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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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THE CALGARY DAILY HERALD,*FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919 that security for damsxe weimieas aallaraa aac bee | speakers. On Monday next, at Park- | nisi on farm land in mortgage action; | posed. Ordered access jMLR. A. MoCluakex,. the. poultry | three montbe to redeern, Soats. If bond or cash for $200. be Dut orrible ot 1. will be tho speaker, Meet-| Cashman vs. Mclvor: P. A. Car-/up within five days, but statement Will also be held-at Ogden and|son obtained consent order for dl-|of defence to be delivered forthwith, arry, and & special meeting of {rections > DESRBEDASPTAUL ES SESS ES ory cerry OVERSTAQUODEAL ae fie Jast-known address and| the defendant. — HELSINGFORS. March 20.—TA( Bolsheviks Burning, Behead- ; aliv ‘ h she eee Lint | William Burton Saunders En-| olmhovik, foreew have been compet ing or Freezing Poles to ° were bi reste mn vs. Foster: Application by PATENT LIQU R ters Action Against her lee 110 vallen “outhonat "6 Death ‘ ; n Cleszy f “have |mist on action on aaree:| H. W. Weaver GHICAGO, March £0— In’ w ie : oe tigre nth’ to redeemm| Provincial Analyst Finds Em-| yim, surton gaunders hax enerea received toda j i : 7 iS allewor'to bo] press, Alta., Fluid, Has {action against Hurry Willlam president of tho. Nu Sat weed | 7 . . with whom he entered into partment, Mada “ Application | Terrible Kick a contract on Feb, 18, 1914, by which of the rae = b ‘der for direc: | he agreed to sell to the defendant SNEEZE! SNEEZE!! Sener! r a ean oda cert ds 6i le ‘ til Pwesdas.) Arbertans seem to have been driven | Certain lands situated Saale ‘San tdi - VACANT LOTS | 1 Co. ‘vs, Briggs: |b¥ the Liquor. Act to assuage their} Poet i Oban ee ore 3500 nares COUGH !!!. COUGH!!! oe z FOr Gocckiagten cl mum ortn wnat trust on ceed: mare] Seer ane nag tien, tee The ete : . Sane ae. nding, order for direc: |elties: In the way of Higuor. -A botte | yuri 4 contract, $700 on, whee ot] {| HACK! SNEEZE!! COUGH!!! ry, K.C, ma of Lemberg ndant at Vie-|selxed by Detective E, P. Schoeppe : Phuurndiyy, Mare each ‘year's crop. Certain condi es 5 ess sa food, ‘arins chambers : : asad forge tngiaeeeiaatel polled Sethe ees | Seon San eek ts ee eee ae Yes, you onl erable al ah andy Gontanty ’ Fans ‘ : Rot |imiars OF B. Doherty. "at Empress, | tye" land, threshing and accounting wa hel ese Grave : ms a Z for the crop raised and payment to NADRUC plaintift of his half share of the an- AVOID COUGHS B. Oxley and S. J. Fee Will sii of clalin: “se ander, made to se spirite of ial gee Se gee ee eee eee Syrup /@ i o ( F PaO Peer at cae eet iene Plaintiff alleges that fone of these ana COUGHERUS! Deliver Address on i : 1 ba dEUE | ertendial ofl, such ax styl acetate contions, were observed ‘aad. that with i Cece ij y z boos ttre a 2 the land is now in a very foul con~ Gardening : : ; for 30 dus: fine! of $10 and costa, by Tustlco ot) Wig" with Weeds: owing {0 Inck. of re fe Seng. | Proper cultivation, and therefore a At the same time J. Brown « drg-| claims, an account by defendant of al: H. .| gist of impress, was found in pos- aoe ocuberrening: Sold hy all peod Oras Stay. granted |session of liquor imported from. Win-| te crops of 1014. 1918 and 1918; pay- : me aed Tate re= ame rom Winy| ment by defendant of amount ‘found DRUG AND CHEMICA! . Order mage, | Meee and the same penalty imposed.) 10" due to plaintiff. upon’ taking Mandate by HATIONAL ‘A. Barron accounts; a declaration that plain- curity for beggir is never out of his road, e intiff. op- | French proverb. and on any crop thereon for 1 TWO SHOPS IN CALGARY . 210- -212 SV AVE.W. 240: et AVE. W.. Biggest Exclusive Shoe Retailer in Alberta Al. coo) ~=©60 SATURDAY, LAST DAY ALL DOLE THINGS OF OUR : UP MUST END QYNE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR AND NO SHOES SATURDAY Z HOW ABOUT’EM LAST DAY _ OLD TOP? SMART SHOES FOR WOMEN . NICKLE ! TWENTY SALESMEN - BLACK +. MAHOGANY BROWN FOR Leet BROWN & BLACK ALL ‘ : IVORY MOUSE ; EXPERT SHOE FITTERS "CHAMPAGNE GREY TWO TONED QUALITY $4.85 7 Se a a GREY, BROWN : STREET OR DRESS se BLACK KID BLACK KID OR AND SHOES J Goodyear welt Soie; CALF FIELD MOUSE e \ | : 5 85 eos 85 (fr ° a | Formerly $6.50 and $7 “ a All sizes. $5.85 Beene, = st Formerly $7.50 sees nai BROW Nera 4 : i f LEATHER OR / 3 Vi led NEOLIN SOLES $6.85 NOVELTIES bs ¥ NOVELTIES Formerly $8.50 Also plain colors iB COCO BROWN AND i e BLACK LEATHER i A OR NEOLIN SOLES 9 aoe Former Values to $12. Formerly $12 and $13 : Broken Lines $7 85 : @ BROKEN LINES GREY AND BROWN KID, BLACK KID GROWIN 1G AND CALF Formerly $9.00, $9.50 GIES. band $10.00 Spanish or Military Heel - i. Sizes 274 to 5) 4 CHILDREN’S SHOES aie Formerly $15.00, $16.00 and Sizes 1 to 5 ‘ $17.00 : x ; ee $10.00 ee $8.50 and $9 _ sabe $5.50 THE EIGHTH AVENUE SHOPS. WITH A NATIONAL REPUTATION ences SS aes eee, is,
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Image 371 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 371, (CU1808035). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.