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The Morning Albertan 1907-07-01 - 1907-12-31
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fortunate pe money In Good F ful and cont and Where 3 come, in am over with w the exper eo Beautiful Hands HIS ia the tint 1907 Fa ncies in Parasols : They and Frocks, Like Hats, Must Match Jumpers a la Princesse Social . Latest Twist Emergencies Tost and How to Meet Them T the begtantng of the weston, many dre makers of prophetic tendencies, xad 2 end of bome sewers, deciiled that the jumper modes would be overdone and were, non 4 perlence in therefore/ tobe avoided. These pettcosted ae bow so Bap pou 3 5 z Uh ele ane c Ae oe fore ON see ar ale We have hie wey will es ae iote whien 4 eeeper looks At lt; See ceailee anh . S eae mate of emarig c ee . te to mock tech + shlong etains sree he sg Bot ou eftire wast, may be worn withthe ra Te . r : Sire aslden inde sae le or Natiler Wue and white, greet eilguette who wil case zo j grtenand willy, aed Ula and Wille. os aN ae a ee ees tied anit fp MSwetet Het ot gredter Srisnesnis tht Siting Fee Me a aS very fine ble and. white check and tie seama Por instance, there tt the moment wig ee eee ao A of blcuit-cSloted vllo at-dark Bue velvet Theee strapplner were yor aot Fe 3 rooms. aitic. trimmed yh embroidered Preach bande stow: applied that they sare deer Ip th Tron 7 U Mok thet Aye play 4 FW oF ay we ee ee ae ta ranged ey Herth, however you-wil-be-merely-malsiaaleg sie + ivet it Not long-ago, pretty weddice way ines : et t rs rk of FUtied- By Just ach meeting. Teo pris wer + F. c. - lt; --- . slectes were. finidbed with ribbon-velvet in velvet. rit covering the. fre guimpe of M4 ot spoken for months, were, through the sot a alghtly deeper tone. Thin pattern 4 fucked ped Mcoinsct net. The collar and mismanagement es end : gt; 3 ye Whcathe ak as : Albe A served. Min -A Gung up ker bad ely PrO: Bex 190 - 2 : started to find plate at anotler ule The Real Estat Farm and Ranct P.O, Box, 1744 Busi Jowing paste, which can compounded by. your-local drugsist: Myrh (powderea), 1 ounce; Honey (etraln- ed), 4 ounces Yellow Wax? ounces; Rose Wattr,6 ounces, Melt the yellow wax in a double Poller, and when it is very hot add. the pow 120 acres 5 miles per sere per acre have num add the honey and rosewatey snd enough fly: sustombge who Cerise, drop by drop, to make ft mambots ch as, Hotel, pate se ed Women s+ rule do not dry the Bands malt lently. Wail the heads. fa ware water, 024) to this either a few drops of bensoln, or a dash of simond meal, sles the pure tnscented ftoap and dry them thoroughly. Thea rub on ig you will wear pair of rubber gloves, which can Ge profired-at-almomt any drag tore, however small, anid which are very io- Expensive. These will protect your hands ng ext best valny tuto wears peir of-old he ce ae ie, making fire, sting out summer were al filed Mint B bent forward sd NTED Smart i tress; algo was niral Tea Rooms, TATION WANTE pattern maker wis frachine shop oF for reara foreman fh oF frachine shops in N fiass referents, A offlee, ye educated wornn iy engagement p E22 Albertans -Ortice. NTED First-class ectriclan, Apply fandard Company. ent men Heed RD NEED Two tives itis at once. STED Experience with experience pi rayon for bringing PED 10 bright , Between the as feand-during fair. G ANTED AB room ail PBI a lt; xper ANTED Boys to a rtan. Apply elreu But the other airl Haig back 2 look of scorn sat oan than wobi aneld been, It all happened in the twlokling of we ere; but not a0 quieldy that the men tnlgoed to the same table did not catch the dnt of the. incident. Ase reault, they were ar sidvously attentive to-the pecemaker aad ir sored, as far aa they dared, the gis who could: not sacrifice pride to good form, The bride and her mother, watching the litle com -, edy from afar, felt that some of the brishtoas of the day hed been effaced by the clsake for Wt wiles tay were not to Blame. How mat more gracious on Misa A 's part to have played the little game-of good sitniners for the few minutes, 1f only to ignore Miss By existence the next time they met It you find agurself fellow quest with an oe womaet you do not Mike and AS Lara, FoR ean