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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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THE CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAKCH 21, r9Ty N. ee WS OF TH E SP OR TI N G WOR LD ‘Both Stores Close at Nine o’clock on Saturday JOHNNY DUNDEE Johnson. Knew He Was. ||aIK SHFFHANTD | IS GIVEN SOME | Wicked and Laid Down ya\er WINNEG | , GLASSY OFFERS, "sss tore emo rarors| BASEBALL TEAM] | Flashy Little Lightweight Has Up and He Quit Former Member of Ball Club Promise of Trip Around in "Peg Is Signéd Up as timo of ‘the “Willard battle. Flanagan -Leader ay may 3 the World mat eee ch ach sake | ae ca fines Sea a tent dgungen cient an, net Jack John, |terae, that Jonnmon would win. Man oss Felnd at Bile. hamlonally Sout at | the SEM nies Be gaa gUeARY (84 | cima, asa tack mneonad Ca Aaron) a Na Heras een gee Boge Giaoetne nace sat | mane Atarah #8 deck Been e SAU EEE.) March 18-—Tobnay. al spectators at the laat | La ‘hearted Irishman had @ Tot of ex. re Dundes, one of the greateat little bat- | {old by actual spectat plaining todo when he returned. ‘asa: | Weetera Canada Baseball League. thia ‘who ‘ever donned a sore, and} Sno eye-witness of the Havana fight | uean clalined thet hla tut Rei isso ta | ensOn This geod meee Wen eee Sea iae tine ene evory light; | told'the writer not long ago that Jack | worded and’ Ghat Saigo. fins pega als. | pens letter from Charlie Moll, the loes/ jobnaon ioed. everg vounce: of "his | igoorea, Sie. hath tikely ‘that FEN of note tn the world during the | Hrvagth tn ma ctor to eeak Ot Wit litaeeean ole eens, tkely Cat | Segnate | ADVERTISING MANAGER SAYS— past six years, is thinking seriously of | ja; ¥or round after round, pene | to rae if. oS frrengement Bad. been, ‘The renga d of ME Te ee Sa ; our of the ‘wer =| delivered punches. that would. have | made Ustween donne and sacm nets | loos cake eee olng eee "i able windup to-hins wonderin. oxteer | ENecRea Ou Ran erdinaty mane aane | nce Yetwee, dohnaon and Jeck Caney About the reviving of pro. baseball, J Stands for Joy, which will come to you all wife und’ Gwe’ chudrens Soahis’ utes | Ne could not win: “Me fought saranda | Side tsorinee Ree nae Aveta n= | the” rahe Sea nee aie, comieet. that After purchasing at MacLeod Bros.’ SH tpg, Smo eniren.. ana Ia protty.| Be Could as win, fe fouRnE PHL and on o that Flanagan would double: | RO Bag fo secure some town favorites NU RAe ME Ce AO MES ning “nid owess| Halle Me sleeallG to. Tae ote Te lone | soe ree Pacreer fo compete with the drawing Extension Sale. Ue atieh asd oat” ania’ ga | the iphitientres, Sa th Talk ls Cheap Ehrehan‘to ties Winttiee piste Peet against top-notch fyatherwoights, | {ohnson, Vaccepted’ a, 1 nibe, gpinion Is, keneraliy expressed | bax the tent abortston Chat ever ‘ ighiwelghia. and some. “welterweight x prow It im, declared, “and pcre, griuen le, Reneraby, “exbressed ‘nifoem. ‘ ee ‘ ‘aces Hea ere, y charset mich cen “in_went into’ the ‘negro's, yee’ and eae eat ma ies, 9 socure another bout | Also, & good te Cr eger | Increasing our Floor Space, taking in practically the whole of the Allan Block. This will give Bet behald for the tite holaere, having | he fut Ne army ep fo Shield ulwen sue | wih Wied TP ponabie Coming ment | ihe Rega fo (Qe, pennants ze as auld i ee pence Bel be ald for the tite hol wailed he. was- counted: Ont | Fula