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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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THE WEATHER Alberta—Fair today and Saturday. with a Hitle higher temperature. Gatgary temperature—Max. 20; min. THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, No. 4989 > nrny z \BELIEVED THAT THREE-FOLD WAS IMMUNE TO PROVINCE ASKED TO PROTECT RECKONING GERMAN BULLETS | STRIKE HAS BEEN AVERTED ALY. : CAMP INTEREST ON G.T. P. BONDS LONDON, March 21.—Representatives of the miners at a meeting (By) Staff Correspondent of The Calgary Herald) last night discussed the report of the coal commission, but no dec ion was reached. It wi stated, however, that the Sankey report created EDMONTON, March 21—Premier Charles Stewart id this morn~ a favorable impression ike document, and the general ing that he had \received yesterday from Treasurer Scott of the Grand : > ciew is that a three-fold strike has been averted. The transport work- : Teunk Railway an official notification that a receiver had been appointed ers claim a notable victory and believed the government is meeting for the system, and that all monies would bé taken over by the receive: both the miners and railwaymen-in-a spirit which promises a pea ful | This notice was accompanied also by one stating that it would be neces settlement. tary for the province of Alberta to protect the interest on the guaranteed (lf GERM ANY Indiscriminate Migration A F II i al Gace fname aro t Of Cattle for Grazing : aha Henman eatin of a defeat mse tae candi State, sald Mr. Stewart, and he did not care to discuss the policy of the 5 = ‘ , = erta government until it was ascertained just what the obl ft <3 — Reparation Claim-|s Reduced Detr iment To Fi armer Majorin Command of Kinmel the ‘provincia governments re Tis Albee fsovernmont alec “desired Dominion Government De- . by Commission to e 7 5 Park First Witness spcaton, ‘The Alberta government, of course, hold a first mo clares Cattle Speculators. \ $40,000,000,000 Amendment.Introduced in Provincial House Which Will Pro- Called the branches for which the bonds, were guaranteed, and any question of || Abused the Privilege * foreclosure, said the premier, would have to wait upon notice that in- eed tect Man-Who Owns Land—Cattle Shipped Across COST TO GOVERNMENT Reyna a = terest payments on the bonds were in default. PAYMENT EXTENDED ; Border for Grazing Purpose DISTBRBANCE SEEMS TO OVER FORTY YEARS : eee HAVE BEEN EXPECTED NEARLY HALF MILLION ‘Clemenceau, - Lloyd George! (09. State Corecprnetert et TO raat Corner See ene ata ORY MONE of Defence Party 49th, of Glor tous Recor d, Provincial House, However, : PTE. OLIVE STIFF BDMONTON, March -21—To pre-|of Alberta be amended by striking ‘and:Wilson Get Together on | who left here with the Seth Batta, | Oath fhe indiscriminate, miro! | Soe @, And substituting the Was Among Those On Way to A lberta Home Asks That Avanpemet ‘ti fom and. althou ie S6th Batta,| vettie and live mock for grazing pur- " , Poulton [tener etlngepec Soce| eee Ru Gaara toed esr any ea Siled | ene \ Pars, «March 21:—Further a tea ten jen, front he never| Hoimeateader, Hon. Duncan Marshall] 6629) oF tet br pe deemed and| RHYL, North Wales. March 20—|Q Famous Battalion Only Th ree Officers and 89 of Other | (2% Sta", Correspendent of Thi . erSytural com-|Pe & “notoriously breech’ Normation Ferarding ihe cnference | fore enlisting he wast machinist at| announced in the asriculir nx. G.| the owner shail breech Animalang| ihe inquest was resumed today on Calgary Herald) ‘ nin moraing that Hon. ‘A. G. i EDMONTOS a : eration, Fomding, the cenfersics eho Guden, ope, tle Prom Ya] meckay, is morming that Hon. tC. Gamage done oy amy much antnal. "| five saldiers of the. Canadian army Ranks Are Returning, Although Many Have Come — | ,,B°MONTONporninton government” resterds a a whore: rotwithstanding any act or by- met ‘ i c © Nicva Goores and Clemence, and |feexpected Pome Curd rs DreORE ne ener any’ smu-| 2a, berstofare, Dated viel a eee Back Previously Through Wounds—Major Har- cancelled the arnnpenenee it See, reaident Wilson, became