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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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LATEST NEWS SEAT SALE NOW OPEN — TICKETS SELLING | JESS sisi |HAMILTON TIGERS | ar isnieb OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. €ALGARY BOXING COMMISSION THIRTY ROUNDS BOXING ar aL amar temple } FAST FOR FIGHT | Fase HOLD ALLAN CUP RAPA TUE ale) THURSDAY, MARCH 27 RirresTere tert: este CA CULL Ls aig JOHNNY NOYE vs, HARRY ANDERSON | NEXT THURSDAY | -FORTHIS SEASON en er. PAUL Ap ROUNDS vancouver Anderson Arrives in C4) This hp Selkirks Beat Ottawa Team| . BOXING See tg OvriGE knee ‘Kolb's R | Afternoon and Noye Ex- || : 5-1 Last Night, But Lost | pected by Sunday Out on Total | pele t Wher the seat sale for the Ander- a admirers | son-Nove boxing bout was. opened | [j greateat | | N oth sides of tho por : soe ccaday. all of the ringside renerv- ical fee, Setkisky weatern champlons, | “ 2 he could hold his own ‘with the ere grabbed up and many of | fj defeated the Hamilton Tigers, eastern | big champion, Their faith was par- in tHe. reserved section. sa title holders, & to 1 here Jast night. in ked. ‘The demand for sit- ae aaa easeds for ater, URY-nINe cd a se: nolaenn, 9 9:1 BOI Oe or M LL Airulatiy-ansulieas Ci ARE tye douse | SEs ae Ua bok eae areal bane the second Atlan, GaP rereiare, Ham roan ota iminitea, tho Bout ended in 7 ison tae aah ane 85 tak ee eencround. fight whlch on an, the Gree Saremace agtack all a draw. Considering the great differ- | ta. 1 ‘Thursday of next week =! night, and tied ‘uD, ‘the round in the aa cei tide far the | in AL-Azhar Temple. Ay ebhuti note of hinge or seaing five This Is Anniversary of Great) work dat "pusa |i oe Anderson, star lghtwelsss | ae Ae Ree a eeextime easlon, Thar ; Tig Meteran ae ves | Eee torent A iie’beace and had the : ‘ Inthe ‘city this afternoon and wi arate Fat tan faite rushes Bout Which Was Pulled feCharie Sttcbell had had | in te icity. thie afterncon ORG will| _Premeat holder of workd'e ring Site ioe Wiereal tes iainutan, GN reat Off in France Champion, 2 is training At GnCe- Ticarer | whe Te matahed to fight Jack DemP-) imingte of éxtra work. meta good family. His father had |Ross, and, after getting acquainted | sey on July 4 ‘Checking Faulty — e Cha medical college in Birminey | with the, rounds of the elty, Ander- > i ‘Thirty-one years ago the eyes of the ‘Maland, and in, hig Youth MC [yon will select A Staite tratning: failed to check iy seporting world. were fixed. on the title] Hip’ annstaat. Naturatiy BO |Guartors and start his, work-out t0-| ‘ sfgland, dhsot Sthal Gate thie’ Ch e ze m y N 8 5 hi Hats in’ the ‘Becond hin ‘ ! . y ‘ ‘a great rusher. Gi - Fr a ‘ . y et re! ea Facing and other with wie | training camp and it is likely that Tlnds of the fla ional! aad. Joha- Za | furs, aiitehelt took Tis pitcher to the | either one of the principals will | Britchell and S first met in, the ‘once too. often wh jenged No. 1 fire hall, “ zing over thir years*ago, and | Sito { ag ee : hout are now sell wholé how Sohn 1. won In r | tn » Hoxing shes . rounds, out n Nad nothinis | During the next r Which was. pulled | tu Hoghes was the hero of the thrilling Tishman Vasily : er F | ighth: avenue west. Clannish Mob Assembles in| Patiteg The sucle, Selkirk: tine pox | - =| 3 Gi'hand Until the over | i 5 = | | | GARVEY EXPECTED a ant aeration ren eas Defense Strong. ‘They could not get In and weré forced | ronoNsro. March 20—At the Ca- ld not ot nan are forse CKEY RESULT nadiun Amateur Hockey Association frit Sinpdon as che tasteat annual meeting held -here yesterday, e ape It being the first since. 1915, & pass and | [Eateh the rebound. It was that wa; form ¢ rules ‘for future Allan | for the fall hour, ‘and Mhewume made Admits, However, That Score Cup contests » TERA igh ei two thee | Was Exceptionally High |scclstion alse, took over the atpe p By ciger, th do | vision of ‘the Junior champlonship:of | 1 the sixty minutes; | in Seattle-Canadien Game . de aan : poteaniemee = sre : : ee rears ao eal cat, Mas, Bara | il eae pt : ae {Steet leer fmportane matters | wens royally es =x — | e ging fire forsdme | Both clubs w 7 5 =) | ny i tision. to adopt the O. | kame, and the ul) y wa ° playing for future Atlan | ft ition than we an s r first contest. Holn cit take care ! Janes antcomery LACS) | f than, at champlonship. the Abbi , At | emina.. representing «the west, and i= | the OLA. Memorial Cu rying {Othe Canadian championship, | ene Right Wing i Win Hopted a uniform age limit, the| Stee rineaiion: > ile ghee 2 a ee ee ee ee ee ee eet: a The Uniform’s Successor an mofo man comalg a Che | eit st lio Afar wrould ial oe [zeny ip ‘hm Cap games not | Aten 6 inivaeuets til Ye ference. from tHe | Betts Pre! that the game is | ute" periods allowed on a Tot of class eit will be| pattie here Friday night, when | Ment Seam:|, Saskatchewan had : I \EIIS store considers it an honor to have so" oor Bae ee Bed rea of Soimey at Beals |. many returned men come here for their civilian clothes. T L 7 E