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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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THE CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH ar, ror9 ANSWERS TO HERALD WANT ADS. Ee ne ta ts called for Beaton “Fepiiog ill aitna of ite telbg TED—SMANT YOUTH TO ASSIST LN ke ahop, at” once. Apply blitehelt Makers, 34) Sevententh uvénde weet 3 WA SEDO HEAL BSTATH PALESER FOU outside, With ear preferred. Box 11% Herald YANTED ISMEDIATELY experience? tractor aaleaman for Ioal diatriouiing house State qualitieatious Abd experience. ‘Box 1107, Teraid. 23 VANTHD—EXPERLUNCRD MAN ——¥OK farm work, gcd with borves end. ma ea. - z ‘ parce “OPEN FOR PIG CLARS AUTO ly PASTEL EAFAI SANTO MAN, ree askatchewan farm, man Soedatcheran eaberioace. p sabested and waperiene agEASER ESS jz BER: 2 WANTED TO aod gountry towne fot fiat (0.00 per day, abet Gon Phx Tsay Heal fariners Droposttion, om {or suitable man, \yANTEDTA HANDY MAN POR PANS ae who can do farm black Bad, PUR, Appr Sanita” Afternoue, "a8 de. Fred Thaell, "00s 2 SbaEeHsuae28s286 Ve ~SaLeais Yeclling ove exceptiobal sickueas and ace Deviod uf indemaity unital ra'iiteral features. Productive terri Walon Cina cue Canada ies ‘Boog, Rt 8:80 orelpes “Interment wan tinh Pine Vala coinage PIGLAND—rn_ th 919, track; mast know clty siehdy" na "aed Apply. Steady pouition ail year to fight party. Avy Edgar F Steet, 14 Nath avenue west, 8 sna duties peas Hox hb Herald, Wasps tasbs sia Stork ranch clue to Cs BORE—to this city Thurwday, Maren-cotn, | SALESMAN TARTaD ouvert Plo, Amir, belongs with of Mr. Soko thaw ate: towerk territory. aged yok Malte % Taam - . Block faneree will take. piace from A. | : it forthe Het anes Appt Wigs Spohn rade Sebwols 28 ‘Nh SO" Rharere servic "rts tue 1316 Fu | Mauser, omen Frade Biol, 8 ‘on Monday afternoon, Mare BAhe ata detock, utter whet interment will | J ‘be ulade in the Uiion cemetery. tae MARIUSON 10. th uth, 1019, Years, of Cranbry The rina Removed to. A. Al. Shaver’ undertak Tabllshiment, 200 1210 First tere! east hoticer of funeral @ telll appear 0 Grrival of friends fram Cranbrook. HADEN, 3019, Hater b COr AUTO Get wuarted rignt, Pd-Mar. 815-10 FOR OCI COMING SAW setters, cdgermen, (simmerme; Sresn iuaaber pilers wid. oth S Hiadder Lake LBP. Cow. Ltd, Big sat AND ez Or BOY to mulik few « To HED Tat, ee | THE ALBERTA GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 342-144 SEVENTH AVENUE EAST. ALL PERSONS SEEKING EMPLOY. MENT ARE URGED TO REGISTER ‘AT THIS OFFICE FREE SERVICE SHAVE. 10c; HAIR CUT, 15. AT HEMPIOD. BARBER COLLEOR, 426 NINTH AVENUE FAST. GOOD WORK! NO WAITING. | pene ranean cent thee tbo, | Sa elate Eee STRD—ateN, To stupr raphy, station agente woth, wality for positions with Canaan Iaying Ger $101 A month, Gp Netstty ‘ecogulied school tein nontim.” Weite Dos TELE. ten. to Falizoads |, tart. Our Vrilapectt 10 work and part soviustiont ne and Saieiting Co CLAS JANTED. MAN To Tt FEED carts STH State ex aut do chores wt rane. “Anny, Ww ter "WANTED “CELLAR STOCK MAN; | tle _ seen Stises KN se tik ‘a cena ee ana Ime ERAY_DRUG CO, PEN Tbe | haere A\XPRIUENCED BUTLER WANTED” Ss smmall town. Mast. be. reliatve Box 31. Cayley, Alta, or 1 MaERED cor ee was Mely for farm. Slate. experioner a Tettasprenrste bomen. a Se Uwely Bh ‘at ibe Pittirat Weslew. ite Connopotlian,. ood Hoosrkeeping, PVompanios, abd other aestac salesmen giake welte Agency, 5028 Adela oat. Stae WOMEN WANTED. Port ubeeriptiog "Forunto, O cee att Gnvcompletion at frm $15 to #40 per week initrd of tocations, where you can ysinens for Jourwelf.. Treiendous Uartere Tf 3ein would become ou muse be a Temphill graduate, Writer call for frve entalogue. HEMPHILL BARBER COLLEGE 288 NINTH AVENUE FAST, CALGARY. Branches: Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon Eamenton, Calgary 2% Caort2 7.12 TURNED SOLDIERS AND DISCHARGED MEN ire atid palaty expected. None neeit jess tiny ‘rw antlers. I, Wank Maa. 0. Tor Laon Weak: ihe WANTED. G10 Centre : Ne HNEHER- 1S Roaranived $2: per over #0 Box 18 Wut, 100n Jon coupositon Steady Jub. Avenue “I atrrets Water VIRRT—CrARS Fopd tallrond tose 380 per cent fealalng at the Hempbill Motor gisn yeu. Ile tecemgry expert HOOK KERPER, WITH aes gpranhy Ose red | ieee” pretence $,_t # ie ARMIAGE WOODWOUKER WANTED 40 ZS tes, AbELY Hay & Harding, YVAN TED uANDY the puitding. A: brvtered. Bow 160 ONCE sist Sal “start you Men wanted to) haute Giairiees. Wels eee Bax 851) Eumout i NW —TAIN unetat around MAN *ANTED_ S10E- Seige waa S30.A Eighth REPATEMR, MORE 1 Wakes up’ to. $3.00 per enue west. Puteuls ta \ aay. You bow you Brders. for well Loam piihttsh! on particalatm write. to J. ik. tel leg. Stan. TD TEACH at Commer: ‘Brows, Grr, Phube ‘TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE MAGI. 1018-545 Eighnitarraue west. MOTOR ‘MECHANICS JANTRD — MEN TO. ST Me ‘ Rito. land te W | three, and coe Was ae eit iy ASTD Salary expected a a hy to Bick Neu | ay IVE MAN ere ot city. ond nea; mood prow Pulal reduire Wow | WANTED ON-RANCH, FIVE MILES ROM TOWN, BY BEGINNING OF APRIL, GOVERNESS FOR THREE BOYS, 10, 8.4 YEARS OLD: MUST Be COMPET: PLETE SCH. STATING AGI WAGES. DUNCAN CLUNY, ALBERTA WANTED — FIRST-CLABS MAKER. JNO. W. MADDEN, KATOON, SASK. THE ALBERT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 144 SEVENTH AVENUE. East ‘ONS SEEKING ‘ © 01 ce, SAS. ARE YOU LOOK TION: ON TH ADVERTISE IN FARMER, COPIES DISTRI WEEK IN TH RATES, tc PER WORD; 6 In TIONS’ FOR THE PRICE OF FOUR, ASK TO SEE A Copy, FREE SERVICE Pmar 6 to Agl 5 aod pressing. Must be aE Fora | V ‘3300 | WW! SEEDIIIMEDIATRLY, FIRAT-CLASS MMenograpner,. able to nae. dletaphone state. “exp ‘Box i102" slerats. _ WVSSEiD — HOUSEK RAPER YOR PED: eral, Kewl GX and wanagers best wagie; fare fuid. “Apply Au igus Street "went ‘ WASTED oIRL Powe Were aaisoe W Da COIR OR Wosr ‘aa for housework: no washing of care of children; good homo with patel Gait Ssih Nix AT treet went, Sho DAY AND. VANTHY URE WANTED at fier rove Hepat cae, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR TUNCH