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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919 THE — READY! TheSpringRushBegins SPRING FASHIONS ARE FLOURISHING IN“¢THE IMPERIAL” New Styles Unfolding, New Opportunities Revealing Daily at the City’s Favorite Store Sy 500D WEIGHED {NEWS CENSORSHIP WILL sree oe ares ONLY 97 POUNDS Does Good Work Takes Tanlac And Is Gaining) LIKELY BE REMOVED ue Institute for the} ts doing wonderful | re ngs sera. A tleld WorK- sight sng aueS Associated Press Under-| aed stands It Will Cease This Month er has recenUy spent much time in the city of Hamilton, making @ very careful canvass to secure the names | s blind citizens and to become | familiar with their needs and con- LONDON, March 21.—Cablo ai say, with extreme Pp hts of government di priority in the use of ¢ Immediately. drastic Government and exeages Will alf hours. Bun Canadian Toront o its men “For anyone suffering fr \efeots of the ‘flu’ and wa thing to build them up,” said Willi ne. but It has been decided to insert suit~| ante ‘afuclen aed. business cards in| se atte adisal jourania of Cam AE ieee tke Blind mas | {eotah the ate cas Se Pre eraser [UREINeNE £0 RtteE ene valve. such messages Were finished, ‘The result} Tatters as the securing of positions en eee re withs|adttte tieaogeasners IR oft cupled tho cables ore rian Annes (NouNes, Sorerutieen in mane ut cant Ete adn tant Stes where thelr. bervoes cs press bureau and censorship will| urilized side by side with sighted print anonth wanker’ so ERE Ot van that some| "Sine memlars of the lieve ¢ world, and 1" Ny reduced non-governiten nent at. alternate e 18th after the | epidemic atruck our town, 1 was taken down with the :Ou' myself, and | tor several days 1 simply felt like life | was hardly worth living. When 1{ Mid finally. pull through T found weit without any appetite or strength. What little 1 did cat was by force, thd I dropped: down in weight from bne hundred and fifteen pounds to bnly ninety-seven. Up to the time T began taking Taniac It just seemed | th like 1 was shrinking away to nothing. T would have a spell of headacho and Introducing New Phases of Spring Mode SUITS Featured for tomorrow at $29.75 ‘Moaela expressive: of the newest _mode— veloped In Dust, Taupe, Reindeer, Brown, Nay ‘and Black All Wool Mannish Serge, with: box pleated back arid dart trimming, Trimmed with full belts and small pockets, Tho stralisht skirts are befted and have slashed pockets. STYLISH MODELS at $39.00 Finely Tailored Suits of Superibr Qual- ity Fabrics, Serge, Burella or Gabardine 1A rnodel typical of the suits in this collec: tion tn develonpa in “Dan” Brown | trl Hon Is devcised coat has a pleated belt und Tho slenderiz’ collar of dust colored corded side meats cle braid trimmed roll Fevers. Silt sim Mea trim the smart ndbrow skirt, NN ¢ $9.50 Values | SILK POPLIN SKIRTS "$5.95 Very nttractive new styles fn good poplin; belt and pocket trimmings; — taupe, Copenhagen, green, reindeer or black Scores of Admirable New Styles in OATS Of Ropular Donegal Tweeds $25.00 Three different and very smart styles. turing the long loose swagger lines with belts, new collar effects and panel pockets; but- ton. trimmed, develaped in attractive Donegal Wool Tweed, in grey, brown oF green tones, NEW SPRING COATS at $29.00 Woo! Velours, Diagonals. and Plain Cloths in the various dust and tan shades, jay or king fisher blue, Full or half belted models. with several showing the new gathered effect Under belt, with side, slit or patch pockets. HANDSOME COATS at $39.00 ‘An. unusually fine assortment. in “Covert Cloth. Gabar- Gude Tricotine, Serge or DethL. In colors dust, sand. covert, vey, olive sage, buron and jay Dlue; nayy or, black J A NEW BOX COAT 59 00 SUIT at ; Serge—coat buttons Dust colored” All Wool Botany Emphasizing the smart new — ea ee LE ae) ne suength, right along. Tam glad to recommend Tanlac, because I think it is the best ever for ghyone in @ run-down condition.” ‘According to the testimony of mul- tiplied thousands who have used it, there is nothing more invigorating than Tanlac to persons suffering from the after effects of la grippe, influ- euza, typhold and pneumonia, and hronehial troubles, or who are in a run-down condition from any cause. In fact, there is no portion of the ody that is not benefited by | action of Tanlac, which be~ work by stimulating the ‘nd assimilative organs, enriching the blood and ‘in- whole body. Tan! (Spe to The Calgary H: ) MEDICINE TIAT, March 20—Tho | Jooul agricuitural society has practi Tory decided to. break away from the | Seuttarn Faire Association, and steps Wunder way to form an independ are under vom circuit, composed. of feq, the= company See eames Medicine. Hat, Maple |tn" calgary. has, 1ethbrlgee e Current and Moose Jaw [tories at Jan Ea eaoa: Medicine Hat objects to “B" gradinic Viiluable literary asset in thi fedtcinfe dates allotted AUUSt 14 {6.