f,apeed.. and. their combination | o1? tonereat, was ‘chosen vico-peeat= |minvte Gillespie, 35 | For only the best ready wear clothing is a worthy successor to ooke Bros. J x mited. ae ¢ achedule’ was arranged ih ij the uniform that has earned the veneration of the world. That's - % < next year’s Allan Cup games : I etangwan and ‘Thunt one reason we feature MONTREAL WINNIPEG i - t [See Faee or 2 . TORONTO VANCOUVER : spas. defeated. : Ss ~ : youso of renrese taba chs | Sr Society Brand Clothes ns sha, puting 2 |fario champions to eames 19 r ; Sri ental wines of FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG Na eaation series wilt come" : jana muy the Atlan Ce aan Ques They combine: 1—The styles of gifted designers who understand how : to emphasize alertness_and bring out a distinctive expression of style; IE AM THS YEA | b-‘The workmanship of trained tailors who operate under detailed specific | cations and a master’s supervision so as to maintain a uniform standard of — lity; 3— Selected all-wool fabrics, Enthusiastic Meeting’ of Old ce er Seieene \ Be : PG Club Supporters at | The Society Brand label stands for quality I = : : | and is the maker's guarantee of satisfaction. EE : “Y” Last Night | yo can get the same sturdy wear—the same guaranteed i a Sa ee GeO | SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS SATURDAY-- nes, second = period, Hamilton, Mat Football Club in the At. ht, and moro'than 7 suppor quality. — for the Children, that you have found so Liem oF tenm were In. attendance, SPECIALLY PRICED - - “The best rubbers that can be made” is the standard of the = Children’s rubbers are made with the same care, of the same Negligee Shirts comprising | to conserve individually buy good shoes wear, in the rubbers for men and women. Az : ‘ 355 | Thal Neca, and th. u , ce i ehinel the Callie ‘|| ted assortment. Priced-- consider the wear not the price--look they need the extra protection which good rubbers give on wet pastes ‘ rary prenident Maloy De usage which most children give to all footwear. BORSALINO--MALLORY--STETSON __KNOX HATS “style” --superiority in" workmanship” and smartness in “appearance” elected president, and.a sp ‘ satisfactory in your own rubbers. rt sete ano it Srl SOCIETY BRAND SUITS $35 to $55 Dominion Rubber System. And this applies to ALL rubbers le posta 2 ‘ ae | Spring Shirts | Florsheim Shoes bearing the Trademarks of the Dominion Rubber System. i: «| Initial Showing of Fine | --CONSERVATION is a national need-- high-grade materials that give such easy comfort, such long | nna ae stent ‘ es ees oo --they wear best and save for you--to % . be sure of good shoes buy Florsheim-- Ui eam, ‘and ths ette-madras, etc., unrival- This superior quality is necessary in Children’s rubbers because | 3 Mle oe recs anaand $1.50 to $10.00 | for the quality mark--"FLORSHEIM” days; and they need the extra quality to withstand the rougher : Bo SUE herr Bao ‘ y NEW SPRING HATS Ask for these better rubbers by name: = : | ae des --Everyone knows these hats for their “high quality--correctness in “Jacques Cartier”® “Merchants”* “Maple Leaf” paar aa Priced from Five to Eight Dollars “Granby” “Dominion” “Daisy” See 3 10% DISCOUNT TO ALL VETERANS ‘Get the little feet properly fitted. It means He bier 2 - = RS SELECTED: eee more than comfort—it means longer wear, The Di am on d Clothin g C o. Ltd. both for shoes and rubbers. | : | Some Prominent Players to} C. BENJAMIN, -Manager. The Trademarks are your guarantee of ; a Lead Coast Ball ‘| style Headquarters for Society Brand Clothes — Burberry Coats — Florsheim Shoes sturdy, reliable quality and a perfect fit | : MACLEAN BLOCK - 107 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST for every shoe for every member of the e ‘ we ‘ 2 1 ee core caes family. s 2 aun. thi bee cae : fran. Pn made puch @ condition po : ane |< inte. When ft came to, a show wanste : down, however, several of the home a Cotman Year & st Pera tcemin to asaume form. trainers weakened, and all of them fed Pacmag «3 Soar the oficial ine td iinent \ officials promine 19 diab UP |changed thelr minds, except the St, es wetter ball than was om tap last year : Seattle the Clase Hi circuit js Louis clubs and Connie Mack's ou! i i fixed All four are Mack and Branch Rickey. are ia acltie Comes, interment 4 ‘ | IDEA LOSING GROUND. ticking to the idea an dwil Itry RTH RRS | nates re a oBthuts fae | maior leagues ts Toning FIOURS. ee Orin. The traveling bills | clubs, both tea will be, back in| are ¥ al tubs, both teams. from St. mbly_ will be, back 1h | s°, Vc organization should not go weil. | and’ several: others, considered ti Cats b Store ax manager of Aber- | The league will be conducted strictly tie ited to age “in ‘Tacoma. | onder, organized baseball: y | matter of training right on the, how ‘ills Baan brothas the former ma-| will deal with the Pacific coast End lot, because the later start
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Image 381 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 381, (CU1787302). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.