detmaca eeu tenaany Castantee | hia eee uC Ga sheng te ATTN us the LARGEST MEN'S WEAR STORE IN CANADA. Must be reasons why we grow, given away from four -to. Fulton, Johnson's statement carries but Sgalnst stare like Froddy Weish, Willie | > . Ittle Weight, It only serves the pur- | trialeand he was farmed out to Oakland It is the PRICE VALUE, QUALITY AND SERVICE that has‘built gur business and is going itehic, “Benny “Leona nnd agaisat | Wei, REA SIHUM «more. dimprenalon dn |o} the Pacific, Coast League, where he ete ; ; ‘ A Y! Hi ed at thechapion teat | act ces cok etched | RCA Renee aes see | MAC etrag Shea MALS to Duild it even bigger. These alterations make it necessary for an Extension Sale—7 DAYS a i¥e rounds to make Impress ith both on and Joh: e club. | Sheehan conduc! Pal . D hay wolght "he desicots | Wise Ne Tota a Tee fagtie oni auton and teh Rimeelt on and oft inet Soret Saturday, March 22 to Saturday, March 29. New goods all on sale do 20. “He was playing. a losing game fi manly manner, and Is a tig favorite | % . And’ he knew it. The fight ight Inve | eee with the fan that. they toughest fone on for andther five pr ter rouge Stn w be ‘Signa Pitcher Donaldson VETERANS, EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR YOU 9. them How to anol ae tee nante | But, Waa licked and roalised that ihe | oieat take Bee ae oo two mbna tans |g ABOMEE Bar whom tee oat z 7 Sra abcde noe sats, yuo reeanon Why El.end was'in sight—so We faked a knocks | stotiew’ te, Stake the” ree cee ee Reavy Miter who periored cena and A square deal and returned men to wait on you. Prices lowest in Canada. ~- _ Bhould “not oln, ia 1" have hat tothe way't figured things | cngakement "Joke in The eyes of the | Neat Niecy who, Herformed ‘with, Bus EBeatrioal Dromotor'ta mel a isur'e! | °% tions 18" titereatine ta <= Should agp “the Maul inva Versatile Mayer aad Sees Ae N’S WORK SHOES eat 3 Teme UE Of] ‘This conversation ts interesting in'{ Should Face ‘the Muste inh. Versatile player, and. Can ‘show to > ” Pie, isa yb aoegta tb | cele, cpareration a ntarenting, ts] Should ne aaa | Sone eae ¥ MEN'S SUITS MEN'S Hieh, pa Henny. Leonard’a: The tip. | son tat the shoe eeu es oe Anotite player to Jail, the Winnipeg 3 tade, will include the Orient, Jaurope | 202 ohnson's word Is_ tr ; is Kid" Gitel is ta * p ii Sat Re gree rea, gents Aer, | nae auras 4 Bale fight . ihe, Utes | touted, ay areal omer: He ha A selection of thousands where the ordinary Our Shoe Department is complete ica, ica. we te Jon i Villard is a poor exponent of. the es to take his medicine, Johnaon mch and half Jewish, is full of “pep’ ji i i: 1g make a trip of that kind, and Reaveweleht Lattin ts a eee, Of the | ism fugitive trom Justice as the rich | and possesses a wonton ee EH store shows you just one or two in your size. 7, Freampanstimest ean my wile, wil Keavywght oplrants Sindat pe! ait |e & game from dunce ae" rea Bag ior fom ner lean Twat ¥ $7.00 values in $5 50 a ny me. 1 am not al | we cago. hi tiaw" advice from friends, was. savi 0 00- : Bt, thie tine tg ive ob the detals er way of loaidng at tt iw that | Si8era Hehe B a Hien with Stoll. Slick "was ‘Moi: bat Wallies 10.930, $21 95 AMES TEM ey as = He atihy Dut, ine Eunrantes offered me hae een, atal fe faTdless, of, Bis former activities, imunt | Boy in i814 with’ tho Marinette-Afeno: Men's Suits, any style... .. a ext oranooy™ an St go aang | stages whee