available By ee man who reales in any mi) that mas" ereaiter, be passed, £0)" Siajor st. Georke, ansistant, provort disty One of First Lot | fouth section of the province was be- Noday. Concerning the reduction of RICIDASLY See grasiugs It dn, pro- | Soe Aba Ue owe ear ton mar mere vs Se Su ng. spr ae : ¢/ marshal, again represented the mili- cause of the advantage taken. of if [ho Allted reparation ‘cliiins against TAKING OVER Of | posed that men shall not be allowed ena mer shall be Uable for 85Y | {ary uthiorities. by cattle speculators, the cost to the | b tage ee © qamage done by-any hog. while. run~| ay | ov Hermany to bout’ $40,000,000,000, it poe vattle at large in any part of| damage Howe Mya such hog ahallbe| .aerC. We Macleod was the first! Although Edmonton. will have the ;Meutenant, succeeded to ile commana | foders Pye already amount- was learned that one proposal was to run eattle at Ane Ie ae a rome) mine at large, and such Hox snail De) witnows, He. sald he was attached nonor of being: the frat Alberts. O18 |tneor, Lieut: d. Harte ‘another Junior ‘The railways bea! —-|4and—n—thet—part__The uestion is to. the Canadian forces, and. w: ri ce " the other half of the costs, so that wpreac yigent over 40 years. nis | the meaning of i 2 a was aoe eae ee cot its battalions fotticer, Lieut: J. Harstone, was : Sea en iin to feed He Set a Tout a, 10 bn Te pee Oe a on (kk wean | Snel Oe A aletetot Ot -eelamel | ae wl complete me one Ofaey is deeply’ [ted to the charge of a Full | BFoMO-| the total. Is now near to « million. jon this basis, the princine’ ow proportion of land shall be owned agreed that no action on the amend- Park, = interested in demonstration that will struction corps. See aT —This_was.made plain at a meeting Reorest, would amount to $80,000,000,~ . to the number of cattle allowed to) ent would be taken until amends | _ The trouble arose In ‘the afternoon| te extentied to the ‘warriors, as many Major Hardisty Honored ofthe agriculture committee of the }o00 at thd end of the period run. fateh | Poulal Pes Somentéiee:-rhangh om | of Mmeee ck ehen batt s dedete sen Be exten have figured in the splen-| After the St. Elol engagement, legislature this morning, when a tele Fete. C8 on ote Te isle: IS OBJECTED 10 ics, tases of ene op-|ftesuing. ofthe comemiice Ghoumh m| Loteg'n Sate owmrd the earnp| di engin of he 4th, Gants JUN, arian io Gana (ecg | Dae ans alae ee ee mn has estimated all the available position, said Ke heartily agreed with | favor of both amendment | main entrance. There was a pit Qenerally regret that they will “not jordets to return to Canada to © mm-| bridge, member of the federal parlia- Felon, has Grtimources of Germany a Yordtion, aad te, hearty aereie rive | leerly fm favor of both amendments: at the wae to warn the men a, plcket| Keneraily regret What Mey ting "oa [mand as oreaniaed battalion in Ea: Lment. to George Hoadley: Meader | Freee nand abroad. ‘The United states the idem juatry Inv ihe province 101 caiion explained that, the etfect ot | Camp owas organized. to resist any sivapee ot thia unit, as the arrange-|monton. Owing to his ‘exceptional | the opposition In the provincial house few as to these estimates js that) = stock, tne layin the ‘small owner.| "1s ninendmenta would tbe to render} tempt sto wreck It; but, the men| ments are that the; c military qualifications, however, Ot-| was read. ‘The telegram was in re. is%o0-000,000 tn the utmost that can | Qmaha Lawyer Says Proce-| Marin ‘Woolt (goverament), Card-|the owner of any aneep liable to a Pushedon to the ‘guard. The quar- | the northern city direct. tawa changed these plans, and he was) ply to one sent a few days ago by foo expected. ‘This $12,000,000,000 5 y Martin ported the proposal, aa did! fing when the animal got. on the| ‘ef Suard then rusiied the men od) Officers Go North appointed. genersl: start offices 15 MUN: | ME. Hoadley, Uo Bs Tarai ainiates inade up roughly-as follows: Gen dure Will Be Detrimental | aise’ Fred. Davis (opponition), Glet-| Wrong! wide of any ind of & fence] Mtl, See ne men tee oreeT citar of Caleney |e Sachs woos dora lonmer ta teamed epegtiouikare, tom Dunk minister acumen uutside of that country, Si. Both. Me. Davis and Mr.