dominions over-sea, who, had practical knowledge of the needs of such a house to upon matters of imperial . comeern with to view the legislation in the British Isles and the dominions over Premier Asquith said it was pre mature as yet. to make any state- ment upon the subject and suggested London, Dec. 20. If the shop own- ers decline to meet the men in con- ference on the question. of the es- tablishment of wage boatds which. is the only thing that will satisfy the seamen, the latter will demand an advance in wages adequate with the enormous prosperity of the owners; avcording to.a-circular fssued by Havelock Wilson, secretary of the Wilson believes that the time is ripe for a.eonference and says ff the shippers do not comply with this re- quest the men will-strike. gt; See the Medicine Hat Garage Stud- rg 10. K DELEGATES Thinks War with Gr ece is All in-Their Favor Want The the to is: author- it Is) ex- in attitude regard to in Barba- to reports lly destroy at the tessel was board was battle the leasantries Greek and await ibe. put the next in- structions forwarded by the Ottoman government to Rechad Pasha, leader of the Turkish peace delega- tion in London, authorized him treat with the Greek delegates with- out their previous signature of the WOMFN BROUGHT ptt ees TONIG BANQuer h Is to be t he is obe oh le ode oe Unless Powers) Will be F Hostilities. md peace conference, Pasha is to enable fils any. sost: 3 And on this subject his ideas T am creditaliy assired are in bai mony with those of fie more mode ate spirits among th members of the comimittee. But the views of the Young Turks hive lately taken firm hold on the imagination of the Bation s military and religious leaders The Young Turks leaders have no stone un- turned to fisti thet ic bellet, in the mind of the nation, that if war is aiet prosecuted anew the treaty terms must be such as to justify this waiying of their tremendous ad: tage. They have adjured the Grand Vizier to close his brilliant career in manner worthy of ail that has gone before; they have besought the Suitan to rescind the instructions given for a continuance of the armistice. and they Shave even entreated-tie-helr ap- parent to emerge from his reserve and lift up his voice Im favor of re- sistance worthy of the glorious Ot- toman traditions and alculated * to preserve the empire from dismember- mont, When they attempt to criticise un- favorably the dilatory imtentfon of the Porte in a manner which, seem- ingly, calls for the utmost expedition, one would do well to -bearsin mind the irresistible potency of the head- strong currents of opinion and senti- ment. To my thinking they will car- this point where the allies are now waiting to meet them, and the oniy alt rnatives are a resumption of hos- tilittes or the mediation of the pow- WHEW Australia Sweltering Heat Registers 122 Degrees in the Shade. Sydney, Dec. 19. One fmndred and twenty-two in the shade is the ree- ord put up by the first heat - wave experienced in Australia this sum- mer. This was recorded at Eucila, lon -the-south-Australian-border. At Poma, in Queensland, the mercury stood at 110, while at Neweastle, the cool city of New South Wales, had the hottest spell for 16 years, jaccompanied by dust and wind- storms. ais. dp Other parts of New South Wales were affected, but in Sydney the heat was less severe, the thermometer go- ing only to 93. No deaths are re ported, EGG PRICES DOWN Chicago, Til, Dee. 20 Chicago s club women became egg merchants Exhausted 1D the. four todi a af Falls) to- their: way going to today. They planned to sell a mil- lion eggs Mt 24 cents a dozen in their campaign against the high cost of living. especially that roduct. As soon as the wi bad their file, retail grocers tered the fronts of theit stores Wyth, signs of- ing eggs at 22 cents a dozen, two Mb ob hob et eleoke shoo oe oe le ode oh of ole oe of oe eat Dr. Dillon Says, Porte to Renew , London, Dec. 20 Dr. Dillon, writ- ing in. the Daily Telegraph on the I have received two intePesting communications from Constantinople which reveal a fixed resolve on the part of the Porte to insist on the terms which its owm statesmen hold to be in conforman e with its mili- tary conception and) its 2quipment for further field operations against the allies. The sole desire of Kiamil country to re- turn to a normal State uf existeace, with the least