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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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op, on s have ig their 3 before and the as made t Work, 4 romptly. 4 ac . are Mako Poste Mestests Pere teeter tg and heart Raisins, Valencia, Ruts, Shelled Almonds, Walnuts, Nuts, unshelled Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Peanuts, Weston s Pickles, Laurentia Cream, GERMAN- BANKERS. CANNOT G ) Berlin, Dec. 19. It is learned that Chinese loan syndi itself to raise 25,000,000 between nd and the end of the money in the which: only recently Look over our stock before Christmas ee We so keenly that the gains almost beyond belief. Everything you need is heres down to the candies for the kiddies. Come in whether you buy or not let us wish you a Merry Christmas, anyhow. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Phone 258 - - The Saints Claus S pecial has just pulled in with Ee signment of Xmas delieacies---turkeys, geese and all th things that go to make. the coming season the usual one of joy y goodwill. 2 Ibs. for 25e, Ralsins, seeded, 12 ox 1005 16 024 12 . Currants, cleaned, 2 Ibs. for 2c. Candied Peel, Lemon and Orange; 206 per Thy Cron 358. perm, See, per Ih. 0c. per Ib. 2be per Ib, 25e. per Ib. 250 per Ib. Brazils, 26 per tb, . 200 per Th. and Wagstaif s in 50 and 1.00 sizes. weet, Just arrived, 20e. per Ib., half-pints 15 3 pints 25 , Oysters, fresh, 50c. pint. Table Raisins, per Ib. 80 and 35. Commencing Friday will be pen, evenings until Christmas, Hewitt Armstrong THE QUALITY GROCERS. 25,000,000 is ET MONEY ee iy coum ataty. jcate had pledged the financial world. the year. German market, was called upon Macdonald. rou do your we bought offered are 1 Flum Puddings We have a fine stock of these Puddings: Sharwood s, FRUIT CAKE If you are too busy to bake Frult Cake, come and get it here, We have a stock of it always on hand. Mince Meat, fresh a Cranberries, 2 Ibs. for 35 . a Malaga Grapes 80c, per Ib. Lemon Cheese, 2c and 25 per bottle, Balad Dressing, 25 ,,50c. and 60c. sizes, You should see our steek of Chutneys; Hellshes, Sauces, Catsips end Bharwood's Fralis in glass, Macedolnes, Red Pears, Baspheiries, Strawberries, Greengages. Mirabelles, all 60c per bottle. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Xmas Week. Laurentia Milk, hall-pints bcs pints 10c. Main Street ito take-up. 10,000,000 of Hungarian being acsompan- The spectre of an European war in cons quenco of the Austro-Russian-Servian situa- the German group of the six Power tion continues to cause anxiety n W. C. Fee, well known Toronto It is admitted that the raising of politician, is dead. He-was formerly agent and organizer for Sir John A: of theug ?. Brady and special student of mines and mining a mining engiticer, she de- cided, with 2 glance at those Instru- ments and appliances of a scientific charagter plninty, Dut of Whose actual use she-was A rapid. inspection of the other books confirmed her coneiusion, that the man ofthe ins Was indeed the owner of the collection: There were a few well worn volumes of poetry and essays, Shakespeare, a Bible, Bacon, Marcus Aurelius, Epicte- tus, Keats, a small dictionary, a com- pendious encyclopedia, just the books, she thought,, srhiling at her. concelt, that nianof education apd culture would want to have upon desert s- land where his. eee Would be limited, The old ones were phed as the first book she hind looked in; ot ers, newer additions to the little brary; if she could Judge their cond ton, were unsigned. Into the corner cupboard and the rawers, of course, she did not look. here was nothing else in the room to attract her attention, save some piles of manuscript neatly arranged on one of the shelves, each one cover- ed with a square of board and kept The Ghalice- the story of certain persons Who drank at it and conquered Continued.) a A Romance Romance of Colorado Colorado Gourage whether she Fejoiced to seo him indi vidually, Wai matter not yet to be determined. Hi Band in the Warm clasp of beth his own. Bi words of greeting rushed to his Mps torrentially; what he sald, howeyer, was quite common- Place, as is often the case, . Word thought dzid outward speech did not for vou out here, you house