fiat be Su ounce | (cana fein of eal donmaon | gee clubs, Ame nee ene” ; $1.75 FIREMEN’S $1 10 = ext season. as I have too many en- of holding his own in a real stand-up | 14, re notorie! yy his st en' at | baller who will try out with the 'P fier ime” "ne States to fl Petore |ignt’ with a real scrapers if evoke | More_metoriety Uy his suatement at jked him "up. trom” Mitwaules Values to $38.00— GAUNTLETS a ent with Jehteon no womder"tharee | yi eetcely, ty, that a ‘Manny? eich Men's Suits, any style im s $1.25 COWHIDE GLOVES 85 Cc: Untalr Methods fen Bae net fe Jssue these many | Johnson fight “Slacker” Willard ine the | & star with Chinwgo wae The unfaimess @f boxers and their | years! heavy we le under any circum-| fol! reports that he has coi is % Franarcrs making matches: with ‘aie Flanagan Sent Tip NE oe oot cenng ce eet | pie dor ster some plage htRe Values to $45.00— $35.00 for : ferent clubs or dates close together—| po, Janagan, of Toronto, was the world nes isa 4 Sheehan will get on the ‘job immedi- * <1 e Re unfairness ‘both to promoters and the | yismataet Maneate Trane, wast 40 Gove Pate eine et Coaee S20 Men’s Suits, any style ..:.! Py Publiccwas “again Hforteated att bee | Tesh xb sees avers Charlie Moll will be back 19 ‘Wnni- : the other night when Ha j to whipsthings in shape 1 the Kanaus: } tI e ae Ro ye | JACK JOHNSON 3 cil onto. the maton et MEN’S SPRING OVERCOATS “STETSON’S” FELT HATS corannodioud Seate HE acct F K, Where league ganies “will be Values to $26.00— S1 5 95 $8.00 and $7.00 Broken Lines $2 95 Chartie Whe |e : THiDe || BiIESS Also Tweed Top Raincoats m and odd shapes 20-0 o.2.. . hicago “star, for the following | cf ae : ieee ve = —~ | MORALEDUGATION ao $21.95 “grrrersas = 62.45 Sombie fe Che BOR Taser, CALGARY CURLING cLUB. | ; : | - Smart Spring Overcoats _.. Di POP oa Se satese ee ! Se a eens aRaete Rete tesa ee & # rei | Pumas: Mortons of Chicngo in met tes | 8 McKillop va. Chand : ge l (| I Us MEN’S PANTS MEN’S COAT SWEATERS—Shawl Collar— Sina Page gn hand tolga'on wih | How ye Coat e ie NFEREN FINA G 1 Values to $7.00— $7.00 Fine Wool— hi, and. hen did” Bue he dig nual mnceting of the Cal : $3 25 Tweeds and worsteds, pair |. ; . Assorted colors ...........0 a maih long, for the crowd of fans eri busy and hissed, Rooted and yelled "aa | Mt es Z : aa oo cee| ie theses coe renee GRANITE GUALING cLUB | Big Convention of Education- Dosh out of the rings ~ ange hs Mion thongs put the Detrott | aticenaie, 9 i ; ists of the Dominion Is MEN’S SHIRTS MEN’S UNDERWEAR MEN’S:SOxX Dut "the aim Gibson, 3; J, Smith, : es Planned Tesult. The pr no redress, Draw for Tonight | $2.50 Dress Shirts, ‘stiff cuffs, $3.00 Fine Rib Combs— 40c assorted colors Cotton f there is no commission in Michigan ci a i} = Buethh, ction, seninse ne offender, | eorgesou vs. Cilla | : The programme for the national 14, 1444, and 16 to 18, Suit ...2....-.-2.. $1.95 Sox 25¢ City borer wit not ean’ anenaennene |. Roach va. | P | conference on moral education in re- | ee cw in Dattelt Maite nites ee oto i on to Canadian eltizenship in th i % stic Knit— % Posh eke ado, ten ip tor ; schocla, Wntes te torte dene neces RS Wateona ierte i 60c Heavy Grey Wool, pair 35¢ elf Fighit with the club ana fase: Mehe ‘ nine Aug: and 27, has been $2.50 Dress Shirts, soft cuffs; Medium weight, suit .. $2.95 thers ng boxer wanting [MEDICINE HAT TRYING | é Who was here several mee a | all sizes - .. $2.25 Balbriggan Combs.