possible delay, but not ry the Ottoman delegates far beyond ADA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912 ENGLISHMAN IN Tells of Fine Condition fig with v getabl and eager to lives under Turkish ryle. They have no fear of the Turks, but only con- tempt and a deep-seated, and weil justified hate. f RUSSO-MONGOLIAN NEARLY PUBLIS Chinese Object, Strenuous- ly to ertain Terms Worse Than Previous Agreements. Peking, Dec. 19. The terms of the Russo-Mongolian treaty of November 3 are published here. The Chinese regard that -as far more comprehen- sive than the Manchurian agreement whielr finally led to the /Russo-Jap- anese war. 4 The features to which the Chinese principally object as infringing on Chinesg: sovereignty are the right they give Russia to send consuls: and consular. guards. to all Mongolian ports and to establish port offices. The treaty also aceords to Rus- sians freedom to trade and mamufac- tures, by land t6 arrange concessions for mining, fishing and forestry and for the navigation of the rivers for Russia oF FAST MAIL. TRAIN WRECKED ON GLA Casselton, N. D., Dec. 20 The Great Northern fast mail-east bound was wrecked at Fleming, three and a half miles from here at six a, m. today. The fast mail engineer, Frank Upplizrove of Breckenridge, Minn, was killed and bis fireman Charles Read, was scalded, but will recover. Other members of the both crews es- caped uninjured. The fast -mail strack the side of a freight frain while the latter was backing into the siding-trying-to-clear the mail Hne to Jet the mall train pass. The en- zine was overturned into the ditch and several cars of the freight train were wrecked. CONT CT PACES ARSON TRIAL. Jackson Mich Dec. 19. Joseph Davison, one of the ringleaders in the recent rebellion of the comviets in the Michigan State Prison here, wus arraigned in court today to stan) trial on a charge.of arson. Davison a alleged to have set fire to the sisal warehouse at the prison as a part of the plot of the convicts to escape. a MURDERER KILLED. and detectives at bay for elght hours - change whi kelp 40 pi ba Place Sir Rich: i Memphis, Tenn.,* D 19 Adam/on January 2, will mot be made for jestate vie ae es J. Bopier who kill hfs wife last a few days. lt; lt; i. debts of 185/000. Phe pe: Shir night held a squad of fifty polivemaff After the 3 oo oan lashed whether he re by officers, cents less than the pric asked by the women. The grocers advertised their products as guatanteed April) storage eggs, the same quality as offered by the women. clear but / pape ete ee The Police of Moose Jaw have been asked to locate Harry Parker, the four year old child. who is believed to be kidnapped from his mother. Mrs. M. E. Cole, of Fargo, N. D. ean: eatmeandienie wmmmes: BULGARIA ARMY: on, Dec. 20. A private letter an English volunteer, serving diers, and regimental stew flavored with onjons( much appreciated by the Bulgarians and made palatabie Now and then the men are served with rations of kash- kavals, the Bulgarian cheese, which Strongly resembles the Dutch. The men are thus well fed and remark- ably few have gone sick so far, Though many sh s signs of footsore- ness, All are in the best of spirits geome to close grips with the hereditary foe. Seventy-five per cent of the men are natives of Adrianople and have lived all. thelr HED today before he was shot att-killed definite stmouncemigit on the subject. have nothing whatever to say. that he had broken down. and had to go to a sanitorium, You can see for yonrself that iy . not true, he said, principalship of the 7 Pes Areata ++ GUNMEN * N OF APPEAL + ae 8 FIGULTIES OF u New York, Dec. 19 Noti e of , appeal in the case of Gyp the Blood, Dago Prank, Whitey Lewis, and Lefty. Loule, condemned to death for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, was filed by their counsel today. This acts as a stay of execution-pending a decision by the higher courts. They Were organially sentenc- ed to die duriig the week of Jani : beeteeeeeges m . TERMINALS Must be Enlarged-if Com- merce Would Escape Dis- aster, Says J J. Hill. ae eae New York, Des, 20. The com- meree of the country can escape dis- faster only by additions to amd en- largements of railway terminals, declared James J. Hill; former presi- dent of the Great Northern railway, last night, in a speech at the annual banquet of the railway business men s