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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Of Old Tim ar tte oldest caller at the cabin. was Here in 1897, Calls at Cabin The Old Timers cabin on the Ex- huibition Grounds was the meeting Place of several of Edmonton's distin- guished visitors, Thursday afternoon, When the Association entertained at tea in honor of Hon, Charles Stewart. the Minister of th Inferior, Lady Pentland, the daughter of the Earl ot Aberdeen, was also an honored guest, and was welcomed as an Old Timer iis she had visited the St, Albert mis fsion with her father in 1804. Mr. James Sutherland, the president of the Old Timers Association, wel: Gomed the guests and the party-tn Ghided Fis Honor the Lieutenant- Governor and Mrs. Egbert, Hon. Charles Stewart, Lady Pentland, Lord Pentland, Hon. Peggy .Sinclair, Hon. Prank Oliver, Mra, Neil McKeivie. of Calgary, Mra, Goraon Egbert of Cal- Mrs. J. E. Graham of Calgary, MeDon' Etta McLeod, Mrs. George Hoadley, Mrs, George West, Mr. and Mrs. 3.8. Praser, Mrs, . West, Miss West, Mr. and Mrs, M. W. Corbett, Corbett, Mrs. J. McLeod of Horse Hills Mr. Murdoch McLeod, the oldest Old-Timer in the Association, and rs. McLeod, called at the cabin about four o'clock, when they were given fousing reception. The cabin w Growded while these two popular pion- Neers greeted thelr friends, and there ere several present who had known Mr. and Mrs. McLeod for almest half century. Mr. McLeod is 84 and ar- fived: in Eamonton St years ago. The Possessor Of DIAMONDS 97.50, 30.00, to: 500,00 ou can always buy from IRVING KLINE Canadtin Pacllic Baltway - Timekeeper DIAMOND. MERCHANT 10124 Jasper Ave. Phone 5264 FIO We are featuring Summer Felts Hon. Charles Stewart Guest ers at Exhibition AWag Par rita Predertex, who fras-celebeat Lady Pentland, Who Was ta iis ninety-fourth birthday. Mr. Soespn Kelly of Rocky Mount: House was another of the older plo cers. Mr. Kelly came west in 1882 and is now 86. Miss Etta McLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Murdoch Mel was con- vevier of the tea arrangements atthe cabin, Mrs. George West, the officiat hostess, and her helpers, were from the Hotes Hills district, The tea-table, which was charming with several bouquets of peontes, bx elor-buttons, and columbine, was pre- sided over by Mrs, James Corbett, Mrs, ames McLeod of Sangudo, formerly of Horse Hills; Mrs. Isadore Paradis and Mrs, W, L. Sharp. Thos awist- ing were Mrs, George Henry, Mrs. C. Mi. West, Mrs. EW. Corbett, Miss Vivian West. Among the other guests who regls- tered during the afternoon were His Lordship the. Bishop of Edmonton, Miss Cora Hind of Winnipeg, Mr. F. A, Gibeon of Ottawa, Mrs, John J. Ferguson of Poplar Lake. TW. Inuess, Btr, 8. Galley of Donald Ross, Mra. 8. Gal hy, Mrs. Peter Blatchford, Mr. Ren: Verine, Mr. Ed Johnson, ot Wetxaki- win, Mrs, Rene Vezina, Mr. L. A. Rolb, Mrs. W. L. Sharp, Mr. James McKer- nan, Mr, Richard Secord, Mr. Holland W. Ross, Mrs, James Corbett, Mr. J. E, Kavanagh, Mrs. A. J. McDougall. Mr. Vic Callihoo, and Mr. H. P. Calli- hoo of Spruce Grove. Mr. F. F. Daly of Clover Bar, Mrs. Peter Gunn, str. J. 1. Doolans, of Bt. Albert, Mr. and Mrs, Murd. McKinley of Stony Plain, Mr. W.