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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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SATISFYING RELIEF ‘FISCAL POLICY 7 FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the | punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion peattering circulation-semulating rem | edy pencirates without rubbing right fo the aching spot and brings quick relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful cihelp-—for external pains, | sprains, strains, ptiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today—costs little, means much, Ask your druggist for it by name. Keep it handy for, the whole family, Made in Canada, ‘The | big bottle is economy. Sloan's Leese bast) Kills Pain ff TERS AT RED DFER ASK MP’S, TOCRVE REPORT Also Wish to Instruct Repre-| sentatives in Legislative Halls (Special to The Calgary Herald) | RED DEER, March 21,—The mem-| Bers of the Red Deer local of the Cnlted Far Alberts definitely set better represen! us far as the fs-concerned, and. at sing this Week, it was decided: that, the locals Inthe Red heer. federal riding wou hold w-big confetence In Jur this matter woul@l be fal Br the meantin afin ws 180 delegates f+ tithe ridin Thon sea yn Presented at tt a> Indorsation Useless farmers, counetis-of the wg of Red na tinanimonsiy ine the farmers as itforim co-ape! fof our resolved by the op would ive thi wt such bphortune ought to Bi Account ont “of eal Anrtediatel sion of parliament asked td. Tp ives inst feated ai the mesting on ‘Tuesday Sohich.augurs well for the success of the convention which will be held tn Hone. Joseph Stauffer, of Olds, pre- sided COAL MINERS ENDORSE. THE FIVE-DAY WEEK Indianapolis “Workers Make Recommendations Through Frank J. Hayes ind. March 20—~ one for-a six-hour wrek, increase In wages | p ration of. coal mines ade by Frank J. Hayes. presidént of | ine United Mine Workers of America, were concurred in by. the sub-com- Inittes of the general policy commit- in its report to the fuil commit-| too this aftertioon. This committee met here this ‘noon to receive and recommoanaed | 2 used to ne six-hour day and | have a well deserved repn- tation as a:sxic and effective remedy for stomach ail+ ments. They are - Quickly helpfull in bilious attacxs, sick heedache, dyspepsia, heartburn and constipation. They-act: gently-and surely omthe organs of climina- tion,. purify the-blood, tone 1 -thess#stem and'very-quickly | tieally certain. of | them, } taki SATISFACTORY 10 WEST MEMBERS Government Will Investigate \ Industrial Needs and | Revise Tariff | GOVT. FISCAL POLICY __| SATISFIES MODERATES Leader McKenzie Will Chal- lenge.the Government on Budget (From The Calgary Herald's Ottawa News Bureau) OTTAWA, March 20—The nouncement of the government's fis- cal policy to the caucus of yesterday haw cleared’ the politica: atmoxphere| and closed “up the ranks of Unignist party. The western Untom- ists’ seem. to be generally satisfied, | nd are prepared to accept Sir] Thomas Whites statement as ‘ex! dencing an earneat desire to evolve | i fiscal policy fair and equitable to} Ci Glasses atid Interests in tho coun-| ty, Since the estintates have been laid on the heen more than the impossibility. of Interferlny Susly With. any posetble 80 revenue. The ‘of course, Trade extremists, who {asixt | that Nien it comes to low tariff promises | they are from -Missoury and have got | Shown befors they throw thelr te the air ia jubiation, while Other hand, there is, perhabs umber of protectionist Mitsitlchers, who would be satisfied | iii nothing short of the proverbial} an gatlows trite These ¢ combined, however, make | ‘a Very insignificant minority. | Nerwheimine sentinent of the fist party and this inchides sen= teas well as members of the com= fe Yor the policy whieh the} Sve minister announced | Government Policy This policy, briefly stated, ts [) As Soon as restoration of nor- conditions permit, the govern- n inssiture. thorough in-| Vestigation into, induatsial and eco- needs in all acctions of the ‘and upon the information jred will make a scientific | sion of tariff’ schedules. | ) In the meantime measures will Ken and ahnow with the | tring. budget Which, It ts: the, ft-| patice minteterts belief, will satlety modera 5 iI schools ‘of el jeulture im- | ibiy the partial | Following Precedent tions of a plemen eliminatt euse in th ‘Measures of this.charact thought, satisf¢ great bulk of AL opinion in the West, and: would it the same, Ume prove acceptable to majority. of eastern mand- rss in deciding upon an ins) of industrial and general ions by ministers, in- } aiff, commission, Sir ‘Thomas Wiute- x Potlowing the “pre- } Talent established by. Mr. : Fielding | Liberals came into office it time Mr. Fielding ¥ the late Mr. Pa ho was minister of custo sessions in the principal cent could, it} rear whieh the Fielding tariff pased. Whether th to-be so ent. session is over is a mutter quite clear Time Uncertain White's statement | shall ‘Thomas merely says that-the inquiry be unit m when no} tions are restored, but for considerable doubt 4 this coming summer, when manuface turers will still be in the process of shifting from war to peace produc- Hon, can be taken as representing conditions sufficiently normal for the overnmient to. base permarient policy upon findings derived from them. In addition to being accepted ‘a sound economic ‘policy the gov- nment's decision js also regard fis 2 good piece of political stratesy How can.the Liberals attack a policy which they themselves adopted ups coming into office in 1896? It is prac- ‘course, that Leader Mackenzie will challenge the govern- ment on the budget, with an amend- | Mont embeacing, the tariff policy?! which Sir Wilfrid enunciated shortly | before dis death (Mrs, Lemieux made that much plain in his speech the other night), but in view of the fin- nee minister's announcement yes- terday and the manner in which it hax been received, danger of an op- position roup d-etat seems exceeding, remo’ CLAIMS ON GERMANY. ARE GREATLY REDUCED. Total of $40,000,000,000 Is| Possible Amount She Will Pay: | March. 20-—David Lioyd | ish prime. minister; | the. French prime! Presideng ‘Wison rings for th ences between They conferred at the residence loyd George today sion lasting from 3 o'clock in fernoon until late in the ¢ ‘Tho: differen the larger ques the reparation f Franco-@ These sumed of nations, for the Ww commission revising t proceeding ray Being met in teat reparations and. fre The chief ixsue PARIS. George, the M. Clemenceau, minister, and adjust nt of ditt of Mr. fons pending now. war losses and. th the momefit mramount fmportince the le x of the covenant Is muh diftic ing accord nould commie gubjcct. however, duced the claims to a total-of about $49,000,000,000. | . | LOOK FOR BIG CROP (Spectal to The Calgary Herald) | MEDICINE. TIA. large. area of farm lands. will faced under cultivation thie” year Farmers are looking for a good crop March 20.—A this year The Right Sty THE CALGARY DAILY le at the Right Price HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 41, 1919 f 9 MAIN PHONE M6312 Several Very Extraordinary Purchases--Together Wi see Lines-Go to Make Tomorrow an Interestin Limited th Worth-While Redactions on Regular g Day at The Glanville Store. séedetvitees SECOND FLOOR M3890 GLOVES—A glove—in made makes posi Sizes from 6 to 7 all white; washable suedetex glove—for all general wear.—e good wearing ‘A special purchase recently de finish glove. ible this sal ar 65C vue Tomorrow in the Millinery Salons A Special Display and Sale Of New Spring Millinery-- AT $10.00 —Planned price, hats + particular And th terest_ amo: with one purpose in mind—to present, at & favorite of character, that meet the desires of women of fashion at a very moderate price. showing of $10.00 models will create much in- ng women folk—after they have seen thé yolved in the showing and selling: An alluring & fully made ‘costume. und have put extra ¢ ection of Dress and Tailored Hats—beautl- Satarday’s Star Item A Sale: of Women’s All Wool Sweaters $6.95 the most hats in- ‘and in colors to harmonize with the new Spring It's because we specialize in Hats at Ten even better value—better style—at this price. Included are the most that ure L as that each hat is a théme in itself, se $19.00 hats the injustice to regard the} oh types sold ‘They are, Different—vastly, Different—and- the difference ‘a glance—in the fineness of the materials. — trimmings;—the is apparent the exquisite Difterent—us Glanville Hats always are— at a similar price. art in the placing of the beautiful Hines. Many are in the new “Henna” shade, _—and the new: Wilson ‘red—in the pineapple and rous' —and flows may begin and this display. and Spring. Millinery Wear Hats for =—and for thi shadings a dresses, excellent Navy, Prune Apricot, Si shades er, M =—Black Chiffon finish, -a splendid skirts,—85 inches —=Silk and C georgette, —sbades sand, brown ss Suiting rich dark nays nerge for a Spr These For Art Ne rs —— Dresser wash repp,—50-ini deaigns—regular ittle boys of four Regular $1 simple designs—w! to wonk .-. The Notion Colamn *##* Dressmakers’ Pins, 341b boxes, box...-65¢ Bronze Invisible Hair Pins per box -- ++ 18é Wide Silk Middy Laces, 2 tor 25¢ Rarrettes, each ..