akillflly avoid we encounter. If it fe small and you must mea least remember your duty to your a ponade before puting the fon teen jo- the daytime. All these things any, bat ia reality only con abit of fe never notice the minutes Added to the can syitematic treatmangy should never be the newcomer (and.abe will-show thie deme - ia-their conversation for Tt iy embarassing for your hostess- to the parting puest und greet the new slopoltancously. ih be mnoney well faves Saito Ht acres miles A lender curved scisnra. it will 2 aE a5 a peracre 7 fect the Best steel an they are alwa)y sharp. ee Satine elk . ext a dozen emery boards, which ont cost lt; i or. your nthe patural line. of the Singer shape do not point them. and with the rough eaery cee os ae th season, when siovelties fill the show cases. But the gist of moderate mears and good judgment tops off ber eummer /wardrobe been weeded out, conservative modes vetted ted wer covtanses to be duly matched with sunshade, Hor complete make-ups thls veason. It there: fore behooves the girl who would be up-to-date together ued beat them in a double. bolle, Stirring undl it becomes a ecooth paste. Pot the powder, take 3 ounce of violet talcum anda rope of oll of Bergamot and 12 dsope ot ee- Spence of eypree a Gace a ps ee for ten dollars. One abown at this price. was ght bine altk with white tenittlon ivory Upp, a rough white wood handle and around padded embroliery. As a rule; the flowers Glee, WHile Bie convene tlonal patterns are jn eclt-toned embroidery. Some rremnine perdenls made te matai on tamer are fn this embroidery. Ver ls stance, white silk parasols are embroidered swith wild roses to be-carried with white coe fumes and hats trimmed with rose. Bho + Hin. hydrangeat-are-embroldered. for blue and white rather better form not todos. Il the jg not large, say 8 porch pery a cis-your-hostens dury 2 i v the varlous men prevented to you. If fails te this and the young mat meet jou hea ask for a wh a atair 1 amas 3 et courtesy, suchas picking up your Ti fell patiner or your wraps, even ido lntebduetion, the fact that you were ANTED Position; Jen on ranch. Add Albertan: TED To rent a centrally altuated. A 498, Calgary. ANTED, an-energett young man fora re Apply to A... Nimni TED A Slack-w Calgary Brewing NTED Gordon pr ho cart make rea ly boy 2 two. bright NTED Posltion in ents furnishings, 12 nee, capable uf tal at. West, NTED A general's mpeient, good wage Ws RTY WOULD INV 5 boys to lt; Eriday) STED Sore and lng by the day, we pply 118 First Ave. 1 treet. ANTED Plain sow iaity. Apply.722 3rd fraper route. Apniy partment, Morning A ANTED at once, a 0 the wFoests permits you to recognise him te eet time you meet. This question is ooe wii ust be peilled Tr ale and, Se ed fof the fair shopper, there afe men devices xj eee ee eo oe ees Se es ae Sr for ope recep haped dots weAMereA a Blue eabroldery- at Se eae tee Se using penny for drawing ber design. Thi bene eee ae i a oie cee falek, white, Mack.sod's Tom taeae ee Llope in contrasting color or cu square Blocks whlch, in turn, were outlined with rove plestiogs of xpricot yellow Showing within each circle large coln dot, Agals the paresol-tr tintsbed with 4-fAr Flest: Jog above which appear rows of various elaod dots, not embroidered but cut from silk of the same shade and sllfelly applied with needle: work. For the slender purge nothing ls more de- eheme of the cortume or are set off by bands fof lace. Both the embroldery and the ap- persscl; for this year the long handle Is in Bigk favor. hat I knew in my college days Do Tallet the girls, or do they calfonrme? F AWsite. brief note or sead your cards, sme lt; fo nouneing your arrival and the stdresa of bel residents should call upon you Srst If they f do not respond to this announcement, net call upon them. You send precisely the sme card or note to 8 maf as to 9 woman, wardrober. They are quite out of place 9 average wardvobe and totally usolees to irl who must content herself with one parasel or perhaps, by. akillfal- manipulation of her dreas allowance, may secure two. The phrase ingerle parasol ts (ndeed ceptive, for washing or-scrubbing-the so-called, tub parasol ls out of the question. It most