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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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A >A (GREAT FLOW. OF ~ TAX PAYMENTS IS ANTICIPATED Treasurer Would Not Be Sur- prised to See Department Snowed Under $2,300,000 ARREARS ON PROPERTY OFFERE! It’s Different] Harvey s Because our Service and Advertising Methods have marked. the DAWN OF "A NEW DAY. in Drugstore Uuility, “A simple, straightforward pledge to you Ie the name sHarvey,”” Which wins confidence. friendship. And embodies ue good reputation h the public. HAVE YOU LEARNED TO SAY “CELMO” IF NOT, WHY:NOT? “CELMO" Cent. of Amount Due Is Expected nents snowed und property ow will hay to enable: thi up with the urer Merc }not anticipate a reven rot the sale, wu through thi that triple strength medicated throat Y pep: in pastilic form,” Inatant fellet | to/all aliments. due to catarrhal af. fections of the bronchial and nasal Passages. erty exempted. through morator that redeemed under t ause legislation. an Id out by the Public F adjustments, to posstbl Mf million dollars the da: Through the revenu ium: fifth j lands roard id $1.00 the box ue grey carton Saturday Bargains we BS NOTICE ‘se || ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOWNESS GOLF CLUB WILL BE HELD AT THE CALGARY PUBLIC LIBRARY, FRIDAY, |] MARCH 21, AT 8 P.M. 1.00 Nuxated tron for Comp. Hypophosphites box. bottle Quinine $1.30 Fellows’ Comp. Syrup’ ot Hypo- phospaltes for $120 fc Bisurated Magnesin for .. Ste Sait for |- g2e je Syrup of Figs for. * B1.73 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine $1.44 $1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine T2¢ Something New Under the Sun AND COMING SHORTLY. TO HARVEY'S Maple Sugar Days We will have on display at an early date Genuine Pure rn canada Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup. This Season's product. Orders taken: now, It takes an Oriental many months to make a rug, but a dry-cleaner can restore its faded colors in twelve hours. More Bargains DR. A. T. SPANKIE M.D.; C.M. NOSE. EAR AND THROAT SPECIALIST Office: Suite 121-122, New P. Burns Bldg, ‘Cor. Btn Ave. and and St. E., CALGARY Office, M2s48. * House, MzoT7 Interne and_House Surgeon_Man- hattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Now vork City, 1811-1914. st to Calgary School Board. Sore Throat Cure for White Pine and Tar Seldiitz Powders for. EYE, Cocoanut Oil Shampoi Palmolive So: Pears’ Soap, bar Castile Soap for “THRILLS” WHERE 00 YOU ACQUIRE THEM? From/a book, the movie or the play, Recording to. Hoy'e you should re: Ecive thrills from the Joy. of living Rnd you most certainly will if) you are living. If not, well, only one folution. Take FreshlyPrendredE mulsion of Cod Liver Oil With the Jamaica Rum flavor, blend ed with “Carrageen" of Irish) Mot Fresh Lemong and Hypophospht of Lime and Soda. it will put Into the deadest ef dead ones. tonic thats worth while. | Pleasan fo the taste and will not disarrange the digestive organs. The Big 10-02, Bote EACH—81.00—EACH HEAR CAPT. CARPENTER V.C., RN.” HERO OF ZEEBRUGGE Saturday Night 8:30—In the NEW ARMORIES Mustrated Lecture on the Big Raid Every citizen should attend TICKLE DROPS They are HARVEY'S ICELAND MOSS COUGH DROPS iT MAKES A DIFFERENCE a big. one, toa, what kind of cobgh mixture you give the kiddies. Play safe. Give them “Iceland Moss Preferred” ‘That's Harvey‘s Iceland Moss Syrup with Tar. ‘Cures Croupy Coughs and Colds. id-oz. Bottle $1.00 5-02. Bottle ‘Soe CHOCOLATES THAT'S ALL The Pound 49c The Half Pound 28c “NUTS” Some people are nuts, come people Sequire ‘Nutism. ‘But everybody ts nuts of 'H.G.W..” Silver Collection Harvey’s Ginger Wine That mellow, plquant flavored: bev. Geage that tea delight to the palate Gf every parson who has ever tasted le thirsty “or otherwise. “H.G.W., one 25¢ bottle makes