-R. Borkuacht of Horse Hills, Mr. N. L. Viness, Mr, Isadore Paradis, Mr. G. Purches of Alcomdale, Mrs. Isa dore Paradis, Mr, George Thomsen, Mr. L. Parson, Mr. Lucein Boudreau, Mrs, Enbeck, Mrs. F. J. Watson. of Binfold, Sask.; Mrs. N. L. Lyons, Bites Enimeline Spearmon of Ottawa, M-: Jane. Hamilton of Ottaws, Mrs. R. Turnbull, Miss Blanche 8. Mann of Hobbema, Mr. W. J. Askay, Mrs, John E. Kelly, Mr. Elmer Reid, Mr. John EL Kelley, Mr. W. W. Prevey, Mr. Jo- seph Keily of Rocky Mountain, House, who came west in 1882 and is 86 years old; Mr. Charles O, Kenworthy of Rocky Mountain House, Mrs. R. uth- erland of Colchester, Miss Bessie R. Freeman, Mr. John Haines of Mu Mr. Sam B. Lucas of Wetaskiwin, Mr. Frits Frederick, Mr. Ben Calvert of Vermilion, Mr. L. Van Archer of La rioureux, Mr. Andrew: Reid of Ton: Sweet Pea Enitries friends, including some of Ola Timer in the association, and he and fifty-fourth wedding anniversary in March. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McLeod, who called at at the Exhibition on Thugsday and were welcom 50 years standing. Sire Hicleod gedsevoreeewes sy 2 Edited by Lotta Dempsey, ax- sisted by Helen M. Boyle, Please lt; telephone news items to. the Bulletin. Woman's Page, 9324, 27 before 11 o'clock on the day pub- 3 cation ts dented. 2 Peeeeeesgesewey is Honor the Lieutenant-Governor *) and Mrs, Egbert entertained at dinner at Government House--on- Thureday. evenirig in honor of Lady Pentland, Lord Pentland and Hon. Peggy Sin- clair, The other guests included the Ghlet Justice and Mrs.-Harvey, Hon. Charles Stewart,-Lord and Lady Rod- hey, Dr, and Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Dr. and Mrs. Egerton Pope, Mayor and Mrs. Bury, Mrs, Gordon Egbert of Calgary, Bars, Mi. RK, Jennings, Miss Jackson, ur. Ford Harvey, Capt. Peel, A.D:0., Lieut, Ar- migur Ford, and Col: Gillespie. rs, Willian Egbert entertained at e) yt Wwneh on et Government House .op Friday in honor of Lady Pentland, Lord and.Lady Rodney of Fort Sas- eatohewan are in town today and are attending the. Exhibition. fm every headaize, and in al shades. MISS ELSTON S 4 Heinteman Hall (Upstairs) 5 Doors East of Johnstone Waiker s Store you. Obiatnable at almost all EA- monton groceries. RATCLIFFE S BAKERY 11071,95th St,; Edmonton, Alta. Doubie in Number Sweet peas are in abundance in the Agricultural Bullding :nt the-Exhibit- jon Grounds. at the. annual flower show, Blossom of all shadings and colorings. transform the long display bench-into a maze of colors. The num- ber of entries is twice as large as last, year, and theyquality of the blooms is on a per with any show, that has re cae prize in the collection of sweet peas ith groups pf twelve different varie Yes, Mrs, Nichols also won first pris ream, anid second in the classes. Mr. Lloyd Jennings 1s the second winner of the show, with flowers, The best basket was entered ee Your Ask the Driver or call The E.C.D. Company, Limited PHONE 926 In Large or Small Cartons Take a Few Cartons for Week - end Trip of Calgary, Mr. 1 Sylvia Evans and Mr. Prince Leo and Princess Marguerite Galitzine were visitors to the Exhibi- ton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, 8.