| er omen spunea sane umber of Calgary |ed another four daya longer in France of: agricultiire. | Won, Du : Betoreee scutes accra in Tae: to West Sheng ath eave thd SG Ano Yor aman (uy tens the men th the BLAS) estan are peepee mg oe eu Ua ares aarie Ea eee ae of axrietl chant ships, railways and mines. in «lof owners of large herds of shee? | hogs, any y ce i Shooting C . evaisnmieltinn jUaraee cothe ture, also sent a lengthy telegram te ; any owner was Hable for dam-| oting Commences pattaljon ke part in. the welcome. |was Just at that time that. Col. Griex- [Xisace-Lorraine, coal and iron de-| | and cattle in the United States driv-| aces On ee inelade Lieut,-Col 5 Wi < e Mr, Crerar of the same i O* (Doaits in the Sear valley, foreign se- (From The Calgary Herald's Winpi- | ine ee an ee tp fatten them on |e if the hog wa rid TURNING at qmseabeniainaee ot! theperty ais-| Toeme mete Tt ut.-Gol D. Wil; }buch’ was promoted, and he was next] {ing against ees Boeitfea and. government Drop ae Nee een |g Sere a without paving & Cent |nwage were done: walt. If) permagutd took ua vention obve-) Safe Major RG: Hiardisty, genera! |in tne for Uist poste or ium mag-| free arranaement prior fo Apel.” 30 feurities and. goverrumies, “seven bil-| WINNIPEG, March 20—The local) taxes. lamuge Wwe ls {te“tke guard room. ‘They besan| 1s; cape. Ha. Clarke, Capt. | nintcent history of the 48th | nag-/ the original date fixed. Plone of oe tionga {o. private Ger-|Abbott. a lawyer of Omaha, who is | sfost of the opposition members | an-0fficers’ party went to parley with) Capt. Chadwick and Tieut. |W. equal to any Canadian unit in helping : ates, Delones {9 Private scr 'ia{in Winniper Gn Toute to, Vancouver| | The subject came UP Tet Yorn | aareed te vuneing the. indiscemin- them: telling them the camp was or-| Baker fegnn Sareea ea ne tee ee eee an cle ine government. Of priv-|to investixate for a large American sion 6 suDdect Ghamendments to the| pecjaily denouncing the indiscrimin- | ginled to resist aif attacks, the men Pesta ci it tie a a CP ere ee es wnied by the KoveEnmenE Oroperty [syndicate wich teavy investments on | weatutes Inereealng TORsTCT Per | ate er Sho. cout ig Inserin | AP tO arta “and Kent sHOUNE | 4 ateetemantory of this weleknown {17H inlestintarmaion! ie that The matter is not settled, and Met walued at, 1,000,000.000 2 ees | ose cea the new jaw there that per- eee eae at Isege Of] A etockman he could say. that after | “come on boys.” |pattanon is interesting just at the [twa traii containing the troops willl of the pei sa ae Set ict ea three-quarters of a billion mits vacant farm lands to taken and hogs. & finch of sheep had passed over; Numerous shots were exchanged, > es aa B aust At Noo jarrive in Edmonton at 2:19 and 3 pm. 6, he. privilege by. certain people no! Amerier ited States and $2,000,000,000 jover at valuations to be fixed by: Ken | Aiimcidentally, Mr, Martball Droukbt| three gections of land It was “not and Major Maclean ‘sald he went to{. Tt was authorized Iu N0° | Rrurday. An effort ix beinis made by entitled to consideration, ‘The cos in other countries, pralsement in the interest of soldiers, eles subject of damage that Lod | worth five cents to the stockman for headquarters to explain the situation. | Griesbach, Sai had: proseaded/ overs | 07, Taunia pel: aatucaiues to tare the} t? Aon eccramntt sat een ate 5 ‘Uhis syndicate also das large hold ‘ensod to northern homestead~| "CU the rert of the summer, He| On Ms return the troublé bad sub- | : Hineing held’ until ¥ o'élock on Sunday| 9¥8¥beyond | the ori a using “reper sy, ee eae cate nich: they. fear wilt | ort by. the shipment of TaneS StS cited specific instances of owners of | Siem : seas as second in command Of 5 jmnoraing, but, at the time of, writing. | MC cite. the taking. the! CPA: Ail tin, cutsldo property tm ré=|be subject fo this rule in thee pro-| fom the S000 °° Foca! “ie auld | meme Nerds of AieeD mer who. were The coroner: “I take it Wiat you lonal Cavalry, was recalled £0 this 1s SGnleW ht re ee rere rope in