— Soc Silk S07 assorted hat a week apart i close enough, no Ae 7 . ntly, had brought tee beet . bela amt ea a mn tE hl ni| FORTHE WISER TROPHY : i: shea wadeationntn ‘and ana $2.75 Dress Shirts, soft cuffs; Suit ..--...2.0.0.. $1.75 ee ele tee joing a'good thine” "| Two rinks: from Medicine Hat : : rained by etary chee or te all sizes .. $3.00 Watson's Fine Wool 85c Pure Wool, fine rib .. 65¢ selpped "by" anayor’ 3 BALE] Former" heavyweight chicepion ofl etertieet iis Neus” clsbe ter, he FIGHTING HARD TO setetccs “he To Wid ae it! "SINE Ton, ia iat | $180 Work Shirts ....... 95¢ Shirts and Drawers, ea. $1.95 $3.00 cheney Ties, tubular, @5¢ to meet the trc : a ining in the schoolé-and | = 3.25 Nat. All Wool,— z 5 ae ng bute father ianlanions: Gn''w" R224"! Hl $2.00 Work Shirts ..... $1.50 8325.Na 75¢ Flowing End Ties .... 50¢ - |chadtenee Ww The Mado : a the representative of Cateary ane alge garment ........... $2.25 GET MORRIS FREE! i pa, Se Camp : ELMER MYERS WILL Trees ieee ene $1.00 Glove, brown wool... 55¢ $4.75 Stanfield’s Silk and Wool, S0c Fancy Suspenders .... 25¢ {aus RE TUSSI SOE eae | 50c Belts, assorted colors .. 35¢ each garment ....... $3.65 0c Police Suspenders . ... 35¢ Seattle Wants Star Player Re-| LEONARD GETS OFFERS STRENGTHEN INDIANS: MEN FROM MINNEDOSA | The Best Union made Bib Overalls in America, pair $2.00 leased by Military for TO FIGHT LEN EDWARDS/ sac, mein rn a SH SSaee etek Mtig "Chance dette Sarma) REACH HERE FRIDAY “ean” Boys’ Basement #22" | eee ce eee eee F earn, WW the Team (From The Calgary Herald's Winni- : vewis are included in a bitter tighe % Inst hineg atasonn, when Con- | wrexr BiG Meee very THOUSANDS OF BOYS’ SUITS TO SELECT FROM which opened in the United States | Manila, J lack’s emaciated ball club was jan in Winnipeg and E Ustrict court here to try to obtain 3 : oa Bune | : Ba DUeAe na Siem: (0 Dery Sit ill greet: the mpecial BOYS’ SUITS BOYS’ HOSE | Myers, young hur- | this afternoon, carrying west fitty- the release. of Bernie Morris, star) (/bson, Toons by : i of the bright spots in |four Calgary soldiers and. sixty-one nlayer of the Seattle hockey team, | (2%; : learner of thelr dependents," Trhey arrived on $6.50 Junior, 24 to 27— 50c Black Cotton— ! cho im beings held. in custody.iat tie cae the ‘Minnedosa, at SP has pisias oat on is e intt | campleted arrangements as avcome Mweeds dor auieniessctsuse3 = $09. Pair 2 bese a ce nares Of wiltal deser= WANT RETURN GaSe pies canUIRIE . pilment to these heroes te admit the va M. Le ind. = | public t hi jatform. The ls : deral Judze B.. Cushman $ée-| ane penne Be MATE! managed to win Inne fonded: down with, flognes Tet | $7.50 Junior Norfolks— $1.50 All Wool Worsted morning issued an order dl-| penny Tony third of them, To bolthe men with sions and cigarettes Bs t Major-Gen, Leith, Camp ght ubout a tremendous demand |izact, ne won twenty-seven and’ iowt | 8e men with ele is 21 to 27, for .... 