|Wortd today is remarkably tz, which It ts ntirely UB |Arated hy the huge adve aes Muikc as It is expected the farmers | SEO which h 5 MULL ae Cucuine grain, Moose daw [DUET NET Ae be Mia ‘cetnpridge, if ay claimed, | are E.puiting Benin tls worl dissatist 5 neice dates ntied ithe decided to. hotd hae just’ reeetved “from. thes ioe age : : th should be } meeting this city on onstrictive tor Rhuraday. next, at which tt 14 ex: to the back the normal state of | pected the cities named will | Pe who hay ith through {ts effect on the appe-| he: repre in the newly tite and nutrition of the bod: pected to arrange ture company ‘Santac ta sold in Calgary at Lig-! Circuit for the mor lay Drug Stores under the oss se MANY. DWORCES GRANTED IN THE U.S { would have spelt of eee was | folkw want, the Dureaw Kept alive tol of the:tnatitute have of Aigaineas avery day, Ot ive ambition | spoon-toca: newsyupers..with matter|the name, of the, "Cant, Wy omvers or energy and simply felt completely | the government Mould Uke" printed.| Conference” and hold weekly.’ meet thocked out tne etn anya the country will never | inks for gto each other upon | After several months passed by | tolerate it hen uments of work. |i and Lstit got no atrength 1 began tO} Se feel worried about my condition, My | feethere who. had tried. ‘Taplac, mesminiended it to me, and Thad not | (oon taking it very long until T be- tan to find myself and feel Tike lie | | eS fs Worth living. My appetite soon | | e around alright, und when I got | | tot could eat hearty and relish omy | meals I commenced to regain my lost | |. \ weight and strength. My headaches 1 = | Mh dieay apeits have all cieappesred ee i now, and while 1 have. gest, finished ici iti ray econ Rae eae ‘rave | Medicine Hat and Other Cities WELL ADVERTISED. Cidendy gained nine pounds in weight § “iB 1 ean fat ai 1 “WARE “ot sunt anys | Object to “B | thine steep soundly. all nlght, anc i oa 1 te seul getnini, both in weight and Grading Many Thousands of Dollars Spent by Magazines Print- ing His Stories FIRST FLOOR SHOWROOMS. Special ! So You Get $25. French Serge Dresses Tomorrow at $39, ‘Also because they're new arrival they're new Spring styles. Round neck models. with loose back and front panels, praia and button trimmed, with three inch plain belt. Beautifully made from fine quallty Navy Blue * French -Wool Sizes 16 to 42 Serge. Kes oe with two. crossover tabs pack trimming of perpendicular rows at taised stitching three inches apart—and a novelty Sand Silk Vest with pearl button’ trimming, .A satin bound inch stitched fold trims the hem of the coat and lines is an effective Big Publicity Campaign nod’, maxawine.€ International Ms i controls The Cos-| and Good House | [Keeping Magnaines, A statement Just | [recdWed shows that Good Housekerp- ling expended in advertising Mr. Cu [esos novel,” “The. Fave nd, 380,000 for three-eighth paze ‘follow- wdvertisements, which appeared ta 208 of ‘One Out of Every Nine Mar- ine Unitea s riages Terminated by r Divorce WASHINGTON, March personal gepresentative. three skirt. CORSETS Po you fully realize the corsets’ froth trom a fashion= arid health standpoint 1v fs really necessary for you to for your new Spring model ur sefentifie cofsetiere. The fittings are free. —— LA DIVA FRONT LACE MODEL, MODELS | $4.75 | scoadess" new the ag —— . WILL PROVIDE NURSE (Special to The Calgary Herald) | MEDICINE HAT, March rhe Medicine Hat Grad’ je sociation has decided to undertake | to provide a graduate nurse for dis trict and social service work In the tity, being generously assisted in the | ciNertaking BY thesDaughters of the ‘Empire and the Red Cros proximately one out of eve Catarrhal Deafness | aetna one ade and Head Noles! entad evento | figures compiled by the burea of the censtis, and made public toda: SAFE_AND SIMPLE