COUNTER. APPLY Kol RESTAURANT. |S TANTO REST ECTAULE —HOTHEREED fer for bachelor om farms: good home: objections {o one ur two child COMPETENT —CHICD) Phone Wikin, LTO ASST Witt FAC strvet West a Bu “Aiberta. TED—OOaPIE With some. ksiow! experienced In Jobbing Heo preferred, for six moutha bey IS Hebguttul ‘Cyerlooktug Okava fan Lake, ood salary. Give full. partion: fire of experience aud present positian. Co: Qugeative Urehara"“Comipany, ‘Summertand, WANTED—GDUL O08 WOMAN YOR 3 srouRe: ORK: NO WASHIN( iG OR COOKIN: etn Phere es in MONTE: Foustit AvaHvE 2 zener eat for pare cisid hor four. App No "Objection first, 2a) al two afternoons evenliny aff & week, The premises or at home Waning. weet’ out, Apply 2710 oF Reteral-mervant—cood Mrtreet, Elvow Park APHIL 1—MAID, A thee In amily; cota | 8208 TA atrew't, ANTED—LADY Saturdays, 0 once. GK Wer, ch WORK AT WAR PAY GUAR. ot 13 three, years; nit urcestly peed fed poeks for ‘ts on the fast Ruiter bardiculars Ape ts | TACHE \ 1 ANTEI-—G0OD men's Uidb, TE Ranch Bibi stat 2 MAT FOR | es Apuly S500 Bixth at | fares family ef tho.” No washing, Seat, 830 Seventh street west. Box ‘Tog, ‘Uveald. DIL FOR L1G Work and chitdren, few hou Tuirteentn ‘JOSEEEIENCED (Apbiy Lorraine WANTED. | Cafe, 114 Ninth -avemis | B8 STRONG GIR, 10 A kitehen: sed ining Soom ‘TAILORESSES, Sailor, 4248, Eighth avenue east. 28 AREEPER BY Wine: ‘Address, Box 11, Rosebud, C V TENT EDLVIVES Valo | lor om farm. help for farm one mile from rtable home, highest wa if OF phone S25, WA STED=GIRE To SRW ON: MACHINE Apbly Basewient, 516 First. aireet. cast one aed fo farm. ald 1 oe. tantly. 1. Bvai, Box Middienged ‘Brakine, Alvi 19: keeper Tor farm: bachelors; 4 or 5 to cook for Hox 3100. Hera 10.8 WASTE! Hotel. Can ure. married rouple, Siate | ages. Aitirean F, GW noe iy alendale, Aus, | WANTEO—WAITRESS, MUST BE EX- PERIENCED, APPLY KING ED-| BANFF, ALTA, WARD HOTEL, ERIENCED ORES: MAKERS, SKIRT MAKERS, NEAT HAND SEWERS. MRS. 'W.” S. ADAMS, S30 EIGHTEENTH AVE- NUE Wesr. wt ED tha G22 sD TOME FOR AG saist with housewor His “Fifteenth 1 830 Fiewt street es Steeet neste 10-6 HOUSE: ‘Apply 24 Beat voy ia} Wwirn | Herat, WASTED AT oN cooncTOrsE for farm, 18 Pamliy oe" theres iedern | eer month: “Pious.” Hural | Tangdon. or witin Tow STED—A | cipetiesed. $20 per month went. Fitow Park, Small Abby, | EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER FOR CALGARY STORE. HUDSON'S BAY CO. APPLY SUPT'S OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR. 5 | WVASEND_AT OSCE —Presr crass cook fF iot farm. Modern ay emplosment tothe | Tay de | OR: WANTED a No. objec: sciall family. Feeponnible party. AvpIy Iii | Heratas tldy woman for hudeeke widower, om. farm. Canal ary $40. per month. ot aid at hate se |W te | WANTED—GENERAC SIX A STREET, PHONE. M4 y zy WASTED, WOMAN Arai. MAID. —in ELBOW PARK. sha} ENOURERHEPER YOu a spy Gourerae iT Nt, fer MAT POR OX ANC Linacre Okstots SRSTED—ATHONG, TE eet Fa Swe omit. ws Apel Avis (He. fle. Alt | WANTED: YOR SASKATCHEWAN MAKER. SPLENDID RIGHT PARTY. Loa ote STE Mr * Budiey