72 to.10 .. is commander, to: produce Mor- | fo. p match between the men, | ‘CRY CIENT, 0-360 a ‘ Col 6. jey. formerly. man- ra SME this moraing’ at 10] omar copracae pater Hate Ma cao great fit, however. | Cel, © ,W_ Rowiey. tormerty. man- $15.00 Boys’ Suits—Newest $9 75 $1.00 NEW SPRING CAPS ane . Deer on-Wedn but they | bin’ inducement to take ono of pitching he walked |merce at Calmary for many yours, M habeas corpus should not be issii the ho licked him. | ¢ . lui twonty-Uiree "and: turned | will De present when the spcciotece styles; 24 to 35 weleasing the athlete trom tho cus- | hencarh nothing wou : itches. One | tives to give the Boys the giad hand, | dy of the military. polles, na chance to! ho won any games—until | Aboard this specif is Private, Jou Morris, who wa - the score with Ritchie, but he | (cy had 6 They pea? Ge Feo> | stone of Gleichen, who, single-hand: BOYS’ BLOOMER PANTS— $1 95 oa . at. $1.35 NEW SPRING CAPS At esiwies lined at Camp Lewis a mands ab Orde ADO wm t the: boys red three Huns in a hand- sates Rae oe Sat . Piuneing: mien geo eae Marat iene cae ea ane ee ~ $2.50, $2.25 and . inden. xpectln. to" pia | be cauath | gbyine tgeneni he tam nwa raed | 75¢ BOYS’ BLOUSES— i Seattio inthe world onan ie cot ¢ : : When the fight was over he haces , s : m hockey sete. It Ne te will walt until one of | f ich. | weapon but a bloody trench knife BOYS’ COMBINATION! $1 75 Small sizes s he may be ble to take part | the ea promoters offers a. pi Joined indians with which he tiad ripped two Huns Fleece lined ALL SIZES BOYS’ the second gamo of the serie: fi | a@ixers reenntly Joined the Indiana, yond Sea “ad rounded 2} Jumicagh. Tn exchange fo" Bothy euch Culrary before miduighe eri “STANFIELD'S” COMBS.— $1 75 BLOUSES aay. mean a Tot te sk 20, t0 24; Suit 6 oFros coe vine oni x = EXTRA QUALITY BOYS’ ; male Wizard at that 104 BOYS’ WORSTED JERSEYS BLOUSES oe 85c Font fait ‘gure. Ne coun ciinitats : and Owner sDuss ialved | if Button shoulder; $2 50 $1.25 FANCY VELVET CORD 75 so vert te Someta | Sizes 26 to 28 .............. Dim HATS for 9052.35 # Button shoulder ; 50c BOYS’ BELTS Mvern ought to prov. Sizes 30 to 32 SOLH rae Sos nee e She of the-eensations of the nema peat ge tte Sas eae a $2.50 BOYS’ FELT HATS— BOYS’ BRACES— SAR it ainndn dust nour Sizes to 7, for z 25¢ and ...... vind oe will have, alt nie és vine | erm are sult ‘In. acevl | H See cameron rate as Sessa Rta so These were not cases of infectious e : BEST DEFENCE MAN | diseases —of consumption cs ty- in j gear phold! They were cases where @ 2 a -|;Person had sustained some slicht " « th , | injory—a ent, a burn, a wireprick p Pacinic’ | qyand whet ihe wound, being . chasing | ¢ho 7 YOUR Wellington Pipe will never : wuld namie Rowe, John" | tal treatment, hed hoe Cone fo backon you. Itst*well"alwags oon TS of the ot. | Blood-polsoning and death resulted. @ catches the moisture, You always ‘ Th Whe you or your children sus- | fet a clean, cool smoke. The WDC. od Mt ; Saree: ifary, ensure against i a a : 2 ya Zam-Buk. Thi fae eee ee a t flim seothen ho ein ape Seer THE GREAT CLOTHIERS OF THE GREAT WEST reach briar. i : | lestroying all germs : aiasndene en m1 0 mits the Ottawa | Prevents blood-poisoning, ete. Hence LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS OF MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR IN a jamt night | O time need be lost trom work or WESTERN CANADA I aes : i ihe defence | pleasure by those who use Zam-Buk. WM. DEMUTH & Co. All dealers, .60c. box, en ‘ ea ali) Buk ONLY TWO STORES MAIN STORE—NINTH AVENUE AND FIRST STREET EAST “ rietor . IN-CALGARY— BRANCH STORE—131 EIGHTH AVENUE WEST of Frank + resident of the Pacific Coast
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Image 380 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 380, (CU1799365). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.