i, hia, outside, property 1 re; | Oe Zaeeet xbbott claims that the | during the, recent Grove [ar tere Oreiince: men wha were | Paul momo mies Ce ee ae rad a ee ee eee the inal decini ried by the commlatl A i ass { yea), te law. ip. boing administered | W808 SUMSEOE Te iT eomia not be jROt Stinemss driving ovine a cent) Th Srtanctne ga pouted? ‘Just at that tie the son Battalion |Rrmaories, and there te every expecta:| Will Jet You Meee in tn effect fo confiscation Dy oe td this, view | Cell drive American capital out of) MECN hat it seemed ihe trans. [fom Montana and ‘not paying Fen Seni eed a authorized, and before MAO" |tion, owing to the elaborate arrange:| The arrangement a to ed ; ; rencen; = fhe trans- ments aye been made, that all| if Fern er ete eo ore ar |i paint abused by poltciane for acl: foxeias tee range cattle tg. tne | OP ae 41n the "morning. yelock| Griesbach arrived. ack as Hin Ri iments thi hnnve been made: Chat aii], | Hon, Mr taunderstandiae, eat tht eV die iquidation of War iy peing abused by politicians for sel- ow 1 p Py |thé men will be actually discharged) this was a misunderstandi that thi “ Shad excited || Capt. R. F. Campbell, Rocky Moun- ‘The coroner Was that the first|ion, and also in the Princess Pats ae ye | ing. “ flosen,, ‘Tia. woul leave, $4.00:000 fish parpower, sind that the erndiente ditfoern fending grounds bal cslied | ain though however, that thre jrumagion You had of trouble Dre=| 478 UM Miltary clcies that, the jatrine Sunny aig cata neTanement had eet, GRAERCG 10. bo: Ps ates’ | jie representa has hud several thou-| Cacia dangerous. In the constitu | Should ‘be some definition of a fence. | 1 pressed in military circles that the | sericer peeves Ei a erie anu geal a) certificates al. sean as second in command of the \eutihate of the total to be claimed | sand acres on the Grand Trunk in ro athe = : rict | ready issued for the shipment of feet 7 cre Grant jexani ve ht that a homesteader might witness: No. T heard the|Mmujor would succeed in raising # | No, am " Bi ROGESG ay an to the means | on eae ber acre. which cost ency Of Alexandr, TO ‘Or thres | £o info. Tivertock district, pat mie |B ndGae atm woocting at heady] unit quickly, “Nevertheless, in thie Beha Me 2 coegtie sc, | Setappeeeele nce eer ey. oes _ ea ANS valuation of $$ per acre which cost | senoo! cause of - | fence of a single strand of wire, a ers that trouble was bi ins of al @ recruiting that bad a ———————S ¥ ey sen = = veo Mees US Biance ia that ear 407, he adda that We elents | Cengven: SHE cited tre Mustance | tle. up the whole district. TET ean ee rag-{ kolng on the battalion was up to full ‘The mitister alto "sald the objection in turn his-_opened another large See rigs aa to tew | oe stock of feed hed Poupade of a thou |and Mr. Woolt.that tho ‘polit was the | camp.” Major Hardisty Reports : ust ould be allow= Sand head of range. cattle. | principle of compelling the owner 9 as’ Expectin: ot. HL. EB. Daniels was appointed far German industry 1d be all id head of range . ss i if Was’ Expecting It Capt. 11. Fe. Daniel npr ictal department was very. carefu Ei to compete with the rest of the si ee jposed amendments to the hoxs and sheep to keep them within j i Pe | adjutant and Major RG, Hardisty | viz mils compete avin nearbs coun: | | caine proposed amendments to te hounds, in other words, putting the inulng, Major Maclean sagil that | ven Gaye, Hardinis) was the Cest |TePsislainge cnrtitleaton: £0. -aee thal aries like France. 4 |sheep and hogs running at large, | onus of keeping them off other peo- Dte DELL Soe ‘would | Geficer to repo . Company +, | only: bona fide farmers got them; buf |shenp and hows running cy culturai e's traperty tee uarap. the par | Ieee Perper pumeeererernt not well founded in that whén tht }arrangement was first made the Dro- relat reiunce Will have to be | Wii take the case tothe privy coun si ‘ th within ten days of the inet ‘ to the arrangement being taken ade an: ce of trade. | St for n dectale adren: “He seaders entire winter | Mr. Hoadley, however. pointed out-| ble the night before 3 strength within ten day: : to ae ‘ Pele caltanse wil ave to Ee take, the came pe rity. eum | whore.» Remrtenaer’® entr® SUR| au wuptorted Pr" es arshall| ees, in he other end of the re a ‘POR 0 ) Secs Rs The ‘French delegates Told that | s ‘upon the owners of con the camp, “The Darts | Commanders were provisionally Ferman just shou ye curbe: committee as follow: hn livestock. BON eee rat Capt. C.