at once, he ily, and she obeyed eekness, Gset and the night air had grown suddenly chill. Still hold- y started toward tho cabin a few away. Her wounded foot was cf support to her and the excitement had unnerved her, in spite of bis hand she swayed; without fm thought he gaught her about the waist and Hane itted, halt. led her to the door. It seemed as natural as it was inevitable for hf.a to assist her in this way, and4i ber weakness and be- wilderment si suffered it) without comment or reiistance. Indeed, there was such and power in his arm, he was ure there, that sh in place by pieces of glistening quartz. There were four of these piles and an- other half the sise F the fret four Fon the table. These, of course, she did not examine, further than to note that the writing was in the same bold, freo hand as the signature in tho pooks, If sho had been un expert she might hate deduced much from the writing; as it was, she fancied it was strong, direct, manly. Having completed: her inspection of this room, she opened the door and went into the other. It was smaller and less inviting, It had only one window, and a door opened ontsi There was a cook stove here, and shelves with cooking utensils and graniteware, and more rude box re) ceptacles on the walls which were fill ed with a bountiful and-well selected store of canned goods and provisions of various kinds. This was evident. ly the kitchen, supply room, china closet. She saw no sign of a bed in it, and wondered where and how the aman had svent the-ntght By rights, her. mind should have deen filled with her uncle and his party, and in their alarm she should have shared, but she was so extremely comfortable, exc-pt for her foot, which aid not greatly trouble her so long as she kept t quiet, that she felt a cer. tain degree of contentment, not to say. happiness. The adventure was 60 To- mantic, and thrilling save for those awful momests in the pool espectally to the soul of a conventional woman who had been brought up in the most humdrum the earth's wa and with never an opportunity for the development of the spirit of romance which all of us exhibited some time-in our life, and which, thank God, some of us never jlose, that she found herself revelling 4m it. She lost herself in pleasing imagina- tions of tales of her adventures that she could tell when she got back to her uncle, and when she got further back to staid old Philadelphia. How shocked everybody would be with it all there Of course, she resolved that she would never mention one ep. 4eode of that terrible day, and she had somehow sbsolute confidence that thit man, in-spite of his grim, gruff tack turnity, who had shown himeelf so ex- eeedingly considerate of her feelings, would never mention it either. Ghe had so much food for thonght that not even in ty -tate afternoon of, ithe long day'could she force her mind to the printed pages of the book she had taken at random from the shelf which lay open before her, where she sat in the sun, her head covered by an jold Stetson that she had ventured ito appropriate. She had dragged a bear skin out, on the rocks in the sun jand sat curled up on it half reclining azatast a boulder watching the trail ithe Winchester by her side. jester oo-iatt mibrextuae fea etseae jmade a rather frugal lunch-out of XMAS PRESENTS Just Received a Large Assortment of Suitable for known brands of Gifts, comprising the well- nglish Briar makes, namely: G. B. D., B. B. B., Losees, Peterson, and H. B. B. Also a good selection of Meerchaum and Cala- bash Pipes, and Cigar Holders. I als invite insp ction of mv cigars. Domes- ti 25 in all brands. Carry also a full line of Tobacco and Cigarett s. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY all ear ly and make your selections at and imported brandsi,Xmas packages of 10 and Whiffin s Cigar Stor 212 SOUTH RAILWAY S8T. XT TO AMERICAN HOTEL. PHONE NO. 79 whatever had taken her fancy in the store room, and she was waiting most anxiously now for the return of the ;man, Phe season was late and the sun sank behind the peaks quite early in the afternoon, and it grew dark and chill long before the shadows fell upon the dwellers of the lowlands. Enid drew the bear skin around her and waited with an ever-growing ap- iprehension. If sho be com- pelled to spend the night alone in that cabin, she felt that she could not en- idure it. She was never gladder of ianything in her life than when she jeaw him suddenly break out of the woods und-start up-the steep tratt; jand for a moment. her gladness wa not tempered, by the fact which sh was presently to realize with great dismay, that as he had gone, so he now returned, alone. CHAPTER XIt, The Castaways of the Mountains. The man was evidently seeking her, for 80 goon as caught sight of her he broke into a run and came bound ling up the steep ascent with the speed and agility of a chamols or a mountain sheop. As he approached the girl Foes her feet and supported herself fupon h boulder against which she find beet leaning, at the same.timo ex tending her hand to greet , Ob, sho orfed, ter- voles laing iaerrovaly an he drew: sae 0 fid yep aro back, anothi ft of ss and I believe I ave p.ctasy. y Whether that joy in ra ab: ; whether come back human being rwapetor him personally jstemetly, he could he wapigiad tl velit) ve Be id stereotyped fashion of g; liked it, A for him, his pulses were Dounding at the contact; but for that matter even to look at her quickened his heart beat. Entering the main room, he led her gently to one of the chairs near the table and immediately thereafter Hght- ed the fire which he had taken the precaution to Iay before his departure. In Spite of His Hand She Swayed. It had been dark in the cabin, but the fire soon filled jtawith gloriou: watched him at his task se from the hearth questioned him: Now tell me, she began, you found i First your supper, and then the story, he answered, turning toward the door of the other roort. No, pleaded the girl, can t you see that nothing is of any importance to me bot the stogy?:. Didiyoa find the camp? SM found the place where it had Deen. Where it had. been There wasn t a single vestige of it left. That whole pocket, I knew it well, had been swept clean by the flood. But Kirkby) and Mrs, Maitland and They weren't there. Did you search for them? Certainly. But they can't have been drowned, she exclaimed piteously. Of course not, he began reassur ingly. Kirkby is veteran of these mountains and But do you know him? queried the girl in great surprise. I did once, said the man, flushing darkly at his admission. seen him for five years. So that was the measure of his iso lation, thought the woman, keen for the slightest evidence as to her com: panion s history, of which, by the way, he meant to tell her nothing. Well she asked, breaking the; pause. Kirkby would certainly see the loud burst coming and he would take the people with him in the camp up on the hogback hear it. It is far above the flood line; they would be quite safe And did you look for them there? I did. The trail had been washed out, but I scrambled up and found un disputed evidence that my surmise was correct: I Haven't a doubt that all who wero im th camp were saved. Thank God for that, said the girl, I haven't greatly relieved: and-comforted-by-hie- - Teassuring words, And Robert Mait Jand and the rest on the mountain, what do you think of them? I am sure that they must have escaped,.too. I don't think any of them have suffered more than a thor ough drenching in the downpour and that they are all safe and perhaps on their way to the settlements now. But they wouidn't go back without searching for me, would they? cried the girl. Certainly not. I suppose they are searching for you now. Well then Wait, said the man. You start ed down the canon, you told every: body you were going that way. They naturally searched in that direction, they hadn't intest idea that you were going je river. No, admitted Enid, that 1s true, I did not tell anyone. ,I didn't dream of going up the canon when I started out im tHe morning, it was the result of a sudden tmpuleber God. bless that burst out the man, and thetihe checked himself, whor-Woulg relisve Ineliness oF cuutiuued.) flushing again darkly. What had he Been-about to a COAL Canadian Pacific - CHRISTMAS KD NEW YENRoHOLIDAYS Fare and One- Third for the Round Trip Between all stations, Arthur to Vancouver branches, i Going dates, Dec, 2, 1912, to Jan, 1, 1918. Final return Imit Jan, 6th, 1918, aL For further particulars apply to nearest