-- ABE Clasp-on Hose Supporters, children's, pair ....25¢ Wilson's Dress Hooks, small sizes, card....5¢ Flat Hooks and Exes, B cards 5é Fine Combs, each...15¢ Naiad Dress Shields Rotero style. pair. 5O¢ 63in. Shoe Laces, black, white, tan, pair... 106 Cable Cord......S¢ yard Mending Tissue, 3B yards 10¢ Curling Irons 45e Safety Pins, large size, 2 carts Be White Ric-Rac Braid, card .-- «++ 18¢ ‘Woo! Mending, B cards 5é Notions—Main tagels, and fruit effeet—and such a diver be suited. eget $ 1 0.00 abe Going: still f Wine, green, grey and black —yard wide.......-s-+e00+ and f4 inches wide—a good Scarfs' or Buffet Rompers to be worked,—made Mamped for embroidery—very serviceable little things for trimmed with pretty facings end in Glanville vale commands your attentfon— all utility wear—at $5.00, $7.50, $8.00, $10 se who trim their nd stytes— Values in #&% Silks and Dress Goods Colored Habutais—of an extra: heavy blouses and unde weight for making yard wide and in Sand, Copenhagen, $1.75 ‘Tatfeta—a very rich black and extra 00d newer eens aa 4 9S wid on Crepes—a fine thin goods. similar to of sky, flesh, maise, ivory, amethyst, Nite, Copenhagen, navy, 79¢c an all wool serge, reliable dy! $5.00 Workers Runners,—made of ches Jong and stamped in, prett $1.20. pieces: garments, Old Rose, Reseda, Paddy, Matze, uve, Myrtle, Brown, at of, Pini Serge suit. AT bated edle a fine basket ror 9BC of ‘natural linens,— years, — vor $1.45 ——-Fudge Aprons, made of unbleached linen,—stamped in hich are very easy ar 45 Art Needlework Counters The Hosiery News! Women's Cotton Hose—in colors of brown, grey, white and black.—two very special purchased lines out on the coun- ters. for selling tomorrow, and this will be the time to fill up the hoslery drawer, =full range of women’s sizes— 745 ano 65 —A fine grade of liste hose in colors of mustard, black, flesh, green and white— @ perfectly seamless hose, knit with the narrowed ankle and widened reinforced feet— - »95e Ladies’ fine quality silk hose—in col- ors of beige, black, green, smoke, beaver, canary, pearl, white and gold.—and this {sa heavy knit hose, that will wear— and reinforced at all points of wear— »t $2.00 Buster Brown Sister's Stocking for girls—in colors of white, sky, brown, and black,—a splendid stocking for girls, ar 15€ children's Hose—the Yand 1 ribbed—fast black—a well re« jnforced hose that will stand wear— ar 65c ~ Hosiery Counters—Main- tops— Heavy Cotten {fort in our task this season of supplying charmingly: attractive hats,—hats —and please do not do mag the usual \d-new blue shades and with sity of styles—that ‘True, your quest for a-new and beautiful hat ‘s Millinery Salons tomorrow,—and ee urther—one will see in our great variety of new ‘Sailors—Tricornes and smartly banded Ready-to- own—the new shapes—in all the ar $2.75 ery Salons—Second Floor Fine ali wool sxeitgrs—warm, cumfy things for all wear—sweaters that sell regularly at $10,00, $12.00 and $13.60,—and jany, are worth near double these prices to-day. Dollars— inasmuch ‘This sale is made up of samples and odd lines from our own good stocks,—a few of them. being slightly soiled from handling—nevertheless all a genuine bar gain at this Saturday's Price.... $6.95 ‘All good slyles for Spring sports wear and for all wear,—some in the pull-over, others in the coat styles,—belted or plain. ‘A very complete range. of cblors—greys, Diues, reds, greens, white, plum, malze, ete.--plain’ colorsaand fancy. ‘There are some beauties,—think, of the very best wool sweaters that you have ever seen— the soft, wooly things, that you can tell In a minute how good they are—and you'll not be disappointed in this dale. Not one in the lot could be purchased today at its first Selling price—and $6.95 {s less than half thefr worth. hy stra new You'll want ‘to lose no time in getting shere—and early,—many women who have already seen them in the show window— wanted to buy them at once, but ‘none ban be cold till Saturday morning. $6.95 Here Are Very Enticing The New Neckwear ##*** Is Just as Pretty as can be —vests and Vestees are to be quite the thing to wear with’ suits, coats and dresses,—rind we are showing many ideas, now styles that have just come from the ares ocr 64.95, $12.00 makers...-..---At ———Sets for suits—of heavy quality with cuffs—to match, sets that giv smart touch to one's suit-...-.-+ very new ic,—Iong roll collars * $1.95 New ‘Satin Coilars—in round neck style-—in colors of white: pink $1.00, received to —"Crowley”” Neckwear—direct from New York—the very Jatest. Ideas—neckwear that is “Different,"—all exclusive styles. You must see {t when in tomorrow. * Ribbons To Unwhirl Ait Sik Taffeta Ribbons—S-inch width, tn ali shades,
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Image 383 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 383, (CU1792535). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.