-B. Woods are enter- taining at dinntr on Friday. evening at Stirlingswood for Lady Pentland, Lord Pentland: and -Hon:. sin clair, when the other guests will be Ee Bie dbert Bra Gordon Egbert irs, Egbert. Mrs. M.. Evans, Miss Louis Hyndman. Following Mr. and Mrs. 6. B. Woods dinner on Friday evening, His Honor the Lieut nant-Governor and.Mrs/Eg- bert, will entertain anid Fion.. Peggy: 5in- box at the Exhibition. y Dp Miss Sinclair was guest of Miss Sylvia golf Bin, Counter Ola aid Pratt of Onaws, wir A gt; B ) few days, Later, : ind. Miss Sntth: will the guests of Mrs, Rellly at K pasiwin. ty Philip Debney returned on raday from Gull Lake where nas been for-the-pant-formaight, Association. Of the associ Monday of ni Mf 29d Mes. John Tring. and: tan aie leaving on by motor for the Pacific coast, where they will holiday: for three weeks. Mrs. Ball of. St, Catherine's, On- tarfo, is the. or sis Mrs. Alldn Watson, for the months, Z Miss Frances Ball of Port Colburne fx the guest. of her sister, Mrs. Allao Museums to Aid - Tn Bringing Art eDa i AE La j 3 elt fe if l and Mrs. William Waines of Winnipeg, are the- guests of Mr. and aretua- Toronte. Wotore returning. . - Betore: Winnipeg they will spend a few weeks. dn Muskoka. Mr, and Mrs. . A. ot Tors onto, are. holidaying at Lake,Loulse: Mr. and: Mr. D. B. wiuggins and. if winnipeg are the Mrs, J. G. Hosiack, r jorman Walker are: a ae od, Dicity Welsh working git ity Wel girl left Wales to was love at first sight Po toed thelr honeymoon Coast To the first and only woman to make /- alekel of Toronte has Do weeks in. 8a3- Clanery, shat now. of jg ay ere mae pes. Miss Arlene Jackson, of. left for Winnipeg and western: cities, ed, the the basis of arrangement of. the Mr, Jim Walker is the gu st i it i i y i is i i 3 on me al a Bas e 3) in the i : a F : at Stettler, fe of Dorenlee, A , Mrs. Pearl H. Dorenus of New York, coast 6 coast motor trip alone, arrived 4n- Edmonton on Thuraday in the bi 8 Ei a fal te alt i Lett i al First Woman To Motor From Coast Visits Here Sais a8 bo Growing. - Probably the diy of the * back- slapping woman 1s. long way in the Tubure, but women are developing. genuine solidarity, said -Helen: City Beautifying Discussed at Convention Fo bring art into the mor praotital Among the many interesting places valid By the Convention waa sae Of design in Philadelphia, managed by women for- women students only. At this school designs for in fom carpets to hats are made, in- cluding Ince and fabrics. Many of the frocks designed at inis school and ai a then made by thelr own dressmaker Aithough-thereare not yery many Business Women there a women were, and sometimes-even apparently suspicious of one another. But and dainty. Lake for the summer. 8. Watt, of toba. 45 a J t ? 8 g nits Mr. Robert. Hutt. of Winnipeg : was a guest gt the Macdonald on: Thurs- day-on his way to Saskatoon. Mrs. H..H. Pierce and Miss Lottis stom of the bag. oame pleces can be used for with ornate frames by omitting flap or cutting 1 down to the ots thiimb tab, These new rib- bags ighly practical, especl- Virtue fi Ste own reward, but tt ute chance before a Jury if the other i a i a By YANNY . CORT Sonnysayings and n Every one an Outstanding Vale 12.95 , On Sale Saturday Sizes 16 to 44 This is spevial purchase by our. buyer who is now in the Eastern markets. Irresistibly cool and Sleeved and sleeveless, - ou'll wear these dresses any where and.find them enjoyably Li i271 ecsses ae a For Bedtime Sammy Jay Delivers His Message KNIT SUITS BATHING SUITS Hot Creamy Waffles A treat for you and the kiddies at z Louis Waffle Shi
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Image 342 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 342, (CU11183053). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.