WAY. TO "AND RELIEVE AT HOME In wi munth of out to tox 0,000 posteards tion"to” Mr. Curwood’s novel now running in that magazine. ‘The pos' age alone on-these curds amoun and the cards cost $100 HATS---A Big Attraction Tomorrow | And never have Fashions been more expressive of the season and the spirit of the aie tharare these new iiillinery modes, . They have relegated to the past all “straight lines and simplicity,” and ventured into a new and assured future of angles and twists and turns, rolls and flares, and such diverse eccentricities as only a hat can assume with grace month of, Mr, Curwood ampaign Excluding South Caroliria, where: 3 laws permitting divorce Ww din 189s, the three lowest tates in 1915, for which yea} are now completed, are show District of Columbia, North ork, wher ra er, 100,000 The highes! ‘ontana and Ore and 226 re- TELLS TREAT If you fh arth ness Or head moines cn pislegin “drops in, your the for the montt expe Jes which wil! run a year. Novel Appearing os, mediun low Dust, ndid wear- ing material Free hip, 16nk. wkirt, elastic rts. Sizes fo 30. Lovely, Spring BLOUSES to make neh OF and respectively G the following. treat turned for Ne tantly, prepare i fittie cast. | Secure ‘allored effects, others com- bine georgette braid, pineapple braids, _ Liseret braid, Liserle straw, Milans, fancy.and rough braid effects with trimmings of _ bows, burnt fancies, wings, flowers, fruit, etc. your own home at from your druggist 1 punee of Partnint bie Strength). pame anit add to it i pint later and a little granulated hepa: ir wil dinrolyed. Fake one flespoontul four Hundreds are. here selection’ from of— Individual styles in Tricornes, ‘urh: Medium or F spectively, and Among the” Ie infidelity causes were Fratlure to pro- || ow that the |}, 1.050 per ns, Short Back’ Sailors. Finest Voile, , Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Rich Satin, Taffetas, Habutai. $2.00, $4.50, $5.95. $6.95. $7.50. $8.50, $9.75 to $15.00 Beautiful colors and styles in semi-tatlored and exquisitely trimmed méd- cls, featuring many with the round neck. —First Street West Now the Rage! NECK FRILLINGS 95¢, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 to $2.50 ‘White, cream, ecru, sand, victory gold, red and blue, roxe, maize, and two color combinations, In Geor- gette, Satin, Net, Lace, ete. A won- dertul variety. Sport Veils Large Sallors; Hats. Pokes, d Watteau shapes Close ng ine. bend Headaches, ree sine Bead noises, nee Snould’ gradaaily | 1.020 per 400,000, showing the tat cloudy, thinkne: “the “tonic action of | age rate to be increasing considera ay cent Loss. of smell, taste, | slower than the divorce rate. ive hearing “and mucus dropping ‘back of the. throat are other nie which suggest the presence which may atten be flvacious treatment sper cent. py catarrh And every new color is‘shown, At the very moderate prices—$6 $10.00, $12.50, to AIRSHIP FLIES OVER ALDERSON, IS REPORT (Special to The Calgary Herald) MEDICINE HAT, Mareh 20-—Re- Mderson that an fh ROINE West. 11 he MOFNINE, tie no BRASSIERES At T5¢, $1.00. $1.25 $2.25 sh net, plain, Jace or embroid- ION AD ‘The Yellow 50, $8.50, $13.50, $15.00 Workl: Curwood. lishing sid git Mr. fagazine ix pub- edule in or- ‘as the tailor-mades, Front or back fastening. ct fitting models in bandeau or V-cut styles. Sizes 44 to 44 —Main: Floor Millinery Showroome—First Floor ‘Advertisement ‘anadian Wh ad Mrs. leary for the a inited Curwood will be in remainder of the Impressive Values For Saturday in NEW SPRING FABRICS wool SERGE Special— $1.95. 42 18. “pure | whol, navy | french weave: Rorge: fine, oft |= fast sive. | bre value | Tre The Modern Scientific Treatment Nujol For Constipation and ta ) were quite bie, the mac nding joral salen wane ot We a"toaay | WAR: HAS IMPRESSED jase ate, that thes obsersed vt] UPON WORLD BENEFIT OF SUSTAINED THRIFT jnachine's manoeuverings the. machine | Among the smany | they. subsequerttly lpeturn east. CAUGHT A TARTAR feeerenee te qnan evidently from the \wratea atioroMEhiy tl COVERT CLOTH BLACK SERGE | FOULE pine that thas dem pasts of | {chiefly in thrift the case of the the firm winve for pmart | wen when he was accosted by This principl ‘2 % ‘or dress | Pres $ Seed clerks individual, quite ss much as in th luncheon, with: the nation. Nothing but ban) in town? iHiow ohead oft those who spend. more nd A Ereat place