ANTE Ww: 1s | preferseus for peawen ik | "SEER ROUT SRSIL UN RANCH BY Help.Wanted—Male JANTRD—BY BACHELOR ON FARM Rear Calgary, Dousckeeper with bey 12 Fears olds good school quite ‘clove, State ¥-0,) Box Di, Miduapore, Alta ‘200 ‘RL LADY DRUG CORR, ONE with eition experience preferred: Phoog V wot article we M1800, Waxmore iy. of four. Pine t.8, ail, wits. Weer as een ae tral housework, fowe in tainly. Phone rat “AN ‘Cree ry DLT WO-CHOWUs OINLS,—Fwo Tenses: also, lady (0 -sing ‘singles. eaaiced. AUDI, Pendeuats boleh Rduanton, Atta FANTED — FI x ae} to, 20 yearn of ake, iigbest. wages fon for Fight party, Apply, y for Heme party. Ave, SNERAL MAID, SMALL FAM- recon. Wares, 188 ‘2200 He “at OOD, Aberal wy home. Fir" ctreet wert or phen tbe work ot ayerounds’ sovervivore for the ‘Calgary ‘kindly a Peston fer ee, comin rome Vwi. Mevso? tea Milupery ‘Storer S250 Flryt street west, ee Ea WANTED—YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND HELP CARE ‘OR CHILDREN. Wisi. XrisY YOR WHULKSALD _ stenoxraphy not eskentlal: sod Weourate.” Apply Box 1117 OG KAPLIER; fond do neat work. Ap. A114, Herta. 106 pISEDINTELY, GOOD Chix $80. per month. Seneeper, Family of Let Resiy-aet te, ¢ioan. WANTED—SCHOOLGIAL, TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT, HOUSEWORK “AND TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN PHONE PVASnDHOUREREEPEE FOR couple, No. washing." tght Middle aged woman” prefersed. "References Fequiced; $20 per mouth; MST; 1115 Hights u on | roUNG at ADY; AS ograpber, in retail baelues lara of experience and’ satan knaveritinis fo Sox 1018 Hee ‘0 MIDI Sin Box Tau GIRLS WANTED —APPLY-ALBERTA STEAM LAUNDRY, 730 SECOND _ AVENUE WEST. 17-6 GOVERNESS WANTED FOR TWO GIRLS, 8 AND 9 YHARS, FOR __ COUNTRY. - BOX 1006, HERALD 17-6 | yANTED won OR SIX TEAMS, DAY work or contract. B.D, Freeman, coral delivers, six years’ experience in Alberta, esiren position, th law ‘office, oF position of tase fox 1178 Herald x FOUNG MAN. 26 ¥ nll educated, desires position ou fara from “April three years’ expert: Ye m6 poems CEDy, OF EN FOR, engagement on. steam plow. outlt for! seasons consider atationary.. Hteply, wi taut, J. Knights, S00 ‘Pourterath st AES, INDURTRIOUS, rik cab FARM Pieave state “wages, Box” List MAL SECOND: ‘peotéaslorial ‘ete, desires! Toes could be obtalnea. wots 208 FARM. WORKER—AN EXPERIENC- ED FARMER, WITH LARGE HORSE OUTFIT AND MACHINERY, WOULD. LIKE WORK FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. | TAKE” SAME | ON SHARES. APPLY BOX 118) HER- ALD. rk ne 21-6 CCOUNTANE FINANCIAL AND. MEI AS aatile, experinace, execative ability: | capable of taxing etree: Box 1250, Herald jy) HELIABLE AND tN pisse Wvinawen, 30. astriows farin hand, wishes: good ‘where fie cas’ sino. Ba 'Bve yearold. ehitd pie Abin, Brveat EXPERIENCED SINGLE MAN. BOX __din_HERALO. IENAEOF. OF woul ra experience. Boe 1 DISCHARGED — SOLDiE! ENCED SOOKKEEPER, WORK. BOX 1094 HERALD. Ee rat exh ina "goed Gok fire, Shite MM ‘Appr, Y COMPETENT STOCKMAN WANTS citer buying oF managing squall rageh