go. to-the- French cleaner, Neither are these-sun- ve the English i vopulas. The ln en sha nln aden wt aire Yor a aibllagerie effect In a makeup, the summer girl gets better resulta at lower pelees by selecting the aflets sunshsdes. Even-theny-gour--bill-for making-andftting metrical medallions or border of heavy em The V abaped opening left by thear tarniics Hand alned pase and ened cloned we 2 . ih masoes of chtfon nd Tace are suitable perforated to enable the home dreeeaker to elbow tufts of the Eng only for women of long purses and elaborate make it walking length, but-for-house weer the crossed with the samelettice work, in. Hands. Somelimes you will Rad aa oversealeet housewife who has neglected her bands sntl the skin bas eracked. Pure mutton tallow oat gore this, but mutton tallow docs cot amt jerery-akin, thet case the oll. should be made-up and rubbed wil nto the akia:two-or three-tier a. day. Tis of cocoa butter and 1 ounce ef Dest effect fp gained irough a alight train. narrower velvet, and it was ined to bt Sere This design carried out in siti with bend- that this natty costume was cut ci Same taen to st GF loge ene 0 ee the Jesper, b Ses mousseline a anew disguise. a anew ding or Swine over tuckedbatiote evening gown wangested princess jumper dexizor: Avery possiblities tor She etre say te-baabed with applied yes or teks ws tntieted tn the liestraton, or for ead crewed. at await tne eta tall woman, with bends of insertion or geo- again und outline ether side of the front gore, Seley, or ace maybe ssid. The iaee was led with nner oles short w man should always avoid cutting the work of black xelrct ritbon over tucked bck: skist of by if applied aroand wad tulle of which there was alsa a fly. clood around. Far Better ts the plan of outlining to outline the top of the-decllete sows. The the seats or gores with piping or very fine tn: lattice work of black velvet, however com Fe esale ath tes ced aay RES eatoslters forming ota The gown temas oa neck Ept daytime weary a2 house. drone fronts, backs, side backs, arid Ys tucted. Lares ot Ss og eto eive ssiniy.eulape of band enbeldery pr tack indie. effect Tucks sre also med on the and Tacetrinmed batite tS secure aocther Shalders to-give flee accom the-burt. powny-atlitle-more com he quality of steril required forthe medim Dne of the proton rodelfor alle i what ise woman lading fo) ie 1336 tbe termed pretend pence and ot 27 or 7H garde 44 inches ide mmper tombinaton. The Sedieeecton; which Ene gure or naps 12 yarde 1, It yal a 27 o e doepy slashed front and back to thow the Sk yah i cn wide an mw 29 prety raat worn bench ated ht : roe iting futher narrow tet. Te tox ball On somewtat sini Jods combination Linens lcefeu- wMlcR: Ui the extee eee princum and jasper dealgn offered. by wall ide edging oft jumper leuding th breed esownr mater ot reytowent fscks snap sero the Bost SHEE stale the tes ees ik cen ae vey sop, Tl meng ae oeinnd ty odag. The sign works up best in tiped si, and clay ele has no bundy teh le ited snceiy the-columns of the Tt perp lexed-in-matters- of dress, 5 eee Ave, West. -ANTED At oncest rorerrod Shepard 2402 FANTED Ladies. board 22.50 per mo 00K WANTED Man man to help-in kite irlington Hotel. /SEXPERIENCED St Typewriter; one ha knowledge Bookkeep Position. Replys and salary expected -Atbertat TED Poaltlon tn ore, by young ma Agoly Rox D 1, An ANTED: -AT. ONCE man sthdent engaged tW--p amt,-board-an near Calgary; amalt neration of tight return foreboard. Ad . Rox 6, Glelchen. ' Turkishbath pa Fox G 3, Albertan. Fee NTED Lady wisht and children s: clo Mrs. 3V, McKinnon, TED An enoxgel for a real estato of Ahitual Realty Co,, 8 FANTED One good al estate agent to mission and. salary: ary; -best references y . S. Sh pard, Ui ANTED nates wagon for bringing ance to town. Addr Calgary. NTED Two clerks with affice experts Express Co, y Ahprets Aq experi baer, 60. per, month Shepard Coy 2610 ALESMAN WANTEL ot go0d appearances partment. Must be st Apply persona Clarke Co. ANTED Ta hava Ts of age, afopte jek, Apply 426 4th
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Image 78 (1907-07-10), from microfilm reel 78, (CU1693674). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.