agent or to R. G, MeNELLLIE, District Passenger Agent. Celgary, Alberta, Tieket Agent Port and IF MONEY 16 VALUE TO YOU Read This Our brand new stock of Men's Furnishings,-Boots and Shoes, Mitts and Gloves, Sheepskin Coats, ete Is DAILE ARRIVING We are selling these for avery small profit We still have some of the old stock, Ladies and Gents new and second-hand Clothes, Boots and Shoes and lets of other aril- eles which we are selling at your own price. f If you are one of our custom- ers you know the trathtuInese of this ad. If not, we ask you to come in.and prove it for yourself. HARVARD TAILORING CO. Opposite Dreamland. Phone 295, D. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR TO HOMESTEADERS, ETC. COAL Galt Stove, Engine and Biseksmith s Coal. Large or small quantities shipped to any station. Storage: Esplanade and N. Railway. 8, TAYLOR CO. Room 17 Becker Block. P, 0. Box 813. re m the Medicine Hat Meat Market Fresh Meats at 10c, 12 , 15c, 1744, and 22140 a lb. Rigs call every morning, A trial is all we ask. PHONE 878. 615 THIRD AVE. WINTER VEGETABLES FOR SALE Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage,. Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt Block. TORONTO STREET. Box 486 Medicine Hut. Fall is Here: AND SQ. 1S HOUSE CLEANENGG TIME HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE BY THE NEW VACUUM. PkO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS PAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR OR TEAR TO CARPETS, Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 707 O.11-tm J. 6 bARSON, Manager, SNFFRAGETTES MARCH downpour greeted the quartette of suffragettes when they prepared to had before them 16-Imle walk Fish Kill, the Jongest-day's tramp of Graniteware, etc. Specially Selected Buys ee SOUTH YUILL Lot 9, Block 15, Regular . REDCLIFF Tots 2 and 13, Block 106, HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Lot 21, Block, 22, Each . PARK Lots 47 and 48, Block 17, ie ork tae Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Lots 21 and 22, Block 10. Lot 14, Block 4, HERALD Lots 4 to 13, Block 19, Lots 14 and 15, Block 19, Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, per Lots 5 and 6 with shack, Block 2 Corner with house, sha k and Lot 15, Block 10, ..- Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, house and shael Lots 36 to 40 on road allowance, Block Lots 1 to 10, Block 35, Lots 19.and 20, Block 1: OLD TOWNSITE Lots 10 and 11, Block 64, Lots 5 and 6, Block 27 .... Lot 12, Block 80, HOUSES We have only six choice ones left. from aa to 6,000. ACREAGE We have already subdivided acreage in close of the ity and ready for retail, which only in blocks and on very easy te: PHONE 920. Prices Room No. 8, Imperial Bank Building. Fourth Avenue, Medicine B LADY ABERDEEN AND. 4 MISS ASQUITH COM Liverpool, Dec. 19 Miss Vik Asquith, daughter of the British miler, sailed today on board the tie for America. The Countess Aberdeen, wife of the Lord Lieut, 0 Ireland, and former governo of Canada will join Miss Asquil when the vessel arrives at Queens- town. Botti adios aro to be the guests of Ambassador and Mrs. c at Washington. THROUGH RAIN AND MUD Peekskill, N. ., Dec. 19. A steady sume thelr march to Albany with a essage to Governor Svhulzer, They to i journey thus far. The Daily News delivered in the ity, 35c a month. PREMIUM 2 Ibs. Mixed Nuts .......... 2 Ibs. best Chocolates ........ Best Mince Meat, per Ib. ... Buchanan s Jams ..,. ...... Best Mixed Creams, per box, from. . dust received a bi -15c to 5 shipment, of Toys, Chinaware hristmas tree decorations. To clear before Xmas we are selling: Ladies, ready-to-wear Blouses, ee 1.00, for. 7 Ladies Blouses, regular 1.50 for . 1 Alsoa nice line of Children s realy to-wear Dresses to clear at cost. We also have a complete Tine of Ladies Head and Neck Searfs. Aviation Caps .. h 50, sie and 1.00 Ladies Aviation Bonnets... - 1.50 Children s Toques ... 25 gaviine GIVEN WITH EVERY 10c SALE RE- LE IN DISHES OR SILVERWARE. R a Phone: 576 Prompt delivery, as we will have two delivery rigs going during Xmas week.
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Image 1179 (1912-12-20), from microfilm reel 1179, (CU1744791). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.