tefercuces,, Apyly Box Sot Hera cra AW. ie EXPERTNCED MART co operating light tractor throughout | the sexton, “Addrow Mex 3, Langdon, Alta THE ALBERTA GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU © 142-144 SEVENTH AVENUE EAST WHEN YOU “REQUIRE WORKERS, EITHER PROFESSIONAL, MECHAN: ICS OR LABORERS, THIS OFFICE CAN SUPPLY YOU PROMPTLY AND. WITH "SATISFACTION. OFFicg HOURS 5AM, TO PHONE ear ‘Pmar 6 to Api 5 GREAT WAR VETERANS’ ASSN. Employers Having: vacancies ana willing to employ Heturned Soldiers, Please communicate witha EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY, G.W.V.A. CLUB, CALGARY Bhone Mrous, issue card bearing to each applicant wiro wilt signature Men are already fisted willing to | take positiona ax, follows: bie for Coeds “| WS NEEL DESIRES POSITION FOR 10 years’ experience in. break iNarpert oa tiatt-arr ea- 8 George “Hiotel. MARRIED MAN WANTS wou ou farm. Experitaced with motors, Sep- sate Bete dested Bon Lush, Heras 38 yo tiga on feranty’ boten ft STENOGRAPHER CLERK, 1D, SEEKS: IMMEDL YMENT. BOX 1058 mt me fo abericnoe in execuitve and office sito Joni _Herata. BY WOMKING MAW, POSTEDN arm near Clarestelip by about 1st Expeflenced in ail fariy heme are TION Ti aN roughly ex ferinced, to lumber “an | sees agen fag Ne ke 2 Bran. __Local_reference. Box 1088 Meratde 183 TION WITH SOME LIVE yas ae ae See ae ne ae ee aoe TN ie OFFICES. STORES, SE (NORLAND. TRAIN. sures oat in pevata bone, (OU RAPIIL- WITH SEY ERAL-YEAIS one Biperince, desires porition at “f Po “of eaical ee igh, MI SCHOGL TRL: School. “Pione W070 ‘after & pean TANTED—POSTI Wa Phone WI008 i perience; ‘Hox 1132 fieraid, EWING FO_Do~ at i DESIRES SUM. x $00, State number Sites St ‘Stackaze, Generai. Deliver Ge MATERNITY NURSE, FROM STATES, Onn, FOR ENGAGEMENT. PHONE Persctien wisow, CHILDREN, DESIRES HOUSEKEEPER, EQR; SY 08 CouNTRY. “Hox” Jom HOUSEREEPER RE. heer os : ‘Quiren position: Jo, couatry:. capable, Fetereates. £25" Underwood Blocks, Brg TWO YOUNG LADIES WISH Post. TIONS, ONE “AS CASHIER AND > WAITRESS, OTHER AS CHAMBER: THREE POSITION: AS. “WiDOWEE OB BACHE: zi Wy HEGUIRES Hots ‘Keeper's ponition to bachelors. Dtstan: Bor 1019 Herald. i HENCED | HOUSERE RTED=—PORTION —A8-HOURERERVE See an ee ocala Ean ee See cee ae No wast in6 EXPERT Hox ost a8 STENOGEAPHER DE at once." Kox 088 Herald. a8 al ing. Box 101s, Hernia. TENOGHAPHER, WITi SOME face, desires ponition .at once, Re OF AGED perience with i ‘Adiress, Mas Ne: tents, 3 met ‘Termin in THE ALBERTA GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 142-144 SEVENTH AVENUE EAST WHEN YOU REQUIBE WORKERS, OF ALL CLASSES. | THIS OFFICE | SAN SUPPLY YOU PROMPTLY AND | WITH SATISFACTION. OFFice. HOURS 8AM. Oo Pim. PHONE Spmar § to Apls JXPRRIENCED DEESSMAREM WILL $m 4 Ag, Zour hamme.. ADDL S25 Sith area, west. “Podne MaTes. Pateust-t ._ Agents Wanted RUT CLABS CoAIER CIAL. WORKING all townn, understanding car to. cary specialty. Side Mor or otherwine: “Apptie ipa sonetdentian. Sterling Supply Co: ‘Phone Wieod tor appointment, ORTRAIE AGENTS WANTHD“ARSD