- _ ¥.7 lon thelr own representatives OK. or eee x carrying parts of rifles: | ing the certificates also, with the re- fish and United States’ views tend | ‘uni 5 somne were, carrying rifle barrels With| Capt, THardiaty. seas no APrangement Will Not — Be}sult,that parties to, whom he pee. eee el TO BE ASKED FOR |sameuns seamen witt MANY CANADIANS ON Soci SRerschine air &o auigael aot Pacis Permanent ts Anil [inet deerme aaa est of some of the leaders, Sthers scurried ea easerat ime| tie men being elven meal tickets. bu |ing bona fide farmers, received thy ne balance of the $4,000.00 T OPERATE SHIPS Bes ans Bees tae | NOT OPERA | Poedintely. + most i; | owing to the kindness of | some of pated tificates from the federal repre: SES eae _ =e he could: aed amp 18:| the business men in ftatives, It was 2 fact that dealer: era, Th SSeS EELIN, via Copenhagen, Aur WA A 0S ) EAN Ae ae wane Undbe Gover: in warehouses were ' and. cattle speculators had actual — 1 | at Sield a balaneo of about $300,000.00 Be Geen sees | es, but i Tot were under Cover Vien! during inclement weather for train. |, OTTAWA. Mary 21.—The minis- | Shipped cattle from the yards in Cal: ‘ually, or approximately 31,00! i * | : | eae eer er ta eds had | ING Purposes. Lauter the ter stated Inan answer toa question! gary to thé north country to sel per ooo very, three: years. 1 | Schroeder, which were scheduled to eat stones tne defending party been sup-| Were put into shape and the bore in. the House..of-commona that hos-| them. ‘The provincial department hat Se ta ead _ | sail on. Mare 18, in accordance with : -g | plied with rifles? [Moved into comforuible quarter eee ae tons that. hos-| (ven been "required £0 iaaue ORK Gals Leste tne balan | Asked to Pass Legista- | (ee,areement, rencned oe Seumelt| General Griesbach on Melita,|"Urnc’ witness: "We had about 40) 'A Popular Unit pital ships carrying, Canadian | cartitentes on wires trom, Ottas pOnstnls, bents ths : s patnaetes Cape eead Which ‘Sailed From rifles, They had beri banded, out Bt! gq popular’ had the unit becom Me.,| {4 persons whom it was felt did noi fyrars and the entire operation con tion \ed from leaving Hamburg, owing to} aa! when, the usual parade WAS) enor on January 28, 1915, actually 1800 | cases, come in the proper classification. jelud it is said, ts far > a. erat i sic ae snes qaen had been enrolled, which placed) ang sj . roine: Ask/For Restoration ied. z & resolution passed by seamen there iverpool Yesterday ‘The coroner: were handed out ind St John necessitated their going n meeting with general te (Special to The Calgary Herald) | refusing to operate ships demanded | 18 a preciution |the unit in the very agreeable posl-\ 1, this Americ: After considerable discussion, how/ 5 eee meee. | INTIASAPOLIS, ind, March 20-—[by tho. Entente nations i N “She witness tion of being considerably {his American pore or, anticipate | ever. the committee finally passed thi reclined to ask| The sub-commilttes of the. potley = LONDON. March 21—Tho. Min-| The coroner: “Were thie men who re-| SSR8th- ee ee atta to Tete nina’ at | following” resolution: "Resolved Tatjon spread ver | committee reported this afternoon Heoplids aan eaiie eadiel fot Ts poslved wie. sited: (atan) envelied Gaith| No time was lost ih the battalion | Portland would be permanent. | The | Tet th agricultural committee of thi c mbodving President Hayes’ propo- Ge ra CLD ee te rae fax. | Ummunition proceeding overseas; Indeed in this | (ota) expenditure incurred to Jan. 1, (legislative assembly of Albert: eros mus previously. inentioned in the re- para aera hoa Officer, | “ine witness: ©No, not Ne a eee er ae eee eee oven an ah A fongly urge the Dominion depart “gdinis over the : ee eine renart also called for re q micraing aarors, 86 cadets 2 - i for the minimum am raining | Service Act, was given as | iment of agriculture to i eee the Allied (row Me | Uettny ottieass drafting a tencatnre s4 Kinmiel tgoops. ‘The Cedric car- Protect the Office Ce aan Thag grate. ae (etn eyes vo ernaennon he oes W [ten Of ata shipment of bay ad erench claim priority for - pill for the nationalization of minex Tied 125 officers, four sisters, four\ The major added thit, up to a cer), fatter of fa¢t, actually at St. Mar-| Tain. a! es ecm northern to southern At Bi rerch clair cadet Feeions,.whlle | for: subostaalon, to COnsPeRs: Se ee ee Oar eee eine fig tee eae cere ie Les coms | Cave Pals, Suormeliftey-in the foHiow=| 7 teeta "the ‘recent stormy. weathel Sho Tirfiah losist on an wlotment on | he yniners are warn an, exten- she talesnbece theta Divisional | puny” aunt platoon comminderss should |ing June. Faneneeaal . having produced an acute e&nditior Hie tesis of war costs. Jt is gen: ee aay oe % Ee ce column, Brvanize and protect the record office.) Disquleting rumors just about ft | under ich livest Fg ae ea ero hace Gute | Aaa a WR tear 1 apmeaelT scuaee Fa ee se Tn | Ee ee ee position was left to| time were that tho battalion was to] wader whieh lvestocis are uci aer Qored the largest material loss; whi = Kinmel camp." The troops are bound their-discretion. The impression he|be broken up, and sent over to France committee considers the ‘cancellatios preanized territory, and a further) W Sunshi for all parts of Canada vas thi | red. Britain has impoked the larg- : farm Sunshine ant im all parts ‘anada. Tn deere na morning was that the! in: drafts,.and indeed instructions had | cs ‘Great Beiinin hae Lmpobed, the 2306: | special antenational coavention. yi SI yy | for, all parts of Canada csengers ooh Turin ttn veapesters of the Fe- | been received to carry this Into, ¢ Stites freight without notice aa une ; be convened as soon as convenient Breeze Cause Call Sailing on the Molita on Frida | 3 al fair and is bound to work: seriou! ‘The United: States put ina e ary 2 s Fe en rie Secantecn, but would break |fect when xdmething happened which passin, tate Coro areepeicine | aE, narbatoentey tar; the Sun nes of to Rejoice Meee” Got. “ciurke ‘Kennedy, Col.| why they should want to Ket at. the| been made in this connection, j |toss of livestock Jn some pai aparty durin Ue Ta00.c0u,000, the [vine sonmideradion and -recomrhen- Royal Burritt and) Majors ‘Hugh (records, “It was only, wanton destruc ; Seales Ne tere (duand loaay OE 7 ite Soo UY Sie woley, Of She coment spel SEE _| Niven and Hayter Reed. tion. pened: y ae The resolution presented by Mar amoungzo0d0 in each ci ce and for working out details. pring oMelally: broke on the city OD coroner; ‘Can you give any| A parade was telng held and the z Dae eae ce ister. wily TaCee Fee ee eee ee tie 10 che| tana with. w burst: of aunshing and Ship Delayed face ct the “number arrested, say |Canidian trapps were being Inspected Marshal Foch Demands That] Hon. Duncan Marshall and seconde: ston of a canadian del warm weather, The cool winds which : roughly: by His Majesty 1s King, and the hoy joadley, and ado} not a din’ = aalematen| Carey Cente econ inn tree PORTUAND.. Maine | Meer hly Jesty tH a by Mr. Hoadley, and adopted unant > td an iiternutional officer would ‘The hospital ship Araguaya. ueLIy TT news: Seventy to eighty, |late Lord Kitchener, ‘The 49th and as Military Frontier of mously. Kvated an fiiternutional officer ule | days made'a hasty exit yertorday De | nad Hospital ship, Araeuays, | witch ney arcrail In different military pri- |e 4208, twa, Oise To ane y E 4 Kt nunction, WIth District fore the entrance of he pew seusol.)s00 wounded Canndian soldiers sins imately be trie |timately associated together through: ° France : Wik for nadonalzation of the Cana-| loxrees was the lowest tem-| been delayed by the fox and will not luitimately Pe Hite the [Out the whole of the war, were ini FRED fi FORSTER ON ‘The Rhine ts b ’ | province,’ perature recorded in’ the past 24/ lfiela by themselves and Lord Kitch-| pa yy: i ia ee oniatone oar ete : 2 Been tases Teen aot oe Sn yon eae how: wien ee d NOT TO JOIN UNION She gawtontation tothe | Route" Al" Gian" terday™ the! coving &'madiomesaxe froin the Domed ove mane |ESte ype otcen ty eae ME oy amt The report of thermomster: went to 34 degrees and | steamer. thGh suldterctike appearance that thi ities with alight variations was at 36 when | a oy EUNIE BOI re aatractlane amipeh ta ines Sena Shue eset itary reuntter hen of M-|the same hour rolled around. this Cretio Coming : ‘Only. one, Private | TO atifieation of officers and men, do" not, secure that military frontier . for the committee.