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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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‘(HE CALGARY DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH a1, r9r9 | Two Days’ Hardware Bargains From Ashdown’s-Sat. and Mon. GREAT VALUES IN GAS RANGES 2, 3.and 4 Burner Sizes with all the up-to-date features that make for case of work and better results in cook- ing and baking. Our regu- lar prices $18.00 to $70.00. For this 10% FOR COAL OR WOOD These Week-end Specials offer many money-saving items which appeal to thrifty buyers. ; Phone M5555 COOKING UTENSILS Iton Pots, Kettles, Griddles; Fry Pans, Waffle “Irons, Dutch Ovens, Wire Goods of all kinds. VISIT OUR HOUSE FURNISHING DEPT. AND YOU WILL BE INTERESTED 98¢ CLOTHES BASKETS Made of split ash; strong and roomy le 98¢ $21.50 Each. © WATER POWER WASHING MACHINES Great for doing -heavy or light washing, Simply. at- tach the hose to your water tap and turn on the water. The motor is very powerful and each machine comes complete with hose to con- nect ready for use. Tubs are of special select clear Special, 2 days... $21.50 DUST PANS D> 17¢ wood, EY NOT COMING INTO OWNERSHIP. OFTAXSALELAND | Mayor Marshall Makes This | Clear in Emphatic Declaration | HOUSING PROBLEM IS RECEIVING ATTENTION Dominion Government’s Re- construction Scheme Is Endorsed by Calgary hat the jon of nd that ‘nd would be disposed of by the city does not receive any endorsation from the mayor. The city cannot take title to the land for 18 months after the sale and even if the owner were willing to give title. Is Opposed to Sale “{ am strongly opposed to the sale of any real estate by the city and will consider nothing but leases,” maid | he. “There is the question of returned | men who are anxious to locate here land want homes. . Probably the city nay find a plan to sell land for that | purpose to them cheap,” sald Me or |Marshail, in discussing the lack of | houses. ‘The Building Outlook | “The fact that building permits ia- 4 for the present month are al- ‘The {mpression of mai |eity would come into por |land through the tax sale this | ready In the neighborhood of $100,000 }is an indication that seme building Our Telephones OFFICE, FURNITURE AND SHIPPER msa04 DRAPERIES AND CHINA—#th Floor, M5198. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, WIN- DOW SHADES—ath Floor Ms190 WAREHOUSE—Fourth street East and Eleventh Avenue M5405 For Tomorrow DINING ROOM SUITE IN SOLID OAK— A splendidly made suite in Tt is fins ished in rich polished golden choice solid oak, and*full size finish; it is an 8-piece suite— Bigfet, Table-and set of six Chairs. shaped tops. ‘The style is a plain a} neat one, and it is constructed to stand pac Sh every day use. Pieces sold separately if desired; reg. $98.00. S79 00 Saturday = DINING ROOM CHAIRS— Saturday— 118-120 Eighth Ave East, Calgary, Alta. Assemblage of SplendidMer- chandise at Lower Pricings FINE IVORY ENAMEL BEDROOM SUITE— Four piece suite of the finest ivory enamel, in old fashioned four poster with triple mirror, Chiffonier Dresser Bed. The mirrors are all , with er and Chiffonier large British plate Dre have extra drawer Store Directory Basement—Kiddlew’ D_ partment. Ground Floer—Liying Room Furni= ture, Davenports, Lamps. Second Floor—Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture. Third Fleor—Hedroom and Office Furniture, Fourth Floor—Draperios. Bedding, China, Kitchen Utenalls. Fifth Floor — Carpets, Linoleums, Window Shades. tyle. ‘There is Dressing Table ft — handsomely regular $216.75. | $173.45 (LUA TWO WASH STANDS HALF PRICE— Same style, one in mahogany, the other in golden quartered oak | must be going on. . CUTTING-OUT | Hhe*nounine problem that ts face ing he Cay tn tebelving the attention SHEARS—ALL SIZES | yyo.46 of good grade inetal fp] of.te, reconstruction committee, but Made of the very finest | Mtde of good grade metal 9) the elty must xo slow it ie tn to sate: 3 and finished in brown japan, [| suard its Interests of the future as shear steel, ground and all | $7¢ "sie ao ready for cutting; reg. $1.75 | 7 SAYS Sale ¢ well am the presen Union Govern: pair. Sale ....... $1.23 CORN BROOMS Other Scissors and Shears | Choice quality; regular for all pur} Sl. 95¢ In sets of 6, heavy fumed oak diners, Ttaab Inches. One. ions rawer and two cupboards pulls ‘and massive claw feet strongly. made and braced, with padded Regular $25.00, “ seats; reg. $33.50. $25 00 t) Saturday .. KITCHEN CABINET— ‘One only, is slightly imperfect. Has golden oak case, white bass- wood top; upper part has cup- boards. with shelves and want lists. ‘Lower part is equipped qwith metal bottom pot and pan compartment and ventilated metal and cake Ox; drawers for cutlery, has spice tins. Just as it Is, Saturday— $28.00 COUCHES— * ‘Two: only, he frames,-in fumed finish. holstered over a spring filled top. in tufted style, in heavy brown. textile leather; regular $35.50. Satur- day .. KITCHEN CHAIRS— Heavy strong hardwood’ Kitchen Chai double rungs all around; reg. $1 Saturday each PARLOR TABLE— Same style in golden and