it is." re- thin they muke ountryman, ‘At no other tin other, gntinued, t the: countryman. * pretty well,” he replied. *f sent _me up on Vusiness.” ‘Ah! What kind of business?" Jasked «third. “Whe, said the man, “she wai up. half-a-dozen abxen- Get a bottle from your druggist today and write for free booklet-*Thirty. Feet of Danger.” ay Valle $1.96. a NEW WOOL VELOURS, Rare Value, $5.95 Sein. pure wool quality: new colors, Dust, Reindeer, Pigeon Grey, Purple, Eim- Fuirk Frown, fisher Blue, NEW TRICOTINE SUITING— Extea Value, Yard $5.50 Sin. pure wool, correct weight for suits and spring coats, Colors Dust, Rein- decr, Taupe, Grey, Zenith Blue, Reseda Green. v have t 4 to promote eux they are! @ Britain’ and mipwigns are jer that the| the 6c amt-ever the xt" may ‘ed in and piiced at the service SILK BOOT HOSE $1.00 Rare value, a! splendid wearing quality: well shaped. Harvest, ote. z ——————— reat Britain fully one-third ot! Nujol Laboratories Nad tap oft chs cNaW JERSE) When Yo How You Want It . My inards used That after meal Now I'm cating at the Y Which bas sure rae eemy. and J think Tvl the population has” purchased War Colors champagne. sky, pearl, GABARDINE SUIT'G | NEW WO'L BURELLA | 3 ror 50 smoke, tan, drown, «black or AM sixes. Yard, $2.25 43in. wide, present value $3.00 yard: gbar- anteed all Wool. Sand, Grey, Sea Gull, Taupe, Brown, Amethyst. 36-inch Navy Lustre, per ya, $1.00 40in. Mercer= ized. Poplins, yard.. 95€ 26in. Black ‘Watch -Tar- tans, per ya. SL.25 36in. Sik : Side? Certiteates, "In. the Cate ext mement the iryman States millions’ have done the si : pest memen Mher eacore and fund. an effort ie (o he made this year | 1 Re OEE for examination, to have every mar. debit Inthe republic pled S6in. wide, Spring clov nada earmat afford to lag bebind he Woes, it WAL not Very fine“auallty, deep silic rh fing Lisle top. In nd, champagne, grey, taupe, beaver, nigger, white or Dock; $%—10. LISLE HOSE—SPECIAL saving. Stamps mi said Dobson, his friend “Hlossom a 5 ay his “bus fare, “why don't you try my scheme 2 growled Dobson tried to fiture out much hia wife had realized he Ald. If you hi p by which T can-break that habit) for goodness si Tam your fete ight, in colors cham- pearl, - flesh,” saxe, white ‘and black. u Want It brown, x I forte from England have arrived b ; conduct observations on a in connection with plans for trans-Atlantic flights, They expect] to remain several months making al thorough atudy of wind currents aa) ; a meteorological conditions generally St. John’s for trough the spring and summer.| TransAtlantic se te wale sarious verte ot thel Flights | |fsland and to fix upon the most suit-| <, Nfld, March 20.—A par- | observations, to-feel so ill cf Js I took a pill; ale, ¢ awite went abe Ta for pas looked very found the Fes \They sent, | indignant. husband, the firm for ly changed my tale Boi in: the onty tht t | conduct (cept 1s a cheque, Jable point from which to 1 Joa Yard $6.95 Jay Blue, Dust or Pis- FREIGHT GREDIT JERSEY CLOTH, Yard, $4.50 in, wide, highly Colors | pop dress fabric. Colors Victory Rose, Sea Gull, Grey or Dust. | i 25e yalues—fine quality slip-on vells, with stitch’ or spot designs—white, taupe, brown or black. the newest he BUNGALOW APRONS $1.50 Coveralt Bloomers | $1.50 Flesh fine cotton knit, ght spring weight, with waist knee: sizes. colored, styles, with | square neck and short trimmed. A fine ‘of 00d colored elastic and all alee hol Main | prin’ 3. Lucas, G.I.P.; J. Fiyan, terson, CPR J | A. Chard, CN “treasurer. Local Freight Agents’ Association to Advise the public that, the Candi | Roxie card circular No. 97, in :con- | Secretuty. | Reetion with credit accounts, will be- | Come effective June 1, 1919. In order }to meet this condition people are, lirged to complete arrangements to | provide the necessary bond as pre- Beribed and have the same in the hands of the roapective local freight | gents not later than May. 1. 1 LPL P Ne- TABLETS = | TL Pere run aca a i Pome erean ea 0008 31) THE PERRY DRUG COe , a*) ARRANGEMENT nid Will Have to Be Pro-|**7ii5 22cise"s"egned byD. Pat vided Not Later Than May 1 | circular has’ been sasued by thet HERALD WANT ADS. PAY, sven
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Image 375 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 375, (CU1807664). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.