| morning, At noon, 44 was the figure, were received for the 49th to proceed we will have fought in vain.” ta a — ote the desirability. of|met wanther vareau: had ears March 21.—Dis- | ec: “The other four moh Statement made. by Marshal Foch. a weather bureay had no -‘ndica- eae ‘ u Me rance aa a complete unit. Mui 3 Board of Arbitration at Winni- f ¢ for| tions that anything but warm weather | a: haya teen (Sto t wore AGRE the ANE Oe Fe Pree enta that ue, was K ougne| quoted. fa an interview printed in| iinciplos now. sought by Deitish| yas in store. tor thie district. The | The witness: “They were on the the Matin today. = ond Sin L400 soturne cackere vey were on the !ingut by: political “pulls” but although Pai seine pests : peg Gives Its miners, aid se diimie & mutual ad-| snow and ice ts rapidly vaniehin and) adians. will push x00 eetlenen Cat Tareas ee tees te oo" a0 Sbont Hy polleel dave-vas'ncertein <1 samueting. the last, days .of the Former License Inspector Wit Becision vanta ) bOI parties a dry city may be realized in 3 . ne iskera: ar; onlnoke gas ine "1 neat Bei pesaived: woncerne s a aerit political e¢fort used. ic was | Wat, the marabal says: ‘ive. il i . rd has heen received rn | know? Eipounk gf Dolce! cttOe ae referred | cat Wee rhe wondertal soldiers whe Arrive in Capital on Course of another én ing the Olymple, expected on Sunday Has Few Round: ve un ict pate as Few Rounds Be ered: gave un -xictory, My only merit wis : tp have had faith and never to have | Monday ; 0 “ee WINNIPEG LEGRAM penne ago AE | @ The, Soroteet ane aeconding Party Ab Glorious neo jespaired, We signed the armistice, | pnd Teuter ire son known as spri how it was that the defending party Gespalrecs signe armistice, | i Sig thie ae DP. ig that Trane om the first day that they one more man and because It gave| EDMO! inlgary ere? . sun has reached’ that point of its) N, Jained that organizttion, and if they mun that tite Mine of tie dead were shot? ie cont fat 2 "TON, March 20.—Fred G eomne Mombers of th B ay ete are Rone To esr” Shy experience has been | arrved: NE the wee hey Were us everything necessary to a French’| Forster, former provincial license ins Aye nat See a centricted. team. doing msec Ore Oe Ss sult Fe are celae None homed Dee ote eee ae eel ee Kpector, ‘whuse. letter to Attorney’ ke Such is the finding of the: board 3 Se eae the pron: After: today. it be- France have a few rounds in’ their Seatac ie wonime at General Boyle accusing Taiclen Bouds 3 kitts souvenirs. When they found reau, member from St. Albert, i alration henind by CCE SME cera Said to Be Putting Scemaseany omer ames a titi aoweeten ain they found |panichondacls “and, cumin, | Today Marks The \ituctstnttin wtiors in ein ie ean teach ao" Money Into the the immes our, nd he lonsest| Those Who Left After Novem 8,<'corgner. “stan ther aac roms he OTe ener ea eat nes ee Seaeney:wouth besun. After that ber 11 Will Not Be {tmrt, ude to rush tho postion “of 6,500 Men Handled Anniversary of the tie time, i» hastening pack to Bie searing wil : Concert journey wouth begun. After, th ate era mage te a Pe) ni tterentng to Rowe ie at Be Le rienten io appear. before the ‘ublie Riccotiaes el : » te [HER Bed Si when the sun Is again ¢ Senay eye BOUT was not thare|no lees than. 6 : Hobants conmntttes ore eal atte auon Seed : aid for ae ea teats ; ig German Drive * eit Chas, Siaware recelved, « abit rue Hotl (Special Dispatch to The Herald) d night are regis Stine rushes “we made and prisoners a . its iden- telegram thin afternoon. from Mi rth e artment be given 3 WINNIPEG, Mureb 21,--The Tele- |date days gradually shorten until