fumed oak, and mahogany finish. “Have turned legs, shaped tops, 24x24 ins. and under shelves; $4 95 reg. $6.15. Saturday . KITCHEN BAKING CABINETS— dwood cases in natural and golden es. ‘Tops are clean. white basswood. have flour: and. meal bins, and drawers and cupboards for pots and cut- lery, etc. Each has a mixing board, too. teeta # .. $13.00 DRESSER— Saturday. One only in surface oak finish; has plate mirror and large spacious drawers. be aightly oament.” gS OO Reg: $19.25. Saturday n'a Scheme ‘The Dominion government housing scheme has already been unanimously aff| endorsed by the reconstruction com~ | mittee and the olty council. It has | been likewise endorsed by the other [three cities of the province But the [mayor points: out that’ while | the noheme Js advanced dy the Dominion | Government. the making and’ collec- | tion of the loans will be the work of |the ihaividual citles. “Mor this very | reason, while I recognize the urgency | and_jim importance of the action be- [ing taken for the safeguarding o RICERS | future development, we must move slowly lest we find ourselves with 2DAYS' SALEG9¢ — i) stesly tev vs Ane ke’ the sinking Made all of steel and: very [J|tund loans for which the city will be strong. They make pota- fj) "Pons? ; 2 | Mahaffy Studies Problem toes palatable and delicious. J) Aid. Mabaffy, chairman of the re- Special for construction committee, has been working on the question and’ in all probability will evolve some plan for HOTPOINT | meeting the situation. ‘The high cost ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS ee Ee ea nie Se Ee rae el Cost $48.50 —and with your Fuulzed “that owners. cannot today spring cleaning ODD CHINA CABINET It is in solid mahogany Shera- ton finish. Has four grooved shelves, double door style, plain design, Regular $55.00. Sat— $40.00 OAK ROCKER— ‘One only solid oak frame, fumed finish. Seat and back up- holstered in brown leatherette. Regular $18.26. Saturday— A BIG LINE OF BETTER RANGES For burning coat or wood. They bake perfectly, are easy on fuel and th the apt A HAND SAW FOR POTATO HOME USE, $1.13 Made of good steel and filed and set ready to use; 24 or 26 inch Saws that give great Our own spe- .-. $1.13 FINE STEEL HATCHETS For cutting up light ‘wood, for opening or nail- ing up cases. Made of select “Me bread “Round tion and Oak Also Combination solid oak ON Is up- SUIT CASES 24 inch x Oilcloth “ases, with leather corners, recelve even,low returns on Invest- ments that were made years ago be- fore the costs went up. ‘There is no. question cheaper price of land today effect that to-a-degree. Against that must be admitted argument of liabil- [ity to high taxation which must ob- that the should nd have two strong straps. Special, 2 days ... $2.49 inch Deep Fibre Cases, x fecither handles, two nd leather | $5.23 f other > days’ S Mlsoa b Suit Cas BARGAINS IN CLUB BAGS FOR LADIES OR MEN Leather Club with reinforced corners, ther lined, double — grip 2:00. line it easy prices 20 inch Grained I her Chib Bag with leather lin- very stylish anc reg. $13.50. .. $11.23 Grained Cowhide Club Bag,- leather lined, double drop handles and re- steel and fitted with strong handles; reg. $1 lest es BUCKEYE” I TORS and BROODERS produce, strong, vigorous chickens. We have both on hand. Our prices.are right. Ask for Free Catalogue HAIR BROOMS PRICED LOWER 14 inch Floor Brooms. with black bristle and. mixed stock centre. Very durable; $2.50 for 14 inch Pure Bristle, quality Floor Broom: hardwood floors; reg. $4. For 2 days’: 12 inch Well Floor Brooms, for general coming on soon they will-saye a lot 6f hard labor and Igave the honie iresh “and bright, Fully guaranteed . . Attachments for cleaning wails and tapestries, $11 set extra Other Electric Cleaners $47.50 rl POCKET KNIVES FOR BOYS, 50¢ Have 2 blades: and chain to attach to trausers. Other knives in big variety at 75¢, 85¢, $1.00 5.00 | tin’ for some time in the future at least to enable us to pay up for free nding’ of former years, WESTERNERS HAVE ~AWELL PREPARED ~~ TAREE PROGRAM {Fate of Union Government May Be Decided on This Issue SIPEG, March 20—Wiring last night, the Ottawa correspondent of |the Manitoba Free Press says as fol- lows: | “It is no exaggeration to say that the results of tomorrow's Unionist caucus on the tariff question may decide the Ultimate fate of the Union government, The results in - their actuality will not be definitely known until the budget is brought down, jand that will probably not be until ‘April, but the caucus iteelf will go far to indicate just how the party |stands in relation to this important question, There is no doubt that the tension On the Issue is greater today than It was at the besihning of the Carpet and Linoleum Department-—-Fifth Floor -A NEW SHIPMENT OF RAG MATS: 156 in the lot of these—all new, just in. !They are the real old fashjoned, hit and miss Stripe rag carpet mats; madé to wear, and SQUARES—
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Image 373 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 373, (CU1807509). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.