FOR cauilogue, Prints, solar and bromid pus ae conver or flat, Frames. supplies, Merchanta” Portes? Ea rare 30:9 ‘(qyantay Tanovanocr ATBRNTA TIVe-| ig abd pect iy company, ale ancourery BGr tlt Fatebivtay For Sale—Furniture, Stoves, Etc. NAN MANGE, HEATER, LAWN MOWER, SOPs ‘QUICK Ral Tin SONS Reno tees PITRE Reiniataea etatae as ioe tables aah XROOMED HOE Hoare ta rent. wes DEAW ‘emit Tow hae eUL: in fine ae Fou ining room wilt, fenwlias eter, Nov deniers. nth avenie. Wrst fo Wanih AXTESSION DINING — TARL thalre. $1 beds FURNITURE oF FOU: Apply Bere RANO. Hue iad. tabion a thatra, pron sae 2tmmed on Horary table $ Pastas 3 | of every aeseription, REPAIR DIRECTORY a ara te oe a BE ERA tia ae ha Eade istics RORLAIE fi SERVICE GARAGE rains MOMOLY AND, cANRYCLLE alae OMSL NO Se faster ie ase, OS AAT AUXTE, AVENUE ® Av LESLIE, 8, ORAHAM HSTGTAGS WOODTURNING, ALO furuiture repairing, coimplete ‘machine peppialtaie Satcira tae at wboleaaie Brice: Spier eck ino ak dreganrs and itches — < Patendi-1) ME, So OWNER Done YouR cau wage, passtin tee, hy ven. ro fue east, Cha FiO! The Crows i ‘Phone AB08, reridence as ie Pere ACADEMY KINDERGARTEN AGADEMY PRIVATE SCHOOL RADE” WOIK. ° KINDERGARTEN. VF susie, teucing end Age, Serica wa BANJO, GUITAR AND MANDOLIN WE REPAIR TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS, fs SADDLES AND DOLLS Sample "Case XS order, 008 Piret atieet tart “Bhoge goto, C-hiareh 31-90-1m ‘| SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS QUPPLIBS FoR ALL maxes. ir xoCK machine is uct, giving. satisfaction, phoue stl or 148" vient ‘atest weet, Hope! 1h PREMIER CYCLE SHOP SL OOOH ATEN PRONE pice. ae eee Se creme bears Goes ford’ Red Rind teySlon, se ‘OXY¥-ACETYLENE WELDING He MackEIL RNITORE REPAIIS OF ALL KINDS: refaiahing -and polishing, igne furniture, oa. Phone MINT, [aaa ALL KINDS OF Chae Tr MI7O6' nel) ear ee ee feta ae do wd Cusard-73. 1m “Calgary Furniture Hospital 1002 petits fering Wanted—Miscellaneo: i FOR vicfouy BONDS, PARTLY oit On See er ional He teats Ha HAVE ENGLISH PARTIES, WiLL Rance CEN Ie Gite Soeoe Maker Get eater Clie sree URYERUED Tine KasLo e WANTED—TO RENT, FOR TERM OF YEARS, GROUND’ FLOOR FIRE- PROOF’ BUILDING, 100x50 FEET, ON’ NINTH AVENUE AND_ SEV: ENTH STREET WEST. Wayne LOTS WANTED 'N SUNALTA, on A. G. CLARKE & CO., LTD. 409 P. BURNS BUILDING. | Masso, MOTORSYELE WANTED, IN Finer. Sree Sse e NEEDY Mo Rew S! mate iP aL Sam rate i MANE es 30x10 OR SMALL. { WANTED Tene pare see cane cateoeaer, ere, a Satins treat mee eae! ee ‘Heraid 8. D-OFFICE Derteratly a e100 SPACE oi DESK lawyer's: office. | State | TEES Box 1050 Herald. 