one ‘Dallon’ of real Gottied sunshine Try ie out for 250 We carry a complete assortment of MELBA TOILET PRODUCTS “MIMOSA” The Tollet Luxury Supreme Creams, ‘Tale and Face Powder The Pkg. Te SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SHAV- ing REQUISITES Everything that appeals to the'man who shaven Razors, fully guaranveed— niga E0 t0 Strops, ace high In quailty— PToo'w Lather Brushes, seq them. $1100 to Brownle Camerai Folding Pocket Brownies— 38.00 to 815.00 Carrying Cases, Filma and Suppiles |Harvev Drug Co. AVENUE EAST, CALGARY VANI Dj reported that men and children are 300,000, ‘fon of | did. not. make use-of the one-fifth THE CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1019 LATEST NEWS OF CALGARY AND DISTRICT.-HAPPENINGS IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS | SHOPLIFTING SAID-TO BE VERY PREVALENT | Two Wo! Are Ri Caught in Act, But ‘on Suspended tence In spite of the warning given by |the Retall Merchants’ Association | that they - would prosecute anyone that was caught shoplifting in gny of the Calgary stores, It 18 a fact that stealing is still going on. Two women have been let out on suspended sen- tence of two years for stealing gro- |cerles from one of the local gro- ceterina. It is alleged That the merchants display too much of their goods in an open manner, thus subjecting them. to everybody's handling. It is not the general lifters, but well- | dressed women, who go into a store with large mutts and shopping or Inarket bags, which they carry in |such a way to hide the move- | ments of thelr fingers. These are #up- posed to be the wornt offenders. It fe sald that it Is a practice of these women to 0 shopping in twos-and mh will come in through the one-fifth payments due to the impending sale the treamurer calculates the. quarter receipts. Calgary's Collections “rho city of Calgary has been col- | € | lecting its taxes more regularly. than Sdmontotn, Considerable money | through the sale of tax cer- which Was not a means ‘4 in Edmonton, ‘That city payment of current year s id consequently Its tax sal were higher in proportion ercer and City Auditor Hat returned from Edmonton, ¥ @ | info: y spent Thursday collecting ation on the conduct of the nd which ‘will enable Calgary 0 ayold many of the: pitfalls that | beset the capital and which coutd without. forewarhing not casily be avolded., ‘HILLAURST DAY TO BE OBSERVED Sunday, May 11, Set Aside by Presbyterians for Church Aid ‘A meeting. of the committee of the presbytery in reference to Hill- hurst Presbyterian church was held in that church. ‘Thursday evening, tives of the various ian churches in the city. ‘The matter of organizing a special effort was thoroughly discussed and | detail plans suggested. | It was decided to make the aim of | |the campaign 310.000, and Sunday, | May 11, was set as the day to be known as “Hillhurst Day,” subject to ‘the. approval of the various churches, A sub-committee to or- ‘ganize this effort was named com- posed of Thomas Humphreys. W. J.| , W. Sanders. C. J.: Campbell, Jehkins, D. Macalister, H. H, | Honens and S. H. Adams. This is being taken up with the various Presbyterian churches of the ity so that each congregation may ‘ind it is confidently | the amount above men- e raised. “ull plans of the organization will nnounced as decided upon: | Krypton | Kid-Finish Stationery It Is new, beautifat in appear- ance, pleasing to write on. and yet moderate in price. Papeteries 50e and 60E Pads ...2...--» 406 and 45¢ 20¢ Envelopes, package. - ‘Try thls next time you buy, “THE SKY PILOT IN NO MAN'S LAND,” Ralph Con- nor’a latest and best, is sell- ing very fast. Price. $1.50 Now is a good time to buy your
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Image 377 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 377, (CU1787273). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.