association. When the railroad yards are filled with cars that cannot be moved, the railroad loses a portion of its carn- ings, Re said, but the business man loses a larger share of his trade and the workingman his employ- ment. ea Lack of proper yard facilities, Mr. Hill declared, was the question of finances. Impairment of credit due to decreased earning power and in- creased expenses, he said, made it jimpossible for the railroads to bor oh be obeobeobeoleobeofesteteote dete Leadon. D and r e bo out tor twenty years. Liberal papers today give claring that British Unionists not impose the responsibility Perial preferenee on the do: EAIDROAD STRIKE IN Promises and it is f : je King, former Canad- ian minister of labor, the only other speaker, . discussed Tho Canodian Plan for Preventing Strikes, and compared the. Erdman act snd the Canadian law. He declared that allroad battalions, UNIVERSITIES OF fore a labor dispute started, was better able to: prevent a: strike the former which ean only give pub- licity after the trouble has becun. At the meeting this afternoon George A. Post, of New York, was elected president. SPLIT IN RUSSIAN - ORTHODOX CHURCH St. Petersburg, Dec. 19 A split in the Russian orthodox church ury in ordering that an suyer the most absol sion. In 1820, great national iumiliation, few days ago by announcing his with- drawal from the shiiteh. Now his followers to the number of 8,000 have jotified the Holy Synod of their in- tent to quit the orthodox church and. of sueing for 20,000 in the event of the synod turning the church of Heiodur at-Tsarinsyn in the pro- vinee of Saratov, which was built by- the people, into: a: convent or a hos- pital. Z The disciples of Heicdur today-sent, a telegram to the orthodox members of the duma, demanding ie trial for Heiodur and di iy te Sage profanation of the house of* God, by the police when they: entered church at T atinsyn. of: these strongly contrasted pany.was held-in-London yesterday. Lord Pierrie, J. Brues Ismay Harold Sanderson were a directors who attended i. '* R2t ta. Be From usually reliable source it is said that the principal item on the agenda was the resignation of Mr. Ismay m president of the concern and the election of Mr. Sanderson,in ii his place. From the same source. it is learned that an offic: jamong the German people ternational admfsiatration. . will be published Christmas Day, as Mr. Ismay was his Reminiscences wished to make a ed, I am sorry, he replied, but I Mc Tokay: Necker Deminion for November tot: laughed whe told of the reports month iast year they 677. WIONIST PARTY IRE INGREASING Garvin Backs Up ssue is faced the Unionist party. ence to the Times Toronto cable of SPAIN IMOIINENT, Madrid, Dec. 20 Discontent ong the raiiroad employes is sprems ing anew. The men charge the e panies with failure to fulfill ther eared. that a gen- eral strike on-Januasy 2 id inevitable. The government thas recalled all sol- dlers on leave andyis* hastening the Organization of the recently created SCOTLAND PROTEST London, Dec. 20. The Scottish uni Yersities have sent to all the Scot- tish members of pariiament a pro- test against the action of the treas- inclusive Class fee be substituted for the indi- vidual elass fees whieh have been de- manded hitherio. This they regard as an infringement upon the freedom of thelr administratic. The protest In 1908 Napol on. re-organized French universities on the basis state of supervi- inthe time of her ded the University of Berlin the basis of the, utmost possible ac ademic freedom and this great; cipl has. found its way into the ; er German universities. The results; This year forthe firet time no jewepaper, either morning or evening London on The jnland revenue reecipts for the al very well and ' 2,003,048 2For the corresponding were 1,097, ble for the creation of the versity of Berlin. laid the found- of authority which Is Without Lona 20, Sdual in Europe. The German unl- reternattea ue cours of Shel sersitles are unique as centers of 1n- bor teliecttial Ife and, thelr inflience. ia very plain teaehing of histery ignored. The universities of Scotland must. remain free inire spect of their teaching and of the in-
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Image 1173 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1173, (CU1744770). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.