18-6 \_ Apply Box 920. Herald. TO BUY—A HAKHER SHOP IN ity, or wil buy halt Interest. Glye | particulams tg frst letter, Hox 1000 Terald. | Iso white | Box 10u2 Herald at T pay $2 t0 $15 per sot. PArCeL pont and recedes Sebeque By ¥, "Teri, 403 N, Walt street 53 Fetura mail 3 THEEARE play. for one wan feurtor hlteh and itt Phi Mints eteece northe will eee hfe eae NY ale parcaah tor mes TSISCEDTATEL Y= —DETPING horse or tem and ugey for two weeks | it reayouatie. Suite 12, EAA. Tai D AT ONCE—CKEAM SEPARATOIE Must be i Motol, aT Uirke phase. State cash pri nn ea E WANTER-AND TWO RUGS Phone MA2A2. ae N NTED—PUCAIN- SEWING-ANT UNI Slothes ty make.” Apoly Mes. first" avenue northeast Ehone Bizet Soe Tre effin foraitare. gz, Herald, 7 wat: ive wee PRIGES PAID FOR Fi IR BEST PRICES PAID FOR FURNITURE HILCHURST, Fi KERR BLOCK. PHONT Maren. LOA Im WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR FURNITURE oF ANY KIND PHONE M1G19 AND WE WILL CALL STANDARD AUCTION MART AUCTIONEERS AND vaturns io iuuiM aVENUD WEaT Phone M1010 f (Ur ony ALL KINDS oF FORM ee eee : (Vrs Se SP aoe CHICAGO HIDE & METAL CO. HIDES & FURS ae Paid | Ateo scrap thom, metal turaiturs ‘sud siothea, tools aod” phoma ig_ruypiies. Phowe Mita Cjanae 13s ero HG SNE Wont cMar, SANTO, = ine Sei mentee Went? Neste’ Phowe _ BUSINESS SCHOOLS _ uNTEAL C COMPTOMETER SCHOOL icted under dt os DANCING AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION DONALD AUAUsii — YuleivaL tion, antic, © classical dancing," 914 Iw Be Masvs GcamaNsebs ybauine Cation in all ioodera Sauces of te ball Hom." Academy, Law Furst street "wes Phone itivea eCauguiset ieee east Sula ae eat at DESERTS SCHOOL GF Dancisa att Sobre meta Ge ate fed cept ere treenitane ae he ee ENGINEERING Steam Engineering REPAKATION BY CORRE: for tirst, second, and third Cxuuliatious. cP Hera iP Box 154 “FOREIGN LA LANGUAGES: Russian French Spanish Brazilian Pho Greek OP UENTLY. 1 SPEAK THE LANGUAGES I Gus. Lawes, ahieructor ut Varese Languages. Private Lessons, #31 Eighth Ave. W,, 80d foor howe Use, Information given frem @ 40 7 Glasses at Gespett'e Collogs TEACH. Cmariim Pee ESN; CONVERSATIONS, careful preparation for matricula tons, sessions for children. after clauses aod Sat Stuay morsing, “Urapaladous made. “Tig Fitteemtii avenue west. - CMar, S12t-1m c EDUCATIONAL pee ackyerd “pupil earetally “tutored; preparation for examin fonss 7 Hours arranged "to" wult. wtadeata, SEEMS citsces' for farelgnera, Pees. te enable. Paone W102, tad ge rai marie Adiam College of Music ms Taw ania. 3. TALBOTE 188 TESSIE MURPHY, TEACHER OF s\n olla and plane, 694 Boge areuse A. MONTOO! ‘MUS. meee ses. Siptomah Teaches piawey winging. iene BONNE MILCAR, GREANN® AND Gharen’ Sidhe Gs Piktewnth aroma west, Baca. ka,” (teat, Wecbr"aeote west ieee Pinca Willow Grea PiaNo, VIOLIN, sINGIN cae 1” leasois. Dwelfth: street west. “waski! Pd Mar eit MUSIC DEALERS MGXERN MUSIO SUPPLY COMPANT. rergthlng Zor ho. profeasional sual. Ww clan. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIRING 432 Doulnax, Vion eRe, i sertoced Alleh-erase repairing og ue went Hose sais -20-tm, BB 8, SEVENTEENTH Avan MATa, Vileine ‘nod. smusleal ta of Fepaired; 90 years’ experience. Several used instre- ents Of high clase quailty for asle cheap, PAINTING crv Geanot ia. water
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Image 367 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 367, (CU1787201). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.