De- OTTAWA, March e1 broveht In. remained notwithstanding’ the PARIS. March 21-—Marshal | Forster, stating that he had start cE the tive ll gt nena being reer er fu the pinto murine} shitiees a8 = cont tne anted to,know whether terrible slaughter. , PUAMIS. Mevonea’ today that | the previous might from Toe Angeles ae eae SENS tee an ate eae FeO ran the short at | U woras claro wearin’ Dene pease | spa oa today that | Mmiediately. after recelving, Ars Ataallowed the question. on torig igo & i. 4 Offensive - toward ‘Amiens, | message was dated this morning was asked. by Julen Saver raph editor, b space of daylight after the 11th day of November iast LICENSES OF DRUGGISTS x < J. W. Miller continues will not be brought back at the pub- original battalion that surreptitiously uger. It is sald a s Be ee Ne the onaning iecls ite oe Marae that-rainy eVe-| . wein, of the Matin, to explain by WILL NOT BE RESUMED. Siz\y tims consentea to gut) sa] ARE STATEMENTS TRUE, the rough dents Benak what ‘methods the murahal ‘had . home as rapidly as possible, it ix felt sc i ‘San Francisco and stated he a tae ee Ze three officers, will i phat | Turned the offensive into a. Ger= i : GERMANY ASKS| that dependents snould remain here, ly through the atr onton. | mantdeteat.°, The Allied general ferme BY AUTO; DIAMONDS Lost | expected to arrive in Edmonton next Monday. 1 aniteba Will Refuse Those Convict- ae Sa ee yas westbound ocean trat- JUDGMENT. RESERVED Of course, many have Veen wounded eno replied EDMONTON. Mateh 21—-Damages to CST Under ‘Temperance Act MANY EXECUTIONS Sisuiy atone ene peenttontt jae srestipnd: Geen Wet, |< “ea wamrey Match iaieain a. eno: | ster oe tte on final a imo replied: eit you muah -| the. extent oF Seam” are ciated 37 carlos aaa PENHAGEN, March 2 2o1-| of the German armistice commission. Se eee ereared | uae nett Ghar appeliate. oocre, et] maining HE me wale" few words. Victories are’ | before’ ates Jumtion. ad wissires i c eee ot the Garman arminuice commission |finedom wil have to pay thelr fare egood tal thie afarngon, one) os cians that iB cronies sey have been convleted on perzona who have Been| inter’ Allied. delegates asking if Ger- | DOU Ways Ort Rar. ben Spencer tor an over nino by faith.” When’ one. bas Bianirobe Temoeaie / 3 |tany should consider true state-|¢ — Te eee eee a ee en ae Wanane ee eee ae eee ae ene 1. it ¥ saree rina nie ents in the French and. British MAYOR MARSHALL'S CHAIR roceeding under the instruc-|ynit. Lieutenant - Colonel Griesbach stops the enemy where one finds poe ate ees me papers that the peace treaty would | ‘The chair for Mayor Murshalt has f the chief censor of Canada was promot kof ene 0. ene walling for & car at the cornet Na acteen comn=| be ready for the Germans as oon as arrived at t halt and- i ready ving in bis possession objeb- in comma Ie of the “You tell mo that I gaye vic- | of Sixth and Jusper, was knocked do the act. Mr i ny z cutions, who| President Wilson approved, but that | fer occupancy Mayor Costello, was |tionable Mterxture within the mea eof the| tory. to France. It was our ad- | and run over by the Getendanv a: pth. nity of viol mies thas ee On nO | ne Ciermans would be allowed.nelther |iiven the chair in which he presided |ing of the order-in “council: respect= | wi SN eet ens, became the| mirable. soldiers who gave it. 1 | Motus ‘Gee claimed, that she Weer feuilty of viola a is re- SEE oe lc awon has | to dinctes nor modity the document, | over: civic affairs for tour years, by {ine censorship, Judgment was ror SE ee ame tc’ | have Dut one merit, that ofsever | monde w Se NEE CeO, ene a eee Bae ee at sos hae eoeation Si a a ae te LES coat fence epg meres heeru cee mrepeae ate Detore’ Mr. Juice Goott in supreme court in her case against Wiliams 2 Hiactel, a local Jeweler. ° Four “witnesses , were called. | gnd evidence wan put io to show that fhe much November, 2918, the plaintit Notable Distinctions Many notable distinctions have been |
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Image 365 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 365, (CU1798726). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.